LIFTING TECHNIQUE · €Elbows point to the outside as if performing an upright row. (Diagram 3 &...

Post on 28-Sep-2020

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The diagrams that follow are your summer lifting technique use the weekly schedule to

determine what lifts and the number of repetitions.

The schedule include which lifts you should do and the days you should do them.

Beginning Position:

 Stand with feet placed wider than your hips but narrower than your shoulder with your toes

pointed straight ahead.

 Squat down with your waist below your shoulders and grip the bar with a pronated

(palms back) grip.

 Place your hands on the bars, about two inches beyond shoulder width with your arms fully

extended, making sure that your knees are in between your arms.

 Next place the bar about one inch away from the shins so that it is directly above the balls of

your feet. The back should be slightly arched or flat,

your chest held up and out, scapulae (shoulder blades) retracted, shoulders directly above

or slightly in front of the bar, and your eyes focused straight ahead or staring upward.

This is the primary position you should be in when preparing to execute the Power Clean

Raising The Bar: The First Pull:

 Lift the bar by forcefully extending the knees and the hips.

 Maintain a flat back position and make sure that the hips do not rise before the shoulders.

 Keep the elbows fully extended, and as the bar is raised, keep it as close to the shins as

possible. This makes sure that too much strain is not put on the lower back so

that the movement is carried out essentially with the focus muscles of the exercise.



 As the bar rises just above the knees, throw the hips forward and slightly flex the knees to

position the bar a few inches above the knee caps and onto the thighs.

 Maintain the back's previous posture, either flat or slightly arched, and the elbows still fully


Second Pull:

 Powerfully extend the hips and knees and plantar flex the ankles so you are nearly standing

on your toes.

 Maintain the back's previous posture, either flat or slightly arched, and the elbows still fully


 Make sure that the bar remains in close contact with the thighs, the back is flat, and the

the body under the bar.

 When the joints of the lower-body are fully extended, quickly shrug the shoulders upward

while still keeping the elbows extended.

 When the shoulders begin to reach their highest elevation, flex the elbows and start to pull

the body under the bar.


 Once the lower body has fully extended and the bar is at near-maximal height,

pull the body under the bar and rotate the arms so they are now under the bar.

 Meanwhile, the hips and knees flex to fall into a semi-squat position.

 When the arms are under the bar, lift the elbows to position them parallel to the floor.

The bar should be set across the front of your collar bones (clavicles) and the front of

the shoulders (anterior deltoids). At this point the torso should be rigid and the lifter should

be standing with flat feet. Now stand by extending the hips and knees so that you are

fully erect.


 Lower the bar by slowly easing muscular tension of the arms so that you can control

the descent of the bar to the thighs.

 Simultaneously flex the hips and knees to cushion the bar as it reaches your thighs.

 Drop the bar after all motion has stopped.


 Feet parallel and hip-width apart with shins slightly touching the bar. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Waist and knees should be bent. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Wrists must be curled in order to keep the bar tight to the body. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Using a hook grip, place hands thumb-length from the knurling for the clean grip.

(Diagram 1 & 2)

 After grip is secure, lower pelvis downward and arch waist by tightening lower abdominals.

(Diagram 1 & 2)

 Arms should be fully extended with elbows pointing out. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Back should be erect at an incline that places shoulders over the bar. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 The body's weight should be distributed from the middle to the front part of the feet.

(Diagram 1 & 2)

 Use only your legs when pulling the bar from the floor. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Hips and shoulders should maintain the same angle as the bar rises. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Back remains tight and erect with shoulders over the bar, and elbows extended

throughout the movement. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Weight shifts to mid-point of feet with slight bend left in the knees. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Lift-off is completed when the shins are vertical to the floor. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Shoulders and chest begin a vertical upward movement. (Diagram 3 & 4)

 Knees will bend back under the bar as the hips are thrusted in a forward/upward motion.

(Diagram 3 & 4)

 The bar maintains slight friction on body as wrists curl under bar and brushes thighs.

(Diagram 3 & 4)

 Elbows maintain an extended position while the hips are thrusted into the bar. Until the

bar hits the hips, the elbows remain extended.

 As the hips are extended, added acceleration is gained through a violent shrug of the

trapezius muscle as the lifter rises on the toes in complete vertical extension. (Diagram 3 & 4)

 The elbows remain extended on this lift. They are never bent during the execution of this lift.

Extend hips into the bar when the bar gets to the mid-point of the thigh with elbows.

(Diagram 3 & 4)

Complete the lift catching the bar with bent knees on the thigh then dropping the bar

to the ground and resetting. (Diagram 5 & 6)

Diagram 1 Diagram 2


Diagram 3 Diagram 4

Diagram 5 Diagram 6


 Feet parallel and hip-width apart with shins slightly touching the bar. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Waist and knees should be bent slightly. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Wrists must be curled in order to keep the bar tight to the body. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Using a hook grip, place hands thumb-length from the knurling for the clean grip.

(Diagram 1 & 2)

 After grip is secure, lower pelvis downward and arch waist by tightening lower abdominals.

(Diagram 1 & 2)

 Arms should be fully extended with elbows pointing out. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Back should be erect at an incline that places shoulders over the bar. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 The body's weight should be distributed from the middle to the front part of the feet.

(Diagram 1 & 2)

 Hips and shoulders should maintain the same angle as the bar rises. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Back remains tight and erect with shoulders over the bar, and elbows extended throughout

the movement. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Weight shifts to mid-point of feet with slight bend left in the knees. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Lift-off is completed when the shins are vertical to the floor. (Diagram 3 & 4)

 Shoulders and chest begin a vertical upward movement. (Diagram 3 & 4)

 Knees will bend back under the bar as the hips are thrusted in a forward/upward motion.

(Diagram 3 & 4)

 The bar maintains slight friction on body as wrists curl under bar and brushes thighs.

(Diagram 3 & 4)

 Elbows maintain an extended position while the hips are thrusted into the bar. Until the

bar hits the hips, the elbows remain extended. (Diagram 3 & 4)

 As the hips are extended, added acceleration is gained through a violent shrug of the

trapezius muscle as the lifter rises on the toes in complete vertical extension. (Diagram 3 & 4)

 The elbows remain extended on this lift. They are never bent during the execution of this lift.

Extend hips into the bar when the bar gets to the mid-point of the thigh with elbows

in extension. (Diagram 3 & 4)

 Complete the lift catching the bar with bent knees on the thigh. (Diagram 5 & 6)

Diagram 1 Diagram 2


Diagram 3 Diagram 4

Diagram 5 Diagram 6

Snatch Technique:

 Feet parallel and hip-width apart with shins slightly touching the bar. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Waist and knees should be bent. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Wrists must be curled in order to keep the bar tight to the body. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 For the snatch grip, place the hands arms length apart or outside the rings on the bar.

(Diagram 1 & 2)

 After grip is secure, lower pelvis downward and arch waist by tightening lower abdominals.

(Diagram 1 & 2)

 Arms should be fully extended with elbows pointing out. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Back should be erect at an incline that places shoulders over the bar. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 The body's weight should be distributed from the middle to the front part of the feet.

(Diagram 1 & 2)

 Use only your legs when pulling the bar from the floor.

Lifter uses a thumb grip. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Bar held resting against thighs with wrists curled. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Feet hips width apart. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Knees slightly bent. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Shoulders slightly over the bar with chest up. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Elbows maintain an extended position while hips are thrusted into the bar. (Diagram 1 & 2)

 Until the bar hits hips, elbows remain extended. (Diagram 3 & 4)

 As hips are extended, added acceleration is gained through a violent shrug of the trapezius

muscle as lifter rises on her toes in complete vertical extension. (Diagram 3 & 4)

 Elbows bend as lifter shrugs and rises on his toes simultaneously. (Diagram 3 & 4)

 Elbows point to the outside as if performing an upright row. (Diagram 3 & 4)

 As elbows break, athlete uses arms to pull himself under bar while it is at zero acceleration.

(Diagram 3 & 4)

 Body moves vertically down while feet shift rapidly from hip to shoulder width apart.

(Diagram 3 & 4)

 As feet shift, arms are extended with the elbows locked over head. (Diagram 3 & 4)

 When elbows break, wrists flip from flexion to extension. (Diagram 3 & 4)

 Bar directly behind the ears. (Diagram 5 & 6)

 Lifter must keep shoulders tight by extending into the bar as if he were pressing the bar

into the ceiling. (Diagram 5 & 6)

 Complete the lift by dropping the bar to the ground. (Not Pictured)

Diagram 1 Diagram 2


Diagram 3 Diagram 4

Diagram 5 Diagram 6

Starting Position:

 Grasp the bar of the barbell with a closed, overhand grip.

 Lift the barbell and place it across your upper back just below the base of your neck.

 Maintain your chest in an “up and out” position (Big Chest).

 Pull your shoulder blades toward each other while keeping your head slightly up.

 Position your feet wider than your hips narrower than your shoulders and pointed

straight ahead or slightly outward.


 Begin to slowly squat down by bending your knees. Control the downward movement

by slowly flexing the muscles around your hips and knees.

 Keep your back flat, your elbows high and your chest up and out.

 Keep your heels in contact with the floor and your knees aligned over your feet throughout

the movement.

 Continue moving downward until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

 Maintain a rigid position at the bottom of the movement. Do not relax the trunk area.



 Begin to push yourself back to a standing position by extending the hips and

knees at the same rate.

 Again, keep a flat back, high elbows, and your chest up and out throughout the movement.

Extend the hips and knees until you are back in the starting position.


Grasp barbell from rack in clean overhand open grip, slightly wider than shoulder width.

Position chest high with the back arched. Place bar in front of neck or upper chest with elbows

placed forward as high as possible. With wider than hips narrower than shoulders stance,

position toes as straight as possible or slightly outward.



Descend until knees and hips are fully bent or until thighs are just past parallel to floor.

Knees travel in direction of toes. Extend knees and hips until legs are straight. Return

and repeat.

Starting Position :

Grip the bar with a clean grip.  Place your feet hip width apart and flat on the floor. 

The knees should be slightly bent and your back should be straight.  Keep your eyes focused

straight ahead and your shoulder blades pinched.

Bottom Position :

Lower the bar down your legs until you feel a stretch in the hamstrings by pushing the hips

back, keeping your knees slightly bent.  This should be somewhere between your knees and

the middle of your shin.  Your back should remain straight, chest and shoulders will be ahead

of the bar, and arms are straight. Keep your shoulder blades pinched together.


Finish Position :

Stand erect by contracting the hamstrings and lower back, pulling the bar upward to the

starting position.  Once standing tall, hold for a 2 count.  Relax the shrug and reset for

the next repetition.

The triple threat consists of three different exercises. Each exercise is completed for the

required number of repetitions before starting the next exercise. All 3 exercises are performed

to complete a set.

The first exercise begins with the feet placed directly on top of the ball. The athlete initiates

the movement by elevating the hips by pressing his or her feet down on the ball.

At the end point of the exercise there should be a straight line from the ankles to the shoulders.

Slowly return to the starting position where the hips touch the floor and repeat the movement.

After the required number of reps are completed for the first exercise start the 2nd


as illustrated.

Begin as in the first exercise with the feet resting on top of the ball.

Lift the hips as in the first exercise and simultaneously roll the ball into the hips until the toes

are only touching the ball.

Return to the starting position touching the hips to the floor and immediately repeating the


After the required number of reps are completed for the 2nd exercise start the 3rd exercise

as illustrated.

Place the feet flat on the back third of the ball. Keeping the knees bent elevate the hips until

there is a straight line from the knees to the shoulders.

Slowly return to the starting position touching the hips to the floor and immediately repeating

the movement.



Grasp barbell from rack or floor with overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width.

Position bar in front of neck.


Press bar up, tucking chin to chest (head through the window) until arms are extended

overhead. Lower to front of neck and repeat.


Grasp barbell from rack or floor with overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width.

Position bar in front of neck. Dip and drive bar using legs to push weight up and catching with

legs locked.


Press bar up, tucking chin to chest (head through the window) until arms are extended

overhead. Lower to front of neck and repeat.




Grasp barbell from rack or floor with overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width.

Position bar in front of neck. Dip and drive bar using legs to push weight up and catching

with legs bent.


Press bar up, tucking chin to chest (head through the window) until arms are

extended overhead. Lower to front of neck and repeat.


Grasp barbell from rack or floor with overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width.

Position bar in front of neck. Dip and drive bar using legs to push weight up and catching

with legs in split position alternating leg each set (left, right or right, left).


Press bar until arms, tucking chin to chest (head through the window) until arms are extended

overhead. Lower to front of neck and repeat.



1) Front Raise (Standing Flexion)

Arms at side, thumbs forward, raise arms forward and continue straight overhead.

Thumbs should be pointing behind you at the end of the movement. Slowly return

to starting position.

2) "V" Raise (Standing Supraspinatus)

Thumbs at corner of front pocket; with thumbs down, raise arm to just below

shoulder height. The arm should stay at an angle that will return the thumb to

the same point.

3) Lateral Raise (Scaption with External Rotation)

Begin in the same position as #2 except turn thumbs up so the heel of the hand is at

the corner of the pocket. Slowly raise weight up to the side of your head. Then

slowly return to the starting point.


4) Posterior Raise (External Rotation / Prone Abduction)

Lean over at the waist until chest is parallel with the floor, keeping your chest big

and your back tight. The arms should be hanging straight down from the shoulder.

Turn thumbs up and raise arms out to the side to shoulder height, you should

be able to see your palms. Slowly return.

5) Bent Over Row

Lean over at the waist until chest is parallel with the floor, keeping your chest big

and your back tight. The arms should be hanging straight down from the shoulder.

Slowly, bring the weight up to your chest, then return to the starting point.

Keep the elbows close to your body. (This exercise can be done with 10-20lbs.).

6) Deceleration

Lie on opposite side of the arm you are working with, legs straight and body on

edge of table or bench. Raise weight straight up and turn thumb inward so it is

pointing toward the floor once you begin your downward movement. Slowly lower

weight in a line with your chest. Continue to lower the weight beyond the bench,

heading towards the floor. Allow your body to slightly roll towards the floor for

maximum extension at the end and under control throughout the movement

for maximum benefit.

7) Military Press

Begin with the weight even with your outer thigh and elbow slightly bent. Slowly

begin a forward and upward movement. (Much like pumping your arms to run.).

Continue the upward movement until the arms are extended over your head

and slightly forward of your head. Return to the starting point by going through

the same motion in reverse.

8) Rotation

Internal Rotation

Bend elbow at 90 degrees with upper arm against the chest, pull the tubing across

the body; allow to slowly return.

External Rotation

Bend the elbow at 90 degrees with the upper arm against the chest and the hand

in front of the stomach, pull the tubing toward your side. Slowly return.


Position thighs prone on large pad and lower leg under padded bar. If weighted, hold

weight to chest or behind neck.


Raise upper body until hip and waist are fully extended. Lower body by bending hips and

waist until fully flexed. Repeat.


Position arms on large pad and holding under padded bar with thighs prone on large pad .

If weighted, hold weight between feet.




Raise lower body until hip and waist are fully extended. Lower body by bending hips and

waist until fully flexed. Repeat.


Position thighs prone on padded hump. Place lower legs between padded braces and feet a

against platform. Lower torso by flexing hips. Position weight plate against upper chest or

behind neck.


Raise, or extend hips until torso is parallel to legs. Raise body by flexing knees. Keep hip

straight. Lower body until horizontal by straightening knees. Lower torso by flexing hips.



1) Front Ab Bridge

On elbows (elbows and toes, not on knees) tuck your hips under so that your back doesn't

arch. Keep your back straight, not letting it sag. Tuck hips as if you were starting a crunch,

but don't hike your behind up in the air or drop your head. Make your posture as straight as

if you were standing up.

2) Side Ab Bridge

Keep hips in straight line with shoulders and ankles

2) Rear Ab Bridge

Keep hips in straight line with shoulders and ankles. On elbows and heels tuck your hips

under so that your behind doesn't sag. Keep your back straight. Make your posture as

straight as if you were standing up.


1) Manual Neck Flexion

2 & 3) Lateral Flexion Right & Left

4) Manual Neck Extension