LNG Masterplan for...

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  • LNG Masterplan for Rhine-Main-Danube

    The European Union’s TEN-T programme supporting

    This project is co-funded by the European Commission / DG MOVE / TEN-T

    A project implemented by LNG Masterplan Consortium

    Sub-activity 1.1 Status Quo Analysis & Trends

    D 1.1.1. Status Quo Analysis & Trends - LNG

    Framework and market analysis for the Rhine corridor

  • The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any

    use that may be made of the information contained therein.

    D 1.1.1. Status Quo Analysis & Trends LNG Framework and market analysis for the Rhine corridor

    Version: 1.0

    Date: 30.09.2014

    Status: Final / Public

  • D 1.1.1 Status Quo Analysis & Trends - Rhine Corridor

    SuAc 1.1 Status Quo Analysis & Trends

    Document History

    Version Date Authorised

    1.0 Final & approved 30.9.2014 Port of Rotterdam, Port of Antwerp, Port of Mannheim,

    Port of Strasbourg, Port of Switzerland

    Contributing Authors


    Buck Constultants International, Pace Global, TNO

    Port of Rotterdam, Port of Antwerp, Port of Mannheim, Port of Strasbourg, Port of Switzerland

    Introductory note

    The Status Quo Analysis & Trends of the LNG Framework and market analysis for the Rhine corridor

    studies was subcontracted to a consortium formed by Buck Constultants International, Pace Global,

    TNO after a tendering procedure. The final deliverable was approved by involved beneficiaries and

    contractor(s) in September 2014.

  • Commissioned by:

    Rhine Port Group

    Nijmegen, September 2014

    LNG Framework and Market

    Analysis for the Rhine corridor _________________________________________________________

    Status Quo Analysis

  • Contents


    Chapter 1 Introduction 1

    1.1 LNG Framework and Market analysis 1

    1.2 Scope of Status Quo Analysis 3

    Chapter 2 LNG propelled vessels 5

    2.1 Current fleet for IWT 6 2.2 Current fleet for Short sea shipping 20

    2.3 Prognosis for fleet development 30

    2.4 Current and expected LNG fleet in IWT and Short Sea Shipping 36

    2.5 Current and expected LNG use per vessel category 42

    2.6 Concluding remarks 45

    Chapter 3 Drivers for LNG uptake 46

    3.1 Macro-economic Drivers 49

    3.2 Transport Market Growth Drivers 51

    3.3 Energy price drivers 52

    3.4 Tax Policy / Regulation 63

    3.5 Technological Innovation 69

    3.6 Infrastructure readiness 72

    3.7 Business Owner’s Risk Perspective 72

    3.8 Setting the fuel price: Switching Economics 75

    3.9 Concluding remarks 75

    Chapter 4 Summary and conclusions 76

    Abbreviations 82

    References 83

  • Annex 1 Characteristics of IWT-classes 86

    Annex 2 Overview of seagoing vessels 87

    Annex 3 Operational characteristics seagoing vessels 88

    Annex 4 Current and expected number of LNG vessels in IWT 89

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 1 of 97

    Chapter 1 Introduction

    1.1 LNG Framework and Market analysis

    Commissioned by the Rhine Port Group (consisting of Port of Rotterdam Authority, Port of

    Antwerp, Port of Mannheim, Port of Strasbourg and Porta of Switzerland), the combination

    of Buck Consultants International (BCI), TNO and Pace Consulting (Pace) is researching

    the possibilities for LNG as an environmental friendly and economic priced fuel for inland

    water transport (IWT) on the Rhine corridor. The aim of this study is to assess the need for

    LNG (bunker) infrastructure in the Rhine corridor in the years 2015 and forth, specifically for

    2020 and 2035.

    The project is structured in four sections, at the heart piece of which lies the dynamic model

    which is able to provide different scenarios of LNG penetration for inland water transport

    (IWT) and short sea shipping (SSS).

    Figure 1.1 Framework approach LNG and market analysis

    Source: BCI (2014)

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 2 of 97

    This document summarises the results of first section within this study, the Status Quo

    Analysis & Trends. The document presents a prognosis for LNG as a fuel in inland water-

    ways transport (IWT) and short sea shipping as available in existing literature. New re-

    search as part of this project and other potential LNG markets such as demand for Heavy

    Goods Vehicles (HGV) and industry will be discussed in the forthcoming sections within this


    Figure 1.2 Position of this report in framework of the LNG market analysis

    Source: BCI (2014)

    This report covers the results of the Status Quo Analysis & Trends. Other sections of this

    study are covered in separate reports:

    LNG supply study; and

    LNG demand study.

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 3 of 97

    1.2 Scope of Status Quo Analysis

    Research questions

    In this document, the following questions raised by the Rhine Port Group are answered (see

    figure 1.3). These questions are clustered in four categories A, B, C and D.

    Figure 1.3 Questions and activities

    Source: BCI (2014)

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 4 of 97


    The methodology used to answer the research questions for the Status Quo Analysis &

    Trends report is a literature study. The current status of use of LNG by different user groups

    and how experts and market stakeholders view developments in the LNG market are ad-

    dressed by looking at results of recent studies. The major sources that have been used are

    presented in a table at the beginning of each section.

    During the course of this project a new model for estimating supply and demand of small

    scale LNG is designed. The output of this model is evaluated by comparing it to estimates

    found in other studies. As some developments are either very recent or very volatile in the

    current (small scale) LNG market it was necessary to gather additional information through

    interviews with market stakeholders. As for instance up to the time of writing this reports

    there are only four inland waterway transport vessels running (partially) on LNG the base for

    finding user profiles are rather small.

    Report Setup

    The four categories described above are dealt with in two chapters:

    Chapter 2 provides answers to the clusters A and B and deals with the current fleet as

    well as the expected fleet development of IWT and sea going vessels in Europe for the

    years 2020 and 2035. For this purpose, the LNG penetration level in the fleet is estimat-

    ed and translated to the required LNG volume.

    Chapter 3 provides answers to the clusters C and D and deals with the drivers for LNG

    uptake (including energy price and other drivers).

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 5 of 97

    Chapter 2 LNG propelled vessels

    As described in chapter 1, this chapter answers the questions shown in clusters A and B

    (see below).

    Figure 2.1 Questions and activities

    The first part of this chapter gives a description of the existing fleet for inland waterway

    transport (section 2.1) and sea going vessels (section 2.2). Section 2.3 describes the ex-

    pected development of the fleet for both IWT and sea going vessels. For both vessel cate-

    gories, conversion to LNG can be interesting. Special attention has been paid to the calcu-

    lation of the fuel usage. The calculation of fuel use for both inland waterway transport and

    sea going vessels follows the same methodology. Figure 2.2 illustrates the methodology:

    Figure 2.2 Calculation steps for fuel use

    Section 2.4 presents an overview the current and planned LNG fleet in both IWT and SSS,

    based on databases on LNG penetration in Europe. Furthermore the section presents an

    overview of the forecasts for LNG uptake that can be found in literature. Finally, section 2.5

    described the expected total LNG usage for the current, planned and forecasted fleet up

    until 2035.

    Fleet and ship categories

    Ship operations per category

    Engine power per category

    Specific fuel use per category

    Fuel usage

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 6 of 97

    2.1 Current fleet for IWT

    2.1.1 Introduction

    This section describes the development of inland waterway transport and the inland fleet.

    The first part of this section focuses on the structure of the fleet and the developments for

    the future, while the latter part will concentrate on the operational characteristics, such as

    the equipment of the ships and fuel use.

    The most relevant documents that have been analysed for this section are listed in table


    Table 2.1 Overview of used literature and studies

    Publisher Title Relevant information

    NEA (2009) Cost structure inland waterway transport Specifications engines and fuel use of

    inland ships

    TNO (2012); Shipping scenarios for the delta programme Prognoses for inland waterway transport

    TNO (2010) Fleet development inland waterway transport Trends in the enlargement of the inland


    CCNR (2013) Market perspectives 2013 Activities inland shipping Rhine corridor

    2.1.2 Fleet and fleet development

    Transport on the Rhine corridor

    The Rhine corridor is defined as the Rhine River in Germany, France and Switzerland, in-

    cluding the Rhine delta in the Netherlands and Belgium and the tributary rivers in Germany

    and Luxemburg, such as the Saar, the Mosel, the Neckar and the Main. Figure 2.3 gives an

    overview of the complete Rhine corridor and the service area of this corridor:

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 7 of 97

    Figure 2.3 Overview of the Rhine corridor

    Source: Rhine Port Group, 2014


    Figure 2.4 presents the total transport volume of the countries that are part of the Rhine

    corridor. The total transport volume for Switzerland is estimated, based on the annual fact-

    sheets of the Port of Switzerland. Due to the economic crisis in 2008-2009, the total IWT

    volume in the Rhine corridor decreased by 18% in 2009, but total volume recovered in 2010

    (growth of 24%). The decline in 2009 was caused because of a strong decline in transport

    of ores and coals for the industries in Germany and France.

    1 Invitation to tender – LNG Masterplan Rhine-Main-Danube – Ac 1 – LNG Framework and Market Analysis for The Rhine corridor.

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 8 of 97

    Figure 2.4 Transported volumes per country 2008-2012

    Source: Eurostat (2014)

    The total transported volume in, specifically, the Rhine corridor in 2012 was nearly 700 mil-

    lion tons and the payload exceeded 100 billion tons-kilometres. Table 2.2 presents the

    transport volume for the year 2012:

    Table 2.2 Transported volumes in the Rhine corridor in 2012

    River / area

    Total volume (in million x tons)

    Payload distance (in million x ton km)

    Rhine (GE) 188.7 46,548 Main(GE) 16.7 2,910 Mosel in Germany 12.7 2,799 Saar (GE) 4.2 255 Ruhr area (GE) 30.2 1,533 Netherlands 303 41,073 Flanders (BE) 69.3 4,200 Wallonia (BE) 42 1,790 Mosel in France 8.5 580 Nord-Pas-de-Calais (FR) 9.3 879 Luxemburg 8.5 290 Main-Danube-Canal 5.8 895

    Total 698.9 100,853

    Source: CCNR (2013)

    Between 2011 and 2012, the total transported volume within the Rhine corridor had a mini-

    mal increase (0.4%). The transported volume per river differed, due to specific industries in

    the region and variations in developments. For example, the steel industry in Saarland

    (Germany) grew due to specialisation, while the industry in Liege (Belgium) decreased. In

    effect, the transported volume on the Saar increased and the total transported volume in

    Wallonia decreased between 2011 and 2012. This example shows that the transported vol-

    ume by IWT is strongly related to economic changes and sector developments.

    IWT on the Rhine is the primary mode of transport for the supply of the steel industries (iron

    ore) (mainly in Germany) and the energy sector (coal). Important other product groups for

    IWT in terms of volume are liquid fuels and petrochemical products, chemical products and

    345 271 347 345 350

    246 204

    230 222 223



    162 173 190 73


    73 68 69







    2008 2009 2010 2011 2012






    e in




    x m



    Transport volumes countries Rhine corridor

    Netherlands Germany Belgium France Luxemburg Switzerland

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 9 of 97

    building material. Containerised cargo accounts for 9% of the total volume. Figure 2.5 pre-

    sents the volume of products, transported by IWT in the countries along the Rhine corridor:

    Figure 2.5 Transport of product groups by IWT in 2012

    Source: CCNR (2013)

    Number of inland vessels

    The Rhine corridor comprises the inland waterways of Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany,

    Luxemburg, France and Switzerland. These countries, with the exception of Luxemburg, are

    member of the CCNR, the Central Commission for the Navigation on the Rhine.

    Table 2.3 gives an overview of the total fleet of the member states of the CCNR:







    8% 4%

    Distribution (volume) of transport goods on the Rhine

    Ores and metal residues

    Solid mineral fuels (coal)

    Petroleum and petrochemicalproductsCrude minerals, construction

    Chemical products

    Containerised goods

    Agricultural products

    Food products and feed

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 10 of 97

    Table 2.3 Overview of the inland waterway fleet of CCNR countries in 2012

    Netherlands Germany Belgium France Switzerland Luxembourg Total

    Cargo carrying vessels

    General Cargo Vessel 3,414 929 1,052 962 16 9 6,382

    Push Freight Barge 1,170 786 262 474 4 0 2,696

    Lash Ship 1 121 0 0 0 0 122

    Lighter 101 52 3 1 0 0 157

    Tank Vessel 1,105 510 259 46 49 21 1,990

    Push Tank Barge 44 44 5 74 2 2 171

    Tank Lighter 16 12 0 0 0 0 28

    Total 5,851 2,454 1,581 1,557 71(74*) 32 11,546

    Push and tug boats

    Push boat 187 213 75 146 1 5 627

    Tug 593 131 57 11 2 1 795

    Push Tug 408 75 44 0 4 6 537

    Total 1,188 419 176 157 7 12 1,959


    Passenger Vessel 737 986 52 493

    72 4 2,359

    Other 2,491 0 134 3 14 7 2,650

    Total 10,267 3,859 1,943 1,717 167 55 18,514

    * The Port of Switzerland counts 74 Swiss barges in total. This figure differs from the inventarisation of IVR (71

    cargo carrying vessels).

    Source: IVR 2013

    The cargo carrying fleet (11,546 ships) exists of motor vessels and convoys. The motor

    vessels (general cargo vessels and tank vessels) account for over 70% of the fleet (8,372).

    The convoys consist of a pusher and barges for dry bulk and liquid bulk. The convoys,

    which include the push freight barges and the push tank barges, account for almost 25%

    (2,867 ships).

    Motor vessels can also be deployed as a combination. In such a case, motor vessel func-

    tions as a pusher for barges. The use of combinations in the Rhine corridor will not be dis-

    cussed separately within this study, because these combinations change per journey and

    over time.

    Figure 2.6 illustrates the actual fleet for the cargo carrying fleet, with a breakdown in motor

    vessels and push tows.

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 11 of 97

    Figure 2.6 IWT fleet in the Rhine corridor countries in 2012

    Source: IVR 2013

    Trends in fleet development

    Figure 2.7 presents the number of new vessels for the years 2000 until 2012. On average,

    174 new vessels are built per year over this period. Since the peak in 2009 (343 new ves-

    sels), the number of new vessels declined. In 2012 only 85 new vessels have been deliv-

    ered. No information is available on the breakdown of the new built vessels in dry cargo and


    Figure 2.7 Numbers of new built vessels for each year 2000-2012

    Source: IVR, 2013


    1,624 1,314 1,009 65 30


    830 267


    6 2









    Netherlands Germany Belgium France Switzerland Luxembourg

    Number of vessels in Rhine corridor countries

    Motor ships Push freight/tank barges






    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012


    . o

    f n




    Number of yearly new vessels 2000-2012

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 12 of 97

    Just before the economic crisis in 2008, the financial possibilities for ship owners to invest in

    new vessels were very good (see also chapter 3). Many ship owners ordered new vessels

    to modernize the fleet. The tanker fleet has to converse from single hull tankers to double

    hull tankers due to new ADN-regulations (enforcement in 2018).

    This conversion of the tank fleet resulted in a relatively high number of new vessels in 2009

    and 2010 to respectively 96 and 120 new tanker vessels.. In 2011 and 2012, the number of

    new (double hull) tanker vessels has declined to respectively 86 and 39 vessels.

    The total capacity of the inland waterway fleet has increased significantly, due to the build-

    ing of new vessels and only limited number of vessels that were scrapped.

    Furthermore, the average tonnage of vessels has increased for more cost efficient

    transport. Because of the expected growth of transport volumes, older and smaller ships

    have been replaced by larger ships. In recent years, the replacement of older ships has

    been stimulated due to scrapping schemes. Figure 2.8 presents the development of the

    average ship size for dry cargo and tankers:

    Figure 2.8 Development of the average tonnage for new build vessels between 2000 and 2012

    Source: IVR, 2013

    The increase of the average volume of the ships is also illustrated by figure 2.9. This figure

    illustrates the development of the average ship size for motor ships and convoys (in ton-

    nage) for different size classes of inland waterways (CEMT-classes IV, V and VI).








    2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012



    e i

    n t




    Average tonnage of vessels 2002-2012

    Dry cargo Tank cargo Linear (Dry cargo) Linear (Tank cargo)

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 13 of 97

    Figure 2.9 Development of the average tonnage for new build vessels 1970 1970-2020

    Source: TNO (2010)2

    Figure 2.8 shows that the average ship size increased by more than 40% between 1998

    and 2008, based on the observation of passing ships at different inland waterways. The

    figure presents a bandwidth for the expected increase of the ship size between 2008 and

    2020. This bandwidth expresses two trend analyses (1) by using the linear trend for the ship

    size between 1970 and 2008 and (2) by using the average annual increase of the ship size

    between 1970 and 2008 as a trend.

    2 TNO (2010); Fleet development inland waterway transport (Vlootontwikkeling binnenvaart)
























    1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 2006 2010 2014 2018



    ge t



    e p



    ip (

    in t




    CEMT-klasse IV: observation CEMT-klasse V: observation

    CEMT-klasse VI: observation CEMT-klasse IV: prediction

    CEMT-klasse V: prediction CEMT-klasse VI: prediction

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 14 of 97

    Age of the fleet

    Figure 2.10 illustrates the age distribution for motor vessels, based on the IVR-database.

    Data for push freight/tanker barges is not available at the moment.

    Figure 2.10 Age distribution (by year of construction) of motor vessels

    Source: IVR, 2013

    Compared to the dry cargo fleet, the tanker fleet is significantly younger. For tanker vessels,

    25% of the tankers are younger than 10 years old and 50% is older than 35 years. For the

    general cargo fleet is more than 55% is more than 45 years old and almost 7% is less than

    10 years old. The difference in age distribution between tank vessels and general cargo

    vessels is earlier explained, due to the conversion of single hull vessels to double hull ves-


    2.1.3 Segmentation of ship classes

    The IWT vessels for freight transport are being categorised according to the CEMT-classes.

    As discussed in section 2.1.2, the cargo carrying fleet consists of 11,546 vessels; 8,372

    motor vessels and 2,876 push barges (convoys). The CEMT-classes account for both cate-

    gories. Annex 1 gives an overview of the characteristics of the motor vessels and push

    barges, according to the CEMT-classes.















    0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

    Dry cargo


    Age distribution of inland vessels

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 15 of 97

    Table 2.4 presents the characteristics of the motor vessel fleet, based on the CEMT-classes

    (see annex 1):

    Table 2.4 Categorisation of motor vessels according to CEMT-classes in 2012

    Country Number of vessels I II III IV Va VIa

    Belgium 1,311 312 215 454 198 117 15

    Germany 1,439 29 85 687 443 193 2

    France 1,008 620 155 191 35 7 -

    Luxembourg 30 3 2 6 14 3 3

    Netherlands 4,519 223 825 1,467 940 906 159

    Switzerland 65 2 2 4 24 33 -

    Total Fleet 8,372 1,051 1,168 3,025 1,779 1,202 146

    Source: SAB, processed by BCI3

    On average, the fleet in Belgium and France consists of smaller vessels because of the

    existing network of smaller canals.

    Table 2.5 presents the characteristics of the push barges that are being used for convoy


    Table 2.5 Categorisation of large push barges according to CEMT-classes in 2012

    Country Number of vessels IV Va Vb +

    Belgium 267 51 196 20

    Germany 830 278 552 -

    France 548 137 394 17

    Luxembourg 2 2 - -

    Netherlands 1,214 335 846 33

    Switzerland 6 6 - -

    Total Fleet 2,867 811 1,975 81

    Source: SAB, processed by BCI

    Volume and engine power

    The CEMT-classes prescribe a normative volume and engine power, but in practice, many

    variations exist due to the specific preferences of the ship owners. Ships are custom made,

    based on the preferences and the intended operations of the ship owner. That is why the

    categories of the ships are not homogenous, but they show variations in engine power, size

    and volume. Tables 2.6 and 2.7 present the average volume and engine power for inland


    3 SAB (Stichting Afvalstoffenvaardocumenten Binnenvaart) provides a database of individual ships

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 16 of 97

    Table 2.6 Specifications of motor vessels in the Rhine corridor

    CEMT-class No. of vessels Average volume

    (tons) Average engine power


    I 1,051 361 225

    II 1,168 540 291

    III 3,025 953 475

    IV 1,779 1,549 751

    Va 1,202 2,768 1,272

    Via 146 5,161 2,115

    Total 8,372 1,284 621

    Source: SAB, processed by BCI

    The push barges for convoy transport are categorised in the higher CEMT-classes. For

    these vessels, there are no characteristics for the volume. The table 2.7 presents the aver-

    age engine power per CEMT-category:

    Table 2.7 Specifications of large push barges in the Rhine corridor

    CEMT-class No. of vessels Average volume (tons)

    Average engine power (kW)

    IV 811 1,306 1,555

    Va 1,975 2,620 3,709

    Vb + 81 4,533 N/A

    Total 2,867 2,307 2,262

    Source: SAB, processed by BCI

    The tables 2.6 and 2.7 present the specifications for the freight carrying fleet. The economic

    feasibility for LNG conversion is decided by the ratio between the investments and the lower

    operational costs, due to the difference in price level between LNG and diesel. Today’s

    standpoint is that the conversion to LNG is especially interesting for the larger freight carry-

    ing ships CEMT-class IV and higher), because of a higher annual fuel use. Though, the

    actual annual fuel use is determined by the specific fuel use (litres per hour) and the annual

    operating hours of the ship. The uptake of LNG in inland shipping will be discussed in sec-

    tion 2.4 and 2.5.

    To complete the analysis of the specification of vessels, table 2.8 presents the average en-

    gine power for the rest of the fleet in the Rhine corridor:

    Table 2.8 Specifications of other vessels in the Rhine corridor

    Other vessel types No. of vessels Average engine power (kW)

    Push boat / Push Tug 1,164 317

    Tug 795 397

    Passenger 2,359 371

    Other 2,650 436

    Source: SAB, processed by BCI

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 17 of 97

    2.1.4 Operational characteristics

    This section will discuss the operational characteristics of IWT vessels, with a focus on fuel

    consumption. Diesel is the primary fuel for inland waterway vessels. The usage of other

    fuels are, until now, very limited. In this section, fuel use should is equivalent to diesel.

    The fuel consumption of a ship depends on various factors, such as the ship design, the

    engine and the type of operations (see also chapter 3). The study concentrates on the spe-

    cific fuel use of different ship categories and the annual fuel consumption by inland water-

    way transport.

    Fuel use

    First of all, the specific fuel depends on the design of the ship, as well as the engine design.

    The engine creates the propulsion to elevate the water resistance of the ship.

    Thus, the specific fuel use is related to the energy efficiency of the engine, the efficiency of

    the propulsion and the water resistance of the ship. Overall, newer ships are more energy

    efficient, because of a better design (shape), which reduces the water resistance of the

    ship, more efficient engines and more efficient propellers.

    Second, the fuel use depends on the travels the vessel makes. The fuel use for sailing on a

    canal differs from sailing on a river, let alone sailing upstream or downstream. Also the wa-

    ter level is an important factor, since the propeller of a ship is much more efficient for high

    water than for low water. And finally, the loaded volume is an important factor for the fuel

    consumption, because of the draught of the ship and the proportionate resistance in the


    NEA4 has published the specific fuel use for inland vessels in 2009. The study presents

    average fuel use per category, based on an average operation for the load and the type of

    waterway. Table 2.9 presents the specific fuel use for different ship types:

    Table 2.9 Specific fuel use per CEMT category for motor vessels and convoys

    CEMT Specific fuel use (litres/hour)

    Motor vessels I 36.8 II 54.0 III 73.3 IVa 139.5 Va 240.8 VIa 327.2 Convoys IVa 123.9 Va 196.7 Vb+ 245.1

    Source: NEA, 2009

    4 NEA (2009); Cost structure inland waterway transport 2008 (Kostenkengetallen binnenvaart 2008)

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 18 of 97

    The specific fuel use increases for the CEMT-categories. The table above shows that the

    specific fuel consumption is in line with the average engine power and the size of the ship.

    The specific fuel use for combinations is not presented in this table. When operated in a

    convoy (motor vessel pushing a push barge), the specific fuel use of the motor vessel will

    be higher, due to a higher pay load. For the use of motor vessels in combinations and the

    tonnage of the combinations, there is no data available.

    Exploitation models

    The CCNR distinguishes three exploitation models for inland ships. The exploitation models

    prescribe the necessary crew on a ship and the maximum sailing hours per day and per

    week. The exploitation model is not permanent, but can be changed during the year by the

    ship owner. Depending on the transport demand (availability of cargo) and the destination of

    the cargo, the ship owner will change the exploitation category. This means that the exploi-

    tation model of a ship changes over time, there is no direct relation between the ship type

    and the exploitation model. Table 2.10 presents the maximum sailing hours per exploitation


    Table 2.10 Overview of exploitation models for inland shipping

    Exploitation model Description Maximum hours per day Estimated hours per year

    A1 Day-trip basis 14 hours 3,360 hours

    A2 Semi continuous 18 hours 4,752 hours

    B Full continuous 24 hours 8,064 hours

    Source: NEA, 20095

    The total fuel consumption of inland vessels can now be calculated from the following com-


    1 The specific fuel use per ship type (in tons fuel per hour)

    2 The number of ships per ship type (in no. of ships)

    3 The number of operating hours per year (operating hours per year)

    Since the exact exploitation model of the vessels is unknown (and changes over time), a

    bandwidth for the annual fuel use will be calculated. The boundaries for this bandwidth are

    defined by the minimum number of operating hours (e.g. full exploitation as day-trip vessels)

    and the maximum number of operating hours (e.g. full continuous sailing vessels). The cal-

    culation for this bandwidth is presented in table 2.11.

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 19 of 97

    Table 2.11 Annual fuel usage of inland shipping, based on three exploitation models (tons x 1,000)

    Motor vessels No. of vessels (2012)

    Specific fuel use (litres/hour)

    Day-trip basis (3,360 hours)

    Semi continuous (4,752 hours)

    Full continuous (8,064 hours)

    I 1,051 37 109 154 261 II 1,168 54 177 251 426 III 3,025 73 624 882 1,497 IVa 1,779 140 698 987 1,675 Va 1,202 241 814 1,151 1,953 VIa 146 327 134 190 322 Convoys 0 0 0 IVa 811 124 283 400 678 Va 1,975 197 1,092 1,545 2,622 Vb+ 81 245 56 79 134

    Total 11,238 123* 3,987 5,639 9,569

    Source: BCI 2014, (using SAB, IVR and NEA)

    *Average fuel use for all categories

    The annual fuel use for the inland waterway fleet varies between 4 million and 9.5 million

    tons. This bandwidth is based on calculations for the exploitation as a day-trip vessel (low

    fuel use per year) or exploitation as a full continuous vessel, and with an estimated number

    of operational hours per year (table 2.13) which assumes that all the ships sail almost 90%

    of the legally permitted sailing hours.

    In case of the lower limit, when all the ships operate with a minimum of operating hours, the

    total fuel use will be 4 million tons per year. This assumes a strong underestimation. The

    upper limit of 9.5 million tons per year is the result of the maximum operating hours for each

    ship, which implies an overestimation. The bandwidth of 4 – 9.5 million tons fuel use can be

    narrowed. The vessels operating on day-trip basis are, in general, the smaller ships with

    lower fuel use, while the ships with a higher operating profile are, in general, the larger

    ships with a higher fuel use. The expected annual fuel use will be 5.5 – 8.5 million tons.

    2.1.5 Conclusions

    This section describes the development of inland waterway transport, the trends in fleet

    development and the fuel consumption of the inland fleet. In recent years, the transported

    volume shows a small increase. Nevertheless, the transport volume in 2012 is still 10% un-

    der the volume of 2008. Meanwhile, the IWT fleet has expanded, both in the number of ves-

    sels and the total volume of the vessels. Finally, the average volume per vessel has in-

    creased, due to enlargement of scale.

    The fuel consumption of the inland fleet depends on the ship size, the engine power and the

    operational characteristics and exploitation of the ship. Based on the available information,

    the fuel use for inland vessels in the Rhine corridor is estimated at 5.5-8.5 million tons per

    year in 2012. Part of the inland waterway fleet will converse to LNG, in the future. Section

    2.4 and 2.5 will focus on the possible use of LNG by the inland vessels.

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 20 of 97

    2.2 Current fleet for Short sea shipping

    2.2.1 Introduction

    This paragraph gives an overview of the developments of short sea vessels and deep sea

    vessels with activities in Northern Europe. These vessels are likely to bunker fuels in the

    port of Antwerp, Zeebrugge or Rotterdam. The focus lies on the activities of the fleet in

    Northern Europe, its development and operational characteristics. The analysis concludes

    with an estimation for the annual fuel use of the seagoing fleet with activities in Northern


    In order to perform this analysis, different sources have been consulted, and data of various

    studies has been combined. Table 2.12 below gives a short overview of the literature for

    this study.

    Table 2.12 Overview of the literature for the analysis of the sea going vessels

    Publisher Title Relevant information

    UNCTAD Review maritime transport 2013 (2013) Fleet and fleet development

    Lloyd’s Register LNG-fuelled deep sea shipping (2012) Fleet and fleet development

    DMA North European LNG infrastructure project


    Fleet active in Northern Europe

    Fuel use of fleet in Northern Europe

    IMO Updated 2000 study on greenhouse gas emis-

    sions from ships (2008)

    Engine power main engines and auxilia-

    ry engines

    Specific fuel use for engines

    Recently, an update for the IMO study in Greenhouse gas has been published (June 2014).

    This new publication presents new data and adjusted calculation methods for fuel use and

    CO2 emission by sea going vessels. Though, the publication from 2008 provides the data,

    needed for this study, on specific fuel consumption for different vessel categories.

    2.2.2 Trends in fleet development for seagoing vessels

    Total size of the fleet; short sea and deep sea

    The UNCTAD6 reported a total fleet size of 1.6 billion tonnages (in deadweight tonnage or

    dwt) in 2013. According to UNCTAD, the total volume of seagoing vessels increased by

    28% between 2010 and 2013. Table 2.13 gives an overview of the total tonnage per ship


    6 UNCTAD (2013); Review maritime transport 2013

    7 This increase is not subject to changes in definition

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 21 of 97

    Table 2.13 World fleet of sea going vessels; short sea and deep sea (in dwt x 1000)

    Principal types 2010 2011 2012 2013

    Fleet develop-


    2010-2013 (%)

    Oil tankers 450,053 474,846 469,516 490,743 9%

    Bulk carriers 456,623 532,039 623,006 684,673 50%

    General cargo ships 108,232 108,971 80,825 80,345 -26%

    Container ships 169,158 183,859 196,853 206,577 22%

    Other types: 92,072 96,028 166,667 166,445 81%

    • Gas carriers 40,664 43,339 44,060 44,346 9%

    • Chemical tankers 7,354 5,849 23,238 23,293 217%

    • Off-shore 24,673 33,227 70,767 69,991 184%

    • Ferries and passenger ships 6,152 6,164 5,466 5,504 -11%

    • Other/n.a. 13,229 7,450 23,137 23,312 76% World total 1,276,137 1,395,743 1,536,868 1,628,783 28%

    Source: UNCTAD 2013 (Review of the Maritime transport 2010-2013)

    The main increase in the total volume of sea going vessels is caused by the increase of

    bulk carriers, oil tankers and container vessels. Furthermore, there is a remarkable growth

    in chemical tankers and ships for the off-shore industry. The total volume of ships for gen-

    eral cargo decreased by almost 30 million tons. One of the main reasons for this reduction

    is the containerisation of goods.

    A large part of the world fleet is operating only outside Northern Europe. For an analysis of

    the fleet that does operate in European waters, DMA8 presents figures from 2010. Accord-

    ing to the DMA study, the world fleet counted approximately 106 thousand ships, with a total

    volume of 1.43 billion tonnages (dwt). More than 14,000 ships visit the Emission Control

    Area (ECA) in Northern Europe more or less frequently. In conclusion, 13% of the world

    fleet visits the ECA in Northern Europe and only 2% of the ships operate solely within this

    region. The total volume of the ships that is active in the ECA accounts for 413 million dwt

    (29% of the volume of the world fleet)9. Table 2.14 gives an overview of the total world fleet

    and the number of ships visiting the ECA in Northern Europe.

    Table 2.14 Number of ships of the global fleet and the ships with activities in ECA-Northern Europe; short sea

    and deep sea

    Ship types



    Active in

    N- Europe


    in ECA


    in ECA

    1%-49% in


    Tanker (LNG tankers


    14,213 3,105 138 600 2,367

    LNG tanker 360 69 3 0 66

    Bulker & General Cargo 26,781 5,572 293 1,047 4,232

    Container & Ro-Ro 7,410 1,964 190 228 1,546

    Passengers 8,392 766 444 105 2,17

    Miscellaneous 49,622 2,536 1166 671 699

    Total 106,778 14,012 2,234 2,651 9,127

    Source: DMA 2012

    8 DMA (2012); North European LNG infrastructure project

    9 DMA (2012); North European LNG infrastructure project

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 22 of 97

    Note that there are inconsistencies in the data on total fleet development: UNCTAD data for

    2010 show a total volume of the world fleet of 1.27 billion tonnage (dwt), whereas the DMA

    study assumes a total volume of 1.43 billion tons. The difference between both studies ac-

    counts 156 million tons (14%) This variety is explained by the used data sources by

    UNCTAD and DMA; UNCTAD uses the shipping database, provided by Clarkson, and in-

    cludes all ships from 100 GT and above, whereas DMA use AIS data for ship movements in

    2010. The UNCTAD study shows more recent data, but does not distinguish the ships that

    are active within the North-European ECA.

    Age of the fleet

    The average age of the world fleet is just over 20 years10. The fleet of General Cargo ships

    is, on average, the oldest segment of the fleet with an average age of 22 years; more than

    50% of the ships are over 20 years of age. The bulk carriers and container ships represent

    the youngest fleet; for both vessel types, 50% of the ships are 0-10 years old. In recent

    years, an enlargement of the ship size occurred; 35% of all the ships are 0-10 years old, but

    the total volume of these ships exceed 60% of the total volume. The figures 2.11 and 2.12

    present the age distribution of the world fleet by number of ships and volume.


    UNCTAD (2013); Review maritime transport 2013

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 23 of 97

    Figure 2.11 Age distribution of the world fleet by number of ships

    Source: UNCTAD 2013 (Review of the Maritime transport 2010-2013)

    Figure 2.12 Age distribution of the world fleet by volume

    Source: UNCTAD 2013 (Review of the Maritime transport 2010-2013)































    Bulk carriers

    Container ships

    General cargo

    Oil tankers


    All ships

    Age distribution of the world fleet by no. of ships

    0–4 years 5–9 years 10–14 years 15–19 years 20 + years































    Bulk carriers

    Container ships

    General cargo

    Oil tankers


    All ships

    Age distribution of the fleet by volume (dwt)

    0–4 years 5–9 years 10–14 years 15–19 years 20 + years

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 24 of 97

    The fleet of bulk carriers showed a rapid growth until 2012. The oil tankers fleet has been

    renovated in the nineties, due to the replacement of the single hull vessels by double hull

    vessels. The container fleet expanded in the recent decade, due to containerization. This

    process of containerization also resulted in the limited replacement of the general cargo


    2.2.3 Vessel categories and characteristics

    The DMA-study11 presents an overview of ships in 75 specific categories, of which 73 cate-

    gories are seagoing vessels. The categories describe the type of ship, the size of the ship

    (in dead weight tonnage) and specifications for the function of the ship. Table 2.15 gives an

    overview of the main categories with a subdivision based on function and further specifica-

    tions. Annex 2 gives a complete overview of the ship types, the number of ships in the world

    fleet and the number of ships that are active in ECA Northern Europe:

    Table 2.15 Categories and type of ships in the DMA database

    No. Category Type No. Sub-

    categories Specification

    1 Tanker (LNG tankers excluded)

    Chemical/Products 4 Size by dwt

    Crude 5 Size by dwt

    LPG 2 Size by cbm

    Other tanker 2 Size by dwt

    Products 5 Size by dwt

    Pure Chemical 4 Size by dwt

    2 LNG-tanker* LNG 2 Size by cbm

    3 Bulker & General Cargo Bulker 6 Size by dwt

    General cargo 5 Size by dwt

    Other dry 3 Specials and reefer

    4 Container & Ro-ro Container 6 Size by TEU

    Ro-ro 2 Size by CEU

    Vehicle (PCC) 2 Size by CEU

    5 Passenger Ferry 5 Function: Pax/RoPax

    Cruise 2 Size by no. of passengers

    Yacht 1 6 Miscellaneous Fishing 3 Function: e.g. trawlers

    Off shore 8 Function: Drilling, supply, platforms, etc.

    Services 11 Function: Tugs, workboats, research

    Other 6 Function: e.g. pontoons

    Source: DMA 2012

    *LNG-tankers are LNG carrying vessels. They form a special category for the in the DMA analysis.


    DMA (2012); North European LNG infrastructure project

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 25 of 97

    Type and function

    The active fleet within the Emission Control Area (ECA) in Northern Europe counts just over

    14 thousand ships (see also table 2.13). The myriad of the active fleet in Northern Europe

    consists of bulk carriers, tankers and container & Ro-ro vessels. Figure 2.13 gives the dis-

    tribution of the ship types that are active in Northern Europe. The DMA database gives no

    insight in the specific port visits of the ship types.

    Figure 2.13 Type of ships in the Northerern European fleet

    Source: DMA 2012

    The myriad of the ships with activities in ECA-Northern Europe are ships for general cargo

    (3,060) and bulk carriers (2,050). Furthermore, the active fleet in Northern Europe consists

    of 1,546 chemical tankers and just over 1000 container ships. The service ships and ferries

    are mostly dedicated to the ECA. Respectively 61% and 77% of these ship types sail 100%

    in the ECA-Northern Europe.

    2.2.5 Operational profile and fuel usage

    Average sailing days at sea

    In 2008, IMO12 has performed a study for emissions by sea going vessels. Based on a

    sample of 40.000 ships, they presented an overview of average sailing days per ship type

    and the operating hours for the auxiliary engines. Table 2.16 presents the average sailing

    and the running days for the auxiliary engine.


    IMO (2008); Updated 2000 study on greenhouse gas emissions from ships


    22% 0,4%




    Active ships in ECA-Northern Europe

    Bulker & General Cargo Tanker ex LNG LNG tanker

    Container & Roro Miscellaneous Passenger

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 26 of 97

    Table 2.16 Running days per year for main engine and auxiliary engine


    Days at sea (main engines)

    Running days auxiliary engines

    Tanker (LNG tankers ex-cluded)

    211 417

    LNG tanker 267 425

    Bulker & General Cargo 237 410

    Container & Ro-ro 238 437

    Passenger 228 360

    Miscellaneous 210 360

    Source: IMO 2008

    Auxiliary engines will be used during manoeuvres with higher risks, for example when enter-

    ing a port, and for the operations for pumps, cranes and winches. For the latter operations

    (in the port), onshore power supply can be used, which lowers the fuel use by auxiliary en-

    gines. During sailing hours, the auxiliary engines supply the on-board electricity, among

    others for cargo care (ventilation and refrigeration). Some ships are equipped with more

    auxiliary engines, which explain why the number of running days exceeds the number of

    days per year. Moreover, the running hours of the auxiliary engines exceed the running

    hours of the main engine and form substantial factor for the total fuel use.

    Annex 3 provides an overview of the days at sea and the running days for the auxiliary en-

    gines per category.

    Engine power and fuel use for the analyses of engine power and fuel use, the fleet will be

    further categorized, according to their size. This categorization only accounts for cargo car-

    riers and not for passenger ships, fishing boats, etcetera. The latter ship categories might

    be interesting targets for conversion to LNG, especially passenger ships. The opportunities

    of LNG for passenger ships will be addressed in the demand study.

    Table 2.17 shows the definition for the categories for the cargo carrying fleet.

    Table 2.17 Definition size categories for different ship types (in TEU for container vessels and cbm for all other)

    Type of ship Specific function Large Medium Small

    Tanker ex LNG Chemical/Products 120,000+ 20,000-60,000

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 27 of 97

    Engine power

    The main engine in the ship provides the propulsion of the ship. All the ships are equipped

    with an auxiliary engine for electricity supply and other services on board; (crude) tankers

    are also equipped with a boiler engine to heat the residual oil for the main engine and for

    heating and pumping of the cargo.

    This section presents an analysis of the engine powers for main engine and auxiliary en-

    gines, based on the databases from the DMA-report (2012) and IMO report (2008). Annex 3

    provides the complete overview of the engine power (main engine and auxiliary engine) for

    each ship type.

    Table 2.18 presents the average engine power for the main engine, while table 2.19 pre-

    sents the average power for the auxiliary engine:

    Table 2.18 Average power of the main engine per ship type and size category (in kW)

    Ship type Average of fleet

    Large size Medium size Small size

    Tanker ex LNG 7,840 20,843 7,135 6,123

    LNG tanker 30,957 37,322 24,592

    Bulker & General Cargo 6,595 16,166 9,061 3,894

    Container & Ro-ro 23,840 68,477 28,190 7,243

    Passenger 17,922

    Miscellaneous 3,030

    Source: IMO 2008

    Table 2.19 Average power of the auxiliary engine per ship type and size category (in kW)

    Ship type Average of fleet

    Large size Medium size Small size

    Tanker ex LNG 607 1,133 602 538

    LNG tanker 2,910 3,210 2,610

    Bulker & General Cargo 453 746 541 339

    Container & Ro-ro 1,362 3,081 1,580 659

    Passenger 893

    Miscellaneous 314

    Source: IMO 2008

    Container ships, passenger ships and LNG tankers have a relatively high engine power,

    because they are designed for a high sailing speed. The reason for this is the desired short

    trip time. For container ships, this is because of the high value of the goods and time to

    marker, for LNG this is because of the heat losses of the cryogenic tanks and for passen-

    gers this is related to the relative high value of time of persons.

    The design speed and engine power of new ships are currently in a downward trend. This

    has to do with the EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index) requirements and the expected

    increase in future fuel costs. Also the average ship size is increasing, because energy con-

    sumption per ton kilometre and other costs are lower for larger vessels.

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 28 of 97

    The power of the auxiliary engines depends largely on the necessary equipment on the

    ship. Crude carriers and tanker ships are also equipped with steam boilers. The boilers are

    being used to heat up the residual oil for combustion and for cargo heating or pumping of

    cargo. LNG carriers also use steam turbines for the propulsion, instead of a combustion

    engine. These turbines are being heated up by a boiler system. The IMO study from 2008

    presents an estimation of the fuel use for boiler systems, based on the expert meeting13.

    Table 2.20 gives an overview of these assumptions for the fuel use of boiler systems:

    Table 2.20 Fuel use for boiler engines on tankers

    Ship type Volume Fuel use boiler engine

    VLCC 200,000+ dwt 250 tons per discharge of the vessel

    Suez Max Tankers 120-200,000 dwt 150 tons per voyage

    Aframax Tankers

    80-120,000 dwt 60 tons per year

    Small Crude Tankers 60-79,999 dwt

    10-59,999 dwt

    < 9,999 dwt

    30 tons per day

    15 tons per day

    5 tons per day

    Product tankers

    60,000+ dwt 20 -59,999 dwt 10 -19,999 dwt 5 -9,999 dwt -4,999 dwt

    60 tons per day

    50 tons per day

    30 tons per day

    15 tons per day

    5 tons per day

    LNG tankers All 190 tons per day

    Source: IMO 2008

    Fuel use

    The annual fuel use is related to the engine power (main engine and auxiliary engine), the

    running days and the energy efficiency of a ship (specific fuel oil consumption, SFOC).

    Tables 2.21 and 2.22 present the average energy efficiency for the main engines and the

    auxiliary engines (in g fuel / kWh) that has been used for the IMO-study:

    Table 2.21 Specific fuel oil consumption for the main engine (in g fuel / kWh)

    Engine age Above 15000 kW 15000- 5000 kW Below 5000 kW

    < 1983 205 215 225

    1984-2000 185 195 205

    2001-present 175 185 195

    Source: IMO 2008


    IMO (2007); Revision of the MARPOL Annex VI and the NOx technical code - Input from the four subgroups

    and individual experts to the final report of the Informal Cross Government/Industry Scientific Group of Ex-


  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 29 of 97

    Table 2.22 Specific fuel oil consumption for the auxiliary engine (in g fuel / kWh)

    Engine age Above 800 kW Below 800

    Any 230 245

    Source: IMO 2008

    The DMA study presents the fuel use in ECA in Northern Europe. For this calculation, the

    specific fuel uses were calculated for each category and for different age-categories. Table

    2.23 presents the total fuel use for main engines and auxiliary engines in 2010:

    Table 2.23 Fuel use per year for ship types and size categories (in tons x 1,000 per year)

    Ship type Fuel use Large size Medium size Small size Unspeci-


    Tanker ex LNG 2,487 103 788 1,572 24

    LNG tanker 38 0 38 0 0

    Bulker & General Cargo 2,343 19 404 1,675 245

    Container & Ro-ro 5,254 460 1,744 1,219 1,831

    Passenger 416 0 0 0 416

    Miscellaneous 902 0 0 0 902

    Total in ECA – North Europe 11,440 583 2,973 4,465 3,419

    Source: DMA 2012

    2.2.6 Conclusions

    In section 2.2, the fleet of seagoing vessels that are active in Northern Europe has been

    described. The number of seagoing vessels with activities in Northern Europe consists of

    14,021 ships. This part of the fleet is likely to bunker their fuel in the ports of Zeebrugge,

    Antwerp or Rotterdam, as part of the Rhine corridor.

    Furthermore, the paragraph describes the annual fuel use of seagoing vessels, and particu-

    larly the vessels with activities in Northern Europe. The estimated fuel consumption is

    based on the engine power per ship type and the sailing hours. The total fuel use for the

    ships that were active in Northern Europe is estimated at 11 million tons fuel (MGO and

    HFO) in 2010.

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 30 of 97

    2.3 Prognosis for fleet development

    2.3.1 Development of inland shipping

    Transport volume

    The development of the volume for inland waterway transport depends on the development

    of the transport demand, both sea port related and continental transport and, second, on the

    market share for IWT (modal split). TNO has developed different scenarios for inland wa-

    terway transport until the year 210014. These long term scenarios are determined from two

    variables for economic developments (high growth and low growth) and the interest in sus-

    tainable development (moderate climate change and accelerated climate change). Figure

    2.14 explains the points of departure for the scenarios.

    Figure 2.14 Variables for scenario development

    Source: TNO, 2010

    Figure 2.15 below presents the development for inland waterway transport for these scenar-

    ios for the period 2010-2050, based on the transported volume of 2010.


    TNO (2012); Shipping scenarios for the delta programme (Scheepsscenario’s voor het Deltaprogramma)

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 31 of 97

    Figure 2.15 Scenarios for transport volume by IWT on the Rhine between 2010 and 2050

    Source: TNO, 2010

    The assumptions for economic growth correspond to the long term scenarios, developed by

    the Central Planning Office of the Netherlands in 2006. The high economic growth in these

    scenarios is estimated at 2.1% per year, while the low economic growth is 1.2% per year.

    The economic development explains the total transport demand within the Hamburg – Le

    Havre range.

    The assumptions for climate change are based on the long term scenarios by the Intergov-

    ernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2013), which have been translated to the

    Dutch/ Northern European situation by the Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI). These

    scenarios describe the expected water level in the Rhine delta, which affect the opportuni-

    ties for inland waterway transport within the Rhine corridor.

    Furthermore, the scenarios assume modal shift from road transport to more sustainable

    modes of transport (rail and inland shipping). This modal shift is (partly) the result of the

    European policies to stimulate multimodal transport within the EU.

    TNO presents transport development in lower and higher volume scenarios. The bandwidth

    for the high growth scenarios is 302 - 322 million tons per year in 2050. This means an av-

    erage annual growth of 1.6 to 1.8% per year. The bandwidth for the low growth scenario is

    between 240 and 255 million tons per year, with an average annual growth between 0.7 to









    2010 2020 2030 2040 2050Tra






    e I





    x m



    ) Transport volumes for inland waterway

    Steam Pressure Warm Calm

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 32 of 97

    Prognosis of the IWT fleet

    Due to the expansion of the total fleet in 2008 and 2009 and the enlargement of the ships,

    there is an over capacity of the volume for inland waterway transport. TNO ea.15 estimated

    an overcapacity of 300 million tons for inland waterway transport on the Rhine in 2010. Re-

    lated to the scenarios for the transport demand for inland waterway, a shortage of the avail-

    able capacity is only expected for the high growth scenario after 2040 (see figure 2.16).

    Figure 2.16 Transported volumes on the Rhine 2010-2050

    Source: TNO 2010, TNO 2012

    New ships can be delivered within three years; this means that there is no urgency for fur-

    ther expansion of the fleet. Though, most of the ships are rather old and do not comply with

    the emission norms of CCR-2. At the European level, the discussion has started to enforce

    a new scrapping scheme for the older vessels. The purpose of this scheme is to accelerate

    the modernization of the inland waterway fleet. The exact figures of the effect of these pro-

    grammes are at the moment not available. Furthermore, little is known about the installation

    of new engines or (SCR) catalysts.


    TNO ea. (2012); Multimodal international container network (Multimodaal internationaal container netwerk)








    2010 2020 2030 2040 2050






    e IW

    T (

    in t


    s x



    Transport volumes for inland waterway

    Steam Pressure Warm Calm Over capacity (2010)

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 33 of 97

    Prognosis of the IWT fuel use

    The total transported volume in 2012 by inland waterway transport was almost 700 million

    tons, while the total fuel use of the inland waterway vessels has been estimated 5.5 – 8.5

    million tons. The main driver for the future fuel use by inland waterway vessels is the ex-

    pected transport volume.

    Table 2.24 presents the estimated fuel use for the future years, related to the prognosis for

    fuel use as presented in figure 2.16.

    Table 2.14 Development of fuel use by inland vessels 2012-2035 (in million tons)

    2012 2015 2020 2035

    Lower band 5.5 5.7 6.0 6.6

    Upper band 8.5 9.0 9.8 12.0

    Source: BCI (2014) based on TNO (2012)

    The band width calculated for the fuel use in 2035 ranges from 6.6 million tons to 12.0 mil-

    lion tons. This widening band width is due to the combination of the estimated bandwidth for

    the fuel use in 2012 (5.5-8 million tons) in combination with the diverging scenarios for the

    transported volume.

    The expected enlargement of the ships, in combination with the technical improvement of

    vessel engines will diminish the fuel use. Thus, the expected fuel use in the future will curve

    down to the lower band. On the other hand, persistent lower water levels will result in lower

    capacity use and a higher fuel use per tonnage.

    2.3.2 Development of seagoing transport and short sea

    UNCTAD reports an overall growth of the volume of the world fleet of 28% between 2010

    and 2013. This growth is directly related to an increase in international trade and the de-

    mand for oversea transport of goods. Just like with IWT, the response of total fleet devel-

    opment to economic changes is in delay. An illustration: The downturn on the demand for

    transport volume in 2008 lead to a decline of orders for new ships in 2009. Meanwhile, the

    fleet still increased. Only from 2012 onwards, the number of new deliveries starts to decline.

    The DMA study explains the changes in the world fleet by expansion of the fleet and by

    replacements of the older vessels. The expansion of the fleet is estimated at 2% per year,

    while the replacement of older vessels is estimated at 2% per year, as well. According to

    these estimations, the total fleet will increase by 35% between 2010 and 2025, due to an

    increase of the average ship size. For the fleet with activities in the ECA in Europe, the ex-

    pected number of vessels in 2025 is nearly 19,000.

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 34 of 97

    Lloyd’s Register16 estimated an expected fleet development of 35% between 2011 and

    2020 and a further growth of 18% between 2020 and 2025, measured in gross tonnage.

    In 2007, an IMO17 expert group estimated the fleet development between 2006 and 2020. In

    their estimations, they distinguish the fleet development for different ship types and size

    categories. The average annual growth of the total fleet was estimated 3.7% per year.

    The DNV study18 presents two different scenarios for the development of the fleet. The

    higher growth scenario estimates an increase of the fleet between 50-60% between 2012

    and 2020, whereas the lower growth scenario presents a growth of 25-30% for the same

    period. The expected annual growth for the high and low scenario is respectively 6% and

    3%. Applied to the fleet size according to Lloyd’s in 2012, the absolute increase of the

    ocean going fleet is 560-280.

    The studies of DMA, Lloyd’s register, DNV and IMO present the fleet developments for dif-

    ferent time horizons. Figure 2.17 illustrates the estimated fleet development for these stud-

    ies from 2010 until 2020/2025.

    Figure 2.172 Expected fleet development 2010-2025

    Source: Lloyd’s Register, DMA, DNV, IMO


    Lloyd’s Register (2012); LNG-fuelled deep sea shipping 17

    IMO (2007); Revision of the MARPOL Annex VI and the NOx technical code - Input from the four subgroups and individual experts to the final report of the Informal Cross Government/Industry Scientific Group of Ex-perts

    18 DNV (2012); Shipping 2020












    2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025





    e (


    t in


    ns x




    Development of fleet volume 2010-2025

    Dev. gross tonnage Lloyd's (world fleet) Dev. dead weight tonnage DMA (ECA fleet)

    Dev. dead weight tonnage DMA (world fleet) Dev. gross tonnage IMO (2007)

    Dev. gross tonnage DNV (high) Dev. gross tonnage DNV (low)

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 35 of 97

    Lloyd’s, DMA and the IMO expert group present comparable growth figures until 2020/2025

    (2-4% per year). The replacement rate of older vessels is estimated at 2%, but could turn

    out to be a little higher in reality. The economic lifetime of a ship is 25-30 years, but the ac-

    tual life time is much longer. The life time of the ships might go down, because innovations

    and enlargement of the ship size require an accelerated depreciation rate. Consequently,

    the rate of new built vessels lies between 4-7% per year.

    Expected fuel use by sea going vessels

    The fuel use will be estimated, based on the development of transport demand, the fleet

    size and the characteristics of the fleet.

    First of all, the sea going fleet with transport activities in Northern Europe consisted of 14

    thousand ships. The total fuel consumption of this part of the fleet is estimated at 11 million

    tons fuel (mostly MDO/MGO and HFO). For the future years, the ocean going fleet will ex-

    pand with, approximately, 2-4% per year, due to an increase in international trade. Further-

    more, the replacement rate of the ships varies from 2-3% per year. Table 2.25 presents the

    upper and lower bound for the development of the fleet size:

    Table 2.253 Upper and lower bound for fleet development sea going vessels

    2012 2015 2020 2035

    Lower band 14,021 14,879 16,428 22,110

    Upper band 14,021 15,772 19,189 34,558

    Source: Lloyd’s Register, DMA, DNV, IMO

    For the period 2012-2035, the fleet will expand from 14 thousand ships to 22 – 35 thousand

    ships. On average, the number of new built ships is 700-1560 per year. This estimation is

    based on an increase in transport demand in Northern Europe. The expansion of the fleet

    will result in a growing fuel use for sea going vessels (2-4% per year), but there are more

    aspects that influence the fuel use.

    The increase of the ship size and the replacement of the ships will affect the composition of

    the fleet significantly. The average ship size will increase, due to enlargement of the ships.

    Also the composition of the fleet will develop strongly. The growth segments for sea going

    vessels are mainly product tankers, LNG (gas) tankers and container ships, while share of

    crude tankers, dry bulk ships and general cargo ships will decrease. Notable is that the

    ships in the growth segments have a relatively high specific fuel use, which will result in a

    higher fuel use per transported ton.

    Finally, improving engine technologies, ship design and naval architecture increase the en-

    ergy efficiency of the ships. In this regard, the IMO has adopted the EEDI and the Ship En-

    ergy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), to impose the sector to decrease the energy

    use. DNV has performed a study to assess the effect of EEDI and SEEMP for fuel use and

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 36 of 97

    CO2-emissions. The expected result of the EEDI and SEEMP is a decrease in fuel usage

    up to 10-40% for an individual ship19.

    Although energy efficiency of the ships increases, the overall fuel use by sea going vessels

    is expected to grow. DNV (2011) concludes that the fuel use by the world fleet will increase

    by 40-70% for the period 2010-2035, even when energy efficiency measures have been

    implemented. The calculations have been performed for the high growth and a low growth

    scenario, in accordance with the IPCC-scenarios. Table 2.26 presents the development of

    the fuel use from the DNV-study for the sea going fleet with activities in Northern Europe:

    Table 2.264 Bandwidth for the fuel use of the sea going vessels in Northern Europe 2012-2035

    2012 2015 2020 2035

    EEDI/SEEMP - High

    growth 11.0 11.6 12.7


    EEDI/SEEMP - Low

    growth 11.0 11.5 12.4 15.5

    Source: BCI, 2014

    The expected fuel consumption for the sea going vessel with activities in Northern Europe is

    expected to grow at the same pace as the fuel consumption of the world fleet. Table 2.28

    shows that the fuel use of these ships varies from 15.5-18.7 million tonnes in 2035. The

    main driver for the increasing fuel consumption is the increasing transport demand. Due to

    the energy efficiency schemes for the shipping industry, the increase in fuel use will be


    2.4 Current and expected LNG fleet in IWT and

    Short Sea Shipping

    In this section an overview is given of the current and expected LNG fleet in Inland Water

    Transport (IWT) and Short Sea Shipping (SSS)20. The following subsections display the

    amount of LNG propelled vessels for IWT and SSS in the regions of the Rhine corridor and

    in North West Europe. Although their propulsion makes use of LNG, LNG carriers are not

    specifically treated in this study.

    Globally there are about 370 LNG carriers in operation, of which 260 have steam turbines

    able of burning Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) or boil-off gas. Another 60 LNG carriers are equipped

    as dual-fuel. 21


    DNV, 2011; Assessment of IMO mandated energy efficiency measures for international shipping 20

    In section 2.3 information is given on the total fleet in IWT and SSS, this section is focusing on the vessels

    using LNG for propulsion of the vessel 21

    Visser, A. (2012), World Fleet of LNG Carriers. ABB (2014), Reference list LNG carriers.

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 37 of 97

    The following table presents an overview of sources used in this analysis.

    Table 2.27 Overview of the literature for the analysis on current and expected LNG fleet in IWT and Short Sea


    Publisher Title Relevant information

    CCNR LNG IWT Project Database (2014) Database of current and planned LNG

    vessels in IWT

    DNV LNG for Shipping – Current status (2014) Database of current and planned LNG

    vessels in Maritime shipping

    DLH (ea) LNG as an alternative fuel for the operation of

    ships and heavy-duty vehicles (2014)

    Forecast for LNG usage in IWT and


    Panteia (ea) Contribution to Impact Assessment of

    measures for reducing emissions of inland

    navigation (2013)

    Forecast for LNG usage in IWT

    SER Duurzame Brandstofvisie met LEF: Deelrapport

    Brandstoftafel Scheepvaart

    Forecast for LNG usage in IWT and


    Lloyd’s Register LNG-fuelled deep sea shipping (2012) Forecast for LNG usage in Maritime


    DMA North European LNG infrastructure project


    Forecast for LNG usage in Maritime


    PWC Updated 2000 study on greenhouse gas emis-

    sions from ships (2008)

    Forecast for LNG usage in Maritime


    2.4.1 LNG propelled IWT vessels

    The number of current and expected LNG propelled IWT vessels in the Rhine Corridor are

    displayed in the following table. The number of LNG-fuelled IWT ships is limited. Currently,

    only 4 LNG propelled IWT vessels are operating in Europe, 14 more are either in production

    or in planning. Of the 4 LNG propelled IWT vessels in Europe, all four operate on the Rhine

    and Belgian and Dutch Inland Waterways. Of the 14 LNG propelled IWT vessels in produc-

    tion or in planning, nine will operate on the Rhine. The other five ships will operate on the

    Northern German Waterways or on the Danube. The four ships that are currently in use sail

    between the seaports and the inland ports along the Rhine22:

    The MS Argonon sails between Rotterdam and Antwerp and storage depots in the

    Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Switzerland. Bunkering is done in the Seaports.

    Greenstream and Green Rhine sail exclusively for one client between Rotterdam and

    storage depots along the Rhine (up to Basel). Bunkering is performed in Rotterdam.

    The MS Eiger sails between ports in the upper Rhine area (Mannheim, Strasbourg /

    Kehl, Ottmarsheim and Basel / Weil) and the seaports Antwerp and Rotterdam. It is un-

    known where the ships bunker.

    It is currently unknown where on the Rhine the planned ships will sail.

    Most ships currently sailing on LNG are chemical tankers. The ships that are planned or in

    production are more diverse in nature. About half are again tankers, but the newly devel-


    Source: CCNR 2014 and websites companies.

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    oped ships also involve some container and Ro-ro vessels. All current vessels and most of

    the planned vessels are partly financed by a public authority.23

    Table 2.28 Currently operating and planned IWT vessels with LNG

    Ship Ship type Engine type Engine power


    Delivered 2014 [kW] MTS Argonon Chemical Tanker 2x Caterpillar 2,500 Greenstream Chemical Tanker 4x Scania 300 kW 1,200 Green Rhine Chemical Tanker 4x Scania 300 kW 1,200 Eiger Container Vessel 2x Wärtsilä 6L20DF 2,200 Planned/ in production

    Damen River Tanker 1145 EcoLiner 1x Caterpillar 1,250 Multi-purpose Ro-Ro Ro-Ro Unspecified 1,200 I-Tankers 1403 and 1404 Chemical Tanker Unspecified 1,320 Combined tanker LNG-MGO Tanker Unspecified 1,320 LNG Tanker Chemical Tanker 1 x Wärtsilä 8L20DF 1,400 LNG Inland Tankers Chemical Tanker 1 x Wärtsilä 8L20DF 1,320 LNG Future Pusher Pusher Unspecified 1,320 Sirocco Chemical Tanker Unspecified 1,320 Gas-electric Container Vessel LNG SI-electric 1,200

    Source: CCNR (2014)

    Although much has been written on the introduction of LNG in IWT, there are only a few

    concrete forecasts on the uptake of LNG as a fuel type:

    In a recent study for the Dutch Fuel Vision for 2050, experts in IWT were consulted on

    their expectations for LNG uptake. They ranged the possible LNG uptake between 9%

    and 25% (SER 2014).

    In a recent impact assessment led by Panteia on greening of Inland Navigation, LNG

    was included as a measure for a stage 5 emission level (NOx 0.4 g/kWh, PM 0.01

    g/kWh). LNG was found to be suitable for application in newly built vessels exceeding

    110 m in length with a capacity of 2,750 ton or more, and in push boats with an engine

    power exceeding 2000 kW. Conversion to LNG is further economical for vessels ex-

    ceeding 135 m (or approx. 5000 t). In this scenario, uptake could amount for as much as

    50% of all capacity.

    Based on the above mentioned Impact Assessment, DLR ea. developed two scenarios for

    LNG uptake. The study considers LNG to be a viable option for new build vessels of with a

    capacity of 2,500 ton or more.

    In a moderate scenario, 50% of new build ships larger than 2,500 t between 2014 and

    2030 with LNG will be equipped with LNG. Furthermore, 10% of the container and tank-

    er fleet (larger than 2,500t) will be retrofitted. Total share of LNG is 15% in 2030.

    In an Accelerated scenario, 75% of new build ships larger than 2,500 t between 2014

    and 2030 with LNG will be equipped with LNG. Furthermore, 50% of the container and

    tanker fleet (larger than 2,500t) and 24% of the existing freighters will be retrofitted. To-

    tal share of LNG in 2030 is 30%.


    Source: CCNR 2014. It is unknown for which part of the total investments were financed by public sources.

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    The following table presents an overview of different forecasts for LNG uptake in 2015,

    2020 and 2035. Please note that most forecasts only take into account shares for the years

    2020 and 2030. The numbers presented in below table therefore consist of extrapolations of

    forecasts mentioned in the studies.

    Table 2.29 Scenarios for LNG uptake in 2015, 2020 and 2035

    LNG share 2015 2020 2035

    Minimum 0% 4% 12%

    Maximum 0% 15% 50%

    Average 0% 7% 34%

    Source: Calculations TNO based on CCNR 2014, SER (2014), Panteia ea. (2013) and DLR ea. (2014)

    The forecast includes both new built and retrofit vessels, and no division is available. Ex-

    pectations by experts is that retrofitting IWT vessels to LNG will be most suitable for push

    barges, partly because installing an LNG tank will not influence the loading capacity of the

    vessel, and because these vessels have a high fuel usage (see chapter 3). The demand for

    retrofit and new built will be further discussed in the Demand Study.

    2.4.2 LNG propelled SSS vessels

    According to recent figures from DNV (2014), the number of LNG-fuelled vessels is ex-

    pected to increase rapidly. The currently global operational LNG fleet in consists of 48 ves-

    sels. Another 50 vessels are scheduled for delivery by the end of 2018, see figure 2.18.

    Figure 2.18 Current and expected development of LNG-fuelled fleet, excluding LNG carriers and inland


    Source: DNV (2014)

    As shown in Figure 2.19, the largest share of this fleet is dominated by regional ferries, pa-

    trol vessels and platform supply vessels (PSV). Taking the planned ships into account (situ-

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 40 of 97

    ation of the year 2018), more than 60% of the LNG-fuelled vessels belong to this group of

    vessels. However, it is also observed that a growing share of the LNG vessels is expected

    for container ships, general cargo ships, chemical tanker as well as Ro-ro and RoPax.

    Figure 2.19 Breakdown of LNG-fuelled fleet by vessel type for the current and planned fleet (short) sea ship-


    Source: DNV, 2014

    Due to stricter emission control regulations, the largest number of these LNG ships is ex-

    pected to be concentrated in Europe and North America. LNG-fuelled ships are especially

    beneficial in ECA regions. In the order books, it is confirmed that the majority of the LNG-

    fuelled ships (approx. 56) will operate in Norway and the Baltic Sea. Vessels from Norway

    are partly financed through a NOX fund. The NOX fund supported to cover 80% of the addi-

    tional investment costs for installing an LNG vessel. Precondition for subsidy was that ves-

    sels only operate in Norwegian waters. In total, 49 vessels are partly financed by the NOx


    All vessels currently sailing in Europe, and most of the ships in development, are owned by

    Norwegian carriers, and are primarily sailing in the Baltic area. About 11 vessels in devel-

    opment are owned by other ship owners that are primarily based in the North Sea area.


    NHO (2013), The Norwegian NOx Fund – how does it work and results so far

  • Buck Consultants International / Pace Global / TNO 41 of 97

    Figure 2.20 Breakdown of European LNG-fuelled fleet by country of operator

    Source: TNO calculations based on DNV 2014

    Narrowing on the Rhine area

    Based on the type of vessel and the owner of the vessels a selection was made of ships

    that are relevant for the Rhine area. The selection was made based on the country of op-

    erator and the vessel type. Firstly, ships operating in US were excluded. The vessels oper-

    ating under US flag are relative small Ro-ro ships, and are assumed to sail short sea in US

    waters. For the other (European) ships, service vessels (such as patrol vessels, icebreakers

    or PSV) and the main part of the passenger ferries were excluded from the analysis. These

    vessels all sail under Norwegian (or Finnish) flag and are assumed to sail mainly in Norwe-

    gian waters. The other vessels are assumed to sail between different ports in the North-

    European area and were thus deemed relevant for the analysis. These ships sum up to 22

    short sea vessels (see Table 2.30).

    Table 2.30 Existing and planned LNG fuelled vessels relevant to the Rhine area.

    Current Planned

    Car/passenger ferry 4 Ro-Ro 4 General Cargo 2 2 LPG carrier 3 Chemical tanker 2 Gas carrier 2 Container Ship 2 Product tanker 1

    Total 2 20

    Source: TNO assumption based on DNV 2014

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    Estimates up to 2035

    Forecasts for LNG uptake in sea shipping vary significantly and are largely dependent on

    several drivers which will be discussed in chapter 3. Table 2.31 presents an overview of

    LNG penetration in shipping (dwt). Many sources such as DNV (2012), SER (2014) and

    Lloyds (2012) foresee an exponential growth path for LNG uptake. The uptake however is

    largely dependent on drivers such as the price difference between LNG and diesel, which is

    discussed in chapter 3.

    Table 2.31 Scenarios for LNG uptake until 2030 for short sea shipping

    2015 2020 2035

    Minimum (PWC, 2012 frozen scenario) 0% 1% 4% Maximum (DMA) 0% 15% 40% Average 0% 5% - 8% 20% - 26%

    Sources: TNO calculations based on DNV (2012), Lloyds (2012), PWC (2013), SER (2014)

    2.5 Current and expected LNG use per vessel cate-


    2.5.1 Current and expected LNG use for IWT

    Using information on the LNG propelled vessels from section 2.4 about the current fleet

    calculations were made on the total fuel usage of LNG propelled vessels. This calculation is

    based on:

    the engine size of the vessel;

    the average power usage of the engine (60% to 80% depending on the ship type);

    the energy efficiency of the engine (roughly 40%);

    the total operating hours of the motor of the vessel (4,700 for semi-continue operations

    and 6,000 for continued usage);

    the energy content of the fuel (49 MJ per kg LNG).

    Table 2.32 presents the outcome of the analysis. In the Rhine corridor currently approxi-

    mately 4 kton LNG per year is used by Inland Navigation. Including the planned capacity

    this increases to 10 kton. This fuel usage is only a fraction of the total fuel consumption in

    the Rhine Area (5.5 to 8.5 million. ton).

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    Table 2.32 LNG usage by inland vessels for the current and planned fleet

    Ship Ship type Engine type Total LNG usage

    Delivered 2014 [ton]

    MTS Argonon Chemical Tanker 2x Caterpillar 1,439

    Greenstream Chemical Tanker 4x Scania 300 kW 592

    Green Rhine Chemical Tanker 4x Scania 300 kW 592

    Eiger Container Vessel 2x Wartsila 6L20DF 1,616

    Total 2014


    Planned/ in production

    Damen River Tanker 1145 EcoLiner 1x Caterpillar 700

    Multi-purpose Ro-ro Ro-Ro Unspecified 504

    I-Tankers 1403 and 1404 Chemical Tanker Unspecified 651

    Combined tanker LNG-MGO Tanker Unspecified 651

    LNG Tanker coaster Chemical Tanker 1 x Wärtsilä 8L20DF 691

    LNG Inland Tankers Chemical Tanker 1 x Wärtsilä 8L20DF 651

    LNG Future Pusher Pusher Unspecified 651

    Sirocco Chemical Tanker Unspecified 651

    Gas-electric Container Vessel LNG SI-electric 504



    Total 2014 and planned 9,893

    Source: TNO calculations based on CCNR 2014

    In the forecast on LNG uptake, no information is given on the average size of the vessel. A

    first calculation of the total LNG usage up to 2035 based on the range for total fuel usage

    from section 2.3 and the different uptake scenario’s from section 2.4 is presented in the

    table below. As shown in table, the range is enormous: for the year 2035 it ranges from 0.8

    to 6.0 ton.

    Table 2.33 Expected LNG usage by IWT for the years 2015, 2020 and 2035 (mln ton)

    LNG share 2015 2020 2035

    Minimum 0 0.2- 0.4 0.8- 1.4

    Maximum 0.0 0.9- 1.5 3.3- 6

    Average 0.0 0.4- 0.7 2.2- 4.1

    Source: TNO calculation based on TNO (2012), CCNR (2014), SER (2014), Panteia ea. (2013),

    DLR (2014), DNV (2012), Lloyds (2012), PWC (2013)

    2.5.2 Current and expected LNG use for Short Sea Shipping

    The LNG usage for short sea shipping is calculated using the same methodology as Inland

    Shipping. As shown in the table, the fuel usage differs extensively per type of vessel.

    Smaller service vessels (tug boats, patrol vessels) use significantly less fuel (1,000 to 1,200

    ton per year) than for instance short sea container vessels or chemical tankers (around

    6,000 ton per year).

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    Table 2.34 LNG usage for selected ships for different short sea shipping types

    Ship type

    Engine power


    Average power (incl.

    aux. power)

    Days at sea Operation

    Engine efficiency

    Fuel energy LNG consumption

    [kW] [%] [hrs/year] [%] [MJ/hr] [kg/hr] [ton/year]

    Car/passenger ferry 4,400 30% 350 8,400 44% 10,800 220 1,851

    PSV 4,400 30% 350 8,400 44% 10,800 220 1,851

    Patrol vessel 4,000 30% 200 4,800 44% 9,818 200 962

    General Cargo 2,500 70% 200 4,800 44% 14,318 292 1,403

    RoPax 8,400 60% 300 7,200 44% 41,236 842 6,059

    Container Ship 12,000 70% 200 4,800 48% 63,000 1,286 6,171

    Ro-ro 5,400 50% 300 7,200 44% 22,