Loer Rules Preview Small

Post on 14-Sep-2015

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Pilalrs of Eternity smepl riul;es


  • Early PreviewHey, were not done with the rules yet. Help us out and make them even better!

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  • 2A city building adventure card game for 2-4 players

    IntroductionLords of the Eastern Reach is a 2-4 player card game based on Obsidian Entertainments Award Winning and bestselling Pillars of Eternity computer role-playing game, made possible by the generous support of our backers on Kickstarter.

    You play lords and ladies of the Eastern Reach of Eora, who hire troops, recruit heroes, and build defenses to fend off fiendish monsters and their fellow players. Resources are represented by tokens, while the buildings and armies are cards. Your stock of resources is replenished each turn with any you are unable to use being passed on to the other play-ers. Every turn you may choose to go on dangerous adven-tures or engage in battles against your fellow players.

    How to WinManage your resources effectively to construct buildings, the most common way to earn victory points. Youll need to hire an army to protect your city from your opponents, or send on adventures to gain soul gems, victory points and power-ful items. Victory points are earned by successful adventures, attacks against your opponents and building your city.

    The player with the most victory points is the winner.

    ComponentsLords of the Eastern Reach includes the following:

    176 City Cards 41 Dungeon Cards 41 Wilderness Cards 12 Quest Cards 6 Allegiance Cards 50 Resource Tokens 6 Invocation Tokens 1 Pet Token 1 Last Player Tile 24 Soul Gems 2 Six-sided Dice 1 Event Die 1 Resource Bag 1 Space Piglet

    The soul gems and invocation tokens are limited to the number included in the game.

    WARNING!Kickstarter cam-paign in prog-ress. The number and type of com-ponents subject to change.


  • 3CardsThere are three types of cards in the City deck: buildings, he-roes, and troops. Hero and troop cards are collectively known as army cards.

    The resource cost to play a City card is in the upper left corner. Buildings are worth victory points at the end of the game. Building Defense is used in player vs. player combat.

    Army cards have an Attack value in addition to Defense. These values are used in combat when adventuring or attacking other players. Most buildings, and some heroes, have an ability that can be used once per turn. Your Active Player abilities can only be used on your turn, otherwise you can use them on any turn.

    The adventure decks are filled with monsters and sweet, sweet loot. Defeat monsters to score victory points and take any guarded treasure. Bosses are powerful creatures that have an ongoing effect that affects the game for all players.

    There are two different adventure sets: the Dungeon and the Wilderness. The Dungeon is divided into three smaller decks: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.

    AllegiancesEach lord has an allegiance to a different area of the Eastern Reach. The Allegiance cards have unique advantages plus starting food and building limits that will restrict the num-ber of cards that can be in play.

    CombatAdd +3 Defense to one troop or hero.



    THE WALL Name







    Add +1 Defense to each troop.

    If you have two or more heroes involved in a combat, gain Armor 2.






    : Defense +2 2




    Overpowering Stench: Choose one hero in the adventuring party. at hero does not add their Attack to this battle.If defeated, gain .








    Soul GemReward





    Building Troop Hero

  • 4ResourcesThere are three types of resources: Grunts, Goods and Gold. There are slightly more Grunts and Goods than Gold avail-able. A few resource tokens are double resources with two Grunts or two Goods.

    Resources are drawn from the bag and are used to play City cards. Used resources are placed in the discard pool and are returned to the bag when it is emptied. Soul GemsThe soul gems are rewards that power the various soul abilities. Souls can be assigned to troops and many of the heroes to improve their abilities. Abilities marked with require soul gems to use.

    Soul gems, assigned or unassigned, are each worth 1 victory point at the end of the game. If a card with an assigned soul gem is destroyed, the soul gem is returned to the supply. DiceTwo standard six-sided dice (d6) are included. Rules refer-ring to die or dice always mean these d6s.

    The special event die is rolled at the end of each turn and will cause chaos and havoc. This special die is always referred to as the event die.

    Set UpThe first player is the person who most recently played the Pillars of Eternity video game. Alternatively, you can roll dice or use another suitable method. The player to the right of the first player is the last player; give the last player the event die and the last player tile.


    Each player takes a random Allegiance card and places it face-up in their play area.

    Place the resource counters in the bag.

    Shuffle the City cards to form a draw deck and place it in the center of the table.

    Choose which Adventure deck you will use, the Dungeon decks or the Wilderness deck. Shuffle the Adventure cards and place them near the center of the table. Each level of the Dungeon is shuffled separately to make three decks. Remove a number of cards from the City deck without look-ing at them:

    Short game: Divide the deck into two stacks of roughly equal size. Set aside one stack.

    Normal game: Divide the deck into three stacks of roughly equal size. Set aside one stack.

    TIP Use the back of the unused allegiance cards as player aids.




    Grunt Gold

  • 5 Long game: Divide the deck into four stacks of roughly equal size. Set aside one stack.

    Epic game: Set aside the top 10 cards from the deck. Deal eight City cards to each player and place the rest of the deck in the center of the table, with room for discards next to the deck. Each player looks at their hand of eight cards and discards down to their hand limit. For most players, the hand limit is five cards. For the Dyrwood player, this is six cards.

    Shuffle the Quest decks. Deal each player one Main quest and one Task. Return the remaining Main quests to the box without looking at them. Set the remaining Quest cards, the Tasks, to the side for now.

    Each player also needs room for their trophy pile, a face-down pile of defeated monsters and pillaged buildings. You are ready to play!

    How to PlayLords of Eastern Reach is played in a series of rounds. The first player will take the first player turn and play will continue clockwise around the table until the last player finishes their turn and rolls the event die. Then a new round will start.

    If the last card in the City deck is drawn during a round, the game will end at the end of the current round.

    Steps in a TurnEach players turn is divided into six steps. The last player also performs a seventh and final step.

    Start of TurnCombat optionalDraw ResourcesBuild & HireDiscard optionalDrawEvent last player only

    The active player is the player currently taking their turn. The active player may skip the Combat and Discard steps, but must perform all other steps. All steps must be performed in order. In some steps, the other players may have a chance to act as well. Card AbilitiesEach card ability can only be used once per turn and only during the appropri-ate step as shown by the colored banner on the card.

    Cards with Active Player can only be used by the current active player. If the ability text does not include the word "may" the ability must be used.

    Exhausted army cards are turned 90 and may not be used until readied at the start of your next turn.

    TIP For your first game, just deal five cards to each player (dont forget to deal an extra

    card to the Dyrwood player).

    TIP Play the standard game for your first game or two. Then you can try Scenarios that

    alter the standard game rules. Try PvE, where all players adventure instead of attacking each other. Or ally with another player to crush the other team. There are even solitaire rules to challenge you.

    See Scenarios, page 13.

    Start of Turn


    Draw Resources


  • 6Cards that are destroyed are removed from play on the table. Cards that are discarded are removed from a player's hand. Removed cards are placed in the discard pile. Unless other-wise stated, the player that controls the card or cards to be destroyed or discarded chooses which card to remove.

    If there is more than one ability to resolve, the active player determines the order in which they are resolved.

    Start of Turn StepThe active player readies any exhausted cards by rotating them 90 back to their readied state. Buildings with the Start of Turn banner are used now.

    Combat StepThe active player may either go adventuring or attack one other player. Players are not required to adventure or attack.

    The Combat step is divided into five phases:

    1. Declaration PhaseThe active player declares if they are adventuring, attacking or passing. If adventuring or attacking, the at-tacker clearly announces which readied army cards will form the party by pushing them forward. If attacking, the attacker announces the target (or just rudely points at the player to be attacked).

    2. Target PhaseIf adventuring, the active player draws the top card from an adventure deck. If attacking, the targeted player determines which of their readied army cards will participate in the defense by pushing those cards forward.

    3. Ability PhaseArmy and building combat abilities are used, starting with the attacker.

    4. Roll PhaseAny dice that need to be rolled are rolled at this time.

    5. Damage PhaseThe Attack and Defense scores are totaled, compared and resolved.

    AdventuringThe active player chooses readied army cards to form their party. If adventuring into the Dungeon, the maximum party size is 5 due to the narrow dungeon hallways. There is no limit for the Wilderness.

    If there is a revealed boss, the player must encounter the boss. Otherwise, the player draws the top card from one adventure deck of their choice to start the encounter.

    TIP You may wish to rotate building cards slightly when they are used. Do not rotate

    them a full 90 like troop and hero cards. You may be able to use their ability on another

    players turn in the same round.

  • 7If the adventure deck is empty, shuffle the discards.

    A treasure is always guarded. If a treasure card is drawn first, draw another card until at least one monster is revealed.

    Draw one additional card from the same deck for each monster with the Random Encounter ability. See Monster Abilities, page 11, for other abilities.

    The party fights all revealed monsters by comparing attack and defense values. Buildings with the Combat banner and army abilities may be used before rolling dice.

    Roll dice for heroes with die symbols for attack or defense.

    The player totals the partys attack value and assigns all, some or none of the attack to any revealed monsters. If the as-signed attack equals or exceeds the monsters defense, that monster is defeated. Defeated monsters are placed in the adventuring players trophy pile.

    The player must discard a number of cards from the party that have a total defense that equals or exceeds the total at-tack of the monsters. Important: Even if you only take one point of damage from the monsters, you must discard at least one card.

    Example Adam adventures. He sends one Guard, one Archer and the hero Durance with a soul gem into the level one dun-geon. He draws the top card from the dungeon deck and reveals a Fine Shield. Treasure is always guarded, so Adam draws again and pulls a Xaurip Shaman. The Shaman has the keyword Random Encounter and Adam draws another card from the same deck to reveal a Skuldr. The Skuldr Ambushes the party and deals 2 points of damage immediately. Adam destroys the Guard to absorb that damage. The Shaman then attacks simul-taneously with the remaining party. The Archers Attack is 2 and Durances Attack is (1+2) 3. The five total points of Attack is enough to defeat both the Shaman and the Skuldr. The Shaman deals 2 points of damage and Adam uses Durances ability to

    give the Archer +2 Defense and then destroys the Archer to cover that damage. Adam takes two soul gems because of the Shamans Draconic Ritual. Durance stumbles out of the dungeon with a nice new shield and memories of his troop friends.

    If all of the monsters are defeated, even if the player has no remaining army cards, the player takes all revealed treasure cards. Hero items must be assigned to a hero. If the active player doesnt have a hero, they assign the item to another players hero. If there are no heroes, discard any hero items. See Hero Items, page 10.

    Some monsters and treasures may award soul gems. These gems may be assigned to heroes or troops with abilities or may be left as unassigned on the players allegiance card. See Soul Abilities, page 10.

    Any remaining revealed adventure cards, except boss cards, are discarded. If there is a boss, do not discard treasure cards.

    AttackingThe active player declares whom they are fighting and pushes forward the readied army cards that will participate in the at-tack. There is no limit to the number of army cards that may attack.

    The defending player may assign any readied army cards to participate in the defense.

    Players total the attack values of their participating cards; roll dice for heroes with a die symbol for attack or defense. Then each player discards a number of army cards that have a total defense that equals or exceeds their opponents total attack. Excess damage to the attackers army is ignored. Excess dam-age to the defenders army is called pillage damage. Attackers never take pillage damage.

    TIP Remember to use the abilities from your buildings, since they could change the tide of the battle.

  • 8If the defender takes pillage damage, they must discard a number of buildings that have a total defense equal to or greater than the remaining pillage damage. Discarded build-ings are taken by the attacker and placed facedown in their trophy pile for victory points at the end of the game.

    After resolving the attack, the defending player readies all of their exhausted army cards.

    Example Adam declares an attack against Nathaniel. Adam sends two Monks, one Paladin and two Archers. Nathaniel de-fends with Zacmar, two Guards and one Craftsmen. Nathaniel would also like to use Sagani and a third Guard, but they are exhausted and cannot defend. One of Adams Archers has a soul gem and their two points of attack are resolved first. Nathaniel chooses to discard the Craftsmen but the extra point of Defense is lost. Nathaniel discards one troop from hand to increase Zac-mars Attack to 4. Adam has a total Attack of 4 (two Monks) + 2 (one Paladin) + 2 (the Archer that didnt ambush) = 8. Nathaniel has a total Defense of 3 (Zacmar) + 4 (two Guards) = 7. All of Nathaniels defenders are killed and one point of Pillage remains. Nathaniels counter Attack total is 4 (Zacmar) + 2 (two Guards) = 6. Adam discards the Paladin (Defense 3), one Monk (2) and one Archer (1)*. Nathaniel must choose one building to give to Adam for his trophy pile. Since all buildings have at least 1 Defense, any building will do and Nathaniel selects a Farm.

    * Presumably, the Archer without the soul gem.

    Army cards without Stamina that adventure or attack are exhausted and turned 90. They cannot be used again until readied.

    Ranged BonusIf all of a player's army cards involved in a combat have the Ranged ability, add +1 Attack to each of those cards.

    Example John has two Archers, one of which has a soul gem. He adventures and finds the Wurm. Each Archer has a base Attack of 2 and the Wurm has a Defense of 5. Normally, John would not be able to defeat the Wurm, but the +1 bonus to each Archer increases his total Attack to 6. The Wurm is defeated.

    ArmorArmor is a keyword on some hero and treasure cards.

    Each point of Armor on your cards involved in the combat reduces damage you take by one. Damage cannot be reduced below 0.


    : Attack +2 3



    : Attack +2

    3 2


    TIP If Armor reduces the damage from monsters or other players to 0, you do not

    have to discard any cards. Without enough Armor, you will always discard at least one card

    when adventuring or attacking.

    Armor 1Exhaust the Devil of Caroc to destroy the exhausted card of your choice.


    Armor Keyword

  • 9Draw Resources StepBuildings with the Draw Resources banner are used now.

    The active player draws and reveals five resource tokens at random from the bag. The number of tokens drawn are modified by cards in play. Whenever the bag is empty, take the resources from the discard pool, put them back in the bag and continue drawing.

    Build & Hire StepThe active player is the first person to build and hire, but each player may have an opportunity to use the remaining resource tokens to play cards from their hand. Once a player has used resources and played as many cards as they can or wish to do, the remaining resources are passed clockwise. This continues until all players have had a chance to build and hire or there are no more resources. Any remaining resources are discarded to the pool.

    The cost to play a card is displayed on the top left of the card. Each icon displayed requires one resource of that type. Resources are discarded into the discard pool after use. A player must use both resources on a double resource token to play it, either on the same card or another card.

    Buildings with the Build & Hire banner can be used in any order during this step, before, during and after other actions. Newly built buildings can be used immediately if they have a Build & Hire ability.

    Army and Building LimitsA player cannot hire more army cards than their army limit or build more buildings than their building limit. A player does not have to discard cards to fit under a limit, but cannot play new cards until the limit is increased or other cards are discarded.

    The initial food and building limits are displayed on each players allegiance card. Farms and Inns increase the food limit. Craftsmen increase the building limit.

    Players at their limit may destroy any of their cards from play to make room for new buildings, troops, or heroes. Players may not destroy a card unless they are at their limit.

    Discard StepThe active player (only) may discard some, none, or all of the cards from their hand.

    Draw Cards StepStarting with the active player and going clockwise, each player draws back up to their hand size. Normally, this is five cards, but some cards may increase or decrease the hand size.

    If the City deck is empty, do not shuffle the discards to form a new deck. The game will end at the end of the current round. Add the stack of set aside cards to the draw pile. Players may continue drawing from the new stack of cards, but the game still ends after the Event step of the last players turn. See Game End, page 10.


    Building Limit

    Army Limit

    TIP Dont hold on to a hand full of expen-sive cards. You want to be able to play cheap

    cards when it is not your turn.

  • 10

    Event StepThe last player rolls the Event Die. Destroy effects apply to all players that have more items than listed in the events below.

    RavagePlayers with four or more troops destroy one of their choice.

    RuinPlayers with three or more buildings destroy one of their choice.

    SlayPlayers with two or more heroes destroy one of their choice.

    BawacPlayers with one or more soul gems, assigned or unassigned, return one back to the supply.

    Circle of Peace and LoveNothing happens. Whew!

    Game EndIf the City deck was emptied at any point during the round, the game ends after the final event die roll. All players reveal their trophies and main quests and add up the victory points from their buildings, trophies, quests and soul gems.

    If more than one player is tied for the most points, the tied player with the most total city cards in play is the winner. If there is still a tie, the tied player with the most soul gems is the winner. If there is still a tie, the tied player with the most trophies is the winner. If it is still tied, enjoy the shared victory!

    Hero ItemsHero items are treasure cards found in Adventure decks. They must be assigned to a specific hero. If the player who wins the item from an encounter does not have a hero, they must give that item to another players hero. If there is no available hero, discard the item. A hero can carry any num-ber of items. Once an item is assigned to a hero that item cannot be reassigned unless that hero is destroyed.

    Soul AbilitiesOne soul gem may be assigned to an army card with a ability. Without the soul gem, that ability does not func-tion. Soul gems on a players Allegiance card are unassigned. Unassigned soul gems are assigned to an appropriate hero or troop at any time except the Combat step, even on another players turn. Maximum of one soul gem per card.

    Each Hero soul ability is unique and is explained on their card text. Some soul abilities require the player to return a soul. When that ability is used, remove the selected soul and place it back in the supply.

    Guards and Paladins improve their Defense and Attack, respectively, to 4.

    Monks gain Stamina when upgraded and therefore do not exhaust during combat.

    Archers gain Ambush and apply their damage in combat before cards without Ambush.

    Craftsmen gain the ability to maintain one additional build-ing for a total of +2 building limit.

    Ciphers use Focus. They may return their assigned soul gem back to the supply during the ability step of combat. If they do, select either Attack or Defense, then add the result of one die roll to selected ability. They can be re-assigned an-other soul gem, but can only use this ability once a turn.

  • 11

    InvocationsExcept during Combat, the active player may exhaust a read-ied Chanter without an Invocation token to place one token on the Chanter card. On the same or later turn, the Chanter may return this Invocation token to the supply to gain +2 Attack or +2 Armor or re-roll any one die. Unlike other abilities, invocations may be used during the damage step of Combat, just before damage is applied.

    PetsCharacters with the Pet keyword place the appropriate pet token on the card when played. The pet token may be re-moved to activate an ability on the card. The card may be ex-hausted to return the pet token to the card. The token may not be returned to the card on the same turn it is removed.

    Monster AbilitiesSome monsters and bosses share common abilities that may be shortened to a keyword to fit on the card. Keywords are in bold text.

    AmbushApply the attack damage from this card before resolving non-Ambush damage and other abilities.

    Fear XThe active player returns X troops to their city. The troops are not exhausted. FlyerEach army card without the Ranged ability reduces their At-tack by one when fighting this monster.

    Fury XAdd X to this cards attack if there is one or more heroes in the party.

    Random EncounterDraw another Adventure card from the same deck and add it

    to the current encounter. If that deck is empty, reshuffle the deck and continue drawing.

    RegenerationIf this monster is not defeated, shuffle it back into the deck. Do not reshuffle the discards.

    Revenge XIf this card is not defeated, the active player must destroy X buildings in their city area.

    TerrorAll of the troops in the party flee back to city. None of the troops are exhausted.

    BossesIf not defeated, Boss cards stay in play on top of the Adven-ture deck they were drawn from and have an ongoing effect. Any non-Boss monsters are discarded and any Treasure cards remain next to the Boss and are claimed by the active player when the Boss is defeated.

    If players adventure, they can only encounter that Boss. This has no effect on attacks against other players.

    QuestsDuring set up, each player receives two quest cards; one from the Main quest deck and one from the Task quest deck.

    Main quests are revealed at the end of the game. Players that achieved the requirements listed on their main quest card count the listed victory points as part of their final total.

    Task quests are revealed at any point during a players turn where they achieve the requirements listed on their task quest card. That player adds the task quest to their trophy pile and draws a replacement task, if available, from the task quest deck.

  • 12

    Individual Card ClarificationsCards from the City deck are clarified here. [X] is the num-ber of each card in the deck.

    BuildingsBlacksmith [X]: Multiple Blacksmiths can add Attack to the same hero or troop.

    Brewery [X]: Does not work if the resource pool is empty.

    Citadel [X]: There is no effect for having two Citadels.

    Farm [X]: Count pillaged Farms separately from Farms in your city.

    Firepit [X]: There is no effect for having two Firepits.

    Granary [X]: Does not work if the resource pool is empty.

    Harbor [X]: The desired resource must be in the resource pool. You cannot select a double resource token. You cannot convert a resource into the same type of resource in order to discard one resource.

    Inn [X]: The troop can come from your city on the table or from your hand.

    Market [X]: The desired resources must be in the resource pool. You can select a double resource token.

    Monastery [X]: You can hire a maximum of one Monk per player turn.

    Siege Engine [X]: You always get the base amount of bonus pillage when attacking. You can discard any number of troop or hero cards for the bonus pillage.

    Stable [X]: You must use this ability. If you forget after the draw resources step, other players may point this out and draw the additional resource.

    Storeroom [X]: You can use the resource on this card and store a new resource in the same turn.

    Stronghold [X]: You can discard any number of troops or hero cards for the bonus pillage reduction.

    Temple [X]: There is no effect for having two Temples.

    The Wall [X]: The bonus must be applied to one card.

    Tower [X]: Multiple Towers can add Defense to the same hero or troop.

    Training Field [X]: You can hire a maximum of one Paladin per player turn.

    Treasury [X]: Does not work if the resource pool is empty.

    Wizards Hut [X]: The bonus must be applied to one card. Not that that would make any difference.



    HeroesAlothDehengenDuranceEdrGrieving MotherHiraviasKana RuaLenkLeyskaMafisMordusPalleginaSaganiVerzanoWulaYstalaZacmar

  • 13

    ScenariosThe standard game rules apply unless otherwise directed. It is possible to combine scenarios (Quick Start PvE or Team Heroics are possibilities, for example).

    Team Play (4-players)Divide the players into two teams of two. Players on the same team are allies. Allies cannot sit adjacent to each other at the table (so that teams cannot take back-to-back player turns). Allies may not Attack each other during Combat. During Combat, the non-active ally may send one hero to assist their ally, but the active player decides how to assign damage. Allies may share resources from their Storerooms. The active player may use one building from their ally with an Active Player ability each player turn.

    At the end of the game, allies total their victory points to determine the winning team.

    Quick Start Game (2-4 players)Before shuffling the City deck, give each player one Guard, one Archer and either a Tower or Blacksmith (their choice). Players start with those cards in their city.

    PvE (2-4 players)Players may not Attack other players during the Combat phase. Abilities that refer to pillage are ignored. Loot is worth 2 victory points instead of 1.

    Heroics! (2-4 players)Remove all troop cards from the City deck before shuffling during set up. If a player does not have a hero, they cannot be attacked. When a hero is destroyed from play, shuffle that card into the City deck. Heroes are worth 1 VP per resource token in their cost. The player with the most heroes in their city gains a +5 VP bonus. If tied, each tied player gains a +3 VP bonus.

  • 14

    Solitaire PlayThe object of the solitaire game is to score the most points before the City deck runs out of cards.

    Solitaire Set UpUse the standard set up rules with the following exceptions:

    You select your Allegiance card. The solitaire game always uses one-half of the City deck. Main quests are not used; return them to the game box. Draw four Tasks at random and return the remaining

    cards to the game box.

    You are ready to play!

    How to Play the Solitaire GameUse the standard game rules unless otherwise directed.

    CombatYou may only adventure and cannot choose to attack. If you do not adventure, choose an adventure deck and reveal the top card:

    If it is a monster, place it face-up in the wandering mon-ster pile next to your army. Reveal additional cards if the monster has the Random Encounter ability.

    If it is a treasure, discard it. If it is a boss, place the boss on top of the adventure deck

    and follow the normal rules.

    If there are three or more wandering monsters at the end of the combat step, discard all wandering monsters and destroy the building with the highest Defense (if two or more build-ings are tied, you choose the building to be destroyed).

    When adventuring, you can choose the wandering monsters or the adventure deck. You can always adventure against wandering monsters, even if there is a revealed boss.

    Build & Hire StepYou may choose to keep one resource token instead of discarding it at the end of this step. This resource token is added to your resource pool at the start of the next Build & Hire step.

    Discard StepDuring this step, discard all cards except one from your hand. You may choose which card to keep. Choose wisely.

    Draw Cards StepAs a reminder, you must draw back up to your hand size. The deck running out triggers the end of the game, as usual, but do not shuffle the discards or add any set aside cards.

    Event StepRoll the event die at the end of each turn. The events are unchanged from the standard game except:

    Wheel of BerathDiscard five cards from the City deck.

    ScoringIf you have defeated three or more bosses, you automatically win a Fantastic Victory. Otherwise, your victory point score determines your level of victory:

    Ruinous Defeat 0-9 VPsDefeat 10-19 VPsMinor Defeat 20-29 VPsMinor Victory 30-39 VPsVictory 40-49 VPsMajor Victory 50-59 VPsAstounding Victory 60+ VPs

  • 15


    Game Design Chris Taylor

    Game Development Scott Everts and John Lewis

    Additional Game Development Feargus Urquhart

    Graphic Design Scott Everts

    Building & Troop Illustrations John Lewis

    Hero Illustrations Kazunori Aruga, Polina Hristova, Bobby Hernandez, Lindsey Laney, Lisa Clark, Andrew Erickson and Carmen Sinek

    Monster & Item Illustrations Polina Hristova

    World Map & Additional Graphic Design Rob Nesler

    Playtesters Zachary VandeKamp, Shane DeFreest, Tom Decker, Nick Hayes, Mark OGreen, Mary Taylor, Adam Taylor, Daniel McPhee, Kazunori Aruga, Steven King, Paul Grogan, David Etherton, Claire Matthews, Skoddie Krae-mer, Paul Hansen, Hayden Decker

    Special Thanks Josh Sawyer

    Obsidian Marketing Shane DeFreest

    The really clever bits of Lords of the Eastern Reach were inspired by the classic Groo: the Card Game by Ken Whitman and Sergio Aragons.

    Thanks to John Wootress for one comment that started everything.

    Lords of the Eastern Reach 2015 Zero Radius Games LLCPillars of Eternity 2015 Obsidian Entertainment, Inc. Used under license. All Rights Reserved.



    This will be our Index.

    There are many like it,

    but this one will be ours.

  • 16

    Last Page left intention-

    ally blank at this time.

    Well put a player aid,

    maybe an ability reference

    sheet or something here.