Lower 9 CSED

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Lower 9 CSED

Pam Dashiell

History Sustainable Restoration Plan

• Funders: Mercy Corps Sierra Club LA Bucket Brigade Blue Moon Foundation

CSED founded in January of 2007

Mission CSED’s mission and purpose is to stimulate

civic engagement, repopulate, sustain natural systems, assist community leadership and preserve resources in the Lower 9th Ward neighborhoods.

CSED’s goal is the re-creation and repopulation of a strong community, mindful of its resources and vulnerabilities, with an engaged citizenry that is active, resilient, prosperous, energy independent and beautiful as possible.

All CSED Projects Bayou Bienvenue Community

Outreach/Resident Intake

Community Beyond Housing (LDRF)

CRCL Energy Efficiency Grocery Store Mental Health


Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Grant

Facilitated materials donations:• Mattresses• Paint• Solar Panels• Toilets• CFL Bulbs• Sheetrock• Trees

Radiant Barrier 101 Radiant Barrier

installations Partners

• Sierra Club• A.A.E.• Historic Green• Green Corps• Anonymous Donor


Weatherization 61 Basic

Weatherization Partners

• A.A.E.• Historic Green• Green Corps• Anonymous Donor• Global Green

Not Accepting Applications

Bayou Bienvenue Pathway & Platform



Volunteer Coordination Warrenetta Banks

Over 2500 Volunteers


Lower 9th Ward Resource Guide Two editions, 2000

copies Businesses,

Churches and Non-Profits• More editions

Shows all that Lower 9 has done

Grocery Store UNO/LSU/DePaul &

CSED Chase Community

Development Corp. 1st Place Jim Hattchet

Historic Green 10 year


Energy Efficiency

Rain Gardens


Future/Current New Director

Resource Guide & Reporting Guide

5200 Dauphine St.

Still looking for new residents

Block Captains