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© 2015 Liver Detox Program PDF

Keep Your Liver


Cleanse Your Body

of Toxins

Have a Healthier

Body in Less than a


Brought to you by:


Your Liver is a huge, 3-

pound, reddish-brown, rubbery,

meaty organ located on the right

side of your belly which is protected

by the rib cage. It has two main

sections: right and left lobes. It

works to digest, absorb, and

process the food that you eat. It

specifically acts to filter the blood

that comes from your digestive tract before transmitting it through the rest of

your body. Bile is secreted in the process so that it lands back in the intestines.

The liver also produces proteins needed by the body for blood coagulation that

heals your wounds fast.

This then implies that if the liver is impaired, your body may no longer be able

to function properly.

Liver Diseases affect both men

and women. The most common include Fatty

Liver, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Liver Tumors, Liver

Abscess, Liver Cancer, Alcoholic Liver,

Jaundice, and Fibrosis just to name a few.

Common symptoms generally are itchy skin,

yellowing of skin and eyes, abdominal

tenderness and/or pain, flu-like symptoms,

dry mouth, nausea, fatigue, agitation, altered

consciousness, abnormal bowels, vomiting of

blood or blood in excretion, rapid heart rate,

lethargic movement, and more. When you are

experiencing a symptom or a combination of


these, get yourself examined and have your liver checked.

If you don’t, then, prevention is always the best form of cure. As human

beings, we are not immune to liver disease and no immunization can protect

us from all of the types of liver diseases. We have to exercise care. If you are

already diagnosed with a liver problem, make sure you undergo treatment and

live the prescribed healthy lifestyle. It may require a lot of changes and might

even make you stop your usual habits, but, if you want to live longer and enjoy

life more, it is worth the reformation.

Detox Your Way to a Healthier Liver!

Detoxification or simply “detox” is the process of removing toxic

substances in the body by eating healthier and excreting harmful substances

from the body, thus cleansing it. There are many ways to detox. It could be

chemical or artificial with the aid of medicines or machine, or it could be

natural through a healthier diet.

Range of Motion (ROM) Sligo is giving away this Liver Detox PDF for free as a

thank you to everyone who has crossed our path while on a journey to health


and fitness. We just don’t preach this stuff, we live it! We hope that this detox

program will help kickstart 2015 for all those who download and implement

details provided.

9- Day Liver Detox Program

A Step by Step Guide on How to Cleanse Your Liver

STEP 1: This 9-Day Liver Detox Program is not easy at all but it is the first

most important step for a healthier and fitter you! Eliminating toxic in your

body makes your liver healthy so that it does not hold unnecessary excess fat

and your metabolism should work at its optimum so it is easier to lose fat and

have a fitter body.

If you are really determined to lose

weight or have a fitter and leaner body

that you have always dreamed of, you

have to let go of some things that might

have been a part of your life but is

actually unimportant and toxic. There

are foods you have to eliminate, and

these are:


1. Alcohol

To cleanse your liver, you must remove all alcohol from your lifestyle for a

while. Have you ever wondered why we are always told to drink

MODERATELY? It is because of your liver. Your liver can only hold so much.

Too much alcohol and your liver cells will have a difficult time to process it.

A toxic called “Acetaldehyde” is produced by the liver each time you drink

alcohol. It scars your liver permanently and damages your stomach lining as

well as your brain. Alcohol also dehydrates you and the liver will try to take

water from all other parts of your body for it to continue to function. You

can’t deny that alcohol does indeed leave your mouth dry.

And remember one of the liver diseases mentioned earlier, one that is

called “Fatty Liver”? Well, if you drink too much alcohol, fat will build up in

your liver. This will make your liver inflamed.


2. Sugar

Sugar, contrary to popular belief, does

not only give you diabetes. It also

messes up your liver. Sugar is made up

of glucose and fructose. Glucose can

be metabolized by every cell of our

body but fructose? Well, that is a

different story. Only the liver can

metabolize sugar! Only the liver can transport sugar. Little is good, too much is

bad. Just like with the alcohol, the liver can only take so much. Sugar is

converted into glycogen, a storage form of glucose, too much glycogen in the

liver will make liver convert fructose into fat. And fat in the liver, well, makes it


Fruits are better alternatives for those with sweet tooth but if you are focused

in weight loss then take it easy with them too.

3. Dairy

Some dairy may be okay

for healthy people but for

people with damaged

liver that cannot properly

metabolize proteins and

amino acids, animal-based

food products can be hard

on the liver. That includes

dairy products.

Protein is important for overall nutrition and that is what animal-based

products mainly offer. You can, however, get the protein you need from lean

meats such as poultry products and white meat. Beans, nuts, and veggies are

great alternative sources of protein. Soy milk is also a good alternative and it is



4. Processed Food

Processed foods are contaminated with not just chemical additives but

pesticides and growth hormones. These foods have trans-fat and guess


High Fructose Syrup!

Yes, fructose again. Soda has fructose; even the fruit juice you took from

the grocery shelf has fructose. To ensure that your fruit juice is nutritious,

make your own with real fruits!

5. Wheat

Lose Wheat and you Lose

Weight. Gluten is the primary

protein in your wheat and too

much gluten is not good for

your liver. It causes fatty liver,

celiac disease and eventually

liver failure.

Eliminating the food listed above is actually the first step of the detox

program. You are still left with many food options so there is no need to



Foods that are actually good for you are:

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Lean meats such as chicken and fish


Herbal Teas

Herbs and Spices


Natural Yoghurt

Coconut oil/ Olive oil

There are a lot of great recipes you can make with these!

Good nutrition will make you feel good inside and look good outside. It is not

easy so you have to stay committed.


STEP 2: Drink lots of water!

Water is life. In every detox plan out

there, water plays an important role.

Water will help you flush out the toxins

inside your body that harm your liver. It

will also keep you hydrated. Remember

how alcohol dehydrates the body and

makes the liver overwork? Do the opposite and keep hydrated so you help

your liver!

STEP 3: Practice Intermittent Fasting!

Eat your food within 8 hours and fast for 16

hours. If you spend at least 8 hours sleeping

then this does not seem too hard, isn’t it?

You keep yourself busy for a few more

hours and you won’t notice that you

already spent 16 hours without consuming

anything except water.

STEP 4: Heat a cup of water and

squeeze an entire lemon into it. Have

this homemade lemon drink in the

morning or before eating dinner.

One cup a day is great for detoxifying

your liver!


STEP 5: Eat as much cruciferous, green vegetables as you can! At least two

servings of broccoli, turnip, cauliflower, or brussel sprouts will do you and your

liver nothing but good.

Expect to lose up to 3 kgs. in 14

days if you follow these steps to

the number and have a regular

workout routine. See you at