Lolita fashion

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Lolita Fashion

Characteristics of Lolita Fashion

Japanese style Inspired by the “kawaii” Japanese, historical periods or

simply on childhood There is always concern about looking elegant and

modest, avoiding an adult picture, sexualized or vulgar The most used fabric is cotton. Shiny fabrics like satin are

always avoided

Lolita’s don’t need to be totally faithful to a single sub-style, unless they want to. The three most common sub-styles are:

Sweet LolitaClassical LolitaGothic Lolita

Sweet Lolita

Classical Lolita

Gothic Lolita

Lolitas can also have their own styles for everyday:

Country Lolita Casual Lolita Hime Lolita

Shiro Lolita Kuro Lolita Punk Lolita

Guro Lolita Ero Lolita Qi Lolita

Wa Lolita Deco Lolita


There are other sub-styles of Lolita Fashion that are not considered "official", because of some style characteristics.

Lolita Fashion can be considered by it’s users as a culture. Lolitas often attend to a karaoke, make picnics and

promote regular meetings for tea.