Loving God, Serving our Local Community, Making...

Post on 22-Jun-2020

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Our Mission is based on the Two Great Commandments in Matthew 22:37-

39 (see the front cover) and on the Great Commission:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to

obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age”.

[Matthew 28:19-20]

We invite you to use this prayer to pray for our ministry in Clayfield

Living God, creator, redeemer, strengthener: enliven, guide and strengthen your Church in all you send us to do. By your Holy Spirit enable us to grow in faith, in service, in generous giving; and add to your Church new disciples that your saving, reconciling, recreating work may go forward, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. [The ‘Going for Growth’ Prayer of the Anglican Church in Southern Queensland]

Our Vision 2017-2020 was developed by a Working Group of the Parish Council. Members of the group consulted widely with members of the congregation during

2015 and 2016.

For each strategic priority there is an accompanying Action Plan that specifies time frames and persons responsible for arranging these actions.

It is intended that there will be ongoing interaction and communication concerning the implementation of the Strategic Direction with the Parish Council

and the Congregation.

www.stmarksclayfield.org August 2017


‘“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first

commandment. And a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” [Matthew 22:37-39]

Loving God, Serving our Local Community, Making Disciples

OUR VISION 2017—2020


We will be focusing on our strategic priority objectives of:

Acting Locally Growing Spiritually

We will ...

Connect with families from local schools through shared worship and other events

By working with the Chaplain, engage with families at Eagle Junction State School who are challenged for family essentials

Promote greater utilisation of our buildings and facilities

Produce a Community Newsletter

Ensure that current ministries, resources and events are aligned with our strategic direction

We will …

Introduce a Prayer and Praise circle

Develop the St Mark’s website and Social Media platforms to include Christian education resources

Communicate widely about the ways we offer pastoral care support

Increase the participation of children in our worship services

Encourage more sharing between congregations

We are already doing: Chaplaincy Breakfasts, Services at Aveo, Arts Festival, Connections with local Schools, Open Church, Inter-Church Council, Provision of facilities such as Tennis Court & Hall for the community, Ladies Guild Games Days, Craft Group

We are already doing: Small Groups, Bible Studies, Regular Worship, Connections with wider Mission such as ABM and CMS, Sermon Podcasts, Pew Sheet, eNews, Ladies Guild, Men

We will be focusing on our strategic priority objectives of:

Growing Spiritually Growing in Number

Introduce a Prayer and Praise circle

s website and Social Media platforms to include Christian education resources

Communicate widely about the ways we offer

Increase the participation of children in our worship

Encourage more sharing between congregations

We will ...

Nurture and grow the Youth Group

Offer worship that is engaging and relevant to young families

Supplement our current informal greeting and welcome of newcomers with a more formal greeting and follow-up and a welcome pack

Ensure our investment policy aligns with our strategic direction and supports future growth

Develop a property master plan that aligns with our strategic direction as a foundation for future growth

Small Groups, Bible Studies, Regular Worship, Connections with wider Mission such as ABM and CMS, Sermon Podcasts, Pew Sheet, eNews, Ladies Guild, Men’s Groups

We are already doing: Letterbox Drops, Kids Plus+, Social Media presence, Stewardship Committee, Baptisms, Fun Days, Teddy Bears’ Picnic