Love Your Weight Loss

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Let Sally show you how to “Love Your Weight Loss” with her online weight loss system so you too can become one of “those people” who never have to worry about their weight again!


Love Losing Weight!A Q&A with Sally Symonds,

Founder of Love Your Weight Loss

My Weight Loss Journey

• In 2002-2003, lost 45kg in 33 weeks, then lost another 8.5 kg

• Lost more than 50% of my body weight

• Have kept the weight off for a decade!

…And didn’t follow one conventional weight loss rule to lose my weight!

Why Are We Failing At Weight Loss?

Does this sound like you?

1.  They’ve been a yo-yo dieter for many years (usually over ten).

2. They’ve tried “everything” – shakes, programs, personal trainers, frozen meals, etc.

3. They’ve had short-term success with at least one method but have regained (or are fast regaining) all the weight they’ve lost.

4. They’re emotional eaters.

5. They’re wary of wasting more money on weight loss products or plans, skeptical that any will work, but too scared not to try because they’re sick of being overweight.  

It’s not YOUR fault!

It’s what you’ve been conditioned to think for years, thanks to weight loss marketing tactics:

• “So easy you don’t have to think!”• “Lose 10kg in 30 days!”• “It’s too hard to lose weight without our


S!Remember, weight loss companies are in the business to make money. They don’t want you to succeed, or else you won’t keep buying their


And we are willfully blind to it all…

We keep doing the same things-

…over and…over and…over again!

Even if they don’t work!

Popular Weight Loss Myths

• You have to count calories.• You need a formal weight loss plan or program.• You should announce your weight loss intentions to the world.• You need portion control.• You need to do mind-numbing exercises, even if you hate them.• You should only lose a little bit of weight a week.• You need a LIFESTYLE CHANGE!

How To Lose Weight The Right Way!

Tip #1: Learn to love healthy eating

• Make your own rules and restrictions.

• Volume trumps calories.

• Plan and prepare for days when you’re too busy to cook.

Tip #2: Learn to love to exercise

• Find your purpose.

• Multi-task when you exercise.

• Aim for mastery.

Tip #3: Learn To Love The Whole Weight Loss Process

• Don’t go too hard, too fast.

• Don’t tax your willpower too much.

• Don’t stress about weight loss.

Consider this equation…

100% effort x 3 weeks = 300% results 80% effort x 5 weeks = 400% results25% effort x 20 weeks = 500% results

If you do something for 25 weeks (that’s 6 months a year), and then continue that approach forever, you just made a

lifestyle change and barely noticed!

Strive for motivation gold

•Autonomy•Control•Mastery•Positive Experiences & Emotions• Engagement

You can do it!

Need a little help?

I am here to help! Visit my website

for more information!

My contact information

Sally Symonds