
Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Luke Brierley


*Technical Stage Operation

Luke Brierley

*Par Can

*A Par Can is a parabolic aluminized reflector light. It is used for music gigs as it is used to give general cover. You would use them for a chase at a gig and for aesthetics. You can change the egg light bulb encased. The beam angle is 50 degrees.

*You would use a par can over a spotlight if you wanted to give a general wash, as a spotlight is used to focus on an object or a person.

The accessories of a Par Can are:-Safety chain-G clamp-Gel frame-Gels

Luke Brierley

*Source Four (Spotlight)*A source four is a spotlight,

so is used to focus light on a specific person or object. The beam angle is 50 degrees. It also has a pebble convex lens.

*You would use a source four over a minuette profile if you wanted a whiter light, and it saves energy.

The accessories of a Source Four are:- G clamp- Safety chain- Barn doors- Gels- Gel frames- Gobo’s- Shutters built in- Iris- Energy saving light bulb

Luke Brierley

*Minuette Profile (Spotlight)

*A Minuette Profile is a spotlight, so is used to focus light on a specific person or object. The beam angle is 50 degrees. The first adjustable knob focuses is the light. The second makes the light bigger or smaller. It also has a pebble convex lens.

*You would use it over a source four if you wanted to produce a dimmer white light. It is also older than the source four.

The accessories for a minuette profile are:- G clamp- Safety chain- Barn doors- Gels- Gel frames- Gobo’s- Attachable

shutters- Iris- Two adjustable

knobs on the bottom

Luke Brierley

*PC-Pebble Convex (Fresnel)

The Pebble Convex Fresnel has a 500w bulb. It has a pebble convex lens, which gives it a more defined light. The beam angle is 47 degrees, which cant be changed. It is used for general cover so can be used for a music gig, and can also be used to replace a spotlight. The pebble lens creates the shape of the light.

You would use it over a par can as the PC has barn doors, which can direct the beam.

The accessories of a PC are:- Barn doors- Gel frames- Safety chain- G clamp- Adjustable knob- Gels

Luke Brierley

*Selecon (Fresnel)

*The selecon is a Fresnel and has a 500w bulb. It has a 15A plug. The adjustable knob gives a bigger or smaller amount of light. It has a ridged circular lens to give a diffused spread of light. Its bigger than a PC and a CCT and is newer. It is used to give general cover.

*You would use it over a spotlight if you wanted to give general cover.

The accessories of a Selecon are:- Safely chain- G clamp- Gel frames- Gels- Adjustable knob- Adjustable arm- Barn doors

Luke Brierley

*LED Par

* It is used for music gigs as it is used to give general cover. You would use them for a chase at a gig and for aesthetics. You can change the egg light bulb encased. The beam angle is 50 degrees. It also has an energy saving light bulb.

*You would use an LED Par over a par can if you wanted to save energy whilst creating a chase.

The accessories of an LED Par are:- Safety chains- G clamp- Gels- Gel frames- Energy saving light bulb

Luke Brierley

*CCT (Fresnel)

*The CCT has a 500w bulb and a 15A plug. The adjustable knob gives a bigger or smaller amount of light out. It is also the smallest fresnel. You would use it for general cover, like a selecon.

*You would use it over a selecon as has a different beam angle, which is 35 degrees.

The accessories of a CCT are:- Adjustable knob- Safety chain- G clamp- Gel frame- Gels- Adjustable arm- Ridged circular lens- Barn doors

Luke Brierley


* It is used mainly for general cover, and at music gigs. It is also used to light an audience, and can be used for a general wash to give depth. You can have them on a rig or on the floor. You can’t direct the light.

*You would use it over a par can as it gives more cover and spreads light over a larger area.

The accessories of a Floodlight are:- G clamp- Safety chain- Gels- Gel frames

Luke Brierley

*Scena 1k (Fresnel)

* It has a 15A plug. It has ridged glass so the light is more diffused. It can be used for general cover, but is used as a backlight predominantly. Lighter coloured gels are used for backlights. It doesn’t give a greater length of light than other fresnels, but it is brighter.

*You would use it over a spotlight if you wanted to light the back of a stage.

The accessories of a Scena 1k are:- G clamp- Safety chain- Gels- Gel frames- Ridged glass lens- Barn doors

Luke Brierley


*On a pinspot you cant direct the light as it has no barn doors. It is mainly used to light glitterballs. You would use either two or four pinspots to light a glitterball, depending on the effect you want.

*You would use a pinspot over a parcan if you were lighting a glitterball at a disco as this is what its used for, and a parcan throws out two much light.

The accessories of a pinspot are:- Safety chain- G clamp

Luke Brierley


*The birdie is made with halogen light bulbs. It has a 15A plug but will work in a 13A socket. It is used in exhibitions and can be used on a truss. It is commonly used for aesthetics.

*You would use a birdie over a CCT if you wanted to light an audience as they are smaller so look better aesthetically.

The accessories of a birdie are:- Gel frame- G clamp- Gels- Safety chain- Adjustable arm- Barn doors- Halogen lights