Leveraging politics in planning projects

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Putting a project plan in place & working it is more than documentation, tracking, and reporting. It takes savvy interpersonal skills to get stakeholders on board and owning the result. This slideshow considers how a PM can use positive politics to do just that.



Playing PoliticsPutting a plan in place takes leadership

Your presenter is:

Alison Sigmon, M.Ed., LPC, PMPAlison Sigmon, M.Ed., LPC, PMP

Rules of the game

Politics with purpose

Creating VALUE

Final tips for putting that plan in place

Closing thoughts

What’s on tap for our time together today…



Rules of the gameConsiderations for organizational politics


If it were just that easy

Beyond numbers, deliverables, & chartsA project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service.

If it was as easy as tracking, making adjustments, and documenting results, no one would need webinars, books, or training workshops.

Image courtesy of maani.us


It’s a change gameNo doubt about it. Projects create change. This means somewhere somebody will have to do something different. Chances are they won’t like it much.

Change doesn’t happen overnight.

EQ muscleCreating and executing a project plan takes emotional intelligence, patience, perseverance, and the ability to navigate some SERIOUS politics.

EQ workout


Politics aboundLike it or not, politics make the world (and the office) go round. Gnash your teeth, roll your eyes, but you know it’s true.

We spend loads of time talking about it, watching it, and even engaging in it with almost everything we do.

Necessary evil?

But not like this guy!“Glory, and above all survival, can lead to the justification of horrible acts of violence and injustice, violating human rights and the safety of the common man among the ranks of the proletariat or even the middle class bourgeois in a kingdom.

Machiavelli recommended hypocrisy and ingratitude, meanness, cruelty, and treachery as the traits proper to princes. Everyone recognizes “Machiavellian” as an adjective for political conduct that combines diabolical cunning with a ruthless disregard for moral standards.”


It’s about “we” not “me”Negative politics is first person driven. The individual gets things done at the expensive of others. This person wins while others fail. That’s no good!

Yay for “us”Positive politics is when we use influence with an eye to the corporate and project mission to get things done. We’re advocates acting in the best interest of the project. Now that’s more like it!

Politics: What’s it all mean???


Politics is about getting people with different interests moving in a common direction.


But… Oftentimes we end up feeling frustrated

because of office politics.

We all want to have a win-win approach

when it comes to our project work.

p. 128

Timing and purpose is everything


And it’s tempting to avoid playing in the political sandbox even though it’s part of doing business.

When used at the right time with purpose, it can help you put a project plan in place that will actually work.


So what’s a project manager to do?

Politics with purposeRaising your personal and interpersonal awareness



Not feeling the political love

“If you want to get ahead, ideally you will bring a high degree of competency in your field of choice and a solid set of interpersonal tools with you.

Even football players spend a solid amount of time in a huddle working out strategy about the game. If you don't spend at least that much time considering the politics of your workplace, you'll just get left out in favor of your more emotionally savvy coworkers.”

Daneen Skube noted the following in the article Interpersonal Edge published in the Chicago Tribune:

Up, down, look around: It starts with organizational & interpersonal view

Have to haves… What does your organization expect in project work?

Lay of the land… How do politics work in your organization?

Group values… What does your organization value?


Now look inside: Personal view

Buddy up… Do you care and feed your network or wait until you need something to reach out to others?

Show & tell… Can you show it AND say it?

Be present… How do you lead without leading?



Politics with purposeDeeper dive

Start with yourself


Daneen Skube, Ph.D., coach, trainer weighs in on the individual side of politics. • Practicing deep listening to both emotions and intellectual goals of others.• Choosing to be effective over being right or defending yourself.• Focusing on brainstorming solutions, not going on blame hunts.• Attacking problems at work, not your coworkers.• Knowing yourself well enough to manage your emotions.• Understanding your limits and setting effective boundaries.


Put it into practice with stakeholders

1. Create a win-win

1. Get a handle on want they want – quick!

2. Find a middle ground

3. Check and recheck…opinions & desires change

4. Negotiate

5. Keep a cool head 


2. Paybacks are a must


1. Don’t get something for nothing

2. Nail the WIIFM early then deliver

3. Motivate not bribe

4. Back scratch, don’t backbite 

Image courtesy of www.saxangle.com

3. Play nice even with your enemies


1. It’s true – not everyone likes each other or gets along

2. Surprise them with your generosity

3. Check your ego at the door

4. Keep your eye on the prize – successful project delivery 

4. Care and feed your network


1. It starts (and ends) with relationships

2. Don’t wait until you need something to reach out

3. Sniff out the champions

4. Hang out…give some time 

5. It’s about “we” not “me”


1. Ambition is fine but there’s a line

2. Authenticity builds trust

3. Creating dialogue: a conversation with a center, not sides

4. Seek to understand not refute 

Image courtesy of www.nf5.com


Create some VALUE Practice puts a project plan in place


So how do you avoid the whispers of "Oh no, here they come again?" Caring and feeding relationships requires presence and VALUE.

Visibility – Ask questions; be curious about people. Adapt your style to the style of others.

Determining best fit

Availability – Stop multi-tasking and be present for others. Focus on the person or people with whom you're talking.

Lead by Example – Do what you say you’re going to do. Treat others how you like to be treated.

Understanding – Show empathy for constraints.  Lend a helping hand.

Embracement – Create ownership by hearing and incorporating their ideas.

Determining best fit

Bringing VALUE to the politics table will go a long way to advancing your project’s interest.


Stakeholders are different and yet we tend to

use a one-size-fits-all approach when riding the politics train.

Be present: Get out of your own way

Be aware: Pay attention to what people are saying and not saying

Project big picture: Keep your eye on the endgame

Be clear about

…what’s needed

…when it’s needed

…delivery & follow up

…expectations & acceptance criteria Get help when you need it

Tips for bringing it home



In conclusion


Rules of the game

Politics with purpose

Create VALUE

Final tips for putting that plan into place

Thank you!

Alison Sigmon, M.Ed, LPC, PMP

asigmon@systemation.com @alisonsigmon