Library induction-2016-17

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Capital IQ - global company data (& PE) E-Financial News - banking & PE - the Financial Times Factset - global company data Forrester - new media/technology Roubini - global economics SNL Financial - banking, insurance, financial services, Vault - careers & top employers WRDS - research databases in finance

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“..your tips have saved me quite a bit of time…”

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Hours may vary during vacations and Bank Holidays

Monday-Friday 09:00 - 20:00hrs

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A quick quizPick one of 2 answers

Hold up one hand for answer 1 and 2 hands for answer 2

Year to date which (target)industry has had the largest market share of deals ?

1. Financials2. Energy

2 - Energy 11.2% (Finance 10.4) Thomson One> Market views> Deal activity

How many e-journals do we have that contain the word leadership in the title?

1. 332. 67

1. 33Use the A-Z of E-journals in Portal to find them.

Pokemon Go Users are spending on average how long each day

on the app?

1. 33 minutes2. 43 minutes

1. 33 minutes According to CNET news (sourcing Sensor Tower) – see the global news database Factiva

Which company has the greatest number of analysts tracking it?

1. Netflix Inc2. LinkedIn Inc.

To read the full text of analyst’s reports use Thomson One and Bloomberg

1. Netflix Inc. with 47 LinkedIn has 43, Source: Bloomberg

Capital IQ also has more for Netflix.

CAGR 2010 – 2015 Which has had the greatest overall increase in tobacco consumption per capita?

1. India2. China

2. China with 6.44% (India has 4.58%)From the database: Marketline by Datamonitor

1. 26%2. 38%

According to Frost and Sullivan what % of American homes have some form of

smart home solution?

2. 38% - with 24% likely to adopt in the next 12 – 18 months

Tie break…How many employees does

Tesco PLC have?Year end 27/02/2016

482,152– source Fame (UK company)(or CIQ, Amadeus or Mergent)

All enquiries: library@london.


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