
Post on 09-Jun-2015

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By: Devyn Holliday

The declaration by the “Lord of the Flies” that he lives within all human beings is a testament to the savagery that lies within everyone.

When the boys first land, they try their best to keep order in their lives.

“We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all we’re not savages” (42).

Man is ashamed of his savage side.

As time goes on conflict arises on how to keep on living…

Two paths diverge, the rational and civil versus the erratic and savage

The savage side led by Jack, offers all the boys’ wildest dreams, complete freedom, no rules; the chance to live out their far-fetched fantasies of being wild, “He smeared on the clay… ‘For hunting. Like in the war. You know-dazzle paint” (63).

Life with Ralph follows a strict course; Reality of their situation is never far from their mind.

As time goes on… the grasp of the familiar fades. The appeal of savagery entices the minds of the boys…

“The chant rose a tone in agony. ‘Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!”(152).

The savage chant is a testimony to basic human nature. The length of time that they’ve been away from civility has allowed for basic human nature to take over…

The Lord of the Flies testament reigns supreme, when given the chance, man allows his savage side to take over.


• Beachcomber BW. 2012. Photograph. Brooklyn Prints, New York City.• James Aubrey. 1963. Photograph. Lord of the Flies, Boston.• Roger. 1963. Photograph. Lord of the Flies, Boston.• The Pigs Head. 1963. Photograph. Lord of the Flies, Boston.• The Hunt. 1963. Photograph. Lord of the Flies, Boston.• Jack Merridew. 1963. Photograph. Lord of the Flies, Boston.• Fork in the Road. 2008. Photograph. My Trip, Sedona.• Musee D'Orsay Clocks. 2005. Photograph. Musee D'Orsay, Paris.• Fighting Wolves in Winter. 2007. Photograph. Germany.