Post on 17-Aug-2015

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What was the political situation of Europe while the scientific

and industrial revolutions were taking place?




(P. 537-541)

1st p.537-538: what was the main goal of the Congress of Vienna?

1st p 538 ("strong powers opposed liberalism and nationalism") what groups were the people of the Congress scared of? why? why were the people at the congress called "reactionaries"?

2nd p 538 (aims of the liberals): what kind of government and reforms did liberals want for europe?

1st p 539 (aims of the nationalists): what was self-determination?

3rd p 539 (liberalism and nationalism made gains in the early 1800s) where did the nationalists made their first gains in the early 1800s?

4th p 539 (nationalism in Greece) how did Greece become independent from the Ottoman Empire in 1830?

5th paragraph p 539 (liberalism in France) what king was restored

in 1814?

2nd p 539 aims of the reactionaries: crush down any revolt even if it means suspending liberties or democratic reforms





6th & 7th p 539 (France) what measures did Charles X take that caused Liberals in the Parliament to revolt against him in 1830?

8th p 539 (nationalism in Belgium) what social class / ideology fought for Belgian independence from The Netherlands? When did they win it?

Louis XVIII of France (r. 1814-24)

Charles X of France(r. 1824-1830)

King Louis Phillipe of France (July Monarchy, 1830-48)

Britain made reforms without violent upheaval

(P. 537-541)

2nd p 540 (voting reforms) what was the REFORM BILL of 1832 ? how did the distribution of power change?

3rd p 540 what was the CHARTIST movement? what were its aims?

4th p 540 (economic reforms) what was the main characteristic of MERCANTILISM? why did it increase the price of bread?

5th p 540 why was the ANTI-CORN LAWS LEAGUE so important for British politics?

6th p 540 (abolition of slavery) what were the 2 main reasons for which the british anti-slavery movement wanted slavery abolished? what could the British navy do in international waters after slavery was abolished?


IN 1848(P. 541)

1st p 541 What happened in Europe in the 1840s that caused liberal revolutions east of the River Rhine (where reactionaries held control the most)?

2nd p what happened that made the economic crisis in Europe in the 1840s so bad? how did the population of Europe react?

3rd p how successful were the liberal revolts in Europe in 1848? What was the Second Republic and why didn't it last for long?

4th p (Napoleon III) what did Napoleon III do as Emperor? Why did most people support him?

5th p what were Napoleon III's achievements?



(P. 541-543)

6th p 541 What kind of politician resulted from the failure of the 1848 revolutions? What was "Realpolitik"?

p 542 Italian Nationalists fought to unify Italy - 1st Par: see map on p 543

3rd p 542-1st par 543: how was Cavour able to expel the Austrians from northern Italy?

2nd p 543 who helped Piedmont-Sardinia fight the Austrians? What happened simultaneously in northern Italy? Why did Napoleon III sign a separate peace with Austria?

5th p 543 who helped Cavour in leading the troops against Austria? When was the Kingdom of Italy formally proclaimed? Which were the last territories to be added to the Kingdom? Camillo Di Cavour

Giuseppe Garibaldi

2nd par what was the only success of the Italian liberals and

nationalists to unify Italy? Who was their leader?


3rd p 543 who was Cavour's counterpart in Germany, who managed to unify the country?

4th p 543 (see map on p 544) what was Germany's strongest state? Which Empire still controlled German lands inside the German Confederation?

6th p 543: what diplomatic trick did Bismarck use to make Austria, Russia and Britain NOT to trust France? why did he do this?

2nd p 544 what trick did Bismarck use as an excuse to go to war with France?

5th p 543 what did Bismarck mean when he said that problems would be solved

"by blood and iron"? what measures did he take as Chancellor?

Otto Von Bismarck

3rd when did Germany unify? who was the head of Government?


Democratic gains in western Europe(page 544)

Par. 2: Which was Europe's social, economic and political leader from 1871 to 1914? What Queen became a symbol of that period?

Par. 4: What specific demands of the Chartist movement of the 1840s were finally met (in the form of laws) in the 1880s? What about workers' and educational rights in the same decade?

Par. 3: What British political parties changed their names in the 1850s? Who were their respective leaders? What job did they both alternate in from 1868 to 1880? Who continued on that job from 1880 to 1894?

Par. 5: How did the situation of Irish Catholics improve in the mid 1800s?

Par. 6: Who was the leader of the movement for Irish Home Rule? What was the movement's greatest achievement in 1914? Who objected to this achievement? How was the problem of Irish independence solved after World War I ?


France established the Third Republic (page 546)

Par. 1: How was the Third Republic politically organized? How long did it last?

Par. 2: Why was the French public divided in its opinion about the French government?

Par. 3: What was the Dreyfus case? What groups fought each other in relation to it?

Aldred Dreyfus being discharged from the French army

Par. 4: How and when was the case resolved? What did the case resolution prove about the French Third Republic?

Reforms in the Second German Empire(page 546)

Par. 1: How was the Empire politically organized?

Par. 2: Who held real power in the German

government ?

Par. 3 & 4: What changes did Germany go through in the late 1800s? What political party worried Bismarck? What did he do to fight it?

Par. 5: Who became Kaiser (Emperor) when Wilhelm I died? What was one of his first measures? What ideas and goals did he have regarding Germany?

Emperor Wilhelm I

Emperor Wilhelm II
