Lightbulb - Issue 3

Post on 26-Mar-2016

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The final issue of the Lightbulb, brought to you by the Press team of the IX Czech Forum 2012!


Issue Three



4 The Art of Entertainment: Fun Features

5 The Art of Democracy: The Limits of Unlimited Freedom of Expression

7 The Art of Cartoons: Mr and Mrs Lightbulb

9 The Art of Music: Notes with Regret

10 The Art of Committee Work: Committee Articles

17 The Art of Farewells: P.E.D

18 The Art of Superstition: The End of The World


!!Here is the answer to the riddle! We will be in touch with the winners about their prize.Congratulations!

Here is one final question for you to think about…

Who is a better vampire? Dracula or Edward Cullen?

Our wonderful chair Pavel sometimes turns into a vampire if he doesn't win Ninja, or if someone hasn't seen Star Wars…


Klára Scholleová

A leaked video of the US military helicopter shooting 12 civilians within a few minutes in Baghdad which sent the 21-years-old soldier who uploaded it to WikiLeaks to jail for two years; The ‘Innocence of Muslims’ film about the life of Prophet Mohammed which caused disruptions and protest amongst Muslims, not just in Arabian countries, but in Australia and the UK; French prohibition of denial of the Armenian Genocide which destroyed the relationship between France and Turkey; Pussy Riot, three female Russian punkers, who protested against Putin’s administration in the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour and were imprisoned for that for 7 years…

As the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union states: ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without

interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.’ Not just the Member States, but every democratic country considers the freedom of expression as a basic principle of democracy; however, it is sometimes in conflict with national security, religious opinions or national pride.

There is another thing we must consider:


The Art of Democracy:The Limits of Unlimited Freedom of Expression

everyone holds the right to a good reputation. We do not have to talk just about international cases; the conflict between these two rights can be found everywhere. For example, when newspapers print an article about a politician, which claims that he is corrupted, and whether it is true or not is deemed irrelevant; he is forced by society to revoke his position. Here, I wish to add a personal observation. ‘Media talk’ about the Catholic church in the Czech Republic is negative; it is

described as if we still live in the 17th century. People, at least in the Czech Republic, think of the Catholic Church that way, but the progression and modernisation of the church is left a completely untouched subject. From these examples, it is clear that the reputations of organisations or individuals are often sacrificed in the maintenance of freedom of expression, and it is clear we must find a balance.

Perhaps we should not have unlimited freedom of expression. We do not have to be as strict as Hungary in their new media law, but we should try to be fair in our laws to everyone and introduce new means for protection of people’s, organisation’s or nation’s honour. Everyone should have a right to free expression, but a balance must be struck between this freedom and the freedom of others which may be impinged upon. This makes it difficult for the EU to take a solid stance on the freedom of expression as each individual case examined is different, and ironically, in terms of freedom of expression, the European Diversity does not strengthen the region, but has the potential to tear it apart simultaneously.


The Art of Cartoons:Mr and Mrs Lightbulb(Cartoons by Klára Scholleová)

Mr Lightbulb had an awesome time in teambuilding and committee work, but now it's Sunday, and he's in General Assembly. BULB's resolution is going to be debated next!

Mr Lightbulb enjoyed the Czech Forum so much that he didn't want to go home!

So he twisted himself into the ceiling and he''ll stay here in Litomyšl until the day he stops lighting up the world.


The Art of Cartoons:Mr and Mrs Lightbulb(Cartoons by Klára Scholleová)

So, it's the last day of the session. BOO! But fortunately, Mrs Lightbulb is here to cheer us up with some of the crazy gossip she has heard over the past few days. Without delegates and officials to gossip, Mrs Lightbulb doesn't know what she's going to do, so she's making the most of the time she still has left to...

- "I've heard that there is a delegate who sneaks out in the early hours of the morning and eats kilos upon kilos of salami!" The thing is, she's not the only one. Last night, the journos were caught red-handed demolishing a plate of salami that was prepared for a coffee break!

- "Euroconcert was so much fun, but apparently something a lot more fun happened in the hall after we had left…" Cheeky delegates! We sincerely hope that nothing outrageous happened in such a luxurious, posh venue!

- "Rumour has it that two delegates had an argument last night about which one of them could eat more meat." That's not the sort of talent delegates should be boasting of…

- "Committee work is just a way to make yourself sound intelligent to the girls in your committee. The real trick is when you talk to them about your topic outside of committee work and then at the party at night. They think you're even smarter, and that's what the ladies love, right?" We were told this by a VERY bold delegate who seems to think he has the whole romance thing down…

Even once the session is over, we hope that you keep gossiping about it!


During the 1st Session of European Youth Quiz Parliament, one particular question had people struggling: "Who won the best artist's category during this year's VMAs?" The variety of answers was quite extensive, but surprisingly for everyone the right one appeared to be Justin Bieber. This young gentleman made quite a breakthrough in our perception of music. For some, he is an amazing performer (mostly for girls from the ages of 5 to 16) and for others (the rest of the world) just a confusing and despised little creature. In comparison to previous years, when the names such as Elvis Presley, The Beatles, Frank Sinatra or Queen were causing crazy greatness, the music industry has totally changed. It would be shallow to say that every artist who performs now is worth nothing, but we can definitely ask ourselves why the average or less inspirational ones are taking the spotlight away from the more talented artists! We live in times where most things have already been seen, said, sung and done. But isn't being an artist all about diversity and originality? The real musician can move an audience with one word. The real musician shouldn't need millions of back up dancers performing all around to hide the fact that they can't dance or sing to save themselves.

A fine example of such a musician was found in the EuroConcert on Friday. We heard performances from a fine young delegate from ITRE - Matej He was simply sitting with the piano in front of him, but as soon as he played the first notes of "The Scientist" by Coldplay, all the girls in the hall had tears in their eyes. He shared with me today his opinion about current music situation all around the world: "I think the music today, is produced mainly by computers and there is nothing about the artist's skills which, for me, are the most important aspect of music. Sometimes i also find the lyrics of the songs stupid, because I prefer the deeper ones, about feelings and experiences."

Filip from CRIM also shared some wise words: "In music i look for something more. Now all the song are about nothing. For example: I go to school, I party, I go to school, I party… And it goes on and on. The music should be more. It should teach, entertain and help people find themselves."

As we can see, more and more young people are sharing our grandparent's views about the depravation of our world. Perhaps the music industry is heading in the wrong (one) direction? We can only hope that faith in the music industry is restored soon!

Aleksandra Sosnowska


The Art of a Committee:


Klára Scholleová

Amazing. Freaking Clever. Oh, simply number 1. Jitka, Dominik, Andrej, Mike, Aneta, Eva, Ondra, Vláďa, Lucie and Lucie, a smashing bunch of very nice people, came to Litomyšl to be part of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs chaired by two lovely ladies Monika (UK) and Maelle (FR) – and you know what? They all did so well! You wouldn’t know that this is their first session.

Right from the beginning, they were not shy and were very cheerful – you should’ve seen the fun we had while playing ‘pass the ball’ game! And even when things got serious, they changed the tone and took

their tasks very seriously – and I have really got to say that I have never seen so smooth procedure of Abigail ‘game’, which is no easy task. On the subject of committee work, I was amazed with how they listened to each other, how they were cooperating. I am so glad I had the chance to chat with the AFCO I delegates for of course, they are truly fine!

Dear AFCO I, I hope you have enjoyed your session and I also hope that we will see you guys in Rakovník! Because I believe that they have the potential and most importantly, that distinct quality we call ‘EYP spirit’.

It’s time to rock GA!


The Art of a Committee:


Marek Navrátil

The team has been given a task: figure out the way to improve the decision-making process of the EU and construct tools to do that. It was no easy task, but AFCO II managed to cope with it. During the teambuilding, they succesfully bonded within the group and with the chairs. And they seemed to have fun through most of their common work.

They discovered that they are reLIAble with no need for a MADDIcine. The Ninja Game was such a success that the committee played it after the Euroconcert banquet. If the organisers didn't have their usual departure jitters and didn't rush the committee to ''Leave ASAP!'', the game might have got finished. The rest of the games really brought all the people to life, too.

When working on their resolution, the members of the committee presented their unique opinions on the European decision-making, politicians and politics in general. Their critical insight really didn't leave any aspects of the related issues out. Even though they're not as confident as they should be in terms of their resolution, they sure will defend it with their heart and soul.


The Art of a Committee:


Batuhan Kesoğlu


The Art of a Committee:


Lenka Vysoká

For the question “What does the European Youth Parliament (EYP) mean to you?” there are gazillions of answers. “The EYP is about making circles and being blindfolded,” “EYP is fun!” ”It is about socializing,” “It means all the interesting ideas together.” “EYP is playing Choomba-choomba all the time!” I was listening to your ideas intently, as it’s so interesting to hear what everyone associates with EYP.

Although the view of the EYP is similar for us all, at the same time it is different for each of us, as we have various memories and personalities. Every EYPer, from experienced officials, to first time delegates, find their own way of understanding what all this nonsense is about!

Our perception of a session also changes with time– from an initial shyness and questions in Czech like „Počkej, to je furt to kabátování?“ up to showing an immense creativity, particularly in solving the Lava River game; cleverly outfoxing all the rules by avoiding the river by travelling on a different floor.

You, the AFET committee, have learned through games like Silent sort, Throwing a ball, Drunken bottle or Swamp, how to work together as a team, how to cooperate, how to trust one another. You overcame the hard times that everyone sees at the start of a session and started to believe in each other, especially when playing the Levitation game or the Blindfolded run. The shipwrecking game gave you an opportunity to lead the first discussions and although you were about to vote to introduce monarchy at the beginning (because democracy was “too slow”) you finally managed to lead a debate that not only your chairs - Matěj and Nathan could be proud of you, but you could be proud of yourselves! In addition, your imitation of the Arab spring and the fall of the World Trade Centre was truly unforgettable.

So I have a message for you, swimming Sára, programming Stan, snowboarding Ctibor, Martin jumping the pogo stick, Josh playing your computer games, always reading Josefina, power yoga fan Jana, painting Pavla, tennis player Jiří and partying Adam:

I hope you will be sharing your truly bright ideas – not only

today during the General Assembly, but also henceforth everywhere you go, whether you want to become a lawyer, designer, stock broker or a world president. And I wish in the future, my dear AFETians, that your perception of EYP will always be positive, that you will have fun playing all the games, the Big Fat Ponies, Zulu Dances, Bear hunts or Choomba-choombas...Lenka

PS: And as I have promised you: • I officially declare you not

racist. • Shine as bright as lightbulbs!


The Art of a Committee:


Milica Skaro

Upon entering FEMM´s committee room you can hear enthusiastic debate and everyone shouting "That´s a great idea!", "I don´t agree, what do you think?", "C'mon guys we can do it!" And you will see a group of motivated and persistent teenagers, who are growing together with each day of the forum.

Their Chairs Anna Diehm (DE) and Lucie Kunová (CZ) couldn´t be more proud. With their professional chairing and leading, they have turned their delegates into a powerful and unbreakable team. In the beginning of the teambuilding they were really scared and skeptic, but the crazy games like sticky-toffy ,chicka chacka and drunken sailor released their wild sides. The committee room was filled with laughter and joy.

During the committee work, they always follow their golden rules: every idea is included, they don´t interrupt each other and they are always up for energisers. Due to the fact that FEMM is fighting for women´s rights it is interesting to hear the opinion of the only male delegate in the committee. Filip Jiroušek says with great joy, “I´m a proud man, even though I´m FEMM!”

FEMM delegates are truly fabulous, extravagant, marvelous and magical. Each one of them is a perfect EYPer; friendly, open-minded, confident and big-hearted.

FEMM, I wish you all the best in everything you do!

Go for it in GA!



Aleksandra Sosnowska



Lively discussions, strong points, concrete facts, different views on the subject and tons of fun have been had during these days amongst the committee ITRE. The difference in the personalities of the delegates established the perfect balance in the committee. Fun and seriousness blended and created a palette of awesomeness. “They are the fastest committee in The Shepherd and Sheep task I’ve ever seen,” confirms one of the chairs, Marilou Plemont. The other chair, Alžběta Rybáková, plays the role of the strict chairperson, but in fact, secretly admires the progress our lovely committee has made and continues to make.

When asked about the thing they liked the most during the committee work, most of the delegates answered – achieving goals and coming to a compromise. “We were discussing, explaining terms, coming up with ideal situations how to deal with energy,” Irena shared, “everyone had an opinion,” she adds.

The upcoming Mozart of ITRE and the star of EuroConcert at the same time, Matej Zelenka, beside giving positive feedback on committee work, also clarifies that he does like short people despite the song he performed at EuroConcert.Dominik Hrdonka says his favourite activity is teambuilding. And indeed, no one probably ever saw better Shepherd. The speed with which he collected delegates pretending being sheep was amazing.

Jaroslav Cesanek swears that committee work is his favourite part of the session now. Due to proper preparation he had quite a lot to say to his team members. Tina and Anna agreed the Euroconcert

was the best thing ever. “I didn’t even expect that it would be that cool” Anna says and Tina nods smiling.

There happens to be a delegate who knows the topics of all the other committees inside out. So prepare for GA because Jakub Ceska will shoot a million questions for you. “The Train of Love put us into an interesting position…” smiles Dominik Nemec – the delegate who tried to charm girls from FEMM thinking the topic of their committee was discrimination of men.

From myself, as the ITRE journo, I’d like to thank all my lovely delegates for doing all the things I asked them to, despite how silly and pointless they sounded. And a thank you for the chairs, of course, for being just awesome.GO ITRE!

Lina Tarashevska


Writing articles for the last session newspaper feels rather depressing to say the least. The realisation that the session is quickly coming to an end hits us very suddenly, and takes us by surprise. On one hand, you’re looking forward to GA and summing up your hard work. Yet on the other hand, you realise that you will have to leave all the people you’ve gotten know and love, over the past few days, those whom you had all those coffees and lunches with, those whom you shared laughs and inside jokes with, and those whom you’ve come to trust, as delegates, as colleagues, as friends.

One of the strongest associations I personally have with General Assembly, the end of the session, is ‘P.E.D’. What is this P.E.D, you are thinking? P.E.D is Post EYP Depression, and I must tell you that it’s the weirdest feeling in the world. When the session ends you will start to miss all of the people you met, and the team building, and the sharing of ideas in committee work. The P.E.D clutches you in its claws and won’t let you forget about

all the fun you had at the session. Despite how it may seem I can share one little thing about this strange emotion- P.E.D is a bittersweet feeling. Of course you feel sad about leaving your friends and going back home to continue with your usual life, but at the same time you only remember the best moments and they make you happy, and bring a smile to your face. As the wonderful Dr. Seuss said, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” And this strong nostalgic feeling also makes you want to stay involved in EYP and apply, apply and apply for further sessions so you can meet with your friends and relive all the feelings again.

My advice is when you get home and the P.E.D kicks in, dig this paper out from wherever you may have stowed it away and look over it for all the good memories. In addition, be sure to find our ‘Lightbulb’ facebook page, where you can find all the photos we’ve taken and all the session videos, as well as online versions of the Lightbulb paper. We hope you’ve had a wonderful session!

Lina Tarashevska






♣ The first status on

Facebook in 2013: 'Is

anyone alive?'

♣ Christmas gift shopping is

cancelled due to the world

ending Dec 21.

♣ When I have children I am

going to make them watch

the movie 2012 and tell them

I survived that like a Boss!

♣ Before you marry someone,

ask yourself, 'Will they be a

good killing partner during

the zombie apocalypse?'

The Art of Superstition:The End of the World