Libras de Amor · Libras de Amor Rosa M. Mendoza Summer 2009. Apaneca, Ahuachapan The town in which...

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Libras de Amor

Rosa M. MendozaSummer 2009

Apaneca, Ahuachapan

The town in which the health team, including myself, stayed in during the week.

My health team at work in rural villages.

A home visit An educational talk

A nutritional consultationAn “early stimulation”


A cooking demonstration

Making toys and rattles as an“early stimulation” activity.


The children

And more children!me

And me… with a coffee plant (western El Salvadoris known for its coffeeplantations), carrying out an educational activity, tallying the number ofchildren with malnutrition,and eating greenmangoes!

The beautiful landscape we were blessed to see as we traveled from village to village.

The team

Aimet (our doctor) and me Leydi (our nurse) and me

Yvonne (our nutritionist and me)

A typical meal (corn tamales, corn on the cob, and a “corn based hot drink”!) at a mother’s home.

The team: Enjoying a typical Salvadoran meal

Our host and me
