Long term wealth creation through equity investment

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Current expenses at the age of 30

Rs. 20,125

Future expense at the age of 60

Rs. 2,02,514

Inflation Impact on Household Expenses ( Excluding Health Care Expenses )

Income Impulsive buying & indiscipline investment Financial stress after 60 years

Income Planned expenses & disciplined investment

Life’s Most Biggest & Enjoyable Holiday

You will require 3,51,65,906 till 80 years to maintain your today’s life style



Guaranteed Return Investment

Fixed Deposit

Post-office scheme



Non-Guaranteed Return Investment


Mutual Fund

Diversified Equity Fund

Sectoral Equity Fund

Stock Market


Mutual Fund

Physical Form


Mutual Fund

Stock Market

Real Estate Life Insurance

Bank Deposit – Not Bankable

Each depositor in a bank is insured upto a maximum of Rs.1,00,000 (Rupees One Lakh) for both principal and interestamount held by him in the same capacity and same right as on the date of liquidation/cancellation of bank's license orthe date on which the scheme of amalgamation/merger/reconstruction comes into force.

.All funds held in the same type of ownership at the same bank are added together before deposit insurance isdetermined. If the funds are in different types of ownership or are deposited into separate banks they would then beseparately insured.

Effective from Date Insurance Limit

1-Jan-68 Rs. 5,000/-

1-Apr-70 Rs.10,000/-

1-Jan-76 Rs. 20,000/-

1-Jul-80 Rs. 30,000/-

May 1, 1993. Rs. 1,00,000/-



As on 23.12.16 Indians have deposited Rs. 105.16 lakh cr. with banks. As on Dec 16 FII equity investment

was Rs. -10582.26 cr & DII equity investment was Rs. 35362.66 cr. In 2012 FII highest equity investment

was Rs. 101166.11 cr. We Indians have enough money to run our stock market. Can we imagine if we invest10% of our bank deposit in equity market, then what will happen?


We, Indians, are very aggressive saver but very conservative investor.

Swiss banks may no longer be safe for those looking to park their ill-gotten wealth. This probably does notconcern you, but the safety of your valuables kept in domestic bank lockers should. In a dramatic heist earlierthis week, the perpetrators dug a tunnel leading to the locker room of a Punjab National Bank branch inSonepat, prised open 89 lockers, and decamped with the loot. Bank lockers may not be as secure as you thinkthey are. Besides, if the contents of your locker are stolen, you may not be eligible for compensation. TheReserve Bank of India guidelines say that banks are not responsible for the contents of the lockers they rent,though they are required to take precautions for their protection. Your valuables are also not insured. "A bankdoes not have the ownership or knowledge of the contents of the locker. Hence, it does not have anyinsurable interest in. According to Section 152 of the Indian Contract Act, a bank is not responsible for any lossor damage to the contents of a locker. "The relationship between the bank and the locker customer is that of alessor and a lessee," says Narayan Raja, CEO, Banking Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI). However,the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) has rejected the argument that lockercustomers are only tenants and, hence, banks cannot be held liable for any loss suffered by them. However, asthings stand, the law is loaded against the customer. He not only has to prove that the locker was robbed, butalso submit evidence to establish the extent of loss. The silver lining for customers is that if they are able toprove that the loss or damage has occurred due to the negligence by the bank, they can claim compensation."If the negligence by the bank is proved, or a bank employee is found to be involved (in the theft), it becomesa vicarious liability and the bank is liable to pay compensation," says Mumbai-based advocate V TGokhale. However, the compensation may not cover the full loss. Affected customers can also approachconsumer courts. In several cases, where negligence on the part of bank has been proved, courts have cometo the rescue of customers.

Your bank locker – Not properly locked

ET, 10/06/15

Priority Banking – Only emotional priority

Priority Banking or Privilege Banking is a relatively new term in the Indian banking context.These customers are determined usually by the average balance they maintain with thebank or based on the number of years they hold the banking relationship.For most people, banking stops with depositing and withdrawing cash, opening fixeddeposits, operating the locker and maybe take demand drafts. Now, with the advent ofmobile banking, internet banking apps, the need for physical visits to bank branches is alsogreatly reduced for the common man. In such a scenario, applying for a priority bankingaccount by paying a fee does not make much sense.You have to maintain a minimum Average Monthly balance from Rs. 50,000 to few lakhrupees.

Gold – Not Glittering

Let me give you some more information. The gold price was crashed in the internationalmarket almost 3 times from $850 per ounce in January 1980 to $252 per ounce in August1999. During this period, the Indian rupee became weaker almost 6 times from Rs.8.19 toRs.46.64 against $1 . This has pushed up the Indian gold price from Rs.3452 to Rs.4474almost 3 times in Indian rupees.

As on march 2012 we hold around 20000 tones of gold which has a valuation of Rs.54 LakhCrore. If we switch 10% of it to equity market, then the equity market will get a inflow ofRs. 5.40 Lakh Crore.

Myth - Gold price never fall

Policy SA Term Annual Premium Total Premium Maturity Gain Return

New Endowment Plan 1,00,000 35 2,881 1,00,835 2,49,000 1,48,165 4.84%

LIC’s New Jeevan Anand 1,00,000 35 3,165 1,10,775 2,81,000 1,70,225 4.97%

LIC's JEEVAN RAKSHAK 1,00,000 20 3,587 71,740 1,16,500 44,760 4.42%

LIC’s Jeevan Lakshya 1,00,000 25 4,366 1,09,150 1,90,000 80,850 7.75%

http://www.licindia.in/New_Endowment_Plan_benefits_illustration.html http://www.licindia.in/new_jeevan_anand_ben_illustration.html

http://www.licindia.in/LICs_Jeevan_Rakshak_benefits_illustrations.html http://www.licindia.in/LICs_JEEVAN_LAKSHYA_Benefits_illustrations.html

Life Insurance – Return Not Insure

Wealth creation not possible through Life Insurance

Life Insurance = Income Insurance

Protect your Income & family.Online Term plans is cheaper than off line.Example – 1 Crore Life Cover at less than Rs. 20 per day based on assumption of age 30 years and Term is 20 years .

Real Estate – Real Fact

The Times Of India Mumbai – 6/5/14

Over 7 lakh housing units are remain unsold in 8 major cities & it will take more than 3 years to absorb theunits. Housing sales dropped by 19% & new launches by 40% during jan-jun 15. FE – 5/8/15

Real Estate – Real Fact

If you go beyond the headlines and dig deeper, you will find that the return is not as spectacular as it appears. There was noSensex when Lincoln House was being leased to the US Consulate in 1957.But if we assume that it existed and extrapolatethe same 17.22% returns it has notched since its launch in 1980, an investment of `18 lakh would have grown to `1,809crore by now. In absolute terms, the money would have grown more than 10,000 times. Investment in equity would havegiven a 2.5-times higher return than real estate.

ET – 26/10/15 http://epaperbeta.timesofindia.com/Article.aspx?eid=31817&articlexml=GUEST-CORNER-Is-real-estate-the-best-investment-26102015129023

The iconic Lincoln House in Mumbai was recently bought by in dustrialist Cyrus Poonawalla for `750 crore. The 50,000 sq. ftproperty had been leased to the US government by Pratabsinhji Jhala, the Maharaja of Wankaner, for a sum of `18 lakh in1957. In the past 58 years, its value has grown 4,000times at an annual growth rate of 15.45%. Most people infer that theproperty has given astronomical returns. Has it?

Over 75% real estate projects non-starters: Assocham

Over 75 per cent of total 3,540 live projects with total outstanding investments worth over Rs 14lakh crore attracted by the real estate sector across India remained non-starters as of financialyear 2014-15,” said an Assocham study.As per the study, while over 2,300 projects in the realty sector remained non-starters, over1,000 on-going projects have registered significant delays in completion.With 964 projects, domestic private sector accounted for 95 per cent share in projects facingdelays, followed by public sector (49 projects) and foreign private companies (six projects), itsaid.“On an average, real estate projects in India are facing a delay of 33 months in completion,”Assocham Secretary General D S Rawat said while releasing the report.According to the study, realty projects in Andhra Pradesh are facing maximum delay of about 45months followed by Madhya Pradesh (41 months), Telangana (40 months) and Punjab (38months).It said that Maharashtra alone accounts for over one-fifth share (21 per cent) in the totaloutstanding investments attracted by real estate sector, followed by Uttar Pradesh (14 per cent),Gujarat (13 per cent), Karnataka (12 per cent) and Haryana (8 per cent).Tamil Nadu and Telangana accounted for over six per cent share each in terms of totaloutstanding investments garnered by realty sector in the country.

Real Estate – Real Fact

FE – 23/10/15

20891703524537 3660708 3793811


FD PPF Gold EPF Sensex

Value of 100000 from April 1979 to March 2017


9.83% 9.94% 10.04%



2.47% 2.58% 2.68%


Inflation FD PPF Gold EPF Sensex

Pre Inflation Return Post Inflation Return









10.80% 11.00%


5.70% 5.50%6.20%



Average Inflation FD Property Gold Equities

5 Year 10 Year 15 Year 20 Year

Equities are the best bet in the long term: Morgan Stanley report. The Economic Times – 30.01.15

Category 1991 2010 Growth

Gold 3452 15756 456%

Silver 6761 25321 375%

Sensex 1167 17527 1502%

Commercial Property 1991 2010 Growth

Bangalore 700 11000 1471%

Delhi 4000 25000 525%

Mumbai 5000 35000 600%

Chennai 1800 10000 456%

Different Asset Class Growth

Times of India 27/2/10

What should I do in these 3 different situations?

Market is continuously

going down

I am worried.

Market is tremendously


I am confused.

Market is continuously

going up

I am happy .


Which investment option is more profitable?SIP or One Time

&Invest & forget or Invest & Rebalance

Choice is yours

Investment date from 03/01/2000 to 09/03/2009

5,55,000 7,48,733



6.84% 24% 41%

Investment Index Normal EquitySIP Value

Rebalancing SIPValue

SIP Investment

Value Return%

1,00,000 ,1,51,8184,24,294


4.75% 17.42% 53.45%

Investment Index WithoutRebalancing


One Time Investment

Value Return%

The market may move up and down in

different situations, which is quite natural.

The main reason for rebalancing is to

protect the current equity valuation when

the market rise and buy equity when the

market fall based on the market conditions.

If you apply this strategy, you might

achieve your goal before the actual time.

Rebalancing your portfolio on a regular

basis maintains the desired return in your

investment strategy. It’s the ultimate art and

science of wealth creation.

ET 22/05/15



Foreigners are believing in our economic growth but we are not believing.

The top 3 largest economies in 2050

Researcher No 1 economy No 2 economy No 3 economy

Citi Group India China US

PWC China India US

Goldman Sachs China US India

HSBC China US India

From the above table, we can say that the economic situation predicted by the above companies is almost similar to that of 200 years ago situation.


TOI – 15/10/15

Meaning of EQUITY

People have lot of misconception regarding EQUITY. But know the fact to gain confidence for right conviction.

Equity = Nation’s Economic Development indicator.Equity Investment = Wealth creation through taking part of the nation’s Economic Development.

If Economic development is high – Equity returns is also high.If Economic development is low – Equity returns is also low.

If Economic development is volatile – Equity returns is also volatile.Just like your income ( except govt. employee ), when economy performing well your income

rise and when economy not performing well your income also not rising.

Let’s take an example.We are using toothpaste from childhood.Like our self other people also using toothpaste from childhood.Should your family stop using or use toothpaste in the future ?Should other people also stop using or use toothpaste in the future ?Do you think toothpaste demand will grow in the future ?Do you think that there may be more toothpaste manufactures in the future ?You may change brand but you will use toothpaste in the future.Do you believe that you & other people will earn money & spend?Be sure if equity market will not grow then your future income will be a question mark.See the Economic Development Cycle in the next slide.

Economic Development Cycle

More demand

More production

More factory

More human being

More ad

More transportation

Reach more shop

More consumer

More profit

More capital

Bank loan or equity

Equity Investment not risky but not investing in Equity is the riskiest

Equity Investment means MULTIPLY WEALTH through Economic Development

Equity Investment not risky but not investing in Equity is the riskiest






Consumption Service


Manufacture Service Provider




1.10% 1.80%



Currency Bank Deposit Share &Debenture

Mutual Fund Life Insurance ProvidendFund

Household Financial Savings 2013-14

RBI Annual Report : 2013-14



Financial Savings-Net Physical Savings - Gross

Domestic Savings 2013-14

RBI Annual Report : 2013-14


The world's largest, oldest, continuous civilization is India.

In her last 10000 years of history, India did not invade any country, but was attacked by different countries for her


The number Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.

In 700BC the World's first university was established in Takshashila. More than 60 subjects from this university

were studied by more than 10,500 students from all over the world.

All the European languages originated from Sanskrit. According to Forbes magazine July 1987 report, Sanskrit is the

most understandable language for computer software.

Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine. It was first consolidated by Charaka, the father of ayurveda medicine

2500 years ago.

India was the richest country on earth until 17th Century. Christopher Columbus was attracted by India's wealth.

India invented Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus.

India also invented the game of Chess.

The time taken by earth to revolve around the sun has been calculated hundreds of years back by Indian

astrologer Bhaskaracharya.

In 1820, India was the second largest economy in the world with 16% of the world’s GDP, after China. And USA was

only 2% of world’s GDP.

In 1700, India’s GDP was almost 9 times higher than Britain’s GDP. Just before Indian Independence from British in

1947, the British GDP became 1.2 times higher than India.

Small Banks

The purpose of the small banks will be to provide a whole suite of basic banking productssuch as deposits and supply of credit, but in a limited area of operation.

The objective for these Small Banks is to increase financial inclusion by provision ofsavings vehicles to under-served and unserved sections of the population, supply ofcredit to small farmers, micro and small industries, and other unorganised sector entitiesthrough high technology-low cost operations.

Payments Banks

Objective of payments banks is to increase financial inclusion by providing small savingsaccounts, payment/remittance services to migrant labour, low income households, smallbusinesses, other unorganised sector entities and other users by enabling high volume-low value transactions in deposits and payments/remittance services in a securedtechnology-driven environment.

Payments Banks can accept demand deposits (only current account and savings accounts).They would initially be restricted to holding a maximum balance of Rs 100,000 percustomer. Based on performance, the RBI could enhance this limit.

The banks can offer payments and remittance services, issuance of prepaid paymentinstruments, internet banking, functioning as business correspondent for other banks.





Road & Transport


Construction & Real Estate



Health Care


Foreign Currency

Over all economic development for TourismForeign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs)

FTAs during the Month of August 2015 were 5.89lakh as compared to FTAs of 5.76 lakh during themonth of August 2014 and 4.86 lakh in August2013. There has been a growth of 2.3% in August2015 over August 2014.

FTAs during the period January- August 2015were 50.68 lakh as compared to the FTAs of48.51 lakh, showing a growth of 4.5%.

FEEs during the month of August 2015 were Rs10,471 crore as compared to Rs 10,385 crore inAugust 2014 and Rs 8,351 crore in August 2013.

The growth rate in FEEs in rupee terms duringAugust 2015 over August 2014 was 0.8%.

FEEs from tourism in rupee terms in January-August 2015 were Rs 82,225 crore as compared tothe FEE of Rs 79,803 crore during January-August2014, showing an increase of 3%.

Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs)

http://pib.nic.in/newsite/PrintRelease.aspx?relid=126764, 9/9/15

Gold Monetisation SchemeIndia is a huge importer of gold, the government, in a bid to reduce imports of the yellow metal, hasproposed the gold monetisation scheme that aims to bring domestically held gold into circulation byencouraging individuals to get the metal melted, deposit it with banks and also earn interest on it.

The gold monetisation scheme is aimed to mobilise the surplus gold holdings held with Indian householdsand institutions as deposits. Under the scheme, gold lying idle with people can be deposited in banks andgenerate interest. The return from these deposits is totally tax free. The deposited gold will be melted andmake available for jewellers as raw material so as to restrict the increased dependence of imported gold

Since India is one of the biggest consumers of the yellow metal, the approved scheme will help the nationunlock the gold kept in households and bring it in the investment platform for consumers benefit. Thescheme will be a big boost, reducing gold imports, in turn lowering the current account deficit.

Gold bond schemeIn sovereign gold bond scheme, instead of buying gold in physical form investors can park their money inbonds which are backed by gold. The bond has more or equal advantage against the physical gold. The Bondswill be issued on payment of money and would be linked to gold prices. The bonds will be issued by RBI onbehalf of the Government of India. It is restricted for Indian entities and the maximum allowable limit is 500grams per person per year. The government will issue bonds with an appropriate rate of interest and whichshall be payable in terms of grams of gold. Banks/NBFCs/Post offices may be authorized to transact on thesebonds on behalf of the Government for a fee. The bonds will be available in various denominations and theminimum tenor of the band could be around 5 to 7 years

More than 900 kgs gold mobilised so far. FE – 24.1.16

Swachh Bharat


Healthy sanitation practices

Waste Management

More Health


More Hygienic

Less Illness

More Productivity

Reduce Subsidy

Increase National Income

More Foreign Tourist

More Foreign


Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a nationalcampaign by the Government of India,covering 4041 statutory towns, to clean thestreets, roads and infrastructure of thecountry.The campaign was officially launched on 2October 2014 at Rajghat, New Delhi, wherePrime Minister Narendra Modi himselfcleaned the road.The total expected cost of the programme isRs 62,009 crore, out of which the proposedcentral assistance will be of Rs 14,623 crore.

Japan offers loan at 1% rate for India’s $15 billion bullet train

Japan has offered to finance India’s first bullet train, estimated to cost $15 billion, at an interestrate of less than 1%, officials said, stealing a march on China, which is bidding for other projectson the world’s fourth-largest network.

Tokyo was picked to assess the feasibility of building the 505km corridor linking Mumbai withAhmedabad.

Last month, China won the contract to assess the feasibility of a high-speed train between Delhiand Mumbai, a 1,200km route estimated to cost twice as much. No loan has yet been offered.

Indian Aviation Industry

India will be the third largest aviation market by 2020. The report, called “India AviationReport”, has been prepared by KPMG and Ficci. It claimed that with 81 million trips, India’sdomestic aviation market grew over 20.3% in 2015 — the highest ever growth rate recorded inthe world. Indian carriers will require 1,610 aircraft over the next twenty years, Europeanplane maker Airbus announced on Thursday in its India market forecast. BS – 18.3.16

Air traffic up 24% in December 2016 to 95.50 lakh passengers.Jan-Dec 15 – 8.10cr, Jan-Dec 16 – 9.90cr. Passengers growth rate 23.20%.TOI– 18.01.17

Cost effective health care treatment in $

Treatment India Thailand Singapore UK US

Heart Bypass Graft Surgery 6000 7894 10417 19700 23938

Heart Valve Replacement 8000 10000 12500 90000 200000

Angioplasty 11000 13000 13000 - 31000 to 70000

Hip Replacement 9000 12000 12000 - 22000 to 52000

Bone marrow transplant 30000 - - 150000 250000 to 400000

Liver Transplant 40000 to 69000 - - 200000 300000 to 500000

Neurosurgery 800 - - - 29000

Knee surgery 2000 to 4500 8000 - 12000 16000 to 20000

Cosmetic surgery 2000 3500 - 10000 20000

Why India?

Low Cost

Less Waiting


World Class


Personalized services

Rich Cultural Heritage

Why Medical Tourism in India?

Indian medical tourismindustry will attract 32 lakhsforeign patients and its valuewill be Rs.10,800 crores by2015 due to India’s world classmedical benefit and skilledmedical workforce.

India’s slogan for Medical Tourism

"First World treatment' at Third

World prices"

River linking projectThe idea began as a scheme to link the Ganga and Cauveri in 1834 by Sir Arthur Cotton, the builder of the Godavariand the Krishna dam. The project was initially expected to begin in 2007 and end by 2016 at an estimated cost ofRs.5.6 lakh crores at 2002 prices. Himalayan component 14 link canals, Peninsular component 16 link canals, total12000 kms of link canals.Advantages – In 2050 approximate new 146 million hectares irrigated areas will be added; 30000 MW hydro powerwill be generated; Flood and drought control will be done; Increase in domestic and industrial water supplies;Navigation; Pollution control.The Krishna-Godavari linking project is the India's first river linking project. The project cost Rs 1,300-crore. BS –17/9/15 Kalpasar project Kalpasar dam is in Gujrat. The approximate length is 30 kms, 100 metres wide, 10 lane road plus railway, reserver area2000 sq.kms, reduction of distance Bhavnagar – Dahej 200 kms, Bhavnagar – South Gujrat 225 kms, 10.54 lakhhectare land will be irrigated, solar and wind power, tourism, fisheries. As per 1998 cost was Rs.53000 crores.Dedicated department is Kalpasar Department.

NSDC ProjectIn 2008-09 budget Finance Minister announced the formation of National Skill Development Council. The purpose ofthis council to train 500 million people by 2022 to fill up the industry demand.

Financial Inclusion Only 40% population have bank accounts. Government had taken initiative for banking facilities to all habitations thathave population of more than 1600 people. India has more than 600000 villages, towns and cities and only 30000bank branches.Banks have opened 20.19 crore accounts under the government's ambitious financial inclusion scheme PradhanMantri Jan Dhan Yojana with deposit of more than 30,000 crore. More than half have activated their RuPay cards.Daily transactions number increasing steadily to about 27 lakh, according to NPCI data. The average transaction valueis about 2,000. The ministry said Rupay cards have been issued to 16.51 crore customers and that two lakh accountsare opened every day. The ministry statement also noted that zero balance accounts in PMJDY have declined from76% in September 2014 to 36.5% in November 2015., the largest financial inclusion scheme in the world. PrimeMinister Narendra Modi had launched this ambitious scheme of financial inclusion on August 28, 2014. ET –16/12/15, THBL – 22/1/16

Dedicated Freight Corridor project This project was initiated on April 2005 and deadline was 2016-17. Eastern freight corridor project of 1839 kms fromDancuni, West Bengal to Ludhiana, Punjab. Western Corridor of 1483 kms from J.N.P.T, Mumbai to Rewari, Hariyana.The project will be connected to Pipavav, Mundra, and Kandla port in Gujrat. The project cost is Rs 81,459 cr. DFC willbe completed in phases between 2017 and 2019.

Feature Existing Dedicated Freight Corridor


Container Stack

Train length

Train Load

Maximum Speed

Single Stack

7.1 m for Western DFC

5.1 m for Eastern DFC

Double Stack

Direct Benefits Transfer




Welfare Activity

Direct Benefits Transfer Fund Manager for EPF

Infrastructure Investment

India will invest Rs.50,00,000 crores for 12th

Five-year plan in Infrastructure from 2012-17.

From July 2008, EPFO had appointed private fund managers tomanage its member’s deposits. This contract will be renewedafter every three years. Before that, SBI was the only fundmanager since its inception 1952.5 fund managers - SBI, HSBC AMC, Reliance Capital, ICICISecurities Primary Dealership and UTI AMC– had beenappointed to manage the corpus of Rs 8.5 lakh crores as on Mar15 for a three-year term, starting April 1, 2015..

Equity Investment by EPFEPFO on 7/8/15 announced it will invest up to Rs 5,000 crore –5% of its incremental deposits – in equity markets throughexchange traded funds. he money will be invested throughexchange traded funds (ETFs) and the limit for the current yearwill be 5 per cent of the incremental deposits. EPFO funds will beinvested through SBI Nifty exchange-traded fund (ETF) and SBISensex ETF managed by SBI Mutual Fund. Close to 75 per cent ofthe funds will be invested in NSE ETF and the balance 25 percent in BSE ETF. The investment ratio may alter and EPFO mayalso choose to invest in the government’s CPSE ETF. There isscope of further increasing EPFO’s corpus to maximum 15%. Asthe EPFO gets around Rs 1,00,000-1,20,000 crore as incrementaldeposits every year, ETF investment can go up to Rs 15,000-20,000 crore.

Metro Rail

City Length (KM) Cost in crores

Bangalore 93 26,383

Chennai 45 18,000

Delhi 190 30,571

Ahmadabad 219.45 12,000

Hyderabad 71.16 12,132

Jaipur 32.5 8,250

Kanpur 158 10,000

Kochi 27 6,000

Kolkata 125 25,000

Mumbai 149 36,000

Pune 100 30,000

New Pension System (NPS)

Government employees: New Pension Scheme has been madecompulsory for all the Central Government employees who had joinedthe service on or after 1st Jan, 2004 (except armed force). 10% of thesalary and DA has to be contributed both by the employee and thegovernment. It has been regulated by the Pension Fund Regulatory andDevelopment Authority (PFRDA). In the year 2007-08, three sponsors –LIC, SBI Mutual Fund and UTI Mutual Fund - were appointed tomanage the funds of NPS.For all citizens: From 1st May 2009, NPS has been made available to allIndian citizens. For non-government employees, there is nocontribution from the government. For all citizens, six pension fundmanagers - SBI Pension Funds, UTI Retirement Solutions, IDFC PensionFunds, ICICI Prudential Pension Funds, Kotak Mahindra Pension Fundand Reliance Capital Pension Fund - had been appointed to managethe fund. According to the NPS investment guideline, there will bethree asset classes – index equity fund, government securities andbonds issued by institutions other than Central & State governments.If the subscriber does not specify the percentage of asset allocation,then his investment will be according to an automatic asset option.This automatic asset option is based on the subscriber’s age. NPScorpus including APY Rs.1,00,275 crores with more than 1 coressubscribers as on 3/10/15.

Pradhan Mantri Jan Suraksha

In five months since launch, the Pradhan Mantri Jan Suraksha Yojana has 117 million policy holders. Launched on May9, it has a term insurance scheme, the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY), and an accident insuranceone, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY).http://www.business-standard.com/article/finance/pradhan-mantri-jan-suraksha-schemes-get-117-million-enrolments 115101600041_1.html

In future, we may get extra tax benefit for solar power, rain water harvesting, waterrecycle, waste garbage recycle, credit card use.

Financial Literacy

Government is seriously thinking to introduce financial literacy in school level. So that the future investor will be fullyequipped with proper financial knowledge. The Pocket Money program is developed by NISM to teach basic financialknowledge to school students from class 8 onwards. The National Centre for Financial Education (NCFE) is conductingnational level test “National Financial Literacy Assessment Test” (NCFE-NFLAT) for school students from classes 8 to 10.The objective of NCFE is to create more awareness of financial literacy and inclusion in India in.

Digital India

Make in India

Make in India is an initiative of the Government of India to encourage multinational, as well as domestic, companies tomanufacture their products in India. It was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 25 September 2014. Indiawould emerge, after initiation of the programmed in 2015, as the top destination globally for foreign direct investment,surpassing the People's Republic of China as well as the United States. The major objective behind the initiative is tofocus on job creation and skill enhancement in twenty-five sectors of the economy.

In an order to create participative, transparent and responsive government, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched themuch ambitious 'Digital India' programme on Wednesday, July 1, at the Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium in the nationalcapital. With the launch of Digital India programme, the government is taking a big step forward to transform thecountry into a digitally empowered knowledge economy. Includes various schemes worth over Rs 1 lakh crore like DigitalLocker, e-eduction, e-health, e-sign and national scholarship portal. BharatNet in 11 states and Next Generation Network(NGN), are also a part of Digital India campaign. The programme includes projects that aim to ensure that governmentservices are available to citizens electronically and people get benefit of the latest information and communicationtechnology. The Ministry of Communications and IT is the nodal agency to implement the programme.

Wining Formula

Investing without knowing the detailsOR

Knowledge Confidence ConvictionAND

Invest with knowing the details

The choice is yours

What people are saying about me?

Joydeep Sarkar, Account Manager, TCS BaNCS (Insurance Solution)Biswajit provides a very personalized service as compared to the large financial houses providing financial advisoryservices. The analysis and findings are very useful and derived based on tailored process and discussions. Biswajit alsoprovides recommendations that you could consult. Overall, quite satisfactory.

Arnab Mitra, Senior Architect at Cognizant Technology SolutionsMr. Das is very detail oriented, knowledgeable person, who not only focuses on specific needs of different types ofcustomer but also educates customer on latest happenings in financial world. He tries to guide in a simple form oftranslation, and he is very specific on what he is translating, sharing. This kind of service , something , hardly we getfrom any financial planner institute.

Sourav Roychowdhury, Associate Manager at AccentureLife’s Goal Planning is a very important decision in today's life. A proper planning can make life bit easy and stress free. But it’snot that simple as it looks and never interests me that much. So I was looking for someone who is expert in this area but at thesame time is not one who only means business. And during this time I happened to come across Biswajit. After having couple ofdiscussion with him over phone without any physical meeting because we are from different city. I understood that I am in bigsoup. Although I started late but still time is there to come to pace. His thorough analysis and statistics made my task easier totake prompt & right decisions. I would like to thank Biswajit for his non biased guidance to achieve my Life’s Goal Planning andstrongly recommend him for the work he does best.

Abhishek Majumder, Computer Programmer Analyst at Persistent SystemsBiswajit has two vital characteristics like sincerity and knowledge which are most essential in this finance world. Sometime, Iastonished to see how one man can so up to date about all news and fundamental things and not only that he always guides hisInvestors through those in a simple manner. When I start working with him, I was abroad, and we had done all the work relatedto start an investment at that time, I was amazed to see how he cut the thousands of miles of distance with his accurate paperwork, it looked like I was sitting beside him and doing the initial paper work. Some of his strategies regarding Investment aregreat and hard to find from any financial body. He is very particular to his Investor's needs and investment capacity and basedon those he always try to build a diversified portfolio and all the time he came up with good result. It is nice to work with himand his knowledge.