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American Anthropologist.

Archives B.Z. Archives Netherlands Department of Internal Affairs, The Hague.

Bijdragen Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Bijdragen of the Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthro­pology).



















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Bull. Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Anthr. u. Ethn. (Bulletin of the Swiss Society of Anthropology and Ethnology).

Current Anthropology.

Cultureel Indonesie (Cultural Aspects of Indonesia).

Deutsche Geographische Bliitter (Gennan Geographical Papers).

Encyclopedie Nederlands-Indie (Encyclopaedia of the Netherlands East Indies).

Ergebnisse der Frobenius-Expedition, 1937-3&.

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Internationales Archiv fur Ethnographie (International Archives of Ethnography), Leiden.

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Journal of Asian Studies.

Kon. Inst. Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology), Leiden.

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Koloniaal Missietijdschrift (Colonial Mission Journal).

Koloniaal Tijdschrift (Colonial Journal).





















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See T.B.G.

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Mededceiingen Tijdschrift voor Zendingswetenschap (Bulletin for Missionary Science).

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Tijdschrift van het Binnenlandsch Bestuur (Civil Service Jour­nal).

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Tropisch Nederland (Netherlands Territories in the Tropics).

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A'atan - helper, assistant. Abeat - guard, warden. Aem - tame. Alatis - supporter, provider. Alinit - highest, supreme. Ahaut - provider. Ahonit - progenitor, male parent. A ina ama - mother - father. Ainaf (generic form aina) - mother. Aisal - sheaf of corn-cobs. A(d)jau - Indon. tjemara, Casuarina. Alallt - witch. Ali' - left-hand side. Alllk - betel purse. Amal (generic form ama) - father,

lineage head, clan head. Ama! nark - head of sub-territory

of princedom. Am!ini - plural form of amaf. Amnasi, mnasi - elders. Anah (generic form ana) - child, little. Ana fetof - daughter. Ana'-pah - guardian of the realm. Ana'plenat - ruler, he who holds the

reins of government. Ana'ltd - bearer of staff, ruler, envoy

of ruler. An mane! - son. AI!e - rice. Apinat - the radiant one, used with

reference to Dis Neno and to the ruler.

Apuf - small basket used in harvesting. Asak - heap, pile. Am - dog. Ate - slave. Atis - breast beam of weaving-loom. Atiat le'u - guardian of sacred objects,

ruler. A toni - human being, man. Atoni ama! - ama! of bride-giving lime,

mother's elder brother. Atoni Pah Meta - the people of the

dry land (d. toni).

Atltpas - "he who sleeps", the ruler. Au - I, me, my. Auk - (my) body, self. A uni - lance.

B a' at - root. Baba! - mother's brother, father's sister's

husband, masculine affine of preceding generation.

Bab honit - mother's brother. Ba'ef - sister's husband, wife's brother,

masculine affine of same generation. Ba'ef mane! - wife's brother. Ba'ef fetal - sister's husband. Bahan - wooden enclosing fence. Baki - stone, stone fence. Bak-bak - altar for Dis Pah in garden

plots, itself also referred to as Dis Pah.

Be'i! (generic form be'i) - grandmother, female ancestor.

Be'i-na'i - ancestors (female and male). Belu - friend. B enu - friend. B enas - matchet. Besi - crocodile, iron. Bi - designation for women, e.g. Bi Tal

(d. N ai'), and for villages or districts, e.g. Bikomi.

Bian - companion (au bian, au benu - said with reference to totem and to a head taken in headhunting).

Bibi - goat. Bidjaei - buffalo. Bilel - woman. Bikasi - horse. Bllinis - cotton-mangle, small press used

for seeding cotton. Boas - ten. Bone - round-dance. Bone nakal - dance performed for head

taken in headhunting. Bo'o - large basket (Ambenu). BWlllk - curse, taboo sign.


Eka hoe - the filling in of the ditch. Ena - door. Etu - yard, garden laid out for a head.

Fali - pig. Fanu - war formula. Fatu - rock, cliff. Fatu Ilu - sacred, awe-inspiring cliff. Fe lalan - the woman (from bilel) of

the (trodden) path. Feto - feminine, sister. Fetol-naul - sister-brother. Fetor, lettor - district head. Fini - portion of harvest put aside for

planting or for a mortuary feast. Finiklios - soul-bird. Funan - moon.

Ha - four. Habu - mist, vapour. Hakel - messenger. H alak - bench. H au - tree, wood. H au monel - masculine pole, or altar-

pole outside the house. Hau tes - heartwood. Hin - to know, comprehend. H oka - small weeding-hook. H onu ane - ripping rice grains off

stalk. H onu suni - to draw a sword; in trial

by ordeal: to run hand along sharp edge of sword.

Hulan - rain.

Ike - spindle used in spinning. Ik - elo - "tail grass", imperata cylin­

drica, term used with reference to finest variety of rice.

Ikun - to follow. Inu leko - fine coral beads. Istana - ruler's garden-hut.

Kabesak - acacia. Kabu - servant. Kaidjulan - rain-tree. Kait (-Iolu) - hook, harvesting-hook. Kanal - name, clan, lineage. Kapitan - from the Port. capitao, title

of amaf naek. Kase - strange, foreign. Kasu nono - to shed the nona.

Kasui - basket of lontar leaves. Kato - wife, spouse. Kelili - small oblong basket used in

sacrificing and for serving important guests.

Kenat - rifle. Kesel (keser) - from Dutch keizer

(= emperor). Ketemukungan - Indon. village. K iu - tamarind. Kliuka - pulse-beat. Kluni - lair, lying-place. Kolnel - from Port. coronel. Kolo - bird. Kota - fortified place. Kuan - community, residential unit,

village, hamlet.

Lake - leech. Laksae - transgress, overstep the bounds. Lais Kompani - the rules or adat of the

Dutch. Lais meto - the laws or adat of the dry

(land) = Timor. Lasi - word, matter, ritual, adat, rules,

tradition, case, issue, matter in dispute. Leko - good; kan leko - not good, bad. Llu - sacred, holy, awe-inspiring, sacred

object. Llu abanat - le'u used for taming buf­

faloes. Llu lenu - le'u used in childbirth and

illness. Llu kinat - Ilu for weaving. Llu musu - le'u used against enemy,

enmity le'u. Llu nana - fertility power.

Amllut - broken, evil, bad. Namle'u - it is broken. Mo'et amllu - to do wrong.

Li - left-hand side. Lolu (kait) - harvesting-hook. Lopo - community house, storehouse.

Malela - mouth, speaker of head. M ainikin ma menas - coolness and heat,

well-being and disease. M ainikin ma oetene - coolness and cold,

health and prosperity, well-being. M aka' - cooked rice, food. Malak - mark, from Port. marca. Manas - sun. Manus - betel.


Maputu - melala - fiery, burning and hot.

Mata - eye. M atau - progenitive power. Matsau - to marry. Mate - unripe, green. Malis - tame. M elala - fiery. M enas - heat, disease, evil. Mea - cat, warrior, headhunter. Mea metall - civet-cat. M I' tan - black.

N is metan - black teeth. Nis muti - white teeth.

Meta - dry. Milt - clear, bright.

H uin milt - bright face. Mat miu - bright eye.

Mnane - medicine-man, authority on occult forces.

M namt - long, tall. Mnasi - old. Mo'e - to do, act. M one( I) - masculine, exterior. Mane-Ie - husband and wife. Malo - yellow. Mane le'll - "new man", son-in-law,

masculine affine of younger gener­ation.

Mane lalan - man of the (trodden) path.

Monel atonil - masculine man, head-hunter.

Mtasa - red. Muni - young. Mllsu - enemy. Mum lui - wild enemy. Musu azm - tame enemy. Muti - white. Mutonan - to notify, implying at the

same time "to ask permission" or "to instruct".

N a' a - blood. N aek - large. Na'i - grandfather. Nai - lord, when preceding a name it

designates a man, e.g. Nai Tal. Naidjan - lord. N aidjllf - founder of tribe; great chief Nakai - head. N amso - individual dance. Nallan - interior.

Nanel - daughter-in-law, sister's daugh­ter, wife's brother's daughter.

Naul - brother (sister speaking). N ekan - bamboo ware beam, used for

tautening weaving-loom. N eno - heaven. N eno anan - divine child, the ruler. Neon sa' et - sunrise. Neon tes - sunset. N ('Sit - door. N eus atoni - masculine or men's door. N eus bilel - feminine or women's door. N e'u - right-hand side. Ni - pillar. Ni aina! - maternal pillar. Ni monel - masculine pillar. N i manu - chicken pillar. N ilu - lake, pond. N ikis - pandanus. N itlt - deceased, corpse; death spirit. Niun - leather back-strap of weaving-

loom. Nail N ani - Gold-River. Nona - liana, circle, fertility; d. 11"11

nona and kasu nona. Nuni - taboo, forbidden. Nunllh - banyan. Nus - parrot, Indon. nllri.

01' - water, spring, source. Okan - cucumber. Oke - all. Oko - large basket, poni (Beboki). Olil - younger (brother). Onen - invocation, prayer. ate - to chop. ate nakaf - headhunter. ate naus - augurer.

Pal' - hero, brave. Pah - land, ground, soil. Paha tuakini - lords of the land. Pah Meta - the dry land, the Atoni area. Pah nitu - earth spirit. Pah tual - lord of the earth, earth spirit. Pah in toon - lord of his land, territory. Pane - coconut shell. Pena - com. Pilu - kerchief. P ani - large basket. Poni pah - harvest gifts. Puah-pinang - areca-nut.


Puah manus - sirih-pinang (betel-nut), part of bridewea1th.

Puah manus luman or mnuke - first instalment of bridewealth.

Puah mnais-manus mnasi - definite instalments of bridewealth.

Sakan - cry of victory. S eki pena - com harvest. Sepe - split bamboo. Setel - pile. Sial- one of two laths used for making

odd and even strands run cross-wise. Sifo - implement for separating cotton

from its seeds, a bamboo bow with taut string. The cotton is beaten with this.

Sifo napa - the extinguishing of the bamboo.

Smanal - vital force, soul. Ane smanaf - smanaf of rice. P ena smanaf - smanal of com.

Sana! - palace. Suni - sword. Suti - plate on which yarn is spun.

Tah - we eat. Tah leu - the eating of the first corn

harvested. Tani - liana, forest-creeper.

Nona - tani - fertility power. Tanhai - transgress, overstep the

bounds. Tasi leta - feminine sea, sea in the

north, or sea closer to shore. T asi mane - masculine sea, sea in the

south, or sea further away from shore.

Tata! - elder (brother). T etus - straight, erect, righteous.

Timo - water-melon; name for rain brought by easterly monsoon.

Tiut - to watch, to guard. Tobe - sacrificial basket; lid of sacrificial

basket; custodian of the land; properly: ana' tobe - he who holds the sacrificial basket.

Tobe naek - major custodian of land. Tala - large weeding-hook. T oi - entrance to loft. Tala - altar pole. Tala ana - small altar poles of the usi!,

surrounding the sonaf. Tala metan - black altar pole. Tala naek - large altar pole near ruler's

sona/. Tala malo - yellow altar pole. Taka - to sit. Toni - word, see lasi. Tua/ - lord, pI. tua/ini. Tuak - palm-wine. Tup - to sleep. Tuthais - gift of homage, present. Tuna! - hearth, fire-place.

U I - stem, tribe. Uis Nena - Lord of Heaven. Uis Pah. - Lord of the Earth. Ume - house, limited lineage, descent

group. Ume le'u - shrine with objects for war

ritual. U pu-mangga - designation for rains of

westerly monsoon. Unu - formerly. Un unu - in primeval times. Usapi - a tree (Schleichera Oleosa) ;

Indon. kusambi. U sit - lord, pI. uis/ini. Uis/init - supreme lord. Uta - roller (of weaving-loom).


Abucar, 135 n65. Adriani, 463, 476. Alphen, van, 75 n94, 272.

Bastide, 10. Beattie, 11. Beltjens, 101. Benardi, 427. Berthe, 26. Berthling, 462. Biermann, 163 n17, 176 n74. Bor, 36, 94, 168. Bork-Feltkamp, 22, 26. Bovill, 35 n50. Boxer, 166, 173 n53, 174 n59, 175, 176. Brouwer, 167. Bylmer, 21.

Capell, 25, 26. Cassirer, 17. Castro, de, 161 n10, 223. Coomeraswamy, 440. Costa, da, 173. Costa, Mateos da, 168. Couvreur, 466. Cowan, 26. Cunningham, 2 nZ, 94, 98, 105, Ill, 113,

128, 136, 138, 185, lS7, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, lOS, 209, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 327, 342, 429.

Cuylenburg, van, 173 n57.

Dam, Pieter van, 168 n3S. Drewes, 472 n65. Duarte Barbosa, 40, 50 nZO, 100 n14,

159. Durkheim, 427, 435.

Easton, 399, 400. Eisenstadt, 398. Eliade, 145 n6.

Endert, 34 n46. Evans-Pritchard, 16 n34, 46 n6, 146

n10, 397. Ezerrnan, 37 n54.

Faria de Morais, 315 n27. Felgas, 8 n17, 25 n17, 32 n4O, 173. Ferguson, 32, 33. Fernandes, Francisco, 164. Field, 124 n42. Fischer, 111 n27. Forbes, 68 n83, 233 nl3l. Fortes, 135 n64, 397. Francillon, 116, 122, 132. Fustel de Coulanges, 407.

Geertz, Clifford, 470, 471, 473, 474. Geertz, Hildred, 470, 471, 473. Glotz, 407 n27. Goody, 123 n39. Goris, 463. Goudriaan, 463 n13. Grader, 475. Gramberg, 332. Groeneveldt, 50 n19, 100 n14, 159 n4. Gryzen, 98 n12, 232, 233, 235, 23S, 255.


Haga, 170 n41, 177 n79, 179 nS4, 181 n88 n89.

Hazaart, 346. Heine-Geldern, 472 n66. Hegel, 444. Held, 466 n32, 467. Hertz, 427 n106. Hessing, 49. Heymering, 125, 180 nSS, 327, 328, 331,

335, 337, 338, 340, 354, 358. Hoekstra, 49. Hoff, 458. Hogendorp, van, 322, 367.


Holleman, 462 n7. Homay, 168, 173. Hornay, Jan de, 166. Horst, Hendrik ter, 171.

Jonker, 25, 159, 321 n46. Josse1in de Jong, J, P. B. de, 92 n1, 461. Josselin de Jong, P. E. de, 123, 124,

461, 464, 467. J oustra, 136 n70.

Kooig, 14. Koopmans, 316. Korn, 474. Kraemer, 472 n63. Kruyt, 83, 122, 262, 267, 268, 340, 465,

476. Kuperus, 35.

Lalau, 95 010. Lammers, 23. Leach,427. Leitao, 163 016, 176 075. Levi-Strauss, 11, 107, 350 082, 447 042. Lewis, 135. Liefriock,473. Lip, 178, 180. Lith, van, 309 n6. Lloyd, 403. Locher, 93, 148 018, 301, 443. Lowie, 403, 404, 405. LOwitt, 444 n41.

Mabuchi, 465. Maioe, 134. Mair, 404. Martioo, 26 nl8. Matthysen, 367. Mauss, 427. Mead, 102. Meiliok-Roelofs, 165 024. Mendes-Correa, 23. Meyer-Drees, 34. Meyer, Eduard, 404. Midde1koop, 49, 86, 95, 111, 125, 142,

207, 210, 222, 262, 269, 275, 279, 313, 327, 330, 332, 336, 339, 340, 341, 342, 351, 463.

Mohr, 30, 31, 35.

Muller 125, 184, 217, 266, 275, 307, 315, 331.

Murdock, 462 n9.

Needham, 107, 427, 435, 440, 462 n4, 05, 470.

N yessen, 22, 26. Onvlee, 9, 145 08, 442, 477. Oppenheim, 405. Ormeling, 27, 30, 38 n58, 46 05. Ossenbruggeo, van, 259, 472 058, n60.

Paravicioi, 182, 232, 279. Parrioder, 461. Piaget, 252. Pigafetta, 48, 64 n56, 160, 232. Pigeaud, 463, 471 057, 472 n59, 061, n62. Pilon, 322 n52, 325. Pluskow, von, 182. Pouwer, 124, 131. Prins, J., 470 n48.

Radcliffe-Brown, 15, 62 052. Rangel, 36. Rassers, 92 n1, 473. Rattray, 124 n41. Reyntjes, 264 n7, 273. Rockhill, 165. Roo van Alderwelt, de, 49, 177 077, 280

058, 292, 073. Rouffaer, 47 oS. Roux,le, 48, 64 n56, 232.

Salisbury, 129. Sariedas, 161, 235. Schapera, 135 n62. Scharer, 424, 471, 476. Schmidt, 32, 33. Scotte, Apollonius, 160. Sierksma, 403. Smith, 398. Snouck Hurgronje, 124 n46, 470. Southall, 404. Steeois, van, 35. Steinmetz, 37 n54, 83, 86, 203 085, 217,

244. Swellengrebel, 421 n9O.

Tobing, 9 019. Umar Junus, 136.

Valentyn, 168. Vansina, 403. Vaux, de, 135 n68. Veen, v. d., 26 nZo. Venema, 308, 365.


V 011 en hoven, van, 224. Vroklage, 21, 124. V rye, de, 160.

Vergouwen, 124 n44, 136 n69. Weidner, 7:15 n35, 7:16 n41. Versluys, 136. Wertheim, 17 n35. Veth, 322. Wiggers, 365. Vieira, Francisco de Figueiredo, 173. Wortelboer, 232, 293 n74.


Visscher, 177 n76, n78, 325 n61. Wouden, van, 18 n18, 92 n1, 123, 125, 128, Vlaming v. Oudshoorn, de, 36, 168, 169, 237, 238, 239, 255, 258, 268, 269, 270,

170. 314, 433.


Adaptability, 447-459. Administration, 357-361. Administration of justice, 361-367. Affines, see relations. Agnatic lineage, 53. Agriculture, 52-91, 432. Amabi, 320-321, 379. AItW!, 78, 99. AItW! naek, 110, 220, 376-3SO. Amakono, see Miomafo. Amanatun, 310-314, 378. Amanuban, l1S, 132, 307-310, 379,

456-459. Amarasi, 36, 94, lSI, 319. Ambenu, 37, 116, 316-319. Ambilineal, 131. Ambilocal, 131. Amfoan, 75, 117, 162. Animal husbrandy, 46-49. Atoni altW!, see kinship relationships. A tupas, see ruler.

Bali, 421, 463, 474, 475. Bali cow, sapi, 90. Bebold, 1, 2, 22, 34, 114, 120, 185,

239-255. Bikomi, 225, 226, 291-306. Bima, 466. Blood-relations, 99-105. Bride service, see marriage. Bridewea.lth, see marriage. Buffalo, 46, 47. Bunak, 234.

China, Chinese, 159, 161, 165, 233. Circulating connubium, 112, 123-125. Clan, kana!, 92, 93 ff. Classification, classificatory system,

IS, 406-427, 462-464. Oimate, 29-33. Colours, see symbolism of, -. Coral beads, ina, 47. Corn, 52, 67, SO, 86. Counsellors, 207-209.

Crocodile, 322. Crop failure, 70. Culture Province, Indonesian, 18, 460-

479. Custodian of the land, tobe, payment

of -, 55, 76, 96, 130, 224.

Dayak,476. Dogon,464. Diachronic, 16. Dichotomy, 397, 407, 408. - double, 139, 405. - earth - sky, 419. - night - day, 419. - sun - moon, 421. Division of labour, 90. Dominicans, 166, 176, ISO, 368, 449, 450,

469. Drought, 30-32, 70. Dualism, 469. Dutch, see also Hollanders, Netherlands,

51, 165. Dutch East India Co., 177.

Elder, mnasi, 133. Evil, see good. Exogamy, lOS, 139.

Fatule'u, 272, 273. Fauna, 38, 39. Feto-mone, see also kinship relationships,

106, IS7, 417, 420, 422. Fialaran, 255-261. Five-fold division, 98, 188, IS9, 250, 259,

432, 462. Flora, 33-38. Four-fold division, 95, 96, 130, 186, 212,

234, 236, 249, 259, 292, 431, 462. Fowl, 48. Function, 10.

Genealogical, 132, 222. God, Vis Neno, 142-146. Good and evil, 425, 426.


Hamlet, see village. Harvest, corn, 80, 86. - rice, 83. Harvest gifts, see tribute. Headhunting, see warfare. Hinduism, 20, 476. History, normative past, 17. Hollander, see also Dutch, N etherIands,

51, 165. Horse, 48, 49. House, 428-432. Hunting, 49.

Implements, 83. Insana, see also Mena, 1, 22, 51, 118.

186-231, 376. - structure of, ZOO. Islam, 20, 470.

Java, 20, 470-473. Jokes, practical, 62, 113, 114.

Kanaf, see clan. Kinship relationships,

father - son, 100. father - daughter, 101. brothers, olif-tataf, 102. grandparents - grandchild, 104. bride-giver, bride receiver, feto­mone, 106, 113. father-in-law, atoni amaf, 107, 113, 114.

Kinship system, 92-140, 433-437. Kolnel, 79. Kuan, see village. Kupang, 167-172. - princedom of, 321-325.

Land tenure rights, 224. Languages, 25. - non-Austronesian, 466. Lasi, 153, 333, 383, 424. Le'u concept, 151, 283. - mum, 333. Life cycle, 141. Lineage, lime, 97-100. - locally determined, 130, 131, 132. Liurai, 236, 386, 389. Liurai-Sonba'i, - the entire realm of, 236, 242, 386,

390, 391. - as name for com and rice, 55, 428. - as appellation for ruler, 195.

Lopo, 96, 431, 432. Loro, 236, 238.

M afe/a, 383. Magic, 153. Mainikin, 55 n34, 74, 337, 344, 425, 4MJ,

442. Majapahit, 49, SO, 463. Major custodian of the land, see also

amaf naek, 226. Malaya, 467. Man, origin or creation of -, 147, 148. - conceptions about -, 147-151. - relationship to hidden world, 151-153. Manamas, 27, 29, 37. Mardekers, 178. Marriage - asymmetrical connubium, 129, 138, 140. - bride service, 114, 137. - bridewealth, 112, 114, 115, 116, 137. - cross-cousin, 109, 112. - conclusion of marriage, 116. - exchange of sisters, 109. - within clan, 109, 139. Matrilineal, 116, 117, 118, 120, 122. Matrilocal, 122. Melanesian, 21, 466. Mena, 160. Meromak O'an, see ruler. Meru,427. Minangkabau, 467. Miomafo, 1, 3, 37, 117, 184, 185, 225,

378, 379. - structure of, 279-287. Mnane, 383. Molo, 1, 4, 117, 125, 274-277, 378. M onef atonif, see warfare. Mutis, 121, 275. Myth of Bikomi, 293. - unity of -, 448, 468. - of Sonba'i, 262 ff. - changing -, 298 ff. - of South Belu, 234 ff.

N etherIands, Hollanders, 37, 166 ff. Nobility, 382. Noimuti, 22, 120, 303, 449-453, 469. N 01'10, 116, 349.

Offering, 46. Jlif-tata/, see also kinship relationships,

102 187.


Patrilineal, 116-122. Patrilocal, 116-122. Penfui, battle of, 179, 181. Physical anthropology, 21-27. Physical environment, 27. Pig, 47. Polarity, 17. Political community, unity of -, 384-

391. Political system, 368-391, 437-440. - Insana., structure of -, 200. - dualism in centre, 202. - dualism centre and exterior, 212. - historical background, 368. - typology of -, 397. - unity of -, 440-444. - adaptability, 447-449. Portugal, Portuguese, 19, 29, 158 ff.

455. Portuguese, the, Timor, 94. Portuguese, Black, see Topasses. Prayer, invocation, 54.

Rainfall, 30-32. Reciprocity, 136, 138. Relations, affinal, 105-114.

babaf, - affines of preceding generation;

bab mone -;; bab teto -; ba' ef - affines of same generation; ba'e mone -,,

si.husb. ; ba'e feto -,,

br.wi. ; mone fe'u - da.husb.,, ; nanef - so. wi., si.da.,

Relations, blood-, 99-105. na'if - grandfather, ancestor; be'if - grandmother, female an­

cestor; amaf - father, father's brother; ainaf - mother, mother's sister,

father's brother's wife; anak - child; an mone - son, brother's son;

wife's sister's son; an feta - daughter, brother's daugh­

ter, wife's sister's daughter; upu - grandchild.

Reversal of usual order, 345, 422-423.

Rice, 52, 83. Ritual, agricultural, 52-91. - error in -, 71. - knowledge of -, 100, 383. Royal marriage, 93. Ruler, 200, 357, 371-374. - acceptance of tribute, 190. - death of, 195. - centre of realm, 200. - Meromak O'an, 233-238. - atupas, 200. - custodian of /e'u, 330. - the curse of, 439. - bringer of mainikin, 440.

Sacred, and profane, 152, 425-427. Sandalwood, 50. Soil, 17-29. Soil erosion, 35. Sonba'i, 4, 109, 149, 157, 159, 160, 162,

163, 164, 165, 215, 228, 235, 262-274, 357, 358, 368, 389, 439, 448.

- myths of -, 262 ff., 308, 312, 329. - structure of realm of -, 273. South Belu, 95, 109, 116, 122, 132, 157,

232-239, 368, 369, 390. Spirits, 151. Structural principle, 15, 16, 140, 392-397. Structure, 10-15. Sumba, 129, 442, 466, 477, 478. Sumbawa, 470. Superordination and subordination, 140,

380-384. Symbolic order, see classificatory system. Symbolism of numbers, 408-411, 462. - of points of the compass, 415, 463. - of colours, 415-419. Synchronic, 16. System, 15, 16. System of life, 9.

Taxation, see tribute. Temperature, 30. Territorial, territory, 130, 132, 133, 134-

136. Tetun, 19. Timorese, pronunciation of, XIII. Topasses, 51, 121, 165 ff., 279, 292, 318,

368, 449, 469. Toraja, 465, 476-477. Totem, 341, 342. Trade, SO-51.


Traditional order, adat, lasi, 153, 424. Triad, see tripartition. Trials by ordeal, 365. Tribute, 52, 190-195. Tripartition, triad, 130, 139, 409. Tunbaba, 38, 225, 283, 287-290.

Uis Neno, 54, 142-146, 425. Ume, see lineage. Ume le'u, 335, 336, 351. Unilineal - double, 123. Unity of the political system, 440-444. Usij, 212-220, 228, 374-376. Uxorilocal, 122, 131.

Village, kuan, 94 ff., 130, 132, 186-190, 433, 434.

Vital force, smanaf, B7.

Warfare, 152, 326-357. - monef atonif, 217. - causes of war, 327-333. - war ritual, 333-338. - the meo, 338-345. -meo mone, meo feto, 342. - the headhunting raid, 345-348. - ritual following, 348-353. - connection with harvest, 352, 353. Wehale-Waiwiku, see South Belu.


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p - Pulau - island

,- Hoil } o - Oil riveor

, F - ,~, } K _ "~, mountain r _

Tuba C _

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