Post on 17-Jan-2016

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PERPETUAL PEACE (1795) Immanuel Kant – German Philosopher of the Enlightenment

Focuses on Freedom – Not the Lawless “Freedom” of Anarchy, But the Freedom of Self-Government and to Obey Consciously the Laws of the Universe as Revealed by Reason

Individual Welfare is an End in Itself In Ideal Society, Laws Should be Made in Such a Way as to Reflect the United Will of the Entire Society (Representative Government)

PERPETUAL PEACE (1795) Perpetual Peace (1795) – Written at Ebb of Major Power

War (Not Uncommon)

Relatively Simple and Attainable Set of Rules By Which Individuals Abide to Maintain Peace in Anarchy; These Hinge on the Capacity of Humans to Learn, Practice Good Will, Engage in Cooperation (Enlightenment Ideals)

Preamble – World Leaders Are “Insatiable of War” (Made by Evil Men – Common Classical Liberal Perception)

Two Types of Articles: Preliminary (Background) and Definitive (Actions States and Leaders Must Take)

PERPETUAL PEACE (1795) Preliminary Articles:

Peace Treaties Must Resolve Issues Underlying War (Otherwise, Bad Faith)

States Cannot Be Entirely Subsumed or Dominated by Others (States Not Property, But Social Contracts – Destruction is Unjust)

Standing Armies Abolished (Relieve Security Dilemma) No Establishment of Systems of Credit That Seriously

Indebt Others (Cause for War) No Interference in Domestic Workings of Other States

(Infringes Upon Rights, Up Until Secession) No Dishonorable or Atrocious Tactics (Onset of Total


PERPETUAL PEACE (1795) Definitive Articles

1. The Civil Constitution of Every State Should Be Republican Only Form Deriving From Social Contract Kant’s Definition: Separation of Executive and

Legislative; Both Autocracy and Pure Democracy are Despotic

War Chosen Very Selectively (Predisposed to Peace), Because Empowered Citizens Must Bear Costs

In Non-Republics, Leaders Pay No Heed To Costs of Subjects; They Care Mainly About Glory and Enrichment, and So Fight When they Wish

PERPETUAL PEACE (1795) Definitive Articles (cont’d) 2. The Laws of Nations Should Be Founded on A

Federation of Free States Undesirability of World Government (Authority Higher

than Original Social Contract) However, Republican Federation Possible

Formation of League of Peace, With Shared Values Dominating – Precludes War

Can be Made by Enlightened People in Non-Republican States

As Republicanism Spreads, States Relinquish “Freedom” to Harm Others, Adjust to Common and Public Law and War Ceases as Means of Conflict Resolution

PERPETUAL PEACE (1795) Definitive Articles (cont’d)

3. The Law of World Citizenship Shall Be Limited To Conditions of Universal Hospitality Republicanism Precarious; Moreover, there Will Be at

Least Some Non-Republics For a While We WILL See War Between the Two Types, as

Aggression of Non-Republics Infringes on Republican Freedoms

As Such, Peace Will Never Prevail Until People are Treated Peaceably Outside Their Own States

Universal Hospitality May be the First Step in the “Conversion” of Non-Republics


Why was NATO founded? Why is it still in existence after the fall of USSR? Does its continued existence contradict realism’s expectations?

Why have several Eastern European states joined since the late 1990s? Is it for security from Russia, or something else?

Why have charter allies accepted new states, even though their defense contributions are minimal?