
Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Love. By: Lim Jun Weng (06) Daniel Lye(10) Ng Yau Xuan(13) Keith Ong(14) Jeremy Yap(24). Definition of Love. Love, as portrayed in this play, is ideally selfless It involves self-sacrifice , sharing, humility and devotion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Lim Jun Weng (06)

Daniel Lye(10)

Ng Yau Xuan(13)

Keith Ong(14)

Jeremy Yap(24)

Definition of Love Love, as portrayed in this play, is ideally

selfless It involves self-sacrifice, sharing,

humility and devotion Platonic love is also expressed in this

play through the strong bonds between Bassanio and Antonio (spiritual love)

Parent-child Romantic Friendship

Portia and her father Jessica and Shylock

Portia appears reluctant to obey her father’s legacy of the three caskets

However, she still does so (self-sacrifice) as she was only frustrated by the fact she cannot choose her own husband

This shows us the love and respect between Portia and her father

“I may neither choose who I would nor refuse who I dislike, so is the will of a living daughter curbed by the will of a dead father.” – Portia on her father’s legacy

“Is it not hard, Nerissa, that I cannot choose one nor refuse none?”- Portia, in a dilemma

Jessica hates her Jewish father for restricting her freedom

The love between them has strained though they are father and daughter

Shylock loves his daughter and seems oblivious that she is drifting further and further away from her

“Our house is hell” -Jessica “Alack, what heinous sin is it in meTo be ashamed to be my father’s child!But though I am a daughter to his blood,I am not to his manners.”-Jessica on her extreme dislike of her

father’s actions“My sober house.” – Shylock, suggesting

he has no tolerance for merriment himself

“Jessica my girl”, -Shylock “Hear you me, Jessica: Lock up my doors; and when you hear the

drumAnd the vile squealing of the wry-necked

fife,…” – Various restrictions on Jessica

The two different parent and child relationship are much in contrast

Portia chooses to respect her father’s wishes possibly at the expense of her lifelong happiness

Jessica chooses to go against her father for her love

Bassanio and Portia Lorenzo and Jessica Gratiano and Nerissa

Bassanio tried not to give away the ring until Antonio told him to do so –loyalty to Portia

Portia defended Bassanio’s best friend Antonio although it was dangerous to go as a woman –Self-sacrifice for Bassanio

Portia also showed her love towards Bassanio by promising him what she owns is now also what he owns (self-sacrifice)

“Good sir, this ring was given me by my wife,

And when she put it on she made me vowThat I should neither sell, nor give, nor

lose it.” –Bassanio on the ring ‘Myself, and what is mine, to you and

yours/Is now converted” – Portia towards Bassanio

Jessica would rather steal from her father and leave with Lorenzo for love than stay on in her house

“For I am much ashamed of my exchange.

But love is blind, and lovers cannot seeThe pretty follies that themselves


Gratiano is sorry for giving away her ring

Promises to keep it forever OR Be the only one to make love with her

“Well, while I live I’ll fear no other thingSo sore, as keeping safe Nerissa’s ring.” –

Gratiano promising to Nerissa

Antonio and Bassanio

Antonio, though knowing he has not enough money to help Bassanio, still promised him he would give money for him to woo Portia

Anotonio was willing to go to his enemy to get money for Bassanio to woo Portia

Bassanio was willing to sacrifice himself for the release of Antonio.

“My purse, my person, my extremest means,/ Lie all unlocked to your occasions” –Anotonio promising Bassanio

“you spat on me on Wednesday last…and for th[is] courters[y]/ I’ll lend you thus much money?” Shylock saying sarcastically towards Antonio

“The Jew shall have my flesh, blood, bones, and all”-Bassanio