Life: The Sustainability Story.

Post on 11-Aug-2014

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I was part of a panel discussion at Delphique, from the management School, MDI Gurgaon India. Tried to put my conversation in a deck- it does not cover all the rich discussions, but highlights what matters.


LifePeople. Planet. Profit is not a Social Good conversation alone.It is about Life itself.


Some issues we face today


Infants battle with life in India

Water Wars

Plastic Ocean


Our very lives are at stake.

Must Have

People. Planet.

Profitability is a result of People and Planet.

Not a function of one department doing social good for generating good


Edible Packaging

JWT’s 100 things to watch out for in 2014

Feel Good Fashion

JWT’s 100 things to watch out for in 2014

Ugly Produce

JWT’s 100 things to watch out for in 2014

The Circular

EconomyJWT’s 100 things to watch out for in 2014

Ellen MacArthur Foundation


Value Creation

Personal anecdote: I was very impressed with Billy Marinelli from Oyster Bar Bangkok, who puts back life into oceans, follows harvesting best practices.Runs a profitable fine dining where people feel a part of his passion .



sThe Role of Advertising and Media

Drive innovation


The Electrolux vacuum cleaners recycled from ocean plastic

Brand Partners for

carbon spends

The CO2counter uniquely combines the disciplines of business systems, science and maths to deliver an accurate and comprehensive analysis of CO2 emissions from all business activities.

Environmentally responsible organisations are for the first time able to render all aspects of their business truly green.

Gaia work with RMIT University in Melbourne and other leading academic organisations to develop common standards based on the current methodology. The methodology is in line with formulas and methods recommended by International GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standards and the CO2 Counter is compliant with ISO 14040

Rewards Not


Work for

The Sustainability

Balance.Give back MORE

than we take from the world.

Thank you.

All images used from referred from