Living The Nightmare (Emma Gowdy)

Post on 14-Mar-2016

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A group of friends head for a weekend break at a hotel, but the resident butler has other plans for his guests...


living the nightmare

emma gowdy

To whom it may concern, I am writing to inform you that this necklace is more than meets the eye. A death sentence for whom dares to try it on will await you and your loved ones. Within the hour it is worn, it shall bring a deathly act. There is only one escape, if the necklace is taken off before an hour, you will live, if not your life and loved ones will ceased to exist.

It was great being off for uni...Even if it was just for the week. Myself, Jack, Dave and Jodie, decided to spend the weekend away at a hotel just outside Scotland. I couldn’t wait!

A Tallish man in a suit answered the door. He signed us in and showed us to our rooms. He was the hotels butler and was called Jeeves. He seemed nice but was really weird as he hardly even spoke.

Once we had seen our rooms, everyone wanted to explore the rest of the hotel, well expect me, I wanted to get ready for dinner. It was important that I dressed to impress, as I really liked Dave. There was not much in my room, nothing but a bed and a old desk.

Inside the old, wooden desk, was the most beautiful necklace i have ever seen, it went perfectly with my dress.

I needed to get out of this hotel! I ran down the hall searching for the others help. Dave would know what to do. I felt all alone and all I remember is hearing the sound of running water.

My heart shattered into a million tiny pieces. This was my worst nightmare coming true. What was going on, why was this happening! I could not even move I was just so scared. I sprinted back up the stairs to go and get help from Jodie and Jack.

I couldn’t even see from the streaming tears coming down my face. Why us, what have even done. Why was Jeeves doing this to me! Two of my best friends ..murdered!, it was not even worth thinking about. I needed to warn Jodie so we would have time to escape before it was too late.

My beautiful friend, her face was now unbearable to look at, she was like a different person - I felt helpless. Never will I forgot that image. I just wanted to wake up from this madness.. but no matter how hard I nipped myself, I was still living the nightmare.

I knew it was my turn next to face death. I was petrified for my life, the only thing I could do was run. I fled out of the hotel and into the woods to try and escape.

No matter how fast I ran, I knew something was definitely following me. I came to a dead end, so I stopped in my tracks to get my breath back. I wanted my friends to come out and say it was only a game. The silence of the wood was deafening.

Why was this happening to me. What did he want!That maniac was destroying my life. I started to run again, I just kept running and didn’t even look back.

Jeeves was a sick, disgusting creature. I didn’t know what to do anymore. Just less than an hour ago I was as happy as I have ever been. My world had just collapsed around me and there was nothing I could have done to save it.

No matter what I did where I went, he always seemed to be right behind me. I remember my chest was bruised, the necklace was too heavy and was thumping against my torso when I ran, so I took it off and left it behind in the woods.

I was exhausted, I had been running for ages. I didn’t even know where I was running to. The view of the hotel lights where on scene again. I didn’t want to go back in there to risk anything, but I needed to find the car keys so I could make my escape. I went through the front door and heard the sound of talking, but thought it all just in my mind. I walked into the living room to a sight I thought I never would have seen again.

There sitting down were my three best friends. I don’t remember much but I fainted. Once I regained conscious I sat up and burst into tears. I told them about Jeeves and what he did. I remember being in a panic screaming for us to leave. But no one believed me, they said I must of had a nightmare. I wasn’t even in my dress anymore! What happened, did I go insane? No one seemed to believe me no matter how much I yelled.

We sat there for another while and I appeared to be speaking in riddles. But it all made sense to me. Dave kept saying once Jeeves showed us to our rooms, I went to bed and they went exploring and when they came back to check on me, I was gone.

Maybe I was going insane, but I knew what happened was not a dream ! I couldn’t stay in this place I wanted to go home and get away from this wicked hotel, my mum would understand ... or maybe I just need help. I got straight into the car with Jodie and Dave. While Jack went to explain things to Jeeves but couldn’t find him.

As we were driving off, that same feeling I had before all seemed to come rushing back to me. I looked out my window and there he was. Thank God we were escaping, I didn’t care if my friends believed me, I was just glad to be getting away from that living nightmare...