List of journals with electronic table of contents in European ...

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Journal Table of Contents (Journal TOC)

latest update – October 2014

List of journals with electronic table of contents in European Communities and European Union section between January and October 2014:

1) Columbia Journal of European Law

2) Europarecht

3) European Competition Journal

4) European Constitutional Law Review

5) European Energy and Environmental Law Review

6) European Journal of Consumer Law

7) European Journal of Migration and Law

8) European Journal of Law Reform

9) European Journal of Social Security

10) European Law Review

11) European Review of Contract Law

12) European State aid Law quarterly

13) European Union Politics

14) European Urban and Regional Studies

15) European View

16) Europe en Formation

17) Integration

18) Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law

19) Journal of European Integration History

20) Journal of European Public Policy

21) Journal of European Social Policy

22) Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law

23) Revue de l'Union Européenne

24) Transfer

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The Columbia Journal of European Law VOL. 20 Fall 2013 NO. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLES The European Union Crisis Responses And The Efficient Capital Markets Hypothesis André Prüm 1 Euro Zone Crisis Management And The New Social Europe Philomila Tsoukala 31 Supranational? Federal? Intergovernmental? The Governmental Structure of the European Union After the Treaty of Lisbon Roger J. Goebel 77 CASE LAW Case C-366/10 Air Transport Association of America and Others v. Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Jed Odermatt 143

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Europarecht Volume 48 no. 5 Inhaltsverzeichnis Aufsätze Stefan Kadelbach, Lehren aus der Finanzkrise - Ein Vorschlag zur Reform der Politischen Institutionen der Europäischen Union 489 Carl Baudenbacher, Das Vorabentscheidungsverfahren im EFTA-Pfeiler des EWR 504 Christian Bickenbach, Das Subsidiaritätsprinzip in Art. 5 EUV und seine Kontrolle . 523 Rechtsprechung Unionsrechtliche Staatshaftung und Sportwettenmonopol: Glücksspiel oder Gewinnspiel Anmerkung zu den Urteilen des BGH vom 18.10.2012, Az. III ZR196/11 und III ZR197/11 Meinhard Hilf, Tim René Salomon, ............................................... 549 Zum EU-Beihilfenbegriff-Der enge Zusammenhang zwischen Vorteil und Last als Zurechnungsproblem Zugleich Besprechung des EuGH-Urteils vom 19. März 2013 im Fall France Télécom (verb. Rs. C-399/10 P und C-401/10 P) Birgit Reese, 572 Kleinere Beiträge, Berichte und Dokumente Stanyo Dinov Europäische Bankenaufsicht im Wandel 593 Karoline Bülow, Haftung der Europäischen Union nach Art. 340 Abs. 2 AEUV am Beispiel der rechtswidrigen Listung eines Terrorverdächtigen ................................................... 609 Dionysios Granas, Die primärrechtlichen Grundlagen für die Förderung von Erneuerbaren Energien im Europarecht ................................................................................................................. 619

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Europarecht 48. Jahrgang 6 2013 Inhaltsverzeichnis Aufsätze Prof. Dr. Peter M. Huber, Unionsbürgerschaft 637 Dr. Claudio Franzius, Demokratisierung der Europäischen Union ... 655 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Weiß, Öffentliche Daseinsvorsorge und soziale Dienstleistungen: Europarechtliche Perspektiven ................................................................................ 669 Rechtsprechung Der EGMR als Ersatzspieler des EuGH? Anmerkung zum Urteil des EGMR v. 6.12.2012 - 12323/11 - Michaud/Frankreich Dr. Julie Vondung, ........................................................................................................ 688 Kleinere Beiträge, Berichte und Dokumente Dr. Till Markus, Wege zu einer nachhaltigen EU-Fischereiaußenhandelspolitik 697 Dr. Hannes Hofmeister, Was bedeutet Schottlands Unabhängigkeit für die Mitgliedschaft in der EU? 711

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Europarecht Volume 49 numer 1 Inhaltsverzeichnis Aufsätze Peter-Christian Müller-Graff, Die horizontale Direktwirkung der Grundfreiheiten 3 Sebastian Graf von Kielmansegg, Tücken im Dreieck - Die individualbelastende Richtlinienwirkung im Unionsrecht 30 Arne Pilniok, Struktur, Funktionen und Probleme der Expertengruppen der Europäischen Kommission: legitime Expertise oder unzulässige Einflussnahme? 62 Rechtsprechung Kein zentraler Individualrechtsschutz gegen Gesetzgebungsakte der Europäischen Union? -Anmerkung zur Rechtsmittelentscheidung des EuGH vom 3.10.2013 in der Rs. C-583/11 P (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami u.a./Europäisches Parlament und Rat der EU) - Carsten Nowak, Katharina Behrend ............................................. 86

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Europarecht Volume 49 numer 2 Aufsätze Prof. Dr. Armin Hatje und Prof. Dr. Peter Mankowski, „Nationale Unionsrechte“ - Sprachgrenzen, Traditionsgrenzen, Systemgrenzen, Denkgrenzen 155 Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kahl und Manuel Schwind, Europäische Grundrechte und Grundfreiheiten - Grundbausteine einer Interaktionslehre .... 170 Prof. Dr. Wolfram Cremer Grundgesetzliche Bindungen des deutschen Vertreters bei Abstimmungen im Rat der Europäischen Union und ihre prozessuale Durchsetzbarkeit 195 Rechtsprechung Praktische Konsequenzen dei Kadi-Rechtsprechung Zur Justiziabilität völkerrechtlich induzierter Unionsrechtsakte: Begründungspflicht und Kontrolldichte-Anmerkung zum Urteil des EuGH vom 18. Juli 2013, verb. Rs. C-584/10 P, C-593/10 P und C 595/10 P Prof. Dr. Norman Weiss 231 Die Bedeutung des Art. 345 AEUV für regulierte Sektoren Zugleich Besprechung zum Urteil des EuGH vom 22. Oktober 2013 in Sachen „Niederlande gegen Essent u.a.“ (verb. Rs. C-105/12 bis C-107/12) Dr. Thomas Voland. ... 237

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Europarecht Volume 49 Nummer 4

Inhaltsverzeichnis Aufsätze Ulrich Mückenberger, Eine europäische Sozialverfassung? 369 Shu-Perng Hwang, Grundrechte unter Integrationsvorbehalt? Eine rahmenorientierte Überlegung zur Debatte um die Bindung der Mitgliedstaaten an die Unionsgrundrechte 400 Stefan Korte, und Matti Gurreck. Die europarechtliche Zulässigkeit der sog. PKW-Maut ........... 420 Rechtsprechung Datenschutz ja - aber wie? Anmerkung zum Urteil des EuCH vom 8.4.2014, verb. Rs. C-293/12 und C-594/12 (Digital Rights Ireland u.a.) Claus Dieter Classen, .................................. 441

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L’Europe en formation Automne 2013 - Autumn 2013 n°369

Dossier Small Worlds: Constituent Units in Federal States and Federal Political Systems Des « petits mondes » : Les entités constituantes dans les États et systèmes politiques fédéraux Editors - Coordinateurs : Michael Burgess & Soeren Keil Introduction p.5 Michael Burgess p.7 Small Worlds: The Character, Role and Significance of Constituent Units in Federations and Federal Political Systems G. Alan Tarr p.20 Federalism and Identity: Reflections on the American Experience Alain-G. Gagnon p.33 The five faces of Quebec Shifting Small Worlds and Quebec's Evolving Political Dynamics Roland Sturm p.53 The World of the German Länder Peter Bußjäger p.71 The Austrian Lander as Constituent Units of the Austrian federation Sean Mueller p.86 Conflicting Cantonalisms. Disputed Sub-national Territorial Identities in Switzerland Andreas Heinemann-Grüder p.103 What Constitutes the Political Power of Russia's Regions? Soeren Keil p.114 Building a federation within a federation. The Curious Case of the federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Jens Woelk p.126 South Tyrol is (not) Italy: A Special Case in a (De)federalizing system José Tudela Aranda p.138 Small Worlds in the Spanish Autonomic State Stelio Mangiameli p.151 The European Union and the Identity of Member States

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Tribune Wolfgang Petritsch p.171 Just another Crisis? South-East Europe and the European Union in a Changing World Chronique Jean-Pierre Gouzy p.185 La vie politique en Europe et dans le monde

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Europe en Formation No. 370 2014 Dossier L'Union européenne et la Chine The European Union and China Editor - Coordinateur: Hartmut Marhold Ian Morris p. 5 The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: China, the European Union, and the United States in the Twenty-First Century Sebastian Bersick & Jörn-Carsten Gottwaid p. 27 Vous avez dit ‚puissance civile’? Dix ans de partenariat stratégique de l'Union européenne avec la République populaire de Chine András lnotai p. 47 Economie relations between the European Union and China Junjie Ma p. 85 China and the EU to Lead International Efforts on Climate Change Mitigation. The Chinese and the EU ETS Hartmut Marhold p.101 China, Still an Unknown Giant? A summary of recent publications on China and its relations with Europe Patrick F. Burauei p. 175 China and the Golden Straitjacket of Globalization Wiktor Adam Sajdak p.123 Assessing Strategic Partnership Policy. Does EU-China Dialogue architecture fit the objectives of EU strategic partnership policy towards China? Étude Anne Lancien p. 135 Adenauer, de Gasperi, Schuman et le principe de subsidiarité: un „spillover culturel“? Une approche constructiviste de l'intégration européenne Tribunes Jean-Claude Courdy Chine: risques et incertitudes Ryszard Piasecki & Jan Woroniecki p.171 The European Union Must Survive Jean-Antoine Giansily p.182 Transition énergétique: avenir de la planète ou coûteuse utopie? Les vérités du rapport de la Cour des Comptes de 2013 Chronique Jean-Pierre Gouzy p.197 La vie politique en Europe et dans le monde

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European Competition Journal Volume 10 Number 1 April 2014 Contents Standard-Essential Patents: FRAND Commitments, Injunctions and the Smartphone Wars 1 Alison Jones The "Exceptional Circumstances" Test: Implications for FRAND Commitments from the Essential Facilities Doctrine under Article 102 TFEU 37 Martin Angelov Buyer Power in European Union Merger Control 69 Ariel Ezrachi and Maria loannidou The New 30% Rule: A Viable Solution to Detrimental Buyer Power in the Finnish Grocery Retail Sector? 97 Mika Oinonen A Primer on AIDS-Based Models in Antitrust Analysis 123 Shawn W Ulrich In Search of Economically Rational Environmental State Aid: The Case of Exemption from Environmental Taxes 155 Phedon Nicolaides Well-Functioning Markets in Retail Energy 167 Morten Hviid and Catherine Waddams Price The Competition Assessment Framework for the Retail Energy Sector: Some Concerns about the Proposed Interpretation 181 Stephen Littlechild

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European Competition Journal Vol. 10 No. 2 August 2014 Contents Case T-286/09 Intel v Commission - the Judgment of the General Court: All Steps Backward and no Steps Forward 203 James S Venit Unilateral Effects Analysis in Merger Review: Limits and Opportunities 231 Malcolm B Coate A Simple Quantitative Methodology for the Setting of "Optimal Fines" by Antitrust and Regulatory Authorities 253 V Bageri and T Katsoulacos Access to Evidence in UK Merger Inquiries and Market Investigations: A Critical Commentary 279 Nicholas Levy, Paul Stuart and Ian Hastings Crisis Cartels: Non-economic Values, the Public Interest and Institutional Considerations 311 Bruce Wardhaugh Do Non-economic Goals Count in Interpreting Article 101(3) TFEU? 341 Aleksander Maziarz Indirect Purchasers, Passing-on and the New Directive on Competition Law Damages 361 Magnus Strand Rebalancing Commercial Relations along the Food Supply Chain: The Agricultural Exemption from EU Competition Law after Regulation 1308/2013 387 Jan Blockx and Jan Vandenberghe

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European Competition Journal Volume 9 Number 3 December 2013 Contents Antitrust Marathon V: When in Rome Public and Private Enforcement of Competition Law 503 A discussion led by Philip Marsden, Spencer Weber Waller and Philipp Fabbio Welcome 504 Topic 1: Public-Private Partnerships for Effective Enforcement 507 Public-Private Partnerships for Effective Enforcement: Some ‘Hybrid’ Insights? 509 Philip Marsden Topic 2: Effective Injunctive Relief 540 Effective Injunctive Relief 541 Spencer Weber Waller Topic 3: Private Actions for Damages 565 Private Actions for Damages 567 Philipp Fabbio Topic 4: Criminal Enforcement 595 Real Crime: Criminal Competition Law 599 Susan Beth Farmer Two Bodies of Law Separated by a Common Mission: Unilateral Conduct by Dominant Firms at the IP/Antitrust Intersection in the EU and the US 623 Amedeo Arena, Bettina Bergmann and Jay L Himes Injunctions for FRAND-Pledged SEPS: The Quest for an Appropriate Test of Abuse under Article 102 TFEU 677 Nicolas Petit EU Merger Control and Non-controlling Minority Shareholdings: The Case against Change 721 Nicholas Levy

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European Competition Law Review 2013 Volume 34 Issue 6 ISSN: 0144-3054 Table of Contents Articles Prof. Dr Wernhard Moeschel European Merger Control 283 Prof, Christian Bergqvist Final curtain or another around on Post Danmark? 287 Dr Federico Martni-Balestra The European concert of electronic communications: ten years of applying article 7 procedures 291 Phedon Nicolaides How to Apply the Market Economy Investor Principle to a Monopoly 300 Trevor Soames and Dr Peter Camesasca What are the implications, if any, of Google's consent agreement (under section 5 FTC act) for cases under investigation by the EU Commission? 304 Andrew Torre Evaluating Punishment Regimes for Competition Law Offences 309 Thibault Schrepel Patent troll through the US and EU antitrust law: When co-operation is no longer an option 318 Rob Can Der Laan Twins separated by birth: A few strildng differences between the competition legislation applicable in the Channel Islands 326 Comment Tom Jenkins And Bill Batchelor 2013: What to expect on the European competition policy front 332 Diarmuid Rossa Phelan The Dynamic Unprohibited Nature of Dominance 337 Nicolas Petit Of conflicts of interests in EU competition proceedings 338

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European Competition Law Review 2014 Volume 35 Issue 2 ISSN: 0144-3054 Table of Contents Articles Anneli Howard The Draft Directive on Competition Law Damages—What does it mean for infringers and victims? 51 Manuel Kellerbauer The recent case law on the disclosure of information regarding EU competition law infringements to private damages claimants 56 Aleksander Maziarz Block exemption for sale of new motor vehicles: A major change ahead? 63 Paul Hughes Competition Law Enforcement and Corporate Group Liability—Adjusting the veil 68 Preslava Dilkova The New Procedural Regulation in State Aid—Whether "Modernisation" is in the right direction? 88 Ian Thompson And James Harvey When to pop the question(s)? The use of surveys in merger control 92

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European Competition Law Review 2014 Volume 35 Issue 4 Articles Avirup Bose Lessons to be Learned from India’s Latest High Profile Merger Review: The Jet-Etihad Deal 151 Franz Hoffet and Gerald Brei The first second generation competition enforcement co-operation treaty: Free flow of information between Switzerland and the European Union? 157 Christian Kovacs Fiat Lux...? - The European Commission's updated Explanatory Note on Dawn Raids 162 Duncan Sinclair "Undertakings" in Competition Law at the Public-Private Interface - An Unhealthy Situation 167 Sophia A. Vandergrift and Josselin Lucas The GE/Honeywell Saga? Ehh, What's Up, Doc? A comparative approach between US and EU merger control proceedings almost 15 years after 172 Joan de Sola-Morales and Jan Peter Van Der Veer Cartel Damages and More than Full "Pass-On": Who Pays What? 179 Stephen Wiskling, Kim Dietzel and Molly Herron European Commission finally publishers measures to facilitate competition law private actions in the European Union 185 Comment Jan Blockx Silence is Golden: Belgian Competition Council imposes fine for abuse of standard setting process 194 Alla Pozdnakova Competition infringements in the port sector: a case commentary 196 Bill Batchelor and Melissa Healy Overview of EU Commission Decision in respect of J&J/Novartis Co-promotion Agreement 200

European Competition Law Review 2014 Volume 35 Issue 5 Table of Contents Articles Valerio Cosimo Romano Data scraping and abuse of dominance in travel services: story of an antitrust guerrilla 207 Mohamed Elfar Enforcement Policy of the Egyptian Competition Law: Vertical Relations 209 Dr Richard Burnley and Konstantina Bania Co-operation between broadcasters in the new media age: Rethinking national competition policy 216 Frances Murphy EU Commission proposes new measures re private actions for damages and collective actions 223 Phedon Nicolaides The legal differences and economic similarities of the various methods of supporting green electricity under State Aid rules 227 Roger Thomi, Philippe M. Reich and Peter Reinert Swiss Court confirms Switzerland's aggressive stance on parallel trade 232 Qiang Yu Software Interoperability Information Disclosure and Competition Law 235 Iestyn Williams and Simon Bishop Streamlining regulatory and competition appeals: a reasonable basis for change? 253

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European Competition Law Review 2014 Volume 35 Issue 6 ISSN: 0144-3054 Table of Contents Articles Joyce Verhaert The challenges involved with the application of article 102 TFEU to the New Economy: A case study of Google 265 Tom Jenkins Competition Law in Europe: What to Expect in 2014 274 Andriani Kalintiri I he Standard of Proof in Phase I Merger Decisions: The Lesson from the Microsoft/Skype Appeal 279 Andreas Weitbrecht A well-watered plateau: EU Merger Control 2011-2013 282 Anna-Louise Hinds All Settled? Some six years of cartel settlement 292 Steven Truxal Risk of abuse of dominance in airport slots for "better" European airports? 299 Gordon Wade The Arbitrability of EU Competition Law Disputes Revisited: Support from the Continent 310

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European Competition Law Review

2014 Volume 35 Issue 7 ISSN: 0144-3054 Table of Contents Articles Ute Zinsmeister and Maria Held Under Pressure — when do legal "recommended" resale prices turn into illegal "fixed" and binding resale prices: Resale price maintenance under scrutiny in Germany 317 Gavin Murphy Supreme Court of Canada establishes that specific authorisation is needed for computer searches in Canada — will the European Union follow this lead? 322 Wolf Sauter Proportionality in EU competition law 327 Rachel Burgess and Leela Cejnar Following from afar: Malaysia's Competition Law looks to Europe 333 Nikhjx Sureshpareek and Soham Banerjee Indian Competition Watchdog bites State undertaking: A Case Comment 341 Luca Arnaudo The strange case of Dr Lucentis and Mr Avastin: The Italian Competition Authority fines Roche and Novartis for collusion 347

Bajar Scharaw

Commission proposal for a Directive on antitrust damages and recommendation on principles for collective redress—the road towards "Private Antitrust Enforcement" in the European Union? 352

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European Constitutional Law Review 2014 Volume 10 Issue 1 Contents Editorial EUROPOLIS - The Old Continent a Town, with the Union Its City Hall 1 Note from the Editorial Office 14 Articles Conor Gearty In Praise of Awkwardness: Kadi in the CJEU 15 Michael Gordon The United Kingdom and the Fiscal Compact: Past and Future 28 Michal Bobek Landtová, Holubec, and the Problem of an Uncooperative Court: Implications for the Preliminary Rulings Procedure 54 Marco Goldoni The Early Warning System and the Monti II Regulation: The Case for a Political Interpretation 90 Jörg Gerkrath The Figure of Constitutional Law of the 'Integrated State': The Case of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg 109

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European Constitutional Law Review 2014 Volume 10 Issue 2 Contents Editorial For History's Sake. On Costa v. ENEL, André Donner and the Eternal Secret of the Court of Justice's Deliberations 191 Articles Anne Boerger & Morten Rasmussen Transforming European Law: The Establishment of the Constitutional Discourse from 1950 to 1993 199 Sébastien Platon The 'Equivalent Protection Test': From European Union to United Nations, from Solange II to Solange I (with reference to the Al-Dulimi and Montana Management inc. v. Switzerland Judgment of the European Court of Human Rights) 226 Mattias Wendel Exceeding Judicial Competence in the Name of Democracy: The German Federal Constitutional Court's OMT Reference 263 Case Notes Aida Torres Pérez Melloni in Three Acts: From Dialogue to Monologue 308 Eleni Frantziou Case C-176/12 Association de Médiation Sociale: Some Reflections on the Horizontal Effect of the Charter and the Reach of Fundamental Employment Rights in the European Union 332

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European Energy and Environmental Law Review Volume 20 No 4 August 2011 Contents The European Offshore Supergrid and the Expansion of Offshore Wind Energy in Germany, Ireland and the United Kingdom - Legal, Political and Practical Challenge Part 2 120 Rüdiger Tscherning Comparing European Instruments for Marine Nature Conservation: The OSPAR Convention, the Bern Convention, the Birds and Habitats Directives, and the Added Value of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive 129 Dr Arie Trouwborst LLM Harm M. Dotinga LLM The Implementation of European Environmental Directives: Are Problems Caused by the Quality of the Directives? 150 Barbara A. Beijen European Union Emissions Trading Scheme: Phase I I I 164 Sebastian Okinczyc

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European Journal of Consumer Law Table of contents Foreword 3 "Hans Micklitz: Europe's consumer crusader" by Ewoud Hondius Articles 7 La proposition de révision du règlement n 261 / 2004 : entre clarifications textuelles et perfectionnement des droits des passagers aériens par Vincent Correia 31 Procedural treatment of consumer organisations in the judicial proceedings concerning the use of unfair terms by Tomasz Dolny 53 Concentration et droit d'action des associations de consommateurs : le droit d'être entendu, mais pas de contester par Chloé Binet 65 Allégations nutritionnelles et de santé : quelques stratégies juridiques utilisées par les entreprises pour échapper à la réglementation par Paul Nihoul & Ellen Van Nieuwenhuyze 81 Le règlement «Bruxelles Ibis» et son impact (très limité) au plan des consommateurs par Jonathan Toro 95 Le droit à l'accès à l'information environnementale: valeur ajoutée pour la «consommation verte» par Armelle Gouritin 121 Le règlement (CE) no. 392/2009 relatif à la responsabilité des transporteurs de passagers par mer en cas d'accident par Philippe Vincent 135 Le nouvel encadrement de l'Union européenne pour le règlement extrajudiciaire des litiges de consommation. Examen de la directive 2013/11/UE en matière d'ADR par Grégory Renier Comments 165 Arrêt McDonagh: la protection des passagers aériens en cas de fermeture de l'espace aérien à la suite d'une éruption volcanique par Noura Rouissi 177 Arrêt CHS Tour : pour être interdites, les pratiques commerciales induisant en erreur les consommateurs doivent-elles être contraires à la diligence professionnelle? par Paul Nihoul & Caroline Delforge

Back to title list 185 Arrêt OBB : l'effet de la force majeure sur la responsabilité du transporteur dans le contrat de transport ferroviaire de voyageurs européens par Charlotte Ducuing 199 Case Emrek; Expanding jurisdiction for consumer claims under the Brussels regime by Geneviève Saumier 207 Arrêt Vapenik : la Cour de justice définit le champ d'application du titre exécutoire européen par Patrick Gielen 211 Case Trento Sviluppo and Centrale Adriatica: Distortion of consumers' economic behavior as a prerequisite of a misleading commercial practice by Joasia Luzak

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European Journal of Consumer Law No. 3-4 2013 Table des matières

335 Foreword 337 Introduction: The long legislative history of the CRD by Bert Keirsbilck 355 Transposition de la directive relative aux droits des consommateurs en droit français : ultime étape avant l'adoption d'un nouveau code de la consommation ? par Denis Voinot 369 La transposition de la directive droits des consommateurs en Belgique - champ d'application personnel et exclusions par Evelyne Terryn

399 General Information Obligations in Belgian (and French) Law of Obligations versus Article 2 of Book VI on "Market practices and consumer protection" in the Belgian Economic Law Code by Annick De Boeck 415 Consumer protection with regard to distance contracts after the transposition of the Consumer Rights Directive in Belgium and France by Reinhard Steennot 459 Les contrats hors établissement (obligations d'information et droit de rétractation) en Belgique et en France par Gaël Chantepie 475 La directive 2011/83 relative aux droits des consommateurs : les modifications de la réglementation concernant les ventes aux consommateurs et les « autres droits des consommateurs » par Jacques Laffineur et Gert Straetmans

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European Journal of Law Reform vol. 15 2013 no. 4 Table of Contents Articles Sir William Dale Annual Lecture 333 The Law Commission and the Implementation of Law Reform The Rt. Hon. Sir David Lloyd Jones Donors without Borders 349 A Comparative Study of Tax Law Frameworks for Individual Cross-Border Philanthropy Joseph E. Miller, Jr. Drafting Conventions, Templates and Legislative Precedents, and their Effects on the Drafting Process and the Drafter 371 Agnes Quartey Papafio Linguistic Disharmony, National Language Authority and Legislative Drafting in Islamic Republic of Pakistan 400 Mazhar llahi Drafting of Legislation in Compliance with Model Laws 415 Lesedi Poloko

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European Journal of Law Reform 2014 (16) 1 Table of Contents Articles The Values of the European Union Legal Order Constitutional Perspectives 3 Timothy Moorhead Negligent Prosecution. Why Pirates Are Wreaking Havoc on International Trade and How to Stop It 19 Justin Boren Judicial Case Management and the Complexities of Competing Norms Occasioned by Law Reforms. The Experience in Respect of Criminal Proceedings in Botswana 41 Rowland J.V. Cole The Costs and Consequences of US Drug Prohibition for the Peoples of Developing Nations 56 J. Michael Blackwell Implementation of Better Regulation Measures in the Internal Security Draft Legislation The Case of Estonia 80 Aare Kasemets & Annika Talmar-Pere From a Soft Law Process to Hard Law Obligations. The Kimberley Process and Contemporary International Legislative Process 104 Martin-Joe Ezeudu A Thorny Path to the Spotlight The Rule of Law Component in EU External Policies and EU-Ukraine Relations 133 Olga Burlyuk Internet Trolling and the 2011 UK Riots The Need for a Dualist Reform of the Constitutional, Administrative and Security Frameworks in Great Britain 154 Jonathan Bishop

Strengthening Child Laws in Africa. Some Examples from the New Children's Act of Angola 168 Aquinaldo Célio Mandlate Wrongful Testing and Its Lively Consequences 181 W. Th. Nuninga

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European Journal of Law Reform 2014 (16)2 Table of Contents Editorial Special Issue on Islamic Law 209 Articles The Place of Shariah Among the Legal Systems of the World 212 Issam Saliba An Introduction to Islamic Law 221 Salma Taman Democracy, Constitutionalism and Shariah 247 The Compatibility Question AT. Shehu Human Rights in Islamic Law, Specifically the Guarantee of Procedural Justice 274 Mohamed Y. Mattar Women's Rights in the Islamic Perspective 303 Omar Alsunaid & Bashar Almofadda Appointment of Female Judges in Muslim Countries 317 Aishath Muneeza The Manifestation of Religious Belief Through Dress 329 Human Rights and Constitutional Issues Anthony Gray Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion and Islam 353 A Review of Laws Regarding 'Offences Relating to Religion' in Pakistan from a Domestic and International Law Perspective Ujala Akram The System of Kafala and the Rights of Migrant Workers in GCC Countries - With Specific Reference to Saudi Arabia 377 Majed M. Alzahrani International Kafala: A Right for the Child to Enter and stay in the EU Member States ? 401 Julie Malingreau Medically Assisted Reproduction in Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates Sunni and Shia Legal Debates 430 Andrea Büchler & Eveline Schneider Kayasseh Islamic Policy of Environmental Conservation 1,500 Years Old – Yet Thoroughly Modern 465

Back to title list Mohamed A. ‘Arafa Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Under Islamic Law from Tort to Special Privileges 505 Mahmood Bagheri, Mojtaba Nayyer & Mahdi Moalla

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European Journal of Migration and Law CONTENTS Vol. 15 No. 4 2013 Articles Sergio Carrera, Leonhard den Hertog and Joanna Parkin The Peculiar Nature of EU Home Affairs Agencies in Migration Control: Beyond Accountability versus Autonomy? 337 Roberta Mungianu Frontex: Towards a Common Policy on External Border Control 359 Alexander Hoogenboom Turkish Nationals and the Right to Study in the European Union: A Progressive Interpretation 387 Anna Błuś Beyond the Walls of Paper. Undocumented Migrants, the Border and Human Rights 413 Sandra Mantu Concepts of Time and European Citizenship 447

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European Journal of Migration and Law CONTENTS Vol. 16 No. 1 2014

Special Issue: The Negotiation and Contestation of EU Migration Policy Instruments

Guest Editors: Florian Trauner & Sarah Wolff Editorial Florian Trauner & Sarah Wolff The Negotiation and Contestation of EU Migration Policy Instruments: A Research Framework 1 Articles Diego Acosta Arcarazo & Andrew Geddes Transnational Diffusion or Different Models? Regional Approaches to Migration Governance in the European Union and Mercosur 19 Christof Roos & Natascha Zaun Norms Matter! The Role of International Norms in EU Policies on Asylum and Immigration 45 Sarah Wolff, The Politics of Negotiating EU Readmission Agreements: Insights from Morocco and Turkey 69 Jean-Pierre Cassarino Channelled Policy Transfers: EU-Tunisia Interactions on Migration Matters 97 Florian Trauner & Emanuele Manigrassi, When Visa-free Travel Becomes Difficult to Achieve and Easy to Lose: The EU Visa Free Dialogues after the EU's Experience with the Western Balkans 125

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European Journal of Migration and Law CONTENTS Vol. 16 No. 2 2014 Articles Herwig Verschueren Free Movement or Benefit Tourism: The Unreasonable Burden of Brey 147 Maja Janmyr Norway's Readmission Agreements: Spellbound by European Union Policies or Free Spirits on the International Field? 181 Helena Wray, Agnes Agoston and Jocelyn Hutton A Family Resemblance? The Regulation of Marriage Migration in Europe 209 Chiara Berneri Protection of Families Composed by EU Citizens and Third-country Nationals: Some Suggestions to Tackle Reverse Discrimination 249 Claudia Engelmann Convergence against the Odds: The Development of Safe Country of Origin Policies in EU Member States (1990-2013) 277

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European Journal of Social Security Volume 15 number 4 CONTENTS MACRO-COMPARISONS WITH MICRO-SIMULATIONS: WELFARE STATES AND TAX-BENEFIT SYSTEMS - SPECIAL ISSUE EDITED BY JON KVIST INTRODUCTION Jon Kvist 318 ARTICLES Measurement Validity in Comparative Welfare State Research: The Case of Measuring Welfare State Generosity Jon Kvist, Simon Grundt Straubinger and Anders Freundt 321 Equally to All? The Significance of Collectively Negotiated Sickness Benefits in Cross-Nordic Social Policy Analysis Laura Järvi and Susan Kuivalainen 341 Gender and Class: Comparing the Situation of Single-Parent Households in Seven European Countries Dorota Szelewa 358 Do Tax-Benefit Packages Treat Families in the Same Manner when Unemployment Strikes? Anders Freundt, Simon Grundt Straubinger and Jon Kvist 380 How Gender-Neutral are the Nordic Countries Really? Father-Friendliness in Leave Schemes for Families with Children Laerke Bonnesen and Sara Ravnkilde Nielsen 403

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European Journal of Social Security Volume 16 number 1 CONTENTS ARTICLES Firm Ownership and Social Insurance Inequality in Transitional China: Evidence from a Large Panel of Firm-level Data Qin Gao and Johanna Rickne 2 Decomposing Child Poverty Reduction Jonathan Bradshaw and Meg Huby 26 Fighting Social Exclusion under EU Horizon 2020. Enhancing the Legal Enforceability of the Social Inclusion Recommendations? Paul Schoukens and Joris Beke Smets 51

RECENT NEWS AND CASE LAW Overview of Recent Cases before the Court of Justice of the European Union (July - September 2013) Anne Pieter Van Der Mei 73

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European Journal of Social Security volume 16 no 2 ARTICLES In-work Benefits: Effective Social Protection or 'Emperor's New Clothes'? Mel Cousins 100 Parental Benefits in the Coordination Regulation: (Where) Do They Fit In? -The Swedish Example Emma Holm 122 Social Security Administration Confronting Sustainability Challenges - The Greek Pension System From a Comparative Perspective Theodoros Galazoulas and Anna Tsetoura 140 RECENT NEWS AND CASE LAW Overview of Recent Cases before the European Court of Human Rights (January - December 2013) Anne Pieter van der Mei 165

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European Journal of Social Security Volume 16 number 3 CONTENTS ARTICLES Repressive Welfare States: The Spiral of Obligations and Sanctions in Social Security Gijsbert Vonk 188 The Duty to Work Without a Wage: A Legal Comparison between Social Assistance Legislation in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom Anja Eleveld 204 Increasing Pension Ages in Greece and Ireland: A Question of Legitimate Expectations Elaine Dewhurst and Dafni Diliagka 225 Should Social Rights Be Included in Interpretations of the Convention by the European Court of Human Rights? Maija Dahlberg 252

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European Law Review

volume 39 number 1 Table of Contents Editorial Does the United Kingdom have a General Opt Out from the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights? 1 Articles The European Dimension in Citizenship Education: Unused Potential of Article 165 TFEU Kris Grimonprez 3 Reflections on the Modalities for the Appointment of National Central Bank Governors Phoebus Athanassiou 27 Larvatus prodeo? Why Concealing the Face can be Incompatible with a European Conception of Human Rights Koen Lemmens 47 Unpacking the Principle of Openness in EU Law: Transparency, Participation and Democracy Alberto Alemanno 12 The Requisite Legal Standard for Economic Assessments in EU Competition Cases Unravelled through the Economic Approach Edith Loozen 91 Analysis and Reflections Balancing Conflicting Fundamental Rights: The Sky Österreich Paradigm Georgios Anagnostaras 111 In Search of (Even) More Substance for the "Real Link" Test: Comment on Prinz and Seeberger Päivi Johanna Neuvonen 125

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European Law Review Issue 2 April 2014 Table of Contents Editorial The "Constitutional Weight" of Adjectives 153 Articles Taxing and Spending in the Euro Zone: Legal and Political Challenges Related to the Adoption of the Financial Transaction Tax Federico Fabbrini 155 Oscillating between Embracing and Avoiding Bosphorus: The European Court of Human Rights on Member State Responsibility for Acts of International Organisations and the Case of the European Union Cedric Ryngaert 176 Claims for Damages in EU Procurement and Effective Protection of Individual Rights Saulius Lukas Kalėda 193 Of TRIPS and Traps: The Interpretative Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union over Patent Law Angelos Dimopoulos and Petroula Vantsiouri 210 Analysis and Reflections The Court of Justice, Legal Reasoning, and the Pringle Case - Law as the Continuation of Politics by Other Means Gunnar Beck 234 Shaping the New Architecture of the EU System of Judicial Remedies: Comment on Inuit Alexander Kornezov 251 No Privatisation in the Service of Fair Competition? Article 345 TFEU and the EU Market-State balance after Essent Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel 264

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European Law Review Issue 3 June 2014 Table of Contents Editorial To Strive, to Seek, to Google, to Forget 293 Articles Multilingual Interpretation of CJEU Case Law: Rule and Reality Mattias Derlén 295 The Role of Intent in the EU Case Law on Abuse of Dominance Pinar Akman 316 Regulating Financial Markets under Uncertainty: The EU Approach Heikki Marjosola 338 Trapped in the Lobby: Europe's Revolving Doors and the Other as Xenos Diego Acosta Arcarazo and Jacopo Martire 362 Analysis and Reflections The Empowerment of Agencies under the Meroni Doctrine and art. 114 TFEU: Comment on United Kingdom v Parliament and Council (Short-selling) and the Proposed Single Resolution Mechanism Merijn Chamon 380 Strengthening Economic Governance of the European Union through Enhanced Co-operation: A Still Possible, But Already Missed, Opportunity Michele Messina 404 Review Article The Legal Reasoning of the Court of Justice of the EU Michal Bobek 418

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European Law Review Issue 4 August 2014 Table of Contents Editorial "Efficient, Fair and Fit for the Future"? 445 Articles Classification of Objects by the European Court of Justice: Movable Immovables and Tangible Intangibles Eveline Ramaekers 441 Regulating Interest Group Participation in the European Union: Changing Paradigms between Transparency and Representation Stijn Smismans 470 An Assessment of the Compatibility of UEFA's Home Grown Player Rule with Article 45 TFEU Paul Downward, Richard Parrish, Geoff Pearson and Anna Semens 493 EU Foreign Policy under the Doctrine of Implied Powers: Codification Drawbacks and Constitutional Limitations Theodore Konstadinides 511 Analysis and Reflections The Parameters of Constitutional Conflict after Melloni Leonard F.M. Besselink 531 Poena sine Culpa? Comment on Schenker Marco Botta, Natalie Harsdorf and Karl Frewein 553 Should EU Consumer Law be used to close a Presumed Enforcement Gap under EU Competition Law? The Unintended Consequences of Invitel and RWE Vertrieb Paolo Siciliani 567 Correspondence The Legal Reasoning of the Court of Justice: A Response to Michal Bobek Gunnar Beck 579

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European Review of Contract Law Volume 10 number 1 Contents Articles Betül Kas and Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz Overview of cases before the CJEU on European Consumer Contract Law (2008-2013) – Part I 1 Vanessa Mak According to Custom ...? The Role of 'Trade Usage' in the Proposed Common European Sales Law (CESL) 64 Charlotte Pavilion Private Standards of Fairness in European Contract Law 85 EU Legislation Rosella Delfino European Community legislation and Actions 118 EU Case Law Betül Kas European Union Litigation 124 Stephen Weatherill Use and Abuse of the EU's Charter of Fundamental Rights: on the improper veneration of 'freedom of contract' 167

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European Review of Contract Law Vol. 10 no 2 Articles Hans-W. Micklitz and Betul Kas Overview of cases before the CJEU on European Consumer Contract Law (2008-2013) - Part II 189 Norbert Reich A ‘Trojan Horse’ in the Access to Justice - Party Autonomy and Consumer Arbitration in conflict in the ADR-Directive 2013/11/EU? 258 EU LEGISLATION Rossella Delfino European Community legislation and Actions 281 EU CASE LAW Betül Kas European Union Litigation 285 Candida Leone Transparency revisited - on the role of information in the recent case-law of the CJEU 312

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European Review of Contract Law Volume 10 issue 3 Contents Articles Fernando Gómez and Marian Gili-Saldaña Termination as a Remedy in the Common European Sales Law: A Law and Economics Approach 331 Dan Wielsch The Function of Fundamental Rights in EU Private Law - Perspectives for the Common European Sales Law 365 Olha O. Cherednychenko Freedom of Contract in the Post-Crisis Era: Quo Vadis? 390 EU Legislation Rossella Delfino European Community legislation and Actions 422 EU Case Law Betül Kas European Union Litigation 427 EU Case Note Antonio Las Casas, Maria Rosaria Maugeri and Stefano Pagliantini Cases: ECJ - Recent trends of the ECJ on consumer protection: Aziz and Constructora Principado 444

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European Review of Contract Law 2013 Volume 9 Issue 4 Contents Articles Vincent Forray Property Structures Underlying Contract. (The Proprietary Properties of Contract) 287 Sjef van Erp Contract and Property Law. Distinct, but not Separate 307 Nuno Manuel Pinto Oliveira Contract Law, Liability Rules, and Property Rules 327 Richard A. Epstein Intellectual Property and the Law of Contract: The Case Against 'Efficient Breach' 345 Guido Ferrarini and Andrea Ottolia Corporate Disclosure as a Transaction Cost: The Case of SMEs 363 Peter Limmer Property Transactions and Certainty of Title Transfer 387 Andrea Nervi Common Goods and the Role of the Contract 409 Eva-Maria Kieninger Collateralization of Contracts 430

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European State Aid Law Quarterly Volume 12 number 4 Contents EDITORIAL Sometimes Partial is Better than Total 623 Andreas Bartosch NEWS FROM THE MEMBER STATES Croatia • Tatjana Jakovljević 625 Finland • Heidi Merikalla-Teir, Ilkka Aalto-Setälä and Eeva-Riitta Mäkelä 628 Poland • Przemysław Kamil Rosiak and Katarzyna Bożekowska-Zawisza 631 Slovakia • Peter Hodal 633 Slovenia • Janez Ahlin 634 Sweden • Ida Otken Eriksson 636 United Kingdom • Alan Bates 638 OPINIONS Effet Utile Taken to Extremes: Does an Opening Decision Already Trigger the "Stand-Still Obligation"? 643 Ulrich Soltész Restructuring Aid Granted Prior to the Accession of a Member State to the EU: "Existing Aid" under Article 1 (b) of Regulation No. 659/1999? 646 Iveta Stoycheva and Mariya Papazova ARTICLES Does State Aid Create Jobs? 651 The Short and Mid-Term Employment Effects of Subsidies Caroline Buts and Marc Jegers To What Effect? The Overhaul of the Regional Aid Guidelines - The Demise of Competition Effects and Rise of Incentive Effect? 659 Fiona Wishlade New Guidelines on Regional Aid - Is the Party Over for Large Investment Projects? 676 Mario Todino and Annagiulia Zanazzo State Aid and Intellectual Property in Contract Research and R&D&I Collaboration

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European State Aid Law Quarterly Volume 13 number 1 Contents EDITORIAL The Judgment in Case C-284/12 under the Socratic Scrutiny of Good Justice Christian Koenig NEWS FROM THE MEMBER STATES Bulgaria • Iveta Stoycheva and Mariya Papazova 4 Croatia • Tatjana Jakovljevic 6 Cyprus • Michalis Kamperis 12 Germany • Christoph Arhold 14 Latvia • Daiga Lagzdina 17 Norway • Silje Thorstensen 18 Spain • María Muñoz de Juan 21 OPINION Infrastructure Financing and State Aid Post Leipzig-Halle 24 Thomas Wilson ARTICLES A Decade of State Aid Control in the Field of Broadband 28 Filomena Chineo and Norbert Gaál Revisiting Material Selectivity in EU State Aid Law Or "The Ghost of Yet-To- Come" 39 Cristina Romariz Asymmetric Tax Measures and EU State Aid Law The "Special Solidarity Levy" on Greek Producers of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources 51 Phedon Nicolaides and Antonis Metaxas The Prohibition of Overcompensations to Services of General Economic Interest 61 Koert van Buiren, Matthijs Gerritsen and Janneke van der Voort "Modernising State Aid through Better Evaluations"- Insights From Recent Discussions with Stakeholders 67 Norbert Gaál and Xavier Boutin Brighter Lights at the End of the Tunnel - Continuing Private Enforcement of State Aid Law in Germany 71 Andrés Martin-Ehlers

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European Union Politics Volume 15 Number I March 2014

Contents Articles

Cross-cutting issues, intraparty dissent and party strategy: The issue of European integration in the House of Commons 3 Eitan Tzelgov

Measurement, model testing, and legislative influence in the European Union 24 Jonathan B Slapin Testing models of legislative decision-making with measurement error: The robust predictive power of bargaining models over procedural models 43 Justin Leinaweaver and Robert Thomson

Issue-specific policy-positions and voting in the Council 59 Bjørn Høyland and Vibeke Wøien Hansen

The loss of trust in the European Union during the great recession since 2007: The role of heuristics from the national political system 82 Klaus Armingeon and Besir Ceka

Multilevel representation in the European Parliament 108 Zoe Lefkofridi and Alexia Katsanidou

European unilateralism and involuntary burden-sharing in global climate politics: A public opinion perspective from the other side 132 Thomas Bernauer, Robert Gampfer and Aya Kachi

Measuring the European Council agenda: Introducing a new approach and dataset 152 Petya Alexandrova, Marcello Carammia, Sebastian Princen and Arco Timmermans

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European Union Politics Volume 15 Number 2 June 2014 Contents Articles EU law revisions and legislative drift 171 Enrico ßorghetto and Lars Mäder The dynamic relationship between asylum applications and recognition rates in Europe (1987-2010) 192 Dimiter Doychinov Toshkov The euro's effect on trade 215 Tal Sadeh Emotions and voting in EU referendurns 235 John Garry The more the merrier: Accounting for regional paradiplomats in Brussels 255 Michael Tatham and Mads Thau Buying turnout or rewarding loyalists? Electoral mobilization and EU structural funding in the German Länder 277 Dominik Schroff Forum Procedural models of European Union politics: Contributions and suggestions for improvement 289 Christophe Crombez and Pieterjan Vangerven

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European Union Politics Volume 15 Number 3 September 2014 Contents Special issue: Can European elections be deliberative? The 2009 Europolis deliberative poll Guest editors: Pierangelo Isernia and James S Fishkin Introduction The EuroPolis deliberative poll 311 Pierangelo Isernia and James S Fishkin Articles Europolis and the European public sphere: Empirical explorations of a counterfactual ideal 328 James S Fishkin, Robert C Luskin and Alice Siu Deliberation, political knowledge and vote choice: Results from an experiment with second-order elections 352 Patrick Bernhagen and Hermann Schmitt Does deliberation contribute to decreasing the gender gap in knowledge? 372 Marta Fraile The role of deliberation in attitude change: An empirical assessment of three theoretical mechanisms 389 Kaat Smets and Pierangelo Isernia Deliberative and non-deliberative persuasion: Mechanisms of opinion formation in EuroPolis 410 Marlène Gerber, André Bächtiger, Irena Fiket, Marco Steenbergen and Jürg Steiner The Europolis experiment and its lessons for deliberation on Europe 430 Claus Offe

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European Urban and Regional Studies Volume 21 Number I January 2014 Contents Editorial Jim Lewis Prize 3 Adrian Smith and Allan Williams Articles Exploring the 'New Rural Paradigm' in Europe: Eco-economic strategies as a counterforce to the global competitiveness agenda 4 Lummina G. Horlings and Terry K. Marsden From places to flows? Planning for the new 'regional world' in Germany 21 John Harrison and Anna Growe Quality of life and spatial inequality in London 42 Paul Higgins, Josep Campanera and Alexandre Nobajas Urban governance, property rights, land readjustment and public value capturing 60 Demetrio Muñoz-Gielen Revitalizing regional economies through enterprise support policies: an impact evaluation of multiple instruments 79 Daniele Bondonio and Robert T. Greenbaum Political rescaling and metropolitan governance in cross-border regions: comparing the cross-border metropolitan areas of Lille and Luxembourg 104 Jen Nelles and Frédéric Durand Erratum 123

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European Urban and Regional Studies Volume 21 Number 2 April 2014

Contents Editorial 127 Adrian Smith Articles A social capital approach for network policy learning: the case of an established cluster initiative 128 Cristina Aragón, Man Jose Aranguren, Cristina Iturrioz and James R. Wilson The erosion of corporatism? The rescaling of industrial relations in Germany 146 Susanne Heeg Return migration: Evidence from a reception country with a short migration history 161 Loizou Efstratios, Michailidis Anastasios and Karasavvoglou Anastasios Cross-border-cooperation in the Upper Adriatic: A new kind of citizenship? 175 Elisabetta Nadalutti Discourses of Europeanness in the reception of the European Capital of Culture events: The case of Pécs 2010 191 Tuuli Lähdesmäki Territorial attachment in the age of globalization: The case of Western Europe 206 Marco Antonsich and Edward C. Holland A comparative classification of labour market characteristics of British and Greek small islands 222 Harvey Armstrong, Dimitris Ballas and Adreene Staines

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European View Volume 12 Number 2 December 2013 EDITORIAL Young politics Tomi Huhtanen 169 A YOUTH AGENDA Educating for democracy Bruno Aguilera-Barchet 171 Higher education reform: matching education to labour market needs Eva Majewski 179 From crisis to credibility: the need for quality jobs for young people James Higgins , Giuseppe Porcaro 189 The future workplace of young Europeans James Francis , Carolien Scheers 199 The culture of entrepreneurship: creating your own job Andrea Gerosa , Alessandro Niccolò Tirapani 205 The telecoms single market: meeting the needs of the European youth Daniel Fisher 215 Adventures in digital surveillance Bendert Zevenbergen 223 Intergenerational solidarity: a two-way street that needs new paving Tom Vandenkendelaere 235 ELECTIONS 2014 Young people's engagement in 'new' parties Philipp Mißfelder 243

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Integration Volume 36 number 4 VIERTEUAHRESZEITSCHRIFT DES INSTITUTS FÜR EUROPÄISCHE POLITIK IN ZUSAMMENARBEIT MIT DEM ARBEITSKREIS EUROPÄISCHE INTEGRATION 36. Jahrgang 2013 4/13 INHALT AUFSÄTZE Rudolf Hrbek Deutsche Europawahlen künftig ohne Sperrklausel? Das Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom November 2011 und seine Folgen 259 Andres Kasekamp Die baltischen Staaten und die EU: der steinige Weg von ,außerhalb' zum ,Kern'279 Sebastian Bersick und Jörn-Carsten Gottwald Von wegen Zivilmacht: 10 Jahre Strategische Partnerschaft der Europäischen Union und der Volksrepublik China . 291 Cathleen Berger Zwischen Strafverfolgung und nachrichtendienstlicher Analyse. Konsequenzen aus der Europäisierung der Cybersicherheitspolitik für Deutschland 307 FORUM Manuel Sarrazin Geringe Hoffnung auf rasche Lösung des Zypern-Konflikts: Kollateralschaden der Finanzkrise? . 326 LITERATUR Mirja Schröder 50 Jahre deutsch-französische Beziehungen - eine Bestandsaufnahme 333 TAGUNGEN Tobias Kunstein und Wulf Reiners Ein Geschenk für die Integrationsforschung? Facetten und Wandel des Europäischen Rates ... 340 ARBEITSKREIS EUROPÄISCHE INTEGRATION Frédéric Krumbein und Sebastian Zeitzmann Grenzen der Integration im deutschen und europäischen Recht 346 Frédéric Krumbein und Julian Plottka Der Einfluss von Politikern und Institutionen auf die Finanzpolitik von Staaten, Regionen und Kommunen . 359

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Integration VIERTELJAHRESZEITSCHRIFT DES INSTITUTS FÜR EUROPÄISCHE POLITIK IN ZUSAMMENARBEIT MIT DEM ARBEITSKREIS EUROPÄISCHE INTEGRATION 37. Jahrgang 2014 1/14 INHALT AUFSÄTZE Valentin Kreilinger Prognosen zur Zusammensetzung und Arbeit des Europäischen Parlaments nach der Wahl 2014 3 Christian Deubner Stärkere Parlamente in der neuen WWU-Gouvernanz? 21 Olaf Leiße und Marta Tryk Der Dauerkandidat. Die Europäisierung der Türkei unter der AKP 45

FORUM Andrew Duff Zurück zur Kernfrage: eine föderale Ordnung für Europa .... 65 TAGUNGEN Niklas Helwig Die Europäische Union unter Zugzwang: Perspektiven zu einem ,optimalen' Europa in der Wirtschafts- und Außenpolitik 72

ARBEITSKREIS EUROPÄISCHE INTEGRATION Frédéric Krumbein Europas Sicht auf die transatlantischen Beziehungen ......... 78

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Integration 37 Jahrgang 2014 Nummer 2 Vierteuahreszeitschrift des Instituts für Europäische Politik in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration INHALT AUFSÄTZE Katrin Böttger Auf dem sicherheitspolitischen Auge blind: Die EU-Auflenpolitik angesichts der Ukraine-Krise: Zustand und Entwicklungsoptionen . 95 Gianni Bonvicini und Ferdinando Nelli Feroci Die italienische Ratspräsidentschaft 2014: Ambitionen and Schwerpunkte unter schwierigen Bedingungen . 109 Ramūnas Vilpišauskas und Bruno Vandecasteele Die litauische Ratspräsidentschaft 2013: klein und effektiv 123 Thomas Winzen und Frank Schimmelfennig Vertragsentwicklung und Differenzierung in der europäischen Integration. Nationale Identität, staatliche Autonomie und die Entstehung einer Kern- Peripherie-Struktur in der Europäischen Union 138 FORUM Daniel Göler und Mathias Jopp Die Europawahl 2014 und das Konzept der Spitzenkandidaten - ein Kommentar 152 José Manuel Durão Barroso Über Europa. Betrachtungen zur aktuellen Situation und zur Zukunft der Europäischen Union 161 ARBEITSKREIS EUROPÄISCHE INTEGRATION Frédéric Krumbein Die Geschichte der deutschen Europawissenschaften im Arbeitskreis Europäische Integration .. 172 Frédéric Krumbein Vielfalt ohne Einheit 192

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Integration 37. Jahrgang 2014 3/14 INHALT AUFSÄTZE Rudolf Hrbek Europawahl 2014: Kontinuität und neue Facetten . 205 Jo Leinen und Fabian Pescher Von Parteienbündnissen zu ‚echten Parteien‘ auf europäischer Ebene? Hintergrund, Gegenstand und Folgen der neuen Regeln für Europäische Parteien 228 Stefan Lehne Eine Agenda für Federica Mogherini - Vorschläge zur Weiterentwicklung der europäischen Außenpolitik .. 247 Kai Oppermann Argumentationsmuster zur Krise in der Eurozone. Eine Analyse von Debattenbeiträgen der Regierung Merkel im Bundestag 2009-2012 262 Oliver Bruttel Europäische Integration und Krise in der Eurozone: Akzeptanz und Ablehnung der EU in Deutschland, Frankreich, Spanien und Großbritannien 275 ARBEITSKREIS EUROPÄISCHE INTEGRATION Ansgar Belke und Gunther Schnabl Divergenzen und krisenbedingte Zentralisierung in der Europäischen Union 291 Martina Fürrutter, Regina Tschann und Michael Wolf Das Europäische Parlament: Funktionswandel und Aufgabenprofile 2014-2019 298

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Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law Vol. 11 No. 1 2014 ISSN: 1613-7272 / E-ISSN: 1876-0104 CONTENTS ARTICLES Hendrik Schoukens Ongoing Activities and Natura 2000: Biodiversity Protection vs Legitimate Expectations? 1 Katharina Kern New Standards for the Chemical Quality of Water in Europe under the New Directive 2013/39/EU 31 Aleksandra Čavoški The Environmental Challenges of EU Enlargement: Implementing the Waste Acquis in Serbia 49 SERVICE SECTION Kerstin Gröhn and Christin Mielke Hamburg International Environmental Law Conference 12th/13th September 2013 71 Yelena M. Gordeva Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Legislation 77 Recent Case-Law of the Court of justice of the European Union and the Court of First Instance Headnotes: Reported Period 26 September -15 December 2013 83

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Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law Vol. 11 No. 2 2014 CONTENTS Focus - Decent Debates in Climate and Energy Law Simon Marr Climate and Energy Policy in the eu and Germany at a cross roads 95 Moritz von Unger Germany's Renewable Energy Law, State Aid and the Internal Market: An EU Perspective 116 Erik Gawel and Sebastian Strunz State Aid Dispute on Germany's Support for Renewables: Is the Commission on the Right Course? 137 Jan-Kristof Wellershoff and Lutz Morgenstern Stock-taking of the International Climate Negotiations after Warsaw 151 ARTICLE Simone Benvenuti Access to Justice in Environmental Matters: Which Role for the European Networks of Judges? 163 SERVICE SECTION Yelena M. Gordeeva Recent Developments in eu Environmental Policy and Legislation 183 Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the General Court 192

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Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law Vol. 11 No. 3 2014 CONTENTS Contributors 199 ARTICLE Ludwig Krämer Impact Assessment and Environmental Costs in EU Legislation 201 Luis Arroyo Jiménez Infrastructure Planning in Spain – Public Participation and Legal Protection 232 Erik Gawel Article 9 of the EU Water Framework Directive: Do We Really Need to Calculate Environmental and Resource Costs? 249 Katak Malla Legal Prerequisites for a Nutrient Trading Scheme to Control Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea 272 SERVICE SECTION Yelena M. Gordeeva Recent Developments in EU Environmental Policy and Legislation 303 Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the General Court 311

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Journal of European Integration History Revue d'Histoire de l'Intégration Européenne Zeitschrift für Geschichte der europäischen Integration Volume 19 no. 2 / 2013 Contents Anne Deighton Introduction 187 Marko Kreutzmann Der Deutsche Zollverein von 1834: von der intergouvernementalen Staatenverbindung zur suprastaatlichen Organisation? 189 Gabriele Balbi, Simone Fari, Giuseppe Richeri, Spartaco Calvo Swiss Specialties. Switzerland's Role in the Genesis of the Telegraph Union, 1855-1875 . 207 Nicolas Marty La construction d'un marché européen des eaux embouteillées. Enjeux, acteurs et déroulement des négociations de la directive 80/777 sur les eaux minérales (années 1950-années 1980) . 227 Pauline Beaugé de La Roque Europe as a Construction of the Human Mind: The example of the Irish Catholic Church's Understanding of Europe in the Late 1950's - Early 1960's 243 Vincent Genin La politique étrangère de la Belgique face à la France lors de la crise de la chaise vide (1965-1966). Rôle d'un «petit pays», poids d'une relation bilatérale 259 Hartmut Kaelble Crises of European Integration: A Downward Spiral or Productive Crises? 277

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Journal of European Integration History Volume 20 number 1 Revue d'Histoire de l'Intégration Européenne Zeitschrift für Geschichte der europäischen Integration Contents / Table des matières / Inhalt Fernando Guirao Introduction. Double Allegiance as the Central Political Issue 5 Frances M. B. Lynch and Fernando Guirao The Intellectual Legacy of Alan S. Milward . 17 Alan S. Milward Politics and Purposes in Fifty Years of European Integration 43 Alan S. Milward Governance in a Global Environment (Position Paper in Summary) 49 Alan S. Milward The Life and Death of the Great European Boom .......... 53 Alan S. Milward The United Kingdom and the European Union ............. 73 Sandro Guerrieri Le Parlement communautaire en déplacement. La session de Rome de l'Assemblée commune de la CECA (5-9 novembre 1957) 81 Silvio Labbate Energy and transatlantic relations: The attempts to establish a European energy policy on the eve of the 1973 oil crisis .. 97 Veit Damm Das "Europa der Arbeitnehmer". Gewerkschaften, grenzübergreifende Arbeit und europäische Integration in den 1970er Jahren ...... 121

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Journal of European Integration Volume 36 Number 1 January 2014 Contents Articles Seen from the Outside: The State of the Art on the External Image of the EU Sonia Lucarelli 1 The Europeanization of Health Care Coverage Decisions: EU-Regulation, Policy Learning and Cooperation in Decision-Making Katharina Böhm & Claudia Landwehr 17 An Agent Dependent on the EU Member States? The Determinants of the European Commission's Legislative Success in the European Union Stefanie Bailer 37 How the European Commission's Policies Are Made: Problematization, Instrumentation and Legitimation Andy Smith 55 Lobbying During the Revision of the EU Emissions Trading System: Does EU Membership Influence Company Lobbying Strategies? Kadri Miard 73

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Journal of European Integration Volume 36 Number 2 February 2014 Contents Articles The Establishment of FRONTEX: A New Institutionalist Approach Helena Ekelund 99 Sidelined Member States: Commission-learning from Experts in the Face of Comitology Kathrin Böhling 117 Revisiting Creeping Competences in the EU: The Case of Security R&D Policy Manuele Citi 135 The Role of Labour and Associated EU Liberalization Challenges: Insights from the Port Sector Merethe D. Leiren 152 The Role of the EU in an Emerging New World Order in the Eyes of the Chinese, Indian and Russian Press Natalia Chaban and Ole Elgström 170 Review essay Perspectives on the European Neighbourhood Policy failure Francisco Melo 189

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Journal of European Public Policy Volume 21 number 1 Policy windows, ambiguity and Commission entrepreneurship: explaining the relaunch of the European Union's economic reform agenda 1 Paul Copeland and Scott James An elephant on the 13th floor of the Berlaymont? European Council and Commission relations in legislative agenda setting 20 Pierre Bocquillon and Mathias Dobbels On the EU's performance and leadership in global environmental governance: the case of the Nagoya Protocol 39 Sebastian Oberthür and Florian Rabitz Ideas, power and change: explaining EU-Russia energy relations 58 Caroline Kuzemko The regional dimension in the global competition for talent: Lessons from framing the European Scientific Visa and Blue Card 76 Lucie Cerna and Meng-Hsuan Chou Are we all austerians now? An analysis of national parliamentary parties' positioning on anti-crisis measures in the eurozone 96 Aleksandra Maatsch Eppure si muove: the changing nature of the Swiss consensus democracy 116 Pascal Sciarini Party politics and the power to report: informational efficiency in bicameralism 133 Daniel Finke and JeongHun Han

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Journal of European Public Policy volume 21 number 10 Editorial announcement 1387 Jeremy Richa Suspending vetoes: how the euro countries achieved unanimity in the fiscal compact 1388 George Tsebelis and Hyeonho Hahm The state of the discipline: authorship, research designs, and citation patterns in studies of EU interest groups and lobbying 1412 Adriana Bunea and Frank R. Baumgartner 'How to make the most of your time in the Chair': EU presidencies and the management of Council debates 1435 Sandrino Smeets and Jac Vennix A liberal actor in a realist world? The Commission and the external dimension of the single market for energy 1452 Andreas Goldthau and Nick Sitter Integrating rules, disintegrating markets: the end of national discretion in European banking? 1473 Samuel McPhilemy Reassessing the European Union in the United Nations General Assembly 1491 Nicolas Burmester and Michael Jankowski Tenure, turnover and careers in the European Parliament: MEPs as policy-seekers 1509 Richard Whitaker

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Journal of European Public Policy

Vol. 21 no. 2 2014 Redesigning financial supervision in the European Union (2009-2013) 151 Alexandr How the European Commission deepened financial market integration. The battle over the liberalization of public banks in Germany 169 Daniel Seikel Territorial interest representation in the European Union: actors, objectives and strategies 188 Mark Callanan and Michaël Tatham Could being in the European Union save lives? An econometric analysis of the Common Road Safety Policy for the EU-27 211 José I. Castillo-Manzano, Mercedes Castro-Nuño and Xavier Fageda The origin of EU authority in criminal matters: a sociology of legal experts in European policy-making 230 Antoine Mégie Multi-level governance, policy implementation and participation: the EU's mandated participatory planning approach to implementing environmental policy 248 Jens Newig and Tomas M. Koontz The seen and the unseen in legislative politics: explaining censorship in the Council of Ministers of the European Union 268 James P. Cross Farmers versus ideas: explaining the continuity in French agricultural trade policy during the GATT Uruguay Round 286 Gerry Alons Research Agenda Section Edited by Robert Thomson Informal governance in the European Union 303 Mareike Kleine

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Journal of European Public Policy Volume 21 number 3 2014 Contents SPECIAL ISSUE The EU in global financial governance Guest editor: Daniel Mügge Editorial announcement: editorial board changes 315 Jeremy Richardson and Berthold Rittberger Europe's regulatory role in post-crisis global finance 316 Daniel Mügge The sources of European Union influence in international financial regulatory fora 327 Lucia Quaglia Shattered expectations: the defeat of European ambitions of global financial reform 346 Hans-Jürgen Bieling Losing abroad but winning at home: European financial industry groups in global financial governance since the crisis 367 Kevin Young Distinctions, affiliations, and professional knowledge in financial reform expert groups 389 Leonard Seabrooke and Eleni Tsingou Experimentalism in European Union and global financial governance: interactions, contrasts, and implications 408 Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn and Tony Porter The European Union as hardening agent: soft law and the diffusion of global financial regulation 430 Abraham Newman and David Bach Policy paradigms: a symposium Reassessing the concept of policy paradigm: aligning ontology and methodology in policy studies 453 Pierre-Marc Daigneault Putting policy paradigms in their place 470 Sebastiaan Princen and Paul ‘t Hart Ideas, paradigms and confusions 475 Frank R. Baumgartner

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Journal of European Public Policy Volume 21 number 4 Editorial announcement: Journal of European Public Policy (JEPP) prizes 485 Jeremy Richardson and Berthold Rittberger

Governments as strategists in designing global players: the case of European utilities 487 Andrea Colli, Sergio Mariotti and Lucia Piscitello

Policy learning, aid conditionality or domestic politics? The Europeanization of Dutch and Spanish activation policies through the European Social Fund 509 Minna van Gerven, Bart Vanhercke and Susanna Gürocak

Giving less by doing more? Dynamics of social policy expansion and dismantling in 18 OECD countries 528 Carsten Jensen, Christoph Knill, Kai Schulze and Jale Tosun

Justification and political polarization in national parliamentary debates on EU treaty reform 549 Frank Wendler

The role of the European Parliament in international negotiations after Lisbon 568 Ariadna Ripoll Servent

Law as weapon of the weak? A comparative analysis of legal mobilization by Roma and women's groups at the European level 587 Sophie Jacquot and Tommaso Vitale

The shock routine: economic crisis and the nature of social policy responses 605 Franca van Hooren, Alexandra Kaasch and Peter Starke

When European integration becomes costly: the euro crisis and public support for European economic governance 624 Theresa Kuhn and Florian Stoeckel

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Journal of European Public Policy Volume 21 number 5 SPECIAL ISSUE The European Union: wider and deeper? Guest editors: R. Daniel Kelemen, Anand Menon and Jonathan Slapin

The European Union: wider and deeper? 643 R. Daniel Kelemen, Anand Menon and Jonathan Slapin

Wider and deeper? Enlargement and integration in the European Union 647 R. Daniel Kelemen, Anand Menon and Jonathan Slapin

Ever closer or ever wider? Public attitudes towards further enlargement and integration in the European Union 664 Sara B. Hobolt EU enlargement and differentiated integration: discrimination or equal treatment? 681 Frank Schimmelfennig Domestic politics and the widening-deepening trade-off in the European Union 699 Christina J. Schneider

Compelling criteria? Human rights in the European Union 713 Lisa Conant

Depth, ambition and width in regional economic organizations 730 Jonathan B. Slapin and Julia Gray Why widening makes deepening: unintended policy extension through polity expansion 746 Eva G. Heidbreder

Enlargement and the anticipatory deepening of European integration 761 A. Maurits van der Veen

Necessary deepening? How political groups in the European Parliament adapt to enlargement 776 Edoardo Bressanelli

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Journal of European Public Policy

Volume 21 no 6 SPECIAL ISSUE Best conference papers, EUSA 2013, Baltimore Best conference papers, EUSA 2013, Baltimore: preface to the special issue 793 Berthold Rittberger and Jeremy Richardson Narratives, norms and governability in the European Union: an introduction 794 Michelle Egan Interest group influence and interinstitutional power allocation in early second-reading agreements: a re-examination of aviation emissions trading 802 Maja Andlovic and Wilhelm Lehmann Is informal politics undemocratic? Trilogues, early agreements and the selection model of representation 822 Christine Reh How consensual is comitology? 842 R. Dehousse, A. Fernandez Pasarin and J. Plaza Constraining or enabling? The effects of government composition on international commitments 860 Sib el Oktay The power of functionalist extension: how EU rules travel 885 Sandra Lavenex Europe as a global regulator? The limits of EU influence in international food safety standards 904 Alasdair R. Young Does dialogue work? The effectiveness of labor standards in EU preferential trade agreements 923 Evgeny Postnikov and Ida Bastiaens Accounting for the bad apples: the EU's impact on national corruption before and after accession 941 Mert Kartell

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Journal of European Public Policy Volume 21 number 7 SPECIAL ISSUE Speaking with a single voice: the EU as an effective actor in global governance? Guest Editors: Eugenia da Conceição-Heldt and Sophie Meunier Speaking with a single voice: internal cohesiveness and external effectiveness of the EU in global governance 961 Eugenia da Conceição-Heldt and Sophie Meunier When speaking with a single voice isn't enough: bargaining power (a)symmetry and EU external effectiveness in global trade governance 980 Eugenia da Conceição-Heldt Divide and conquer? China and the cacophony of foreign investment rules in the EU 996 Sophie Meunier EU actorness, cohesiveness and effectiveness in environmental affairs 1017 Tom Delreux One voice, one message, but conflicting goals: cohesiveness and consistency in the European Neighbourhood Policy 1033 Tanja A. Börzel and Vera van Hüllen The European Union in the United Nations: an effective external actor? 1050 Diana Panke Beyond 'one voice'? Global Europe's engagement with its own diversity 1067 Gjovalin Macaj and Kalypso Nicolaïdis

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Journal of European Public Policy Volume 21 no. 8 The clash of Titans: France, Germany and the discursive double game of EMU reform 1085 Amandine Crespy and Vivien Schmidt EU - global interactions: policy export, import, promotion and protection 1102 Patrick Müller, Zdenek Kudrna and Gerda Falkner Creating EU law judges: the role of generational differences, legal education and judicial career paths in national judges' assessment regarding EU law knowledge 1120 Juan A. Mayoral, Urszula Jaremba and Tobias Nowak Do supranational EU institutions make a difference? EU asylum law before and after 'communitarization' 1142 Ariadna Ripoll Servent and Florian Trauner The absence of political constitutionalism in the EU: three models for enhancing constitutional agency 1163 Andrew Glencross Political mobilization, veto players, and WTO litigation: explaining European Union responses in trade disputes 1181 Arlo Poletti and Dirk De Bièvre Public opinion and interest group influence: how citizen groups derailed the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement 1199 Andreas Dür and Gemma Mateo How are defence companies responding to EU defence and security market liberalization? A comparative study of Norway and Sweden 1218 Fulvio Castellacci, Arne Martin Fevolden and Martin Lundmark

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Journal of European Social Policy Volume 23 Number 5 December 2013 Contents Articles What use is 'social investment'? 459 Brian Nolan Migrant care work and care, migration and employment regimes: A fuzzy-set analysis 469 Barbara Da Roit and Bernhard Weicht Education and social protection policies in OECD countries: Social stratification and policy intervention 487 Miroslav Beblavý, Anna-Elisabeth Thum and Marcela Veselkova The unattainable politics of child benefits policy in Spain 504 Andrea Bianculli and Jacint Jordana

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Journal of European Social Policy Volume 24 Number I February 2014 Contents Articles On the outside looking in? Transitions out of non-employment in the United Kingdom and Germany 3 Thomas Biegert Commensuration and policy comparison: How the use of standardized indicators affects the rankings of pension systems 19 Hans Peeters, Gert Verschraegen and Annelies Debels What explains 'generosity' in the public financing of high-tech drugs? An empirical investigation of 25 OECD countries and 11 controversial drugs 39 Katharina Böhm, Claudia Landwehr and Nils Steiner The rise and fall of government spending in affluent democracies, 1971-2008 56 David Brady and Hang Young Lee Reflection Blame avoidance, electoral punishment and the perceptions of risk 80 Georg Wenzelburger European Briefing Religion, politics and social assistance in Turkey: The rise of religiously motivated associations 92 Ipek Göçmen

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Journal of European Social Policy Volume 24 Number 2 May 2014 Contents Articles Bringing the median voter back in: The relationship between government debt, median voter preferences, and welfare state spending 107 Mathias Wessel Tromborg Market managers and market moderators: Early childhood education and care provision, finance and regulation in the United Kingdom and United States 122 Caitlin McLean Welfare regime, welfare pillar and southern Europe 135 Christos Minas, David Jacobson, Efi Antoniou and Caroline McMullan How Labour ended up taxing itself and why it matters: The long-term evolution of politics in German labour taxation 150 Achim Kemmerling Worlds of welfare in time: A historical reassessment of the three-world typology 164 Benjamin Danforth Multidimensional poverty measurement in Europe: An application of the adjusted headcount approach 183 Christopher T Whelan, Brian Nolan and Bertrand Maître

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Journal of European Social Policy Volume 24 Number 4 October 2014 SPECIAL ISSUE:SUBJECTIVE INSECURITY ANDTHE ROLE OF INSTITUTIONS GUEST EDITORS: HEEJUNG CHUNG AND STEFFEN MAU Editorial Subjective insecurity and the role of institutions Heejung Chung and Steffen Mau 303 Articles Self-perceived job insecurity across Europe over time: Does changing context matter? 319 Christiane Lübke and Marcel Erlinghagen Workplace training in Germany and its impact on subjective job security: Short- or long-term returns? 337 Bettina Kohlrausch and Anika Rasner The effect of job insecurity and employability on preferences for redistribution in Western Europe 351 Paul Marx Institutions, employment insecurity and polarization in support for unemployment benefits 367 Marii Paskov and Ferry Koster Employment insecurity and life satisfaction: The moderating influence of labour market policies across Europe 383 Ewan Carr and Heejung Chung

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Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law Volume 20 number 4 CONTENTS EDITORIAL In the Classroom and the Courtroom Siniša Rodin 475 ARTICLES Informal Authorities in European Private Law Nils Jansen 482 Is Europe Skipping a Step? Exploring the Harmonization of ADR Agreements Maud Piers 506 The New Approach to the New Approach: The Juridification of Harmonized Standards in EU Law Harm Schepel 521 The Existence of Transaction Costs as the Rationale for Maximum Harmonization of the European Common Sales Law Mitja Kovač 534 Delegated Acts, Implementing Acts, and Institutional Balance Implications Post-Lisbon Zamira Xhaferri 557 CASE NOTES Dealing with Divergences in Fundamental Rights Standards Case C-399/11 Stefano Melloni v. Ministerio Fiscal, Judgment (Grand Chamber) of 26 February 2013, not yet reported Maartje de Visser 576 Enhanced Cooperation in the Area of Unitary Patent Protection: Testing the Boundaries of the Rule of Law Cases C-274/11 and 295/11 Kingdom of Spain and Italian Republic v. Council of the European Union, Judgment of 16 April 2013, not yet reported Matthias Lamping 589 Economic Activities and Compensation for Public Service Obligations Case T-347/09 Germany v. Commission, Judgment of 12 September 2013, not yet reported Phedon Nicolaides 601

Back to title list European Chemical Agency Board of Appeal decisions in Honeywell and Dow Chemicals David Thomas 609 LEGAL DEVELOPMENT The European Commission Proposal for a Directive on Antitrust Damages: A First Assessment Caroline Cauffman 623 ARTICLE REVIEW The Legal Reasoning of the Court of Justice and the Euro Crisis - The Flexibility of the Courts Cumulative Approach and the Pringle Case Gunnar Beck 635

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Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law Volume 21 number 1 GUEST EDITORIAL A Difficult Partnership between Courts: The First Preliminary Reference by the German Federal Constitutional Court to the CJEU Ingolf Pernice 3 ARTICLES Consumer Dispute Resolution Goes Online: Reflections on the Evolution of European Law for Out-of-Court Redress Pablo Cortés and Arno R. Lodder 14 Governing Towards Renewable Energy in the EU: Competences, Instruments, and Procedures Marjan Peeters 39 Meroni Circumvented? Article 114 TFEU and EU Regulatory Agencies Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel 64 The Application of National Banking Supervision Law by the ECB: Three Parallel Modes of Executing EU Law? Andreas Witte 89 From National Banking Supervision to a Centralized Model of Prudential Supervision in Europe? The Stability Function of the Single Supervisory Mechanism Gianni Lo Schiavo 110 Deliberate Breach of Contract and Consequences for Remedies: Exploration of a Neglected Area in the Law of Contract Martijn van Kogelenberg 141 The Penalty Clause Bias Emily Nordin 162 CASE NOTE European Regulatory Agencies Adrift? Case C-270/12 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland v. European Parliament and Council of the European Union, Judgment of 22 January 2014, not yet reported Rob van Gestel 188 LEGAL DEBATE Independence vs. Accountability: Proving the Negative Correlation Miroslava Scholten 197

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Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law Vol. 21 no. 2 GUEST EDITORIAL The Guest Editors' Introduction Patricia Popelier and Werner Vandenbruwaene 225 ARTICLES Multi-Level Governance through a Constitutional Prism Werner Vandenbruwaene 229 The European Union as a '3-D' Constitutional Space Andrea Simoncini 243 The Regions within Multi-Level Governance: Enhanced Opportunities for Improved Accountability? Adam Cygan 265 Asymmetry and Complex Adaptive (Legal) Systems: the Case of the European Union Giuseppe Martinico 281 'Europe Clauses' and Constitutional Strategies in the Face of Multi-Level Governance Patricia Popelier 300 Coupling National Identity with Subsidiarity Concerns in National Parliaments' Reasoned Opinions Barbara Guastaferro 320 EU Directives and Multi-Level Governance - Can Lessons Be Drawn from Cooperative Federalism? Thomas Vandamme 341 Helping Loose Ends Meet? The Judicial Acknowledgement of Soft Law as a Tool of Multi-Level Governance Oana Ştefan 359

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Revue de l’Union Européenne number 578 261 Rêver d'Europe ? par Florence Chaltiel Banque centrale européenne 264 La Banque centrale européenne face au besoin d'une relance économique par Alain Buzelay Coopération structurée 269 La coopération structurée permanente : un dispositif procédural de trop ? par Anne Hamonic Canada 280 La mobilité professionnelle France-Québec et le futur accord de libre-échange euro-canadien par Yves Doutriaux Droit social 287 Chronique de droit social européen (juin 2010 - juin 2012) -Troisième partie (suite) par Ekaterini Sabatakakis Fonction publique de l'Union européenne 296 Chronique de jurisprudence en droit de la fonction publique de l'Union européenne - Deuxième partie par Valérie Giacobbo-Peyronnel et Vincent Hue Droit maritime 305 Chronique maritime par Annie Cudennec, Nicolas Boillet, Olivier Curtil, Cécile De Cet-Bertin, Gaëlle Cuéguen-Hallouët et Véronique Labrot Note de lecture 324 Démocratiser l'Europe, d'Antoine Vauchez par Florence Chaltiel

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Revue de l’Union Europeenne

no 579 Juin 2014 Editorial 325 À quoi sert l'Union européenne ? par Florence Chaltiel Régime linguistique 328 Le régime linguistique de l'Union européenne - Enjeux et perspectives par Isabelle Pingel Politiques de l'Union 336 Droit de l'Union européenne et handicap par Laura Preud'homme 344 L'abus de droit et l'artificialité : une clarification du débat entre montages artificiels et montages purement artificiels par Ekaterini Sabatakakis Droit pénal 361 Les directives et leur transposition en matière de droit pénal - Introduction par Aurélie Guillemet 363 Les directives relatives à la procédure pénale : quelle protection du droit des personnes ? par Olivier Tell 370 L'harmonisation des sanctions pénales dans le cadre de la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux : quand l'Union européenne fait du « sur-place » par Théophile Ngapa 376 Harmonisation a minima et conflits de lois de transposition : quelle place pour la méthode des lois police ? CJUE, 17 oct. 2013, aff. C-184/12 par Valérie Pironon Droit social 378 Chronique de droit social européen (juin 2010 - juin 2012) -Troisième partie (suite et fin) par Ekaterini Sabatakakis

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Revue de l’Union Européenne numéro 580 2014 Editorial 389 Les valeurs de l'Union européenne par Florence Chaltiel Europe de l'Est 392 Le ministère géorgien de l'Intégration européenne et euro-atlantique: un chemin qui mène à Bruxelles? par Julien Arnoult 401 La Macédoine aux portes de l'Europe: un carrefour géopolitique et identitaire par Maria Mateeva 406 Intégration européenne et mémoire de la guerre en Croatie par Fanny Arnaud 414 Lutter contre le changement climatique: le nouveau leitmotiv de la politique agricole commune par Luc Bodiguel Politiques de l'Union 427 La politique d'immigration de l'Union européenne: le pragmatisme comme principe par Mehdi Mezaguer 436 Les organismes sociaux peuvent se rendre coupables de pratiques commerciales déloyales par Karim Jakouloff Droit pénal 441 Vers une application du principe de reconnaissance mutuelle en matière probatoire par Blandine Thellier de Poncheville 454 Un «langage commun» sans «grammaire commune»? par loannis Rodopoulous

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Revue de l’Union Européenne N°573 DECEMBRE 2013 EDITORIAL 591 Sentiment d'appartenance européenne par Florence Chaltiel DROITS FONDAMENTAUX 594 L'Agence des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne : actualités par Katya Andrusz 601 L'applicabilité de la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'Union européenne dans les ordres juridiques nationaux par Claudie Weisse-Marchal DROIT DÉRIVÉ 609 À propos du soft law en droit de l'Union européenne : analyses théorique et pratique par Dorian Guinard 618 Zone euro : des règles de stabilité budgétaire nécessaires... non exemptes d'irrationalité économique par Francisco Rodriguez Ortiz JURISPRUDENCE 627 Commentaire de l'arrêt de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne du 27 novembre 2012 - Affaire C-370/12 - Questions préjudicielles par Gérard Nafilyan ancien Conseiller juridique auprès de la Représentation en France de la Commission européenne POLOGNE 634 Coup d'œil sur la Pologne par Philippe Marchat Directeur général honoraire de la Banque européenne d'investissement CHRONIQUE BUDGET 641 Les innovations des procédures budgétaires de l'Union européenne Dixième partie : le budget de l'Union pour 2013 - La dernière année du cadre financier pour 2007-2013 II. Le nouveau projet de budget pour 2013 par llkka Saarilahti

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Revue de l’Union Européenne Numéro 574 Janvier 2014 Éditorial 1 L'Ukraine aux portes de l'Union européenne par Florence Chaltiel Déontologie 4 Déontologues en Europe - Confronter le modèle français au modèle britannique par Noëlle Lenoir Assistance financière 13 Le TFUE et l'assistance financière à un État membre - Réflexions liées à la mise en place du MES par Anne Meyer-Heine Politiques de l'Union européenne 39 Plaidoyer en faveur de la relation in house - À propos des évolutions récentes de la jurisprudence européenne par Anne-Charlène Bezzina 52 Agriculture et environnement - Un nouveau projet pour la PAC? par Carole Hermon 64 L'égalité, l'outre-mer et la politique maritime intégrée de l'Union européenne - À propos de la décision du Cons. const., 22 mai 2013, n° 2013-313 QPC par Altide Canton-Fourrat

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Revue de l’Union Européenne Numéro 575 Février 2014

Éditorial 69 Le couple franco-allemand pour relancer le projet européen ? par Florence Chaltiel

Soft law 72 La soft law en droit de l'Union européenne - Présentation par Brunessen Bertrand et Isabelle Bosse-Platière 73 Rapport introductif : Les enjeux de la soft law dans l'Union européenne par Brunessen Bertrand 85 De quelques aspects des usages des instruments de soft law comme vecteurs de normativité économique par Hicham Rassafï-Guibal 94 La force normative « invisible » de la soft law para-législative de l'Union européenne en droit privé des contrats par Martin Emane Meyo 101 La coopération internationale entre les autorités de concurrence: « Entre le marteau et l'enclume » ? par Valérie Demedts

Concurrence 110 Compétitivité, concurrence et réciprocité sous la direction de Viviane de Beaufort

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Revue de l'Union Européenne Numéro 576 Mars 2014 Éditorial 133 Parler d'Europe par Florence Chaltiel

Soft law 136 La soft law en droit de l'Union européenne – II. La soft law et le droit institutionnel par Brunessen Bertrand et Isabelle Bosse-Platière 137 La soft law et les procédures d'adoption des actes de l'Union européenne par Fabien Le Bot 144 Soft law et procédure de conclusion des accords externes de l'Union européenne: illustration d'un paradoxe par Marie-Cécile Cadilhac 152 Le recours à la soft law comme moyen d'éluder les obstacles constitutionnels au développement des agences de l'UE par Merijn Chamon 161 L'utilisation d'actes de soft law par les agences de l'Union européenne par Jacopo Alberti

Protection des données 170 Espoirs et inquiétudes autour de la révision du cadre juridique général de l'Union européenne sur la protection des données à caractère personnel par Mihaela Ailincai

Territorialisation 178 L'influence de l'Union européenne sur la territorialisation des politiques publiques en France par Alexandra Tosello-Moes

Concurrence 188 Chronique annuelle de la jurisprudence relative aux aides d'État pour l'année 2013 par Laurent Ayache et Quentin Lejeune

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Revue de l’Union Européenne Numéro 577 Avril 2014 Éditorial 197 Maurice Faure par Florence Chaltiel Soft law 200 La soft law en droit de l'Union européenne - III. — La soft law dans les relations extérieures de l'Union européenne par Brunessen Bertrand et Isabelle Bosse-Platière 201 La soft law dans la construction de la politique européenne en matière d'investissements internationaux par Nicolas Pigeon 209 La soft law : un instrument au service du développement de la politique de sécurité et de défense commune par Elise Daniel 217 L'instrument de soft law dans la relation Union européenne-Chine en matière de propriété intellectuelle par Suju Kang 225 Colloque international des jeunes chercheurs : la soft law en droit de l'Union européenne - Rennes 24-25 juin 2013 - Conclusions par Claude Blumann Union européenne 233 Légitimité démocratique et intégration européenne par Altide Canton-Fourrat Droit social 243 Chronique de droit social européen (juin 2010 - juin 2012) -Troisième partie par Ekaterini Sabatakakis Fonction publique de l'Union européenne 254 Chronique de jurisprudence en droit de la fonction publique de l'Union européenne - Première partie par Valérie Giacobbo-Peyronnel et Vincent Hue

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Revue de l’Union Européenne Numéro 581 2014 Éditorial 461 Jean-Claude Juncker par Florence Chaltiel Élections 464 L'Europe après le 25 mai 2014: du rêve d'union à la réalité d'un scrutin par Arnaud Deflou Euro 471 La zone euro et la crise financière internationale par Michel Lelart Europe orientale 479 Le Président de la République de Hongrie n'est pas un citoyen de l'Union comme les autres ? par Krisztian Kecsmar 486 Le droit européen des minorités dans les Balkans occidentaux par Daniel Marcelino Rodrigues Travailleurs 494 Vers un nouveau statut juridique des travailleurs détachés dans l'Union européenne par Gérard Nafilyan Droit pénal 501 Deux instruments à la disposition de l'avocat: QPC et question préjudicielle - À propos de la décision du Conseil constitutionnel n° 2013-314P QPC du 4 avril 2013 par Bernard Geneste et Eleni Moraïtou 515 Archaïsme et dangers de la procédure pénale en France, mais que fait l'Europe ! par Christophe Ayela et Camille Pelpel

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Revue de l’Union Européenne Numéro 582 Octobre-Novembre 2014 Éditorial 521 La Commission Juncker par Florence Chaltiel Démocratie européenne 524 La valeur ajoutée de la mise en œuvre réussie du nouveau mode d'élection du président de la Commission par Panayotis Soldatos 533 Concilier « liberté et autorité » : les prérequis pour penser la Fédération européenne par Sylvie Torcol Droits fondamentaux 549 La sanction des atteintes judiciaires aux droits garantis par l'Union européenne aux particuliers par Martin Quesnel Droit pénal 559 Contours, limites et perspectives du rapprochement des droits pénaux matériels au sein de l'UE par Daniel Flore 570 La directive « enfants » (2011/92) : un rapprochement à géométrie variable par Perrine Simon Droit maritime 576 Chronique maritime par Annie Cudennec, Nicolas Boillet, Olivier Curtil, Cécile De Cet-Bertin, Gaëlle Guéguen-Hallouët, Véronique Labrot et Muriel Taillens

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Transfer European Review of Labour and Research Quarterly of the ETUI Research Department Volume 20 Number I February 2014 Contents Labour markets and social policy after the crisis Editorial 3 Colin Crouch Main Articles Introduction: labour markets and social policy after the crisis 7 Colin Crouch The Janus faces of European policy 23 Jean-Claude Barbier and Fabrice Colomb Negotiating the effects of uncertainty? The governance capacity of collective bargaining under pressure 37 Paul Marginson, Maarten Keune and Dorothee Bohle Public opinion, immigration and welfare in the context of uncertainty 53 Antonio Martin Artiles and Guglielmo Meardi Privatization and after: time, complexity and governance in the world of funded pensions 69 Noel Whiteside Competitive regionalism and the territorial governance of uncertainty 83 Luigi Burroni Flexibility and security: national social models in transitional labour markets 99 Ruud Muffels, Colin Crouch and Ton Wilthagen Other Articles Austerity, union policy and gender equality bargaining 115 Linda Briskin Why do people join trade unions? The impact of workplace union density on union recruitment 135 Jonas Toubøl and Carsten Strøby Jensen

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Transfer Volume 20 Number 2 May 2014 Multinational companies: political, economic and social influence in societies Contents Editorial 167 Evelyne Léonard, Valeria Pulignano, Ryan Lamare and Tony Edwards Main Articles Multinational corporations as political players 171 Evelyne Léonard, Valeria Pulignano, Ryan Lamare and Tony Edwards Financialization and the multinational corporation 183 Glenn Morgan Decision-making in multinational corporations: key issues in international business strategy 199 Jan Drahokoupil The 'hollowing out' of the national subsidiary in multinational companies: is it happening, does it matter, what are the strategic consequences? 217 Gregor Murray, Patrice Jalette, Jacques Bélanger and Christian Lévesque Multinationals and regional economies: embedding the regime shoppers? 237 Phil Almond, Maria Gonzalez Menendez, Patrick Gunnigle, Jonathan Lavelle, David Luque Balbona, Sinead Monaghan and Gregor Murray It takes two to tango. Management and European company agreements 255 Hans-Wolfgang Platzer and Stefan Rüb When in Rome: the exercise of power by foreign multinational companies in the United States 271 Lance Compa News and Background Power and politics in multinational corporations: towards more effective workers' involvement 295 Christoph Dörrenbächer and Mike Geppert REFIT - a breakthrough towards a strengthened and more encompassing deregulatory agenda? 305 Wolfgang Kowalsky

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Transfer European Review of Labour and Research Volume 20 Number 3 August 2014 Austerity and public sector restructuring: local government in focus Contents Editorial 323 Peter Leisink and Stephen Bach Main Articles Economic crisis and municipal public service employment: comparing developments in seven EU Member States 327 Peter Leisink and Stephen Bach Restructuring UK local government employment relations: pay determination and employee participation in tough times 343 Stephen Bach and Alexandra Stroleny Austerity policies, social dialogue and public services in Italian local government 357 Lorenzo Bordogna and Stefano Neri Austerity and social dialogue in French local government 373 Gilles Jeannot The continuation of early austerity measures: the special case of Germany 387 Berndt Keller Local government austerity policies in the Netherlands: the effectiveness of social dialogue in preserving public service employment 403 Ulrike Weske, Peter Leisink and Eva Knies Austerity measures and municipalities: the case of Denmark 417 Mikkel Mailand Austerity and politically motivated changes - wage bargaining in Hungarian municipal services 431 Laszlo Neumann, Erzsebet Berki and Mark Edelenyi News and Background Countering European economic policies through meaningful European social dialogue on local and regional government 445 Richard Pond and Christine Jakob The Networker 455 Otto Jacobi