Local Lynx Issue 33 - Dec/Jan 2004

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Community newspaper for 10 North Norfolk villages - Bale, Binham, Cockthorpe, Field Dalling, Gunthorpe, Langham, Morston, Saxlingham, Sharrington, Stiffkey



& JANUARY 2004



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LOCAL LYNX - is a non-profit-making community newspaper, run for the benefit of ten villages. For information about submitting items for publication and about distribution, or if you want to help in any other way, please contact your named village representative. For general information and to advertise please ring Helen & Bob Brandt on 01328-830056. You can also send a fax on that number. The address is: 28 Binham Road, Langham, Holt NR25 7AB.

Rates for advertising (pre-paid) are: One column x 62 mm (1/8 page): £10 One column x 125 mm (1/4 page): £20 Discount for contract for six issues: 6 for the price of 5

Small Ads Panel on the back page: Available for individuals and businesses providing local services. Allocated on first-paid first-in basis. Cost: £5 per issue.

We warmly welcome drawings, articles and letters for publication, but are now receiving so much material for each issue (and never know

until shortly before publication how much material we will have) that we must reserve the

right to edit entries. We prefer to edit rather than to omit items altogether.

Please submit through your village representative



WHAT’S ON in our 10 villages


6th Sat. Sharrington Village Hall, Christmas Fair. 2.00

6th Sat. Binham Christmas Supper. Village Hall 7.00

6th Sat. Morston Stall at Sharrington Village Hall

8th. Mon. Binham Village Hall. Digital photography

workshop. 2.30 – 4.30

11th. Thurs. Langham Mobile Library.

13th Sat. Gunthorpe Institute, 50/50 Christmas party,

12 noon

14th Sun. Binham Priory Christmas Iceni Choir, 6.30

16th Tues. Langham Parish Council meeting. 7.00

16th Tues. Bale Church, Mobile Police Station. 1.45-4.00

17th Wed. Langham Parish room, Carols & Mince Pies.

18th Thurs. Langham, Carols round the village. 6.30.

19th Fri. Field Dalling Christmas Concert, Village Hall.


19th Fri. Binham Carols round the Tree. 7.00.

21st Sun. Binham Priory Nativity Play, 4.30

23rd Tues Morston Carol Concert, 5.00

24th Wed. Morston Carol singing round the village. 5.00


4th Sun. Langham Children’s trip to Pantomime

8th Thurs. Langham Mobile Library

11th Sun. Binham Priory, Richeldis Singers, 3.30pm

12th Mon. Field Dalling Parish Council, Village Hall,


23rd Fri. Binham Bacchanalians. Wine tasting.


This edition of the paper is the first to have been assembled on our new laptop computer. We feel we are on the way towards involving even more willing people in the production of Local Lynx. What we would like to do next is visit at least some of our ten villages to show off our new computer and to explain to residents what goes into producing their paper. Hopefully this may encourage some to contribute towards it by writing features or news items for us—perhaps their own memoirs of growing up, working or coming to this area. We would also like to encourage local artists to send us more line or pen and wash illustrations for us to use. And, of course, we are looking for people who would like to help produce the paper, or come up with new ideas for it. If you would like our ‘road-show’ to visit your village, possibly in the early summer next year, please let your village representative know. Please also say what you would like to see or be told about if there is enough local interest in our visiting. We look forward to hearing from you. Bob & Helen Brandt — 01328 830056.

NORMAN LAMB M.P. holds regular advice surgeries in the constituency. He can also be contacted via the constituency office at: 15 Market Place North Walsham Norfolk NR28 9BP Tel: 01692 403752 Fax: 01692 500818 e-mail: normanlamb@hotmail.com www.normanlamb.org


Sun. 14th Saxlingham – Christingle Service 3.30 pm

Wed. 17th Langham Parish Room Carols, mince pies 7.00 pm

Thurs. 18th Langham Carmel – Carols 6.30 pm

Sat. 20th Cockthorpe – Carols 6.00 pm

Sun.21st Fourth Sunday of Advent Bale – Carols 6.30 pm Field Dalling – Carols 11.00 am Sharrington – Carols 5.00 pm Stiffkey – Christingle Service 3.30 pm

Tues. 23rd Morston – Carols 5.00 pm

Wed. 24th Christmas Eve Bale – Midnight Eucharist 11.30 pm Field Dalling – Midnight Eucharist 11.30 pm Binham – Holy Communion 4.30 pm Binham – Midnight Eucharist 11.00 pm Langham – Midnight Eucharist 11.30 pm

Thurs. 25th Christmas Day Gunthorpe – Holy Communion & Carols 11.00 am Saxlingham – Family Communion Service 10.00 am Sharrington – Holy Communion 9.30 am Binham – Carols 10.30 am Langham – Holy Communion 11.00 am Morston – Holy Communion 9.30 am Stiffkey – Holy Communion 10.30 am


As I write this, we are getting ready to go to see our eldest son Peter in New Zealand. He has been away for over a year and it will be very good to see him and his wife again.

How lucky we are to be able to keep in touch! One hundred years ago a day’s journey by plane today took months in a ship. There were no e-mails, and letters arrived long after they were sent.

At Christmas people celebrate by having a meal together. Many (like us) will have travelled a long way to be with their family, and brought them gifts.

The Bible tells us that God loves his children. At the first Christmas, God “travelled a long way” to be with His family. God came as Jesus. He wants us to share the gift of His great love with all people.

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ gave his life for us. So we should give our lives for our brothers and sisters.” - The first Letter of John Ch 3 v 16

I wish you all a very Happy Christmas. Love and best wishes. John





Regular Service Rota for Bale and Stiffkey Groups for DECEMBER & JANUARY

HC=Holy Communion. FS=Family Service. MP=Morning Prayer. EP=Evening Prayer. BCP=Book of Common Prayer All Communion Services are in traditional language except those marked *

Parish Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Bale 9.30 am HC 9.30 am HC 9.30 am HC 9.30 am HC

Field Dalling 11.00 am MP† 11.00 am HC 11.00 am HC 11.00 am FS

Gunthorpe 11.00 am HC 11.00 am MP No Service 9.30 am HC

Saxlingham 9.30 am HC 8.00 am HC/BCP 9.30 am HC 6.00 pm EP

Sharrington 9.30 am MP/BCP 9.30 am HC 9.30 am FS 9.30 am HC

Binham 11.00 am HC 11.00 am HC 11.00 am FS 9.30 am HC

Langham 11.00 am HC* 9.30 am HC 9.30 am HC 9.30 am FS

Morston 9.30 am HC/BCP No Service 9.30 am HC/BCP No Service

Stiffkey 11.00 am FS 11.00 am HC* 8.00 am HC* 11.00 am HC*

† Sunday 7th December 11.00 am—Holy Communion Patronal Festival at Field Dalling

Sunday 28th December 10.30 am—Group Holy Communion Service at Stiffkey Church

PAUL ROBINSON All types of

PLUMBING WORK carried out

Local service

Rose Croft, 26 Albert Street, Holt. Telephone: (01263) 710149



Glaven Valley Ward Bernard Crowe Tel: 01263 740137

Email:bernardcrowe@north-norfolk.gov.uk Priory Ward

Jonathan Savory Tel: 01328 820719 The Laurels, Nutwood Farm, Wighton, NR23 1NX


Comprehensive Performance Assessment Preliminary guidance indicates that NNDC will be graded FAIR as per our own self-assessment (middle grading). Action plan for improvement and areas where NNDC has performed well to be reported later.

Affordable Housing The Local Plan Review Working Party proposes radical changes in policy to cope with the rising need for affordable housing. Housing for local people and key workers is a priority, demanding exceptional measures, as, when following a survey of housing needs, building is allowed on village edges beyond the development boundary, land that would not normally be released for housing. The concept of ‘Local Lettings’ might ensure that future residents should have to prove a local connection

Waste & recycling Alternate fortnightly collections for waste and re-cyclables will soon be introduced. If you wish to be exempted or assisted, register with the NNDC now, giving reasons, to John Peet, NNDC Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer, NR27 9PZ or ring 516213

Second Homes Local councils have the chance to raise the levy on

second homes from 50% to 90%, generating extra funds for North Norfolk. The cash should start flowing from April 2004.

Reachout Teams Advice Teams work closely with the Pensions Service, Social Services, CAB, Community Practice Nurses, and MENCAP. to help elderly, sick and disabled residents claim the benefits to which they are entitled. They visit people at home, at local surgeries such as the Cromer and North Walsham Job Centres, and Fakenham Connect.

SITUATIONS VACANT NOTICEBOARD Steve Wiles tells us he now offers a service for both employers and job seekers. Local businesses can advertise for staff on the www.glavenvalley.co.uk website.

CHRISTMAS BON MOTS LOCAL BOOKS Last year a book of East Anglian stories called A Distant Cry was very popular, and now Peter Tolhurst of Black Dog Books has produced another (well chosen) collection of East Anglian stories, Line Dancing, (£14.95). Two other new books deal with the sea, Little Dick the Smuggler and other EA Eccentrics by Harold West (£6.95) and East Anglian Shipwrecks by Stan Jarvis (£6.95). Salthouse, The Story of a Norfolk Village is still available at £15, and Holt Books has managed to acquire the last remaining copies of Norfolk Churches Great and Small, (£12.95) which has actually gone out of print and I am assured will not be reprinted. NON-FICTION November is a wonderful month for non-fiction titles, with everything from Round Church Towers of England by Stephen Hart (£15.99) to Ranulph Fiennes' new work on Captain Scott (£20). In between, three history books might tempt you – Rifles, Six Years with Wellington's Legendary Sharpshooters by Mark Urban (£20), the magisterial and brilliant Reformation,Europe's House Divided 1490-1700 by Diarmaid MacCulloch (£25), and Who Murdered Chaucer? by Terry Jones et al. (£20). FICTION There is also some good fiction: Andy McNab's Dark Winter (£17.99), Queens Fool by Philippa Gregory (£17.99), Sharpe's Havoc by Bernard Cornwell (£12) and David Guterson's Our Lady of the Forest (£16.99); and of course some of last years hardbacks are now coming into paperback.

In the small space allowed, it is difficult to do justice to the many good new books which come out at this time of year – there is no room to mention gardening and cookery or even children's books. Holt Books has a good selection of books on most subjects and that includes 'stocking-fillers', which could really solve a problem ... Why not come along and browse. There is something for everyone! T.F.

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Bird/Rain Guards and Cowls Supplied and Fitted

5 5

RATS The following is advice from Chris Cawley,

Environmental Protection Manager with the NNDC.

Late autumn often heralds the arrival of the common brown rat at many homes in the District. They move in off the fields after harvest, looking for warmth, shelter and food. Rats breed at a phenomenal rate and, left in peace with food and harbourage, soon become an established colony. Resourceful, adaptive creatures, they cannot be eradicated completely. It is in our interests to ensure that the population is kept to an minimum. As prevention is always better than cure, efforts to protect property from infestation must be taken at the first signs of rat activity. The responsibility lies with the owner or occupier of the property effected. It is not always the fault of neighbours or someone else. People who feed birds are prone to rat invasion. Rats enjoy free food just as much as birds. They are agile and climb onto bird tables, into trees to feed on hanging bird feeders, or collect food that is dropped to the floor. Rats may find food in one garden, water in another and live in a third. If nobody takes responsibility, a colony can be established very quickly.

Rats burrow beneath buildings and into compost heaps, whence they venture out, sometimes invading our houses. Those who keep animals or grow vegetables must pay particular attention. Animal houses should be raised clear of the ground and compost kept in sealed bins.

NNDC activity controls rats on public land. We also currently provide a competitively priced treatment service for private or commercial owners or occupiers, who may require assistance. Letting rats infest a property not only poses a health risk but also breaks the law.

Failure by owner or occupier to take appropriate action may result in legal action being taken by the Council against them. Please contact NNDC Animal Control Team on 01263 516168 to report rat problems, seek advice, or book a treatment.


If getting to the Library and choosing a book is a problem, then the WRVS service called Books on Wheels could solve the problem.

Books on Wheels - a service for the house-bound, or those who otherwise could not make use of Library facilities, is run by WRVS volunteers. You tell them what sort of books you like to read, how many you like to borrow at a time, whether you read regular size or large print, or prefer to listen to books on cassette tape. Some like picture books on chosen subjects - embroidery, gardens, cars or antiques.

Your Library card is held at the Library and books are selected for you. And there is absolutely no charge for the service or for reserving a book not on the shelf – just ask the volunteer and it will be requested for you. You may keep the books for a month or two, there is no pressure to get them back or pay a fine. Volunteers visit about once a month.

Sounds good? If you would like to use this service (or know someone else who might be interested), phone the local Books on Wheels co-ordinator, Barbara Swindells, 01263 587702, or leave a message in Holt Library.

Cley W.I.

Dec. 4th. Christmas lunch, followed by the Annual Meeting. 12.30 for 1.00 p.m at Cley Village Hall.

Physical Therapy Gary Battrick Dip FTST, IIST, FSMT(2), IHBC

BACR Phase IV Cardiac Rehab Instructor

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Home appointments please telephone 01263 710789

Flat & Tiled Roofing Specialists

Telephone: 01328 878806 10-year guarantee - our reputation is long-standing

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Osteopaths Osteopathy is a gentle, effective method of treatment which

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Stonebeck, The Street, Gunthorpe, Melton Constable

Tel: 01263 861184

5 6


Norfolk Rural Community Council administers the Local Network Fund, a government grant available to groups for children and young people. These can apply for funding of between £250 and £7,000, either to form new groups or projects or to expand existing groups.

Over £200,000 of grants have been awarded by the Grants Panel since April, 03. Projects include parents and toddlers, youth clubs, cycle tracks and play equipment. In high priority areas of Norfolk grant applications would be welcome from groups working with children and young people facing some form of disadvantage, low income, rural isolation or difficult access to facilities. Funding could be available to help children enjoy activities others take for granted, or to give young people a voice or develop self-help projects.

Contact LNF team at Norfolk Rural Community Council, 01953 851408, e-mail lnfchildren@norfolkrcc.org.uk or visit NRCC website at www.norfolkrcc.org.uk. For application pack ring National Call Centre 0845 1130161


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DEANERY NEWS About 75 people attended the Holt Deanery Synod meeting on November 6th in Holt Church Hall. The Archdeacon of Lynn, the Revd Martin Gray, spoke about the Disability Discrimination Act which will become law in October 2004. He urged every PCC to address the fact that a church is a service provider and no one should be excluded. Therefore they should cater for all disabilities, both physical and sensory. They should be proactive, do an access audit and make every reasonable effort to carry out whatever alterations are necessary. Mrs. Bridgers gave us an insight into her role as a member of General Synod. John Church gave a report on Diocesan Synod. Geoff Wortley, Deanery Assessor, answered questions on his Parish Share report. This report and more details are available from your local Deanery Synod representative. A.S.


Following the success of this year’s trip, the Revd. Martin and Maddy Dale are again organising a trip to Heiden in Switzerland, 31st July - 8th August 2004 inclusive. Cost about £500 per person incl. full board, flights and connections in Switzerland and England.

If you are interested in coming, please contact Mrs. Maddy Dale asap, by e-mail at mndale@aol.com, on 01328-87 82 92 or by post "The Rectory, Slade Rd., Bale, Norfolk, NR21 0QJ".


The Binham Broadband Association (BBA) now has 34 paying members, a constitution, a Committee, a bank account - and the all-important Offer of Grant from EEDA. In fact, just about everything we need except a written contract with BT to provide the service! We have recently been assured that this is on its way, though there has been a delay in launching the Exchange Activate offering, largely for regulatory reasons.

The BBA Committee is intending to invite at least one member from the waiting list to join the Committee and start work on how we expand the service beyond 30 lines, We are very keen that those on the waiting list should receive service sooner rather than later. With this in mind, I would encourage any LYNX readers who would like broadband and have not yet joined the BBA to do so. It costs just £25 to join, and the more there are on the waiting list, the the easier it will be to attract additional funds for additional capacity! Both our local MP and district councillor are very supportive of broadband.

If you are interested, please email Anthony Smith using the address: binhambroadband@pobox.co.uk.


OPERATION HARRIER Launched by Norfolk Police on 28th April 2003, Operation Harrier focuses on prolific criminals who commit crimes of great concern to the public. Harrier seeks to reduce crime and provide reassurance to the public by aiming to make life uncomfortable for individuals who are intent on inflicting their criminality and anti-social behaviour on decent people. During the first ten weeks of Harrier over 400 arrests were made in Norfolk, spread across the city, towns and villages, as well as remote country locations. Crime however is not an issue for the Police alone. Through the seven Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships in Norfolk the public, private, and voluntary sectors are working closely together to help combat crime. Harrier is part of the activity in the County that, together with the work of the partnerships, will help to achieve this. Norfolk is one of the safest parts of the country. We can all play a part in helping the County become safer still, and some simple actions you can take to help reduce your risk of becoming a victim include:- Always lock your vehicle and never leave property on display. Keep your home secure with good quality door and window locks. Keep your back door locked at all times and remember to close your windows. Mark and record full details of valuable items of property within your home to assist in later identification should anything be stolen. Never let anyone into your home until you are completely sure who they are and why they are

5 7


Launched by Norfolk Police on 28th April 2003, Operation Harrier focuses on prolific criminals who commit crimes of great concern to the public. Harrier seeks to reduce crime and provide reassurance to the public by aiming to make life uncomfortable for individuals who are intent on inflicting their criminality and anti-social behaviour on decent people. During the first ten weeks of Harrier over 400 arrests were made in Norfolk, spread across the city, towns and villages, as well as remote country locations.

Crime however is not an issue for the Police alone. Through the seven Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships in Norfolk the public, private, and voluntary sectors are working closely together to help combat crime. Harrier is part of the activity in the County that, together with the work of the partnerships, will help to achieve this.

Norfolk is one of the safest parts of the country. We can all play a part in helping the County become safer still, and some simple actions you can take to help reduce your risk of becoming a victim include:-

Always lock your vehicle and never leave property on display. Keep your home secure with good quality door and window locks. Keep your back door locked at all times and remember to close your windows. Mark and record full details of valuable items of property within your home to assist in later identification should anything be stolen. Never let anyone into your home until you are completely sure who they are and why they are calling – genuine callers will happily wait for you to check their details.

Further crime prevention advice can be obtained from the Norfolk Constabulary website www.norfolk.police.uk

Should you have any information on criminal activity that may assist please call the Harrier hotline 0845 600 2842 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

MOBILE POLICE VISIT TO BALE The Mobile Police Station will be outside Bale Church on Tuesday 16th December 2003 and Tuesday 10th February 2004, between 1.45pm and 4pm on both days.

The Police will be delighted for anyone to call in to talk to them.

TELEPHONE: (01328) 710950

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APPLES, APPLES EVERYWHERE....! A germ of an idea is beginning to form regarding the amount of surplus apples at this time of year. In Bale we all seem to have apple trees of one kind or another and so many apples seem to go to waste. No matter who you offer them to, you are met with gales of laughter and howls of protest as you try to get rid of as many as possible. The idea has been suggested of raising money to buy a village Apple Press which could be borrowed by any villager wishing to make use of it. At the moment this is as far as the idea has got, and any opinions or suggestions as to how to raise the necessary money would be welcomed, perhaps a jumble Sale or Bring & Buy would start us off. Please contact Sue Berry on the above number if you wish to be involved. S.B.

ALL SAINTS CHURCH, BALE Services December 7 Holy Communion 9.30am December 14 Holy Communion 9.30am December 21 Carol Service 6.30pm Christmas Eve Holy Communion 11.30pm December 28 Group Service at Stiffkey 10.30am

January 4 Holy Communion 9.30am January 11 Holy Communion 9.30am January 18 Holy Communion 9.30am January 25 Holy Communion 9.30am

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Our District Council's present weekly collection rubbish/refuse collection contract expires in Spring 2004. The Council now plans to replace the existing weekly collection system of separate plastic sacks for normal waste and recyclable materials with those daleks of the dustbin world, wheelie-bins. A seven year contract is being placed to provide two 240 litre wheelie-bins to every home, one dalek for normal waste, the other for dry recyclable materials.

The appointed contractor will empty the bins to a fortnightly rota, normal waste one week, dry non-recyclable the next (garden waste for composting will also be collected at the individual's own expense). During hot weather, to stop that dalek humming all through the fortnight, householders are advised to wrap up their normal waste in the interests of hygiene. You may not be impressed with the sight of streets blocked and littered with wheelie-bins, and, without a Tardis, you may wonder where to park your dalek duo between collections. However the Government has introduced tough new targets ("tough on grime, tough on the causes of grime") and this new fortnightly collection scheme is our Council's attempt at a more efficient rubbish collection and recycling service.

The Council claims that it issued a waste options questionnaire last year. Only a very small percentage of residents replied, though a majority of this very small percentage favoured different wheelie-bins for normal waste and recyclable materials. Residents can apply for a property exemption or even write to the Council to explain why their home should be exempted. The Council recognizes that there are many homes, flats or terraces for example, where wheelie-bins can't be used, and that there are many people who, for reasons of age or disability, are unable to wheel the bins to the collection point at the edge of their home.

So, if you have a problem with the Council's new scheme, make sure that the Council not only knows all about it but also gives you answers you can't refuse! Write to:- The Contracts Division, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer, Norfolk NR27 9EN

John Church

For Church Services see panel on page 3 together with Christmas Services

SPECIAL SERVICES at BINHAM PRIORY Sunday, November 30th at 6.30 pm: Advent Carols and Readings, with The Kelling Singers. Sunday, December 14th at 6.30 pm: Festival of Lessons and Carols, with The Christmas Iceni Choir. Sunday, December 21st at 4.30 pm: Nativity Play followed by Tea Party. Sunday, January 11th at 3.30 pm: Epiphany Service with The Racheldis Singers.

Contact: Carolyn Wright Tel: 01328 830270 Fax: 01328 830840

Email: cpwrightuk@aol.com


Including: Stress-related problems, Muscular pains, Poor circulation, Digestive disorders, Back problems and Tension





Ring for an appointment. Home visits can be arranged

Myrtle Cottage, Wiveton, Holt, Norfolk NR25 7TQ

Tel: 01263 740596

TAYLORMADE Home-cooking

fresh and frozen meals

made to your requirements

Contact Sandra Taylor Telephone: 01328 830 649 Fax: 01328 830 999

Chapel Cottage 8 Front Street Binham Norfolk NR21 0AN


The Christmas Supper is to be held at the Village Hall on Saturday December 6th, 7.00 for 7.30pm. If you would like to join us, please ring Liz at 830519 for tickets. Adults £5, children under 10 free. We have crockery, cutlery and tablecloths for hire from the Village Hall. Call Liz at 830519


will be on Friday, 19th December, 7.00 pm. We hope you can all join us for mulled wine and mince pies. There is a slight possibility that the date may have to be changed to Saturday, 20th December – watch out for posters – and come to the Christmas Supper and hear the latest news.

POPPY COFFEE MORNING A big thank you to all who helped, gave donations and to those who came and bought lots of things! In 2 hours on 7th November we made the amazing amount of £510, and a cheque was given to the Royal British Legion that very afternoon. Thank you one and all. Carolyn Wright

5 9

BINHAM BACCHANALIANS In October we had our Italian Evening – thirty of us enjoyed wines from all the Italian wine producing districts – finishing with a glass of Marsala and a glass of Grappa for those still standing. On November 28th we continue our theme of “Old World/New World” with a tasting of wines from South Africa. Everyone is asked to bring a bottle of South African wine and a card saying where bought and price. Cost will be £1 per head to cover hall rental/incidentals. Please also bring some cheese and/or other delicacy with a South African flavour (Biltong??) for the Chatter Platter. As this is the last tasting pre Christmas we will be having an Unserious Quiz based loosely on the subjects of food and wine of South Africa. Our first tasting of the New Year will be on Friday 23rd January. We have again persuaded Max Graham Wood of Satchells to make the long journey from Burnham Market to Binham. For this evening we return to the Old World with wines from Spain and Portugal. Cost will be £6 per head plus as usual Chatter Platter bits and pieces. Everybody’s welcome. Could you please let Norah and Richard know if you’re coming – on 830723.


Our first meeting of the autumn will take place just after this Local Lynx goes to press. We shall be discussing progress made on the Churchyard survey (which is almost complete). Next year we hope to produce a ‘Walk Around Binham’ booklet and to this end David Yaxley has kindly agreed to give a short series of three lectures to guide us on our way. We are still looking for any photographs or contemporary articles of the 1930s excavations of the Priory ruins.

If you are interested in details of David Yaxley’s talks or in attending future meetings of the Group – please call Pennie Alford 830700 or Carolyn Wright 830270.

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This is on December 20th. At 6.0 p.m. Come and join in a completely traditional candle-lit occasion with mulled wine and mince pies to warm you up at the end.

The Revd. Martin Dale will conduct the service.

BINHAM GROUP OF ARTISTS The Group consists of anyone interested in Art or Craft, beginner or otherwise. Artists with professional experience form part of the Group and will gladly give advice if needed. We meet every Tuesday from 10 to 12 in the Village Hall. A fee of £2 includes coffee and biscuits. In October Bob Brandt gave an excellent and very helpful talk and demonstration using acrylics. Those present were then able to try out the medium.

For further information about the Art Group call James Bucknill at 830651

DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP will be held at the Binham Village Hall on Monday 8th December 2003 from 2:30 to 4:30. The workshop will cover all basic aspects from the purchase of a camera through to the computer, aspects of re-touching and printing. All levels will be welcome and hopefully we can expect feedback from those who attended last year. Further details from Alan Eagle on 830031.


Contact: Ann Massingham 01328 830558

5 10

For Church Services see panel on page 3

together with Christmas Services

What a delightful autumn is has been, and what colourful leaves this year. Harvest was well celebrated at our annual Harvest Supper, which we held jointly with Saxlingham, and where a voluntary collection raised £130 for Tearfund.

The Christmas season soon begins and we look forward to:

Bingo at and for the Village Hall on 28th November, 7.30.

Village Christmas Concert at the Village Hall on 19th December, 7:30.

Carol Service at the church on 21st December at 11 am

Christmas Eve Midnight Communion at the church on 24 December at 11:30 pm.

Parish Council meeting For people who have their 2004 diaries already, the first Parish Council meeting of the year is on 12 January at 7:30 in the Village Hall. It is open to all.

Field Dalling’s reporter for Lynx Would you like to become Field Dalling’s reporter for Lynx? If so, please contact Margaret Smith at the number above for more information. Merry Christmas!

CHURCH SERVICES December 7th Holy Communion 11.00am 14th Matins 11.00am 21st No Service 25th Christmas Day 11.00am Carols followed by Communion for those wishing to stay. 28th Group Service at Stiffkey 11.00am

January 4th Holy Communion 11.00am 11th Matins 11.00am 18th No Service 25th Holy Communion 11.00am


Contact: Margaret Smith 01328 830546

Contact: Martin Swindells 01263 860517


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BUILDING SERVICES Renovations, Alterations and Maintenance

Bricklaying, Plastering, Decorating Kitchen/Bathroom Fitting

LES HINGLEY Tel/Fax: 01328 830746 Mobile: 077 2178 5642

Outdoor work also undertaken: Paths, Drives etc


The grass really does seem to have nearly stopped growing, so now it is appropriate to say well done to all those gents whose efforts have kept Gunthorpe village green throughout the summer. The team has consisted of, Rob Cutterham, Steve Fisher, Paul Newstead, Ken Prouton, John Rush, Anthony Seligman and Phil Traverso. Take a bow, men, you have done a great job!


MONTHLY WINNERS AT THE 50:50 CLUB. September October £20 Pippa Bunting John Doust £10 Micheal Bunting Barbara Burton £5 Samantha Ford Victoria Legg-Bourke £5 Marie Denholm John Smith £5 Edwina Wilson Peter Owers £2 Diana Arthurson John Lemberger.

5 11


To start, two very big thank-yous. First to Richard Johnson, for a very handsome extension to the car park, which was just what we needed. The reason the shape has been changed (it is now a trapezium) is for ease of cultivation of the adjacent field. The new part has been sown and should be ready for use in the spring. The second thank you is to everyone who helped, so splendidly, with the Norfolk Churches Trust Sponsored Cycle Ride, the recorders in the churches, all the very generous sponsors and the riders who had a good day out in idyllic conditions. The result - about £750, half of which comes back to help maintain our church, the other half being retained by Norfolk Churches Trust which supports churches and chapels, of every denomination, throughout the county. As always, the church was beautifully decorated for the Harvest Festival - many thanks to all concerned for a great deal of talented, hard work - and to the unknown person responsible for the lovely arrangement of hydrangeas near the lectern. The service was taken by Canon Michael Wilson, who had came back from London specially; he was there helping to look after the just-born Laetitia, the 12th Wilson grandchild. Young people played a prominent part; Nick Sargeant read one lesson, while Samantha Ford and three of Hilary and Maurice Craske’s granddaughters, Laura Grief and Chloe & Lianne Wright, took gifts of produce to the chancel, the latter three also acting as live visual aids during the sermon. Next day, following our normal practice, the produce was shared out between Briston Care Centre and Break, both of whom asked for their thanks to be passed on to everyone involved. The wonderful work done by the staff at Briston Care is very well known and appreciated round here, but perhaps a word about Break would not come amiss. Founded in 1968 by Canon L. J. Morley, who is chairman, Break has two centres, one in Sheringham, the other at Hunstanton and provides a range of specialist care services for children, adults and families with special needs, including holidays and respite care. The two centres are open all the time and provide holidays for about 1,200 guests each year; while they enjoy a seaside holiday, those who regularly care for them can re-charge their batteries and take a much-needed rest. Break also provides a day care centre for adults with learning difficulties, homes for children and help for families in crisis. The work done by Break is vital for many people, relieving strain at very difficult time and keeping families together. Finally, your PCC is currently grappling with issues raised by the Disability Discrimination Act. The problem is to balance all that should be done in a perfect world with an assessment of local needs and of course financial viability. But measures are about to be put in hand so watch this space for a progress report.

I know it is rather early but this is the Christmas Issue, so a very happy Christmas and New Year to everyone.


Congratulations, Mrs Doris Morris!

Many readers will remember Mrs Morris, who, with husband Colonel John Morris, came to Woodside, our old pub in Heath Lane, in 1969. They lived here for the next 14 years, becoming very well known. Then, in 1973, they swapped homes with their daughter and son-in-law, Diana and John Arthurson, who had been living in Melton Constable.

Three years after her husband died, in 1984 Doris moved to another old pub, this time in Briningham, in order to be next door to her son.

Recently she moved to Pineheath and there, on 27th September, she celebrated her birthday, her 92nd no less. Shortly afterwards she had an unlucky accident and broke her femur; it was on a Friday and she was taken to the Norfolk and Norwich, where she was operated on on the Saturday.

Wonderful to relate, she was back in Kelling on Tuesday, complete with pinned hip, since when she has made steady progress, and is now back to normal. What could have been a catastrophe has turned into a triumph. For this, she and her family cannot thank the hospital, and the Denton Ward especially, enough. All the staff were not only extremely efficient, but also most helpful and supportive; she could not have been better looked after.

So - its 92 not out. Heads down for the century!


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5 12


For the first time since Gertrude Shaw went off to minister to the sick in Africa, the lights are on again in Bulfer Cottage. Another Shaw, but no relation, has come to live there while Gertrude is away. This is Lily Shaw, and she is anything but a stranger having first come to Gunthorpe, on leaving Art College, in 1984, to work assisting Paul Quail as a stained-glass artist. At first she lived with Paul and Jane in Boundary Farm, then set up home herself, though continuing to work regularly in the Quail’s studio, both helping Paul and freelancing, and this she continued to do for some 16 years before the Quails retired and Lily moved to Oxford. Lily loved Gunthorpe from the start: working with Paul Quail, a front-rank artist in his field, was a wonderful experience while Jane, a sculptor, is very distinguished too. Gunthorpe in those days was a centre of creative excellence; not only were the Quails and Lily beavering away in Boundary Farm studio, but White House hosted a tremendous team of woodwork craftsmen, Steve Wyles, Mike Dalling and half a dozen more. Meanwhile next door, Jenny Kelly was carving out her niche as a pre-eminent upholsterer. Alas, now Jenny has moved her much expanded business to Great Walsingham, that chapter is finally finished. Soon Lily was immersed in life in and around Gunthorpe. Involved in a women’s group formed to raise money to provide water for an African village she spent many long stints on a market stall; she loved freelancing from the Quail’s workshop; she became involved in adult education, taking over a life-drawing class at Sharrington village hall, from Judy Scott (which the writer nearly gate crashed, much to his embarrassment) and worked with Colin Bygrave, the Briston print maker, at Letheringsett. She painted with different local artists groups, exhibited in North Norfolk and participated in the Open Studio scheme. She developed a passion for walking, loving the feeling of freedom she got from the countryside. Since leaving Norfolk, Lily has pursued her career, both as a stained-glass artist and a painter (she has come to us straight from 5 weeks in the Bergerac area, “lapping up the colour”). She also teaches disabled children and adults attending a Mencap centre in Sussex. Now she is looking forward to being equally busy here, and we are delighted that she has come back.


It is that time of year again, the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness heralding one of the highlights of the Gunthorpe social scene, the harvest supper. This year’s event was a complete sell out; using the capacity of the Village Institute to the maximum allowed and putting great pressure on the producers from the Friends. They were more than up to the task! The hall was inimitably dressed by chairman Marie Denholm and her team, making the venue look extremely welcoming. On arrival the attendees were greeted (and relieved of their money!) by Di Cutterham who directed them on to her husband Rob ‘Two Speeds’ (slow & dead stop!) in his usual role as barman with the injunction of ‘drink lots’. This brought two benefits: bar takings hit new highs and the crowd were very sociably lubricated. First timers this year were Victoria (Tori) Legge-Bourke, escorted by her godson Donald, who did sterling work on the consuming side of the bar, and Pauline & John Clarke from the Old Chapel who have really thrown themselves into Gunthorpe life, literally from day one. Lovely to welcome back the previous incumbents of their home, the two Johns, who made the arduous journey from their new life in Hastings so as not to miss the ‘Big One’. Sadly much missed John & Maggie Lunniss were unable to take up their booking due to a nasty bout of influenza. After a thank you to the Friends and grace by John Penny, the crowd sat down to a fine repast prepared by Alan Russell, aided by his glamorous assistant Linda (or Mrs R), in their tiny but obviously highly efficient kitchen. The choices of Chilli con carne, Chicken in white wine, or a fine-looking Vegetarian chilli cooked by Jenny Kelly were provided with new twists - fresh coriander liberally scattered, grated cheese and soured cream with chives for topping up - all delicious and piping hot courtesy of a hi-tech innovation, hostess trolleys to pre-warm the plates! The hall sparkled with candles and witty conversation - viewed from outside it resembled a thriving and fashionable restaurant. The feast continued with apple crumbles, variously prepared by Lynn Marr, Pippa Bunting, Di’s B & C and Marie Denholm. Lisa & James Sargeant volunteered for the washing-up mountain – if it was to be an Olympic event we would know where to look for the team! Lingering over coffee and after eights (with a one-off cup of tea for Fred Morley) and the last of the wine, the most frequently heard comment was “Brilliant night, best ever harvest supper.” A big thank you to all the cooks, servers & waitresses, decorators & table-erectors and of course to everyone who came and made it such a special evening. Book early for next year everyone!

FARMING NEWS Alas, there’s none this issue; extreme pressure of autumn work, combined with unforeseen commitments, have precluded Richard Johnson’s usual up-date, for which many apologies, but it will be back in the New Year with a round up of all that’s happening on the farm.


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5 13

worked assiduously, willingly and well. The end result is most impressive and we shall endeavour to maintain the churchyard (perhaps we will be lucky enough to have a twice yearly return visit) in its current state. We very much appreciate the invaluable assistance we have been given.

Our vicar, The Revd John Penny, twice visited the group and gave me this quote:

"The Vicar felt tired just watching the efforts of the Community Service offenders working in Gunthorpe Churchyard. The results of their labours are now on view and I am sure everyone will appreciate greatly what they have achieved. The Vicar did join the group in drinking coffee for five minutes when the refreshment break was called. He was so invigorated that he managed to beat a retreat before he could be asked to help!" And a Circuit Judge who spends as much time as he can in the village met the Saturday team and told them how impressive the work is.

It is particularly poignant to remind ourselves that Alison Doust who until her untimely death, had worked for many years for Norfolk Probation, is buried in Gunthorpe. I am sure she would have been proud of the way the orders were being fulfilled, both by offenders and their supervisors.

The public perception of Community Punishment is sometimes seen as a “let-off”. Having spent some time working with this group, I can assure you it is most definitely not. Thank you all for your help.

Paddy Seligman


Imposed by the courts (magistrates and judges) require offenders to perform unpaid work for the benefit of the community under the supervision of an employee of the Probation Service. Work placements are carefully selected to ensure: a) positive contact between the offender and the beneficiary of the work and b) work which the offender will see as having a purpose and being of benefit to others.

Gunthorpe Parochial Church Council has recently benefited from the scheme.

Our wonderful Church Warden, Fred Morley, in spite of a new hip, has acknowledged that he can no longer strim, saw, weed and mow as he has for so many years. The Friends of Gunthorpe Church generously pay to have the grass cut from time to time. However the undergrowth had encroached rapaciously and something drastic needed to be done.

An initial approach to the Probation Service at senior level received an enthusiastic response and we were referred to the Community Service Officer at Kings Lynn in whose area we rest, where the “waiting list” we would join was depressingly long. However initiative overtook geographical considerations and we were “diverted” to the Cromer office and booked in to a shorter queue of beneficiaries. Our slot soon came up. An initial survey assessed the work involved and what we needed to provide and work commenced towards the end of October.

Rained off on one of the days, the weather was kind to us for the remaining 5 days. Averaging 5 offenders each day and spread over a fortnight the men have worked tirelessly. Selected for skills appropriate to the work involved the men have transformed our churchyard, ridded it of undergrowth, let light in to young trees, pruned and strimmed.

In addition to the ground clearance we had asked for assistance in creating a ramp for disabled access to the front door. Certain regulations precluded this work being done but with a little imagination they have instead “elevated” the path successfully and sympathetically, creating the required ramp.

The work has been arduous and the offenders have

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5 14


60 teasers by Samphire

A) Entertainment In what areas do the following excel? 1. Gordon Sumner. 2. Darcy Bussell. 3. Atomic Kitten. 4. Sir Simon Rattle. 5. Emma Thompson. 6. TLC (T-Boz, Left-Eye and Chilli). 7. David Schwimmer. 8. Luciano Pavarotti. 9. Michael Palin. 10. Beyonce Knowles.

B) Sport In what sports do or did the following excel? 1. Patrick Vieira. 2. Ellen McArthur. 3. Christa Cullen. 4. Jonny Wilkinson. 5. George Grigen. 6. Frederick Jacobson. 7. Andy Roddick. 8. Marcus Trescothick. 9. Arthur Budgett. 10. Ashley Cole.

C) General -1 1. What is the sport ‘muai Thai’ better known as? 2. Which European Prime Minister used to be a singer? 3. Which European Deputy Prime Minister used to be a steward on a liner? 4. For what line of business is Alexander McQueen, CBE, known? 5. For what is titty-totty (in East Anglian dialect? 6. What is the Serengeti? 7. Who played Kavanagh, QC in the TV series? 8. What are twites, pochards, stints and godwits? 9. What was Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone called in the USA? 10. Which footballer won 144 caps for appearances in which national team?

D) Who starred in the following films? (f-female, m-male) 1. Intolerable Cruelty (f). 2. Doctor Dolittle (f). 3. Kill Bill (f). 4. The Pelican Brief (m & f). 5. Down with Love (f). 6. The Sound of Music (f).


7. Pirates of the Caribbean (m). 8. Pretty Woman (m). 9. The English Patient (f). 10. Bad Boys (m).

E) General - 2 1. Who is Norman Cook? 2. In what country is the world’s largest pyramid? 3. What is a whiffler? 4. What is/was a foxbat? 5. What is an Aibo? (it has 4 legs). 6. Who/what is/was Eeyore? 7. Which is the world’s most predominant religion? 8. The record is ‘under 5.7 ins’. What type of sport is this? 9. What is tofu? 10. What is an AK-47?

F) Christmas 1. What ‘first’ did W.C.T. Dobson do in 1884? 2. What do the Germans call ‘Christ’s Thorn’? 3. What in Tudor times was given - with money inside - to apprentices as a Christmas Box? 4. What was in use among the Romans, is referred to in Isaiah 1x 13 as the ‘righteous branch’ and was introduced into England in 1840 - the same year as Santa Claus and his reindeer arrived? 5. What does the first Nowell? 6. From the early 1600s the correct procedure for a young man kissing girls under the mistletoe was to pluck a berry each time he kissed one - but what was he meant to do when all the berries had been picked?

Complete the following: 7. ‘In his master’s steps he trod, where the snow lay _’. 8. ‘The holly and the ivy, when they are both _ _’. 9. ‘_ Nacht, heilige Nacht, Alles schlaeft, einsam wacht.’ 10. Who ‘last looked down on the feast of Stephen’?

Answers on page 22


1 & 3. ---- in -----, cat who appears in pantomime. (4.5) 5. Name of a boy no bigger than a thumb. (3) 7. Snow White ate a poisoned one. (5) 9. Hansel’s sister. (6) 10. The number of bears in the story of Goldilocks. (5) 12. Second name of the little boy who never grew up...(3) 14. ....the surname of his friend, Wendy. (7) 15. Tiny Tim was this. (4) 16. Gretel’s brother. (6) 19. Afternoon performance. (7) 20. He cut down a huge bean-stalk. (4)


1. Leading male part in a pantomime, usually played by a girl. (9, 3) 2. Where a pantomime takes place. (5) 3. Name of a pantomime page-boy. (7) 4. In a theatre the gallery is right at the ---. (3) 5. Bind (or draw) (3) 6. Famous pantomime character, she’s a large bird. (6, 5) 7. He had a magic lamp. (7) 8. First name of the little boy who never grew up. (5) 11. It falls from the clouds. (4) 13. Vulgar old woman of pantomime, played by a man (4) 16. Captain ---- is a famous pantomime pirate. (4) 17. Chair. (4) 18. The curtain comes down at the --- of the show. (3)

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8


10 11


13 14

15 16 17




Pantomime crossword

(Come on, children! Have a go!)

5 15


Below are James Ryde’s derivations of village names.

Can you match the Old English description to the present name of each

village? Tree stump island.

Enclosure on the marsh

Probably outlying village of Cocc.

Possibly homestead of Saexes’s people.

Gunni’s hamlet.

Long homestead.

Bynna’s homestead.

Place of Dalla’s people.

Bath grove.

Muddy enclosure, dung enclosure.

Answers on page 23 “Even though it is Christmas, Madame,

feeding him Ferrero Roche is spoiling this dog”


LANGHAM CHURCH NEWS Services for Sunday & Christmas

See page 3

Each Wednesday— Holy Communion 10.00 a.m. Any alterations will be posted on the church

service notice board.


Pauline Lacoste and David from Cley Nurseries came in October and provided a very interesting and informative ‘Gardeners Question Time’. There were lots of questions about pruning and the lovely bunch of roses was part of our raffle. A very pleasant evening.

An extra meeting in November ‘Mrs. Temple's Cheese’ and then outings to ‘Olde Tyme Musical’ by CADS and Thursford in December. I will report on these next time. Happy Christmas and a Very Healthy New Year. Maureen 830731

Contact: Ann Sherriff 01328 830605


CHRISTMAS CAROLS Thursday December 18th. Starting off inside the

Carmel at 6.30 p.m. prompt, followed by carols in the village, round the tree on the green and finishing up at the Bluebell. The collection is to be donated to the Children’s Society. To help us in our planning would anyone wishing to have a carol sung at their house please contact Ken Bartlett on 830696 or Betty Wharton on 830236.


This year we were able to donate £162.02 to the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution. £86 was from the church collection and £76.02 was the profit from the Harvest Supper. Everyone voted the supper to be a huge success and our grateful thanks go to Eileen and Wendy who organised it and also to their band of helpers. Thanks also go to those who decorated the church. It provided a colourful backdrop for the school service on Friday afternoon as well as the one on Sunday.

Produce was donated to the Glaven Caring Centre in Blakeney and to the Carmel and both have expressed their gratitude.

LANGHAM PARISH COUNCIL Some interesting facts about North Norfolk

From the NNDC Best Value Performance Plan for this financial year:

The population is just over 100,000.

32% of the population is over 60 years old.

The average age of the population is 45.

21.5% of the population have a limiting long term illness.

There are 4,949 second homes in North Norfolk, this is 10% of the total stock.

35% of all homes were wholly occupied by pensioners.

The average house price is £141,000.

Next Parish Council Meeting 16/12/2003

ALADDIN Princes Theatre, Hunstanton

Sunday, 4th January, 2004

Once again the Friends of Langham invite all Langham children to go to the pantomime. Children must be accompanied by an adult. The bus will leave Langham 12 noon and return at 5.15pm.

Transport and tickets for children are free, adults £10. For more information and tickets please contact Cathy or Marcel Schoenmakers on 01328 830537


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ERNIE BROWNING Joan Browning and her daughters Jacqui, Stephanie and Mandy wish to thank everyone for their messages of support at this sad time. Ernie was a much loved husband and father, and a contented resident of Langham.



The Langham Street Fayre Committee are launching a mobile phone recycling scheme to help raise funds and also to help conquer the UK's growing mountain of discarded mobile phones. In cooperation with Community Fonebank (CF), the scheme aims to bring in old and unwanted mobile phones for which CF will provide cash to support the Langham Street Fayre.

Did you know that up to 15 million mobile phones are replaced each year in the UK alone? While people are replacing their phones, many people in developing countries cannot afford the most basic communications. Further, our unwanted mobile phones can end up in landfill sites, polluting our countryside.

The mobile phone collection campaign aims to collect phones which can then be reused in developing countries and for each reusable phone Community Fonebank will give us a cash donation. If phones cannot be reused for some reason, they will be recycled safely thus ensuring minimum impact on the environment.

Any old/unwanted mobile phones (especially after Christmas) can be handed to Pat or Bridget Newman at the Bluebell or to me, Rod Lees, at Langham House. Alternatively if you give me a ring on 01328 830036, I will come and collect. Don't forget to remove any SIM card before handing in.

Let's see if we can make a difference, help others less affluent, help our environment and help ourselves. R.L.

FIREWORKS NIGHT On the perfect evening of 5th Nov. the Parish Council

laid on a bonfire/firework party attended by 500 people. £402 was donated in the bucket collection which has virtually paid for the fireworks.

Our thanks to the Friends of Langham who organised the catering and for all the other helpers. An enjoyable evening had by all. P.A.


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This year’s Senior Citizens outing, which took place on the 9th. September, found around thirty people joining the coach at the Bluebell on a lovely sunny day. This then took us to Cromer rail station, where we joined the train to Norwich. From Norwich station we took a short walk across to the river, to a specially chartered boat from City Boats. This then took us on a 3 hour cruise during which a lunch and a cream tea were provided along with a licensed bar. We then returned by train to Cromer, where the awaiting coach brought us back to Langham. This seemed to be well received and there were no adverse comments. Indeed, we have had a number of thank-you letters.


Will visit Langham Dec. 11th and Jan 8th. Both days calling at:

The Carmel - 9.35 am. St. Mary’s - 10.00 am. Post Office - 10.25 am. Swans Close - 10.50 am. The Cornfield - 11.15 am.


This event, which takes place on the second Saturday in September each year, has become an institution in the county. It has spread to include the churches trusts in Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire, all of whom use the same day so riders can cross boundaries and visit one another's churches if they wish to.

Interest in the event shows no signs of abating and support this year seems to be rather greater than before. Langham had 46 visitors throughout the day. People of all ages came and went, all keen and interested, some from a distance, having brought their bicycles on cars and set forth to explore an area new to them.

Four people rode for Langham and raised £375 between them. It would be splendid if that number could double next year. I hope some younger people reading this might feel that the ride would be fun to do as well as giving support to this church and the Trust itself. All riders have yellow stickers to put on their backs and bikes and can meet with fellow riders from all over the county, which adds to the enjoyment of the ride. Some churches with kitchens provide sandwiches and hot drinks to cheer the travel worn! Langham only has lemonade and water which always seems to be appreciated. A big thank you to all our supporters. B. M. W.



Langham Parish Room committee invites you to the Parish Room on Wednesday 17th. December at 7 p.m. Admission £2, children free. Come and join us in the informal run up to Christmas. E. Allen Chairman.


Thank-you to all the people who contributed books and magazines for the society. These were collected in the summer and transported to the Seafarers Centre in Lowestoft.

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1st - Elizabeth Hagan, West Drayton, Middx., with 97½.

2nd - Mrs Fridd, Maidstone, Kent, with 94½.

3rd - Miss B Shorey, Newark, Notts., with 94.

The highest score in Langham was attained by Mrs A Hill of North Street with 92. Over 400 quiz sheets were sold with 52 entries returned. This quiz was obviously quite a tough one, only a handful of entrants scored over 90.

The most difficult question was no 2, ‘A 60 W F A P’

Answer: At 60 winter fuel allowance payable. (Quite a few people thought this was ‘At 60 women fetch a pension’).

Most inventive answer to no 34, A 16 T A W D I G, was:

“A16 to a wonderful destination in Grimsby”(Real answer - another 16 tons and what do I get?) There were some lovely notes and comments from entrants, saying how much they’d enjoyed the quiz. Thanks to all who took part!


Many thanks to the Friends of Langham for hosting the presentation to the village of the draft Design Statement on 20th September.

The turnout was splendid and apart from the many useful and constructive comments made at the time, we received over thirty written responses. These have all been very carefully considered, and a final draft Statement is nearing completion which we hope can be presented to the District Council for comment before Christmas. The Design Group


Do you have a couple of hours to spare every two months or so? Drivers and helpers are needed to transport three passengers from Langham to the Glaven Centre and also, if possible, to help with serving lunch there.

It’s very worthwhile, you meet interesting people, have fun and there's an excellent lunch for the helpers!

If you’re interested, please ring Jan on 830847.


October 25th. Pound Sale, all the helpers were early, the sun shone and the people came to Langham Parish Room. A whopping £494 was raised on the day. My thanks to everybody who supported this event in any way.

We look forward to 2004 Plant Sale on May 22nd and Grand Sale on July 3rd. Maureen 830731.


Mrs Blanche Allen has lent us a newspaper cutting which describes the discovery, in the 1970s, of a skeleton which was found in a Langham field during the digging of a trench through chalky boulder clay to take a water pipe.

The skeleton, which lay about three feet below the surface, was thought to be that of a man. He was not a Christian, as he was found lying in a North/South position. Pieces of Roman pottery were found beside the skeleton as the earth was carefully scraped away from it.

The dig was supervised by Andrew Lawson, from Gressenhall’s Norfolk Archaeological Unit, and two policemen had to be present while the complete skeleton was being uncovered.

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For Church Services see panel on page 3 together with Christmas Services

MORSTON MARDLE – by Samphire


Morston readers, please note that Local Lynx is a Village Magazine - not a PCC magazine - so your village editor welcomes any little tidbit for publication: e.g. line or black & white pictures (not photos) of Morston or Morstoners, short articles on especially the marine side of life, or on the marsh, or stories about the people who live or lived or visited here, puzzles, cartoons, history or geography or genealogy of Morston, or what you think or want or want to know or read about.

(I must, however, reserve the right to do a little editing – but if it’s more than a little bit, I’ll of course clear it with the author!)


The christening took place in Morston Church on 19th October of Thomas Johnston, second son of Robin and Gail Johnston, brother of Alan, and grandson of John and Carole Bean.

A lovely Service taken by the Revd John Penny was enjoyed by all those attending, after which a tea party was held in the Village Hall, where everyone had a super time. CB.

Contact: Joc Wingfield 01263 740431




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The Service started at 3.30 pm and was conducted by the Revd John Penny.

On parade under Major Andrew Athill were two local Royal British Legion standard bearer parties, and a contingent from HM Coastguard of Wells and Cley under Sector Officer Peter Furlong, cornettist William Morris, Major Andrew Athill (parade commander), Major Joc Wingfield, late KOYLI, Major Stuart Martin, late Parachute Regiment, Mr. Ron Starman, late Essex Regiment. The organ was played by Mrs. Barrow of Blakeney.

Two wreaths were laid: one by Mr. Ron Starman on behalf of the Bereaved Families and one by the deputy Chairman of Morston Parish Council, Mr. John Wise, on behalf of all the parishioners of Morston.

FRIENDS OF MORSTON CHURCH now Registered as a Charity

After the usual delays for the necessary “red tape”, on 3rd October 2003, Friends of Morston Church was finally registered as a charity by the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales (of 20, Kings Parade, Liverpool L3 4DQ and www.charity-commission.gov.uk as number 1099831.

The charity’s objects are: “To maintain, repair, re-store and preserve for the benefit of the public, the fabric of All Saints Church, Morston, Norfolk, its monuments, fixtures, fittings, furniture, stained glass, ornaments and other chattels and its churchyard.”

It is governed by its Constitution, adopted 1st May 2003 (as amended on 5th April and 16th August). The charity’s “registered address” is: Coastguard House, Mor-ston, Norfolk NR25 7BH.

The following appointments on the Executive Com-mittee are confirmed: Dominick Harrod as Chairman, Carole Bean as Vice-Chairman, Rob Metcalfe as Treasuer and Joc Wingfield as Secretary.

DR. CHRIS TODD Memorial Service Collection

Chris Todd had asked that any Collection made at his Memorial Service should go to the newly-formed Friends of Morston Church towards imminent repairs to All Saints Church.

The Collection made the magnificent sum of £1,105.50.

5 20


(coming to what was their family’s home for well over two centuries)

The surname, as spelled today, originated from an area around Outwell and Upwell sometime before 1196. Early documents refer to the ‘Pochedygge’ (also written as Pokedich, Pokeydich(e) and Podike) as being a dyke constructed to hold back the waters from the Wash (then ingressing much further inland) and stop them from flooding the pasture lands. The ‘Pochedygge’ was to be found some 40 miles S/W of here near Outwell (Norfolk) - see Faden's 1700s Map of Norfolk - and residents living in that area from the 1200s onwards have been recorded as Roger or Reginald or Margaret ‘de Pokedich’ or ‘de Podich’, as well as other similar ‘de’ names. It wasn’t until individuals or families moved to villages and towns further afield, that the ‘de’ was gradually omitted.

In 1492 a Robert Pawedyche is found in Lynn, where, in that year he was the town’s mayor. Indeed the surname appears within Lynn records, in various forms, from at least the mid 1400s right up to the late 1800s.

One most important branch of the family moved, sometime around the early 1500s, from Outwell to Wiveton. Thomas Podych (whose 1519 will shows him to be ‘of Outwell and Wyverton’) left a widow, Agnes and 4 children. One of his sons, also named Thomas Podych, a member of Gonville Hall, Cambridge, was an Augustine Canon, as well as the Prior of Heacham (1526) and Vicar of Wiggenhall St Peter (1528).

Unfortunately Wiveton’s Parish Registers don’t commence until 1558, although other local records for the villages of Wiveton, Cley, Blakeney and Stiffkey fortunately do record ‘movements’ of the family during the 16th century onwards.

In 1538, just ‘down the road’ from Wiveton, at the coastal village of Morston, one James (A)powdiche married Anabel .. in the Church of All Saints. At Morston their Parish Registers commenced in 1538, and James and Anabel’s marriage was the 5th item on the very first page. Between 1538 and 1755 members of the family are recorded through several generations both in the Registers and elsewhere. Over the years, the surname appears in various ways, but it wasn’t until the early 1700s that the familiar spelling of Powditch began to emerge.

Whilst several generations of Powdich lived continuously in Morston for well over two centuries -from at least 1538 to c1755 - during the same period a few individual members moved away from the village, either inland or to villages further along the Norfolk coastline. One moved to South Acre and to Lexham before, in the 1600s, settling down at Creake Abbey Farm in North Creake. From one of that family’s children is descended today all of the Powditch family living in

Chile, South America (1820+) together with all of the descendants of the William Powditch who settled in both Australia (1821) and New Zealand (1830). Another moved to Wells and from his children are descended today Powditchs who live in Australia (1861+) Canada (1912+) and the USA (1990s+) as well as throughout the UK (England, Scotland and Wales). Surprisingly, and extremely regrettably, the last Powditch to live in East Anglia (Suffolk) died in 2002, with the last Norfolk Powditch having vacated the county before the 1980s.

Today John C Algar and his wife Angela, daughter of Phyllis Smith (nee Powditch) who all live in Swansea have over 120 Powditch family members on record, both overseas and from across the UK. John C Algar’s comprehensive and fascinating website is at powditch@powditch.plus.com and they have their own family newsletter and Powditch-oriented Christmas Card.

Friends of Morston Church (in return for hoped-for Powditch financial support for church repairs) and the Algars’ have planned, besides a lunch and Service of Commemoration, a very full weekend schedule for Powditch family members at Morston. Planned events include a Reception, a Banquet with a singing-group and Speaker, meetings, two coach trips and a boat trip, together with a Tea Party in the grand house their ancestors lived in over 300 years ago. Many locals and businesses have already offered wonderful support for this visit.

As it is the intention that the Powditch family adopt Morston as their ‘spiritual and heritage home’, we hope that they will return year after year - but recognise that it all depends on this, their first get-together. We also recognise that this perhaps depends on how many we at Morston can attract this first time, be they from Valparaiso, Adelaide, Cardiff, Ipswich or elsewhere.

Joc Wingfield and John Algars



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POET RUPERT BROOKE: more to the Morston Connection

After my article (last issue) about Brooke - on his 8th August 1914 visit to Morston church - being intrigued by the floor memorial to Robert Powdiche (died 1647), I received the following intriguing e-mail from Charlie Ward:

“Joc - I was interested to read your piece in the latest edition of ‘Local Lynx’ re Rupert Brooke’s visit to Morston Church. I am not sure if you are aware, but Morston has other connections with Rupert Brooke …

My grandfather, Dudley Ward, was a close friend of Rupert Brooke while they were both at Cambridge University. During this time they both spent a lot of time at the Old Vicarage at Grantchester, which was a lodging house. When Rupert was killed in the war, the house coincidentally came up for sale a couple of years later and it was bought by Mrs Brooke (Rupert’s mother) and given to my grandfather as a memorial of their friendship. The house was then lived in permanently by my family and passed from my grandfather to my father. In the early 1980s we sold the house to Jeffrey and Mary Archer, who still own it. I still have a lot of large number of letters sent to and from my grandfather and Rupert Brooke and I am aware that he visited this part of Norfolk quite a lot.

My father probably has more information about this.

With best regards.” Charlie


James Tilmouth has also provided Morston historians with the following birth records of Morston Coastguard families:

1825 Sep 10: Anne, daughter of Thomas, Officer in the Excise, & Grace Sampson.

1826 May 11: John Smith, son of Boatman Robert & Anne Cullum.

1826 July 29: Mary Anne, daughter of Boatman Thomas & Mary Dennis.

1828 July 20: Malvinor Adelaide, daughter of Boatman. John & Malvinor Rose.

1829 Feb 8: John, son of Boatman John & Elizabeth Williams.

1829 July 19: Sarah Maria, daughter of Boatman Andrew & Mary Ann Jamison.

1829 Sep 27: Maria, daughter of Boatman Robert & Mary Ony.

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BREATHAT TILMOUTH James Tilmouth writes that the following were

christened by the Revd J.A.Tickell at All Saints Morston as under:

Aug 2, 1829: Phoebe Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Girling & Sophia TILMOUTH

Feb 10, 1828: Breathat, son of Robert Girling and Elizabeth Tilmouth.

In due course the family name of Tilmouth will be added to the large Record Board in Morston Church. James, and your correspondent, have failed to find at Stiffkey, Breathat Tilmouth’s grave or burial record (as a small child). Can any reader help?


Morston Village Hall may be hired by anyone wishing to hold an event. The charge is now £20.00 per day. To book, please ring Carole Bean: 01263 740038.


Omitted from the last list of winners was that the Bean Trophy (for the Best Beginner) was won last August by Alex Hudson.


Held at the Anchor, which was packed, the supper was a great success.

BRIDGE EVENING 7th October 2003

Anne Rolfe, who has recently succeeded Andrew Athill as Treasurer after many years, organised this most enjoyable evening, which raised £490.43 for the PCC’s Church Building Fund.

CONCERT 20th September 2003

The Elisabeth Wingfield Concert raised just over £1,016 for Friends of Morston Church.


6th Dec. Sat. 10.00 am. Morston Stall

At Sharrington Village Hall (Fundraising for the PCC’s Church Building Fund)

23rd Dec. Tues. 5.00 pm. Carol Concert

By Candlelight. (Despite the candles, it’s still a good idea to bring a torch!).

24th Dec. Wed. Carol Singing

Anyone interested in singing carols round the village on Christmas Eve should come to the Anchor Inn at 5.00 pm.

The Collection will go to the PCC’s Church Building Fund.


Fuller details in later editions of Lynx:

February 4th - ‘Friends’ Dinner at Morston Hall.

March 6th - Quiz night, Garden of Eden, ‘Friends’.

April - Bridge Evening.

May 8th - Concert. Elizabeth Wingfield.

June - Crab Supper.

July 31st - Bric-a-brac. Langham Street Fayre Stall.

August 7th & 8th - Regatta and Oyster Regatta.

September - 11th NCT Bike Ride.

17th - 19th Powditch Family Reunion.

ANSWERS TO GRAND QUIZ (see page 14 )

A. Entertainment: 1. Pop music (Sting). 2. Ballet. 3. Pop Music. 4. Classical Music. 5. Theatre. 6. Pop music (hip-hop) 7. TV (Ross in Friends). 8. Opera (and pop). 9. TV (Pop music).

B. Sport: 1. Football. 2. Sailing. 3. Hockey (now a coach). 4. Rugby. 5. Rugby. 6. Golf. 7. Tennis. 8. Cricket. 9. Horse racing (trainer and owner of ‘Blakeney’ and ‘Morston’ winners of the Derby in 1969 and 1973 respectively). 10 Football.

C. General 1: 1. Thai Boxing. 2. Silvio Berlusconi. 3. John Prescott. 4. Fashion. 5. Very small. 6. Tanzania. 7. John Thaw. 8. Birds. 9. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. 10. Lothar Matthaeus for Germany.

D. Filmstars: 1. Catherine Zeta-Jones. 2. Rex Harrison or Eddie Murphy. 3. Uma Thurman. 4. Denzel Washington & Julia Roberts. 5. Renee Zellweger. 6. Julie Andrews. 7. Johnny Depp,. 8. Richard Gere. 9. Kristin Scott-Thomas. 10. Will Smith.


E. General 2: 1. Fatboy Slim. 2. Mexico (the Quetzalcoatal pyramid at Cholula Rivadavia). 3. A person who clears the way for a procession. 4. An aircraft. (a Soviet Mikoyan MIG-25 fighter). 5. A robot dog (Artificial Intelligence RoBOt - japanese for ‘partner’). 6. The donkey in AA Milne’s books. 7. Christianity. (approximately 33% of the world or over 2 billion (of which 1.04 billions are RC). 8. Limbo (rollerskates). 9. Bean curd (from soya beans). 10. A Soviet/Russian Kalashnikov rifle.

F Christmas: 1. Sent the first Christmas Card. 2. The holly or holy tree. 3. A piggy bank. 4. The Christmas tree. 5. The first Christmas. 6. There should be no more kissing. 7. Dinted. 8. Full grown. 9. Stille (silent). 10. Good King Wenceslaus.


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CHARTERED SURVEYOR ANDY SMITH raises £2,000 for Friends

On 18th September Andy Smith, brother of Sally Metcalfe and brother-in-law of Rob Metcalf, Friends’ Treasurer, raised the wonderful sum of £2,000 by walking in five days the 50 miles of the Peddars Way & the North Norfolk Coastal Path from Knettishall Heath to Cromer. Andy was sponsored by, amongst others, Bernard Mathews and North Norfolk MP Dr Ian Gibson.

We are all deeply grateful to Norwich-based Andy Smith for his sterling efforts for Friends and our church. He was given a great write-up in the North Norfolk News, with a picture in front of All Saints.

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For Church Services see panel on page 3

together with Christmas Services

It has been a fairly quiet time in our little village of late but there’s plenty to look forward to at present; Mary Alexander’s talk on Art Deco Costume and jewellery on November 12th and also our ever-popular Christingle Service, which has great appeal for young and old alike, at 3.30 pm on Sunday, December 14th at St Margaret’s Church.


Our Harvest Supper, held with Field Dalling at the Village Hall on Saturday, October 18th, was very well attended with everyone enjoying a splendid selection of dishes brought along for the event. A happy, friendly atmosphere prevailed and it was indeed a time to remember our many blessings and to be grateful for all that a bountiful land provides.

During the supper a collection was raised for the Teardrop organisation.


On the following day, Sunday, a joint Harvest Festival Service with Field Dalling took place at our local church. There was a glorious array of fruit, flowers, vegetables and other comestibles generously provided by members of both our parishes, and the congregation joyfully sang the familiar Harvest Hymns with great enthusiasm.

Later, the fruit and vegetables etc were taken to Glaven Caring for the enjoyment of everyone there. B. Watson.

For Church Services see panel on page 3 together with Christmas Services


Elsie Moore died on 20th October, 03, leaving behind a remarkable legacy of loving care for her family and devotion to the village (see Elsie May Moore) – an example which we should follow.

Elsie was born, baptized, married and worshipped here. On Wednesday 29th October she was laid to rest in the family grave in this churchyard. Her funeral was taken by Rev. Diana Penny and appropriately the church was packed to standing room only by her family and many many friends. The end of an era in Sharrington’s history. Thank you Elsie, very much. PJG


Contact: Dr Peter Garwood 01263 860700

Contact: Bridget Watson 01328 830248


Answers to ‘whose village is this?’ on page 15

Stiffkey - tree stump island (OE styfic stump and eg island) Morston - enclosure on the marsh (OE mor moor and tun settlement) Cockthorpe - probably outlying village of Cocc) Saxlingham - possibly homestead of Saexes’s people (OE Saexel and ingas people of and ham homestead). Gunthorpe - Gunni’s hamlet (ON Gunni and thorpe hamlet) Langham - long homestead (OE lang long and ham homestead) Binham – Bynna’s homestead (OE Bynna and ham homestead) Dalling - place of Dalla’s people (OE Dalla and ingas the people of) Bale - Bath grove (OE baeth and leah grove, clearing)Sharrington - muddy enclosure, dung enclosure (OE scaern mud, dirt, dung and tun enclosure)


Lots and lots of people, lots and lots of flowers, fruits and candles, celebrated the service and harvest supper. Lots and lots of cottage pies, apple pies and trifles were enjoyed to the full - all provided by lots and lots of Cor-don Blue cooks. Do you realise that our village is run by our beloved cooking ladies - the Church, the village hall, the societies, the money making events and functions - not a chef in sight. They deserve a heartfelt accolade from us blokes. Aren’t we lucky? Our hostesses are the mostesses.

I’m told that the Harvest we celebrated was an im-provement on last year - but still involves complaints. Complaining is our British disease, but we do have a lot to be grateful for - the glorious autumn colours, majestic sunrise and sunsets and - and they cost nowt, tha’ knows.

Maureen France also died - in September, she was also devoted and worked hard for our village in a quiet and loving manner. Thank you, Maureen.


On Saturday, 6th December, 2003, from 2.00 - 4.00, Sharrington will host this Table Top Bazaar in the Village Hall. We hope other villages in the benefice will join us with their own tables of items for sale, the theme to be Christmas with toys, preserves, chutney, decorations, cakes, etc.

Refreshments will be served for the weary shoppers and there will be a raffle. Proceeds from our own table, raffle and refreshments will go to All Saints Church fabric fund, and profits from other village tables will go to their respective churches. The venue and time have changed from the original announcement in the last Lynx but we hope you will make every effort to support this venture. A welcome awaits everyone. APG


MAUREEN FRANCE 1.5.31 – 22.9.03

Within months of settling in Norfolk, Mo, as she was known to us all, threw herself into the two major village projects, the restoration of All Saints Church Tower and the upgrading of the Village Hall. She served on both committees and her colleagues soon recognised her willingness to do anything asked of her. She wrote scores of letters appealing successfully for help and funds. She served on the Village Hall Committee until she became ill this year.

Among Mo’s many talents was the gift of making cuddly knitted dolls and teddy bears, over the years she happily donated a huge number of these for fund raising. People came to know her as the cheerful, kindly woman busy at the Church Fete stalls and Village Hall functions.

Always good company, Mo was extremely well read and could hold her own on a delightfully wide range of subjects, never ceasing to amaze the men on her specialist knowledge of all sports.

A bright child, she won a place at Broomwood Grammar School for Girls, Wandsworth, gaining distinctions in all her subjects. Her forte was mathematics and she was recruited by Lloyds. On the verge of her career as an underwriter, Ralph France came into her life. He was a dashing young man, driver of Jaguars, owner of an Allard and a brilliant cricketer. He introduced her to the team with the words ‘She’s good at maths, so she can do the scoring’. Thus began Mo’s lifelong passion for cricket.

Ralph, Mo and their four children spent the family holidays at Mundesley every year. Before returning home they would float in the ebb tide a small log to which they had fixed a kite. From the shore they would watch until the log and then the kite disappeared over the horizon. It became their dream to retire to Norfolk.

Then this young mother came face to face with tragedy. Ralph, in the prime of life, was struck down with a fatal illness, and Mo was left to provide for her children on her own. She took a job with an engineering firm and soon she became their chief buyer.

When her eldest son Chris announced that he wanted to go into the music business Mo encouraged him and soon her house became a second home to such up and coming Pop Stars as Bob Geldorf, Bucks Fizz, The Barron Knights, Howard Jones, Jam, Marillion and Billy Idol. She was Mother Earth to them all. All Mo’s children have found success in their lives.

Her son Patrick introduced her to the Internet. To Mo, this was yet another exciting source of knowledge. Her enthusiasm was also reflected in daily e-mail traffic with her children and grandchildren.

The dream of retiring to Norfolk had come true. She told her daughter, Michelle, that her 11 years here were among the happiest of her life, her Southern view was always beautiful throughout all seasons and that she couldn’t have wished for kinder friends than her next door neighbours, Alan and Betty Preston.


After many, many weeks of discussions, plans, meetings with various Council representatives, builders, endless letters and telephone conversations, it is very pleasing to announce that our Village Hall now has a newly refurbished Ladies Toilet, including a unisex disabled unit, hot water and an up-to-date electrical system which does not fail in the event of a power cut. We have even had a heater installed!

Needless to say there were a few problems along the way and one or two outstanding points are still awaiting completion, but the final outcome is very acceptable. As many of you will know, we have replaced the front entrance doors and had an old pathway replaced by paving slabs as well as upgrading the electrics in the hall itself. Unfortunately the latter upgrading is now so sensitive that it tends to ‘trip’ when everything is put on at the same time – hence our harvest supper was initially by candle power with light coming from the new toilet. So we do know that the separate toilet circuit works! We are also about to have a new fire exit door fitted as the existing one is rotten and lets in great gales of cold wind.

A big think you to all who have helped in this endeavour, and sadness that Maureen France did not live to see its completion, and Elsie Moore, although she saw the finished article, is not with us to appreciate the benefits of the changes.


.Another of her dreams was to be in Australia when England competed for The Ashes and last year, with her son Chris, she accompanied the England Team on their tour, staying in the same hotels and dining out with them.

A special dream was to visit Glastonbury. This also came true when she spent a whole week there last May with Matthew and his family and together they climbed to the top of the Tor, a thing she’d always wanted to do.

Mo made faithful friends where ever she went - the international chef and owner of the Imperial at Woburn, Felix You, hearing of her illness, immediately offered to come to her home to cook her meals.

To the end, Mo’s sense of humour never let her down. Her record request to the Hospital Radio was the Boomtown Rats No 1 hit which has the chorus ‘It’s a Rat Trap and you’ve been caught’. When the Chaplain came to cheer her up it was he who burst out laughing when she asked ‘Why should I be talking to you when shortly I shall be talking to the Top Man?’


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ELSIE MAY MOORE 26.5.1916 – 22.10.03

Born in Sharrington 26th May 1916 Elsie lived in a house where the village hall now stands. The eldest of five children she went to Brinton School, then Fakenham Grammar School, to which she travelled by train. As a young woman she worked as a grocery delivery van driver for Durrants of Sheringham.

She married Leslie Moore, a stockman for Mr Massingham (a tenant farmer) on 10th April 1944 and they settled in Hunt Hall farmhouse. Here her two boys, George and Ray were born. She led a busy life, helping her husband with the stock, taking poultry and animals to the local markets with the car and trailer and doing taxi work as and when required. Also at this time she would help out Mr Gaskin, baker at Hindringham, with his bread rounds. After her mother’s retirement as caretaker of Brinton School Elsie took up that role and continued as such until the closure of the school in 1984.

She loved sport of all kinds, and was closely involved with cricket, often on a Saturday scoring the match, preparing the tea and then afterwards helping Leslie with the stock. Tennis was an especial favourite and she always wanted to watch Wimbledon on television.

When the idea of a village hall was conceived she joined the committee involved in fund-raising. Various events were staged including the whist drives, which she attended and organised for fifty years until the Friday before her death. Those raised many thousands of pounds for village hall funds over the years. She enjoyed so much meeting with old friends at the village hall bicentenary celebrations earlier this year. Other charities were not forgotten. Through special whist drives and latterly through her charity raffles several thousand pounds were raised for the Friends of Kelling Hospital and Arthritis Research amongst others. Always a good listener, she was discreet in what she disclosed. Knowing that she was terminally ill she would hear and sympathise over people’s problems without revealing her own. On the practical side many a person was on the receiving end of a hot meal or inclusion in the family at Christmas and other times of celebration until illness made it impossible.

In 1961 her husband took the tenancy of a few acres at No 3 Sharrington with her support. After his retirement they moved to No 19 and while they were living there their first grandchild, Kevin, was born, followed a few years later by Mary and Mark. Elsie loved her grandchildren and they loved her. She followed their development with interest and had many a laugh over the things they did and said. Her laughter was infectious and she retained her sense of humour until the end.

After the death of her husband in 1986 she moved into Moore Haven. Although arthritis gradually restricted her mobility she was always mentally alert and her interest in the natural world, sport and world affairs never waned. She particularly liked looking at her garden and the birds which flocked to her bird table and watching sport on television. And it was in Moore Haven on the morning of Wednesday 22nd October, with her family around and supporting her, that she passed peacefully on.


7th Family Service 11.00 am

14th Holy Communion 11.00 am

21st Christingle and Carols 3.30 pm


Holy Communion 10.30 am

28th Benefice Service 10.30 am


4th Family Service 11.00 am

11th Holy Communion 11.00 am

18th` Holy Communion 8.00 am

25th Holy Communion 11.00 am


Contact: Keith McDougall 01328 830344

GRANDMOTHERS by an 8 year old schoolboy

A grandmother is a woman, who has no children of her own, so she loves the boys and girls of other people

Grandmothers have nothing to do, they only have to be there. If they take you for a walk, they go slowly past beautiful leaves and caterpillars. They never say ‘Come along quickly’ or ‘Hurry up for goodness sake.’

They are usually fat, but not too fat to tie up my shoelaces. They wear spectacles and sometimes take out their teeth. They can answer any question, for instance why dogs hate cats and why God is not married.

When they read to us they never leave anything out. They do not mind if it is always the same story.

Everyone should have a grandmother especially those who do not have a television. Grandmothers are the only grownups who have plenty of time.


3.30 pm, Saturday 25th October, ’03 - the church was full with even the chancel in use, testifying to the affec-tion in which Clive and Eva are widely held. The bride, dressed in a beautiful deep pink dress, travelled from her home to the Church in a pony and trap decked with flow-ers. The service, conducted by Rev. Martin Dale who gave the address, included 3 hymns - ‘For the beauty of the earth’ ‘Amazing grace’ and ‘Morning has broken’ and chapter 13 of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. The congregation clapped enthusiastically at the end of the marriage ceremony.

After the service all those present were regaled with wine and delicious cake made by the bride.

An occasion of much warmth and happiness.



Congratulations! David Webb has won the 2 Wood Outdoor Norfolk Singles title played at River Lane, King’s Lynn and represented Norfolk in the All-England finals at Skegness. This is David’s 6th Norfolk title, including 3 Indoor and 3 Outdoors. Also English Champion in Carpet Bowls. David plays for the Wells Elsmith Outdoors team, and the Sports Centre Fakenham. David would be happy to help anyone to take up bowls. Tel: 01328 830469


Eva and Clive have been together for 25 years, and after a few light hints, Clive finally popped the question, to which Eva (with the biggest smile you have ever seen) said ‘of course I will’.

The big day was Saturday, 25th October (also Eva’s birthday). The sun was in the sky, the church was packed out and the bride looked amazing! After arriving in style (thanks, Dawn) the wedding went ahead with great success. It was a very personal and laid-back wedding. Hymns were sung, and there was a great reading from Corinthians chapter 13! There were big smiles all round, and one or two tears shed.

After the service, there was bubbly and cake to go round, before everybody descended on the Stiffkey Red Lion. This is when the party really started! There was an amazing buffet provided by the Red Lion, including salmon, quiche, ham, smoked salmon stuffed with cottage cheese and much, much more! (The author was a little drunk by this stage and cannot remember the full range of food provided). The party went on into the early hours. There were many alcoholic beverages consumed, and many strong vocal performances later on in the evening! The word Delilah only need be mentioned once and Clive breaks out into song!

The evening in the Red Lion crowned off a great day, which will be remembered by Clive and Eva for the rest of their lives. Everything was perfect! The happy couple then flew off to St Vincent in the Caribbean for their honeymoon, leaving Stiffkey Stores in the capable hands of Gill, Kevin and Daphne.

Clive and Eva would like to thank the following people who made this great day possible - Head Groom and Stable Lass, the Flower Girls, the Upstairs and Downstairs Maids (for cleaning up the church), kitchen staff at the Red Lion (thankya - Massy and Leeder), Musicians, the Beautician and Hair-dresser, the Landladies (for guests), the Ushers, Best Man and beautiful Bridesmaids and, last but by no means least, Rev. John Penny and Rev. Martin Dale for making the whole thing possible and very enjoyable.

We all wish Eva and Clive all happiness and good future in the years ahead. Kevin.

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email: hallfarm@morston44.freeserve.co.uk HARVEST FESTIVAL

Sunday 5th October was celebrated as Harvest Festival in the Parish Church’s special family service. The Church was beautifully decorated with flowers, fruit and vegetables and 50 people turned out and made a very happy occasion.


What is: To hull? To quackle? A loke? A scute?

Answers to last edition’s Quiz Feel quare = feel sick. A tizzik = a cough. A shiver = a splinter. Bronnical = chest cold.


Last year there was some discussion as to how Stiffkey is pronounced. I thought it would be interesting to look back to the days when there was no standard spelling and people wrote names as they heard them.

The best published source of old documents relating to Stiffkey are the ‘Papers of Nathaniel Bacon of Stiffkey’ which have now been published by the ‘Centre for East Anglian Studies. In these papers ‘Stiffkey’ appears in many variations, I leave readers to guess at pronunciation, the following list is alphabetical:

Steffkey, Steffkye, Stewekey, Stewkeey, Stewkey, Stewkye, Stiffkey, Stiffkeye, Stifkey, Stifkeye, Stifky, Stifkye, Stivekey, Stukey, Stufekaye, Stuke, Stukey, Stukie, Stukley, Stuky, Stukye, Stuque, Stuqui, Styffekey, Styffkey, Styfkay, Styfkey, Styfkeye, Styfky, Styfkye, Stykie. S.B.

Note My family has visited Holkham from the late 1880’s on, and as children we were taught to say Stookey. Now much derided by Stiffkey residents.



The W.I. continues to meet on the third Monday of each month at 7.30 pm. We have had a varied programme of speakers through the year and plan for a varied programme in 2004. New members are always welcome – we don’t believe in cliques! Come as a visitor and try us out.


At the end of the first half term, the school is now working on the build-up to Christmas. Mary, having left us to go to Sheringham Library is sadly missed, her work at present being covered by valued volunteers. We wish her well and look forward to meeting her replacement next year.


French Club For infants and juniors will continue on Wednesday and Tuesday mornings before school starts. Drum Club Still goes well on Thursdays, the children really enjoy the experience.


Great Ryburgh School Hosted a Sports afternoon involving football, hockey and netball. School football team Reached the final at the annual Hevingham tournament, only losing to Cawston on the ‘golden goal’ rule. They have been invited to play on Norwich City pitch on Sat. 13th December against Hindringham, prior to league game against Cardiff City. Table tennis The club made a successful bid to ‘Sports for All’ Lottery for £560 to spend on a table, bats, balls and professional coaching from the English Table Tennis Assoc.


Living History Class 3 will visit Felbrigg Hall, dressed in Victorian gear, on 9th Dec. Harvest A very successful Harvest Service raised £90 for Quidenham Children’s Hospice. Book Fair Was held at the school in November. Christmas Fair Held at school at the end of November. Christmas lunch/parties are again planned. Governors Report to Parents End of November.

Langham School Website:

Newly launched, the site is www.langham.norfolk.sch.uk

and work continues over the coming months.

COUNTRY NEWS ‘Season of mists and mellow fruitfullness.’ I awoke this morning to see the sycamore leaves flying over the lawn and a stiff westerly wind funnelling down the road. ‘Close bosomed friend of the maturing sun.’ Keats said it all, and I often think autumn is my favourite season (as Keats is my favourite poet). This year the fruit harvest has been the best I can ever remember, apples, pears, plums, soft fruit, what feast for man and wild life! The hedgerows groaned with sloes, hips, haws and blackberries. Migrant birds arriving from Scandinavia had their feast laid out. Yet garden birds remain scarce - why? Are they out in the hedgerows or have the sparrow hawks cleaned up? Perhaps their early nests suffered from cold and wet in May. But why haven’t second broods appeared? The wild geese are back. The first Pinkfeet were spotted in mid-September after their long flight from Iceland. How young goslings, hatched in June, can gain weight and strength for the non-stop flight to Scotland in September is a miracle of nature. Their changing skeins pattern our skies and their voracious feeding (on sugarbeet tops) does little damage (fortunately) for farmers. A question of re-cycling vegetable waste! Not so the Brent geese - later on they will become a nuisance, grazing winter barley. As protected species they have to be scared off - not shot for the pot! I cannot get used to that scourge of rabbits - myxamotosis. We all know the damage rabbits do to gardens and crops but the deliberate introduction by man of such a disgusting and distressing disease is something my conscience rebels against. Bring back the warreners and the old days when good clean wild rabbits were a popular food for country people! So we shall soon be sliding into winter. The wind will veer into the east – a lazy wind as it is called, because it goes through you, not round you. Snow and frost are next on the agenda. Check your anti-freeze, your central heating oil, and let’s hope we won’t all be snowed up. Global warming cannot hold the line for ever. Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat. ‘Pightle’

LAST WORD Nobody likes to repeat gossip –

but what else can you do with it?

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