Liberty Fund Brochure

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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The cuneiform inscription is the earliest-known written appearance of the word “freedom” (amagi), or “liberty.” The inscription comes from a clay document written about 2300 b.c. in the Sumerian city-state of Lagash.

“…to use this Fund to the end that some hopeful contribution may be made to the preservation, restoration, and development of individual liberty through investigation, research, and educational activity.” P I E R R E F. G O O D R I C H

Liberty Fund, Inc. is a private, educational foundation established to encourage the study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals. We develop, supervise, and finance our own educational activi-ties to foster thought and encourage discourse on enduring issues pertaining to liberty.

Each year, Liberty Fund conducts more than 150 conferences throughout the United States, Canada, Latin America, and Europe. We publish as many as 20 or more books each year covering topics in history, politics, philosophy, law, education, and economics. We also offer three online libraries and an interactive tour to encourage discussion of ideas pertaining to liberty.

These programs focus on the place individual liberty has in an intellectual heritage evident from ancient times and continuing through our own times. They are intended to enrich understanding and appreciation of the complex nature of a society of free and responsible individuals and to contribute to its preservation.

By provoking thought about fundamental themes in many disciplines and areas of investigation, our programs seek to contribute to the understanding and appreciation of individual liberty and human responsibility.

As a tax-exempt, private operating foundation, Liberty Fund’s purposes are educational and intellectual. We do not, therefore, engage in politics or political action of any kind. We fulfill our mission by con- ducting programs, not by awarding grants to outside organizations or individuals.

our purpose

Liberty Fund Incorporated

Pierre F. Goodrich, an Indianapolis business-man and lawyer, founded Liberty Fund in 1960. Upon his death in 1973, Mr. Goodrich left most of his estate to the Foundation for the purpose of exploring the many dimensions of liberty. Today, we continue to be guided by his philosophy and instructions in develop-ing specific programs.




1894 Pierre F. Goodrich is born.

1912 Graduates Winchester High School. Enrolls at Wabash College.

1919 Graduates Harvard Law School.

1920 Begins prac-ticing law in Winchester, Indiana.

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‘‘The freedom to [make choices], coupled with the responsibility of abiding by the results of that choice, is a necessary part of maintaining liberty.’’

—Pierre Goodrich, Basic Memorandum


Mr. Goodrich was a man of extensive intellectual interests who reflected deeply upon the human condition. He read widely from Aeschylus, Thucydides, Cicero, St. Augustine, John Locke, Adam Smith, and others in the Great Books tradition.

He believed the responsible course of action in an imperfect world is to make choices that favor liberty from among the imperfect options available. A com- mitment to liberty in all its dimensions offers the best chance to fragment and decentralize power and to release individual, creative initiative.

Mr. Goodrich also believed that education in a free society requires a dialogue centered in the great ideas of civilization. He saw learning as an ongoing process of discovery not

1934 Becomes lifelong president and chairman of Indiana Telephone Corp.

1960Founds Liberty Fund.

1973Pierre F. Goodrich dies.

1941 Marries Enid Smith.

1940 Becomes life- long president of People’s Loan and Trust Company.

1949 Begins serving on the China Foundation’s Finance Committee.

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1959Completes Goodrich Seminar Room at Wabash College.

limited to traditional institutional settings or specific ages. Education is, in his view, a lifelong responsibility of each individual.

In accordance with the ideals of Mr. Goodrich, Liberty Fund is intellectually and uncompromisingly committed to liberty.

Enid Goodrich1902–1996

Pierre F. Goodrich1894–1973

1945Establishes the Winchester Foundation.


Liberty Fund conferences are intended to illuminate some aspect of human liberty and responsibility. These small scholarly conferences generally assume an inter- disciplinary focus. To date, we have held more than 3,000 in the United States and abroad. Our conferences are attended by invitation only.

Our Conference programLiberty Fund’s conference program reflects our founder’s conviction that education in a free society requires a dialogue among active minds freely engaged in pondering the ideas that have shaped human civilization in general and the free society in particular.

A common set of readings is distributed to each conferee well in advance of the conference and serves as the focus for the discussion. These readings are not intended to convey a particular point of view but rather to provide a starting point for discussion.

The purpose of the discussions is neither to convey doctrine nor to drive home certain conclusions. Each conference challenges conferees to examine, refine, and extend their own ideas in the company of inquir-ing colleagues who also are interested in questions of liberty and responsibility. The conversations result in ideas that mold Liberty Fund’s program agenda and publishing philosophy for the future.

From our long experience with conferences, we have concluded that a Socratic discussion format is the most conducive to a full and open exploration of ideas. As a result, all of our conferences are round-table in nature.

The exchange of ideas is facilitated by a scholar chosen to lead the discussion but who is neither a conferee nor an advocate.


Education and Republican Liberty

Freedom, Development, and Poverty

Character, Free Will, and Responsi- bility

Intellectuals, Liberty, and Ideology

Just and Unjust War

Liberty and Responsi- bility in the Thought of F. A. Hayek

Some Conference Topics

Liberty Fund Incorporated6

‘‘What spectacle can be more edifying or more reasonable than that of liberty and learning, each leaning on the other for their mutual and surest support?’’ —James Madison to W. T. Barry, 1822

Most of our conferences fall into one of two categories:

Colloquium Discussion at colloquia is based on previously published writings. A careful selection of readings is conducive to substantive intellectual exploration.

Symposium Some topics explore new areas and lend themselves to the preparation of new papers. In these cases, we commission original papers—usually no more than five per conference. Original papers are background readings, but they are not presented nor are they the subject of formal comments.

Liberty Fund conferences focus on themes in economics, history, law, political thought, literature, philosophy, religion, and the natural sciences.

We usually invite groups of about fifteen people with differing views and from several disciplines. Conferences usually include six sessions and time for productive, informal discussions over two full days.

Affirming the ideals of individual liberty7

Co-sponsored programs are designed to expand and increase the scope of Liberty Fund’s conference activities. Along with our co-sponsoring institutions, we conduct educational programs that advance the exploration of liberty and the ideal of a free and responsible society.

Our professional staff develops and approves the intellectual content of all co-sponsored conferences, while our co-sponsors take responsibility for the administration and overall execution of the programs, including participant selection.

Co-sponsored conferences may vary significantly from Liberty Fund’s traditional conference format. Participants at co-sponsored programs are typically undergraduate students, graduate students, high school teachers, non-academic professionals, or academics. Conferences in Latin America may be conducted in Spanish or Portuguese.

co-sponsored Conferences


Acton Institute

Austrian Economics Center

Bill of Rights Institute

Cato Institute

Charles Koch Institute

The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies

Fundación Libertad

The Fund for American Studies

Institute for Humane Studies

Intercollegiate Studies Institute

John M. Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs

The McConnell Center

Mercatus Center

Property and Environment Research Center

Students for Liberty

Universidad Francisco Marroquín

8 Liberty Fund Incorporated

Ideas through Books


Great books are the repository of knowledge and experience. Liberty Fund seeks to preserve the learning of the ages and to strengthen our understanding and appreciation of individual liberty.

our PUBLISHING PROGRAMFor nearly four decades, Liberty Fund has published new, authoritative editions of classic works in American history, law, economics, European history, political philosophy, education, and classical studies—books of enduring value that have helped to shape ideas and events in humanity’s quest for liberty, order, and justice.

Liberty Fund books are edited in accordance with the highest standards of scholarly publishing. Many include new non-interpretive forewords, prefaces, or introductions by leading specialists, as well as annotations, bibliographies, and indexes. Our books are not only beautifully produced but are also priced to ensure their availability to all serious readers.

Below are selections from the more than 375 titles we offer:

American HistoryThe Revolutionary Writings of Alexander Hamilton. Edited and with an introduction by Richard B. Vernier. Foreword by Joyce Appleby.

The Federalist: The Gideon Edition. Edited by George W. Carey and James McClellan.

The Founders’ Constitution (five volumes). Edited by Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner.

LawThe Selected Writings of Sir Edward Coke (three volumes). Edited by Steve Sheppard.

The History of English Law before the Time of Edward I, by Sir Frederick Pollock and Frederic William Maitland.

A Concise History of the Common Law, by Theodore F. T. Plucknett.


Liberty Fund has published a significant series in cooperation with Oxford University Press: The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith. This is the first uniform collection of Adam Smith’s writings, available in paperback only. The series comprises:

• The Wealth of Nations (two volumes)• The Theory of Moral Sentiments• Lectures on Jurisprudence• Essays on Philosophical Subjects• Correspondence of Adam Smith

• Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres• Index to the Works of Adam Smith

EconomicsThe Liberty Fund Library of the Works of Ludwig von Mises. Edited by Bettina Bien Greaves. Includes Human Action (in four volumes), Bureaucracy, and Theory and History.

The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek. Includes Hayek on Hayek, edited by Stephen Kresge and Leif Wenar; Contra Keynes and Cambridge, edited by Bruce Caldwell; Good Money, Part I, and Good Money, Part II, edited by Stephen Kresge.

The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. Edited by David R. Henderson.

The Collected Works of Armen A. Alchian. Edited by Daniel K. Benjamin.

Natural Law and Enlightenment Classics SeriesUnder the general editorship of Knud Haakonssen, this series of over forty volumes, spanning the seven- teenth and eighteenth centuries, presents not only some of the most famous figures from this period, but also the lesser-known theorists who contributed their part to the contest of ideas. Works by Hugo Grotius, Samuel Pufendorf, Francis Hutcheson, Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui, George Turnbull, Emer de Vattel, Jean Louis De Lolme, Christian Thomasius, Richard Cumberland, John Millar, Pierre Bayle, Henry Home, Lord Kames, James Mackintosh, David Fordyce, Nathaniel Culverwell, Gershom Carmichael, Johann Gottlieb Heineccius, Francisco Suarez, Robert Bellarmine, and Christian Wolff are included in this expertly edited collection.

European HistoryThe History of England (six volumes), by David Hume.

The French Revolution (three volumes), by Hippolyte Taine.

Select Works of Edmund Burke (three volumes). A new imprint of the Payne edition.

Modern Political PhilosophyDemocracy in America, De la Démocratie en Amérique (French-English bilingual edition in four volumes), by Alexis de Tocqueville. Translated by James T. Schleifer, edited and with an introduction by Eduardo Nolla.

A Letter Concerning Toleration and Other Writings by John Locke. Edited and with an intro- duction by Mark Goldie.

Considerations on the Principal Events of the French Revolution by Germaine de Staël. Edited and with an introduction by Aurelian Craiutu.

Principles of Politics Applicable to All Governments by Benjamin Constant. Translated by Dennis O’Keeffe, with an introduction by Nicholas Capaldi.

DVDsLiberty Fund has produced more than forty DVDs that are for sale in the Liberty Fund Books catalog that is available in print and online at



Continue the discussion about liberty anywhere you go. Liberty Fund extends its educational activities, without cost to the public, through several online libraries and resources.

Library of Economics and Liberty

This site is dedicated to advancing the study of economics, markets, and liberty. It offers a unique combination of resources for stu-dents, teachers, researchers, and aficionados of economic thought, including blogs and podcasts.

Online Library of Liberty oll.libertyfund.orgThis award-winning site provides over one thousand titles about individual liberty, limited govern-ment, and the free market. In addition to the classic books on liberty, there are educational aids and guides to help readers understand the texts.

360° of Liberty

The Goodrich Seminar Room Interactive Tour uses 360° digital photography to allow users to virtually explore the unique confer-ence room designed by Pierre F. Goodrich.

Library of Law and Liberty

The Library of Law and Liberty focuses on the content, status, and development of law in republican and limited government. This site brings together serious debate, commentary, essays, book reviews, podcasts, and educational material in a commitment to the first principles of law in a free society.


Room for inspiration


The Goodrich Seminar Room at Wabash College is a gateway to exploring the meaning of liberty and the nature of a free society. Carved into limestone walls are important names and significant developments in the history of freedom, from the third millennium b.c. to the Declaration of Independence.

Continuing the ConversationIn March 1957, Pierre F. Goodrich began planning the Goodrich Seminar Room for the Lilly Library of Wabash College. Completed two years later, the room provides a practical tool for understanding the evolution of the idea of individual liberty. The room makes Mr. Goodrich’s intent immediately clear, presenting names and events as a dialogue through time, in which the idea of liberty, developed and transmitted from generation to gener-ation, is a theme of a long historical conversation that continues to the present day.

Board of DirectorsTerry W. AnkerRoseda D. Decker, Founder Member EmeritaRichard W. DuesenbergGiancarlo Ibárgüen S.Joseph F. Johnston, Jr.Leonard P. LiggioMary A. O’GradyEmilio J. Pacheco, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating OfficerBen A. RastT. Alan Russell, ChairmanDane StarbuckChris L. Talley, President and Chief Executive OfficerRichard A. Ware, Emeritus

OfficersT. Alan Russell, ChairmanChris L. Talley, President and Chief Executive OfficerEmilio J. Pacheco, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating OfficerDouglas J. Den Uyl, Vice President of Educational ProgramsPatricia A. Gallagher, Vice President of PublishingSandra J. Schaller, Vice President and Controller, Secretary-TreasurerJoAnne W. Shepler, Assistant Secretary

Liberty Fund FellowsSteven D. Ealy, Senior FellowHans L. Eicholz, Senior FellowChristine D. Henderson, Senior FellowG. Patrick Lynch, Senior FellowPeter C. Mentzel, Senior FellowJames F. Cote, Fellow and Director of Information ServicesNicolás Maloberti, FellowRichard M. Reinsch, Fellow Sarah E. Skwire, FellowAmy M. Willis, FellowMark E. Yellin, Fellow Leonidas Zelmanovitz, Fellow


sustaining libertyStimulating conversations about liberty has been the mission of Liberty Fund for the past fifty years. Today, we continue Pierre Goodrich’s vision by hosting conferences that facilitate the full and open exchange of ideas in a roundtable format, by publishing classic books on themes relating to human liberty, and by maintaining the Online Library of Liberty website—a collection of electronic volumes by authors from ancient Sumeria to the present day.

AccountingChristina L. Gegner, Payables SpecialistSandra A. Imel, Benefits SpecialistCarla C. Lottie, Payables Manager

AdministrationMarie A. Jackson, Office AssistantStephanie L. Kaufman, Executive Assistant to the PresidentDiane M. Mosbrucker, Executive Assistant and Grants CoordinatorJoAnne W. Shepler, Human Resources and Administrative Services ManagerDeborah K. Weinmann, Receptionist

ConferencesDarcy N. Anderson, Executive AssistantThea V. Burress, Co-Sponsored Program AssistantCarol L. Hommel, Conference ManagerElizabeth P. Letson, Conference AssistantShelly A. Rogers, Conference AssistantNila K. Spears, Conference AssistantJulie A. Wakley, Conference Assistant

Information SystemsJames F. Cote, DirectorV. Lynn Shriver, Network and System SpecialistSusan M. Thomlinson, Systems AnalystRusty L. Webb, Application Specialist

Library and Web ServicesDavid M. Hart, Director, Online Library of LibertyLorraine S. Whitney, Corporate Librarian

PublishingKristen L. Beach, Marketing and Fulfillment DirectorDarlene A. Bickel, Production CoordinatorAndrew D. Duncan, Social Media and Direct Marketing CoordinatorLaura L. Goetz, Senior EditorL. Daniel Kirklin, Managing EditorPatricia L. Ordower, Assistant Managing EditorSpencer Ozbun, Marketing Support Specialist Michele D. Roberts, Executive Assistant R. Colleen Watson, Development Editor


Liberty Fund, Inc.8335 Allison Pointe Trail Suite 300Indianapolis, IN 46250.1684Tel 317.842.0880Toll Free 1.800.866.3520Fax

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