Post on 29-Jul-2020

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r«OM ItV-TOII TO LMIIfOfJl.ChW-f Cabtn Puni*.f) 1*4)Btxuod Cabin Fa******. »

» v «..-.% Tf> Kf .ol.rb«stt»:... r» .sitaSas ami Cabin Paa-are. W

%%» abipa frvta Koaion < ail at Halifax.ARAF-IA Cee>t Jadkin*. AMERICA. Lena-pr Ks'A. ( a*. Rj-na Et'ROPA Cept Shacroa.APIA (apf V. > U*i .CANADA f -.J.t. St.rr,»AFRH'A ' apt, IIarrt«rjD NIAGARA Capt. L*4(7ül

Tlr** »e*«el» rarra a r ,.¦»., «* lab' a' ra«*> Lead graten re)eaa-'aTj. t" « '«,wAMI fl' '. I.aa|.Leave* Boe'oo. Wedneaday. lath 'o.y.CAN AHA. Stone.Leere* Fiaton. Wedneaday, let An»AM A. Lo't..Leave* Bo**.*! «*' ......,, Ivb A**>AV; I'M \ l.eeeg.Leave* H.mPr. We.lncada*. Itb Aug.CAN A l>A St .tir.I.-iim \' , !r.-«1ay. l.-hiept.APHH A.ll.m.on. I.e.vr* Breton, Wedneavdey.a*tbSept.

Ber»h« not aernred nn'H paid CrAn expenen-.-d St.rgenn on boardThe -/an i-f of three ahlpt will r.ot be accountable for OolA

Blher. Bullion, Specie, Jever'rv Pvectoua Stenee or Metal*, on-

lea* bi:l. -,i lading »r. rianed" 'hrrrfor aad the reJee .hereoftherein <apra**ed.

For *r»urbt i.r uaatur, irpiy boE C'V-aARn. No. 4 Bowlln,

There wli. be no e»eamah'b* .' 'hk> line 'rao New-York¦trl'ier r» .'lee



TI ESDaY. 7 HI RSl'AY and HATLRDAY. Leave SouthFt. r? at .1 A. M

Fate out and bark.Cl 00Fare to (irrt npor' an t ^»j H irh. -. 71

Ticket* to return from Saat Harber mgr be procured or. boardthe »teauihoat Berr<»>. fr..m Oreenprrt frorn the Agentat Orrei I'-it by au.-rrolcrinil the certinsete laau"d from theeCce in Bi'-Hjn.

r|ELI0HTFl!L a PTERNOON EXCURSION-A/-SEA A ih end COOL BREI /ES.-The popular atea-nerJaMEs- t BBISTOPHEI :ceve* th« Ct of Jay a'. THII(Ba»er»*aj) AFTERNOON at I t/eWI for LONG BRANCH,HIGHLANDS hF NEVIS1NK. SUR {WSRI Rv, Ac, re-

tnn> n, at at ea-'» k tai THIS EVEN INM by moonlight. Fareeach w«t 371 cent*. Sra BetMng -in tr.:*4.

ßuumtiüuiB unö ftuilrouftb.


f. r 81 NO-SI NO.-«E-amvadoif. will hare tb* loot of Harn-ou-at. E^ FRY A ET F.IUOON a- ¦o'clock, P. M .. ran .-..nut, I tTt.'RDAY, lulyM,t> t. h nt al all the intermediate langte.»« Returning will leaveSing Sine, at 6:30 A M landing at A'i.oe-at each way.

JULY, 18f&.TW attibydtver ocean wave« a; t. H i Pa-be,, for SURE V*Hf III -»HLANDS,

OCEAN H' CSE, LONO BRANCH. PORT WA'J.IINO1"N MOUNT'S DOCK BROWV'S DO! K (Middie; wo),and RED BA>K, will run aa Ci'owe. frooi t it of Jay at. Pier,h. R.. tir't C"' < k the Erie Railnavl ''-|.o-

ItHT M* lll«t (.K*vr. Rttl BAaK.

Baturday, Jnlv S P.M. Saturday, Jn'y».... ti P.M.SaiDday. Ju y 5".71 A. M. Sunday. July ?».Si P M.Monday. Juiy 30.7j A. M. Monday. July 30. 74 A. M.MonCay.Ju'y 3^.3J P M. Tuesday. July 31 .... 7 AM.Tueaday. Julv 31.4 P. M. Wedneaday, Auf. I.. 7J A. Ma

U I- I- M.ELIAS HAIOHT'S line of Sqaan Stare* connect with

this Boat_Vom 8h k e w a b iTk y, lajmj-bkanoha BIOHLANDS, (kein ROUSE LITTLE SILVERpoil- l nin-. poll7 aid y ATONTOVVfL.PARB3? I»'«t ' EN I S..The new and Hfht--lraf e.' at- «tii'i IAMESC" It HI - T < I Hb R ( *[*. John Rr.rden. arib mo fron- Cot ofJ*y-*t. N. R.,a* W'rear*!

iiav » m« wi»K' LrAvrioir.aa roar:

Tueadi.t Ju > .1.9 a. M. Tneaday uly i\.2 P M.WaataiatAat.Ja y «ö..|0 A. M..We.:ne»Aaj. Ju y 25....3 P. M.Tbu-ao.v Ju. v 31.... I A. M Thorada-y July Ja.4 P. MFrida,. '.It.?.II A.M. Friday "July fl.4P.RBaturdav, July.-"..' P. M. Satt.rday. Hi v JH.>'< P.M.Hui.Jav In v.'i.71 A. M Snnd.y July 29.1 P M.Me*. .'«>, July "... 6 A. M. iMonoay, Jufv 'Ml.-4 P. MTnaaday, July il.8 A. M. Tu «<!.> July 31.IP, M.Nawi, Tauii-'i -t*#< I lot Souat. v iflaa;.- counect with jfcM

Boat. Al*. ''tngoa for He,I Bank anil otte' narta of the i-.olintr, .

day 0 o a j rotaLtiAN'i laieltna (eaa-i, way,

BtNyaak >ia.ey PoAejl Uta' I', Nrwiitirrb PoarhK-ep-aie, RaaVaaaaak, CataAnl. Hudaon, and Cox<arkie M.-al-Berveri m b< ard Tbf 'aroriti *t.-a;nei ARMENIA ClaptN h. Caeaaraav, M now making ber ,-itula, 'rip* to Albany,leaving Nev.. 1 ink. from foot ol Chamber* *!., every TURs-IlAV. TIM RSIlAV »..d S A I I' R I > A i it 7 o'elock, A.M.PL B.. * Ka*tga*e-a(ar',-» wi.' accoiripati- t*'»- -."^.i,',r 1 *u I.

way. to check Baagage free. For pawvlawiaga as, lire a* Sew-*/«.. an/ a-.u af'-i*! ottra . hatnl-e-*.*-.. vharf.


rlVi (i('l OCR STEaJIBOAI LINE fox111 DtOMaaatl IMPERMEDIATE PL AO B rha ayaiaa

Hi.. -.. 1.1 MI'IA «...I S it'TII AM! K ( A will leaveSuet of lUrrtai'teei. EVERY AFTERNOON (Sn. day* e«oe .>.!'at I o'i <<*k comi. tit g «0 Ii «'*»-.-. fr.rm Ring»ioti. Cafakill. an«Hiideon and B.e-on r i'"<'!, id lioi'riain Four rnere Edward*. (couneiHng with ?'«>¦. to, I., humm Spriiigt lVe.aaSteekbiidgr, Lte, Pitt-lie ,1, No th and South Adam« an-t allthe wiatem par* of Maeaai Ion t-c. Tb firerttaiu h avea Undeon at a .'clock in the ur.miug. and arrive* in Pitlarh-ld in tiui*(<.¦..-¦.. il\\|i.\NII CI.AltKACo



even day the iiiur kwaoej FakRE ONLY T* oenua to BAUHARBOR, ORI ENI ORT aad orient point }\.,t.r»ticket) d tb,»t gb In Eau'ltaiiiptiiu and Souiha'iipt..n for Rj Bk,S-atbr'g aiiS rtrldghampton far SI I ui*k. 75 carat* Fare toHORTHPOR1 btfeaaut PORT JRFFERrjON 7S eattta. Onand , .H'LY Sfi IIV> .,nlil tur'b 1 11 to-, the aplen lid new

eta an. r ISLAND BELLE. Caataka 1 Po.t, Jr. w I ,e,To

N.w-Yo'k it- » ».!. Mata-t -.p.- rurSDAY THÜRSDAY »1 'l-Ai lil'AV , at 1* A. M , making »he ahov tand ng*aril anivAaa et Ret Hereof a- 1 P M. R- turning, will leaveHrg llfrh r MOMItAT,WEDNE MAY atvi FRIDAY at tl

A M I On" h\- rt -, 1 in i.' I', i' M; I'.; I' irt Jelter*ou 12 M. ;

Noni rt :i I' M. PRF.iqHT aril he re*wi»oa' eat eat .g. .it n

the wberf in New-Yi rk, Monday, Weöoeeday bmi rri.lav brOOB|(- A. M. utitil 7 F. M. Pui further partiru ar* inquire ,,f E. T.DUDLEY No. 205 «ruith-«t , or of E. P. A C. N. BELLOUS,Mat, 301 Water .t.. New fi tk


t«0R BOSTON and PROVIDENCE rU NEW-J PORT eaayl iui, RIVRR -Thj **aVr*a*)M and *uperiorate a rot r M 1 Pi 'I'l '1 - I |t Win. Itn. leu iN w York»t. it II ESDAl THURSDAY end SATI' 5 velockP M.;*iid . MI'IIO *TATE Capt B. Brav ton. leato. Near-York MoMitY. W emm SD\Y and HOI'W a-

oVIock P M., f'om Piet No 3, N R near the Better). Botalotiri'ii'g «' Newport each way11 e M I ROPOl IS w EMPIRE «TÄTE connect at NV-r-

p. J vim- the eti amer CAM'NM - which leave* n. > \ rkat.'Alo'chtk A.M. tor Pr .vi let'ce, arriving iliere al .: 7

©..N tk, Pa*awafei* tum Piovinrcce for New.York take tbaCA'-o.N CIS a rlck F M !, r \ * port. c ouue* ung therewith 1 hi ettaeaaeea lor New York.

Hi it atti r no room* will he regarded a* «ecured to any appli-rai hi! li e aaiuc »l.*li bate been ] ml Cr

¦rWletak ta eteetoa Mtu*wMB*4 through with great diapitch,a*J . t tpre»» kreigli' T'ain

WM. BORDEN. Agent No*. 70 and 71 W at at,

riMir RCOULaB mail link nm stunino-1 YON Ra BOSTON FROVIDI N( E, new BRDPOtD,T.M MON Mid M t\ poR r.-lnland route, with .ut dalay,charge i f ceie, or baggage airviri* the Fa tern Mail.The new dränier* l'Li Mot Til RoCK.Capu Joel St.,.,*.,am.

C VANDERMI.T, ( ej 1 I. K. Pendl-ton, in comeetion withtit' niiigtoo and Providence, and Hcarton and Pnivulene« Riolrt,*<i*, Irat kB| New York daily (Si.inlov. aicepted) froBB pi 4

No 7 N. B., («'«1 whari above Battery place ) M 5 P.M. andBtoninatol, at H:»' P.M.. 01 ..n trmtl of the Vail train arbubItai't 1 !' MThe t V aMIEHBILI I >'in New > rik.Monday, Weone*

ajay and F-iday v,< in Stoniugton.Tue..lav. Tbunday m>c

RaloroevThe PXTMOUTM ROCR.trom New Vor».Tueada». Th..a

Bat and Nati.idav t''om Si*,niiiett'li.Monday. VVe*iue*iay BaalIPewriiaKta euartivaiai >ioun.a*t<iu p.iaeed iDUbeOialniy lie*

Rakli, «il Prt vi,it n. r, BoeloU, Tao-uou and New lle.Uo. J .a

the V ipretM Mail Hein, rrerbing *aid place* aevrral h lira in edBaioi oi tho.e by "loer route* and ir. ample time for all the«aar Moroing L i ' * coutiec'in« N, rtb eio' .'»**. P**.. k 1

who p" t> r B reu.hin on board the *tearu", "ii> vir.« a -i ght'tteat oi,ti»'urbtd br-akf«.--iiv ifdrain-d. and io«v. ^t.imrgfun 1»

the 7 A. M* 'raiu. counectii a at INovia'nc» *»4*htrain *BI Baatfi '¦. Taantoa end Stwk)>, b I, with the ate.invii g there atou 9 A. M

Si v. Bt dford: and at Eaei Ore-n,1B1 RT1 im M tVPORT, ar-

a fuiarn- Maeiet-rm-'nmeg mmi I^aui tbrourtaerh » a]Through ticket* on Moodav*. Wednesdaye anci Kti.iav*. 101

Matal at k et. Holme.-. Hoi,- m:.I Wood** Hale, via New B-*lford.fa«ii« ctiTg with the new «teamt-i Eagle tVuaa

lbs pa»-**i. Oeriii*. *tai< ...i.i. ,o ir»«in, appl\c*ti«ai maybe made at take' Nat * North Rner. or at the m.e No to Bat-harj glBe*_1 0N0 ISLAND RAILROAD. 0«e»SR>i At*

1 lu ano afterm J et>iDA \ 1 be 2*1 of Jane I^V Truu* go-ug Eaat leaveO'ta-npt it !> A. M., daily and on Fr-lav* and SaP. ** (,,, V <i hank 9 A' M and i: M P. M* i tor!» A M and i:4 -*n.l . I' Ma for S.oa*et. 10 A.P. M ., fta H. n pa-er d.MA M and 3i |\ 1: IS andj.aati lead V P. M.. end S:4J, 4 15, .> anJ 7 P.

at \ a*M

eurvaikiwi . 'i

y* S:A»,...a.l.l-m,i 1 ISM. forfr\ ight

Tt*lnTbain- 'm>i

A N. daily, atf. 1 Bra* 1 0 '

A m. »1A. m «00 irlP. M.| lien pa

aLt ^ i I Il»4A A. U ai7 A M

v » ^ win i ö .rjOl Rl UT] i Int. !*EW-An YORK to ROCHESTER..The R'M H ESTER an t OF NRSEI VALLEY K\ll.Ku\M ibowoi tad laBOBBeBctiaiarith tie Bafeln fegarae u. 1 -...wYoie aad New-York aadRne Ma. ., ., w V -a ' K <>

ar. .leave Oreeupo'i for brr* an.i Mou iey*. 4:30 A. M.; YefA. kak, V M .akclait.l for Bro k.vti b:tt>

P. M 1 Earn ingjtle for Brooklyn fi ai, I T|MIV v* >,r..*i f..r Hn. k'vn 7 \ m and 4:*(>

aa*j lor Brook yu, 6:28 7:.B aid 8 A. m andM i.n ocat'ot B, .oklyn. "i:a> 7:10, 7:M aud

1 .in' ai d ':%» P. M. Fie-igbt Tiaiu leave* at CrgeefrJer.i-y ( itj.Bagaage I bitlru '.iii'

Pre.(It* tali be Ir*

ami at the New Y. re an t Erie Kai.roadtiavee-ag. **>< Ne, IjKt Brteaaiw,' a M *

aaj be ahtail e I v e.

lb. N.h > .*

TAPPAN Eeprea.Ptk ., . - K


(A^V YORK f.. MONTRI RL, OrAW h'i. KivM \\ ,1, u

Petel.-lbr. igh *bV,'VEN it AI. Kl.Al' lA. M 4 V V. R.EHAM DJ Hl tu

NV-(¦...-..1M A. U. and 4."-la,..*.P. M The NV

H r at s-p

Kmi.ioiaIi- for t''.l,Oa-TH ^ W\m, ri. JERSEY CITYJid Ea*,,^ Li: * Lwteee Neu V,w, * ^

'A M. and4W AL

.'.af. Thfava«R"la~ föa» btfura'»l'-la 4. *aad A3 ka a «ad ID \» ACo unottai.a, mmam.«» - »i.. ......

lh» waaa, tnd A* eVlimoro 1

hrev^b b**R«*|a flhiehld ta "TJFa


II ML;i ...

a h.g

HARLEM RAILROAD. - Inland Routa.On sad sftar MONDAY, July J3. (Sunday* excepted ]

I i ALRAN V and TR«»Y, eavtn* Depot roraer of White and(r:tre-«t« Mail Train at 7:30 A M., »topp*»« *» W(!l»»yBridge «od Mail Sla'ton* North. P»,<*enger« f.»r Lebao me-priig* lahm* thU tte>n »rrive at Lebanon at 5 P. M. 55'ayExpress. S P.M., stopping it Whit* Pl.H* Neweaati* Crotox)Pal'», and Hutkin. Nort> connecting at Chatham Feur-C-irnrr*w h WMfn Railroad Expreei Train, trrivin* at Albany a:

Ml ill M. . . w

Ficm Cut Hall Station.Dovar P aia*. at 5 P.M.. stop-pi*?** at a.i Statior*. The 5 P.M. Dorar Plaioa tram »rill.^ enS»tuid»v*. run thnn»h 'o Mtlerfn; re-urni ig, l*a»« *« V-*>

A M. an Monday, f ro ..p E.' !. a.M., a-orrtrW at all Sta¬ts****, lro «n Kali» at 4P.M .topping at »Ii «tat.oo* abuv*Foidham. While* at d:JO and t, .0 P.m., eiopping at

1 orhatlle ana Station* North. Williams' Bridg*. at 7, ":«'

a m ,i:l'..t 30 5:l5,»*ndll P.m*. at all Way Sta-

Kaoxi Twrarr-«iXTM-»T. Statio».William»' Bridge at 9a.m. While jop'ain» at 12 m Pee»-agar» nay alao per*tireticke-» anO bare their hesgag* rherke.11 ,r I ti a BurJa-o andeher plaoe* W»«' end Nor h at Albany, tt tbe Corr.paoy'f*, crni r at* eowery »nd Broome-atl asd tth-av. and 2»>tb, »t.

Bin 10 Ni w Vom..Mai' I rait Uaving Ei t tietat a.M.. aid Chatham Knur-Corner! at 8:15 a.M., on theairval of the train le.viag Piftfie d at . 30, «topp-,:.g it a.lMai. Sutloi I abore Wi*' Bndge, arriving a* New-York at1:40 P.m. >'x,,r-r* Train >avr. Alt.v.y at 11 A.M. and Chat-ban. Four Cm. r* at 4 P. M Pa**en*rr. 'rom Lebanon Spring!Ii at L* Canaan at 1:54 P.m. wir . t w th Um train, stooping

> ...aiat «U S-atlcu» above WOUamaV B.-ilie. *rriri->g atNew-Toil a- r:5.s P.M. 6 A M. fro 11 D »er Plain* itoppiug atall Station* above Eo-00*01. arriving at 'New-York 1": 15 AM.' :50 A.M from Cro'on Fell*. *top|.ii r, »t a)| Station*, arririue atNew York at r :2u a.M. 4:2i' P.M. fron Cri.'nu Fall*, at Fordbaa.. 5 A.M. and 2:30 and *:1"P.M.'ron Whi e Plain*. tiopTen* ar all Sta-iou*. Fr m Wi.-Ii*m*' br dg» at 6:40. 8:30and If-jII. a..V 1:15 5:05 «1:1.5,7:15and 0:T< P.M «t.-ppiLg at a I laawm I'aasetiger* hv the 1«: 10a.M fr. n: 54 i.lieitV Bridge, and the 2:A P.M. from WhitePlair*. will be landed In New-Y'.rk at the 2*>th-*f. Sta'ion on v.

.-1 m ay A*»..v(.i wraT.7>a.n« wol eare f.r Crot00 Fall*,and ah Way Station, at 8:3<> A.M. a-m 5 P.M R-tomlng,ie*ve < rot'n F*il» at 7 A.M.. »teppin* a: ail Station*, and 4:toP.M., »top,irj| a' ah Statior* nirb of Fcrdham For WHinm**Bridge and a I Wny Station«, at 9: **. A.M. and 1:30 fJLK> Ian M, .eave William*' Bridge at 11 A.M. and 0:45 P.M.,(topping at all Station*.

Freight for Ait any re-eiv«d daily, ncti. ö P.m.. at -he Depot,corner Of Centre and Wbi'e-«t« M Y.

55.41. J. CAMPBELL, Artiroi S iperintendenL

HrjDBJOF RIVER KAlIaROAD. Ob mm immMONDAY. June 2%, Ih'.s, the Train* wih leave Chamber»

<t. Statior. a» follow*: Rxpreaa Tr^.n, 6 A. M., nonueeth g wit}Northern and W. atern Train Mail Tra:-, ''A M Tor. .»IWar TTain, 12 M. Expre-w Train, .5 F. M. Accommi-Iate.«Train. 7 P.M. For Pouahk«eo«ie.W»> k'aii 7 a. M»i Expr*». 4 P.M.; 5V»v P'ekht and Paaeet ger I raki, 1 P.M FotPeekr-kill.3: 20 and St "Ml P. M. For Sin S-.g-i'M.s A. M.1:30 »nd 8-30 P M The Bb | Btl g aad P-'**ki:. Train* »ttorat all the Way S'e'ton» Paa-eng- f. tai e-, ». CI;amhe-»,.CejiaJ,( hii-r<pi er and 31*t-«ta. BHNDAl M.-Vlk, TRAIN at 4 A M.,f.-.m i~anal-*t., (or AJbary aad Troy, .topping at all way Stav

.JoiAM L. SYKES. Jr., Sup't

New-Vi IHK null ERIE KAI l.iU >.\i') .trti atirj«Per MONDAY. July 2. 1855, und inti, farther notice. P«*»

»enger Train« will leave Pier, foot of Dn, ne «t., ** follow*, vu:

Dl NRIRI EXPRESS, at I A. M. t. r Dnnkuk.Bl FPALO EXPRESS, at a A. M., for liutTalo.MAIL, at 8:15 A. M .foi Dunkirk in Buffalo and )nterme.-.i-

ate Station* Peeeeuger» by 'hi* Train w-1? remain over mra*

a) Owegi.. *jtipro... f tfci next morningBO( KLA.ND PASSENOER, at 3 P. M., ttrom t.«t 01 Cbam

ver»«t.| vin PieTaMMgjfor8 fTeitJ** and intermediate StaounaWAY PASSENOEK, at 4 P. M.. -r Newhurrb an < >ti«vn'e

Old li.termi ifiate Sta-uro».NICHT FXPRFSS, ^tS 3ii P. M., for Dungirx ann HnS.. 0

EMIORANT, at« F. If., for Daakuk aad Buffalo, and interaediete Station*STr-AMBOAT EXPRESS,- very oay, excepting Safirtl.y»

it 6:30 p. M.. for 'H -kirk and Buffalo and intermediate Stationa.On SUNDAY t»ro l-xpr. ¦ TTain*. at 5:30 und ItJI r. M.,Tbe»e ExpreM Train* conne-t at F.lroira, with the Kimira -01»Angara Fall* Railroad, for Niagara Fall*, at Buffalo ana D-;nlitk w ih ihr Lake Shore Railroad foi Cleveland. Cinrtnnatt.Toiedo. Detroit, <'hica*o, Ac. and with 5ntt-cla*» fplendlV.i*«jn«r« de all otirt* on Laki Er.-.

D. C Mit alli'm, Qaaarii Supt.

\'1A\-Yo);K AND NEV.IltVi.N KAIEk. * ROAD -I MMEK ABRANOFMENT Mav 7, IVATkaim LtAvr Nrw-Yona for New-Haven.7 8 a. M.,

,«*.;) 12.30 32fl, 1KB and Ac.;) 4, (Fx. ) t.30 P. M PorBridgeport-7, 8 A. M. (Ex.;) 1230, 3,20. (Ac. and Ex.,) 4,Ex t 30 P.M Fir Milford, Siratlord. Fairtield, Sonthport,lad 55 export.7 A. M.i 12..V, 3.20. 4.ö0 P. BL For Norwalk-7,9 a. M ; 12.30,3 2"t, (Ex. and Ac .) I, (Ex..) 4.30, 5.15 P. M.For Darien ant «De.-wie», 7, I \. M.. 12.30. 1.20, (Ex. tnd4c,I 4.30, 5.15 P. M Por Stamford.7, 9, 8 A. M.;(Ex.:) 1130120. 4. (Ex..) 130, M5 P. M. Por Port Cheater and New-*:ochelle.7, » A. M.; 12.30,, 5.15, a.15 P. M For Rveuid Intermediate S'ttlou*.7, 0 a. Mil 12.10. 4.30. 5.15. fi.läP. M.CUBBBCTIBB TkaiKS. For Boator..« A. M., (F.x.,| 4 F. M.,F« , E. t I'-ir-f r.l ».-... -,.rit M :;. Ev .;) 12.30, 4 P. M.,I xl For Coimectiriit Klv.-i Kai 1..10I to 5t..«I A. V.r») Ptfl laral RallBBi I A.M..(Ex.,) 1130P.M. FolNew-London Ri.ilroad.8 A. M. 4 P. M Fur Houaatonic Hail-ro«d-8 A. M.. 3.211 P. M. Foi Naiigatuck A. M.|420 P.M Pw DBBbail and Norwalk Railroad.7,1 a. M.:IP M.Thai*-, in Nr.w Yon*,.Prom .1»w-riaven.5.30, 7, RSI

a. M.: 1.55. (Ex.,) 4.30,8.55 P. M., (Ex.1 From Bridgeport-i.10. 7.12 In. If A. M.. 2.'..', 11 » ,1 Ml, 9.31 P. M., (Ex?) FromPlfanralk t. A44, LIA I0.52 A bL| I BJ, t.\..» 3.25 5.45, 1«P. M.. (Ex.) From Port Chewier.5 30, 6.43. 7.28, 8.57, 11.3»A. M., 4.08, 6.27 P. M. J A 51 ES H HOYT, <up'L

Cientral rait.road oi ot:w-^er«kt./ SI'RINO A It it v N1.1 Mi NTS. -imtiiennng April 2.

,855. Leave New-York tor Earton, l.v utearnei. Red anc

i5 \ mmtg, mmm PbM Ra 2, Rivei, at 8 A. M.. i and 4Iii K ..r Somerv ille, (way,l aTbe train, connect at F.lizaitettiiown wit a train* on the

Srw-.lei«ry Railroad, which leave New-York tYom fool ofn,.,r.\,.-..- a> . « M., 12 M , and 4 and 5 P. M.P01 School'y* Mountain. Leave at I I' M. Fare through. #2.

onv o sterns Hapanmaaaaaif^ami'kn and am hoy kailkoap* to PlilLV^i ADELPHlA. tmn. IVi No. I North River .Two ine.

l*il>.at e A M and 2 P M M-n u. Inmt at '.A 51 |.jBa«l boat JOHN POTTER to SOI I II AMBOV h-r.ce hj:ar» to way piece. «ud Phlt«J«li loa Eare 25 Expreaa linlit 2 P. M., by JOHN POlTEft to AM lit IV thence direct tc

Camden. by car«. tlimugh in live hour*. Fare a3. Way, Acjommodetlon and Emigrant tdne* at 1 P. If V%t» *' 50 Enxigrant Ltae 4P. '»

MICHIGAN IKHJTHERjN RAlLiiOADLDTEirl -Tibi«daiiforCHJI kOO,ST. i.oits, Kansas, andall tmtotm We*t and South-Weai. can obtain Through Tirketaanil all Inl. rmaiioi. coaomin« route* fare, be., eitle-i bv theNl 5t TORI AND EU Ii HAH ROAD, or NF tv. Vi) 11KENTBAL RAILROAD I \ ai». .1 «'inp a' .)<« <V>mp«nv'» ' -

4oe No Rnwdwav.roi. Dey-st.lOM^ V POKTEh. Oenera, agent

iTeN NSY EVAN lA KALLROAJ . I HREEI DMI.V THROI OH TltMN.i BETWEEN i'HILaDELPH1A and PITT.-1H UOH Tht MORNINO MAIITRAIN rave. Phi'a.1. Iphia f. 1 Pi't.bur«-h at "4 4 Al. andreave. Pittsburgh tor Phiiadeiphiaat 7 A. M. The FAST LINEleavr« Plii.adr 1 Ina So Pilt.hurgh at!.' M and Ptlal.-r.hfot Philadelphia at II M. The NIOIIT EXPRESS T|it?>leave* Philade.phla loi Pittsburgh at '1 P. M. aad Ptttshu ghtot Philadelphia al 10 P. M.The a i\e line, connect at Plttsourga with I he ivai.roao« 1«

and fron. St Lmii* Mo., Alton Oalena and Chicaao III.;Etaiikli r.t Lexington and Lou «v-tl e K>., Terr* Haute M».'.ibb) L* Favet e a l loiiaiiopo'l* Int.; Cinrinnaii DaytonSpringtield Heilet,.titaire Sanltiskv Toledo Cleveland, Coinmbii* Zane.ville Massi lon. and Wocwler. Ohio; al»o wit>kj BtBBBt Partei iKiata troro and r« New Or'ean* It L-iui*Louisville and CincinnatiFor rurthet part.ctiiara »ee nanrt hllia in tn* hole a of irr«

0|M. PiKsei.grr* w 11I lind tbsftaM *horte»t. .noat axpediticii ¦

and con.fortablr route between the Fast and WestThrough 'Icketa can be '.ad at either <' «ha abnve-mentlnned

place» Bl IBB 55'r.t or ofR. B. DEAN Agent. New Jersey rial:".a.l «


Coi.r'land New Y. ra

J. Is, ELLlCOTT. Agon.. Penuavivanla Railroad Co.No. 2 Aatorliouae. New York

THOMAn Mi 10KF.. Agent cor. Iltb and Market »ta

New -York. A pnl b>. 1.15.5. Pbiladelnhin

I ie.n nny1 \ .\MA KAII.ROaD..Tbe OREAlI CENTRAL HOI I F., connecting the At.antic Cities witl>5'e«ti rn N. 'lhw. .tern, and S.oi'hwentern Stales, bv a eon

snuou* Railway direct Tbc R .».1 a.*.. BBBBBBJBI at Pit'.«burg>. lib daily ine of "»teann-r» fo ail pom on 'he Western River»and at Cleveland and S«ndu«kv with Steamer* to al' ports ot

B. Ni -thweitern Lake*, making 'he m .at direct, .-h'-aprwt anc

.ellal..e n it'e bv which FREH1HT esji Ne t'orwarded to anCfrom tbe Orrat WeaB,RATES BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA and FITT"<Bi htm

^.^;..rpÄ^- »

tkfOBP fx 1*1 BaaAl *ud Statlouerv, Drv )

QciBabj, tin b»Je»,l Hardware Leather. \ one, per 100 BJ-Waal, he. >

FrliKl l l ».v-Auvi:., Bagging. Kac, » and >P. rk.du hulk.l Hemp!le..I"6, *** 190 »'

Col »it. Iii... t otice, Eiah, BPork. (Pa. ke.t.) Lard and Lard

.n ship; it,.- ...... 1- tr tu any point -aat of Philadelphia, be parKu it -.. u.stk the paekage via P. .ii.«v'vauia Raiir " AJ.... - B ssigned t.. the Agetn. t l hi* k.<ed st fhi,a.loiuoja fj1tt»butgh, will W Sirwarde.1 sri'hout .leientjon.

Fail'.11' At., vtv .5I,we* Pottri tl.Mton. J. B. t t

rfear-Yrsrk; kl J. Phi aleiphia. Magraw b Ke. o*

Bal'im. rr, 0<-o. C. Franciam«, Pttrai.arih; Springman b Brown,ftiinuia'i. Ohio, J. S. Mo.. he«,l, LouUvil - Kv. R. C.

V :. Rvc.i-t \ ' o.. "h. I. .. M J «Mitchrl' k Son, Evaiiivtlle. lu.iiana.Far 'urthrr ram. -o*. 1 a :a.« app" '.

J. L. ELLIOTT. Aceat Peaxe» Railroeu t o.: atC. B. ALLEN, No. t a*tor Hoiue, New Yera.

H H. ttOCSTON. O-tera' **reigh' Agent. PhUadelahiaH. J I.omh4fkt. .»upertntetident. AI'o.rna. Pa



iwvii.y iii mi i>n s.(st^ed uLdn the Seal Sanct on and Aut-otity of

THE 1 NI\ I KS! TV 017racg mukini

AndP O P I' I. A r km . W I. k D O e.

CbartereJ by the State of Penaylvania, April ». ia\53.with a Capital of aian,c«'o.

Vainly ft 'i.e i:.:p..e i a:re.tu^( lirriii.. .".';..:-.o-s* andV5 ort'i.e.» N -sttum*.

also.Por «opplyiog 'he Commnnity with reKab'e Rercedie* wher-

ever . competent Physician eanaet w will wot ba employedII.. aartratioa baa parab»a»d troa Da. JOHN R. ROW vNDh t «J.tatrd kowands

TONIC m Ist T f. r a-ward af twentv . year* a* tue o:. y r-.:e and

a«fe cure forFF\ EH \N|) ao' E, AC.

And hi* inestimanie R. medy forH o 5% EL i > vi P 1. 4 I N TS,


Wbiab hijb.y approved a-id Papalar R-anedte*.TOCXTtll* WITH

The I piv-rutv'* lo.COMPLAINTS OF T.1E Ll^ '-C

The rniverakry'a Kcr=-dv S-rDY-I"i'-IA OR INDIti .SlMN.

1 e t.-. »r«.'y « R, u.e.1. <ODSjTIVl Bowl i.s.

BsVBBTke t^IVERilTV'S ALMANAC any be ba-i. »t . \c Blanch

D»; -, n*ary, or Ihore ofC H. RINO John « B.asiwav N. Y.« I H KEN*.K A tat, N0. «t bare ay¦<.54 S DUN'IAM. N» 476 Utoadwey..Mra tUYS, firix-kiya.

DR. PERRY ¦ VERMIFUGE.Or. " Dead Shot" for Worm*. A highly valuable prepay

.it ct.cpiU' from th* pr-jmpotuje of it* of cim-ingthe *y*t>m in ¦ few bctus if every worm. Thi* preperetSoo B*»the pecu.ler edveaiatre of not jtJy d-*tr t ri-y worm. be«elao uf prod Lang e baeRaj ecti-.u of the ttoo-arh and other orMM of digeetioa. then by mai.v complaint* en «inefr n, a C- r*:.g*m. l: I the ..< .:e*:.i P.- e Z ,e-.:a perrial. Fotialeby A. R. A D SAN IS

No. ICO KoJton. c «nv-r tVuiiam et.

L'Oh THEPIl.ES-^»lt7XTl'llAM S KLECTT7-m. AKT en irtrrna. remedy i* a certain eure for 'hie diarr*.**irr end danrrrne oompleint. For avrme of the mar ertonientnecurve **e pamphlet*, to be bed et the Doe'of' medical "ft. e toteonenltetioo and 'dalre. No SB7 «Rr.-«*., W door from the Bireren between hcwery an! Broadway.'A Til .T) <. ir *-» ned era-.* a e .».<. t C

my i^/jr-t :ery which hee recently made >te appeareacc ha tea

city, ^Tne genuine bee my ntneture on the ontende wrap? t

written by me with a pen The e nnter-u: hee a petn ed far.'.mi e cf my rigrero.-e end le aery eeauy duunereiebei from threer.nire. The r. untetfe t prove* to be e n only arsrtnleee betebeclo'eiy Injuriou*. We particular therefore and aec ibet foe

ret tbe g'liume. which car. be obtevmed at the prophe-or'iomcaNo. 387 «ib et.Sd door frctr Boar-ry. be-ween Bjw-ry ana*broedwey. end cf C V. Ci.ct.jner k ( o., No. 11 Barr ley-at.


Mr. KENNEDY, of Roxnury. baa di»en*ered in en* "*

»n mein paefnre-weeda. a r meoy :hU care* E»E~Y KIND <t*" MOR (n«a* tA» arort' Bmmfmm aweie fe oca****"* /'i«t>'He be* med tr ineover e.eren hundred ea*-»«. eia never tel.edexeey.* tn two re.*.-*, both thunder humor. H- baa now m hie

Batata over two hu»d-ed »niieatee of tu «eine, ail w.tzis

twenty milei of Poeton.Two bo-tie* are weTen'*^. to rtjee a nnr«mr «or* na .ath.One to three bottle* erhi oure the wont hind of pimple* 0° lb*

fere.1 wo er three bottle* wui eat »r the .y-em f bi'ea.Two bottle* er« warranted to cure the wo ret canker in the

south and atomech.Three to five bottle* are warranted to due the wont caee of

ervalpelee.Ote or two bottle* are warranted to core all humor In the

.ye*.Ten bottle* are w*- tr.:-.! to * ..» rli.i..i.i V.« ear* ard

bi .tcli»* un..t| thi hai;.r r or to U.U..* are warranted to cere eoirnp' and runnin|


One bottle will core *eely crept ion* of the tana.7w o: tbre* bottir* ate werrae'rd Ui cure the wore* eeae of

ringworm'1 wo oi three bottle* are warranted to care the moat deaperata

ea*e of il enmatiera.Three to tour l,..r'lea are warranted to cure aa trbennt.Five to eight bottlee will cure the wnrat ceae of ecrofub*.A benet.t i* el«-e_ve ipeneneed from 'he SaM bot: e, et.d a per¬

fect cur' i* ». arranted when the ebore quantity 1* takenS' thing look* »o traprobeble to tbo»e who hare in rain crvi

all the wonde.tul med.'-lue» cf the day, a* (ha° a common weedgrceir.g cri the pa*turr* and alont old atone-well*, ehou.d car*

every hurr.or m the «y«* -^i. ytt Hue fixed Let- It you bare e

humor, i: Bat 'o rtert lentfl ere no if* nur an.le. hum* nor be'*about it. fuitiog ei me cere*, lut not your*. I peddled over *

thou*end hoUh . cf it la U-e ncmi.y of Botton. I knew the ef¬fect* cf it in every caee. It ha* a'reedy <L>ne eotoe of the greet-e»t careatttrdt.t.1 in .'!» a. bw 'U *at. it t, ten a

rear old, to olJ penn'» of aixty. I bate aeen p<a>r, puny, wormylocking chi.iln u. wL'av- (le»h we* *..(! and Cabbv. reetored to a

perfect »täte f by one bottleTo iBoae wbo ere am jer t to e *o k heao»ciie i*. »«t.« wto

elway* etna it It ri'e. »r. v r--ief in catarrh and diaaineaaSome mho have i*ken it ii«ve be. n "«tiv h i year* an htvebeen regulated by iL U here the body if aouud It work» quiteea*y. but where there ia any derangearrent ol the fanctijo* ofnature, it will ceu*e t rry unguter feeing*, lent yon mutt not beelamied; they e'wey* disappear fr.«i four deyr to e weeAIh'r. i* never e v. . tr :n it; ot the Contrary, when thaifeeling i» g.-n*. yco will feel yoanelf IiLj anew person. Iheard eomr of the gaoet extrevegent encim:uin* | f it that eve*mac .i**rn'd to *

I...¦ d ar iiON at.i» KENNEDY. No. »u» v. -.

It . .rt, Jltra Price tjj|.\\ bot» *:.'. /.g i t f i New-York: C. *. CLICKENEk a t;o.

No. 81 B, nlay at.. CHAitUM 11. T.INO. Ne. 1« Ur.-vlwav,A. B. A D. SANDS. N HI w, .....:. M MtSH dr.vis ftCo., Nn ISO Ote.uv.Kh- f_. St HIEPKELIN. BROS, a Co.ITtiW ... n. *t.; llOi Da I'Al'l .C anile r* -t U KU > \ C...HI I ra. Hu.- t. M. 1.1.¦ St iN IK 111 11 INS a To.. No. 1« Maiden-lane, HAVH.AND. HAaULAL A RISLEY, Wen-n*t.;W Altn i lose «i Cm.. Maiden-lane; Me*. HAYS, Brooklynj.t,.i for aal* al r»Uii b* all re.,.. tÄi.,e llr.^^aWt u.'^'U'- <r 'ihrOnion.

\\ BI8K1 RS oi MUS A !HES proiaeei InVI eix w< rk* by mi ON'IL EST, which will act atain our Iniure:be*klo. 91 a bo't e. Seat to er.y part of the conn rt.

H (). ÜHAIiAM. No. Mti Bro*d-.vey; SPALDINO No. 21 Tremi nt-row Botoc; BltlOitS. No. 37 Stat '-«t., Albany.

AT . SURROGATE'* COURT, licl.l inanlf.rthe Ci.untv cf New-York et the Surrogate'« OfUe, in the

Cell of New-York on w I'ab .lev ..f lui*. in pba y. ar U*a i-

eab.l eight ht.n.ired eel rifiy-five.preaent Aleian-ler W. Rrevl-f.Til. .- on..gate.- In the out'tar of 'he eppoeatn.n I t m i.

lr**e or Ball the rt al tatata of Bll. lil*>AH*ed..Oo readme and füiri* toe petit, a of lOHNPäAISKR,tbe Armi'i*trr.|or i f ib.- e-ta'e ..( BALTHASAR h AlSER,lele of fbe CBy of New-York, deceaaad, for ea'hontt to tnnrt-

gere. Iraee or eel! the re*i eetete ot the eeid deeee*-d fo* tae

I eyn ent of bi» d* l-t» it i* rr ifred that a'i pert tjg r.tert * ed in

tbe eeta'e of the eaid Beltbeesr Kai«' r. deeeeaed, epp er before.(,. .. ..... fftmm I eLt, of New Ycrk, et hi* oft e. in'haCat] 'New Yirk.onth* 4th dav of September next, at 10i'cIi ck 'n the forenifao of th*' .ley. then enl there ta »howcetie wby autlu nty ebot Id uot be r.veu to th.- «>id Admmi*-tietci to n cr'gege ireer m eell eo much f the real attate of the. aid Baitheier heart, rletearcd. a* alii b* at eveeeaty to pav h.«dtbla JjH IBwIwI A It lMlltmRr. flllajtltI .N PUHS1 ANt I. nnliT nl tl.f Mirr..i;afi> ufM the Ci'tinty of New York not c-i. hereby given to all re-r-

aona b*ving elalina ageintt JAIOII RDCRRX, late of the < i'yof New Nork, deeea.- il. to pre*, m the earne, wi'hv. .

thert of. to tbe iubeeiiher», et 'heir place of bti'inea*. No. 836th ev., or at No. 77 M**t0B Rwn^ln the Ci'y ot New-York, on

or baf re ti e .aoh day of October'next..Deted New York, thelAthday ot Apiil. IkAö.

SAMUEL RI't'REL. 1 .rf.n.. o..,._aMlewfniS« Ck RLS Ii L< n lit EL. 1 .*

IN I ÜRSUANCE Of II nnliT ot ÜM Surr.«.' it*M aftl't » i.btv efXew-York. n.ate. .. her I.. ... .. t. ill

pemna having claim* agaiuet FREDriRH K A. (.EiOIkRD,ia'*' of the I i'y of .New-York decea*e.l. !¦ pre*erit the*tw lb vonc.irr. thrrei I.'o'he rub-rnte r«. a toe other ot E- .1A S.nytt r. No. 8? Bn edwey, in the Crv of New-Tetk, on or be¬fore tbe tenth dey of AuguetnelL Deteo New-Yo:k,thrcigtithdaj- of Eebruery, 18VV

iA.MES S. SLI'YTER, I ,... .

lOf lawhmS MAROAR ET U.i.En rl ARD. * AtoinurtratorB.

IN 1 URSUANCE of an nr.lfr of the Surrn.a'rJ iftaaCeajBf] .f n w\,.tk. l it *

pet*, i>» hat .eg c.aiu.i' A MES M. Sill: LE a f

i ity of Nt w-Yoik. .1. c a*. J. to |.r. «.c law eaafea, wiib vefefawWBti t it to tbe au'aani't re at the . ." of I) or»e H. K .««.

No. IK' l*t-*t.. in Üie li vof New York.onoi bebre lie l.*bdev of Aaguei nexU.Defe.l'New York,'he9thdav of Feb. l«JtV

OEORGE H. ROSS, A im.;.v.rat.te

frlonwf.mS MARY McRORLRT, Admiai-tra na.

I N I ncslANl I! of tn order of the SnrroKtto ofR the ("onrtv of New-York n. trcr le hereby gives to ell perei ne bevir.g c iitt.i egetcet MAHLoN DAT,UM f the City ofN.v> York, d.r.«**cl la pre* Lt the **me. eVteal * näherethereof, to the eut*mb*r*. at tha etore uf AK KAUAM B.SANDS, No. 141 William et., in the City of Nuw-Ynrk on or

before tbe eigh'b dev cf Jauoary ueet..Dated New-Ytik. tha.ix.b J»v cf Ju.v. Ikan,

ED « ARD M. DtY. )ABRAHAM B .SANDS jEeeentor*.

.jTliatail W ILLIAM r TIII RmTON, Jb.. »

JN I URSUANCE of RR of thf Snrri.i.'atia ufthe County of New-York notice te hereby g-ven to * ;er

a i . I «t i s tmm* egeiret JOHM MRADT, iete ot the City ofbew-Yrrk. ri-c-aied. to rrefBt the tern- with vouchare ;-.-.-*

of. to the enlect ber* et Lie rfafldeuce. No. 133 Mu.beri).«'-.. ;u

tr- CK] ( f New Y'ork on it tetorethe btb dey cf Jenueuy ceet.-DeteJ New Y^ik tl til- dav of J t. -'.

jy7 le«6mS FRANC IS BRADY Ad ti ma ralor

IN PURSUANCE of an order of the Surro^nteof the i oui.fy of New-Y'ork, nwiee i* hereby giren to ail

peteon* having rleime again-1 JOHN i l.ll.vE, la'e of theCity of New Y t rk d-. eaee.l . pre», nf th-»em» rrh v i :.-r*.hereof tu tue euh*crit*>r e' tbe orHee of Bel. A I'.*. E-;a. No.HJcJkBat..kBtkatCRy f New York,i ¦ or before the A b daytf November Bei'.-'Dated New Y.ak. the Dth d*v of MayllvoA [n ylV levttJn .-( WILLIAM B. 1'EE.N t.t

IN 1 URSUANl E uf an order .! the SurroiiateA of the Cuutv of New Y'ork n. tice ia h reby given to all

betine rleime egeinet JOHN WITTEN ate the( it v i f New Yolk deereatd lo pteeent tb* *ame. with tooeh-er*'thereof to 'he *ut*e*riber, at tbe office of BarneyHumtbiey A But et No. Ill Bi..aiway. in the CPy ofNaw V. rk. cn or before tbe tbirte-n'h (Uy mi Aaguetnext .Detrd New Y« tk. the yth r!*v of FebiBary. lANi

fell levttn.S EL IK Wilt't N I *.¦:.:-.!.'ra";i.

SITRE M1. CorRT-Citt and Cotititi of New-Yik. RAMURL It CHILRM feai William R ROW-

LAND, execstate of the la*' will and '.¦.lament of Heana \VO.i .'..dece*ve«l.*geit.-t THOM AS HV.IB iNiiTtiN end MARTC. hit wife, A W aiien Sudth. Jama* McDoateab aetd Ana. hi*wife. I ati*k A Btiwen end Atoa, hie wife, iioretio Mey anJMat! a. l i* w.te. cit.»h en i E ea T Oroah, hie w.fe.(it.igt R. Biopby end the Roman Celboiic Oip an iaylamiutie (itvo' Sew Y ra. Sumrrona for Relief (Cuei mvierv-il.To the oefeooent* aleere named. Yon are hereby *ummonedend required to anewer tbe complrint m thi* actv-u wh'c i*

filed in BM Crttce ot the ( erk ot ur I :ty end i ountv if NewYoik.atlbelity HalLmeaid titvt: o -erve e copy of youier.wer'o'he "aid comjKStii'on ti- ib c ther, at b:e ifR.e »I

bo. ii t bun. be.a at. in eaii city, witbm twenty iaye efeervice if' hi* eturmcn* can yoa, eaclueive of'be day of auch *er

vice; and if you fail to anewer the etiJ romp.alnt (rttbia that:u.t efo.'ff Jio, Le \ li :i fla in tbi« acOon will *pp:y to th* Coaertf r the relief demttJeo In the e*Jmplau»t. The *e»l complaintwe* filed ik the »aid office a' the >aid Ciry He.1. on 'he ^rmrn-

teetrth dey f Apnl. one lboai*ewd a-itbr hun.tre-1 art' Sf»y-fi»e.Dared April 17. leAS. PHILIP MILSPAt i. I

ivUlewlCwS* Pleinfiff*'A t. rjaj N i. Oaeneera-et.

CUPR1 ME 0 >U1 T Ci'imtv ..f 8O kOY vi. (. ROSSfagatnat 0EOR0E RuSS. -To \he *b t

named dttit lakTl sa.-v u e.-e iaia> . am nad V> aaewvtkt c n:;latt in thi* ertion whic'' .a a ed May M, IMVthe otfite of the Clerk !'Sul.'.tae "

. M .-i.el N. Yand arrre e ropy al your eaaeerer oa a.,- t iy office m Jefferav.t.lle. an eeiil cicty, within t*. ulv na... mm t'»-' etrvloe af BB

a u.mei * . l, 1 ..> t .».. f *utb eer»»te. and if you faf. ai.awer the!atM a* aforaavaid. tbe piaautilf wul i«k

ji ,.gn act foi the *um til one hand ed *.. . ar*l .Datele.a .7I1AAC A ailr11 > <

j*> C law. wS A'i rcey Rai ?lt*

eaJCI \i) Ml. ' IUI 1 CeMIRtJ Si tfRO.-C WILLIAM H ( l RTL- kM - 1. CURTIaOEOROF ROSS, "e tae, ekvvr^aaaeaai d«iVad*c' Sar-Yra. r- ketily taaiuett t* an*» r be coto

w w.. . < V .* JS. I K, in tbe eteace tf th Cie.-k 'Rarbveb Coatty at M u cello. N. Y.. axel eerteac'Df I vo»er

ti tear ot b e at my oMee in JeRer* avil'e. in said C m f t,

m,t' t twa o'v iaii ef er be asm. e of tLe* aaxoBaaaeje. etc earve

f tLe dav ut «i ». vtCe ol f v. i. e to -.

p'titt a* »forv**i*t ti e Pt* .Lttff will lake laeUme it f tr th-a*j u

«f.* i .n<ii«d aevi ä. y-«ix o.Niat* and If *-l*w eatkte, vaiaiMav SK, |H\ ISA AC ANDERSON

,.»awS Aitoraey f »r F tJ«.

Baak I partmbrt, Srert or Nrw Yoaa.jAlBtBT lula ii. MR »

THE RANK OF COPNTNG hat thia day filed.V lM- ri .. . e ot 1r *n .* ¦' : r ''

MERCUL IaRR C F TROY '.a the ry "f T*>1. M Aa-ntfr 'be r- '. m|' ', 'rar r -u.a'. .* n 'lev atetb * » -.'

ee-bno'th ap, oibtut at of TH «*ECH aN OHrllDI-t RS' BANK ot albaay a* *a-h Aayen'. agr 'BeM* ^ .,,**'ut ed " An BtJ tai emea.l be e» vrrel et 'e rel\tujg to loeoeri a-tt-

ed Pack*. Baaki: g A*» eutb»*abd i»aiv.da*l Be .kera "pa*-*.Aptün, 1UL M. eCHOONMAREH. SupctieaeWeot.

THE ANGEL.Wmmw HeotKcU HVril

.JTht itSorjId'-t thou fear the ancel. Death.Who wait* thee at the p tais of the «Atta,

aVsvdy to lie* away thy prrn.-.'linr- breathReady witii pnuit Band to clot* thiue »'ye*.

How raai.r a trat .,a ....! La- |i-h .! »»».,FImJ ir'adiy from fierce p lin ati.l pl-asunvs dim.

To the ettn al spleMlor of the dav,A tin many a troubled heart ati.l call* for htm.

Write too t. r.itf r fur the battle h« reHave »nru'd frum life, us bop.1*. Iva fear*), it* oLairna,

Aid ' lildrvD. »hnd<t< rui* at a world so drear.Have, emiiittr, par* d away in'o Lie arms.

He whom thou fVan'-t will, to ease it* pain.F.ay hi* eld band upon t.'.v a. n_- heju':

S5 i ».»othe tl'O "errorr of twf tronbr>*d brain,Ami bid the shadow of earth's k,rief dt-'pa/w

He will tnve bark what ne at*, r time, nor tnisrht,Nor paeaionate [.'.ayer, >>r lotuiiii; hope r»>tore,

.Dear ar to lout bl.n.i . >e» r» cover'.'Hi- will pivo bark the*.' wh" have ifobe before.

0, what »ere !ife, if |.f.» w*rv all f Thioe eye*».Are blinded by th tr tears, or thoo would at soe

Tl.:- treasures watt the ill the far-oil" skies.And Deat/i, thy friend, will ,;ive th. m all to thee.


From Putnam t AfoalA.'* for Augtut."They have Ml np considerable of a baby next

door," aaid my frit-: 1. who wasabaehelor, a* ha eatn»»in one eTeuitii: to talk with Lue, in thoex- _'ow day<,v. t.en nn l had tiivie to talk." Blera BMI -aid. and that wan all I «aid, for it doomed to me i?

Lad t een notie in uti incredibly short spare of time.As I eabftidt d it to my 'hou.hts, Parti subsided into hisei^ar, and we did very well. I coutite.1 bac«. then.otitha my neighbor, a determined fell >w, a car¬

penter, and his new wife, equally brave had nr>vedinto the next door, and I RaM tha* i wae a year olderLi w thin th'-n. and that th-re was a new' crea'iotiwhich I had knowu noiliing about til! my friend Ltdaaid "they have pot up consiib-rtble of a baby nextdoor (" Hi- ppoiteof it very lightly, a* a vodh«; man

mit,ht,ai>d smoked on. wtitle I tt*otig'it of it aa a tnau

a ho " had had Umm)m should, and who poudcrtd < u- !ithingo.

I waa old. Indeed, my wife had charged that mybnioi.cer tiit reai-ed out of pro- union to my wi* io.n,which ii.i^ht mil lend ton diff'n-ii.-e of opinion!..;.!. l> t tr..i*e word*. .. they have

np a baby,' fame back 'o iw, and they s-t-med t'i 1110

loniMaw^an I WtTsMawa] WmmVmmt WtJ n.'igb-1 ore had i-n r n Ii' eta*j u;-in «hat thry ba<l Jone: forI wea eOP', HB I now reim tub.n d wn. 'i I w*e

\ outlet, I had t.ot; lor i looked upon my Rob a< a Baalt« rot ictir-e.ui.i t' lie raun', bu* uot when he loft.may God keep hia rout! and now a new ehil 1 o^ienedtu tue the patee of the pant tin! of tho fut in'. Thelittlenebulou», pnlpy, utirhnpiu thinp, led me by thehand back.bnek int* the di'n nvion when' m irybail no pla. t-: w> eu I lay, an now Uie ne* baby in the

j ntxt lioure lav, ualpiteiin/ with new lift) and light;rtiikii't: out l iiiidiy wi'h my -mall hV», nml ^riwi a ut inietj t-Iindtuvs, whiih hovered trouud iw

tii-it, r. t-iu 'o i.ow.i und aUay* ».-a,** I. Ir. rl. 11 at euch imee, how I tnurhtbave be' uchp.tlod orillei iim tl, -r ii fool,i n<l my panjntr.dimiler've.l (lihl " 2" 1laae, aini rü. riti. ed uie to tin- d- of tlriiiK, or anyiil-re-.ulnte.i auibitiona and | n«-iixin. in whieh 'To vif*iiidnlpi-. It i* trilf 1 aan a littlo kniM .-kne.-d andhave a stoop, bot 1 eon-i ier thmo are aristvietialifl, and|k rtniti 'o oi l, h, et.), if ii.e in;,i Mi*; and eo [aVaTaWhrovM-lf for the wt.nt of that etur ly aVlwatfth whiehhovtie iiImiiii tlie low-l.uiiiili a mid »hiH'kn *U» *». .rt-

Oitnt of tatty voting l.-nii. .. I!y jiu^o,' one of ourt.-illt tt nU'i «|mkiu:> -l ln>\-tt-' to-ay. who f;;i I a le_'aa mVfO an a devi nt ttian'e ami and an lo k| aa a

rtork s, by jitt.o. there e no tine'aKin^ tiiat Ithj]. Iib» loi n*U> (VlP ehttll '" und unit did. and I a'ii dav))wük ot Inn ttithi r'a eon; f>r tbe head matched the> mm. and waa like the hird'a, BM Ii lull and ii-lie br'inn.Jh.ite i.oi etu'l.t d anatomy, nnd eo I may be wr

bill ae hja fee' II» ver ifii-w, i, we.e very tiirrocv mi

rniall. even whi n he not to bo old eiiou.'h'to vote, bjbjJ»i,« »hat i- ul ed « ihm ii. rn> onelu-..iii le th t: tin'blood never uot all the way 'town thoe>- loinf leg«, butw 11- .-pell' .ibetlt the kne - wbii'.'i were very I'ir.'e, oftouive. Hut tb'm' two le,.m mn* to Con^iive, and

one vote in favoi of tie! Nebroeka bill, an i tlicndi-h| | . «ied lot' ». r

\5 l.iK-vir aill iti 'lowu to Seven'h-at or Sixth-.t,. or

into 'he Kouith W Ud, »nywl ere iini ni^ tin- te;n-.n -:r

Loumb, and toward evenioi; »titeb die ehildr- n Bikaiwarui there, ami notiee how 'nany BM »vuii, an t ho*/here ainl th« re i-1 a eru ch, at a club foot, or a wiato.1neee, or a bleated Ojo, hit. heart will treiiilile- wrJi re. ti-- but it will aUo i ip.iud with tliaiikearjriag thathm lurih and hojhood mmm) nut there; und he will goht>n.e, ne I do, md ^'o out in hia yard and hold up hieIna<t nml atratahteii hm back, Hin' mi ig a'iout binftittie, ami lump In* Io.-h ii.-ei .-. joy I.e-i-.-Jf, und huMttjihlore will rn\, " hue th.--i ul UTttl world, wbictiLap lunar iiifluene-e a d lu.n e, gravity, and m'at a

aa ite "ti". mid ia aV lieeted at the [Kilea, ever Been eo

ijuetr a Blüht ''

L*-t tU'Ui, oh! man; but do you enjoy your lineb'.«') ai d work wed lor ite ealv tin i.

Hut Walkn » new baby waa born in Mindi, andthat I did not thete waa an impropriety in it. thereason war- ot fi'.it waa rude anti UaMaTeHaW. VTtoO,the li'iie-birde on the 1 ttb of Kebruary, f n tnatle \ aki.tii.e a day, nnd the nroina of the love le'tertieott'i " tl .. air, mi that tl.'He blue birda ¦. in nunf d,tut U.e loth tiny of .Mirch ia nobo-ly h day, and I tno*rof t, win. I: kIkiUM mttke It 'l -ie-lid tie d <>' '" I "

h.itu in, m. 1 wt nl'i tiot odvi-e it, hut u.* it w.ia uiv

11»ti* iii^itl"' * ti'-' bal.v, -he infill w.ll overlookthi m thiittre, whieh a person <d exp-'rieiiee w mid cou-sn er. I a ou'<l be boru in I tin. .I, t.n ate - _-! . a

inolith, so lull of prom lav; whi n tlie bloe-o tiH ure ahow-ii.ji forth their l.i.iuty, ami every bird mid every in-seet, aril i oi in to ii> w life, ia rioting in tiW.a>-tS andlii-kuj^ out iteeoul; when tlx- bre» iy landscape ep.cidout babta you, Ilk jow heart with lonaitii ton youre>e with tean>. when the hills, lymp in their hazo of

tl cr, batlied ar it were with eofieued sunshine, t arrypeat* to the over-aoiked mind; ar mm IM tmmWt r

aea, ÜMMch the iMg sohjrioe, rata>rMlaM fj iriee of thesun and r-ky. nno ar» taiy kimts the rou^h r... ks, au 1muni.ur- ul IM It.Imite, then.tbeu is tbe t. u»» to Ijcborn, am! tl;.*e who read fhrfataBBI nnd have faith innie. vi .ii hen nit. r r« inemb r this, and be> gtataM by it,and mi do (he va.. rI<t -nine aervicu.

I l.n.k of the i la ;ire« ahi.-h will be dOirueiriMtyedon that si.btle brain when the blue eye flr«' OfmYtaii.ewiih a-omler upon a .lu n-1 euii.nt and, a* ifitnutieo with tbe beauty of tn*wau<l »fritse and -ky andriver, of l.i'tl ainl blo-rotn, iheey.a atat mgmmt in a

Ion. sh'uiVit r, BL.l all that vision m a.«eituiU ed au 1ko« s l oursinp through the veins, a* any otie may *».«>

abo wati hi s as mothers do. IN ho «up;h>*e»i tbtt <neii

a Ci>t f ia^bt is ever forpottea or lost I.not Puiuam -

Lot I.Tl ink bow full of sunshine a little life miatht be

which f.I>t felt the ilitjue. r-1> of tke genial June eilU,and breathed into its Innterfeet lun/s, first breitnsf oui air ee» nted With apple b aawtMB, mtlmmt bhaxs and

i Ii in *.tliii.k 1 ow tlluiia.'!- would expHiid aud gtwWin srch life-, ivini.'air, and b'n-o.iw. full, r» teeona t

aim voeavl witt.inu*.0; for a moment whtt a uti^'|a how they te.ei bmmm |MlfBCl every par:!<. >. of hebloixl wl ieb cours. a'hro. ^'b the blue veins and blusbeaon tie che» k of your, *>i;l,..ut them >ot,'»ir», ai d 1'nrndun would bave be- n e immoa,feeble Wi wiJt Ihem 'hey eu ra "ed theworn' '.think of there thiiif, E. S.. an.) rt-ineinberhow few -erwt.s are bom ui Ju«.e, mm how tuauy inI »t-c» mbt-r, and ecast- to wo .wer kaa**«r v Uie pipingvoi. ir. MM faces, small fee* early .jeaths of this

I feLeration.Tb»- wottd doea move, as ore Galileo one said.and I

I nottoi . ate now at. i then riAo- s>t; one sa- h is tuat aneu tan M "uly o^e mmrnt w-'ll, now a tud, r>)uudb ai. iiiii o «ryih.iic we.l |,\.. h ¦ tune e ou^b. a-idu.e one llll" tunt 1 MaM to Am '* Ml oake tu A mi-

I tiac, eLd lor mSmt rer>. n U.-e -e I arint to novo

Lad'.-Dav iVoDi th" .:'>'.h ..: H b Mi *ue Mfe 'ta*Jao»»;I take it I i-an put mv aWakka' » a where 1 please inu \ own A ti.aLu- Sww. so c Mar .n.'t-niti 1- d .ian |n ay say, "On t utthenLürii'maa ".oo'tr^iurenir .t!''

I I abc*.Ht eapert I- would Hat Cb- iat na* m r\% t.;j,e S-.iL Decrmlfria tie ptN»^ tiuK.aad L i-lj-Dtywill h' r kbt w.' en 1 ttiineiu) Al ii'iiv'.

The baby is an animal, atwi «nouH aiat'i'y '«s treat-

I ed aa en. b; hot i' is an animal in whumi lies ml ten a

MaOtatl SOUl. DaUaM 'he tilB' per.») i' «!>->»<; yetth*- .erm bevii»<o act»»' I. -ending throc.-h that liv n/

yet i|L*e or^ntiirrjj thaatw- mtilt.^ii« i ti-.l 11 "UV nerveBwl ;tt, are tn a s'-rt the rjut* of tbe soul. Miti-ew,d>o> and va, m MM mi (M «;*tit, a.i-1 as the inrtK-rai's wa'chiui she see* a aa.pic:o.i of saiTi-n'tii poi

I aw«y, bb*J a Umlaftit lieh:, alinoat a SJUke, pltf ovrcr

the Li eo. rcioas fa< < hk *h>- sunshine which chaseelaw -laV ows* tl.'>- IwaaaaW ( Ivl i.

1 t.r . aby is an atitiuai. an-i so the c ikl shoald be¬st .;« OeVollOti. Ob the whole, B o iwi lie to it body.WhrL»\er uiu see smartebitd'en, orstQd.ou* ''hddren.or pious 1 laldrt-n M aure th:it sotnetl.tng is wnniL',and ..ot aetpLf they nie early, Uiey wouH <row

j op spindlii j» and wee.|y. Look oat for, and bolJ lastb> Ogooal rolli. Vi'ier' Gewrew arl.thvdo* a cot care a tnati for its mind or it* s-ial art's1 lo-Lea, I at bar a keen *? nae of the oaxevwity of fre-qaeLf t ioD»ra, ann lore- naps, and ia a true **y >afit"

j at d is not aa1 am eu of t.It r w, i, u> reu- uiU-r that th.; owe' pcr'at" cfat'ire,

tbe laW of all c-ei. ur-s, In Q*f*eDe* is the m'»si t.-l;i-I Mas, and .hia he pUaruea* him to «ifjroweb*' aji J

to drtr: for what we help we lore, *n 1, in lire, who¬ever **fk* happinese tiiwle it only in helping otlV*re.It hat been thr fashion to despire too it tilwrot'ir, and every eree*! slioul 1 btvtn <*''-h Juti*** to it,Apam, beanty bis been thornjht to be exceptional, a

tort of Beam trifl <>f it »11 wrong: for beaut vif the normal conditio«, and b<-anty and health are

*v r:on» n out, and jntt .<> far at we re-tore marakiud to

a'codlik' condition ot healib, we b.-i.ia: bock toaaatrthtbe beau'v of the t'ltrein. and so aave hau<i*orae w«.

met fioffi tailing into utttr folly, aihi h*tid*i a- tuen

f.-«m Fe'.isnitni or ted worabip, winch it.-dev..-y» orthip.

lint tlx- new bahv v*t'. door impre**ee<l rue; au 1 theSwidinboMian* would -ay *?.a: wat an in-

flux. I topioe for they always do. and aeeui to hareirrt »f tAtiafactn .i ui cilW' oi<i tlnn-gi Bf, a im w rvaioa;*a> I went up -'aim and put tnv ear to the wail andlitti Ltd ff. irt aouiMi: Im' I uould uot h> ar. on.y feelit; thru I wunder»d what it w**>.a r>oy I a bJWwhat ' and tr,.-n I laiii»».ed aoftjy; fori rena»mb*r»*ih«»w Ba-tioy Mcl»earv came Lack fm ti h:urei«tii**r inKnatltiid. and a neighbor met him and taid. io an ex¬

cited «ii:¦. Sur». row, Mü-threat Marlory hat a b.tby.'Ah, row. John.not the stud Hartley, turpri-e.1.

and a littlo f-laied." Yft; but what do von think H ia?"TI i* waa an uiiexiari "ed 'ju-«-'ion, and eaii«i\i per

plrxity...Oucrt, now," taid John...\Vtl;-a by.'. Gurr* ac'-n,' taid John, enjoying hit ignorance,

"pneaa a*.in.'" Muybe a nirl, ti en.". Ovh." said John, much dii*eoneertod. "Och, ye

naeer. somebody tonld ye.'

He had |k»o«'t»»«-.| ro ini{>or'.aot a fact in two ^uettea;I would not vijjture upon W alker * new baby m that

way, and rrturm-d to th" ..>¦¦<¦¦ :i,.' i -.*rc,K arner»

Co:;!! get a brtatn of Pauls ci^ar. If I ever shouldrueer*>it in iteMing a ^'reat deal more money than my*hari I until to hire a atout Herman boy, who d"Canot can- to live long, to burn a Irfle toSaceo for mo,for itt frapraiue. in tbe B**t**MB of jeaaaminoa and vio¬lett, it a re.itf *o the monotony a/ the afreet air; but,at preaent, I mutt troat to cane* and Haul. I suppose it is not ehaLce; but it teems to he altogether to,whetLer a child ia a boy or a tiri. Wo have no

knowledgt of tbe law. and, then f>re, have no tmmXt Jover the reau'tt. Tina I have reason to nvret, for o k?of my uncles had nine daughters ranging from rive t .

fifty; and it wan my miidortut e to have to kia* thema ,i, ,,r.e da;. ..%. al .>uM do ... w ,» a au priaa' to

him, for be raid: "What » devil of .i tello-v you av

for kitaini:'" And I tl.otit'ht .'What a devil of a fel¬low _\ou are for daucht. re' ' I h*vo no d.oiht he rt-(rretled the one aa much na I did the 0 betr. B'l 1 trooidnot have liea-un nad he known 'ire end. aa I would no*.I venture, therefore, 'o etil tho a'f" of etnme.;t

pbyatoloi;iata to r? it* p..inf. for. in n,..!».> onya, iei co ra: -in k- -I . »otld im.) the w if« re, a n. .v :. 1for i x, (oration w ill U' re. . iv. .1 wi h tlmuafalueat, andtdieaa of plare mav be tmr-ented to me and I'uruain,for whiih. in .nivain-e. I rendi r our rhankt.

Mre. Walker * hahy no' only led me into the d pn t. iv!.!--, iti,. uiemur) of «ro.xl aud pie ttan'thiii-avt thoin- out l.kc white miK-rtoiioa hc e andthe.t a.onii the way and ex. ited in me a lovu for t\wpi-.*'. Ml li a\i|i;.|iihy with tlliac ynuu^ reaturea, one

of which I have faith to ba-lia-ve i ou. e wna.ilio.i^ntew mt^h' la." lereurul'd of it( mmmt h.aar irrnuiititledami edgy I have conic to be in the jar and no'ion ofthif city.bou*!ering fir wealth: it not o.dy did (hki

I (if I knew whe'.liirit waa a bov OfaVgid I should not

epaak of it, an it. hut if mad" me poml-r upon the

pientii, Hinl a th'nie of ta-^rv:, I tlimk, p-itae.i over

my kiiuI, t' at 1 too, who had hi en *<> full ol (»naibili-tu a, had yet come to ao r:iiall a -Kirfonuance. ilnn Iten.! ndia led Low the hat'» fill tkea-peare, a little u'-i«u-louH mare, witti here and 'r.erc n spot of li,hr, hadatato LvpTtred about Warwickahire, and 1ml dnnviifrom the I rcafli of ntitnro tuen ricl.ueaa* au I ra lilaVCO, ami lim! rotiudaii into a boy under that vniledrky.andhdd uxiiuihitcd evcryihii,*r good und gnatlHici J li arai.t «ti"-uli'iie, ao that he lilii;*. ll iMine to

n -i r: iiitcriK'ntin. Vet, when he ^nt launchedinto lea orl'i' hewrta a jaior player enou.'li, M4 a I titllttar, but he on tv the ct<nml ataia do, adentlr,nmait.j BO WbiarB, hu' fonrver working, and tnnun' mi

the world Uii'oiitih nil Hina>; and we ye gt-o Ilia li^ht,while the tnr m.d tinder ro. Kc'a. !vin,t, popeB, andcentral*, hate tliithed out a :d Hi vatnr<ti"d. 8o,too, I thoti^'i.t of the poor peaeant l»aby Uo'iiu.who to led al.otit ..ti the I'Uid but t lean tloor ofthat Scotch b> th e, anil Icttiti»-«! ot m tn and landat he iiiild; but the Wim ows of hit an) ,1 .v. i.

open, to that the liu'ht «treamed in ami a wept ttiotintii»'", and foith came melrel.ea whieli neith r I nor

tin Woil.l . oul.I ilo without, je' he, too .¦..¦m.d "

biuirt if to buve pnant d away aatl h it no aign. And( ii ti.wnl, too, l.ort, in l.iueoltialiirtu.-vhat a haliy hewa>; NnOf, jetBOttkUkti pulpy an an^, a *fj loved 'iya moih'r and eliriat« ii>-l On vor, with lou±r, whiteloll . r juat like aiioth. r chil l.liow li iroua he Knew,

ami how eiidtirino, aim how doinaf and dinu^! Yethe eh aa d l it eye» kmin in-' tha' BaylM t, for w lndihe hud o ce hoped to much, wouhl re'urn to ita kin -a

Baal tin i. oia. and wallow in dc.r t>la ion tut it had tie-foie. I thought of many mote, a lon^ litt of *or*infr-BMBI and 1*1 ti .¦ crowda of wottny te lo*a whoao BMtOII bud never In nrd, and 1 tai l, but not aloud, to Caul:" I'hi ip.I'liiiip Wally*, you were a baby onee, hutNotiar.-a kinnfti now, and it'a yoar butim aa tothii k ifoivl thou^'lita and tpttik i»ood worda, and do(jood died*, nod to -ho»- hor«a:a. no v you may beliovothat you ouuht to apeak in a foi u n, but you havoi... etotjaak in: you may think you ou^ht to ah apena lout, but it ia not. you are to nhape, not Coiirtiiiu-tiont. I.'t rui li 'hi iv a i.o and do well the work .itb&i.d. and apt ak a goial word to Walk'-r w hen yon can,Ai d e"jo\ i..ur ^....,i thought.'', and n un BktM r '.hero ma (Sod, and a loni» bereft and plen'y of 'im»s No*,Unlip, jou dot. t ^et druiik, and a Rood many itli.i ii at \\ arlai itton do. You don t cat, 'did yo l

tin', though, slight that iihoe to aav when yO*J IM in

n hurrj ')but ra b un» in Wall at. do you ihm t tw»;-iV't with vamty, Fhiiip except on rare oeeatiouia, yetat "i uV ^^--t OMtVJ do, ail th»'irttile, nii/htttoo, on it is reported; and, above ail ttnn^a, l'lnlir, Ihi.|o *OfJ i.on t lie, na poli'iciar.a do.for, if vou do,you will certainly »o tin- do,;* or.'li« devil.''

Hut thus kind ot telf eommuuiou, though very pleta-ai.t, ould not ba toi.tiiiue.l f-irilier with proii'., y.after it, I b. ii've I liked Paul befta-r thouxh h« didMnohe and differ in oi.itnoii with me upou every i'ti-portant'a r ai.d 1 ihouacb* that, por-ihly, he w»* a

really ch var tellow. in spite of hut «piiüngou my tloor,wl.n b, .juat then, he ilid.

It tnurt have t een a nie.- thing to do, to cast the ho¬roscope for a chili, to consuit the atar. and to practicetub.tie and myalic,¦aa-ua, and so endeavor tothape or indicntc the future our.e of ttia' no-a/ elitoe-lert tiling lhi-f *a* aometlini^ w«-ird a:: w in 1- rlHJt:l.. ut *h .a: uicl f imala w.Ut 'heir chart* and theirahra.'6iia'>rtt*. and their towers and t'.iir vi^iit. 1ibosld ''um!» have had mil e Ottrt, and I should <oto a (otlaiii' .. r now if Uie b'ec-d were not sunk ¦.«-

Leuth couti iiipt. l'here was about aytroloirers thetau e i.esy way of gl tun*; aloiiK- a« Llicn- it ahout thstiir.tnal Mtri* of to-day it BkaMO Qo tiud of diff rem e tht- thin^ kTM 0a1 to or not, it was >p>rittainI thai wa* enoiitrh. Si a. I sat there on my ttep IBaVwaUtt 1 »oulo eunt the horota Ojae of the tiatar ba'iy,ano I dn w a pa-n'u.'on, and 1 i;ot Sa ura Lato tha astj nut. Btatj I mot iU Urn red do< and the whi'e laily,ai.d it secmcal Moxsvitu in o, position aad lurch.. lo«lp' BM lUl h ll.ti» I *as g.'tiufc ou very woli when I ro-n u.hurrd I did not know tie hour and the .niuuvwhen lie Lady was Btxtw, neither did I know wh ttherit wi I a ho; or a *.irl, and -o all wi« OOtifuaaOtj «kfaiu.Vt 11 atoa pb a-oii' to me la thmk that the new lit lec i.iuro ii .ia. tat well U> otne a prhle aid a glory 10 tljou.o her ti nt had bor;.e it, and a prop m 1 a-tay totbe lotteriiie mmft oi tha' fair, ou spoken Waiaer.1 00 Lot like to ion-. a>t ti e future wnii clou It of tor-row, and as 1 had »ritat i;oufide:ice in the father andmother ot iha: < h id ano at I know full well that, in

BBH car** out of ten when children an ood it ut the1 olsa qua no- of diaaeaaed, or btvi, or inju ik'iosit par.-nta,I bm lata« 'hat ti.e Lew hahy was a hkasiaig now,and wo'lo lea -atiafaeiion forever.

1 have a cunoua btioa>iKnw7, whnii it that thoa^hI i.r.. 11 i'.'it n 1 don r i,e. d t]i»m. and I th 11k 1 liteo'LiT p,cpl- a beater than my owu. I am not fond ofd . ir < »-r» Bad ra-tp.*titibili'y, arid when 1 wat a 1 had al oti.'-r peivon'a ' Xpenajiii e. A Very j ,dyF' aeu'leinvi waa in the auge who overdo .redwi b kii.'iüna-ae and Kren- li sympathy, and in but po-Bat 1 ¦ ami no**! natuie he horroae 1 a very due andjo 1. ba y from i a a^i.lier. tn- y aid v-ry w.-Ll for a

while, but 'he roughLtat of the road I suppose, or tin;Fr* nrl man's aurpriaing LtrHnaia, oiatu. Ireu tho diiiucrol the baby, and it poureai co »tu the, baby'a ehm aadslot tf t'e ^ei tiatuau 1 trow a. 1 he .. ai.J fo*;. a-io.-ig-atid, and he Ui tV i the mthj iowar>i its oaxbtw,BBjiw .. Mu nn.r. -nk'- your 'eetle tbild; I am aiavjiiat

' I have m-ver 'aken a baby from that day tofan fat I like to toti u th> m, formt ü>»k t end 4 dUoJay 1 he n est deli, loaa texture it the akin of a

black or mulatto baby; it it satiny and fine, ami toe

tru> Lei. mat pica:.11.ny it the il ivk child, at any one

aha Lbs Iva*] at ih» South kooars, aad hev a-rokeua

gtvat deal of love from the wnib-e till rb»\v free > ne old. .... h to *a II, and in their mo'iasra s»auiewja: lou«r>-rthan that.

I aniiot leave this »a'je t w.'hout a tyaiaaitip; allu-fion to one ttf tbe pb*uoaaerta ot tbo imj. Home tiroaears Bft) tliere .> at a tpontatueout outbarat of baoia-a

I hr w .rH w at statrtlaal *iih 'ne report thatfor y Laviiif wets collated at Colnmr.ia, ami tüatthere war a *'Eab> ftbow '.a uew thnv in a>ci»l aci

the report of whioh «>ni dying abroad from one

en." ot tie world to tbe n'j Periapt 'hat waa was ai Vetat loteranle..t vt* We»t>ni; and so *raa

my entriacat on my way ; .. . M t..tu...'.. 1'

I»airai,le I wat a viae-l to *»« Col Cro/han, thanw »t of th» Cav»». ba>fa)re a weot down, tud SO I 'lil;bu; 1 Lad Mt| bark ru UatU, flight of tiitj C'aro iaxb*}

ovrntd may more than I 99*34 i a bos] being owned,ata *p»ke of tA« prio« he pail for it and then mmo-mxtod other Cav.e. whe» I aek.-d, " "hy, mo you«wt> Bless you, 70s, I own fifteen Caves" .

Bit«« me, enough V» . »hall yet be shown pri¬vate cabinet* ot mountain*. 1 sappoae. aad herbarium*of osal sab. IB. lUmum. the showman, in iet'atignble,¦BarrupoJuua, deurmititJ to have ex<v\l-;. i rrpie». i '»tive of the audacity. eot*x^pri»e»: of tl* people aeizcd tbe B-iby 800»- e**rd aad»t r-sd it abroad tu nv.! n ar; :be maternal iuotioctwaa roused, and from far and near came together (3thJuso, :- ¦. 'a- hildren and !«an children, twin*, trip¬lets, qaa.iruple'a and what u«.t lai»d toey m>r« crowdedS where the heti-coetpa were laat Tear, with the fat lad*ajad Ike Ve*rded Ivly. and the <iant lady from Matue,

a, I'vc-y mother'* so* tat thi ..». and the dwarf laylyfawn Michigan, and tl lyoad the PüningPutang. ana men and w>iue. «, n r*fa**y*iad kj amongtl . 1... 1 too aod Bamam ron'.. tSO,000 by it, and iMw(iii*v« Aid) hurrah hr him' tbe tin* fellow, to

whom, pot ha* ine t*va th-- Scot ihdd. I gave myptize. Tw*.s a disagree hie, if not a lisgiastiug ahow,ami 1 ::t;«t a il ev.r >. repeatedThe phihooehie. physical o'lieralixarion V» be drawti

from this *l ow, aoctlruintr to the clever Reporter ofThe Tribi \e, ia, "that a handsome baby must havea handsome mother, that she must have had two cOi-

tbal si e must live freely, take geiteral do-r \- n «*. M levei laud, and that ber husband

u:u»t l>e a r»><k-4«*»«ta-"0m more thing I mav meatiou, becarts" I think it

ma\ s'rike minds oftho«e al>out to marry, a* worth/of Vi ry m i»t»woo*>aideratii>ii. for nobody ia *a*V.) It«I . am . at there is a f>aby born with a beard!

laafjhmtm\ Bay yosnag maaida» My l****t wonts are,and I am a mild" man. that a baby is a complex aad»\ v...rk fan. Wbawvaa aooeooda la perfevt-kag thai worv d. serves a'i praise.wh.sever pro-luce* afSm mmi diseased child should at once be put to deathwithout talk, txio evidence is complete.C"Rvt. Rirv« .-In the .reat archipelago of tb«

Ks. e. k a: d l.'n k I- r he Marshal Islands, as]th< y «ie m-iiii t.m« * callol expending at ri a i.iaoa oflour or live hundrtd milce, BOt a atnuc or fragment ofa lock is to l»- seen other iliau corai; all the o d landa,with their hard rocks, have diaapp««red U<ueaih thesea; and ao valunlda a* v.-n Uie smalbat pebblea ofhard rock thnt ahei.t ver a drift tree 1* thrown ashoraon one ol the islands, its root* are instautly searched,aid ntiv 'tie i.'iito 'tn^letl thereiu aiw

carried to thechief aa dtwite Motu? tw totlj.' c- >wo.'II e a»}e< t of "Mfolls. as they areeaUed, ia

peculiar. The .Urk clem- biue water of tbe unfatiiom-ableo, em r>.'.Is around tb.-m. kept in loiijr üouüe uu-

daiaikma by the perpotaal breath and tmpuTs"' of thetrade-whnd. That kmar, la/.y awoO, meetin,» suddenlywith 100 olk.fru. ti m of the atOOp wall of fie reef, Hftot*« 'i in'o vit.'. »ide, cotie.i'iou* riitfe* of blue water,that, riahag likyjat t a'-d hhjaor, at hist 10II over and fallOB tl.BtCI e if af the m f 11 broad catartcta oft.niii th.' gnOjt rlaag Ol ¦oiow-white surf thus envi¬rons the w ole n t f'iiitiss 1 vit i t at the leeward oponiutra*foitninit a well ms'kiil boundary Isf'wi'en the deepbha it t! e 'C at; and e t>. ;^h: ¦.rasa-prni'n wtterofthe tun i|ttil nl d .oni|wir ttivelv shallow IfttfOOtl iti«ide.I I fe 011 the run; of the reef are inaariHod bybeaebcaol tllllailaa. white tattd, eovereti with greenbojahaoi om often afooraad i<y the pliant stem tmlt-etitU waviiit: .!'.. _-i ic ful. feathery coooa-

jialin. I l.e eU-ments of the eceue are few and nililple;vet it 1- ..; ,\ i-.infill but in.wit iin^reaaive. TI10

tit. ..i Irnsl >'i tbe color *»<t«u umler a tropical sun,w ith ihi bit: iici p say ovcil ea 1 u..d the lev piled up,motu tail oils and stauonurv clouds, looking like toweraof woolpacka, which arc cfiaraeferistio ot the Paciriitlioiizot:. plaOkW s mid sntifti. s the ey>>, while the mind

tit :...t fail to be moved with the eontwinpla'tou of- ii iMtt ilerlul reeubs e, :.-. .r._- t'10,11 the apparentlynntiuoiiihlic but 1 .-rally united, action of Uie greatt. reel wi t.attip'. The jti'V tut« mat diaturbing agen-aaM hi I tba i'. -'m Lire aottoa of waves and win.laare tnui flu r at <i* liui a aad overcome by the vitalet i-r-i. s mmi t ow ers of euch on iisi.'iiitieaut animal m*a litt* oh p.Ti e hi. h tslnti'ls of the PawMe, whether surrounded

by nn em it. ! "i. barrlet rief or not. have likewi-e gen-erniiv BiauaJI teuture« in c.minion 1 lu-y rise int.1 loftypatJta and ridgi»in the ¦lariat*, k;rasn grown but bareof tin s, trom w hich railiate many butln-es-liko ridges,nepaiafctd trom aawh other by deep and p ecipitouaravti i 1 that« pi 11 into valleys as they proceed towardthe teOv Km 11 radiating MM has iui *i 'ea also cloaelyaid .'ii ply futto*t«l by rocky |lotw thnt run-traigbtft. in .-.:... tt i'her .-ul.' into tbe valleys, nud eachMi ifti tjtii od« in a crng^y prouiontory ttiat juts intothe kcii, null dark precimcea of .lurk roek m-ptriitingtli>- v hi . vh from each other. < >vei all the lower parte11' tl .- ii Bl a, ne well as iti the depth of the valloya audi nvinie, epren.l dork, .iiiiliriigi oil* lores'*, while grovesof ....... palms, baaiboo*. breadfruit* and the oroad-looftd I nt a: a BXiBOd BBtBtB IM BBBIO OOOO BtTsj leveltracts I'. .1. r tl eee trees the iui.a ,it.mis build theirbu s, til i\ ti'e Iaht ir Midi M aod 'end their simple and

I: I. m;..I liv.s. It stielt nn island have an enclr-lin_ rt :' :i e lagoon hi tween it and the Und forms a

II a ijinl tea In ke or ill Hint hai bor 111 which ibfl nativeamay Oisport thems. !vis wl.ile, an the roof often cloaeoin upon tl.e land and cu's this off w here the precipitOUBdividing IIdgM tbad bound aot h valley atriae into tlio..11 it I...! iit.fu ipientlv In pp» us that adjacent valleyshove 110 1 any im Ilm ii.'itmn e.ther by lauder water, and uie thus apt to form isolated district*,il e inhabitant* of which «ro often at enmity with each

Dublin ( diversity Magazine.

I f 11 II 1.11« t I K A 11 Ito.tli AitlDfST 01 THE NtVV-rmtt ti.i: Kaii khai)..One of thowe dre-tdful aeei-OOhta, the hare reeitnl ot wlm b causea the blotxl to

111 le in 'In v.i.m, ixeuin'.l .111 the Ne v I'ortagollailrotvl, MOT tho foot ot PlaM No. 9, 0.1 Monday,MtwfM g and 7 o clink, F M Ib.-locnno'ivo Her-cnle» |i ft tbe foot ol Plane No. ", taking oil board be¬im, etaitiii kleberiy p'irty on Lhoir wayI.' n < Bj I pro. eiiiiiig at a rapid rat«, came upon a

laiic sli.le which bad occurred nunng the afternoon atthe esbt end ot the .h ep ut, near tbe (bot of PIomNo ". TaploMWafjoa II n* rapid MWM paaood overthe si. '., tin 01.11.i.,n throwing Uioet. on eia d downan embaiikmci t thirty baa bi»b, the loeoinotivo fol¬lowing. The t. i,d. r ami h train of ears attaehetl were

j ttiteil from the lo< olnotive and r. tiaincd Oil the track.All w.-re more ,,r Is** 11 iuied.and William llerry, a son

of Jaook B* rrv, of (lay-port, ageil about 14 year»,was a net bor tbly mangled and instantly killed. Thefollowil I is the est of the ii iureil:At B DeArtoit, doighMr ol John lieArm it, fatally

ei al.ii d. Jemima Loiipt, a young lady residing at Mr..i. I»eAimii », severely injutco, Pn'ti r DeArmit, aoaof John lie.\i mi', foot nuinebed, Marv Hrivbaoe, ae-

verely injute.i internally; Mis. l/m^anecker, wife ofJOM Laaa^MdkOA*, (iaysport. badly bruiae«! and cut;Jau ft Jones, (jaysport, sevtrely l.ruiaeit, Eli Yixler,II iglaai r. >e\. rely braised and arm scalde.1; Kiebard>'t l.i 111.on), son of Ed. S. h. Ilhorn, leg and shoulderhrtiieed an 1 cheek cut. two (ierinan girl* uttned lyjn-». mover, ore a leg bfoken and the other severelybiuised; Lacy Lowe, BeMghftat of John Lowe of(l.iyejort, band iniared, Daniel KoeooVr, leg hurt;Qooraa Crawford, fir'man, head cut; George Aiighio-lituitn. sli^litiy bruised. A numU-r of pereo 1* wha» en-nn tl .. ensj ears afAehii*. imwle iheir eeeape byjumping off. [HoUidayaburgh I Pa. Standard, July 95.

A Ct"i tot 1 IwiBiriJBO tan Si.tvB C*si..LastW n.ter a tinehiiii.' iiidivid laJ apjicareil at the WmmmrmMHouse, called hiinsell Norton, -uid that be owned a

plnrt.-tti 1. aill I lillagMai, Kv.,hada huntired rtegroea,wiel ed I« buy blanket* BMtMa%a*l for them, BO'I to

11 [ ,y a arhoolHiaatcr for the lietn fit of hi* slave ohil-r> n. He displayed him*. t- .om. lay* ran op a

ktfga I ill, at.<l myntenouely disappeared. f)n MondayIm B| 1. ared aa itiyste'i' tisly at another hotel, go-

mOthft name. He stopped at the SpencerHouse, gave hi* name aa Clinton, ni* place of reailsav-o.Mi B*f)hlS and l.ia oecupmloii Editor. He was aooom-boabM by his oriah and a m vant, tri. During tbe dayhe preaeu'ed a U- ier of intr'Mlu. tion toGen. .Strs/ler,wl ith n . tortli that h was one of the Ed . a of Tae;>l'>ifh,s Whig. .Mr. J sharp of The Rnqiirtr wasin amt r<<ogiiiz<d Mr. N i-tnn, alias Mr. (.'Itnfon, and) >t'i him nrn st' d ami eo mifted to jam. it turned out

rvaal | am- d Mary [> wie, and wasa slave of Mr Jacob s>parrow, 01 Loadaville. Mr.sha'p. alter th*. arrest of (.'liutou, expiaittod hor post-t...n 11 r. a. d Satan d. if *h<: MM to stay in <>liio,

10 her a situation a* nutsc-kirl at his houae. But.Mr Mitiru informs ua nothing would suit heir but to goIn'k i" Ml ma-ter whoabesiid trea'ed ber like alady. Her haucs . id not indicate that she worked,BM I n rr i.k waa full of |tOOd eiothea. Mr. H. osco<-U

I I,, r to the bouse of .Mayor lloyd at Newport, whereB*ai*»od ui.ti the raa:i-boat atarted for Louisville

rostarday, when ehe Hri» osjdod borne to her master.[Ctacinnati Comiuereial, Jaly X5.

Jrsr I ike Tna vt '.A sailor who bavl befriended t,v to n-, v. bo bad lost her money on her way toI ¦1 ntu.- *..'!. ha* ela-esl in the evening,was arre*t--o tor L- irg intoxicotad and seutenood to; ay a fine of (10. I'lie money which he had in hia

1 a r.esfly womao bad ao nearly ex-booeted h'.s " pile fiat be <onld ot' raiae thowiodand M waa eent to jail. It having bewn elevtriyproved that he had behaved in the moot gooerouan.anrer to lie des. .tute woman, and that bar friend*,who bad the n eat*, beglecti-d to atay by Uim ia histumble*, the eomnotitoraia the 0A00 of The RaeJut-ter Democrat raised |M), got Jaca Tar out of jail, ob-

1 s.*e L.11. to i.i.t'alo, nnd gave him BK'h agood name that a tirst-rate berth wa* obtained forhim on (.. Lake.

M'sjti. Dmv Ottovj A Co. »nd Q iwtsn ST*-': Or.Bira,¦apply the Mum n. t-litlon ol Ths Tatttms V *i P. M.

Mr. W H Warcat wUltappW *s2 frisnat w LITTLE Pai UtwTa Ihe IkUCXE.