Link Building in a Post-Penguin World

Post on 17-Oct-2014

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My presentation from SES London - what does a link building strategy look like in 2013?


Links were naturally earned & humanly curated

Then this came along…

Also known as…

Quickly followed by this....

And eventually this!

Which caused a few headaches…

Started a few long-overdue clean-ups!

And launched lots of different theories...

The Google Gap is closing

Image source:

Essentially Penguin is the ‘cousin’ of Panda…

Panda identifies thin/weak content and penalises you for publishing it

Penguin penalises you for thin/weak content which links to you

Phase 1: Demote sites with more content ranking than their reputation has earned

Pages that have no activity/links/comments/shares are there to manipulate Google’s algorithm

Phase 2: Anchor Text Over-Optimisation Penalities

Google in 2013 has more data/signals than ever(and they’re using them...)

Google Chrome is #1 Browser in the World

Google Analytics Has Dominant Market Share

Google Reader + FeedBurner = blog data

Google+ is verification network for authors

This means Google essentially knows where, why, who & when content is searched for

WHO links to you could be more important than WHERE it’s from

But don’t give up on links just yet!

1) Re-think your metrics of site quality1. Traffic2. RSS Subscribers3. Bounce Rate4. Average no of links per post5. Average no of social shares/comments6. What Would Matt Cutts Do?

2) Analyse if/when you’ve been hit

3) Download all of your links

4) Analyse your anchor text distribution %

5) Analyse link volume vs. referring traffic

6) Analyse topical relevancy of links

7) Compare it against your competitors!

8) Find out what a #1 site profile looks like in your industry & replicate it


9) Consider removing/disavowing links which don’t match your target profile

10) Create a scalable content strategy to focus on quality production & outreach

Content types include:– Infographics– Infograms– In-Depth Articles/Blog Posts– Videos– Kinetic Typography– Interactive Infographics– HTML5 content – Quizzes– Microsites/Communities– Events

11) Focus on audience & topical relevancy to build a natural & defensible profile