Lord of Life Lutheran Church · 2019. 2. 28. · First Holy Communion Classes First holy communion...

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Lord of Life Lutheran Church

5051 Pleasant Valley Road Brighton, MI 48114

“God’s Work. Our Hands.”

You are invited to worship with us! 9:30 am Sunday Communion Service

10:45 am Sunday School Pre-School to 6th Grade 11:15 am Sunday Adult Bible Study

Rev. Dale E. Hedblad, M.Div., Board Certified Chaplain

Sheila Andring – Communications Coordinator Labor of Love Daycare – Patti Fabisiack, Director

Contact us: 810-227-3113 or lordoflifeelca@gmail.com

Visit us on the web: www.LordofLifeELCA.com

Follow us on Face book: Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Brighton, MI

Lord of Life Lutheran Church

Messages for March 2019:

March 3, 2019 (Luke 9:28-36) The conversation about Jesus’ suffering and

death is enclosed in a dazzling foreshadowing of the resurrection.

March 10, 2019 (Luke 4:1-13) After being filled with the Holy Spirit at his

baptism, Jesus is led in the wilderness.

March 17, 2019 (Luke 13:31-35) Neither Herod’s plotting nor Jerusalem’s

resistance to maternal love will deter Jesus from his sacrificial mission.

March 24, 2019 (Luke 13:1-9) Asked about current tragic events, Jesus turns

a lesson about whether suffering is deserved into a hard call to obedience.

March 31, 2019 (Luke 15:11b-32) Jesus tells a parable about a son who

ponders his father’s love only after he has spurned it.

Making Christ Known


Communion Worship is every Sunday at 9:30 am, followed by


Sunday School for children ages 3 through the 6th grade is each Sunday,

10:45 – 11:30 am.

Confirmation class for students in 7th & 8

th grades meet every Sunday from

10:30 am -12:00 pm. Craig Johnson and Pastor Dale will lead this group.

Adult Bible Class meets every Sunday morning at 11:15 am,

beginning Sunday, September 23rd

Turn your spending into giving. Meijer reloads are accepted every Sunday.

Please see Colleen for details.

Holy Communion Classes continue on March 3rd

and 17th during Sunday

School hour

Ash Wednesday Service – Wednesday, March 6th at 7:00 pm.

Knots of Love/Shawl Ministry – will meet Tuesday, March 12th,

at 7:00 pm

The Board of Ministry meeting is Sunday, March 17th at 11:15 am.

1st Holy Communion Celebration – will take place on Sunday, March 24th

Fish and Loaves will be Sunday, April 14th. Volunteers are always

needed and appreciated, please be at the church by 5:30 pm to help.

March Message from the Pastor “What you meant for harm, God intended for good” (Genesis 50:20)

The Old Testament story of Joseph is one of my favorites. It appears in the Book of

Genesis. It begins when he was just a little boy, one of twelve sons born to Jacob

and Rachel. Joseph was the second youngest of the twelve. His ten older brothers

were jealous of him because he was blessed with dreams and visions from God. It

seems that they each wanted what he had. This is known as "envy." Like every

good story, Joseph's story is filled with twists and turns. Joseph meets every

disappointment and challenge with an abundance of faith that God will somehow,

someway see him through. And you know what, God always does. In the end

Joseph forgives his brothers for all they did to him saying, "What you meant for

harm, God used for good" (Genesis 50:20).

Isn’t that a great outlook on life? Knowing that whatever happens to us, good or

bad, will not only serve a purpose in shaping our faith and relationship in Almighty

God, but that our loving God is with us always in the good times and even in the


The six week season of Lent is now upon us. Lent will begin on March 6, with the

imposition of ashes- a remembrance of our own mortality. Lent is a six week season

in the church when we pause to reflect on our life. It is one of the Holiest times of

the year because of its ability to help us live anew by changing direction in life.

During this six week church season we will hear again, or perhaps for the first time,

of God’s victory through Jesus Christ over the powers of sin and death.

This season begins with ashes but it is refreshed by the waters of baptism flowing

through it, claiming each of us as God’s sons and daughters. Like Jesus’ earthly

ministry, it all begins with baptism. Our life’s journey, with all its twists and turns

will ultimately lead us to Heaven where we will see the face of Almighty God and

meet our Savior face to face. But God’s claiming of us in Holy Baptism and Jesus’

promise to be with us always is not just some kind of insurance policy of faith to be

redeemed at the end of life. It’s much more special than that, because God loves us

much more than that.

God gives his Holy Spirit to each of us at the time of our baptism. The Holy Spirit

of God is that “still small voice” within each of us that speaks to our heart, mind and

our conscience, helping us to lead a Godly life. I pray that this Holy Lenten season

will be a time of introspection and growth for us all. As many of you often remind

me, “It is the fastest six weeks of the year,” and in my opinion, the most inspiring.

Please try to join us each Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. Our focus this year is on

Jesus’ inspiring “Sermon On the Mount.” Each service lasts no more than 30 minutes

and is preceded by a potluck soup-supper at 6:15.

Serving with you,

Pastor Dale+

LENTEN SERVICES – 7:00 pm March 6th: Ash Wednesday – Imposition of Ashes

Wednesday’s, March 6th – April 10th Soup Supper at 6:15 pm, Lenten Worship at 7:00 pm

Lord of Life Worship Assistants

Each month we will explain the duties involved with the worship assistants at

Lord of Life. This is an attempt to attract and train everyone to the following

duties at the church:

Greeters / Ushers / Communion Assistants / Altar Guild/Hospitality /

Hospitality Set up

This month we will highlight the duties of the Usher.

The ushers along with the Pastor have the most extensive responsiblities in

welcoming the worshippers and leading the worship service. Responsibilities

begin before the service and end after the service is over.

Pre-worship: Please arrive 15 minutes before the service begins.Wear the

name tag located on the back table near the entrance to the sanctuary.

Worship: At the time of the lector reading, pass ot the red/black friendship

books to each row along the outside asile on the organ side. The

congregation will pass across the main aisle so you can pick up the books

along the lector side.

Count the number of people and the number of children in the nursery,

located down the hallway. Enter the attendance in the attendance book on the

back table.

Offering: After the Apostle’s Creed, the pastor will announce offering time.

Come forward down the center aisle to the Altar area to receive the offering

plates. Proceed to each row in the middle aisle, until you reach the back of

the sanctuary. The pastor

will motion you forward as the congregation stands.

The usher should put the extra railing in place in preparation for Holy


Holy Communion: The communion assistants and confirmation class and

teachers come forward. The usher will dismiss the worshippers down the

center aisle. Enough worshippers should be invited to fill the length of the

altar railing before th next row is invited.

Upon receiving the sacrament, the usher should return the altar railing to its

storage position.

Return to your seat or to the back of the church. Thank you for your part in

the Worship Service.

About Lord of Life Lutheran Church

“God’s work. Our Hands.”

Welcome to Lord of Life – Pastor Dale Hedblad leads our worship each Sunday. Our worship is hands-free (no book). Just follow the Power Point liturgy on the big screen. Our Church – Lord of Life Lutheran Church is a member of the Southeast Michigan Synod branch of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The ELCA is the largest Lutheran Church body, consisting of 4.6 million members worldwide. Lord of Life was established as a mission development on May 21, 1972. Our current pastor, Dale Hedblad, has a Master of Divinity Degree from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Oh. He is one of two specialized ministers in the Southeast Michigan Synod. Pastor Hedblad is also a Board Certified Chaplain and is on-call at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Ann Arbor. If you would like to learn more about Pastor Hedblad, there is a brief biography under the picture of Pastor Dale and his wife, Colleen, as you exit the sanctuary. Currently, Lord of Life consists of 588 members. Lord of Life is active in the Brighton Community with several ministries including: Vacation Bible School, Love INC., Gleaners Food Bank, Crop Walk, Habitat for Humanity, Juvenile Diabetes Research, Fish & Loaves, Red Cross Blood Drives, Kids Against Hunger, Bountiful Harvest Food Pantry and our annual Christmas “Adopt-A-Family” giving tree. Lord of Life is always open to joining or initiating new ministries that are consistent with our mission statement and our core values:

“Gods Work. Our Hands.”




Commitment to excellence

REMEMBER IN PRAYER All troops serving worldwide, Brett Bartrum, Linda Smith,

Melissa and Austin Reid, Kyle Simone, Heidi Rock,

Helga Jensen, Enga Higgins, Therma Curtis, Carolyn Mendis,

Gail Green, Frank Losert, Duane Lenninger, Emma Roberts,

Sharon Gehrke, Sharon Zizka, Inger Meyer, Donna Campbell,

Miller Reed, Butch Anderson, Cade Roberts, Matthew Johnson,

Dave Fetherston, Kellen Weakly, Jack O’Connell, Peggy Parks,

Kenny Simmons, Michael Ewing, Velma Raines, Gregg Golden,

Andrea Burdick, Kim Ross, Jason Billings, Doug Bartrum,

Joe Kelly, Carol and John Lewis, Nelson Todd,

Renie Russo Strahan, Andrew and Daniel Polgar,

Nikki Martinez and Craig Johnson.

In sympathy for the family of Dick Newburg, Barb Sypolt

and Nick Piesco.

Altar Flowers

Are you interested in placing flowers on the altar for a Sunday? Would you

like to place flowers in honor or memorial of someone in your family? Well,

it is easy to sign up; the sheet is posted on the bulletin board for the next few

months. Please pick a date, sign your name and the flowers will be ordered

by Lord of Life from Four Season Florist in Brighton. The flower shop will

bill you directly for the flowers; the cost is $ 23.57 per arrangement.

Following worship you are welcome to take the flowers home with you and


First Holy Communion Classes

First holy communion classes begin Sunday, February 3rd

during the

Sunday School hour for youths wishing to learn more of the sacrament

of communion. We will explore the meaning of communion for 4

weeks of class time. Holy communion classes continue on February


, March 3rd

, and March 17th



07 – Colleen Hedblad & Wayne Moilanen

08 – Connie Keech

09 – Eli Restrepo

10 – Jill Farmer

11 – Erin Standish

16 – Ellie Gargolia

21 – Megan Farmer

22 – Tim Dei

23 – Madeline McCurdy

27 – Debbie Renton

28 – Suzanne Bellair

29 – Joshua Newburg

30 – Joseph Hedblad

MARCH ANNIVERSARIES Have a wonderful anniversary!

15 – Aaron and Sheila Andring

15 – Ryan & Jennifer Elarton

18 – Eric and Amy Newburg



Our Lord calls us to a holy fast- and a holy feast in each of the days of

this Lenten season. A fast in which we cleanse our hearts and allow

God to make his appeal through us to the world He so loves. We are

called to feast on the fruits of the Spirit- love, joy, peace, patience,

kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control

(Galatians 5:22).

Fast from worry, feast on divine trust in God.

Fast from complaining, feast on appreciation.

Fast from negative thoughts, feast on things positive.

Fast from unrelenting pressures, feast on unceasing prayer.

Fast from hostility, feast on tenderness.

Fast from bitterness, feast on forgiveness.

Fast from self-concern, feast on compassion for others.

Fast from anger, feast on optimism.

Fast from personal anxiety, feast on eternal truth.

Fast from discouragement, feast on hope.

Fast from all things that weaken, and feast on promises that inspire and

build up.

Fast from problems that overwhelm, feast on prayer that gives hope.

2019 Lenten Worship Services

Wednesday evening from 7:00 – 7:30 pm we will gather for the

Lenten worship. This year’s theme is on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

Each week we will focus on the following areas:

Salt and Light / Prayer and Fasting / Worry /Judging /Built on a Rock

If you like, come at 6:15 for a soup supper. The sign-up sheets are

posted if you would like to be involved in the service or by

providing the soup/bread.



Each week in our LOL confirmation class usually we pray several

times. Our opening prayer begins with the “Bad and Good Prayer”

where each of us shares the week’s challenge (bad stuff) and the things

we are thankful for (the good stuff). Our Here We Stand Power Point

lessons may also contain a prayer, and, of course, we have an ending

prayer. Our class learned that in Luke 11 one of Jesus' disciples

requested, "Lord, teach us to pray." Jesus responded with the words we

now call the Lord's Prayer. He continued with this reassurance, "Ask,

and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door

will be opened for you" (Luke 11:9).

Over the years I found that many of our teens struggle with what to

pray for or about, especially individually in a confirmation class

setting. We adults have learned to pray for things such as health,

wealth, wisdom, or luck. We may even pray for these things on behalf

of others. New to some of us might be the idea of listening for God,

waiting for the "still, small voice" that might lead us to new insight or

awareness. Many of the old forms of prayer seek this kind of outcome.

I try to emphasize in our class that praying is a two-way deal. If we

cause ourselves to first listen to God’s Holy Word we are more ready

to enter into a prayer conversation.

Luther would be careful to say that the pray-er is not the one who

makes prayers effective. It is the receiver of the prayers, God, who

discerns without effort what it is we need or long for. We would also

confess that God reliably answers

prayer, though Luther would say

that God answers in God's own way

and time. We pray because we need

to be connected to God, and because

God has invited us to do so.

So, how to pray? Simply begin. If

the routine of praying before meals helps to draw attention back to the

source of our sustenance, there are many useful prayers already written

that will do well. Some offer prayer before sleep, and some offer

prayer as the first or early act of a new day. Luther himself wrote an

evening and morning prayer that continue to be used in Lutheran

liturgies. Each week as our teens leave the class I remind them to

“walk with God,” which implies that they should be talking (and

listening) to God as they walk with him.

Whether it is oral or not, spontaneous or rehearsed, God will always

hear. And whether we know what we need or whether we simply

come before God with an open heart and open mind, God will respond

with love and attention as He is always, always ready to listen. Prayer

is an extremely personal communication with God. Bottom line, there

is no right or wrong way to pray. I try to get our LOL kids to

understand that while traditional prayers, such as the Lord's Prayer, are

always appropriate, sometimes they may want to pray more

personally, you know, a deeply casual conversation with the one who

loves them dearly. Not knowing what to say may be a problem for our

LOL teens and you and me, perhaps, but never for our listening God.

Together in our Lord’s Loving peace,

Mr. Craig


Lord of Life Church has a new email address, it’s

lordoflifeelca@gmail.com. The previous email address is no longer

active. If you’re not receiving emails from the new address, please

send an email to request to be added to the mailing list.

Have a Heart February: the month devoted to love. Stores are filled with heat-

shaped boxes of candy and heart-shaped cards and vases of flowers with

heart-shaped gift tags. All this is available for the consumer so that he can

find the appropriate expression of his devotion to his loved one. If that

expression of love has been preceded by a year of thoughtful and loving

words and deeds, it is welcomed and cherished by the recipient. If not, it is

just an empty ritual, done out of duty rather than true devotion.

Our relationship to the Lord is similar. He, too, desires our sincere

devotion, not empty lip service. “The Lord says: ‘These people come near to

Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far

from Me’ ” (Isaiah 29:13).

Stewardship is serving, helping, giving, but love is the basis for

stewardship. Without love, our good deeds are empty and without merit.

The first act of true stewardship is to “love the Lord your God with all your

heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5).

Jesus called this the most important commandment (Mark 12:29, 30). With

that love for the Lord in us, we are enabled to be good stewards. Then we

can do acts of good stewardship, acts of true devotion. We are enabled to . . .

“Give generously to Him and do so without a grudging heart” (Deuteronomy 15:10).

“Carefully observe [His decrees and laws] with all your heart and

with all your soul” (Deuteronomy 26:16).

“Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality” (Romans 12:13).

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the

Lord, not for men” (Colossians 3:23). God, through Ezekiel, promised, “I will give you a new heart and put a new

spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart

of flesh. And I will put My Spirit in you and move you to follow My decrees

and be careful to keep My laws” (Ezekiel 36:26-27). This promise He has

fulfilled in His Son, Jesus, Who has followed His Father’s decrees and kept

His laws for us. As we strive to live fruitful lives of stewardship, at the same

time, we rest in Christ Who has been the perfect steward for us.

Ronald J. Chewning

12 Months of Congregational Stewardship

In the Cross

Greetings from Florida! I won’t comment on the winter Michigan has

been experiencing, other than to ask, “Did you have to send some of it

to us?”

As a past-president of the Congregation, I still receive copies of the

year-end financial documents, even though Shirley and I are in FL; a

review of them, especially the “Balance Sheet Comparison of 2017

and 2018”, has compelled me to make some comments regarding what

you accomplished in 2018 and to discuss some of the goals I am

hoping you will consider for this year, and beyond:

Simply stated, net assets are the excess, or deficiency, of

assets over liabilities.

Why is a positive excess asset balance good? The answer is

that it is wise to have a significant asset balance on hand to

meet monthly costs during a period in which Revenues

(Giving) are down; a positive balance allows our Treasurer

to avoid delaying bill payments during such a period,

ensuring long-term organizational and operating stability.

Our Lord of Life 2018 year-end net available excess assets

were $4992, shown as "Checking (Net of LOLYO)” on the

Balance Sheet; this amount is, obviously, down $24,651

from the $29,643 balance at the end of 2017. In fact, it is

lower than it has been for the last several years. Let’s take a

look at the causes:


A quick recollection of large expenditures, totaling $20660 in 2018,

shows the following significant expenditures for facility improvements

(which will pay dividends to us for many years):

New gutters around the entire perimeter of the building, to

address concrete erosion issues

A media center in the Dining Room, providing TV, DVD,

Sound System and On-line Streaming capability. In

conjunction with our recently purchased TV camera, we

now have:

o The capability to be able to stream church service to the

dining room, during overflow situations

o The capability to place portions of sermons on our

Website and Facebook pages, in the interest of

attracting new members.

Purchase of a new swing set (to be installed this Spring) to

improve our exterior appearance, as well as child safety, and

attract new members with small children (our future!)


We should note that, in addition to the $20,000 expenditures just

described, a second large piece in the reduction in year-end assets on

hand ($24651) is that our 2018 giving was down approximately

$13,000 from that of 2017. Had we maintained the 2017 level of

giving, our available cash on hand would have us in a very

comfortable position, even after the noted expenditures.

Thoughts for 2019

To complete my thoughts regarding our financial position, I would like

to make the following comments and suggestions:

We are always, as a Congregation, going to be looking

to support our community, (both local andbeyond), by:

o Supporting worthy causes, such as LOLYO;

ELCA endeavors; Kids Against Hunger;

Gleaners; La Casa; Love Inc; Mission Trips

We are always going to maintain and improve our

facilities, and grounds, in order that:

o We can be good stewards of the Lord’s House

and provide improved opportunities to worship

Him within the four walls of the church, and

within the community.

o We can provide a setting that attracts potential

new Members with which to share the Good

News of the Gospel!

To accomplish these goals, please let me suggest that each of us:

Consider whether, or not, we can give more to support

our causes. As you know, no one at Lord of Life will

ever tell anyone how much to give; our philosophy has

been, and continues to be, that the amount you give is

what you prayerfully agree to with God.

Consider using (if not already doing so) the “Simply

Giving” on-line donation button on our website to

arrange for donations to be withdrawn from your

checking account or credit card, at whatever regular

interval you choose. The great benefit here is that your

donation will be made whether you are in Sunday

Service on any given Sunday or not. Shirley and I have

used it for many years; it ensures we don’t have to play

“catch up” when we return to MI, after the winter down


If you have any trouble using the donation link (located in the upper

right-hand corner of our “Home” page), feel free to contact Colleen or

me for help.

I should mention that the donation link is very safe, being encrypted

end-to-end. The host of the link, Vanco Payments, has been handling

these types of transactions for over 20 years, serving Faith-based;

Educational; Non-Profits; and Professional clients. Vanco must certify

compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI

DSS) annually, as does Lord of Life!

In closing, I wish to congratulate you on what you accomplished in

2018; I’m looking forward to sharing another great year with you in



Glenn Kelly