
Post on 24-Jan-2015

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To know who individual winners and losers of globalisation are

To look at 2 contrasting countries and how they are winners or losers of the globalized world


• What message is being portrayed in each of the cartoons?

• Do you agree with the depiction or disagree why?

• Could you draw a depiction of globalisation and what it means to you?

Task 1

• In pairs look at the sheet of statements about Globalisation, use them to fill in your table on the impacts of globalisation- include positives and negatives on all 4 elements

Impacts of globalisation

On financeOn finance On politicsOn politics

On peopleOn people On cultureOn culture

Some Trans National Companies (shell oil) have higher turnover than some countries GDP’s.

Uses cheaper labour in developing countries to supply consumers in OECD’s.

Trillions of $ are exchanged electronically every day in payments, loans, shares and debt.

A worldwide reduction in consumer prices ‘race to the bottom price’

Companies (news international – Sky, Sun, times owners) influence how people think on issues.

An expansion of international political organisations. (EU)

A loss of national identity. Companies gain power over national governments. Governments may loose control over their countries.

Global trade barriers being removed. (tariffs, quotas etc.)

People with IT, management and finance skills are moving around world to where jobs exist.

Migrant labour is flowing to areas of high wages and better standards of work.

Global tourism has increased, transporting people to far flung locations.

Cheaper mobile and internet rates mean communication between people and information is free flowing.

Emerging global village where people share common interests. (film)

‘Americanisation’ occurring with internet and media spreading western values and culture.

Some Trans National Companies (shell oil) have higher turnover than some countries GDP’s.

Uses cheaper labour in developing countries to supply consumers in OECD’s.

Trillions of $ are exchanged electronically every day in payments, loans, shares and debt.

A worldwide reduction in consumer prices ‘race to the bottom price’

Companies (news international – Sky, Sun, times owners) influence how people think on issues.

An expansion of international political organisations. (EU)

A loss of national identity. Companies gain power over national governments. Governments may loose control over their countries.

Global trade barriers being removed. (tariffs, quotas etc.)

People with IT, management and finance skills are moving around world to where jobs exist.

Migrant labour is flowing to areas of high wages and better standards of work.

Global tourism has increased, transporting people to far flung locations.

Cheaper mobile and internet rates mean communication between people and information is free flowing.

Emerging global village where people share common interests. (film)

‘Americanisation’ occurring with internet and media spreading western values and culture.


• The notion that we are all dependent on a number of countries and people that we will never meet

Win. Lose or Draw

• We are going to compare 2 countries China and Gambia to see if Globalisation creates winners and losers

11. In 1995, China’s GNP per capita was $620.

13. China has a great wealth of natural resources with vast reserves of coal, oil and gas.

10. In 2005, China’s GNP per capita was $1,700.

8. A country needs a plentiful supply of fuel to aid industrial development.

3. 1976 saw the death of Mao Zedong and the relaxation of communist rule. In 1986 Chinese rulers adopted an ‘open door policy’ to trade.

14. China is geographically located in a very central position, with easy access to the rest of the world and major trade routes.

4. Throughout the 1990s, China’s economy increasingly displayed capitalist traits, with individuals being permitted to accumulate wealth without government interference.

12. The markets of South Korea, Taiwan and India are all developing rapidly.

5. China spends a large amount of its budget on health and education.

9. China has a population of 1.3 billion.

6. In 2001 China joined the World Trade Organisation.

1. TNCs invest in China to take advantage of low labour costs.

7. Since 2000, China has been the largest recipient of oversees aid with 53% of its exports are produced by foreign owned companies.

2. China has now overtake the USA as the worlds largest consumer.

31. Export Processing Zones have been created in China, stimulating cheap mass manufacturing.

32. Many people living in rural areas of China are migrating to the cities.

15. In 1995, Gambia’s GNP per capita was $320.

19. About 75% of Gambia’s population depend on crops and livelihood for their livestock.

22. Gambia is dependent on aid for any development that it may achieve.

24. Gambia is one of the 48 LDCs, ranked at 160 out of 173 on the UN’s HDI.

17. Gambia has no confirmed mineral or natural resource deposits.

20. Gambia’s has a population of about 1.7 million.

23. ‘Financial leakages’ mean that much of what wealth is generated within Gambia is not available for reinvestment as it belongs to foreign TNCs.

16. In 2005, Gambia’s GNP per capita was $290.

26. Tourism in Gambia is seasonal. 25. The WTO estimates that tourism contributes 7.8% of Gambia’s total GDP.

27. European consumers are the beneficiaries of their purchasing power, but while low prices are good for tourists, they are not good for Gambia.

28. Gambia’s has a literacy rate of approximately 40%.

21. Small scale manufacturing activity includes the processing of groundnuts, fish and hides which are then exported.

18. Gambia’s agricultural base is fairly limited.

29. Gambia is the smallest country on the African continental mainland.

30. Gambia gained its independence from the UK in 1965.

Winners? Losers?

1) Why is China a winner? Detailed response

2) What factors make Gambia a globalisation loser?

3) Do you care about the disparity between winners and losers? Why/ Why not?

Summary• Globalisation allows comparative advantages to be


• A good source of physical and human resources will enable a country to develop.

• The revenue generated by exploiting these resources can be fed back into the economy, creating a positive multiplier effect.

• In other countries, physical challenges, poor governance and political isolation are factors resulting in a country being poorly integrated into the world economy.

Opinion Line- with evidence!

Global’ n


Global’ n


ExceptionsThere are of course exceptions to the rule:

• Las Vegas is located in the Mojave desert, Nevada, USA and has no real natural resources, yet functions extremely well as a global hub, being well connected to the rest of the world.

• Sierra Leone has a rich supply of diamonds (blood diamond), yet has been crippled through years of occupation – a ‘resource curse.’

Exam Question

• Outline the positives and negatives of globalisation (10)