Listening data collection concerns and ethics, rappaport, arf

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Research reveals 3 mindsets towards privacy regarding social listening data collection. Big implication - privacy policies should be tailored to mindsets. Presentation shows how.


People’s Mindsets towards Collecting Conversations: A Preliminary Study

Presented by: Stephen D. Rappaport, The ARF

Presented to: AIMRI, April 27, 2012

Authors: Stephen D. Rappaport, The ARF; Howard R. Moskowitz, MJI; Tom Woodnutt, Conversations Strategist

You Listening to Me?

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“Listening” adoption Research societies issue

practice and ethics guidelines

Question: How concerned are people about having their conversations collected? Which practices are ethical?

Aim: Contribute to industry understanding so that conversation collection is in the best interests of companies and people

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Total Sample

Seg 1 Self Driven Online

Banking Seekers

Seg 2 Technology/

High Security Seekers

Seg 3 Collaborative

Online Seekers

Seg 4 Personal Touch with Technology

Base Size: (267) (105) (50) (59) (53) Constant: 31 34 28 31 26

OC1 Connect online in 'real time' with a customer rep via instant messaging, voice over IP or video conferencing via your computer 0 2 2 5 -13

OC3 Faster loan application process…work in real time online with a loan officer 0 0 -8 12 -8

OC4 Our bank's customer service reps will help you browse and use our online banking services -1 0 -6 10 -10

OC2 Use our online tool to find and schedule at your convenience an online working session with an expert such as investment broker, insurance agent, and/or loan officer -3 1 -11 6 -12

ON3 We will answer all your requests in 'real time' by email, instant or text messaging 1 7 -11 3 -1

ON4 We offer 'On demand' status reports for services requests (e.g., loan application) delivered to you via e-mail, text or instant messaging

1 6 -4 -3 0ON2 No more paper mail... We will send you statements and images of

transactions securely by email -2 5 -17 -5 2ON1 We allow you to pay bills securely using your mobile devices (cell

phone, PDA, Blackberry, etc.) -4 2 -13 -9 -2

BR3 We offer a bank-issued smart card so we can recognize you entering the branch and process your needs faster 4 2 6 -3 13

BR4 Choose a secure eye or finger security scan to identify you immediately in-branch and at ATM 4 3 10 -1 3

BR2 We have the most secure biometric system that identifies you as you enter the branch so we can process your needs faster 2 -1 8 -5 6

BR1 We will recognize our customer's mobile phone signal when entering a branch so we can recommend appropriate bank products, promotions and special services -4 -3 -6 -11 2

Online Collaborative

Online Other

In-Branch Recognition

No more paper mail – we will send you copies of statements by secure e-mail

Securely manage your account by PDA, Internet of automated telephone

Our banks customer services reps will help browse & use our on-line services

Manage all your banking needs with a state of the art kiosk and be confident that live help is available if you need it

No more paper mail – we will send you copies of statements by secure e-mail

Securely manage your account by PDA, Internet of automated telephone

Our banks customer services reps will help browse & use our on-line services

Manage all your banking needs with a state of the art kiosk and be confident that live help is available if you need it


Recruited through online panel

April 2-3, 2012

301 completes, 18+ Online Panelists


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Vignette Elements(Deconstructed from Industry Guidelines and Privacy Statements)

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Respondent Orientation

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Stimulus: 48 VignettesRated for: 1) Level of Concern 2) Ethicality

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Respondents: Socially Active

Have Social Account?

Yes: 93%

No: 07%

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Respondents: Savvy About Listening;Favorable-Neutral to Listening

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Total Sample: Just 1/5 Concerned; Passive Identification the Biggest Concern

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Total Sample (Ethical Concerns)

Decreases Ethicality:

-Passively collected tech info used to ID consumer

Increases Ethicality:

- No element

No Guidance Being Watched

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Segmentation Revealed 3 MindsetsElements show what increases concern and reduces concern

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Segment 1: “I Want Control”

Increases Concern:

-TOS allowing conversation collection

-Collecting friends-only conversations consumers agreed to make available

-Collecting conversations that can be read by anyone

-Passive collection for ID

-PII used to verify data permissions

“Big Brother”

Decreases Ethicality:

-TOS allowing conversation collection

-Collecting friends-only conversations consumers agreed to make available

-Collecting conversations that can be read by anyone

-Passive collection for ID

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Segment 1: “I Want Control”

Increases Ethicality:

-Researchers get permission before collecting data

-Consumer consent obtained before collecting data

Individual Has Control

Decreases Concern:

- Personal control over data collection and use

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Segment 2: “Collect with Integrity”

Increases Concern:

-Consent for kid collection

-Consumers control data collection and use

-Privacy programs for PII

-Opt-out from collection

-Data security

-Consent for any collection

-Data destroyed when not needed

-Passive collection for ID

-Data handling preferences respected

Setting Preferences

Decreases Ethicality:

-Consent for kid collection

-Consumers control data collection and use

-Privacy programs for PII

-Opt-out from data collection

-Data security

-TOS allows data collection

-Data used only for MR

-Protection from intrusions

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Segment 2: “Collect with Integrity”

Increases Ethicality:

-Prompt complaint handling

-How we use your data statement

-Friends-only posts not collected

-Co’s violating privacy held accountable

-Conversations always made anonymous

Act Honorably

Decreases Concern:

-Prompt complaint handling

-How we use your data statement

-Friends-only posts not collected

-Info not sold to 3rd parties

-PW protected posts not collected

-Conversations collected for lawful use only

-No harm from collection

-Posts read by anyone

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Segment 3: “Protect My Privacy”

Increases Concern:

-TOS allows data collection

-Friends-only posts not collected w/wo permission

-Opt-out anytime

-Collected data not used to sell

-Change preferences when privacy policies change

-Posts read by anyone

-How we will use your data statement

-Collected data used for MR

Anxiety about Info “Out There”

Decreases Ethicality:

-TOS allows data collection

-Consent required for collection

-Confirm what researchers allowed to collect

-Researchers get permission before collection

-Consumer control data collection and use

-Data destroyed when not needed

-Data not sold to others

-Tech info used to ID consumer

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Segment 3: “Protect My Privacy”

Increases Ethicality:

-Privacy programs to protect PII

-Privacy policies explain PII handling

-Data collection purposes not falsely stated

-Data handling preferences always respected

-Collected info used only for lawful purposes

Confidence in Protection

Decreases Concern:

-Privacy programs to protect PII

-Privacy policies explain PII handing

-Data collection reasons not falsely stated

-Data handling preferences always respected

-Regulation by research industry

-Privacy settings always respected

-Companies violating privacy held accountable

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Emotional Responses to Data CollectionNot very strong overall

INDIFFERENCE: Most commonly expressed emotion: 35%



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Demographic/Activity Differences are SlightDon’t explain mindset differences

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Implications: Research Industry

“One-size fits all” social listening collection policies do not capture the range of mindsets

Although “natural level” of concern is low in segments, they’re extremely sensitive …

concern can flip in an instant

Consumers can have a “panic attack” at any moment

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Implications: Collection Practice

Tailor collection policies that: lessen concern increase the perception of ethicality, and Satisfy the emotions of each mindset

Collection practices can be universal, what differs is their presentation to consumers

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Approaches to Mindset-based Data Collection “I Want Control”

Provide tools or preference settings that give consumers control in advance over collection and use

“Collect with Integrity” Spell out what will and won’t be collected Detail complaint handling, accountability Emphasize anonymity of own and friend’s data

“Protect My Privacy” Explain how PII and data is protected and handled Accurately state purposes for data collection Assure that collected info is used lawfully

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Implementation Steps

Assign each person to a mindset using a segmentation wizard

Do this during registration or reviews of terms of service Provide collection policy geared to each person’s


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Conclusions and Next Steps

One size fits all data collection statements risk consumer turn-off

Mindset-based collection approaches allows researchers to tailor listening collection practices to consumers

Replicate study periodically to trend mindsets, identify changes and update collection practices to stay in sync with consumers

Expand mindset research to additional areas to create scientifically-based research practices that include the views of consumers and professionals

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Thank You!

For further information about this study: Stephen D. Rappaport, The ARF

Phone: 646-465-5738 Email: Twitter: @steverappaport

Co-author Contacts: Howard R. Moskowitz, Ph.D. Tom Woodnutt, Conversations Strategist @tomwoodnutt