Linde burners for glass.pdf

Post on 08-Nov-2014

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Burners used in glass manufacturing


A step ahead in glass. Innovative gas solutions for the glass industry.

2 A step ahead in glass

3A step ahead in glass

At your service. Technology,supply and expertise.

Our service and support– Full technical evaluation of your existing plant– Feasibility studies– Individual development projects– In-situ trials and demonstrations– Reference visits– Complete hardware infrastructure– Installation, commissioning and process

optimisation– Training– Extensive after-sales service (consulting,

safety auditing and training, environmental monitoring, etc.)

Maximising effi cienciesThe cost-effective production of glass is a com-plex equation that plots energy consumption against productivity and quality. In the relent-less quest to squeeze more value from your production processes, it is essential that you look carefully at every factor of production.

Industrial gas plays a vital role in the glass equation. Provided you know where to look, it also creates a number of openings for signif-i cant effi ciencies and enhancements. This is where Linde Gas can help. This brochure shows you how Linde Gas can add value to your pro-duction processes by combining our extensive expertise with the applications and services that we have developed specifi cally for the glass industry.

Tapping into our expertiseDrawing on our vast experience and gas appli-cation know-how, we will work with you to identify the best solutions. Joint development projects ensure that our gas applications are optimised to align with your individual require-ments. Through close collaboration with leading glass manufacturers worldwide, we have proven capabilities across the full glass spectrum.

COROX®, HYDROPOX®, CARBOPOX®, LINFIRE® and CARBOFLAM® are registered trademarks of the Linde Group.CGM™ stands for Convective Glass Melting and is a trademark of The BOC Group, Inc.

Supply fl exibilityDepending on individual needs, we can supply your gases (oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, etc.) from our own production plants or install a production plant at your site. We have gained considerable experience in the construction of on-site production plants designed to meet precise volume, safety and purity demands.

Full application spectrumLinde Gas offers a wide range of gas applica-tions and technologies to cover all glass melt-ing, treatment and processing needs – inerting included.

Oxygen makes the difference.Glass melting.

We deliver a broad range of solutions and pack-ages for glass melting. Our melting technolo-gies harness the benefi ts of oxygen to increase combustion effi ciency, enhance quality and minimise emissions.

The right solutionDifferent technologies are available to suit indi-vidual furnace and process conditions. You can choose from the following applications:– Oxygen enrichment– Oxygen lancing– Oxy-fuel boosting– All-oxy-fuel fi red melting

All of these processes are based on the replace-ment of air with oxygen. Thanks to the elimina-tion of nitrogen and the higher concentration of oxygen, they increase the fl ame temperature. They also improve the effectiveness of the gas jet due to the higher concentrations of CO2 and H2O in the vicinity of the fl ame. These gases are mainly responsible for thermal radiation.

All-oxy-fuel fi red meltingOne of the most popular oxygen applications, all-oxy-fuel fi red melting eliminates the need for a combustion-air or heat-recovery device. This process is one of the most effi cient ways of reducing nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particu-late emissions from glass furnaces.

4 A step ahead in glass

Datasheets on all applications are available on request.

Benefi ts– Very low NOx and particulate emissions– Better glass quality– No air preheating necessary– Higher pull rate– Better control over operations, smaller

variations– Smaller fi lter unit

Advantages of oxygen– Reduced emissions– Lower capital costs– Energy savings– Increased productivity– Enhanced glass quality– Replacement of missing combustion air– Improved heat transfer

5A step ahead in glass

Varied COROX® fl ame shapes

6 A step ahead in glass

Burner technologiesWe offer a range of burners to suit individual application needs. Employed correctly, burners help tighten control of heat input, improve glass circulation, enhance batch melting, etc. The fol-lowing standard burner systems are used most commonly:

COROX®-I: ceramic burners COROX®-II: highly fl exible burners COROX®-CGM™: burners leveragingConvective Glass Melting (CGM)

COROX®-I burners are very compact and robust. They are generally installed in smaller melting furnaces. We combine our burner systems with staging lances for maximum fl exibility.

Our new COROX®-II burners are the solution of choice for the most demanding requirements.

Benefi ts of COROX®-II burners– Various fl ame shapes – Different fl ame directions with an

angle of up to 20°– Rapid handling– Various oxygen and fuel velocities– Adjusting device– Adjustment during operation

COROX®-CGM™, a unique oxy-fuel boosting tech -nology, transfers more energy to the glass melt by positioning the burner vertically instead of horizontally. This enhances the heat transfer by adding convection to the regular radiant trans-fer. Tests have shown that the combined effect of radiant heat transfer and enhanced convec-tive transfer almost doubles the heat transfer rates of conventional burners.

Highlights of COROX®-CGM™– Vertical rather than horizontal burner position– Increased melting capacity– Improved glass quality– Extended furnace life– Freedom to select desired number of burners

(burners not restricted by breastwall space limitations)

– Proven technology – successfully employed by companies such as Owens-Corning

– Ideal for all market segments, including fl oat glass, container and specialty glass

– Adaptable to air-fuel furnaces or 100 % oxy-fuel furnaces

COROX®-II burner Typical use: fl oat and container glass melting (gaseous fuels)

COROX®-II burner Typical use: specialty glass melting (liquid plus gaseous fuels)

COROX®-I burner Typical use: art and tableware glass melting (gaseous fuels)

COROX®-II burner Typical use: specialty glass melting (gaseous fuels)

7A step ahead in glass

Two different burners in comparison using computer fl uid dynamics

From melting to inertingOur service offering even extends to inerting. We supply nitrogen and hydrogen for fl oat glass processes. We can also help you improve the quality of your fl oat glass, at the same time minimising gas consumption and ensuring full compliance with your volume, safety and purity needs.

Oxy serviceLinde Gas oxy service is designed to ensure virtually uninterrupted operations. This fast, effi cient delivery service can help you prolong the service life of a furnace or continue produc-tion during repair of a regenerator or recupera-tor (by eliminating the need for a heat-recovery device).

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For premium quality. Glass treatment.

For optimum glass treatment results, we offer a wide selection of purpose-designed and stan-dard burners. We are proud to say that our cus-tomers include some of the most famous art glass manufacturers worldwide.

Polishing and fusingPolishing and fusing enhance the surface qual-ity of glass. Flames from our special burners impinge the glass directly to remelt a thin sur-face layer. Polishing can be used to eliminate or reduce the need for etching, thus reducing the environmental impact and paving the way for a cleaner, safer working environment.

Burner technologiesLinde Gas burner systems apply either pre- mixing or post-mixing gas technologies.– HYDROPOX®: pre-mixing technology with

oxygen and hydrogen– CARBOPOX®: pre-mixing technology with

oxygen and natural gas/propane– LINFIRE®: post-mixing technology

Benefi ts of pre-mixing burnersPre-mixing burners are more effi cient than post-mixing burners. In addition, technologies based on hydrogen/oxygen are more effi cient than those using natural gas/oxygen or propane/oxygen. Linde’s pre-mixing technology with oxygen and hydrogen is the solution of choice for high-end applications where speed, quality and effi ciency are critical.

Linde’s pre-mixing technologies at a glance– Pre-mixing of gases– Electropneumatic control units– Water-cooled/uncooled burners– Standard burners/specially designed burners– 100 % stainless steel– Power control, control units, exact pressure

regulation and exact regulation of the gas ratio for each burner

Flame shape of a HYDROPOX® L-line burner

Benefi ts of HYDROPOX®

– Complete removal of pressing burrs and sharp edges such as stem seams, cover ring seams and plate seams. Up to 60 cuts per minute on thin-walled glasses (particularly glasses with stems)

– High-grade fi nishing of fl acons (brilliance)– Prevention of deformation due to a very short polishing

time of approx. 2–3 s (the glass does not heat through)– Removal of cold waves– Heating at precise points– Optimum polishing of decorative surfaces with very

deep reliefs

Surface coatingWe developed the CARBOFLAM® process to capitalise on the benefi ts of surface coating with carbon. CARBOFLAM® is a versatile process that can be used with all glass types. It is particularly suited to containers. Leveraging the positive separating and insulating effect of carbon, it is the most effective technique for surface coating, offering excellent process stability.

The CARBOFLAM® process is based on an understoichiomet-ric acetylene/oxygen fl ame. Burnt under precise conditions,

pure acetylene separates into carbon and hydrogen. Nearly 100 percent of the resultant carbon is deposited in a thin layer on the surface to be coated.

Carbon coating cannot be equated with sooting or smoking. Acetylene carbon particles are generally physiologically safe. And thanks to the short coating period (less than 0.1 seconds), the workplace concentration of harmful sub-stances is signifi cantly lower than that caused by spraying and burning of oils or suspensions.

Benefi ts of CARBOFLAM®

– Greater productivity thanks to improved process stability (manual, automatic) and higher mould duration

– Higher glass quality, glass surface quality in particular, thanks to the reduction/minimisation of defects resulting from the manufacturing process (i. e. cold waves)

– Possibility to introduce new products thanks to improved glass distribution enabled by higher mould temperatures

– Reduced maintenance costs through process optimisation– Enhanced safety thanks to dramatic reduction in workplace

pollution when compared with other applications (cracking applications in particular)

– Energy savings

Production of fl int container glass with an IS machine using CARBOFLAM®

Pre-mixing technologies in comparison


Gases used Hydrogen plus oxygen Natural gas/propane plus oxygenTypical areasof application

Fire-polishing of thin, machine-pressed or blown glass items

Fire-polishing of thick, machine-pressed or blown glass items

Working parametersWorking distanceRun time

Approx. 10–20 mmApprox. 2–5 s

Approx. 40–100 mmApprox. 5–10 s


Uncooled T-line burner Typical use: removal of stern seams

Typical samples of CARBOPOX®/HYDROPOX® burners

Ring burner Typical use: removal of plate seams

L-line burner Typical use: removal of pressing burrs and cold waves (surface polishing)

Line/surface burner Typical use: heating at precise points of a special mould

11A step ahead in glass

With its innovative concepts, Linde Gas is playing a pioneering role in the global market. As a technology leader, it is our taskto constantly raise the bar. Traditionally driven by entrepreneurship, we are working steadily on new high-quality productsand innovative processes.

Linde Gas offers more. We create added value, clearly discernible competitive advantages, and greater profi tability. Eachconcept is tailored specifi cally to meet our customers’ requirements – offering standardised as well as customised solutions.This applies to all industries and all companies regardless of their size.

If you want to keep pace with tomorrow’s competition, you need a partner by your side for whom top quality, processoptimisation, and enhanced productivity are part of daily business. However, we defi ne partnership not merely as beingthere for you but being with you. After all, joint activities form the core of commercial success.

Linde Gas – ideas become solutions.

Getting ahead through innovation.





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Linde AGLinde Gas Division, Linde Gas Headquarters, Seitnerstrasse 70, 82049 Pullach, GermanyPhone +49.89.74 46-0, Fax +49.89.74 46-12 30,