Life of Lord Buddha

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Life Of Lord Buddha

The happen of Buddha looks like upturning the overwhelming bowl,opening the pot, directing the right way, and holding torch in the dark!

Sirimahamaya, wife of King Suddhodana of Kabilaphattu City, dreamt that the white elephant came to see her and gave her the lotus.

Sirimahamaya, told her husband and she persuaded the king to do all good things, after she knew that she got pregnant.

O n the full moon day of May, in the year 623 B.C., a noble prince was born in the Lumbini Park at Kapilavatthu , on the Indian borders of pre sent Nepal.

H e was named “Siddhattha.” which means "wish fulfilled ". After he was born, he could walk 7 steps and declared to the world that this would be his last life and would not reborn again.

When the king knew good news, he sent his people to pick upthem back to the city.

The great ascetic named Asita smiled at first and then was sad . he smiled because the prince would eventually become a Buddha, and he was sad because he would not be able to see his wisdom.

Kondanna, raised only one finger and convincingly declared that the prince would definitely retire from the world and become only a Buddha, not a universal monarch.

Queen Sirimahamaya died seven days after his birth, so the kingassigned Mahapajapati, his wife’s younger sister, took care of him.

“Don’t attempt to play with me, if you feel tired, I don’t want to seek for the happiness on other distress” said Siddhattha.

When Siddhattha was 7 years olds, the king seeked for the high moral teachers to teach his son all the subjects.

Siddhattha sat cross-legged and seized the opportunity to commence that all-important practice of intent concentration on the breath - on exhalations and inhalations.

King Suddhodana was so worried about Kondanna’s prediction. Therefore, he would try all the ways to keep him closely.

King Suddhodana decided to build three palaces for his son- one for the cold season, one for the hot season, and one for the rainy season .

Siddhattha save the injured swan from Devadhat, his Relative.

When Siddhattha entered the horse race, he wouldn’t use the whip to hit the horse, and let other people win.

Later on Prince Siddhattha was sent to study with Visavamit who was afamous and well-known teacher during that time . He gained distinctionin every subject and became cleverer than his teachers .

When he grew up at the age of 16 years, he got married with a very beautiful Princess named “Yasodhara” or “Bimba”.

One day, Siddhattha asked Channa to pick him up to see how outside people spent their lives.

Siddhatha saw the old man hadn’t slept, because he waited for his son, and the women waited for her husband. They were worried.

“Channa, why can’t I touch him? If he was sick, he cannot pay tax to us. Why can’t I help him?” , said Siddhattha.

Siddhattha felt sad, when he saw the farmer whipped the Buffalo.

Siddhattha asked Channa, “Could I and Bimba be old like that in one day?” “Yes, of course, sir.”, said Channa.

Siddhattha asked Channa, “Could I and Bimba be dead like that in one day?” “Yes, of course, sir.”, said Channa.

When prince returned to the palace, Gisa saw him and thought, “If any woman can get married with him, she must be very happy.”

Siddhat tha played in a sunny world of gardens and groves, attende

d by dancing girls and musicians.

He lived in a world of plenty and beauty. He could have whatever he wanted, yet he was not happy. That night he saw his girls sleeping

like the corpses.

He thought of all problems he faced with, and he told himself that if there was the problem, there might be the way to solve it.

At the time he knew that he got the son, he told himself that the noose has happened to him. He named his son, “Rahula”.

When he was 29 years old, h e journeyed far and, crossing the river Anoma , rested on its banks. H e handed over his garments and ornaments to Chan

na with instructions to return to the palace

Here he shaved his hair and beard, he thought that his parents might be sorrowful, when they saw and heard about this.

He thought of good foods in the past, but he then made up his mind and had will power to find the truth of life.

In the palace, Bimba felt sad, when she knew that her husband went away. She had to take care her son by herself.

On the way, he found the fracture-legged sheep, he carried it with him,until he reached Rajagaha City.

The ascetic Gotama, suggested the king Bimbisara not to kill the sheep for his long life. Finally the king told him, “ You are sure to become a Buddha, but when that happens your first journey will be to my Kingdom” .

The ascetic Gotama approached Alara Kalama and Uddaha Ramaputta and expressed his desire to lead the Holy Life in his Dispensation. He soon

realized that there was none capable enough to teach him the highest truth.

For six long years the ascetic Gotama made a super-human struggle to practice all forms of the severest austerity . His delicate body was reduced to almost a skeleton.

Hearing of his renunciation, Kondanna , the youngest brahmin who predicted his future, - and four sons of the other sages Bhaddiya, Vappa,Mahanama, and Assaji renounced the world and joined his company.

For six long years the ascetic Gotama kept himself lonely and tried not to contact anybody. He stayed at the coldest place, the hottest place, not wearing the suit.

The children played at his body. One used the stick to impale his ear,one threw the dust, and one passed his water through his body.

He sometimes didn’t have anything to eat, and he had to eat his own faces instead.

Later he realized that it was not the right way, so he began to beg for the milk from the child, who reared the goat.

He thought of 3 kinds of wood, the one that suited for making fire was the dried wood on the dried ground, not dried one in the water or the fresh one on the dried ground.

He heard the musical instruments, and realized that the cord must notbe too tight or too slack.

At that night, he dreamt that his hands could expand to the north and the south of the ocean. This hinted that he would succeed and expandhis religion worldwide.

On the full moon day of the month Visakha, he who had attained 35 years of age, was sitting under the bayan tree . Sujata gave him milk-porridge in a golden bowl.

He was still sitting under the bayan tree and told himself that he wouldnot stand up, until he had got the hightest truth.

The god mara made him think of the past events, and encouraged himto turn back to his past life.

Mara knew Buddha was close, so he put all his efforts in trying to lure Buddha back to the world .

Mara changed his tactics and tried to seduce the Buddha . He summoned hi s three daughters and ordered them to dance in the most seductive manne r. Again the Buddha remained in serene meditation.

Finally Mara accepted defeat and together with his confuseddaughters withdraw leaving the Buddha alone beneath the Bodhi tree. On the full moon day of the month Visakha, he got the highest truth!

God Saham Bhrommabodee requested L ord Buddha to announce his Sacca Dhamma. Buddha realized that the gates of Nirvana were wide

open for all, and he was the destined instrument to lead humanity.

Lord Buddha compared human to the 4 types of lotus, one growing,one going to grow, one in the water, and one under the water. The firsttype was the best. It was compared to the person, who was the most clever.

Lord Buddha thought that all people still had greed, hatred, and delusion. He decided to guide them to live appropriately.

Lord Buddha met Upaka, and he refused to learn the truth, becauseHe didn’t believe that Buddha had discovered the truth by himself.

Lord Buddha taught the Pancav aggi to follow the Middle Way, the Four Noble Truths and how to practice the Eightfold Path.

With the conversion of the five ascetics at the Deer Park of Sarnath, the order of monks was established.

While Lord Buddha was still at Sarnath a young man called “Yasa” left home out of dispassion for the householders life . Yasa got enlightened and ordained.

After Yasa ordained, his friends heard of this and they too requested ordination . Then there were 60 monks.

“ Will you find the girls or find yourself?”, said Buddha. After Paddha Vaggi heard about this, they were taught not to adhere ‘thing’ or even ‘self’. All 30 persons were enlightened and requested ordination.

Lord Buddha went to Uruvela to convert a thousand hermits headed by the three Kassapa brothers known as Uruvela Kassapa, Nadi Kassapa and Gaya Kassapa .

Buddha tamed the King of the Dragons in a fire-shed by using a varietyof his supernatural powers . The thousand hermits became monks and they all became arahants.

On the way, he saw the woman, who was so sorrowful, because her son died. He suggested her to find the lettuce seeds at the house, where there was no people dead and he would help her. She couldn’t find any.

Sariputta and Moggallana became monks under the Doctrine and Discipline of the Buddha . One day Lord Buddha went to teach Moggallana on how to prevent the sleep feeling.

Sariputta got enlightened and became arahant, when Lord Buddha taught Theekanakka.

The Buddha went from there to Rajagaha accompained by those monks and dwelt in the Toddy Palm Grove . King Bimbisara went there with a large following of 120,000 persons to pay his respects to the Buddha.

As the ascetic Kassapa was held in high esteem by his people, he acknowledged the Buddhas superiority, saying, “My teacher, Lord, is theLord, I am the disciple” repeatedly.

On the full moon of Makha, 1,250 Arahants came to see Buddha without any schedule and they were ordained by the Buddha himself . Buddha gave Arhantas the principles of the Buddhism, "The Ovadhapatimokha".

Those principles are - : To cease from all evil, - To do what is good, - To clean one's mind.

At Kabilapath City, King Suddhodana asked Lord Buddha not to beg people for the foods, but Buddha replied that this was the traditional practice for all Buddha.

Yasodara, Rahula's mother, held her son in her arms and pointed tothe Buddha saying . "That is your father !"

The Buddha asked Sariputta, one of his disciples, to ordain Rahula.King Suddhodana asked Buddha if any child would like to ordain, hehad to ask his parent for permission first. Buddha agreed.

Sariputta asked Buddha to set up the disciplines for all monks , but Buddha said that he would set up the disciplines after any problems had happened. He should not set up disciplines, before things happened.

Buddha had setup the first discipline, when monk Suthin’s mother asked him to sleep with his wife, so that his wife would have baby for his family.Buddha asked all monks not to have sex with the women since then.

One day, the son of the rich family came to ordain and build his own big house in the temple. Buddha asked the monks to destroy it and said to him that his life should not adhere to the luxurious things.

Some monks believed that if he would like to reduce passion, he had to kill himself. No life meant no passion. Buddha had set up the discipline for the monk not to kill himself or others. That was the sin!

Buddha would like to protect the good monks from the bad monks, so he asked all the monks not to magnify themselves as arahants if they weren’t,especially if they had purpose to deceive people for their benefits.

Buddha taught the monks to behave like the new daughter-in-law that respected to her husband’s parents, and to feel shy to do the bad things.

Buddha taught that the good monks would not eat the foods that were not belonged to him, and the bad monks would aim at eating the food that other monks left for him.

Buddha taught that the good monks should not feel good with the sleeping. If they felt good with it, they would be careless and did not try to practice Sacca Dhamma. He requested all monks to sleep on the floor since then.

Buddha taught that the good monks should be aware all the time they sat, they slept, they stood, and they walked. All behaviors had to be controlled by consciousness.

Buddha pointed to money left on the ground and said to Ananda that we had to see the money left on the ground as the snake. It was not good for the monks to find and keep it.

Buddha pointed that the monks should not do bad thing to people, because it looked like they ate the hot iron into their bodies, and feltunhappy all the time. If they did bad thing, they had better die!

One day, the monks had different views about the beauty of the forest and they came to see Buddha. Buddha pointed that the forest would be beautiful, when the monk succeeded, enlightened, and became Arahant.

Monk Punna asked the Buddha to go to propagate Dhamma, and told that if the cruel people threw the rocks to him, it was better than he was killed. Buddha said that he was the right man, because he had good attitude.

Buddha taught that the successful monk would aim at achieving the core of Buddhist knowledge or the heartwood. They would not be interested in its leaf, its bark, or its sapwood.

Buddha taught that the good monk should not put priority to eating. It looked like the husband and his wife ate the corpse of their sons amongthe desert, because they had nothing to eat.

Buddha taught that our eyes, ears, nose, mouths, tongues, bodies, and minds looked like the various animals that would like to go on their own ways. If we could control all of them, we will be happy.

Buddha taught about 4 accidents, which were accident from female or shark, accident from our delusion or whirlpool, accident from eating or crocodile, accident from anger or wave.

Buddha taught that the monks, who put priority to eating, would be like the insect that ate the faces.

“I stand still Angulimala evermore, for I am merciful to all living beings; but you are merciless to living beings . Therefore I stand still and you stand not still.” The Buddha took him to the monastery, where he became a monk.

After King Ajatashatru starved his father to death, he was recommended to meet Buddha, but he was surprised when he saw the group of monk sat quietly.

Buddha thought that if King Ajatashatru listened to my Dhamma first, he would get enlightened for sure. But he killed his father, so this was his highest sin, and he just felt better, but didn’t understand my teachings.

Brahmin asked Buddha if he had the steps in teaching Dhamma. Buddhasaid that monk had to be aware of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, not put priority to eating, not prefer sleeping, and practicing Dhamma.

A group of dance show asked if they entertained the people, what they would become after the death. Buddha told them if they entertained the people to have delusion on the bad things, they would become the Jinn.

Magiya, the former attendant of Buddha, asked him for leaving to other city, but Buddha asked him to work for more periods. He rejected his request. Later Buddha appointed Ananda to be his new attendant.

“ You should change your thought and consider that when you saw things or you listened, you always had consciousness…”, said Buddha. Pahiya got enlightened and became arahant. He died on that day without ordination.

Bhuddha taught that anger feeling had 3 levels, the first level looked like the mark on the rock, the second level looked like the mark on the soil, and the third level looked like the mark on the water. The first level was the evil one.

Bhuddha didn’t try hard to change other people to respect his religion, but he listened and kept asking what they were interested, until they had the right attitude. He didn’t change their religion, but changed their wrong thoughts.

Bhuddha classified types of speech into 3 levels, which looked like faces, flower, and honey. The first level was the evil one.

Bhuddha talked about the teamwork of the teacher and his student ina village, and that each person had to perform his assigned job well.

Brahmin asked Buddha how Yama couldn’t see them after the death. Buddha replied that they should see all the things as blankness. Don’t adhere to “self”,If they had no “self”, Yama couldn’t see them after the death.

Buddha taught the monk not to see the “value” of received things, but to see their “ intention levels of giving ”.

Buddha taught King Pasenadi Kosala that the death was following all lives, so everyone should be careful and followed Dhamma teaching.

Buddha told the stableman that he also taught the monks as the same ways as him. To told softly, to advise, to order, and to kill (not talk to).

Buddha visited Kabillapath to give His last discourse to His father .On hearing the Dhamma, King Suddhodana attained Arahanthship .Seven days later he passed away .

Mahapajapati gave yellow robe to Buddha, but Buddha advised her to give it to other monks without mentioning the receiver.

Mahapajapati was the first woman to request Buddha for ordination.

Later she developed insight and soon after won arahantship.

Buddha and Ananda always went to visit the sick monk and treated every one the same.

Buddha told that the person, who knew the 4 noble truths, and had good behavior would compare to the closing pot with full water.

Buddha pointed at 4 rats, one excavated the hole and lived, one excavated the hole, but didn’t live, one didn’t excavated, but lived, one didn’t excavated, and didn’t lived. The first rat was the best.

Buddha taught the man to respect 6 directions, his parent, his wife, son, friends, servants, and monks.

Buddha asked Brahmin not to behave, because it was the tradition, butadvised to use wisdom to consider how to do good karma.

The girl told Buddha that she didn’t know where she came from and didn’t know where she went. In fact, she didn’t know her past life and next life. People thought that she joshed Buddha, but Buddha knew.

Buddha told the farmer that he also cultivated the farm. The farmer grew for the rice, but he grew for the wisdom, the four noble truth.

Buddha told Brahmin to lay down, and Brahmin laid down his flowers. Buddha still said the same word and asked him to lay down his “self”.

Buddha explained that the Nirvana could be compared to the boiled rice, that suited to be eaten, when its hot was reduced to normal.

Buddha explained that the Nirvana could be compared to the horse that was tame and ready to ride. Nirvana could be found when we lived, not after the death.

Buddha explained that all knowledge could be compared to the whole forest, but what he taught was just compared to the leaf in his hand. He taught only “Tukka” or “Sufferings” and how to cease them.

Buddha debated with Brahmin and overcame his arguments. Brahmin had never looked down anyone since then.

Buddha stood where he was and sent out his thought of loving-kindnesstowards the elephants Nalagiri.When the elephant came near him, it stood quietly before him listening to the words of advice uttered by him.

Brahmin, who understood that he had good luck all the time, told Buddha that he had good health. Buddha said to him that there was the other thing that should be good too, his mind!

Buddha taught Rahula that if he overwhelmed the bowl, the water was gone. This meant if we had the canon in our mind, we would not tell a lie and tell only the truth.

Buddha paid high respect to Dhamma. When he knew that the monks were studying Dhamma, he would not interrupt all of them and wait until they finished.

Buddha taught that there were 3 types of persons, one who had no eye, one who had only one eye, and one who had 2 eyes. The third person meant that he could both find good job, and had high moral for his life.

Buddha taught the man on how to believe. He should not believe, because he heard that it was said like this and that. He should consider and believe thing that supported him to have higher moral.

The children paid high respect to Kasapa, because they loved his gesture, and his voice. When they grew up, they would know that they should pay high respect to Buddha for his kindness.

Buddha said to the old Brahmin that the stick might be better than the ungrateful son. He asked him to bring the stick to the city and told the people as he said. Finally, his son brought him back to his house.

Buddha taught the children if they wanted happiness, they should not make other lives suffer.

Buddha taught that the religion looked like a boat that could save the man’s life,but after he reached the destination, he didn’t need to carry it with him. We shouldn’t adhere to the word “ego”, my religion, your religion.

Buddha taught the women how to behave as a good wife such as sleeping after and waking up before the husband, working hard, telling the truth, not too luxurious, and paid high respect to the husband, and so on.

Buddha taught Visakha not to be so sad of her grandson’s death. He added that if she had thousand children, would it be so tired to be sad all the time if they died every day. Visakha felt better.

Buddha taught the monk not to question about where he went to after the death. If he was shot, he had to pull the arrows immediately, not to ask who shot him, what his name was……it was too late.

Buddha visited the sick Vaggli, who became arahant after he stopped his delusion to the gesture of Buddha. Buddha taught him that the person, who had seen Dhamma, would also see Buddha as well.

Buddha also had his own daily routine activities from the morning till Night, so we, as the Buddhists, should cease from all evil, do what is good, clean our minds.

Buddha told Ananda that even Buddha also got older. No one could escape all these facts, they had to be born, old, sick, and dead unavoidably.

Buddha turned back and saw Vesali City last time. He said to Ananda,“Ananda, this is the last time that I can see Vesali, I had no chance to come back to this city again.”

"Possessing this Mirror of Dharma, a noble disciple shall be able to predict for himself that he shall not fall back to lower states like hell, theanimal world, the ghost world and other sorrowful and unhappy states."

Buddha accepted to eat Canna’s foods, or "boar's delight ". B ut soon a fter this, the Buddha suffered from an attack of the dysentery he had

been suffering from earlier and sharp pains came upon him.

Subhadda asked Ananda to meet Buddha. Later he admitted to the order of monks and the Buddha granted his request . Subhadda became the very last convert and disciple of the Buddha.

“Behold, O monks, this is my last advice to you . All component things in the world are changeable . They are not lasting . Work hard to gain your own salvation.”

The passing away, or the final nirvana of the Buddha, occurred i n 543 B.C. - on a full moon day in the month of May, known in the

Indian calendar as Vesak.