Post on 11-Sep-2021

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W E L C O M E !




7 11

message from Karen Berg


wisdom for newcomers

new releases

agenda 1 800 kabbalah




7 11

When we function as a collective, one person’s positive qualities can nullify another’s negative ones until only good is left. This has a quantum effect that lifts us all. Just as a mighty rope is bound as one by many strings, a united consciousness is powerful because it contains a multiplicity of souls.

A major challenge we face in our spiritual work is that whenever we are with others, we judge. We judge how others speak and what they wear. We size them up, and they in turn check us out. We all wage this war with our negative aspect every day through our judgments and our doubts. But I believe the fight is easier to win on Rosh Hashanah when we have our brothers and sisters around us, and we have the Light close by. All we need to do is to stay focused on the real work of seeing everyone as part of ourselves. Usually after a holiday, we sense a void. Some of this feeling arises because we are no longer with the group; some happens because we have moved into a different, less spiritual space. But if we can use our consciousness to get up every time we fall into the pit, if we can maintain the thought that we are fighting to preserve the Light and serve others, then the difficulty of rising up won’t be as hard, and we can better our own destiny and the destiny of the world.




Here are a few 72 Names of God to keep your mind in the game throughout the entire holiday. Use as necessary.

CERTAINTYThis 72 Name is the antidote to uncertainty. Meditating on it imbues you withabsolute confidence that no matter what happens, it is for your benefit.

ע.ר.יYud Resh Ayin

EFFORTThis 72 Name gives you the energy boost you need to persevere in your prayersand proactive consciousness. Enough Is Never Enough

ד.נ.יYud Nun Dalet

HUMAN DIGNITYThis 72 Name makes it easier to release the valve on your steam pipe.Defusing Negative Energy and Stress

כ.ה.תTav Hey Kaf

SHARINGThis 72 Name helps you to “think of others first.” This mind-set ensures you thehighest possible connection to the energy now in our midst. Circuitry

ח.ע.םMem Ayin Chet

HAPPINESSThis 72 Name patches you into the frequency of pure, uncomplicated happi-ness.

ו.ה.וVav Hey Vav




This Event Guide has been created to give you a brief understanding of what will be happening this holiday.

THE WAR ROOMMost people throughout history have considered the synagogue to be a place of worship and prayer. The commonly held notion is that when we are in a synagogue we are praying to God, offering praises, thanks, and supplications. We are there to become more holy, righteous and pious. According to the kabbalist, nothing could be further from the truth. God does not need or want our praise, thanks or supplications.

The synagogue is a War Room. It is a command post in a spiritual battle, designed specifically to help us uproot the Adversary inside us once and for all and to bring about the death of death itself.

THE SEPARATION IN THE WAR ROOM (MECHITZAH)In the War Room, there is a divider that splits the room in half. On the right side of it sit the men, and on the left side sit the women. The kabbalist sets up the partition between men and women because the technology of the Three Column System is at work here. This technology must be implemented in order to allow the Torah and our prayers to reveal Light unto the world.

The men, on the right side of the War Room, correspond to the positive pole of a light bulb. The women on the left side correspond to the negative pole. As noted, the partition is the filament between the two, creating resistance and the consequent Light. This separation only occurs during the prayer-connections, when Divine current is flowing into the War Room.

WEARING WHITEPeople used to believe that the seven colors of the rainbow were individual colors, each with its own separate existence. Newton changed all that by shining white sunlight through a prism, revealing that the seven colors of the spectrum are actually part of white light. Newton got this idea from the Zohar, which he studied intently.

Thus, kabbalists understood 1500 years before Newton that white sunlight contains and includes all the colors of the spectrum. This is why men wear white clothing during the Sabbath and on the major holiday connections.


White light represents the unification of all the colors and dimensions of real-ity.

During the Sabbath and holiday connections, the underlying purpose is to unify all reality, our World of Darkness with the World of Light. By wearing white, even our clothing reflects this unified state of consciousness and helps to strengthen our connection.

PRAYER SHAWLS AND HEAD COVERING (TALIT AND KIPPA)The Creator corresponds to the positive flow of energy, similar to the posi-tive pole in a light bulb. The human brain and hair correspond to the nega-tive pole in a light bulb. The head covering (Yarmulke or Kippa) acts as the filament that creates resistance so that spiritual Light will shine throughout our being. The kabbalist always covers his head, in order to create a circuit of energy.

During prayer-connections, a married man will wear a prayer shawl with fringes, or Talit. The prayer shawl has four corners that act as transmitters to broadcast the spiritual Light summoned by the individual to the four corners of the Earth. Kabbalistically, the Light drawn by the Talit is known as Surrounding Light (Or Makif ); and this broadcast of Light instills our entire physical reality with energy on a quantum level, affecting the en-tire world and all its people simultaneously.

WHEN NOT TO TAKE A BATHROOM BREAK The work of Rosh Hashanah is intense, but there will be ample time to take breaks, make plans to meet friends, and go around town seeing the sights. However, the main work requiring our full attention is in the middle of the day. The key tool we use is the Shofar, which you probably have learned about in your local Centres and will learn more about during the lectures and prayers. This is the main event, so you don’t want to look away when it’s being blown.

If you need to take a break, if it’s intense and overwhelming, if it’s too cold or too hot, by all means feel free to take a breather. But before you do, al-ways check in with someone to find out what’s next to make sure you don’t miss something you’ve really been looking forward to.

THE SECRET OF THE SHOFARMost people view the blowing of the Shofar as a ceremonial tradition, a sym-bolic act of commemoration. Nothing could be further from the truth. In essence, the Shofar is a weapon right out of Star Wars—not the movie, but like the U.S. military’s Strategic Defense Initiative of the 1980s. The military



envisioned satellites orbiting the planet that could use lasers to shoot down missiles launched at the United States.

In spiritual terms, these missiles correspond to judgment headed our way; more specifically, their targets are the negative blockages embedded in our soul as a result of our egocentric behavior throughout the previous year. Unlike laser satellites that shoot down missiles, the Shofar goes one better and removes the targets themselves! In other words, the Shofar banishes all those blockages from our inner being.

The sound emanating from the Shofar operates like a spiritual laser beam that dissolves all the negative energy we’ve created over the previous twelve months—provided that we own up to all of our internal garbage and take responsibility for it.

The mystical sound of the Shofar acts as a cleansing agent, a mystical sonic vibration that permeates every crack and crevice in our being, removing negative residues and purifying our soul. Once these blockages are removed, the judgments have lost their targets and the missiles coming our way have nowhere to go!

This is precisely what the sound of the Shofar accomplishes in the Upper Worlds. However, there are two prerequisites that must be met before the Shofar can perform its true function.

1. A genuine desire to change our ways is one of the forces that activates the power of the Shofar. If we don’t really want to change, the sound is useless and we will receive no benefit.

2. If we don’t have complete certainty of the Shofar’s power, our doubts become a self-fulfilling prophecy, and Rosh Hashanah remains the same old tradition that it has been for thousands of years—a boring, uninspiring, irrelevant tradition that has somehow survived into the modern world

THE PRAYER CONNECTIONS We learn from Kabbalah that the most important thing we can do to gain control over negativity is share with others. Not everyone who attends a kab-balistic event is familiar with all the mediations within the prayers, but if we unite together from the soul level, all of us can receive the total benefit of the energy of the connections.

We meditate to be one soul with Rav and Karen Berg because they help us to connect to all of the meditations and we join with all the students and teach-ers making the same connections who are also thinking to share the energy with the world.

THE HEBREW LETTERSThe Zohar reveals that 22 forces were created and sustain the entire cosmos. These 22 forces express themselves through the shapes and resonance of the Hebrew alphabet, making the letters instruments of power. Sequences of the Hebrew letters release enormous amounts of spiritual energy.

WHAT IF I DON’T KNOW HEBREW?Knowledge of Hebrew is NOT necessary to connect with the Light. Kabbalah teaches that each Hebrew letter is a channel to a unique form of energy, and this is true whether or not you know how the letter sounds or how it fits into a given word. Simply scanning the letters, allowing your eyes (the window to the soul) to pass over them, opens a direct connection to the divine spark hidden within you.

If you can’t follow along to the songs or prayers in Hebrew, just listen and pay attention; you will still get the energy. Don’t fall into judgment: What am I doing here? I can’t follow anything. If you start feeling self-conscious, this is where the Opponent shows up.

ANNOUNCEMENTS DURING CONNECTIONSThroughout the connections you will notice one person who is leading the connection and another person who is announcing the kavanot or intention of the prayer. While there is value to understanding the literal meaning of the prayers, the energy is activated through our consciousness of the kavanot or intention that has been provided in the writings of the Kabbalists.

THE PRAYER BOOK – THE MACHZORA prayer book is not about offering words of thanks and praise to our Creator. In fact, the Machzor is the weapon of choice in the War Room. It weakens and washes away reactive impulses from our nature. The letters of the prayers infuse us with inner strength and discipline, targeting the Opponent – our ego – in all of its sneaky manifestations.

The Kabbalah Centre’s prayer books, available in Hebrew with English or Spanish Transliteration or Hebrew alone represent the culmination of three generations of study as well as revelations made by a lineage of teachers who came before us and who suffered great personal harm to make this technol-ogy for a fulfilled life available to us so that with the power of this knowl-edge, we can be the generation that brings about the trans formation of this world and the removal of chaos forever. During Rosh Hashanah and other live streaming events these same connections and meditations appear on the screen.



It is possible to rise above the gravitational pull that draws us into the same scenes by using advanced kabbalistic tools. Our actions are seeds that create either chaos or fulfillment. Challenges such as pain, addic-tion and fear are opportunities for growth. By becoming familiar with underlying messages we tell ourselves, we can recognize and overcome destructive thoughts and reactive behavior, make different choices and ultimately create different results. When we step out of our nature, Nature responds in turn. According to the kabbalists that’s how we can create miracles. Stop playing that old re-run! We all know we have the ability to transform; this book helps in understanding exactly what we need to change about our movie. For those who loved The Power of Kabbalah or Living Kabbalah, get ready to take the next steps in writing, directing, and acting a new life.





Es posible elevarnos sobre la fuerza gravitacional que nos arrastra a las mismas escenas al usar las herramientas kabbalísticas avanzadas. Nuestras acciones son semillas que pueden crear caos o satisfacción. Retos como el dolor, la adicción y el miedo son oportunidades para crecer. Al familiarizarnos con los mensajes subyacentes que nos decimos, podemos reconocer y superar pensamientos destructivos y el comportamiento reactivo, y hacer elecciones diferentes y así crear resultados diferentes. Todos sabemos que tenemos la habilidad de transformarnos. Este libro nos ayuda a entender exactamente qué tenemos que cambiar en nuestra película. Para aquellos a los que les gustó El Poder de la Kabbalah, prepárense para tomar los pasos siguientes para escribir, dirigir y actuar en una nueva vida.




In Thought of Creation, Rav Ashlag describes the process of the original Creation, which is highly relevant today because life is a continuous replication of the original Creation. With this wisdom we can take personal responsibility in handling our affairs, create positive events, and ultimately design a better future. Each of us has a responsibility to help recreate this world, says Rav Ashlag, and by using the tools of Kabbalah and the Zohar we can bring it to perfection with peace, love, joy and fulfillment resounding in every corner of the universe.




Los libros de conexión La oración del pobre son la tecnología a través de la cual nos conectamos con la energía disponible durante las festividades de Rosh Hashaná y Yom Kipur. Rosh Hashaná es la semilla metafísica del año, la ventana del tiempo donde podemos regresar a los orígenes de la creación, y donde podemos cambiar nuestro destino individual y colectivo. En Yom Kipur, podemos conectarnos al reino de consciencia más elevado posible y de ese modo incrementar y mejorar la calidad de vida en todo el mundo.




PLEASE NOTE: All times and durations are subject to change, so please listen carefully to all announcements.


9/4 7:30pm Evening Connection9/4 8:00pm Welcome Message by Karen Berg9/4 8:30pm Lecture by Yehuda Berg


9/5 9:00am Morning Connection9/5 10:30am Lecture by Michael Berg9/5 11:30am Torah Reading for the First Day of Rosh Hashanah9/5 1:00pm Shofar Connection9/5 7:30pm Evening Connection9/5 8:00pm Lecture by Yehuda Berg


9/6 9:00am Morning Connection9/6 10:30am Lecture by Michael Berg9/6 11:30am Torah Reading for the Second Day of Rosh Hashanah9/6 1:00pm Shofar Connection9/6 7:00pm Evening Connection & Kabbalat Shabbat9/6 8:00pm Lecture


9/7 9:00am Morning Connection9/7 10:30am Lecture9/7 11:30am Torah Reading for Shabbat Shuvah Portion: Ha’azinu9/7 1:30pm Third Meal of Shabbat Connection 9/7 7:30pm Evening Connection and Havdalah