Ltt Ppt_group 14

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  • 8/7/2019 Ltt Ppt_group 14









  • 8/7/2019 Ltt Ppt_group 14


    The vision is an image of an ideal, desirable future state of the organization. It is what the organization wants to be.

    It can be a of direction and yet be vague enough toencourage initiative.

    The vision needs to be shared and provides a point to workfrom as well as to. One of the most famous "visionstatements" was made by J.F. Kennedy - "to put a man on the

    moon and return him safely to earth, before the decade (the1960's) is out.

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    "An organizations vision and values are meaningless if people dontunderstand and accept them. Before committing to new behaviors,

    associates must accept the importance of the values to theorganizations and their personal success. To promote this level of understanding and commitment, leaders must be able tocommunicate the vision and values powerfully and passionately.

    y Throughout the whole organization, people need to know the vision,mission and values if they are to be fully engaged.

    y A clear vision which is well-communicated will provide the overalldirection and can be cascaded down through every department

    y People can relate to it, they know how they, and their job, fit with thevision. It needs to be supported with a good mission statement whichcan help to provide a basis for why people do what they do and alsoinfluences the structure of the organization too.

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    The most compelling vision will

    operate at 3 levels y Analyticaly Emotionaly Political.y

    It appeals to the head, it captures the heart and it must be shared bythe people.

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    y To create an effective vision statement, especially for an establishedorganization, requires you to make it a leap forward from where youare and to have a medium or long-term perspective

    y . There is no "right" way to create your vision. It could be a couple of people sitting around or a facilitated team session.

    y They need to be easily communicated and owned by the topmanagement. This does not mean that they are the result of casual


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    y Identify the areas in which to "set" them

    y Define the specific behaviors that will apply for each value

    y Set standards related to these behaviors

    y "Walk the talk" as the management team - become the role-models

    y Publicize them widely

    y Revisit and refine regularly

    y Provide feedback on how well they are being followed

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    y Start each day by thinking about the

    y Vision Keep the communication flowing

    y Dont let feelings interfere with relationships

    y Continue to look for new possibilities

    y Keep a positive attitude

    y Know your limits

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    y Economic exchanges to motivate people to follow a vision are notenough and assume that followers react only to carrots and sticks.

    y While it works, it is less effective than leadership based on vision,

    charisma or other emotional-based influencing processes .

    y Leaders can better effect follower commitment and positiveorganizational outcomes by exercising three distinct andcomplementary leadership styles:

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    y Transformational leadership, which refers to value-based, visionary,inspirational, emotional, intellectually stimulating, and charismaticleader actions, predicated on the leader s symbolic power.

    y Transactional leadership, a quid pro quo influencing process based onreward and coercive power.

    y Instrumental leadership, centered on strategic use of the organization ssystems, structures, and processes.

    y Successful cascading leadership depends on generating a sense of

    ownership of the vision throughout the company.

    y This process takes place in three stages: Setting the stage, cascading the vision and key strategies, and assessing the impact of the cascadingprocess.

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    1. Setting the stage for vision creationIn this phase, the top leadership team formulates the vision for thecompany as well as the broad implementation paramaeters. The teamseek advance inputs from relevant internal and external experts as wellas relevant stake holders to guide it in the formulation of its vision

    2 . Cascading the vision and key strategies

    Sharing the vision in its broad sense represents only a small part of thecascading process. Other channels of communication need to be identifiedand used, such as dialogue with the next level of management and settingmeasurable objectives. Here the vision is translated into concrete actions,plans are created, and milestones are set. These milestones provide thecornerstone for the next stage.

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    3. Assessing the impact of the cascading processes

    P eople will know you are serious when you hold reviews andassess them against stated objectives. Leadership thereforehas to review and, where necessary, adjust and adapt the HRsystems, processes, and structures.

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    y V ision is a short, succinct, and inspiring statementof what the organization intends to become and toachieve at some point in the future. V ision is an

    image of an ideal, desirable future state of theorganization. A good vision gives a sense of direction to the organization and need to be sharedby its employees.

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    C reating a clear and effective vision delivers many benefitsto the business. Not only does a clear, shared vision helpdefine the values of company and its employees, but it alsohelps to guide the behavior of all employees. A strong

    vision also leads to improve productivity and efficiency.

    With a clearly communicated vision, business willfacilitate buy-in from its employees and create a sense of

    shared vision that will enable the organization to realizethe benefits associated with a strong sense of vision.

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    6 . A n effective vision strikes a chord in people, motivates themby tapping their competitive drive, arouses desire forgreatness or interest in doing the right thing, tantalizes themwith personal gain, or appeals to their need to make adifference in the world.

    7. A vision is an idealized picture of the future organization andit expresses the organization's reason for existence.

    8. Visions grab people and then bring them into the fold.9. When a leader's vision is effective and strong, employees and

    stakeholders get caught up in what they are doing, absorbthe vision, and commit themselves to the goals and thevalues of the leaders.

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    The following steps help to identify & communicate

    vision effectively so that organization can gain all the

    benefits .y Creating and Communicating V isiony Core Valuesy Core P urpose

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    In order to create a vision, business leaders provide a meaningful plan tosucceed and define their purpose and core values in a way that ismeaningful, easy to remember, and transparent --without any hiddenagendas. A memorable, powerful, yet motivational guiding statement ismost assuredly a wonderful thing for a leader to create and communicatefor any business.

    Leaders can create and communicate a clear vision by understanding andidentifying the business's core values, understanding the core purpose orenvisioned future of the business, and clearly articulating andcommunicating the vision to the organization.

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    y When setting out to understand the core values of the company, thebusiness leader embarks on a journey of discovery rather than a mission of invention or creation. The first step is to identify the core values thatalready exist in the business. Core values are values that are intrinsic to theorganization. Core values define the business and what it stands for, andcore values endure-even if the same core values at some point no longerare advantageous for competitive reasons. Core values are fixedthroughout time and cannot be changed. They are the essential andenduring tenets of an organization.

    y Once the core values of business are identified, it is time to define andunderstand the core purpose and define the future envision for the

    business. The core purpose is the organization's reason for being. It is along-term purpose for the business that is never achieved.

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    Some Steps to b e remem b ered

    y Help individuals see how their work supports the organization s vision, mission,values, and objectives.

    y A s appropriate, help individuals understand Care s vision, values, and mission.Make sure anyone reporting to you understands them, and can talk about them toothers.

    y Identify how your work relates to the vision and values, and explain it to acolleague. A sk them how their work relates. A fter you have practiced, have thesame discussion with your manager.

    y Whenever you discuss work initiatives or problems, discuss how they relate to themission, vision and values. Do this in group meetings as well as individualconversations.


    Think about whether your actions are consistent with your message about themission, vision and values. For example, do you ask others to link their work to thevision, but continue to focus your attention on old priorities?

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    y When you advocate a course of action, express your recommendations in terms of the mission, vision and values.

    y When you assign work to others, relate the assignment to the mission, vision andvalues.


    Recognize and reward your staff members when they do things that support themission, vision and values.y Use the vision, mission and values to communicate the reasons for making work

    assignments and establishing priorities.y P ay attention to others actions, and speak up to acknowledge them when they do

    something to support the mission, vision and values. Develop ways to reward andrecognize your subordinates when they do this.

    y Use Care s mission, vision and values to shape your own work and set yourpriorities.

    y Consider them in deciding what to do on a long, intermediate and short-rangebasis.

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    Cntd..y When you must make difficult decisions, use the mission, vision and

    values to help you decide. If priorities seem unclear seek to have themclarified by your manager.

    y Learn the mission, vision and values well enough to relate them to yourwork and any programs you are involved in. Develop a habit of discussingthem with your manager, peers and subordinates.

    y Each time you make a decision or assign a priority, first explain it toyourself in terms of the mission, vision and values. Then use this languageto communicate your decisions to others.

    y If priorities seem unclear, express your dilemma in terms of the mission,etc. and seek to have them clarified by your manager.

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    A strong vision for a business can create energy and driveneeded to push and pull teams and organizations forward. A strong and effectively communicated vision will be infectious,stimulating, and attractive to others and it will motivate themto achieve business goals and aspirations. P eople rally aroundleaders with a compelling vision and a clear sense of purpose.

    Creating a strong vision is one of the most important functionsa business leader can perform. A vision statement compels

    people to do something, change something, and becomesomething. It is this drive that can transform a business into astrong, vibrant, rewarding opportunity for everyone whocomes into contact with it.


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    Organizations can reap the benefits of a strong vision bydefining the core values of their companies, defining theirpurpose, describing what they see for the business in thefuture, and then clearly articulating, communicating, and livingthe vision at every opportunity.

    Creating and communicating a vision is one of the mostimportant activities a business leader can perform and allbusiness leaders should understand the processes for craftingand communicating a clear vision. Once business leaders havecreated a sense of shared vision within their organization, theywill be able to lead their organizations more effectively.

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    Thank You