Love right here

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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im corny for this so what tho


  • 1. We both made childish mistakes, mine were out of hurt and anger. I was mad that he played mind games with me,made promises to me,verbally put me down,lied to me,played me like I was nothing. But through it all I always loved him

2. Everyone can have their own opinions on there view of how things were between us, but no1 knows the true story but me & him. Yea shit was fucked up at times & I shoulda been left.. But he was a lot to me, my bestfriend, my lover, the person I could be myself around 3. He was the man I wanted to marry,get old & sit on the porch & talk shit about the ppl who walk by with,the one I wanted to do it all with, but now where over & I wont be doing anything but moving on trying to get over the pain. If its anything I could do to make things better I would start over with him & forget both of our mistakes 4. NO matter the things we been through, or the distance we stand. I will always love you & want my family. #ShaJoe