Little Bit Loony: Chapter Four

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Welcome to Chapter Four of the OWBC!

Last time, Orion grew into a teenager and played the guitar a lot, Bella was mean a little bit, Opal spent a bunch of time outside, Orion went on his gypsy matchmaker date, grew up, changed his aspiration to grilled cheese, and met and proposed to Count Roger Olshfiski.

If you haven't a clue what I'm talking about, then you might want to read the previous chapters. If not, let's move on.

It's been so long since I played a vampire that I almost forgot to buy the Count a coffin. That can't be a good sign.

Anyway, Count Roger moved in and received a makeover. I decided that we haven't had enough neon in the OWBC yet. No insanity is complete with out neon.

Roger's proving to be a bunch of fun to play.

The sun comes up, and there's time to waste before the autumn-winter party (and the wedding of course).

So while Orion waits for sunset, he plays in the bathtub. Literally all day, taking one break to raid the fridge. Orion mostly exists on free will still, so he's still the Orion I know.

Just in case you needed proof, Benny is still with us. He doesn't get enough attention, but he doesn't really do anything interesting except wander round and look cute.

Speaking of which, doesn't Benny look happy in this picture? Not ignored at all...

But of course, when night falls, it's time for the wedding.

So Opal waits patiently, punching the air.. Enthusiasm for fitness often comes out in sims at inappropriate moments – the worst one being a bartender punching one of my sims once.

And most of the Loons finger-gun as well. All the time.

Opal is the worst for inappropriate finger-gunning.

At last, the wedding gets going, and Count Roger's arrival seems very dramatic.

“You look divine this evening.”

Orion just blinked, smiled, and tweaked his pink tuxedo coat. Because I didn't feel the need to change their formalwear.

“My dearest Roger, I am head over heels for you, would you do me the honour of being by my side as I captain this crazy train?”

I've just realised that this wedding will count as one of Orion's eight commands today. D'oh.

Still, there's nothing quite like a night wedding.

As the confetti falls on another Loon Wedding, Count Roger Olshfiski becomes Count Roger Loon. His name doesn't sound quite as nice as Goopy Loon, but it'll do.

Besides, Orion chose him, I just helped.

Cutest couple generation one? We'll see.

I honestly think that the pink tux suits Orion.

“Awww...I always cry at weddings.”

Unfortunately, Emerald and Goopy were unable to attend the first wedding of the generation – they were preoccupied with woohooing downstairs.

“Fear me!”

Roger, you couldn't scare me even if you didn't have purple hair.

“Well, at least I try.”

The newly-weds. I think they're a well-matched couple! I've decided that Orion can carry the babies for the generation.

So Orion and Roger spend their, uh, honeymoon in the newly remodelled bedroom of the Loon lot.

I was going to send them to the Three Lakes for a honeymoon (I want a bigfoot before this challenge is over) but unfortunately, I couldn't be bothered. They didn't have enough money for it anyway, after remodelling.

Unfortunately, because Roger's a creature of the night, he doesn't sleep at the same times that Orion does. So no cute cuddling-in-bed pictures of this couple.

I do wonder whether this fact will put strain on their relationship. Being married to someone who is nocturnal can't be easy.

Besides, Roger has found that there are other things at night to occupy his time.

Okay, I was disappointed by the lack of green Goopy babies, so Roger's next in line for the telescope – fingers crossed, aliens!

Turns out, there's a lot to do at night in the small bit of desert that belongs to the Loons. Like laughing at the insanity of your father-in-law!

And that isn't drool on Roger's chin, his teeth keep glitching up. And I have no idea how to fix them, it's driving me crazy!

Speaking of father-in-law insanity, it seems Goopy's sanity might finally have disappeared completely.

Goopy is now a mixture of break downs, smustle sessions and woohoo.

But of course, the sun rises every morning, and ruins Roger's fun. Roger's coffin is concealed from harassment by the mysterious bookcase.

(and yes, this is just proof I've done part of the Apartment Life bonus. I keep forgetting he can't let himself out, that he has to read the mysteriously mysterious mystery novel.)

Goopy doesn't seem to sleep much any more, either.

Instead, he's making us a robot! Because I'm fed up of sloppy sims and a dirty house. That and it's hard to take care of the garden using eight commands a day and a hyper-active vampire.

We need a servo. So we'll check in on Goopy in a few days when he's hopefully got a gold badge and a servo.

Look who's pregnant!

Pregnant bad apple, that's going to be fun! *sarcasm *

Hmm. Blue suits you, Orion.

I think this picture highlights that Orion is handsome. No matter how much of Goopy is in there.

And if this pregnancy seems to fly by, it's because it was a mess of frantically trying to keep Orion alive. Who knew he would rather play jump rope for hours on end rather than eat?

“You know what? I'm bored of being the only vampire in the neighbourhood. I'm going to bit myself a coven.”

Please don't bite Orion, Roger. Bite Bella, she's a knowledge sim, just don't bite Orion.

“Hey, Orion! Bleh!”

“Hehehe, I'm doing the opposite of what the creator wants.”

Gah. Vampires. It's a good thing I anticipated this and stored ten vampire cures in Goopy's inventory.

“Nom! Blood!”

Roger just doesn't strike me as the 'be afraid' type of vampire.

“This tickles!”

“Grr, I'm a vampire!”

“Orion, we're so scary!”

You're wearing matching underwear, in your bedroom which is decorated with floral patterns, and one of you is pregnant.. You really don't strike me as scary.

“Bleh! We're terrifying!”

Vampire Orion then goes into labour.

Now I'm scared, please not twins? We're poor again.


Meet Loco Loon, the baby girl with two vampire daddys.

I wonder how long her sanity will last.

Then it's Opal's birthday, and she decides to prove how small the Loon kitchen is by having Goopy and Orion struggle to watch her age.

* sniff * “Opal, your hair smells amazing, what shampoo do you use?”

“Get out of my way, Orion! I want to 'What's This?' the cake!”

“I grew up! Cool!”

Wow, Opal, you grew up pretty! And I worked out that you and Orion are more or less clones other than your genders! So I've got those genes in the family!

Still, Opal moved out quickly, and will show up again later in the chapter. Plus, she gets her own spare update because I took too many pictures during a rotation at her lot.

Speaking of spares, Bella has been living a rather lonely life in a really nice apartment on the good side of town.

So I got her a roommate.

And we get this guy, Jason Menon.

I don't know, really rich area, socialite neighbours and everything, and we get one of the gearheads moving in. Oh well, I like him.

It's like two social worlds collide in the small space of Bella's apartment.

I don't imagine Bella living in this apartment building for long, it's too...awkward to navigate. I'll probably build my own apartment building for her later.

Pretty soon though, love is in the air again. I blame ACR.

I also noticed that Jason's hair colour doesn't match his eyebrows. Jason is actually a natural brunette, and he has a face template I'm all too familiar with in my legacy hood. :) I like him.

It looks like another wedding is on the cards. I decided Bella could keep him.

And it also looks like I'll be building those larger apartments sooner than I thought.

So now we rejoin the main line Loons in time for Loco's birthday.

Unfortunately, the seasonal party is already planned for Loco's transition into childhood, so she just gets Orion and Roger as her audience.

Roger's teeth glitch up again, just as Loco transitions.

* headdesk *

And Loco looks a lot like her daddy! The neon daddy!

She doesn't have the elf ears, or Orion's nose, but she does have a personality of 1/6/10/10/8, a sloppy, sort-of outgoing, active, playful and nice child.

“I'm fed up of being a vampire, Dad!”

“Whatever, son.”

“To humans!”

“Hi, I'm a human again!”

“You disgust me!”

I sent Orion back to being human because he's pregnant again, but no doubt he will be a vampire again later. Roger's like that, often biting people.

“I like being a Daddy.”

Apple Daddy, you make a good dad. Loco is your best friend already.

Goopy finished his first servo before running off for work, leaving Orion to activate it.

A grilled cheese servo, that's got to be good.

“My name is Spencer, I will clean your kitchen.”

“No thanks, I need you to tend the garden, and try not to get soaked by the sprinklers.”

“Yes, master.”

“Hey, call me Orion.”

“All hail the Master Orion.”

And so life goes on, with Spencer making it much easier. Orion plays on the swing, while everyone else does the work.

It's just like old times.

“Gasp! I'm pregnant!”

Unfortunately for Orion, his clothes don't have a pregnancy morph. I'd sort that out, but I already used my eight commands.

“I hope this baby likes grilled cheese...”

I hope this baby gets the elf ears.

There's something oddly amusing about Spencer playing the guitar.

Perhaps it's because he is based on Orion's personality, and the guitar is one of Orion's many loves – the others being cheese, Roger and Loco.

“Bigger bump!”

Yes, this pregnancy is going to fly by too. Orion isn't very good at making sure he's alive.

“Let's get this party started!” Enter a very pregnant Orion.

“He's insane but I love him.” Enter a very neon Roger.

It's time for Loco's birthday party – she learnt all of her toddler skills, and didn't do anything worth telling you about. Hopefully she'll make an interesting child.

“Opal is HOT!”

“I second that!”

If Opal's partner, Brandon LeTourneau (front left) could read minds, he might get a little defensive. Bella too, if she could look into Jason's mind. As for Shea...

I made Shea and Christy playable and married them. I tweaked their personalities so that their romance made sense (for some reason, they were flirting all over community lots, etc. but throwing negative bolts).

Christy and Shea are still welcome at every Loon party.

Meanwhile, Brandon has a furious smustle face.

He's actually the guy Orion went on a date with (for his compulsory matchmaker date) so he's compatible with Opal too. :)

Roger? At a party, too?

“Lonely vampire requires vampire company!”


Gah. Roger, just why?

Roger still suffers chronically from glitched teeth.

Those two black dots on the wall are his fangs.

“Do you mind Orion? We're here to celebrate a birthday!”

“Well, I can't stop nature!”

Typical of Orion to go into labour in the living room of a busy birthday party. But everyone looks annoyed instead of concerned.

Orion brings Pearl, our bad apple for the generation, into the world, just before his eldest grows into a child.

“Ew, keep that thing away from me.”

“But Bella, it's a baby!”

“Gross. I'm never having any.”

She's pregnant but not showing, so she's telling a bit of lie here.

“Now that I'm big, I'm going to cause so much mayhem!”

Good for you, Loco. But not in this chapter! -----------Join me and the Loons next time for more bad apples, more weddings, more love, more babies, more neon (?!) and more chaos!!

Thanks for reading!