Linking your ideas coherently - Students

Post on 03-Apr-2022

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Learning Skills Linking your ideas coherently

Overview of this workshop


This module will focus on: •  What is cohesion? •  Grammatical links •  Vocabulary chains •  What is coherence?

1. What is Cohesion? The linking of ideas between sentences and paragraphs. Why is cohesion important? To allow the reader to follow your writing and your arguments easily. How can you write cohesively? Use grammatical links and vocabulary chains.


2. Grammatical Links a. Reference words

b. Conjunctions (linking or transitional words/phrases)


demonstra*ve  pronouns     this,  that,  these,  those    

definite  ar*cle     the  

personal  &  possessive  pronouns    

he,  she,  it,  they,  him,  her,  them  his,  hers,  its,  their  

causal   because,  so,  as  a  result,  therefore  

temporal  (*me)   first,  second,  next,  then,  finally  contras*ve     but,  however,  on  the  other  hand,  nevertheless  

addi*ve     and,  in  addi*on,  moreover  

h"ps://  h"p://www.grammar-­‐  

Identify the grammatical links used in the following text:

The number of tellers was reduced at ABC bank last month. As a result, customers had to wait for a longer time for banking services. This situation is not ideal and the bank needs to consider various ways to solve the problem. Otherwise, it may lose its customers.


The number of tellers was reduced at ABC bank last month. As a result, customers had to wait for a longer time for banking services. This situation is not ideal and the bank needs to consider various ways to solve the problem. Otherwise, it may lose its customers.


Reference  words  Conjunc/ons    

3. Vocabulary Chains

Repetition of key words (e.g, pollution … pollution) Use of synonyms (e.g., resources – materials; salary – wages) Vocabulary chains (e.g., young people, the young, youngsters, teenagers, teens, adolescence)


Many factors can affect business in the restaurant industry in the United States. Basham (2008) pointed out that Restaurant Association reported the poorest sales performance by the domestic restaurant industry in nearly four decades. In response to the weak economic conditions, restaurants were increasing prices only enough to offset higher costs, rather than to expand profit margins. In addition, unemployment in the United States affected restaurants with rates reaching 5.3% in 2008, compared to 4.6% in 2007. The government also made cost difficult for restaurants by increasing the federal government minimum wage to $7.25 in 2009. Finally, Basham suggested that consumers were travelling less, which lowered restaurant sales. In short, the weak economic conditions have had a major impact on the food service industry.


Many factors can affect business in the restaurant industry in the United States. Basham (2008) pointed out that Restaurant Association reported the poorest sales performance by the domestic restaurant industry in nearly four decades. In response to the weak economic conditions, restaurants were increasing prices only enough to offset higher costs, rather than to expand profit margins. In addition, unemployment in the United States affected restaurants with rates reaching 5.3% in 2008, compared to 4.6% in 2007. The government also made cost difficult for restaurants by increasing the federal government minimum wage to $7.25 in 2009. Finally, Basham suggested that consumers were travelling less, which lowered restaurant sales. In short, the weak economic conditions have had a major impact on the food service industry.


Read both paragraphs below and decide which one is easier to understand.

a. The government wants to tax fast food and lower the cost of fruit and vegetables. The cost could be subsidised or the GST removed from fruit and vegetables. To discourage consumption, a tax could be placed on fast food high in fat and sugar. b. The government wants to tax fast food and lower the cost of fruit and vegetables. Fast food, which is high in fat and sugar, could be taxed to discourage consumption. In addition, fruit and vegetables could have the GST removed or be subsidised.


4. Theme and Rheme


b. The government wants to tax fast food and lower the cost of fruit and vegetables. Fast food, which is high in fat and sugar, could be taxed to discourage consumption. In addition, fruit and vegetables could have the GST removed or be subsidised.

Theme and Rheme e.g., Many factors can affect the business in the restaurant

industry in the United States. e.g., New Zealand waters are overfished. This overfishing will have serious consequences... Theme = orients the reader Rheme = tells something about the theme; tells new information


What do you think of this paragraph? For me, the worst thing about waiting tables was the uniform. All the waitresses had to wear this ugly brown striped jumper. The shirts were polyester. Sometimes someone you know comes in. Now I have a job in an office.


Source:  h"p://­‐terms/pop3d.cfm      

For me, the worst thing about waiting tables was the uniform. At the last place I worked, all the waitresses had to wear an ugly brown striped jumper. Underneath it we had to wear an even uglier polyester shirt. Sometimes someone I knew would come in and I would feel embarrassed by my outfit. Now I have a job in an office, where I can wear my own clothes.


What do you think of this paragraph?

For me, the worst thing about waiting tables was the uniform. At the last place I worked, all the waitresses had to wear an ugly brown striped jumper. Underneath it we had to wear an even uglier polyester shirt. Sometimes someone I knew would come in and I would feel embarrassed by my outfit. Now I have a job in an office, where I can wear my own clothes.


What do you think of this paragraph?

5. What is Coherence?

The logical connections of a written or spoken text


   How can I write coherently?

Develop  your  logical  thinking!    

Commons Ways to Organise Ideas

Chronological Cause and effect Problem and solution General to specific


The gradual migration of life from the ocean to the land was another major step that made many happened advances possible. Eventually, plants and animals divided into males and females and possibilities increased for developing new and varied species. To date, more than 400,000 species of plants and 1,200, 000 species of animals have developed. Gradually, the senses of sight and hearing improved in animals and brains grew and developed. Finally, intelligence progressed, leading to the development of human beings.


The gradual migration of life from the ocean to the land was another major step that made many happened advances possible. Eventually, plants and animals divided into males and females and possibilities increased for developing new and varied species. To date, more than 400,000 species of plants and 1,200, 000 species of animals have developed. Gradually, the senses of sight and hearing improved in animals and brains grew and developed. Finally, intelligence progressed, leading to the development of human beings.


Checklist for coherence of Ideas

•  Look at each paragraph in your assignment. Does it have a topic? Is there a consistent series of related points? Do the supporting sentences related to your topic? •  Have you used linking words between your points and between each paragraph?

Introductory Academic Program 20

Internet Resources Cohesion: Transitional words/phrases and conjunctions: