Life after Hummingbird: 7 tips for (W)inbound sales

Post on 13-May-2015

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Google's Hummingbird update has confirmed one thing: buyer behaviour is changing. So how can you give your company the best chance of being found online? Here are our tips to attract and convert b2b sales leads. For more info, download our free guide:


TIP!Life After Hummingbird:







Why do customers visit your website?

Most likely it’s because they have a problem they are trying to solve, and they are looking to your business for help.

But since late 2013,millions of websites have seen a drop in traffic.

(A whopping 90% of searches have been affected.)

But shhhh, it’s ok.Buyer behaviouris changing, soGoogle has too.

Research has shown us over and over again that just about every B2B purchase starts with

a search online

Instead of consulting a sales rep, they’ll simply ask Google.

(This has led to their biggest update in 12 years.)

With Hummingbird,

is trying to get better at listening and understanding the meaning behind what users are looking for.

Google Search I’m Feeling Lucky

Unfortunately, this means what USED to drive prospects to your website may no longer be getting you results.

Boring ContentKeyword Stuffing

Article DistributionDuplicate Content

Link SwappingStatic Websites

Inbound methodology is now fundamental for attracting and converting leads.

In general, you can boost your lead generation by offering prospects high‑quality content that is relevant, engaging and addresses the problems they’re searching for...

Wait... huh?

Don’t worry We’ve put together

7 quick tips to get you on your way with (W)INbound sales

Consider yoursales goals:


Fill your toolkit with content to nurture prospects through to purchase.

(Think along the lines of attract, convert, retain.)

Understand your customer

cust‑om‑er(noun) a person who purchases goods or services from another; buyer; patron.


Your collateral should aim to address their challenges.

Consider asking some existing customers, or lurk relevant LinkedIn Groups.

Why do customers need your product?

What are you helping them solve?

? ? !


language.Think about

Hummingbird is geared for people, not robots.

BE CLEAR. Consider alternative phrases that describe what you do and that people actually use. Avoid jargon-y content where you can.

Go beyond the blog.



Content can take any form, whether it’s a



Get your content in front of the right people.Who knows, it may go viral!

Good luck becoming as viral as me...

Be strategic. Find out where your prospects spend their time online, and engage with them there.

Hummingbird looks for social proof that your content is good quality.

Keep RegularKeep Regular Keep RegularKeep RegularKeep Regular


There’s a direct

correlation between how

often you post new content (such

as blogs), the quality of your search results and the amount of traffic and leads.

Set regular regular regular regular regular regular

regular posting schedules and ensure you have the resources to follow through.

Don’t give up

if you don’t see immediate results. Blogging has a compounding effect and requires commitment.

Convert your traffic


Once you’ve gone through the effort of creating great,

compelling content, you need to give your prospects a clear path through the funnel to purchase.

to promote an offer, demo, or even just more information to help

them move to the next step.

Calls to action (CTAs)


Don’t be dull. Informative content doesn’t have to be dry!Be relevant, informative and engaging and Hummingbird will reward you with traffic.


Want more tips on attracting and converting leads online?

Check out our free guide on B2B lead generation for a complete list of tips and advice!