LOVE [IT’S SO GOOD] · God is love and there is no shadow of turning in Him; we are called to...

Post on 24-Mar-2020

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     It's so good lovin' somebody

    And that somebody loves you back

    To be loved and be loved in return It's the only thing that my heart desires

    Just appreciate the little things I do Oh, you're the one who's got me inspired

    Keep on liftin', liftin' me higher

    So good, good lovin' somebody And that somebody loves you back

    It's so good needin' somebody And that somebody needs you back

    We can build a world of love, a life of joy

    Make our goal each other's happiness I will do for you anything that I can

    Oh, everyday I wanna do a little more Do a little more, just a little bit more………..

    By Teddy Pendergrass



    Hello beloved of God, Don’t you realize that what the nations eat and drink unto are idols and devils (men in fallen states) [1Corinthians 10:20-21], and for this reason they have lost out on their heritage in the paradise of God. The god of this world has blinded men from the rays of light that reveal the love of God, and blocked the streams of life that flow from the depth of God revealing the love with which God has loved us from the beginning [2Corinthians 4:3-6]. Jesus is in our midst to unveil the rays of light and unblock the streams of living water. Satan working through the carnal mind (the serpent) has caused man to live in relation to the material creation and therefore forget the creator who is blessed forever (Romans 1). The continuous blinding of the eyes of man’s understanding causes a loss of the impeccable love relation that caused the garden to blossom and flourish; it causes man to lose awareness of the riches in glory that He has at His disposal in fellowship with the Father. Our power is in that sacred fellowship of love that we lost in our descent into this world system [Ephesians 3:9]. That sacred fellowship of love was the secret of Jesus’ power that is why He confessed I and the Father are one, the Father always hears me, all that the Father has are mine. It was this unbreakable model of love, which distinguished Jesus from



    ordinary men. This is the same model of love that Jesus came to unveil to the world, so that men can also enter into this fellowship of love [1John 1:3]. It is love that makes the garden blossom and bloom, it causes the sons of the morning to sing and shout for Joy in the congregation of the saints in heaven. It is love that lifts us higher and higher unto to that place of unspeakable joy and happiness; it restores the world of infinite impossibilities that God intended for us from the beginning, a world in and as Him. When we hear songs like this one, let us in deep meditation apply it to the truth, and therefore see them as letters of love between the Father and the Son (You). Put on the single eye (single mind of the spirit) and listen to the Father speaking to us about our unbreakable love from the foundation of the world and then grow in this love [Luke 11:34, Colossians 3:2]. This is all that we should desire, above all the temporal glories of this present world. This love is what will keep us and sustain us throughout all eternity. Truths like this may sound foolish and lowly to the ordinary religious man, because He operates with a spirit of error that attaches Him to the temporary visible order of things. The ordinary man cannot comprehend the mystery that we speak because in reality the things of God are indeed like foolishness to the carnal man.



    1Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. Let the spirit of God lead us back into the everlasting loving arms of the Father, as we yield to it, so that we can once more feel the love that surpasses the knowledge of mortal man. God is love and there is no shadow of turning in Him; we are called to behold His glory (our glory) before Him in love. We are all called to a fellowship of love among the trees of the garden (saints in heavenly places) and as we attain to this place we discover that all that we behold with our eyes and hear with our ears are simply expressions of the love with which the Father has loved us from the foundation of the world. This is a love that so envelopes us, that we become Him and He becomes us.

    John 3:35 The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand. John 5:20 For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel. The Father has always loved us and has never left us, even though for a moment we felt abandoned and all alone in a cold world. We felt abandoned because of the ignorance with which we were feed as we entered into this world; this world lives in relation to idols formed by the projections of the carnal mind. Christ is in our midst to show us the truth



    and purify ourselves of the idols we have formed in our minds. 1John 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. 21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. Let us occupy our minds on the things of the spirit so that the idols that have defiled our conscience and separated us from the love of God be no more. As we feed on truth ministered by the spirit on the inside of us, the day breaks in our hearts were we can truly behold the glory of God and once more ride upon the high places of God with Joy. Songs of Solomon 2:16 My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies. 17 Until the day break, and the shadows flee away, turn, my beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether. The fellowship of love in Christ is to be desired above all things, let us comprehend this good thing in silence. Love Trevor Eghagha