LinkedQR: Improving Tourism Experience through Linked Data and QR Codes

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LinkedQR: Improving Tourism Experience through LinkedData and QR Codes

Mikel Emaldi, Jon Lazaro, Xabier Laiseca, and Diego Lopez de Ipina{m.emaldi, jlazaro, xabier.laiseca, dipina}

DeustoTech - Deusto Institute of Technology, University of Deusto

December 4, 2012


Tourism experience at art galleries

Related Work

Linked Data

System Architecture


Conclusions and Future Work


Tourism experience at art galleries

Related Work

Linked Data

System Architecture


Conclusions and Future Work


Tourism experience at art galleries

Related Work

Linked Data

System Architecture


Conclusions and Future Work


Tourism experience at art galleries

Related Work

Linked Data

System Architecture


Conclusions and Future Work


Tourism experience at art galleries

Related Work

Linked Data

System Architecture


Conclusions and Future Work


Tourism experience at art galleries

Related Work

Linked Data

System Architecture


Conclusions and Future Work


Tourism experience at art galleries

Related Work

Linked Data

System Architecture


Conclusions and Future Work

Traditional experience

Usually, inside an art gallery we can find few information elementsas:

I Information cards with minor information.

I Audioguides with extended information.

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Traditional experience

Usually, inside an art gallery we can find few information elementsas:

I Information cards with minor information.I Audioguides with extended information.

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I The area of the information cards is limited.I The hardware of audioguides is limited to audio and few text

characters.I Deaf people can not use them.

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How can we enrich theinformation received inside an art


Our proposal

Including the capabilities of the smartphones in the environmentof the museums.

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Tourism experience at art galleries

Related Work

Linked Data

System Architecture


Conclusions and Future Work

Smartphones into art galleries

There are some art galleries that have their own mobileapplications:

I Orsay’s Museum (Paris).I MoMA (New York).I Museo de reproducciones (Bilbao).

Related Work 9 / 33


MoMu (Mobile Museum) offers additional information about thepieces of art, using TRIP codes [Lopez-de-Ipina02].

MoMu does not offer any innovation in the informationrecovery process.

Related Work 10 / 33

Our solution

I Usage of QR Codes to identify the pieces of art.I Linked Data to manage the recovery of information.

Related Work 11 / 33


Tourism experience at art galleries

Related Work

Linked Data

System Architecture


Conclusions and Future Work

What is Linked Data?

Linked Data is a set of best practices enunciated by TimBerners-Lee and promoted by W3C to publish data on the Web.There are four principles to publish our data as Linked Data[Berners-Lee06].

1. Use URIs as names for things.2. Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names.3. When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information

using the standards (RDF*, SPARQL).4. Include links to other URIs so that they can discover more


Linked Data 13 / 33


Tourism experience at art galleries

Related Work

Linked Data

System Architecture


Conclusions and Future Work

Architecture Overview

1) Information insertion

4) <HTML>

5) Data curation

System Architecture 15 / 33

Information Enrichment Scenario

A web application to ease the work of the data curator of the artgallery.

1. The data curator inserts the title and the author of the piece ofart.

2. This input data is queried against DBPedia.3. The data curator filters the information given by DBPedia.4. At last, the data curator can add information manually.

These Linked Open Data can be reused by another museums! :-)

System Architecture 16 / 33

Information Consuming Scenario

Enables the user to access enriched information about a concretepiece of art.

1. The user accesses to the application of the museum.2. Scans the QR Code of the piece of art.3. The information is shown at his/her smartphone.

System Architecture 19 / 33

Some notes

The workflow of our system requires many HTTP requests anddata transmission...The DBPedia can return ambiguous results...

System Architecture 21 / 33


Tourism experience at art galleries

Related Work

Linked Data

System Architecture


Conclusions and Future Work


I Performance on administration side.I Accuracy of given results.

I Performance on user side.I Retrieving data.I Visualizing data.

“Arte como vida” exposition (Sala Kubo art gallery (Kursaal), Donostia/San Sebastian).

Experimentation 23 / 33

Performance on administration side I

There are many unknown authors!

Experimentation 24 / 33

Performance on administration side II

Precision =Tpositives

Tpositives + Fpositives=

5151 + 6

= 89.47% (1)

Recall =Tpositives

Tpositives + Fnegatives=

5151 + 1

= 98.07% (2)

True negative rate =Tnegatives

Tnegatives + Fpositives=

2929 + 1

= 96.66%


Experimentation 25 / 33

Performance on administration side III

Accuracy =Tpositives + Tnegatives

Tpositives + Tnegatives + Fpositives + Fnegatives=

51 + 2951 + 29 + 6 + 1

= 91.95%(4)

F1 = 2∗ Precision ∗ RecallPrecision + Recall

= 2∗ 0.8947 ∗ 0.98070.8947 + 0.9807

= 93.57% (5)

Experimentation 26 / 33

Performance on user side I

84.0 87.0 88.0 91.0 92.0 95.0 96.0 97.0 104.0Number of triples









t (m


Time delay on triple processing

Retrieval timeVisualization timeTotal timeRetrieval time meanVisualization time meanTotal time mean

The maximum bearable delay for an user interaction is near 10 seconds, according to[Nielsen94].

Experimentation 27 / 33


Tourism experience at art galleries

Related Work

Linked Data

System Architecture


Conclusions and Future Work


I The synergy between QR Codes and Linked Data increasesthe tourism experience in art galleries.

I QR Codes can identify everyday objects and Linked Data canenrich the information about these objects.

I The proposed solution is easily deployable and no specialhardware is needed.

I User interface can be adapted to the needs of different users.I Our system can be migrated to many tourism


Conclusions and Future Work 29 / 33

Future Work

I We have tested the system at Sala Kubo (Kursaal,Donostia/San Sebastian).

I CICTourgune is analysing the system in terms of usage andusability.

I Improve the percentage of authors found adding moresemantic resources like Amsterdam Museum semanticrepository or GoogleArt wrapper.

I Increase the user experience improving the visualization ofthe data into the smartphone.

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I [Lopez-de-Ipina02] Lopez-de-Ipina, D., Vazquez, I., Sainz, D.:Interacting with our environment through sentient mobilephones.

I [Berners-Lee06] Berners-Lee, T.: Linked Data - design issues(online, 2006).

I [Nielsen95] Nielsen, J.: Usability engineering. MorganKaufmann (1994).

Conclusions and Future Work 31 / 33

All rights of images are reserved by theoriginal owners*, the rest of the content is licensed

under a Creative Commons by-sa 3.0 license.

* Mikel Emaldi and Jon Lazaro

LinkedQR: Improving Tourism Experience through LinkedData and QR Codes

Mikel Emaldi, Jon Lazaro, Xabier Laiseca, and Diego Lopez de Ipina{m.emaldi, jlazaro, xabier.laiseca, dipina}

DeustoTech - Deusto Institute of Technology, University of Deusto

December 4, 2012