Listening to Music in Class By: Jasmine Parker. How does this help apprentices? With the sound of...

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Listening to Music in ClassBy: Jasmine Parker

How does this help apprentices?

With the sound of music, many things can be accomplished during school.

Listening to music in class can have many benefits.

Brain Reactions to Music

The Benefits of Music

There are many benefits for this starting with:

Better memory


Energy and etc.


You find it easy to memorize anything because of the beat and rhyme.

Students will use this technique to memorize anything important for a particular class/subject.

Memory cont.

This has also helped people with dementia, Parkinson’s and other diseases by listening to personal music.



It is statistically proven that listening to music while working helps you concentrate on what you are doing more efficiently.

Concentration cont.

There are kids who have ADD/ADHD and are struggling to stay focused in school.

It is shown that music aids them to concentrate better on the work that is in front of them; it keeps their minds off of disturbances.

Don’t be like this kid Be like this kid

More Pictures


Many kids have a tendency coming to school tired. Then they fall asleep during class.

When listening to music, this would keep them awake during the day instead of putting their heads down taking a quick nap.

More Pics of sleepy children

Affective Aspect

Through music, children learn acceptable avenues to express feelings and relieve tensed energy.


Developing Creativity

Music can create an imaginary world that will stimulate the child’s creativity.

Creativity pictures

Physical Self

Children develop coordination which can aid muscular development.

Patterned activities in the classroom or at home, such as clapping to music or jumping in time to a beat stimulates brain function and help the brain organize thoughts and behaviors.



Students should listen to music in class because there are some useful occurrences.

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