Linda volvo

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Mobile Strategy Is Dead.Long Live Content Strategy.

Thoughts on engaging consumers

Contrarian Advice In 140 Characters

“There is no mobile web. There is only the web, which we view in different ways. There is also no desktop web. Or tablet web. Thank you.” @stephen hay

There’s Only One Web

The mobile web exists to give name to the technical complexities and innovative solutions that help brands deal with content creation for small-screened devices

Users don’t know the difference between the different webs

They just want their content, and they want it on their terms

Volvo Doesn’t Need A Mobile Strategy

Mobile strategies on their own don’t drive brand awareness, product consideration, or dealer leads

Long Live Content Strategy

The answer is to create and curate great content for the legions of loyal and hungry Volvo drivers who just can’t get enough

Providing content also fills the long purchase cycle for new vehicles, helping bring consumers into the fold

Optimizing Content For Mobile Devices

This isn’t to say that small-screened devices haven’t changed how we think about content

A 5-Point Plan For Engaging Consumers

Of course we need a plan to optimize content for mobile users

We’ve boiled it down to 5 points

1. Make Your Content Discoverable

Users Need Help Finding Great Content

Smartphones have become an integral part of users’ daily lives

Consumers use smartphones as an extension of their desktop computers

Their behaviors across devices are remarkably similar. In fact, 77% of smartphone owners use search to discover content*

So, the first part of our plan is to make content searchable across all sorts of search engines

*Source: Google

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2. Make Your Content Readable

Find The Right Formats For Your Audience

At Volvo we have a strong philosophy regarding design

The philosophy governs how we deliver content to consumers

We’ve used HTML5 to make content render optimally on desktop browsers

But with 81% of smartphone and tablet owners using a browser, and with 83% of those users also reading content on an app, we’ve had to think about what the right formats are for the Volvo audience

Flipboard Is As Easy To Read As A Magazine

3. Create Relevant Content

Offer Stories That Resonate With Your Audience

The lives of our consumers have changed dramatically in recent years

It’s driving demand for content across all kinds of devices

In our category, consumers are looking for stories to make sense of luxury, technology, and strength

It guides our efforts to reposition ourselves through content that makes for resonating stories

4. Make Your Content Sociable

Promote Content That Strikes Up Conversations

At Volvo, consumer referral is critical to building our brand and our business

Content has always played—and will continue to play, a critical role in creating relationships and building communities

In fact, industry studies show that 24% of mobile phone users recommended a brand to a friend with content shared via their mobile device*

And it’s not just through words!

*Source: Android Alliance

Instagram Curates Loyal Communities

5. Make Content Actionable

Embed Response Mechanisms Into Your Content

Nine out of ten smartphone searches results in consumer inquiry, store visit, or product purchase*

88% of these users take action within a day*

70% of these actions take place at retail*

Embedding response mechanisms into your content is the crucial to justifying investment*Source: Google

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Key Takeaways

Users can’t get enough content

They need more help than ever finding it, enjoying it, and acting on it

Mobile devices provide brands the next great opportunity to engage consumers

Brands need a framework for taking advantage of the opportunity

A robust content strategy should be able to navigate the complexities of delivering content to small-screened devices and satisfying marketing objectives

Long Live Content Strategy