Life cycles of some plants

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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What are the life cycles of

some plants?

Plant life cycles

A life cycle is the stages through which a living thing passes during its life.

Life cycle of a flowering plant

A stem starts growing up and roots start growing


The young plant grows leaves to make

sugar for food. It grows with flowers.

Some pumpkin flowers make pollen. Other

flowers use that pollen to make seeds.

The pumpkin is a fruit that contains seeds.

The seeds can become new plants.





Life cycle of a conifer plant

A seedling grows from the germinated seed.

Seedling grows into an adult tree which makes small pollen cones and

large seed cones.

Wind carries pollen from small pollen cones

to the large cones.

Seeds develop in the seed cones. The seeds fall when the cones open.





1- germinating seed

2- growth

3- pollination

4- adult plant with seeds

adult plant with seeds


germinating seed






Other plant life cycles

Strawberry plant.

The stem of strawberry plant can bend over and touch the soil. New roots form on the stem. Roots grow into the soil and a new strawberry plant forms.

Dandelion plant.

Dandelion plants use their roots to reproduce. Their roots send stems up out of the soil. The stems grow into new dandelion plants.

Kalanchoe plant.

Tiny new kalanchoe plants grow from the edges of the adult`s leaves. The tiny plants fall off and send roots into the soil.

Ferns and mosses.

They make spores instead of seeds. A spore can start to grow when it falls to the ground. This forms a new fern or moss plant.

few weeksone-year or two -year



