Life style according to ancient vedas

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Life Style according to ANCIENT VEDAS

•Studies show"that up to 80 percent of coronary heart disease, 90 percent of diabetes and about one third of cancers can be avoided through a change in lifestyle,”

Uton Muchtar Rafei, Regional Director of the World Health Organization •First of all get firm conviction that our health in life

time is totally in our hands.


We can extend our age well beyond 100 and also live pain free, joyful & meaningful lives.

• Most people do not die. They kill themselves by their wrong actions (mostly inadvertently) before living a full life span.

• Much of the damage occurs due to ignorance of nature’s laws and where in some cases part knowledge is available, there is utter lack of will power.

• Remember the law of karma. The laws of nature are indestructible. It we do something, we can’t but escape facing the consequences of our action. Our Karmas will keep chasing us till we have borne the consequences. Remember we are totally in command. Then why not live the life, which the creator has designed for us.

• Train yourself to master the taste instinct. It is nice to eat tasty food with good nutrition. The pity is large number of tasty foods lack nutrition or are actually harmful

We find today the following categories of individuals• Those addicted to excessive drinking, smoking, totally sedentary,

overeating wrong foods; such people generally live short life, say around 50 - 60 years. Highly addicted will not go beyond 50 years.

• The most common variety which is the bulk of population eat rich diet, drink sometimes, don’t smoke, occasional exercise, high ego, overeat always, etc. Such people live long, generally up to 75 & beyond. However such people have the following signs.

By 60 or 65 they would have undergoes heart treatment & most likely would suffer joint pains.

Occasional fevers, flu, cold / cough etc., at least once in a year.

Lack of energy to work long hours or to exercise or play games.

• .

. Third category, of course minority, are healthy

persons. They try to follow all the rules of eating, exercise, sleep etc. However they are limited by the lack of good knowledge in the subject and are unaware of it. They live 80 +.

Fourth category are exceptionally knowledgeable & disciplined. Such people live past 100 years.

Prime concern of our LIFE.


early in the morning or BRAHMA-MUHURAT

2)Thanking the almighty after getting up from the bed in the morning.

3)Drink glass of water as much as possible you can without brushing your teeth in “ UKDU” Position

4) Go for your Nitya - Karma

4)Yogic exercise alongwith Walking or Running

5)Eating SAATVIK FOOD strictly.

6)Aatma-Bodhah(Days Planning)

(7) Swadhyay (Self-Study)

8)Tattva-Bodhah(Days Analysis)


10)Sanyam (Self Control)

•1)Money Control•2)Time Control•3)Thought Control•4)Sense Control

11)Sewa (Helping the Needy)

12)Respect & Love your parents

13) Karma SADHNA