Lower Secondary Religious Education for the National ... · for the National Standards Curriculum...

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Second Edition

Jill MorrisKenneth Runcie Colinnet Wiltshire-Brown Liam Gearon

This course has been written through a close collaboration between experienced Caribbean teachers and religious education experts: Khadene Guyah, Kedo Guyah, Kenneth Runcie, Colinnet Wiltshire-Brown,

Liam Gearon, Jill Morris

Religious Educationfor the National Standards Curriculum

Student’s Book Grade 9


This new edition of Religious Education for lower secondary is a three-level resource that matches the aims, approaches and methods of the National Standards Curriculum in Jamaica. It encourages students to embrace the diversity of Caribbean religious culture in a holistic manner, by looking at the four major religions – Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam – and Rastafarianism and Revivalism, within the themes of Identity, Worship and Stewardship.

Key features:• Students will be able to relate to the real-life examples provided in the ‘In the

Caribbean’ sections• ‘Did you know?’, ‘What do you think?’ and group discussion features allow students

to share their thoughts and knowledge in a structured and safe environment• Digital activities cover the syllabus ICT attainment targets by focusing on

communication and collaboration, designing and producing, research, critical thinking, problem solving and decision making and Digital Citizenship.

• Personal dictionary icons provide students with the opportunity to reflect on, and develop, a deeper understanding of key terms and concepts

• End-of-chapter and unit assessment questions test understanding and stimulate analysis of topics

Religious Educationfor the National Standards Curriculum


Student’s Book Grade 9


DARY Religious Education Student’s Book Grade 9

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Religious Education

Jill Morris

Kenneth Runcie

Colinnet Wiltshire-Brown

Liam Gearon

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Macmillan Education Limited4 Crinan StreetLondon N1 9XWCompanies and representatives throughout the world

ISBN 978-1-380-06353-3Text © Jill Morris 2020 Design and illustration © Macmillan Education Limited 2020

The authors have asserted their right to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

First published 2016This edition published 2020

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ContentsHow to use this book IV

Unit 1 The nature and purpose of stewardship 1

Personal stewardship 2 • Christian personal stewardship 3 • Jewish personal stewardship 6 • Islamic personal stewardship 8 • Hindu personal stewardship 9 • Rasta and Revivalist personal

stewardship 12 Corporate stewardship 16 • Christian corporate stewardship 17 • Jewish corporate stewardship 20 • Islamic corporate stewardship 23 • Hindu corporate stewardship 25 • Rasta and Revivalist corporate

stewardship 26

Unit 2 Stewardship and preparing for life 31

Abortion and birth control 32 • Abortion 32 • Birth control 37 Family, children and singleness 42 • Marriage, family and singleness 42 • Divorce 48 • Religion and your self-development 51

Unit 3 Stewardship and ethical issues 55

The tech nology of birth 56 • Religions and medical science 56 • Religions and assisted reproduction 60 • Stem cells 65 • Pre-natal testing 66 • Adoption 69 • Child abandonment 70 • Street children, homelessness and

vagrancy 72 End-of-life issues and donation 75 • Assisted dying, assisted suicide and

euthanasia 76 • Organ and blood donation 83

Unit 4 Stewardship and social concerns 88

Prejudice and discrimination 89 • Types of prejudice & discrimination 89 • Christianity, prejudice & discrimination 93 • Judaism, prejudice & discrimination 94








• Islam, prejudice & discrimination 95 • Hinduism, prejudice & discrimination 97 • Rastafari, prejudice & discrimination 98 • Revivalism prejudice & discrimination 100

Crime, capital punishment and conflict 102 • Crime and punishment 102 • War and peace 111

Abuse, addiction, wealth and poverty 119 • Substance abuse and addiction 119

• Wealth and poverty 128

Unit 5 Corporate stewardship: caring for the natural world 139

What is the natural world? 140 • An overview 140

• A way to work together 143 • What is nature and the natural world? 146 • What issues is the natural world

facing? 149 • What can religions do to help? 155 Religion and animals 158

• Religious teachings about animals 158 • Should animals have rights? 162 • Animals and environmental issues 165 • Caring for protected and endangered

species 167 • Animals and experiments 169

Unit 6 Some conclusions about stewardship 172

World religions and personal and corporate stewardship 1 173 • Unit 1 The nature and purpose of

stewardship 173 • Unit 2 Stewardship and preparing for life 177 • Unit 3 Stewardship and ethical issues 179

World religions and personal and corporate stewardship 2 186 • Unit 4 Stewardship and social concerns 186

• Unit 5 Corporate stewardship: caring for the natural world 190

End-of-year test 197 Glossary 199







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How to use this bookThis book is the third in a series of three for the Grade 7–9 curriculum, which is centred around the themes of the National Standards Curriculum: Identity (Grade 7), Worship (Grade 8) and Stewardship (Grade 9). In each book there are three key Attainment Targets, each of which is sub-divided into three strands.

Attainment Target 1Learning about religionsStrand 1 – beliefs and teachingsStrand 2 – practices and lifestylesStrand 3 – expression and language

Attainment Target 2Learning from religionsStrand 1 – identity and experienceStrand 2 – meaning and purposeStrand 3 – values and commitments

Attainment Target 3Learning how religion influences changeStrand 1 – religions and how they adapted to Caribbean lifeStrand 2 – religion as an influence for changeStrand 3 – religion and its influence on daily life

The theme for Grade 9 is Stewardship. In this book you will learn about:• concepts relating to the nature and purpose of personal

and corporate stewardship• the use and care of personal human resources and of

nature and corporately owned resources• implications of this regarding teachings and practices

in different religions• some issues and concerns within stewardship as

addressed by major religions, including social issues such as racism, sexism, marginalization, technology of birth, medical care for the poor, adoption, abandoned children, persons with disabilities, euthanasia, organ transplants, vivisection and animal rights

• stewardship and caring for the natural world, including global issues and concerns, caring for protected and endangered species, and the views of some world religions

• the principles and teachings common to world religions regarding personal and corporate stewardship, including personal impressions formed and developed, and your decisions taken on stewardship.

In examining these topics, you will learn to critically examine yourself and your role as a good personal and corporate steward, including the relationship between yourself and the persons or things which you have responsibility for. You will also explore good work ethics as well as matters such as social justice, good citizenship, developing of natural talents, and caring for and sharing with others. In addition, you will develop skills to enable you to make decisions that will lead to responsible, creative and productive use of your time, talents and resources in adulthood.

Like earlier student books, this book employs different styles of information presentation to suit all types of learner, including:

• case studies with questions• information boxes• diagrams • photographs.

Throughout this book there are a number of features that will help you to assess your knowledge, apply what you have learned to your own life, and challenge you to think further.

Curriculum key words and other key words are highlighted in bold, and definitions can be found in the Glossary.

What do you think? features give you the opportunity to consider different questions and what they mean for you.

Did you know? features extend your knowledge.

Activities check your knowledge and understanding through a variety of tasks and assessment questions. There are four different attainment targets within activities, and the symbols displayed help you to see which are being assessed.

Communication and collaboration

Research, critical thinking, problem solving and decision making

Designing and producing

Digital citizenship

Check your learning, end-of-chapter, end-of-unit and an end-of-year assessment also help you to assess your understanding of the various concepts and topics covered.



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