Limbo Walk Through

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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8/2/2019 Limbo Walk Through 1/34


you’ll see two traps aboveedge forward slowly, then as the first trap swings, move leftthen as the trap swings by, the next trap starts moving, you need to quickly move right again tododge

then climb ropeCHAPTER 6

you’ll see two traps above

edge forward slowly, then as the first trap swings, move left

then as the trap swings by, the next trap starts moving, you need to quickly move right again tododge

then climb rope

 jump across the platforms to the right and drop down

run right, as you get to the log at water edge, the spider appears behind

quickly push the log into the water and jump on it

then jump onto the land in the middle of the water, then onto next log, and climb onto land

run right, you’ll see a log set out like a seesaw

stand on the centre of log

the spider will stand on the left-hand side, causing the right-hand side of the log to rise

quickly run and jump to the ledge on the right

run right and push the new log

 jump across the gap and climb up the ledge

the spider will fall down hole, but you still need to be quick, as he climbs back up

run right and jump on the branch which is keeping the huge rock steady

quickly run left and fall down onto the lower ledge

the rock will roll over your head and crush the spider 

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climb back up and run right

 jump over the pit and run right

run down the hill, then slip down the ledge

run to the edge of the spike pit, you’ll see people on other side

the remains of the spider will fall down close to you on the left

wait for its leg to attack, then run right to dodge it

now pull the leg off the spider 

 jump over the spider and roll it into the spike pit on the right

 jump on top of the spider and jump across the pit

run right and slide down hill


climb the ladder 

run left, and jump onto the hanging box

 jump onto the next box, then jump on the spot

it will fall to the ground

push box down the hill to the right, and up to the wall

climb on top and onto the ledge

run right, and when you reach water, jump onto the dead body floating in the water 

wait for a guy to walk into water and drown, then use his body as a platform

 jump to the final body, then onto land

now grab the body and drag it up the hill to the right

push the body into the pit, setting off the trap

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run across the top of the block which has just fallen

run right and slide down the hill

run right, you’ll see a button and a crusher above

 jump ON the button, not either side of it, then jump across

at the next crusher, jump OVER the button, not onto it

 jump across the pit, them immediately jump back, some people will chase you

run back through the two crushers, remembering where to stand (first one: over the button, secondone: onto to button)

once all three guys have died, run back over the crushers and jump over the pit again

run right


climb down the ladder and pull the trolley out from the left

pull it as far right as it will go

now climb the ladder again, and jump on the rope

keep climbing the rope so you don’t get grinded

now quickly jump left, down the ladder, and jump onto the trolley

from the trolley, jump and cling onto the rope which should still be hanging through the grinders – if not, you need to move more quickly

now jump to the right, onto the next rope

climb up this until both doorways are half open, then quickly jump right run underneath before theyclose

run right

a small glowing creature will attach itself to your head

while it is on your head, you cannot control which way you walk or stop walking – however, walkinginto sunlight will cause you to change direction

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walk left into the sunlight, and you’ll spin around and start walking right

slide down the hill and jump before you reach the pit

walk right and jump over the box

walk into the sunlight and you’ll start walking left again

push the box underneath the beaked creatures, then jump on it

the creatures will eat the glowing bug off your head, and you’ll be free

run right


run past the lever and jump down

you’ll see a creature trying to jump up to some glowing plants

climb up the ledge, and run right

fall into the pit

pull the log into the middle

climb on the log and jump left onto the rope

climb back up and run left

 jump onto the ledge which has glowing plants underneath

 jump on the spot, and the plants will fall

the creature will run out to eat them

fall down to the creature’s right-hand side, and it will run left

follow and it’ll run into the turbine

 jump on top and hold the lever down to start the waterflow

go back to the pit on the right

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you’ll see a chain hanging down from the waterway, jump and grab hold of it

wait until the pit fills with water, then jump across quickly

run right, then jump onto the hanging foliage and climb up

run right and slide down the hill


 jump over the box and pull it to the right with you

leave it under the area in which there is a slight gap above you

now climb the ladder and pull the platform right, revealing a bigger gap

the box should be directly under the gap

climb back down ladder and pull the lever on the right

immediately jump onto the ladder and climb back up

wait for the box to rise to your level and jump on it

make sure to stand directly in the centre of it to keep your balance

wait until the box gets level with the ladder above, then jump onto the ladder 

climb up to next level

quickly run right and grab the new box

pull it left so that it can float up next to the above wall

 jump on it again, make sure to balance in the middle of the box

as it stops rising with the water and is about to start sinking, jump to the ledge above

slide down the ramp slightly and jump onto the second level (i.e. not the top one)

run right and pull the platform to the left, revealing a gap

wait for the ball below to pop out of the water, then quickly push the platform right again to catchthe ball

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now push the ball to the right before the water gets to your level, and then climb the ladder on theleft

the ball will rise up and get caught beneath the wooden box

 jump on the box and again balance in the middle as the water rises

once the box is level with the ledge, jump onto the ledge and continue right

run past the ladder and pull the lever 

wait until the water is level in the tank above, then pull the lever again

now climb the ladder and jump across the box to the second lever 

pull the lever and wait for the water to level again

 jump right onto the block, then jump on the box and right onto the ledge


run right and jump down to the platform below

be careful at this part – walk towards the box and when the swinging glow bug above

is facing right, grab the box and pull it all the way to the left side of the platform

now run right and the creature will attach itself to your head

you will now automatically walk left

 jump on top of the box and onto the ledge above

the light will cause you to run right again

 jump back down onto the platform and then grab the first ladder 

while hanging from a ladder you will not be automatically moved

wait for debris to fall down the middle of the ladders, then jump to the next one

climb down and jump onto the platform

 jump down onto the pipe and across to the next pipe

it will break, so quickly jump across as it falls

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now walk along and into the light – you’ll start walking left again

run and jump quickly across the pipes you just came from, as the water is rising fast

 jump onto the ladder wait for the debris to fall, then jump across to the next ladder 

 jump onto the platform from earlier, and again climb on the box, up onto the ledge and into the light

you’ll start walking right again

quickly drop down and jump onto the first ladder, then climb to the top

wait for debris to fall, then jump across to the second ladder 

climb to the top and wait for the water to rise up, bringing the pipe with it

 jump onto the pipe and then up to the ledge

walk right and the bird creatures will eat the glowing bug – you’re free again


It's Stuck Achievement


climb up the ladder 

run right and leap over the pit

slide down rooftop and jump to avoid pit at the bottom

 jump right ontodrainpipe and climb it

it will come away but don’t worry – just keep climbing and jump onto ledge


run right until you reach the ledge and can see the huge letter H

wait for the H to light up, then count two seconds and jump

you’ll land on it just as it goes out

quickly bound across the H and onto the O before it lights up again

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the O will being to roll – let yourself drop of the left hand side, making sure not to touch the H

grab hold of the cable coming from beneath the T and swing across

 jump and turn off the power box

swing back left and climb up the drainpipe

 jump along the letters of HOTEL

the letter will begin to swing, quickly jump onto the arrow

the arrow will also begin to move, jump right onto the ledge before it falls


run right and drop down onto the conservatory

run along the top and to the right

pull the ladder on wheels

slightly to the left, so that it is at the top of the slope

quickly jump on and climb to the top

as it reaches the very left, jump off the ladder and onto the conservatory

the glass will break and you’ll fall through

slide down and jump onto the light

 jump left onto the next light, then onto the hose

it will begin to unravel, make sure you climb to the bottom as when it has finished unravelling, it willbounce and you’ll fall off 

run left and carefully touch the wobbly structure, then run back right – it will fall down

run right and yet another mind-control worm will latch onto your head

walk left and into the light, then back right again

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keep running right, past the elevator 

 jump down the platforms and onto the ledge

step on the button, then hold left to slow yourself down

wait for the box to drop from above, then quickly climb on it jump over the saw before it destroysthe box

quickly climb the ledge before the saw comes back

as you’re walking underneath the beaked creatures, jump up and one will eat the bug off your head

wait for the saw to be as far right as it can be and jump over it

run left and jump onto the seesaw platform

run back and forth across the platform to make it rock

after doing this several times, run into the centre of the platform and wait for the left-hand side tonearly reach its peak height, then run left and jump to the next platform

pull the left platform as far right as you can, then quickly jump on it

run left and jump to the ledge


run left and past the elevator 

grab the box and pull it right

leave it in the middle of the elevator, then press the switch on the right

quickly jump onto the elevator 

once the elevator reaches the top, push box onto second floor 


Urban Exploartion Achievement0-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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push the box until it’s in the middle of the teeter-totter 

turn the elevator on, then quickly run left and grab it

pull it right and hold on until it stops moving

now pull it to the right and onto the teeter-totter 

push the box up the ramp and leave it at the top

run right and pull the lever, a rope will be lowered down

run left and drag the box underneath the rope

pull the lever again, then quickly jump on the box and jump up to the rope

wait until it reaches the top, then swing and jump to the ledge on the right

stand on the left button, then wait next to the right button as the left box is about to be dropped,stand on the right button

quickly run left and jump over the box

push it right so that the right-hand box falls on top of it

climb up on top of the two boxes, then jump to the ledge before the saw cuts you up

run right



 Alone in the Dark Achievement0-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

climb the ladder and run right


drop down and you’ll see a fly on the ground

walk very slowly towards it, so that you are on the edge of the excrement pile

 jump right and grab onto its leg before it flies off 

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if you mistime it, just walk back left and he’ll fly down again

wait until he drops you, then run right

drop down then climb the ladder 

 jump on the box then jump onto the next ladder 

climb up and run left

drag the box right then climb over it

drag it back as far left as it will go

leave the next box exactly where it is

run left and activate the machine

quickly run right and jump over the box, then push it left the tire below will roll onto the platform

keep pulling the box slowly right so the tire doesn’t fall off 

when you reach the next box, let go of the current one, then spin round and grab that one

as the tyre rolls onto the new platform, begin pushing the next box

the tyre will drop down the hole

climb back down the ladders

run left and climb up to where the tire has dropped

push the tyre all the way to the left, then run right

the tyre will roll after you as the tyre hits the button, jump through the door 

the tyre will now roll left, then back right onto the button again

grab the box, and as the door opens again, drag the box through the door 

if it gets stuck in the door, simply climb up the ladder and push it through

grab the box and pull it left


push the box as far right as you can – against the huge cog – and jump onto the platform above

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wait until you rise up and then jump left onto the platform

wait until the whole world stops spinning, then run left and drop down

turn off the electromagnet, then push the box up the hill to the right

run back down and turn the machine back on again as the box slides halfway between the ladder and the far ledge – it will stick in place

now climb back up the ledge to the right

turn on the machine, then jump left onto the box and onto the ladder 

climb up and quickly run through the door 

run left and grab the box pull it underneath the chain

pull the lever, then quickly jump on the box and grab the chain

wait until the world has spun 90 degrees and the box slides underneath you, and drop onto it

stand on the box as it slides, and jump to the next chain as its about to hit the saw

 jump against the left wall to slide down


 jump across the pit to the right and pull the lever 

wait until the box above drops down, then push it to the right-hand edge

quickly climb on, jump to the ledge and pull yourself up before the door swings shut

run right

 jump onto the cog and run right again

as you approach the girl, another glowing bug will attach itself to your head, forcing you left

climb over the cog and jump to the ledge above run into the light and you’ll start running right

climb over the cog yet again and then jump onto the conveyor belt

 jump along the belt, then wait for the crusher to start going up

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run through it and jump onto the next belt

 jump along it and hang onto the edge of the next crusher 

wait until it begins to move down, then climb on

run and jump along it and down onto the next belt

climb over the boxes, then underneath the beaked creatures, climb on a box and jump up towardsthem one will eat the bug, and you can move freely again


0Backtracking Achievement 0-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

run right onto the cog and let it take you up

 jump left onto the ladder and climb up


pull the lever once, then wait until one of the teeth of the cog on the right is about to go past

quickly pull the lever again then immediately jump onto the cog on the right

quickly jump onto the ladder and climb up

 jump onto the cog on the left and travel up

 jump onto the ledge above

run right, then fall down

 jump over the ladder on wheels

and run right grab the mine cart and drag it so it is directly underneath the lever above

go back to the ladder on wheels and push it as far right as it will go

quickly jump on and climb the ladder 

 jump back onto the left-hand ledge

wait for the ladder to roll right and then left again, then as it’s about to start rolling left, pull the lever 

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then quickly run right and jump onto the ladder 

as it rolls right, jump onto the platform above

 jump and grab the lever on the right, then drop down onto the mine cart

ride the mine cart until it reaches a ladder climb the ladder and quickly run along the platform to theright jump over the saw and land back on the mine cart

wait until it reaches the next platform, then drop off to the left

push the mine cart back the way you came from and jump onto the front of it while it is still rollingthe way you came then jump onto the floor above

run along and jump as you get to the end of the electric floor, so that it doesn’t zap you at the lastsecond

pull the lever, then jump across the pit

wait until the world has spun about 90 degrees, then you’ll see a ladder on the right as the lightswings

 jump onto the ladder and climb up it, then wait for the room to spin a bit more

you’ll see a platform on the right – jump onto it


Guided By Sparks Achievement0-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

pull the crate to the left, then jump over to the other side of it

push it down the hole to the left, then jump down on top of it


run right and jump across the gap

 jump right off the platform so that you past through the vertical laser sight

immediately jump back left onto the platform before either gun starts shooting

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as the above gun starts moving, stay out of the line of fire when it’s shooting, but purposely stand inthe line of fire when it is dormant

if the gun is shooting as it passes over the horizontal gun, it will damage it

let this happen a couple of times, and the horizontal gun will explode


now run right drop down to where there are two crates

push the right-hand crate as far right as it will go

then quickly run left and climb on top of the other crate

as the right-hand crate lands on the button, the left crate will begin to float

quickly jump off it to the left, so as not to get crushed

now stand at the right edge of the slope, so that as the left crate falls back down, you can stop itfrom dropping back down below

push the crate left to the top of the slope and leave it underneath the ladder 

climb on the crate and jump up to the ladder 

climb onto the platform, then run right

grab the ladder and it will fall down

climb down, then once again push the crate to the right and up the slope

quickly run left and grab the ladder 

climb the ladder, then run left to where the other box should now be floating at the edge of theplatform

grab it and drag it onto the platform with you before it falls

drag it right, so that it is positioned just to the left of the above platform

the idea is that when it floats up again, you’ll be on top of it and able to jump right onto the aboveplatform

climb back down the ladder and once again push the box up the right slope

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quickly climb the ladder and stand on the box above

as it floats up, quickly jump off to the right

run right


Under Ground Achievement 0-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

press the button to bring the elevator down

press the button again and then jump into the elevator 

at the top, press the next button to make it go down again

then press it again, and quickly jump on top of the elevator 

as the gun’s laser sight spots you, quickly jump back down to the right it will shoot the crate down

bring the elevator back down once again, and push the crate onto the top of it

make sure you push it to the very left, without letting it fall off 

now hit the button again, and jump onto the elevator roof the crate will shield you from the gun fire

climb on the crate and jump to the ledge on the left

run left to the electromagnet machine

when you turn the machine off, a crate will fall from above

the key is to then let the crate slide down the slope a bit, then turn the machine on and off over andover again, allowing the crate toCHAPTER 7

climb the ladder 

run left, and jump onto the hanging box

 jump onto the next box, then jump on the spot

it will fall to the ground

push box down the hill to the right, and up to the wall

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climb on top and onto the ledge

run right, and when you reach water, jump onto the dead body floating in the water 

wait for a guy to walk into water and drown, then use his body as a platform

 jump to the final body, then onto land

now grab the body and drag it up the hill to the right

push the body into the pit, setting off the trap

run across the top of the block which has just fallen

run right and slide down the hill

run right, you’ll see a button and a crusher above

 jump ON the button, not either side of it, then jump across

at the next crusher, jump OVER the button, not onto it

 jump across the pit, them immediately jump back, some people will chase you

run back through the two crushers, remembering where to stand (first one: over the button, secondone: onto to button)

once all three guys have died, run back over the crushers and jump over the pit again

run right


climb down the ladder and pull the trolley out from the left

pull it as far right as it will go

now climb the ladder again, and jump on the rope

keep climbing the rope so you don’t get grinded

now quickly jump left, down the ladder, and jump onto the trolley

from the trolley, jump and cling onto the rope which should still be hanging through the grinders – if not, you need to move more quickly

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now jump to the right, onto the next rope

climb up this until both doorways are half open, then quickly jump right run underneath before theyclose

run right

a small glowing creature will attach itself to your head

while it is on your head, you cannot control which way you walk or stop walking – however, walkinginto sunlight will cause you to change direction

walk left into the sunlight, and you’ll spin around and start walking right

slide down the hill and jump before you reach the pit

walk right and jump over the box

walk into the sunlight and you’ll start walking left again

push the box underneath the beaked creatures, then jump on it

the creatures will eat the glowing bug off your head, and you’ll be free

run right


run past the lever and jump down

you’ll see a creature trying to jump up to some glowing plants

climb up the ledge, and run right

fall into the pit

pull the log into the middle

climb on the log and jump left onto the rope

climb back up and run left

 jump onto the ledge which has glowing plants underneath

 jump on the spot, and the plants will fall

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the creature will run out to eat them

fall down to the creature’s right-hand side, and it will run left

follow and it’ll run into the turbine

 jump on top and hold the lever down to start the waterflow

go back to the pit on the right

you’ll see a chain hanging down from the waterway, jump and grab hold of it

wait until the pit fills with water, then jump across quickly

run right, then jump onto the hanging foliage and climb up

run right and slide down the hill


 jump over the box and pull it to the right with you

leave it under the area in which there is a slight gap above you

now climb the ladder and pull the platform right, revealing a bigger gap

the box should be directly under the gap

climb back down ladder and pull the lever on the right

immediately jump onto the ladder and climb back up

wait for the box to rise to your level and jump on it

make sure to stand directly in the centre of it to keep your balance

wait until the box gets level with the ladder above, then jump onto the ladder 

climb up to next level

quickly run right and grab the new box

pull it left so that it can float up next to the above wall

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 jump on it again, make sure to balance in the middle of the box

as it stops rising with the water and is about to start sinking, jump to the ledge above

slide down the ramp slightly and jump onto the second level (i.e. not the top one)

run right and pull the platform to the left, revealing a gap

wait for the ball below to pop out of the water, then quickly push the platform right again to catchthe ball

now push the ball to the right before the water gets to your level, and then climb the ladder on theleft

the ball will rise up and get caught beneath the wooden box

 jump on the box and again balance in the middle as the water rises

once the box is level with the ledge, jump onto the ledge and continue right

run past the ladder and pull the lever 

wait until the water is level in the tank above, then pull the lever again

now climb the ladder and jump across the box to the second lever 

pull the lever and wait for the water to level again

 jump right onto the block, then jump on the box and right onto the ledge float in mid-air and over the wall, landing next to you

push the crate as far right as it will go, then leave it there

 jump back down to the right and press the elevator button

drag the crate to the right a bit, then climb over it

push it to the right

climb up the ladder 

press the gravity panel

run along the ceiling to the left

 jump over the box and push it right

now push one box so that it is going to land on the ground below, and the other box so that it isgoing to land on top of the platform which is moving in and out of the wall as the platform begins tomove out, quickly hit

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the gravity panel so you and the two boxes fall

then quickly push the box on the floor against the moving platform, and jump onto the platform

then jump onto the next box, and onto the right-hand ledge

climb down the ladder and run right


run past the gravity panel and to the electromagnet panel

turn the electromagnet on

the key here is to make the left-hand block stick to the ceiling, but not let the right-hand block stickto it

turn the gravity panel on, then as the left-hand block rises to about halfway, quickly turn it off again

if you time it right, the left-hand block should only just touch the ceiling, and the right-hand block willfall back down again

now jump onto the above platform, then across the platforms to the right

press the gravity panel, and wait for the rope swing to nearly reach the top of the zipwire

quickly press the ceiling gravity panel, then run right and jump onto the rope before it moves downagain

as the rope reaches the end, you need to jump left onto the roof below before you hit the spikes


slide down the roof and jump off as you reach the bottom

immediately touch the gravity panel as you fly past it, and you’ll be thrown to the right

run up the screen and wait for the giant letter H

to light up count one second, then jump upwards and press the gravity panel

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quickly jump into the centre of the H, so that you don’t get electrocuted

wait until the light on the H goes out again, then run and jump to the right, down onto the pipe

wait until the H lights up again, count two seconds, then jump across to it

immediately turn around and jump to the cable on the right

climb down the cable and then walk off the right-hand side of the O

run right


Going Up Achievement 0-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 jump to the gravity panel and press it as you fall past

quickly climb over the box which has risen next to you, and push it slightly right

position yourself so that as the timer runs out, you are above the gravity panel

as you fall, press the panel again, so you rise up

push the box all the way to the right, then quickly run back above the gravity panel

again, press it as you fall past

run right and climb the box, and onto the ledge run past the saw before the timer runs out, and thenfall down the slope

as you reach the bottom of the slope, jump and press the gravity button

run right and fall onto the platform below

wait until the timer is about to end, then jump to the electromagnet and turn it off asthe gun beginsto fire, you will fly back up to the ceiling and out of harm’s way

now walk as far right as you can

as you drop back down, the block on your right will drop with you

as soon as you touch the floor, quickly climb on the block and run right along it

you’ll then be thrown back onto the ceiling

position yourself so you land on the platform below

once you’re on the ground again, wait for the timer to be half-finished, then drop below to the right

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quickly run left

as the timer finishes, you’ll land on the bottom of the platform above, away from the gun firingbelow

quickly run left and position yourself so that as gravity changes again, you’ll fall down the hole

slide down the slope when the timer is nearly up, jump into the pit

you’ll change direction halfway down, and fall back up the screen, landing on the other side of thegrinder 


when the timer is about half finished, fall up the screen and past the gravity panel – do not press ityet

as the timer finishes, you’ll then fall back down the screen hit the gravity button on the way past

you’ll fly down and right, and through the wall

run right to complete the game


 jump across the platforms to the right and drop downrun right, as you get to the log at water edge, the spider appears behind

quickly push the log into the water and jump on itthen jump onto the land in the middle of the water, then onto next log, and climb onto landrun right, you’ll see a log set out like a seesawstand on the centre of logthe spider will stand on the left-hand side, causing the right-hand side of the log to risequickly run and jump to the ledge on the right

run right and push the new log jump across the gap and climb up the ledgethe spider will fall down hole, but you still need to be quick, as he climbs back uprun right and jump on the branch which is keeping the huge rock steadyquickly run left and fall down onto the lower ledgethe rock will roll over your head and crush the spider climb back up and run right

 jump over the pit and run rightrun down the hill, then slip down the ledge

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run to the edge of the spike pit, you’ll see people on other sidethe remains of the spider will fall down close to you on the leftwait for its leg to attack, then run right to dodge itnow pull the leg off the spider 

 jump over the spider and roll it into the spike pit on the right jump on top of the spider and jump across the pitrun right and slide down hill


climb the ladder run left, and jump onto the hanging box

 jump onto the next box, then jump on the spotit will fall to the groundpush box down the hill to the right, and up to the wallclimb on top and onto the ledgerun right, and when you reach water, jump onto the dead body floating in the water wait for a guy to walk into water and drown, then use his body as a platform

 jump to the final body, then onto landnow grab the body and drag it up the hill to the rightpush the body into the pit, setting off the traprun across the top of the block which has just fallenrun right and slide down the hillrun right, you’ll see a button and a crusher above

 jump ON the button, not either side of it, then jump acrossat the next crusher, jump OVER the button, not onto it

 jump across the pit, them immediately jump back, some people will chase yourun back through the two crushers, remembering where to stand (first one: over the button, secondone: onto to button)once all three guys have died, run back over the crushers and jump over the pit againrun right


climb down the ladder and pull the trolley out from the leftpull it as far right as it will gonow climb the ladder again, and jump on the rope

keep climbing the rope so you don’t get grindednow quickly jump left, down the ladder, and jump onto the trolleyfrom the trolley, jump and cling onto the rope which should still be hanging through the grinders – if not, you need to move more quicklynow jump to the right, onto the next ropeclimb up this until both doorways are half open, then quickly jump right run underneath before they

closerun righta small glowing creature will attach itself to your headwhile it is on your head, you cannot control which way you walk or stop walking – however, walkinginto sunlight will cause you to change directionwalk left into the sunlight, and you’ll spin around and start walking rightslide down the hill and jump before you reach the pitwalk right and jump over the boxwalk into the sunlight and you’ll start walking left againpush the box underneath the beaked creatures, then jump on it

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the creatures will eat the glowing bug off your head, and you’ll be freerun right


run past the lever and jump down

you’ll see a creature trying to jump up to some glowing plants

climb up the ledge, and run rightfall into the pitpull the log into the middleclimb on the log and jump left onto the ropeclimb back up and run left

 jump onto the ledge which has glowing plants underneath jump on the spot, and the plants will fallthe creature will run out to eat themfall down to the creature’s right-hand side, and it will run leftfollow and it’ll run into the turbine

 jump on top and hold the lever down to start the waterflow

go back to the pit on the rightyou’ll see a chain hanging down from the waterway, jump and grab hold of itwait until the pit fills with water, then jump across quicklyrun right, then jump onto the hanging foliage and climb uprun right and slide down the hill


 jump over the box and pull it to the right with youleave it under the area in which there is a slight gap above younow climb the ladder and pull the platform right, revealing a bigger gap

the box should be directly under the gap

climb back down ladder and pull the lever on the rightimmediately jump onto the ladder and climb back upwait for the box to rise to your level and jump on itmake sure to stand directly in the centre of it to keep your balancewait until the box gets level with the ladder above, then jump onto the ladder climb up to next levelquickly run right and grab the new boxpull it left so that it can float up next to the above wall

 jump on it again, make sure to balance in the middle of the boxas it stops rising with the water and is about to start sinking, jump to the ledge aboveslide down the ramp slightly and jump onto the second level (i.e. not the top one)run right and pull the platform to the left, revealing a gapwait for the ball below to pop out of the water, then quickly push the platform right again to catch

the ballnow push the ball to the right before the water gets to your level, and then climb the ladder on theleftthe ball will rise up and get caught beneath the wooden box

 jump on the box and again balance in the middle as the water risesonce the box is level with the ledge, jump onto the ledge and continue rightrun past the ladder and pull the lever wait until the water is level in the tank above, then pull the lever againnow climb the ladder and jump across the box to the second lever 

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pull the lever and wait for the water to level again jump right onto the block, then jump on the box and right onto the ledge


run right and jump down to the platform below

be careful at this part – walk towards the box and when the swinging glow bug above

is facing right, grab the box and pull it all the way to the left side of the platformnow run right and the creature will attach itself to your headyou will now automatically walk left

 jump on top of the box and onto the ledge abovethe light will cause you to run right again

 jump back down onto the platform and then grab the first ladder while hanging from a ladder you will not be automatically movedwait for debris to fall down the middle of the ladders, then jump to the next oneclimb down and jump onto the platform

 jump down onto the pipe and across to the next pipeit will break, so quickly jump across as it falls

now walk along and into the light – you’ll start walking left againrun and jump quickly across the pipes you just came from, as the water is rising fast

 jump onto the ladder wait for the debris to fall, then jump across to the next ladder  jump onto the platform from earlier, and again climb on the box, up onto the ledge and into the lightyou’ll start walking right againquickly drop down and jump onto the first ladder, then climb to the topwait for debris to fall, then jump across to the second ladder climb to the top and wait for the water to rise up, bringing the pipe with it

 jump onto the pipe and then up to the ledgewalk right and the bird creatures will eat the glowing bug – you’re free again-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

It's Stuck Achievement0

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------climb up the ladder run right and leap over the pitslide down rooftop and jump to avoid pit at the bottom

 jump right ontodrainpipe and climb itit will come away but don’t worry – just keep climbing and jump onto ledge


run right until you reach the ledge and can see the huge letter Hwait for the H to light up, then count two seconds and jumpyou’ll land on it just as it goes out

quickly bound across the H and onto the O before it lights up againthe O will being to roll – let yourself drop of the left hand side, making sure not to touch the Hgrab hold of the cable coming from beneath the T and swing across

 jump and turn off the power boxswing back left and climb up the drainpipe

 jump along the letters of HOTEL

the letter will begin to swing, quickly jump onto the arrowthe arrow will also begin to move, jump right onto the ledge before it falls

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run right and drop down onto the conservatoryrun along the top and to the rightpull the ladder on wheels

slightly to the left, so that it is at the top of the slopequickly jump on and climb to the topas it reaches the very left, jump off the ladder and onto the conservatorythe glass will break and you’ll fall throughslide down and jump onto the light

 jump left onto the next light, then onto the hoseit will begin to unravel, make sure you climb to the bottom as when it has finished unravelling, it willbounce and you’ll fall off run left and carefully touch the wobbly structure, then run back right – it will fall downrun right and yet another mind-control worm will latch onto your headwalk left and into the light, then back right againkeep running right, past the elevator 

 jump down the platforms and onto the ledge

step on the button, then hold left to slow yourself downwait for the box to drop from above, then quickly climb on it jump over the saw before it destroysthe boxquickly climb the ledge before the saw comes backas you’re walking underneath the beaked creatures, jump up and one will eat the bug off your headwait for the saw to be as far right as it can be and jump over itrun left and jump onto the seesaw platformrun back and forth across the platform to make it rockafter doing this several times, run into the centre of the platform and wait for the left-hand side tonearly reach its peak height, then run left and jump to the next platformpull the left platform as far right as you can, then quickly jump on itrun left and jump to the ledge


run left and past the elevator grab the box and pull it rightleave it in the middle of the elevator, then press the switch on the rightquickly jump onto the elevator once the elevator reaches the top, push box onto second floor 


Urban Exploartion Achievement0


push the box until it’s in the middle of the teeter-totter turn the elevator on, then quickly run left and grab itpull it right and hold on until it stops movingnow pull it to the right and onto the teeter-totter push the box up the ramp and leave it at the toprun right and pull the lever, a rope will be lowered downrun left and drag the box underneath the ropepull the lever again, then quickly jump on the box and jump up to the ropewait until it reaches the top, then swing and jump to the ledge on the right

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stand on the left button, then wait next to the right button as the left box is about to be dropped,stand on the right buttonquickly run left and jump over the boxpush it right so that the right-hand box falls on top of itclimb up on top of the two boxes, then jump to the ledge before the saw cuts you uprun right-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Alone in the Dark Achievement 0

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------climb the ladder and run right


drop down and you’ll see a fly on the groundwalk very slowly towards it, so that you are on the edge of the excrement pile

 jump right and grab onto its leg before it flies off 

if you mistime it, just walk back left and he’ll fly down again

wait until he drops you, then run rightdrop down then climb the ladder 

 jump on the box then jump onto the next ladder climb up and run leftdrag the box right then climb over itdrag it back as far left as it will goleave the next box exactly where it isrun left and activate the machinequickly run right and jump over the box, then push it left the tire below will roll onto the platformkeep pulling the box slowly right so the tire doesn’t fall off when you reach the next box, let go of the current one, then spin round and grab that oneas the tyre rolls onto the new platform, begin pushing the next boxthe tyre will drop down the hole

climb back down the laddersrun left and climb up to where the tire has droppedpush the tyre all the way to the left, then run rightthe tyre will roll after you as the tyre hits the button, jump through the door the tyre will now roll left, then back right onto the button againgrab the box, and as the door opens again, drag the box through the door if it gets stuck in the door, simply climb up the ladder and push it throughgrab the box and pull it left


push the box as far right as you can – against the huge cog – and jump onto the platform above

pull the lever and the cog will start turning, taking the box with itride the cog and jump onto the ledge above-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Climbing the Cog Achievement 0

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pull the box out and push it onto the moving cog

 jump down onto the cog and ride it down, making sure not to get crushedpull one box to the right and push it all the way against the wall

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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------run right onto the cog and let it take you up

 jump left onto the ladder and climb up


pull the lever once, then wait until one of the teeth of the cog on the right is about to go pastquickly pull the lever again then immediately jump onto the cog on the rightquickly jump onto the ladder and climb up

 jump onto the cog on the left and travel up jump onto the ledge aboverun right, then fall down

 jump over the ladder on wheels

and run right grab the mine cart and drag it so it is directly underneath the lever abovego back to the ladder on wheels and push it as far right as it will goquickly jump on and climb the ladder 

 jump back onto the left-hand ledgewait for the ladder to roll right and then left again, then as it’s about to start rolling left, pull the lever 

then quickly run right and jump onto the ladder as it rolls right, jump onto the platform above

 jump and grab the lever on the right, then drop down onto the mine cartride the mine cart until it reaches a ladder climb the ladder and quickly run along the platform to theright jump over the saw and land back on the mine cartwait until it reaches the next platform, then drop off to the leftpush the mine cart back the way you came from and jump onto the front of it while it is still rollingthe way you came then jump onto the floor aboverun along and jump as you get to the end of the electric floor, so that it doesn’t zap you at the lastsecondpull the lever, then jump across the pitwait until the world has spun about 90 degrees, then you’ll see a ladder on the right as the lightswings

 jump onto the ladder and climb up it, then wait for the room to spin a bit moreyou’ll see a platform on the right – jump onto it-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Guided By Sparks Achievement 0

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pull the crate to the left, then jump over to the other side of itpush it down the hole to the left, then jump down on top of it


run right and jump across the gap jump right off the platform so that you past through the vertical laser sight

immediately jump back left onto the platform before either gun starts shootingas the above gun starts moving, stay out of the line of fire when it’s shooting, but purposely standin the line of fire when it is dormantif the gun is shooting as it passes over the horizontal gun, it will damage itlet this happen a couple of times, and the horizontal gun will explode


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now run right drop down to where there are two crates

push the right-hand crate as far right as it will gothen quickly run left and climb on top of the other crateas the right-hand crate lands on the button, the left crate will begin to floatquickly jump off it to the left, so as not to get crushed

now stand at the right edge of the slope, so that as the left crate falls back down, you can stop itfrom dropping back down belowpush the crate left to the top of the slope and leave it underneath the ladder climb on the crate and jump up to the ladder climb onto the platform, then run rightgrab the ladder and it will fall downclimb down, then once again push the crate to the right and up the slopequickly run left and grab the ladder climb the ladder, then run left to where the other box should now be floating at the edge of theplatformgrab it and drag it onto the platform with you before it fallsdrag it right, so that it is positioned just to the left of the above platformthe idea is that when it floats up again, you’ll be on top of it and able to jump right onto the aboveplatformclimb back down the ladder and once again push the box up the right slopequickly climb the ladder and stand on the box aboveas it floats up, quickly jump off to the rightrun right-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Under Ground Achievement 0

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------press the button to bring the elevator downpress the button again and then jump into the elevator at the top, press the next button to make it go down againthen press it again, and quickly jump on top of the elevator as the gun’s laser sight spots you, quickly jump back down to the right it will shoot the crate downbring the elevator back down once again, and push the crate onto the top of itmake sure you push it to the very left, without letting it fall off now hit the button again, and jump onto the elevator roof the crate will shield you from the gun fireclimb on the crate and jump to the ledge on the leftrun left to the electromagnet machinewhen you turn the machine off, a crate will fall from abovethe key is to then let the crate slide down the slope a bit, then turn the machine on and off over and over again, allowing the crate to float in mid-air and over the wall, landing next to youpush the crate as far right as it will go, then leave it there

 jump back down to the right and press the elevator buttondrag the crate to the right a bit, then climb over itpush it to the rightclimb up the ladder press the gravity panel

run along the ceiling to the left jump over the box and push it rightnow push one box so that it is going to land on the ground below, and the other box so that it isgoing to land on top of the platform which is moving in and out of the wall as the platform begins tomove out, quickly hitthe gravity panel so you and the two boxes fallthen quickly push the box on the floor against the moving platform, and jump onto the platformthen jump onto the next box, and onto the right-hand ledgeclimb down the ladder and run right

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run past the gravity panel and to the electromagnet panelturn the electromagnet onthe key here is to make the left-hand block stick to the ceiling, but not let the right-hand block stick

to it

turn the gravity panel on, then as the left-hand block rises to about halfway, quickly turn it off againif you time it right, the left-hand block should only just touch the ceiling, and the right-hand block willfall back down againnow jump onto the above platform, then across the platforms to the rightpress the gravity panel, and wait for the rope swing to nearly reach the top of the zipwirequickly press the ceiling gravity panel, then run right and jump onto the rope before it moves downagainas the rope reaches the end, you need to jump left onto the roof below before you hit the spikes 


slide down the roof and jump off as you reach the bottomimmediately touch the gravity panel as you fly past it, and you’ll be thrown to the rightrun up the screen and wait for the giant letter H

to light up count one second, then jump upwards and press the gravity panelquickly jump into the centre of the H, so that you don’t get electrocutedwait until the light on the H goes out again, then run and jump to the right, down onto the pipewait until the H lights up again, count two seconds, then jump across to itimmediately turn around and jump to the cable on the rightclimb down the cable and then walk off the right-hand side of the Orun right-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Going Up Achievement 0

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- jump to the gravity panel and press it as you fall pastquickly climb over the box which has risen next to you, and push it slightly rightposition yourself so that as the timer runs out, you are above the gravity panelas you fall, press the panel again, so you rise uppush the box all the way to the right, then quickly run back above the gravity panelagain, press it as you fall pastrun right and climb the box, and onto the ledge run past the saw before the timer runs out, and thenfall down the slopeas you reach the bottom of the slope, jump and press the gravity buttonrun right and fall onto the platform belowwait until the timer is about to end, then jump to the electromagnet and turn it off asthe gun

begins to fire, you will fly back up to the ceiling and out of harm’s waynow walk as far right as you canas you drop back down, the block on your right will drop with youas soon as you touch the floor, quickly climb on the block and run right along ityou’ll then be thrown back onto the ceilingposition yourself so you land on the platform belowonce you’re on the ground again, wait for the timer to be half-finished, then drop below to the rightquickly run leftas the timer finishes, you’ll land on the bottom of the platform above, away from the gun firing

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belowquickly run left and position yourself so that as gravity changes again, you’ll fall down the holeslide down the slope when the timer is nearly up, jump into the pityou’ll change direction halfway down, and fall back up the screen, landing on the other side of the grinder  


when the timer is about half finished, fall up the screen and past the gravity panel– do not pressit yetas the timer finishes, you’ll then fall back down the screen hit the gravity button on the way past

you’ll fly down and right, and through the wallrun right to complete the game
