Looking at more stuff on prayer The Temple was to be characterized by prayer. Mt. 21:13.

Post on 17-Jan-2018

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Looking at more stuff on prayer The Jews and early Christians had deliberate times and places of prayer Acts 3:1; 16:13


Looking at more stuff on prayerThe Temple was to be characterized by

prayer. Mt. 21:13

Looking at more stuff on prayerPrayer was one of the four key activities of

the early church...Acts 2:42


...and is to be today.1 Timothy 2:8

Looking at more stuff on prayerThe Jews and early Christians had

deliberate times and places of prayer Acts 3:1; 16:13

Looking at more stuff on prayerPrayer was so important to the Apostles

that they would not give up their commitment to prayer, even to resolve a

key dispute of the church. Acts 6:4

Looking at more stuff on prayerPaul thought prayer was critical and practiced it for those whom he had

ministered. Rom. 1:9 Eph. 1:15-16; Phil 1:3-4; Col. 1:3;

Philem. 22

Looking at more stuff on prayerPaul felt prayer was necessary for success

and safety in his ministry.2 Cor. 1: 9-11 Phil. 1:19; Col. 4:3

Looking at more stuff on prayerPrayer is commanded...

1 Tim. 2:1f., Eph. 6:18, Jude 20

...for all people.

Looking at more stuff on prayerOur prayers are to be continual.

1 Thess. 5:17

Looking at more stuff on prayerWe serve God by praying.

Luke 2:37

Looking at more stuff on prayer Even Jesus felt prayer was necessary.

Luke 5:16

Looking at more stuff on prayerWe do not receive some things because

we do not pray.James 4:2

Looking at more stuff on prayerWe do not receive some things because we ask for the wrong reason or motive.

James 4:3

Looking at more stuff on prayerWe do not escape some difficult events of

life without prayer. Luke 21:35-37

Looking at more stuff on prayerSaints of the Tribulation were told to pray when they sought to escape the Beast, it

might be at one time vs. another. Mt. 24:20

Looking at more stuff on prayerSome blessings don't occur without

prayer. Mt. 17:21; Mark 9:29

Looking at more stuff on prayerGodly living impacts answered prayer John 14:21-23; 15:1-7, esp. 7, v. 14;

James 5:16b; 1 Peter 3:7; 12

Looking at more stuff on prayerAnyone can be that person!

James 5:17

Looking at more stuff on prayerGodly widows are to make prayer a priority.

1 Timothy 5:5

Looking at more stuff on prayerThe resurrection occurred because of

prayer and godly fear.Hebrews 5:7

Looking at more stuff on prayerGod wants all men saved and prayer is a

key part of that. Matt. 9:38; Lk. 10:2; Col. 4:3

Looking at more stuff on prayerPrayer is commanded to address

suffering. James 5:13

Looking at more stuff on prayerPrayer is necessary for personal peace.

Phil. 4:4f.

Looking at more stuff on prayerAll prayers according to God's will are heard and answered. - 1 John 5:14-15


Prayer is a vehicle for the realization of God's will.

Looking at more stuff on prayerMatt. 6:9-15 - We are to pray daily for:

• God's glory,• God's Kingdom,• God's will,• God's provision, • God's forgiveness, and • God's power.

Looking at more stuff on prayerWe pray for those things because they are

God's right, and by implication, they will not happen

apart from prayer.

Looking at more stuff on prayerTemptation can be avoided by prayer.

Matt. 26:41; Luke 22:40

Looking at more stuff on prayerThe prayers of elders in particular and

others in general can bring healing.James 5:15-16

Looking at more stuff on prayerPrayer can change a nation.

James 5:17

Looking at more stuff on prayerPrayer can also change an individual.

James 5:19-20

And, all of us can be the one praying!

Looking at more stuff on prayerPrayer is necessary to restore believers

when they fall.Luke 22:32

Looking at more stuff on prayerPrayer can lead to a better, healthier life.

3 John 2

Looking at more stuff on prayerPrayer was necessary to receive the Holy

Spirit initially. Luke 11:13; John 14:16

Looking at more stuff on prayerPrayer was necessary for Jesus to receive

aid from the Father.Matthew 26:53

Looking at more stuff on prayerPaul felt prayer was necessary for spiritual

heath and growth. 2 Cor. 13:9; Eph. 6:18; 1 Thess. 5:23

Looking at more stuff on prayerGod uses prayer as a vehicle of His

judgment. Rev. 5:8; 8:3-4.________________________

Prayers preceded both the Seal Judgments and the Trumpet Judgments.

Looking at more stuff on prayerPrayer is essential.

It was to Jesus.It was to the Apostles.

It is to God.

Looking at more stuff on prayerWe may not how it all works together with God's sovereignty, but what we do know is

that God has ordained it to be a critical part of His will and plan.

Looking at more stuff on prayer

Prayer matters.

And, a lack of prayer matters.

Looking at more stuff on prayer

Shall we pray?