LUCY & OLIVER ~TN I 2 Some West Virginia Genealogy...

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L U C Y & O L I V E R ~ T " N I 2

Some West V i r g i n i a Genealogy







A, B . St ickney

Copyright 19*53 by

A. B . St ickney

Mimeographed for the Compiler at Pittsburgh, Pa


F O R E W O R D i

This book started as an account of my grandparents, Oliver S h i r t l i f f & Lucy May (Peirpoint) Jones, of Monon­g a l i a County and Parkersburg, W« Va., t h e i r ancestors and descendants. Since I have known most of the descendants a l l my l i f e or t h e i r s , I have been able to provide rather f u l l and detailed st o r i e s about them.

When the work was w e l l along I decided to include the descendants of Lucy's brother and s i s t e r s , or " S i b l i n g s " . I do not know any of them personally, and have had to gather information from various sources, by correspondence. As a re s u l t the stori e s vary from moderately f u l l accounts to mere l i s t s of names or even l e s s , according to what I could get i n the limited time a v a i l a b l e .

My data i s i n many places sketchy and incomplete, and there i s room for much add i t i o n a l inquiry. However, t h i s would be true no matter how f a r the inquiry were c a r r i e d . Each answer found poses several new questions. Also, i t i s improbable that a l l my data i s accurate. I w i l l welcome additions and corrections, and i f i t seems warranted at some time i n the future, w i l l issue a supplement.

The s p e l l i n g of family names has varied over the genera­t i o n s . A glance at Peirpoint or Smell i n the index w i l l shew the extent. The use i n the t i t l e and index of PEIRPOINT5

which was the general usage a century ago, rather than P i e r -point or Pierpont, which are used today, or P a i r p o i n t , which was used s t i l l e a r l i e r , i s a r b i t r a r y on my part, and was chosen to d i s t i n g u i s h the West V i r g i n i a family from the P i e r -ponts of New England and New York, and from the Quaker family of Pierpoints i n Maryland and V i r g i n i a .

Many members of the family, and others, have supplied information, and i n general these sources are acknowledged i n the t e x t , under "Sources" or "References". To single some out for s p e c i a l reference here would lead to invidious comparisons. Mention should be made, however, of Miss Marion Tapp, a genealogist of Morgantown, who has been most h e l p f u l i n obtaining data both from the Monongalia County records and from i n d i v i d u a l s . And without the benefit of Miss W i l l * Brand's knowledge of the family, the section on " S i b l i n g s " could not have been undertaken.

f3324 Forbes Street Pittsburgh 17, Pa. March 1, 1953

A, B. Stickney


This account is divided into four parts, plus an index and a chart. Part I, Lucy & Oliver, includes both a brief account of the C i v i l War period in northwestern Virginia and the formation of West Vir g i n i a , and an account of Oliver S h i r t l i f f & Lucy May (Peirpoint) Jones' lives and family.

Part I I , Ancestors, is arranged in "lines" of family names, working from top to bottom of the chart. Wives of ancestors are under their husbands' names. Thus, since Jones is highest on the chart, the Jones ancestors, working backward in point of time, are given f i r s t . These are followed by McMullen or McMillan, Fetty, Bike, etc. At the top of each page the family name or names dealt with are given. Each ancestor i s numbered and the number is enclosed in ()s. Starting with (1) for each child of Lucy and Oliver, the father is double and the mother double plus one. Thus Lucy is (1X2/1) or (3), her mother is (3X2/1) or (7), her father in turn is (7X2) or ( U ) , etc.

Part I I I , Descendants. takes the children of Lucy and Oliver who grew up, in the order of their b i r t h , and gives an account of his or her l i f e , followed by accounts of his or her spouse, children, and subsequent descendants. Direct descendants carry a superscript showing their generation, starting with 1 for Lucy and Oliver's children. Thus Jane4 Banning Galvin ( J u l i a ^ , Charles^, EdithI) shows that Jane is fourth generation, a great great grandchild of Lucy and Oliver, by the line of descent given.

Part IV, Lucy's Siblings, gives similar information about Lucy's brother and sisters and their descendants, the generations being numbered in the same way as under Descendants.

The Index includes the names of a l l relatives by blood or marriage mentioned in the text, with the page on which they are mentioned. Descendants of Lucy and her Siblings carry generation superscripts, and ancestors numbers In parenthesis, as described above. A l l females are indexed under their maiden names when known. Names of persons not relatives by blood or marriage are not indexed, except in special cases.

The Chart. folded in at the back, can be folded out to be completely exposed in conjunction with any page. It shows at a glance a l l known and probable ancestors, Lucy and her siblings, and their children, who carry the superscript \ There are too many in subsequent generations for a familv-wide chart to be practical.


On A p r i l 27, 1365, at Morgantown, West V i r g i n i a , Oliver S h i r t l i f f Jones, aged 29, and Lucy May P i e r -point, aged 21, v/ere married, by Reverend Benjamin Ison. Both were natives and the children of natives of Monongalia County, V i r g i n i a , of which Morgantown was the county seat.

Oliver had been mustered out of the Union Army on August 13, 1864, a f t e r more than three years ser­vice i n the C i v i l War and had returned to his father' farm. Both Oliver and Lucy had grown up i n the at­mosphere of tension which continually increased dur­ing the decades preceding the war, and which culmin­ated i n i t . Nowhere was the tension greater than i n northwestern V i r g i n i a , which was geographically and economically closer to Ohio and western Pennsylvania, and which was l a r g e l y s e t t l e d by Pennsylvania German and Scotch-Irish stock, but which was p o l i t i c a l l y part of V i r g i n i a .

V i r g i n i a oast of the mountains was h i s t o r i c a l l y and t r a d i t i o n a l l y a land of plantations, worked by Negro slaves, and was dominated p o l i t i c a l l y by the "Slave Power", although the vast majority of i t s white population v/ere not slave owners. Northwestern V i r g i n i a was a land of steep mountains and narrow va l l e y s , e n t i r e l y unsuited to t h i s type of economy, and was developing as a land of small farms, worked by the owners, and of primitive industry and mining*

Aside from the slavery and t a r i f f questions, which were national issues, northwestern V i r g i n i a had long f e l t that i t paid more than i t s share of state taxes due to slaves being assessed at a nomi­nal value while property was assessed at f u l l value, and got less than i t s share of state expenditures due to domination by the eastern section i n the l e ^ i s -l ature. There had been much talk of separate state­hood as the only way the section could develop.

In 1858 Abraham Lincoln, an obscure I l l i n o i s Lav/yer and p o l i t i c i a n , and a member of the new and then r a d i c a l Republican party, had managed to s p l i t the dominant Democratic party i n a series of debates with one of the Democratic leaders, Stephen A. Douglas, by forcing him to declare himself on'the slavery issue, on which northorn and southern Demo­crats d i f f e r e d . Oliver Jones, then 22, i s supposed to have been v i s i t i n g his Campbell cousins i n * P a r i s , I l l i n o i s , and to have heard one or more of these debates. As a r e s u l t of the debates, Lincoln be­came the Republican nominee for President i n 1860, and the Democrats s p l i t and ran two t i c k e t s , headed

(Lucy & Oliver Cont'd) Page 2

by Douglas and Breckenridge. Lincoln, with a minority of the t o t a l vote, was elected.

When Lincoln took o f f i c e on March 4, 1861, the secession of the slave states from the Union was well advanced. On December 20, 1860, i n accordance with i t s announced intention during the campaign should Lincoln be elected, South Carolina seceded, and on February 4, 1861 s i x other states joined her i n form­ing the Confederate States of America. V i r g i n i a c a l l e d a Convention which met on February 13 to de­cide on a course of action. On A p r i l 17, by a vote of 88 to 55, t h i s Convention adopted an Ordinance of Secession, to be voted on i n the regular e l e c t i o n on May 23. Without waiting for the result the V i r g i n i a Government joined the Confederacy on A p r i l 25.

Northwestern V i r g i n i a was by no means unanimous­l y against t h i s , and the vote of the 47 delegates from this region i s probably representative of the s e n t i ­ment there, 32 voting against secession, 11 for i t , and 4 r e f r a i n i n g from voting. In the May 23 e l e c t i o n the vote of northwestern Virginians, which was never tabulated, was r e l i a b l y estimated at 44,000 against secession, 4000 for i t . A mass meeting i n Clarks­burg (which was tho home of Stonewall Jackson, one of the leading Confederate generals) on A p r i l 22 c a l l e d a Convention i n Whoeling on May 13, which i n turn c a l l e d a General Convention there on June 11.

This Convention on June 19 passed "An Ordinance for the Reorganization of the State Government" (of V i r g i n i a ) , which established the Restored Govern­ment of V i r g i n i a with headquarters at Wheeling. I t elected Francis Harrison Pierpoint, f i r s t counsin of Lucy's father and one of the leaders of the mass meeting and Conventions, Governor. On June 21 Gover­nor Pierpoint petitioned Lincoln f o r m i l i t a r y aid i n putting down the r e b e l l i o n , and. four days l a t e r Lincoln, acting thru Secretary of War Cameron, i n effect recognized the Restored Government by communi­cating with Pierpoint as Governor of V i r g i n i a . In July the Senators and Representatives of tho Restor­ed Government were admitted to Congress. Governor Pierpoint proceeded to raise troops and commission o f f i c e r s for them, for the Union army. Among these was Company A, 3rd V i r g i n i a Infantry, which was mustered i n at Clarksburg on June 25, 1861, with Oliver S. Jones as Ser/vaat. Three of his brothers, William, V i r g i l and Daniel, e n l i s t e d i n other units at about the same time.

(Lucy & Oliver Cont'd) Page 3

Thru the war years northwestern V i r g i n i a , and l a t e r West V i r g i n i a , was the scene of f i g h t i n g and of Confederate ra i d s , reaching as f a r as Morgantown and Fairmont, and nearly to Parkersburg. Charles­ton and the Kanawha v a l l e y were, for a b r i e f time i n 1861, held by the Confederates.

On November 26, 1861 a Representative Conven­t i o n , elected October 24 for the purpose, met at Wheeling to adopt a c o n s t i t u t i o n f o r a new state, to be formed by the p a r t i t i o n of northwestern V i r g i n i a from the rest of the state. This conven­t i o n deliberated u n t i l February 18, 1862. A spec­i a l session of the l e g i s l a t u r e of the Restored V i r g i n i a government, from May 6-18, 1862, petitioned Congress to p a r t i t i o n the state. This p e t i t i o n was presented t o the Senate May 29. Meanwhile, on May 22 an election was held at which the people elected Pierpoint governor of V i r g i n i a . I t was not u n t i l December, 1862 that Congress acted on the p a r t i t i o n p e t i t i o n , and then approved only subject to a change i n the proposed Constitution providing for the grad­ual a b o l i t i o n of slavery, which was permitted under the proposed constitution as submitted to Congress. This proposed co n s t i t u t i o n , however, forbade the bringing i n of more slaves, or coming i n of free per­sons of color to l i v e .

Another Convention met February 12, 1863 and accepted the change, which was accepted by the people i n an e l e c t i o n A p r i l 17 by a vote of 27,749 to 572. On A p r i l 20 Lincoln proclaimed the new state, and on May 28, 1863 an unopposed slate of candidates composed of an equal number of former Democrats and former Whigs was elected. The governor of the new state was Arthur I. Boreman of Parkersburg, whose wife was, by a former marriage, mother of John Bullock who l a t e r married Oliver and Lucy's oldest daughter, Florence. After i n s t a l l i n g these o f f i c e r s of the new state, Pierpoint moved his seat of government to Alexandria, and after the war to Richmond, remaining Governor of V i r g i n i a u n t i l 1868. His statue, placed there by West V i r g i n i a as i t s representative, i s i n Statuary H a l l i n the National Capitol i n Washington, D. C.

On the formation of West V i r g i n i a , the V i r g i n i a troops i n the Union Army became West V i r g i n i a troops, and Oliver served as Sergeant i n Co. A 3rd Regiment, West V i r g i n i a Mounted Infantry. Oliver's diary for 1864 i s i n existence. I t contains a calendar for 1862, marked to show that he fought at McDowal May 8; was at Harrisonburg June 6 when General Ashby was k i l l e d ; fought at Cross Keys June 8; fought i n the battle at Cedar Mountain August 9; and fought

(Lucy & Oliver Cont'd) Page 4

both days at the Second Battle of B u l l Run August 29 and 30. The 1863 a c t i v i t i e s of his unit could doubt­less be obtained thru the War Department records. The start of 1864 found his regiment moving eastward by r a i l to Martinsburg, W. Va., where i t stayed u n t i l late i n A p r i l , with the Confederates a few miles south at Winchester, I t then moved to Beverly, W. Va., at the west entrance to the pass thru the mountains to Staunton, Va. There i t remained u n t i l August, when i t went to Wheeling, then the c a p i t a l of West V i r g i n i a , to be mustered out. I t saw no important action i n 1864, although i t sent out many scouting or reconnai-sance p a r t i e s , and the enemy was camped not f a r away.

Oliver was acting veterinary for his company of mounted infantry, and on Feb. 10, 1864 the recommenda­t i o n of his appointment as Veterinary Surgeon was f o r ­warded to Washington, but apparantly was never acted upon. He was much interested i n horses and t h e i r care and treatment, and did some buying and s e l l i n g of horses for his own account. His numerous comments on the weather, such as "a fine growing shower", showed his farm background and outlook. On Monday, March 2, he "received ten barrels of apples from home and sold them for t h i r t y d o l l a r s , paid nine d o l l a r s f r e i g h t on them". After moving to Beverly he was i n charge of "drawing rations" for the troops.

He enjoyed v i s i t i n g with the g i r l s , and car r i e d on an active correspondence with a number of them, as well as with home with his s i s t e r S e r i l d a . He also exchanged l e t t e r s with his cousins John F. Campbell and Sophia Vance i n Pa r i s , 111, When he attended church he recorded the preacher's name and the chapter and verse of his text. While he was a Methodist and usually attended that church, he sometimes went to others. He kept careful detailed accounts of h i s expenditures i n the space provided i n the back of the diary.

After being mustered out at B0§ PM" on August 13 at Wheeling, he returned home to Laurel Point and took up l i f e as a farmer. Late i n August he made an expe­d i t i o n of several days buying stock hogs and d r i v i n g them home. In September he threshed and plowed. En­t r i e s i n the diary ceased September 18, except for a few a couple of weeks l a t e r when he went on a t r i p fo r a few days.

After t h e i r marriage i n 1865, Oliver and Lucy moved to Parkersburg, Vi. Va., where he established a general store i n a r e s i d e n t i a l neighborhood, at 13th and Market Streets, s e l l i n g groceries, meats, yard goods and other merchandise. This store prospered

(Lucy & Oliver Cont'd) Page 5

and he was well-to-do, but he l o s t considerable money endorsing notes for friends. He also had a farm near town, with a dairy herd on i t .

The family l i v e d f i r s t i n the 1300 block on Market Street, and l a t e r at 1329 Avery Street. They were Methodists, and Oliver was on the O f f i c i a l Board of the F i r s t Methodist Church, i n which Lucy was ac­tiv e i n women's a f f a i r s . He was also active i n the Grand Army of the Republic (Union veterans of the C i v i l War).

Lucy and Oliver had eleven chi l d r e n , of whom seven grew up and married, and four died i n infancy. A l l the children were given f i r s t and middle names having the same i n i t i a l , but f i v e of them changed t h e i r names. Fanny Florence and William Wilber dropped the i r f i r s t names and became Florence and Wilber, while Grace Gladys and Edith Ethel changed t h e i r middle names to Pierpont, which had become the accepted s p e l l i n g by that time. Charles changed his middle name from Clarence to Carrington.

Sometime aft e r the turn of the century, when Oliver was i n his l a t t e r s i x t i e s , he gave up the store which became Morrison's. He continued to work with a nursery, s e l l i n g f r u i t trees, shrubs, and plants. In 1910 Oliver, who was born at Laurel Point on the west side of the Monongahela River between Morgan-town and Fairmont on A p r i l 3, 1336, went to Doctor Langdon»s sanitorium i n Cin c i n n a t i , Ohio, where he died after about a month on October 30, 1910. After his death, Lucy, who was born August 9, 1843, l i v e d with her daughter Florence at 1600 Avery Street u n t i l her death there i n August, 1925. Both are buried i n Cook Cemetery, Parkersburg, W, Va.

(Lucy & Oliver Cont'd) Page 6

C h i l d r e n ( a l l born at Parkersburg, W. Va.):

Charles Clarence, b. Feb. 2, 1866

Fanny Florence,

Paul Pierpoint,

William Wilber,

Grace Pierpont,

George Glen,

b. Oct. 14, 1867

b. Oct. 3, 1869 (died i n infancy)

b. Dec. 11, 1870

b. Aug. 11, 1873

Edith Pierpont,

Lyle Laughlin,

Ray Russell

Mildred & Kenneth

b. Aug. 6, 1875 (died i n infancy)

b. Sept. 10, 1876

b. Aug. 29, 1879

b. Feb. 18, 1882

b. July 13, 1836 (both died i n infancy)


H i s t o r i c a l Material - Ambler, "Governor Francis Harrison Pierpont" (1937). Oliver S h i r t l i f f Jones Diary, i n possession of

Gloria Longbotham, copy i n possession of compiler.

Children - M i l l e r & Maxwell, "West V i r g i n i a and I t s People" (1913).

Parkersburg Information from Louise Bullock and Ida Gerwig Jones.


WILLIAM M, JONES, (4), b. 1-4-1808 i n Monongalia County, V i r g i n i a , was a farmer and blacksmith l i v i n g at Laurel Point, on the west side of the Monongahela River about 5 miles above Morgantown, on the road to Fairmont. He m. 1st EDITH PETTY (see below) on 2-21-1831. She was the mother of a l l of his children. She d. 4-24-1859.

He m. 2nd Sebre M. Johnson on 7-21-1860. She was 45 and single, and the daughter of Hadley and Rachel (Ramsey) Johnson, When she died i s unknown.

He m. 3rd, date unknown, Jane Vandervort, widow of John Vandervort and daughter of Zackquill and Dorcas (Ridgeway) Peirpoint. Two of Jane's children, Strother and Laura, married two of William's ch i l d r e n , Jennie or V i r g i n i a and Josephus. Jane d. 12-3-1889, aged 69y 10m 2d. William d. 4-12-1896, aged 88y 3m 8d. Appar­ently he had been quite prosperous, as his w i l l i n d i ­cates that he advanced various children substantial sums, t o t a l l i n g over ^10,000, and s t i l l had money as well as his farm and equipment. William, Edith, and Jane are buried under a common headstone i n the Laurel Point Methodist Churchyard.

EDITH PETTY, (5), b. 6-14-1809 m. 2-21-1831 at Morgan-town, V i r g i n i a , William M. Jones (see above). While the Marriage Bonds l i s t her as Edy, dau. William, she was r e a l l y dau, John Fetty, as his w i l l c l e a r l y i n d i ­cates. The Marriage Bonds shows John as Surety, and probably her father and brother (or uncle) signed i n the wrong places. She was the mother of nine (or perhaps ten) children, and died at the age of 49y 10m lOd on 4-24-1859, when her youngest son was 6 years old.

Children of William M. & Edith (Fetty) Jones;

Sarah, m. A. A, Gould, who d. before 1895,

OLIVER SHIRTLIFF, (2) b, 4-3-1836, m. 4-27-1865 tUCY MAY PIERPOINT, d. 10-30-1910. (See Lucy and Oliver)

William Henry, who predeceased his father, leav-ing one daughter and three sons, a l l minors i n 1895 when t h e i r grandfather's w i l l was written. He served as Q, M. Sergeant i n Company A, F i r s t (W.) Va. Cavalry, during the C i v i l War,

Seri l d a Ann, b. 3-12-1838, m. 1-22-1865 Sylvanus Pierpoint, aged 30, son of John J. and Sarah (Smell) Pierpoint, and brother of Lucy who m. Oliver S. Jones.

(Ancestry Jones Cont'd) Page 8

V i r g i l S., who served as private i n Company A, F i r s t '"CW J Va* Cavalry during the C i v i l War i

Daniel Webster, served as private i n Company I, Fourteenth (W) Va. Cavalry during the C i v i l War, and d. i n a Veteran's Home sometime i n the 1920s.

V i r g i n i a , b. 1848, m. 3-1-1866 Strother Vander­vort, aged 21, son of John and Jane (Peirpoint) Vandervort. They had children John, Charles, Wilbur, Roy, L i z z i e , Etta and Jennie.

Josephus, b. 1850, m. 10-13-1871 Laura Emma Vandervort, aged 18, dau. John and Jane (Peirpoint) Vandervort. Josephus inherited his father's farm and l i v e d on i t u n t i l his death i n 1922. His wife outlived him. Children:

Harry P. m. Myrtie Brewer Charles 0. m. Lucy Snider A l i c e m. Charles Stephens Maude m. Grant L a z z e l l Minnie died i n infancy William Orren m. Etta Morris) twins John Byron m. Dessie Whiteman) Lucy m. E l l e r y Michael Edith m. Russell Ridgeway Frank P. m. Ruth Orr V i r g i l V. m. Delia W i l l a r d Gilbert d. single aged 21,

Benjamin A., b. 1853, m. 8-9-1874 Laura E. Weaver, aged 22, dau. George and Margarete Weaver,

(George, given i n one source but not mentioned i n William M. Jones' w i l l , may have been another son, who may have died young or moved away and l o s t touch.)

References: Wm. M. 1st Marriage - Marriage Bonds, DAR Mag.

v64 (1950)p297 2nd Marriage - Marriage Book B, p9,line 26 3rd " - Grave Marker; M i l l e r &

Maxwell "West V i r g i n i a and I t s People" (1913) vol 2, p565; Ambler, "Governor Francis Harrison Pierpont"(1937), p392 (inference); Maude L a z z e l l , granddaughter of Wm. M.

Children - from W i l l , except George from M i l l e r and Maxwell above.

Marriages of Children - Marriage Book B., & Ambler, "Governor Francis Harrison P i e r ­pont", p392

(Ancestry - Jones Cont'd) Page 9

Year of Children's b i r t h s - ages when married i n Marriage Book B.

Grandchildren - ( V i r g i n i a and Josephus) -Ambler, "Governor Francis Harrison Pierpont" p392; Josephus' W i l l , W i l l Book 9, p460 (1922); and Maude L a z z e l l , one of them.

C i v i l War Service - Wiley, "History of Monon­g a l i a County" (1883) p500-508

BANJAMIN JONES (8). When William M. Jones married the second time, i n 1860, Marriage Book B, p9 shows that he gave his parents » names as Benjamin and Anna, and stated that he was born i n Monongalia County. Deed Book 1, p387 shows that on Sept, 11, 1798 Benjamin Jones purchased 140 acres from John Evans f o r £100. The Marriage Bonds show that on Dec. 30, 1815, A b i g a i l Jones, dau. Benjamin who gave his written consent, m.David Lewellen. John Jones was Surety. On Aug. 18, 1819 Jane Jones, dau, Benjamin, m. George Smith, and on Aug. 25, 1819 Anna Jones, widow of Benjamin, m. Gawan Eddy.

Unfortunately the Census record for 1810 shows two Ben Jones families i n Monongalia County, one with three sons, two of them under 10, and four daughters, one of them under 10, the other with s i x sons, one of them under 10, and f i v e daughters, three of them under 10, both with both parents between 26 and 45. The 1820 Census shows but one Ben Jones family, with three sons under 10, one 10-16 andtwo over 16, and three daughters, one under 10, one 10-16, and one over 16. The 1800 Census for Monongalia County i s not known to e x i s t .

I t seems improbable that both Bens had wives named Anna, so that there i s a strong p r o b a b i l i t y that William M. Jones' father died before 1819 his mother remarried, and he and h i s brothers ánd s i s t e r s were raised as Gawan Eddy's step-children. In the absence of more data further conclusions seem unwarranted.

In 1782 Census of Monongalia County, V i r g i n i a the following Joneses appear as heads of fa m i l i e s of the sizes given:

John, 5. Jacob, 12. Benjamin, 6. E z e k i a l , 9.

The 1790 Census of V i r g i n i a was burned by the B r i t i s h when they took "Washington, D. C. i n 1814 In Fayette County, Pennsylvania, immediately north of Monongalia County, two Benjamin Joneses were Revolutionary War s o l d i e r s . One was l i v i n g i n Ohio i n 1830, and i s established as a DAR ancestor.

(Ancestry - Jones Cont'd) Page 10

There was one i n the 1790 Census of Pennsylvania, l i v i n g i n Washington Township, Payette County, with one female and no other males i n the household. So far no connection between the Benjamin who was William M. Jones' father and any of these has been established.

In 1926 Charles C. Jones, who was 30 when his grandfather William M. Jones died, wrote the follow­ing:

"His (Wm.M's) father came to V i r g i n i a near Morgantown early i n the l a s t century„ The family l i v e d i n Pennsylvania before that, coming from New Jersey, They originated i n Wales. I suppose the t r i p from New Jersey to V i r g i n i a probably covered a period of 50 years" c

In Montgomery's " H i s t o r i c a l and Biographical Annals of Berks County, Pennsylvania" (1909), p354, there i s an account of a Jones family which might conceivably f i t the above sketchy description, but i f so, there i s at least a generation m i s s i n g e

However, except for the Welsh o r i g i n , the des­c r i p t i o n i s si m i l a r to that given i n M i l l e r & Max­well for the Pattys, and i t s a t t r i b u t i o n to the Jones instead might wel l be a t r i c k of memory,,

ANNA McMULLEN (9) or McMILLAN. According to M i l l e r & Maxwell, "West V i r g i n i a and Its People" (1913), p565, (vol.2), William M. Jones' parents were William and Jennie (McMullen) Jones, We know the f i r s t names are wrong. According to Maude L a z z e l l , granddaughter of William M. Jones, h i s mother's name was Anna McMillan, Thus, there i s a p r o b a b i l i t y that her name was something l i k e McMillan. Other­wise we have no knowledge of her, except that her name was Anna and that she m# 2d Gawan Eddy.


JOHN FETTY (10) was probably born i n Pennsylvania east of the mountains about 1774. He appears i n the Monongalia County, V i r g i n i a Census for 1810, with two boys and three g i r l s under 10, a g i r l between 10 and 16, and two women between 26 and 45, his own age group At the 1820 Census he was over 45, with s i x boys, four under 10, one 10-16 and one over 16, and f i v e g i r l s , three under 10, one 10-16 and one over 16, and no grown women i n his household. He s e t t l e d on L i t t l e

(Ancestry - Fetty - Bike - Cont'd) Page 11

Indian Creek i n Grant D i s t r i c t , but l a t e r moved to what i s now Clay D i s t r i c t , where he died 0 His wife, of whom nothing 1st known except her name;, was SALLY (BIKE) FST7.Y, «li), John's w i l l , dated 3-31-1059 and probated i n Hov, 1859, mentioned seven of the eleven children l i f t e d below, and tre husband and son of an eighth, together with various grandchildren.

Children of John i S a l l y (Bike) Fetty (order of b i r t h unknown., l i s t e d i n order cf msrriage):

Phoêbe, ra,. 12-S2-1820 Edmund Campbell 0 She i s EWiitj.onod i n John*s w i l l , ava i s also John ÏÏ4 CajnpbeLi,. Ia 1864 the Campbells '.vera l i v i n g In P>xr1 s, 111,, and Oliver Jo.oes was corresponding with his cousins John. P, Cemcbeü and Sophia Vance there,

George, Three George Fettys were married i n Monongalia County i n a period of seven years, as follows: (1) 11-21-1823 to Elizabeth P i l e s , dau,

Zachariah P i l e s , (2) 12-20-1824 to Elizabeth Smith, dau.

John Smith. (3) 3-29-1330 to Mary Kern, dau„ John J*

Kern; I t i s not known which of these was the son George of John, He i s mentioned i n John's w i l l only as father of grandchildren John and George, so he prob­ably died before 1859, He moved to Tyler County, (W,) Va,

Mary, m, 4-11-1829 Mathew Henderson, and went to Arkansas,

Thomas G., m, 8-20-1830 by Rev. Charles McLane . to Nancy Mason, dau. John Mason, Thomas i s mentioned i n his father's w i l l ,

EDITH (5), b. 6-14-1809, m, 2-21-1831 William M. Jones (Whom see), d,2-24-1859. She died

before her father, who l e f t money to her hus­band and mentioned her son Daniel, Her name i s given as Edy i n the Marriage Bond, and as Edda i n the "Cyclopedia",

Elmer, b, 5-30-1811, m, 10-7-1833 Terresa Shively, dau, Jacob Shively, d, 5-31-1888. He i s mentioned i n his father's w i l l .

William L., m, 11-28-1839 by Rev. William Hawkins to Rebecca Jane Wilcox, dau.

(Ancestry - Fetty - Bike - Cont'd) Page 12

Stephen Wilcox. He l i v e d at the time of his death i n Tyler County, W. Va.

S a l l y . mc 2-10-1840 Edmund Bice. In her lather's w i l l the name i s spelled Boice.

Plea_3y (or Pleasants) m. 5-11-1346 David FêTty, and i s supposed to have m. 2nd John Wilson, Her father's w i l l mentions her children William Leonard and E l l Gee, but by which marriage i s unknown.

J u l i a Ann, m.4-1-1847 by Rev. James A. Hogue to David Henderson. They went to Arkansas and died there.

John J r . No data on marriage. He l i v e d and died i n Grant D i s t r i c t , Monongalia County, (W.) Va.

Also mentioned i n John's w i l l are grandchildren Louisa Sanford Fetty and Elga Fetty, but whose children they were i s not stated.

References; S a l l y Bike, and residence of John: "Biogra­p h i c a l & P o r t r a i t Cyclopedia of Monongalia, Marion and Taylor Counties, West V i r g i n i a " (1895) and M i l l e r & Maxwell, "West V i r g i n i a and I t ' s People" (1913). The l a t t e r has an account of the Ritchie County family stemming from Calvin D. Fetty who d.l879„

Children: "Cyclopedia" above; W i l l of John; and Marriage Bonds and Book,

W i l l i W i l l Book 2, pp. 43-44, Marriages of children: Marriage Bonds, DAR Maga­

zine vols, 62-67; and Marriage Book A (Thomas, p48, William, p71, J u l i a Ann, p88).

John J r . : Only place mentioned i s i n "Cyclopedia".


The only pre-Revolutionary reference to the name PETTY found i s i n the Pennsylvania Archives, Third Series, v o l . 11, p. 56, where i n the Chester County Rates (Tax L i s t ) for 1765 P h i l i p and Jacob Fetty ap­pear as "Inmates" i n East Nantmill Township. This probably means renters or hired hands, as d i s t i n ­guished from land owners. Both were probably married, as single men were on a separate l i s t .

(Early Pettys Cont'd) Page 13

The next reference found i s i n the 1790 Census for Pennsylvania, where George Petty, with f i v e males under 16 and four females, appears i n the l i s t for Hopewell, Newton, Tyborn & West Pensboro Town­ships, Cumberland County, and Conrod Petty, with three males under 16 and one female, appears i n the l i s t f o r Huntington, Menallen, Manheim & Tyrone Town­ships, York County, The former i s now party i n Perry County, and the l a t t e r i s now i n Adams County, and the d i s t r i c t s where George and Conrod l i v e d are f a i r ­l y near each other and a short way north of Gettys­burg,

In the 1300 Census George was i n Toboyne Town­ship, Cumberland County (now Perry County) and he had two males under 10, two 10-16, two 16-26 and one over 45, two females under 10, one 10-16, one 16-26 and one over 45, Peter Piety, aged 26-45, was i n Antrim Township, Franklin County, with a wife and three daugh ters under 10,

In 1810 Tetrick and John Fetty were i n Adams County, Pa, Tetrick was over 45, his wife was 26-45, and they had two g i r l s and a boy under 10 and a boy 10-16, John and his wife were 26-45, with two g i r l s under 10,

A l l the above counties are east of the moun­tains, or on thei r eastern slope. By 1810 the name George Fetty appears west of the mountains i n Greene County i n the southwestern corner of Pennsylvania, where his household of nine included two males and two females over 45, one boy under 10, one boy and one g i r l 10-16, and two boys 16-26.. At this Census, John and Samuel appear i n Monongalia County, (W.) Va., immediately south of Greene County, Pa, John, who was 26-45, had two females i n t h i s same age group, two boys and three g i r l s under 10, and a g i r l between 10 and 16, Samuel and hi s wife were both under 26, and had a boy and a g i r l under 10 and a g i r l (obviously not a daughter) between 10 and 16.

By 1320, the following Fetty households appear i n Monongalia County, a l l l i s t e d as engaged i n agriculture:

Name Males Females to 10 IS" 16 26 45 to 10 16 26 45 10 to to to to up 10 to to to up

16 18 26 45 16 26 45

Vincent Fetty - - - 1 _ _ 2 - 1 - -Joseph Fetty 1 - - - l _ 1 - 2 - -

(Early Fettys Cont'd) Page 14

Name Males

to 10 16 16 26 45 10 to to to to up

16 18 26 45

John Fetty George Fetty Moses Fetty William Fetty Geo rge Fetty



4 2 2 4

1 1 1 - 1 - - 1 -- 1 - -- - - 1 - - - 1


to 10 16 26 45 10 to to to up

16 26 45

3 1 1 - -1 _ - - -_ _ - 1 -1 1 - 1 -. _ . - 1

The above is a l l the information about early Fettys presently possessed by the writer. It i s speculated that the last listed George is the same George who was in Greene County in 1810 and in Cumberland County in 1790 and 1800, that he was the progenitor of the (West) Virgin­ia Fettys and the father of the John who was the father of Edith who married William M. Jones.

There are many later mentions of Fettys, and a num-of them are in the telephone books for Morgantown Fairmont today, as well as elsewhere in West Virgin-Wiley's "History of Monongalia County" (1ÖÖ3) shows

C i v i l Jar military service by Captain Marcus, David C, John P., Francis M. and Samuel Fetty.

ber and i a .


JOHN JACKSON PEIRPOINT (6) was b. 11*16-1005 at the Forks of Cheat in Monongalia County, (Wj Wa., at the farm his father inherited, about five miles east of Morgantown. He m. 11-20-1828 SARAH SMELL (7) (see be­low). L i t t l e i s known about his l i f e . In 16*35 he was witness of his wife's grandfather's w i l l (see under Phili p Smell). He was at one time proprietor of the St. Clair House, a hotel in Morgantown, and in 1862 he was an Assessor in Monongalia County. According to a grandson who was six when John died, he kept a tavern, was a "snort", and raced horses. According to two granddaughters, both born after his death, he was at one time overseer of the County poorhouse. One of these makes him a tavernkeeper, the other a river steam­boat man and a carrier of the mail to and from Morgan-town. It seems clear that he Was the f i r s t , or one of the f i r s t , of the family to leave the land and become a townsman. A l l three grandchildren agree that he was bedridden for some years before his death.

He d. 12-31-1872 and is buried in Fairview Cemetery, on Route 119 about three miles south of Morgantown,

(Ancestry - Peirpoint Cont'd) Page 15

on the east side of the Monongahela River. The age given on h i s grave marker indicates h i s birth-date to have been 4-19-1803, but since t h i s was the date h i s parents signed a marriage bond and two days before they were married, and he was the second c h i l d , t h i s seems improbable. Three of his sons, dying before 1862, are buried i n the same cem­etery, so i t i s probable he l i v e d i n t h i s v i c i n i t y . The graves marked with the e a r l i e r dates s p e l l the name P e i r ­point, the l a s t one sp e l l s i t Pierpoint.

SARAH SMELL (7) was born i n Monongalia County July 5, 1810. She was m, i n Monongalia County by Rev. Asby Pool 11-20-1828 to John J. Peirpoint. The Marriage Bond gives her name as Sary, and she was known as S a l l y . After her husband's death i n 1872 she l i v e d with her daughter, Mrs. Margaret Brand in Morgantown. For seven years be­fore her death 11-26-1895 she was paralyzed and i n pain. She i s buried in Fairviexv Cemetery.

John J. and Sarah (Smell) Peirpoint had nine children, as follows:

Mary Ann, b. 1829, m. James Wright (see "Lucy's Siblings")

Margaret Jane, b. 1831, m. 1st George Madera, m. 2nd in 1Ü6? William Norval Brand. (see "Lucy's S i b l i n g s " j

Calvin, d,, aged 6 months,

Sylvanus Edwin, b. 3-10-1834, m. 1-22-1865 S e r i l d a Ann Jones, s i s t e r of Oliver S. Jones, (see "Lucy's S i b l i n g s " ) .

William H#i b. 1838, d. 9-25-1839 aged 1 year and 3 months.

Jacob, b. I842, d. i n an accident in Martingsburg, (tf.) Va. 4-1-1862, aged 19 years and 8 months. He i s buried under a common headstone with h i s father i n Fairview Caiietery.

LUCY MAY (3), b. 8-9-1843, m. 4-27-1865 OLIVER S. JONES (2) (see pp. 1-5-)

L i l l a A., b. 1Ü47, m. 1-28-1872 by Rev. P. T. Conway to Nicholas Madera, marble cutter, (see "Lucy's S i b l i n g s " ) .

E l l a M., b. 12-22-1851, m. 4-16-1874 Orin Jenks. (see "Lucy's Siblings")

(Ancestry - Pe i rpoin t - Cont'd) Page 16

References: John's birthdate: C. H. Ambler "Governor Francis

Harrison Pierpont"(1937), p. 392. John & Sarah's Marriage: Marriage Book A, p, 43,

and Marriage Bonds, DAR Magazine, vol, 62 et seq. St. Clair House and Assessor: Wiley, "History of Monongalia County" (1883), pp. 587 and 294.

Sarah's dates: "The New Dominion" (weekly news­paper in Morgantown) 11-30-IÖ95. (Sarah's death notice)

John's l i f e : Letters from C, C. Jones, Grace Pier­point Lee and Willa Brand,

John's death and burial place: Grave Marker. Li s t of Children: Willa Brand, Grave Markers, and

Sarah's death notice above. Marriages of Children: Marriage Books and Willa

Brand. John's middle name: Letters from C. C. Jones and

Grace Pierpoint Lee.

LARKIN PEIRPOINT (12), b. 12-25-1779, inherited half of his father's "home plantation" of 500 acres at the Forks of Cheat, about 5 miles east of Morgantown (W.) Va. on his father's death in 1796, subject to payment of E 100 to his sister Ann v/hen she reached the age of 18, and subject to a l i f e interest by his mother i f she did not marry again, which she promptly did. He m. 4-21-1803 JANE DUNN (13) (see below). In the War of 1812 he ser­ved in Captain 'Wilson's Company under General Harrison in the Northwest at Fort Meigs near present Toledo, Ohio, from September, 1812 u n t i l sometime in 1813. Serv­ing with him in the same company were his brothers, Zackquill and Francis, and his brothers-in-law, Thomas Dunn and Reuben Baker. Also, in the same company were four uncles of the g i r l his son John was to marry 15 years later, Philip and Peter Smell and Henry and William May.

Larkin was a road surveyor in 1805 and again in 1Ö26. He continued to farm, and his later years are obscure. As late as February 9, 1844 he signed at Morgantown the marriage bond for "his dau. Sarah. It is said that the 1Ö50 Census shows that he and Jane s t i l l were l i v i n g in Monongalia County. He l e f t no w i l l , and his grave marker has not been found.

JANE DUNN (13), b. 2-13-1735, dau. James and Sarah (Reed) Dunn, was m. 4-21-1803 hy Rev. Robert Manley to Larkin Peirpoint, and was the mother of his 14 chil­dren, as follows:

A daughter who died in infancy.

JOHN JACKSON (6), b. 11-16-1805 (see above).

(Ancestry - Peirpoint Cont'd) Page 17

James, b. 9-12-1307, m. (2nd?) in Tyler County, (W.) Va. in 1862, Hester Jarrett.

Sarah, b. 8-9-1809, m. 2-9-1844 Franklin Warman.

Mary, b. 9-3-1811, m. 12-12-1833 Joseph Stewart.

Larkin Jr., b, 4-25-1814.

Zackquill, b. 7-7-1816, m. Vylinda Stillwell» Ambler l i ^ t s their nine children,

William, b. 6-16-1819, m. 1-14-1841 Elizabeth Wells.

Martha, b. 9-29-1821, m. 5-2-1839 Joseph Reed.

Jane, b. 4-9-1823, m. Aaron Darnell, d,3-14-1922.

Francis, b. 3-24-1826, m. 3-17-1849 Rebecca Ann Abercrombie.

Thomas Dunn, b, 3-6-1828, m. 10-2-1Ö52 in Tyler County, (W.) Va. Elovina Worthington.

Eugene, b. 6-4-1Ö30.

Alfred E., b. 11-26-1831. • References:

Dates from Ambler, supplemented by Marriage Bonds and Marriage Books Terms of father's w i l l : Ambler. War of 1812: Wiley, "History of Monongalia County" (1883), p.490. Maxwell, "History of Monongalia County" (1927) p.312. (Page proofs bound post­humously, only copy in vault at W. Va. Univ. Library.) Road Surveyor: Bayles "Pierpont-Avery Community", mss. in W.Va, Univ. Library. (This has Larkin moving to Fairmont in late l820's, which i s wrong),

Marriages of James & Thomas Dunn: Mrs. D, W. Curtis,/ Stockton, C a l i f .

JOHN PEIRPOINT (24), the f i r s t of the name in transal-legheny Virginia, settled ?.t the Forks of Cheat in 17o9, This is the region surrounding the confluence of the Cheat River and the Monongahela, at the border between Pennsylvania and (Jest) Virginia. Where and when he was born i s discussed a l i t t l e l a t e r . He was one of the very early settlers in the region, the records showing three in 1766, one in 1767, none in 176Ö and fi v e , including John Peirpoint, in 1769. An attempted settlement a few years earlier vhad been

(Ancestry - Peirpoint Cont'd) Page 18

wiped out by the indians. One of his f i r s t acts was to build a fort, known as "Peirpoint's Fort".

In 1774 he married NANCY ANN MORGAN (25). He was in active military service 162 days under his father-in-law, Col. Zackquill Morgan, during the Revolution. On September 24, 1784 George Washington stopped at his house, where Captain Samuel Hanway, the surveyor, had his office, and stayed the night so that he could con­sult Zackquill Morgan, whom he sent for, as to roads west from the Potomac. Albert Gallatin, then 23 years old, was there to consult Hanway about lands he had purchased, and on which he settled, a few miles north. Gallatin gave up his bed to Washington, he sleeping on the floor. For Gallatin's own account of th i s incident, and the not very favorable opinion he then formed of Washington's intellectual a b i l i t y and aloofness, see J. A. Stevens, "Albert Gallatin" (Houghton M i f f l i n j 1883), p. 23. Gallatin was later Jefferson's Secretary of the Treasury, and for half a century an important figure in National l i f e .

The Land Commissioners for Monongalia County, which u n t i l the 1782 boundary settlement included a consider­able area in oresent Pennsylvania as well as a number of oresent counties in West Virginia, met at seven places in the area. One of these was John Peirpoint's house. Their records show a number of grants to him in a number of locations, in some of which he was assignee to others* In the grant confirming his title,to,"400 acres to i n ­clude his settlement made in 1769" his name is spelled "Pairpoint".

On Dec. 22, 1787 the Virginia Legislature passed an act appropriating certain taxes to the opening of a wagon road to the mouth of the L i t t l e Kanawha, the site of present day Perkersburg, and appointing seven com­missioners, of whom John Peirpoint was one, to administer the work.

John Peirooint was a prosperous farmer, and acquir­ed considerable land. In 176%, when Zackquill Morgan was sel l i n g lots in newly laid-out Morgan's town, he pur­chased several. He apparently died suddenly, as he was sworn in on a jury March 14, 1796, and his w i l l was pro­bated May 16, 1796. In i t he disposed of 1574 acres in five tracts, as well rré " l o t t s " in Morgan's Town. His personal property was appraised at t 292, a considerable sum for the time and place.

(Ancestry Peirpoint Cont'd) Page 19

NANCY ANN MORGAN (25), b. 1756, birth place unknown, m. John Peirpoint in 1774. After John's death in 1796, she soon married William Stevens, and lived until 1616.


Sarah, m. 1st 6-2-1795 by Rev. James Fleming, John Watson, by whom she had two daughters. M. 2nd 12-15-1827 John Reed.

LARKIN (12), b. 12-25-1779, ra, 4-19-1803 JANE DUNN { Tl3), "had 14 children.

Zackquill, b. 4-15-1782, m. 3-30-1805 Dorcas Ridge­way, had 14 children,

Francis, b. 4-6-1784, m, 1st 5-9-1809 Catherine Weaver, m. 2nd 4-29-1841 Isabella Stewart, d. 3-3-1849. Had 7 chhildren, of whom one was Governor Francis Harrison Peirpoint (who changed his name to Pierpont in 1881). ̂

Nancy Ann, b, 1787, m. 4-6-1811 Reuben Baker, d, 1816. Had 2 children.

John Jr.,b. 1788, m. 1st 4-4-1810 Margaret Ann H V Baker, had 2 children, m. 2nd 8-10-l8l8 Sarah Han-A way, d. lBc^.V

Temperance, b. 1790, m. 4-3-1810 Thomas Dunn, had < 7 children, was s t i l l living in 1883«

(Note:- Marriage dates, except Sarah's, were dates Marriage Bonds were signed, weddings may have been a few days later.)


C. H. Ambler, "Governor Francis Harrison Pierpont" (1937) Callahan, "Making of Morgantown" (1925).

Monongalia County" (1Ö83). Militar y Service:- Virginia County Records (Pittsburgh D i s t r i c t ) . Land Grants:- Transallegheny Historical Magazine, vol. 1 (1901); and ÍÍ. Maxwell, "History of Monongalia County", only copy i s bound page proofs, after author's death in 1927, in vault at West Virginia University Library in Morgantown, pp. 67, 104, 141, 173. Road Commissioner:- Hening, "Statutes at Large" (I823) vol. 12, p. 514. Will : - Wi l l Book 1, p. 297.

Settlers, fort and duty:- Wiley "History of

(Ancestry Peirpoint Cont'd) Page 20

Sarah's wedding date: - Marriage Book A, p, 1. Other Children's marriages: Marriage Bond Records in DAR Magazine, vol, 62 et seq.

Ancestry of John Peirpoint of Monongalia County,


A completely documented li n e of descent for the John Peirpoint who settled at the Forks of Cheat in I769 i s not presently available. When his grandson, Governor Francis Harrison Peirpoint of the Eestored Government of Virginia, suddenly appeared in the national limelight in 1Ö61, the Pierpont family in New England and the Pierpoint family in Maryland and eastern Virginia each proceeded to claim him. At least three lines of descent have been offered, vis:

yi , John was descended from the New England Pierpoints, who immigrated in 1640. This was offered by the elder­l y New England Poet, John Pierpont (1785-1366), maternal grandfather of John Pierpont Morgan, in correspondence with the Governor in 1861. It was accepted by him, and a "Dear Cousin" correspondence ensued. For details see Ambler, "Governor Francis Harrison Pierpont" (Chapel H i l l , 1937). According to John C. Bayles in his "Pierpont-Avery Community", typed copy of which i s in the West Virginia University Library in Morgantown, John was born of New England stock in 1724. This would make him 45 when he settled at the Forks of Cheat, 50 when he married the 18 year old daughter of a man younger than himself, and 66 when his seventh and last child was born. Other accounts give birth dates as early as 1715, and specific parentage which i s demon­strably wrong,

2, John was the son of Francis and Sarah (Richardson) Pierpoint of Loudoun County, Virginia, and great grand­son of the Henry Peirpoint who was in Annapolis, Mary­land in I665. This family was mostly Quaker, John i s supposed to be the brother of Obediah, although there is no contemporary evidence that Obediah had a brother John, and to have been born in 1738, making him 36 at the time of his marriage. This version i s presented by Ambler as "more probable" than the f i r s t one. It was accepted by the National Pierpont Association in Maryland and Virginia, and presented as fact in their booklet issued in 1938, i t turns on a supposed mar­riage of the Henry Perpoynt who immigrated to Virginia in I635 and the Elizabeth Larkin who came there that same year, the occurrence of the name Larkin Peir­point in Maryland in the 1700s, and the fact that John of Monongalia County named his oldest son Larkin. It

(Ancestry of John Peirpoint of ) ( Monongalia County, Va. Cont'd)

Page 21

w i l l be demonstrated in the next paragraph that there i s no known relationship between Larkin Peirpoint in Maryland and Obediah and his father Francis, and that he came by the name Larkin in a different way.

3. In Ann Arundel County, Maryland, in 1703 a John Peirpoint married Mahitabel, the widow of Otho Holland and the daughter of John Larkin, Who this John Peir­point was, or what became of him, we do not know. Only three references to him have been found. In the records of A l l Hallows (Episcopal) Church in Ann Arundel County, indexed manuscript copy of which i s available in the Maryland Historical Society in Baltimore, John Peirpoint was baptized (as an adult, since no parents or sponsors are given) on Aug. 29, 1703. Larkin, son of Jno. and Mehetable Peirpoint, born Feb. 12, 1703 (1704 new style), was baptized March 26, 1704. In "Provincial Court Judge­ments", original court records in the Hall of Records in Annapolis, vol. PL (1709-10), p. 19, John Pairpoint and wife were in a lawsuit with Walter Campbell. Unfortun­ately the writing is indecipherable. These are a i l the records of this John which have been found. He was probably descended from either the Henry Perpoynt who came to Virginia in 1635 or the William Pearepoint who came to Virginia in 1643. There was a widow Mary Pare-pointe buried at A l l Hallows Jan. 4, 1698 (1699 new style).

Mahitabel appears in the records many times. She had six children by Otho Holland between 1685 and his death in 1701, the f i r s t three born in John Larkin's house, according to the A l l Hallows records. She bought and sold land, had lawsuits, was a witness at other people's lawsuits, was mentioned as a gossip, and even obtained a special Act of Assembly to get her rights in a land dispute. After her second marriage her name was variously spelt, most frequently Parepoint.

John Larkin, her father, was in Maryland from 1650, and was buried at A l l Hallows Feb. 4, 1702 (1703 new style) "aged 88 years at his death and upwards". He was an innkeeper and a large land holdre, and his daughters married well. When the Courthouse burned in 1692 the Government met in his house for a period*

Larkin Peirpoint Sr., born Feb. 12, 1704, moved to Prince Georges County, Maryland, with his mother and half brother James Holland, where on July 11, 1719 they bought land. On Nov. 18, 1725 he married, at St. Barn­abas (Episcopal) Church in Prince Georges County, Char­i t y Duckett, daughter of Richard Duckett, and on Sept. 24, 1726 their son, Larkin Jr., was born. An i n ­dexed manuscript copy of the records of this church are also on f i l e at the Maryland Historical Society. Appar­ently Charity died, for in 1730 Larkin and Sarah Simmons

(Ancestry of John Peirpoint of ) Page 22 ( Monongalia County, Va. - Cont'd)

were married at St. Barnabas by Rev. James Magil, and on Aug. 3, 1732 they had a son Jonathan. What other children he may have had by each marriage i s not known, but in 1755 David died and l e f t his estate to his father Larkin.

Larkin Peirpoint Sr. appears in the Prince Georges County records several times, as a taxpayer and property holder, in succeeding years. In 1746 he obtained two original grants of land in what is now Montgomery County, but which was part of Frederick County, Maryland when i t was organized as a county in 1748. He was a taxpayer in Frederick Counts from 1753 to 1766. In 1760 he obtained another original grant of land in what i s now Washington County but was then Frederick, which he sold in 1761 to the same man to whom he had the previous year sold the adjacent land he had inherited from his son David* These various land grants were each on the frontier when grant­ed.

Larkin J r . , born Sept. 24, 1726, appears on the frontier in Augusta County, Virginia, in 1758, as Larkin Pearpoint. Hening's "Statutes at Large", vol. 7, pp. 181 and 134, show that the Virginia Legislature author­ized payments to him of 4 s h i l l i n g s and .16 s h i l l i n g s for his service in the m i l i t i a . This was at the time of the last big French-inspired indian uprising, when the Bri t i s h were f i n a l l y driving the French from Eastern America. It was in 1758 that the B r i t i s h took Fort Duq-uesne, now Pittsburgh, from the French, and the follow­ing year that they took Quebec. Confirmation of the Br i t i s h t i t l e by the Treaty of Paris in 1763 opened the way to westward migration over the mountains*

At that time Augusta County, Virginia, which today i s the area immediately around Staunton in the Shenan­doah Valley, took in most of present western Virginia, most of present West Virginia, and southwestern Pennsyl­vania. When John Peirpoint settled at the Forks of Cheat in 1769, that area was in Augusta County, and remained so u n t i l Monongalia Countv was s p l i t off from i t in 1776.

To the writer, the probability that the John Pair-point (as his name is spelled in the earliest record of him west of the mountains, and as the name is s t i l l pro­nounced there) who settled at the Forks of Cheat was the son of Larkin Jr. is so great that no other assumption i s tenable. If so, he was probably born in Augusta County about 1748-50, but neither t h i s , nor any other, line of descent i s proved.

(Ancestry of John Peirpoint of ) ( Monongalia County, Va. - Cont'd) Page 23

S t i l l another John Pierpoint appears in New Jersey br i e f l y in 1715, but where he t i e s in to any of the Pier­point families i s unknown.

How the Virginia immigrants were related to the Pierre-pont family in the English nob i l i t y is also not known. Younger sons of nobles in England became commoners, and whether the immigrants were direct descendants of the nobles, and, i f so, how many intervening generations of commoners there were in this particular l i n e , w i l l pro­bably never be known. In the present Greater London telephone book there are eighteen Pierpoints, one Pair-point, no Pierponts, and three Pierreponts, including Lady Alice,

ZACKQUILL MORGAN, (50), son of Morgan and Catherine (Gerretson) Morgan, was born in what i s now Berkeley County, W. Va., prior to 1737, probably in 1735. He and his brother David, according to tradition, served with the Virginia forces in Braddock's expedition in 1755 and Forbes expedition in 1758 which took Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh) from the French, There i s , however, no evi­dence available.

In I76I he received from his father 1000 acres in Berkeley County which had been patented in Nov, 1735. He i s supposed to have emigrated, with his brother David, to the Monongahela Valley in 1766, Zackquill stopping near what is now Morgantown and David continu­ing to what is now Fairmont, W. Va. If so, he was second only to Nicholas Decker, who came earlier the same year, as a permanent settler in the Morgantown area. He evidently returned part way east, as he was in Bedford County, Pennsylvania in 1771, when he sold his farm at Great Meadows on Aug, 28, He probably re­turned then to the Morgantown area,

Monongalia County, Va., was s p l i t off from the D i s t r i c t of Viest Augusta in 1776 by an Act of the V i r ­ginia Legislature, of which Patrick Henry was the pre­siding officer, on Nov. 8. At that time both Virginia and Pennsylvania claimed what is now Western Pennsyl­vania, and the new county included a considerable area now in Pennsylvania. Zacknuill was appointed County Lieutenant, and Colonel in the M i l i t i a , by the Virginia Government. In 1779 Virginia and Pennsylvania agreed to the extension of the Mason Dixon l i n e , which had been surveyed to separate Maryland and Pennsylvania, and on a western boundary for Pennsylvania, and the


(Ancestry - Morgan * Cont'd) Page 24

jurisdiction of Monongalia Cdunty was accordingly dim­inished.

When the lines were surveyed in 1782 the establish­ed county seat was found to be in Pennsylvania, In May, 1783 the Virginia Legislature authorized the County Courts to meet at the house of Zackquill Morgan, At that time he was licensed to keep an "ordinary", which was a tavern or hotel. His f i r s t t i t l e to land at Morgantown was in 1781, but was probably the land he had occupied since 1772. In 17&\3 he had surveyed, and in 1784 sold lots i n , a town which, as Morgan's Town, became the county seat.

On Sept. 25, 17Ö4 he was summoned by George Wash­ington, who was stopping at Peirpoint 1s house, about 4 miles away, where the surveyor, Captain Samuel Hanwey, had his office, and gave him information regarding three routes west from the Potomac.

He later moved to a house on Front Street in the town, and died there in 1795. He was buried within sight of Prickett's Fort and within a mile of his brother David's house (near Fairmont), An inventory of his es­tate was made on Dec. 6, 1795 by James Dunn, Morgan Morgan, and Richard Merrifield, and his personal prop­erty was valued at E 41 19s 3d, which was small by com­parison with the estates of his contemporaries. His widow bid in his estate in 1796. He married, f i r s t , NANCY PAXTON, (51), by whom he had three children:

NANCY ANN, b. 1756, m. John Peirpoint 1774

Temperance, m, James Cochran.

Catherine, m, Jacob Scott.

He married second Drusilla Springer, by whom he had 11 children, whose names are given in the Report mentioned below.

Sources: "Report of the Col. Morgan Monument Commis­sion", 1925. "Making of Morgantown", J. M. Callahan, 1926.

MORGAN MORGAN (100) ~ In 1923 the West Virginia Legislature appropriated $5000 to erect a monument to Morgan Morgan, the f i r s t settler in what is now West Virginia. Gov. Morgan, a sixth generation decendant, appointed the Col. Morgan Morgan Monument Commission, which issued a Report in 1924, limited to 900 copies, of which copy 501 i s in the Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh. The report has photographs of the original land grant in 1735, signed

(Ancestry - Morgan - Cont'd) Page 25

Lt. Gov. wm. Gooch of the Colony of Virginia, of the Monu­ment and of the original grave marker of Morgan and Catherine Morgan as well as other photographs. The follow­ing information comes from the iieport:

Col. MORGAN MORGAN, b e Nov. 1, 1688, d. Nov. 17, 1766., was born in Wales, educated in London (probably apprentic­ed to a t a i l o r there), and came with 11 others to Chris­tiana, Delaware in 1713, where in 1714 he married CATHER­INE QARRBTSON, (whom see). He was a merchant t a i l o r in_ New Castle. Delaware and was coroner there four successive vears. 1726-1729.. About 1726 he bought land in the wilder­ness,'and started establishing himself at what is now Bun­ker H i l l , Berkeley County, West Virginia, but which was then in Orange County, Virginia, which embraced a l l of present W. Va. as well as much of the western part of pre­sent Virginia, In 1734 he was a momber of the County Court of Orange Countye In 1735 he received from the Colony of Virginia a land grant to the lands he already occupied. The original, signed by Lt. Gov. Wm. Gooch, is s t i l l in existence,

In 1735 he also received his f i r s t military commission of Captain; in 1742 he became Major, and died Colonel. About 1740 he fostered establishment of the f i r s t church in what is now West Virginia, Morgan Chapel. In 1738 the Virginia House of Burgesses divided Orange County into three counties, Grange, Frederick and Augusta. It requir­ed »20 educated men (i, e . , men who could read and write) to establish a County government; and there were not that many in Frederick County u n t i l 1743, when the f i r s t Court met in Winchester. At this Court Colonel Morgan Morgan headed the l i s t of Justices,

Children of Morgan Morgan and Catherine (Garretson) Morgan:

1 James 5 Henry 2 Anne 6 Evan 3 David 7 ZACKQUILL 4 Charles 8 Morgan J r ,

CATHERINE GARRETSON (101), b, 6-5-1692, m. Morgan Morgan 1714, d. 5-16-1773, buried at Bunker H i l l , W, Va, Noth­ing definite about Catherine Garretson 1s ancestry i s known. Her father, and perhaps her grandfather, were in what i s now Delaware while i t was under Dutch or New York rule.

After unsuccessful attempts, the f i r s t permanent settlement in Delaware was made in 1630 by the New Sweden Company, organized in 1637 under a Charter from

(Ancestry-Morgan, Garretson - Cont'd) Page 26

sisted of 23 men, Swedish and Finnish, under Peter Minuit, a German of Dutch descent, who had been, from 1626 to 1631, Director General of New Amsterdam (New York), s e t t l ­ed in 1624. Seven additional Swedish expeditions arrived in the next ten years, but between returns and deaths, the colony ia 1648 had only 79 men, of whom only 28 were far­mers.

In 1651 Peter Stuyvesant of New Amsterdam sent 11 ships, and 120 soldiers overland, to establish a Dutch fort there, in 1654 more Swedes arrived, and in 1655 Stuyvesant sent 7 ships and 300 soldiers, and took over New Sweden as a colony of New Amsterdam. In 1659 there were only 30 families there.

Dutch colonization between 1659 and 1663 brought the population to 700, mostly farmers, with 110 good farms. In 1664 the English took over a l l Dutch possessions in New York and Delaware, and except for a brief interval in 1673-4 when the Dutch retook them, held them. From 1674 to 1682 Edmond Andros was Governor for the Duke of York and governed Delaware from New York. In 1682 Dela­ware was transferred to William Penn, and treated as part of Pennsylvania u n t i l 1691, when i t obtained a separate government, but with the Governor of Pennsylvania at i t s head. This arrangement continued u n t i l 1767. In 1684 the population of Delaware was 4000.

The Dutch colonists did not use family names. Gerrit was a common given name, and Gerrit's son Hendrick would be known as Hendrick Gerritse. When the English took over, these names, anglicized, became "family" names. In the early English records in Delaware, we find various spellings, including Gerritson, Garretson, Gerritz, ^ Garritz, Gerritze, Gerritzon, and Gerritsen, a l l of which probably became Garretson, and the given names, Hendrick, Henry, Jacob, Marten, Poull, Paul and John,

Catherine was probably daughter of Henry, abstract of whose w i l l appears in "Calendar of Delaware Wills, New Castle County, 1682-1800", sponsored by the Colonial Dames and published by Frederick H. Hitchcock in New York in 1911, P 25, as follows:

o uen "Henry Garrason, Yoeman, Christiana Hundred, w i l l made Oct. 24, 1721, probated 9-18-1721 (Old Style, November), (Book) C, (page or number) 315. Sons, John Garrason, Garritt Garrason, Henry Garrason, Peter Garrason, wife Ann, three daughters Catherine, Ann & Elizabeth; brother Powell Garrason, Executors, wife Ann, son John."

References: s * „ . . .„ Scharf, "History of Delaware, 1609-1888".

'Delaware Tercentenary Almanack. 1938.



JAMES DUNN, (26), a Revolutionary s o l d i e r i n Captain Stevenson*s Company, Augusta County, V i r g i n i a , M i l i t i a , was i n Monongalia County, V i r g i n i a , as early as 17BS, according to a State Census taken there, Tnis shows s i x people i n his household., In 178S he appears on the tax l i s t there" He m, not l a t e r than l«i 82 SARAH REED (see below)o According tc one source, he came from Fauquier County. V i r g i n i a , On Dec. 6, 1795, he was one of the appraisers Of Zackquill Morgan-s estate. In u.799 (per­haps e a r l i e r ) he b u i l t a home near where the Fyrone Meïrcdist Protestant Church now (194C) stands, south of Whites Run. In the e a r l i e s t record of an ele c t i o n , A p r i l 13, 1803,, when voting was l i m i t e d to those holding 50 acres of unimproved land, or 25 acres of land on which there was a house not less than 12 by 12 feet, he was on the voting r o l l i n the d i s t r i c t where the Peirpomts l i v e d , about f i v e miles east of Morgantown. He died between 1309 and 1815, and i s buried i n the Old Dunn graveyard on the road to Cheatview, Union D i s t r i c t , Moncngalia County, (West) V i r g i n i a . SARAH REED, (27).. dau* John and Mary (Hutcheson) Reed, m. James Dunn not l a t e r than 1782, After her husband's death- she m, 2nd, 3-30-1818, John Baker, who was a Revolutionary s o l d i e r , Larkin Peirpoint was Surety on the Marriage Bond, The time and place of her death, and her place of b u r i a l , have not been determined.

Children of James and Sarah (Reed) Dunn:

a% Mary, b. 7-10-1783, m, 1800 Owen Harker (1775-1853), M d. 2-27-1871.

vA3 JANE, (13), b. 2-13-1785, m, 4-18-1803 LARKIN PEIR­POINT, (12), (whom see)

Thomas, b. 1-2-1787, m, 7-20-1808 Temperance P e i r ­point, dau. John Peirpoint; d. 1874,

John, b, 9-1-1788, m. 8-15-? Casandra Knight, and went to Ohio« ^

Sarah, b. 7-23-1793, c ^ * ^ ^ * ^ g z ^ " " ^ * "

Martha, b. 6-23-1801, m. Charles Hayes.

c\A James, b, 3-4-1805,

References s James« Revolutionary service: Gwathmey's " V i r g i n ­

ians i n the Revolution," 1782 Census: " F i r s t Census, V i r g i n i a , " U.S. Census



(Ancestry - Dunn Cont'd) Page 28

References - Cont'd:

Tax L i s t , 1786: Wiley, "History of Monongalia County" (1883) p. 82.

Marriage James and Sarah, Time James' d | a ^ , place of his b u r i a l : "Revolutionary Soldiers Buried i n Monongalia County", Col. John Evans Chapter, DAR (1940), p 19. Typewritten copy i n W. Va. University Library.

Origin Fauquier County, House b u i l t 1799, voter 1803: Bayles, "Pierpont-Avery Comunity" (1940). Typewritten copy i n W, Va. University

Appraiser; Zackquill Morgan's estate: Callahan "Making of Morgantown" (1925).

L i s t of children, their dates and marriages. Personal papers of Thomas Dunn (1787-1874),

Sarah Reed's second marriage: Marriage Bonds.


JOHN REED, (54), b. 1735, was a JT ^ C H E S O N " ^ Regiment i n the Revolutionary War. He m. MARY »DTCHJiauA ( l i t below) but when or where i s unknown. He came to Í K - ï m f c o S t j T V i r g i n i a about 1783 jnd »ettl.d^near Peirooint Church, Union D i s t r i c t . He was on the voters l i s t i n A p r i l . 1803 (see James Dunn for q u a l i f i c a t i o n s ) . H e 1 S l i n 18Ï9 and his w i l l , dated June 20, 1801 was probated i n the March Term m 1819. It l e f t a l l h is ïïtate to his son William, subject to legacies of £ 10 I f t l t í/3heSach°to son Joseph, dau Sarah Dunn son James, dau. Martha Vandervort, and $66 2/3 to so Jo J J r . Both John and Mary were buried m the old ^ i r p o i n t Cemeterv i n Union D i s t r i c t , and were moved i n the 1930 s to I I IGrove Cemetery, Morgantown, where a government Revolutionary Marker was placed.

MARY HUTCHESON, (55), b. 1734, m. John Reed, d. 1796.

Children (Place and order of b i r t h unknown):

Joseph ( - 1816) m. Elizabeth Chandler, had 10 children and moved to Ohio.

William (1769-1846) m. Mary Evanson (1773-1848).

John J r . , m. 1805 Nancy or Ann Frum, dau. Wm. Frum.

Martha, m. Nicholas Vandervort.

SARAH (27) m. JAMES DUNN (26) (whom see).

(Ancestry - Reed, Hutcheson Cont'd) Page 29

Children - Cont'd:

James, m. 1821 Lydia Watson, He was a so l d i e r i n the War of 1812,

References: W i l l : W i l l Book 1, p. 560, Dates of John, Mary, William, Mary Evanson,

Joseph, marriage date of James, James service i n War of 1812, John voter i n 1803: Bayles, "pierpont-Avery Community" (1940), Type­written copy i n W, Va, University Library,

A l l other data from "Revolutionary Soldiers Buried In Monongalia County", Col, John Evans Chapter, DAR (1940) p, 56i Typewritten copy i n W| Va* University Library,

Note: I t appears improbable that the James who m, 1821 was same generation as Sarah who m, 1782, or Joseph who had 10 children before he d. 1816. Also, since John Reed's

dau Sarah m. James Dunn not l a t e r than 1782, he may have 'come e a r l i e r than 1788, or he and James Dunn may have come from the same place further East.


JACOB SMELL, (14), b. 1782 i n Haycock Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, f i r s t appears when he m. 3-14-1802 MARY MAY i n Monongalia County, V i r g i n i a , On 8-13-1815 he was surety on the Marriage Bond of his s i s t e r - i n - l a w , Elizabeth May, when she m. Lewis Williams, and on 12-31-1818 he was surety when his s i s t e r , Elizabeth Smell, m. Henry Shaw, He i s mentioned i n his father's w i l l i n 1835, when he was l e f t the family farm. Court records show the settlement of his estate i n 1848. He d. 3-7-1847, aged 65, and i s buried i n Fairview Cemetery, about 3 miles south of Morgantown on the east side of the Monongahela River, on Route 119.

MARY MAY, (15), dau. George May, was m, 3-14-1802 by Rev. Robert Manley to Jacob Smell. Aside from the fact that she was c a l l e d P o l l y , a l l that the write r knows of her comes from W i l l a Brand, who has a picture of her, and who wrote on Nov, 10, 1952:

"I know just a l i t t l e about her from my mother and aunts. She was a very small woman. She was very pious, and was adored by her grand­children. Many years ago I saw the log house i n which she l i v e d . I am sure i t i s gone now. It was four or f i v e miles from here (Morgan-town) ,"

(Ancestry - Smell Cont'd) Page 30

Children of Jacob and Mary (May) Smell (order of b i r t h not known):

SARAH (7) (whom see under John J, P e i r p o i n t ) , b. 7-5-1810, m. 11-20-1828.

P h i l i p , m. 4-19-1830 Rebecca D o o l i t t l e , dau. Moses D o o l i t t l e ,

Elizabeth, m, 4-4-1831 Joseph Jacobs, and went to Muncie, Indiana.

Michael, mc 11-30-1838 Susan Jacob, dau. Benjamin Jacob,

Lavina, m. 4-4-1843 Josiah Robe. This family has died out, there having been no grand­children,,

Joseph, m, 1-6-1847 Elizabeth Runner, dau, Henry Runner.

References: B i r t h year of Jacob from age on, and death date

from, grave marker. Marriage of Jacob and Mary: Marriage Book A,, p.6, Marriages of Colldren except Lavina, Marriage Bonds. Marriage of Lavina: Miss Marion Tapp„ Jacob's father's w i l l : W i l l Book l 9 p ö 88. Jacob's Estate: Estate Book 5, pp, 362-364 & 378, L i s t of Children: Miss Tapp from W i l l a Brand Birthdate of Sarah: "The New Dominion" (weekly

newspaper) Saturday, November 30, 1895. (Sally's death notice)

PHILIP SMELL (28) was born 4-24-1758 i n Haycock Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and was christened at T r i n i t y (German) Lutheran Church, Pleasant Valley, S p r i n g f i e l d Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania 5-7-1758 Johann P h i l i p Schmel, his parents being Michael and Margrethe Schmel and his sponsors P h i l i p Reiser and Catherine K i l l e r , Michael and Margrethe had had a son b, 12-1-1756 c h r i s ­tened Michael, but apparently he died young, as P h i l i p had a younger brother Michael and another younger brother George. P h i l i p and Michael served i n the Haycock Town­ship M i l i t i a during the revolution, paying fines for non-attendance at d r i l l i n 1778. In 1834, af t e r succes­sive l i b e r a l i z a t i o n s of the Federal pension laws made this type of service adequate for a pension, P h i l i p , then aged 76, was granted (20 per year.

(Ancestry - Smell Cont'd) Page 31

P h i l i p appears i n the tax l i s t s i n Haycock Township from 1781 to 1787, with one horse and 2 or 3 cows, but no land. He does not appear i n the 1790 Census, although his father and brothers do. In the administration of his father's estate by Orphan's Court, he having died i n t e s t a t e , P h i l i p as oldest son on 2-1-1796 petitioned that his father's land be awarded to his brother Michael, which was done. P h i l i p was i n Monongalia County, V i r g i n i a not l a t e r than 1802, when his son Jacob married there.

P h i l i p ' s wife's name i s given as Elizabeth i n the T r i n i t y Church records of the births and baptisms of son John P h i l i p and daughter Catherine. Otherwise nothing i s known of her. P h i l i p ' s w i l l shows that she survived him. Made 3-16-1835 and witnessed by Evan Morgan, Thomas Cox and John J, Pierpoint, i t leaves his farm to his son Jacob, provided he keeps his mother i n comfort and pays within 3 years $40 to each of his three brothers. The stock and household furniture he leaves, a f t e r the death of his wife, to be divided between his daughters. He d. i n March or A p r i l , 1835, his w i l l being probated i n the A p r i l Term that year. He i s buried i n Fairview Cemetery, about three miles south of Morgantown oh the east side of the Monongahela River, on Route 119. There i s no grave marker.

Children of P h i l i p and Elizabeth ( ) Smell (order of b i r t h unknown, a l l or most born i n Haycock Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania):

JACOB (14) m, 3-14-1802 MARY MAY (15) (see above).

Michael, m, 3-1-1809, Catherine Ralphsnider, dau. John Ralphsnider*

P h i l i p , b. 10-7-1783, )0nly data i s that they bapt. John P h i l i p 10-26-1783)served i n Capt. Wilson's

Peter )Company i n War of 1812, See account of Larkin Pierpoint for others serving i n this company,

Catherine, b, 8-31-1785, bapt, Elizabeth Catherine 9-18-1785, m, 1st 6-20-1812 Frederick Snider; m, 2nd 9-25-1816 Jonathan Spurgeon,

Elizabeth, m, 1-3-1819 by Lev. Joseph Shackelford to Henry Shaw. Marriage bond dated 12-31-1818.

Mary m. G u l l ,

References: B i r t h , baptism, parentage, name of wife and b i r t h ­

dates of P h i l i p and Catherine - T r i n i t y Church Records (typed t r a n s l a t i o n i n Bucks County H i s t o r i c a l Society, Doylestown, Pa.)

(Ancestry - Smell Cont'd) Page 32

References Cont'd:

M i l i t i a fine - ̂ evolutionary Paper, v. 28, p. 22, Archives, Harrisburg, Pa, (manuscript ori g i n a l ) .

Pension - Pennsylvania Archives, 3rd Series, v o l , 23, p* 552 Amount of Pension - Maxwell, "History of Monongalia County, West Virginia" (1927) (Page proofs, bound posthumously. Only copy i s in vault of W. Va. University Library in Morgantown), Maxwell also gives reference to W. Va. Archives, v o l . 3, p, 97,

Taxpayer in Bucks County, Pa. - Pennsylvania Archives, 3rd Series, v o l , 13, pp. 178,301,402,555,690,797,

Will - Will Book I, p. 88. List of children from W i l l , Marriages of Children from Marriage Bonds and

Marriage Book A, except Mary i s from W i l l , War Service of Peter and Philip - Wiley, "History of

Monongalia County" (1883), p. 490, & Maxwell (1927) p. 312.

See also "Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Monon­galia County, W. Va." compiled hy Col. John Evans Chapter, DAR, in 1940 (typewritten copy ih W, Va. University Library),

MICHAEL SCHMEL, (56) was probably born in Cassel, Germany, and accompanied his father to this country as a boy, arriving in Philadelphia 9-3-1739 on the "Loyal Judith", Capt, Paynter, from Rotterdam via Deal, His f i r s t appear­ance in the Trinity (German) Lutheran Church, Pleasant Valley, Springfield Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania records i s when he took Holy Communion on the Fi f t h Sun­day after Trinity i n 1755, He was thereafter a regular communicant in this church for many years. He m, 7-6-1755 at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, "The Blue Church", In Upper Saucon Township, Lehigh County, Pa,, Maria (given elsewhere as Anna Margrethe) K i l i e r s . In 1772 he witnessed the w i l l of George Emig, He appears in the tax l i s t for Haycock Township, Bucks County, Pa, from 1779-1787 as possessing 199 acres of land, 3-4 horses and 6-8 cattle. He i s in the 1790 Census as having 4 fe­males in his household. He probably died in 1795, as his estate was being administered in Feb., 1796 (see under Phili p above),

MARGRETHE KILIERS (57), Her name is given in various places as Maria, Anna Margaret, Anna Margrethe, and Margrethe, The last i s how she appears in the Trinity Church record at the baptism of her children. Aside from her name and time and place of her marriage (given above under Michael) no information has been found,


(Ancestry - Smell Cont'd) Page 33

Children of Michael and Margrethe(Kiliers) Schmel:

Michael, b. 12-1-1756, bapt. 1-30-1757, apparently died young.

Johann P h i l i p , b. 4-24-1750, bapt. 5-7-1758 (see Philip Smell above)

Michael, b. about 1760, served with his brother Fh i l i p in the m i l i t i a in 1778, was taxed as a single man in 1785, taxed 1786, m. Elizabeth Wireback. He appears in the 1790 Census with three females in his household. He received his f-ther's land in 1796, His wife was one of her f-ther's, Isaac Wireback"s of Springfield Township, Bucks County, Pa,, heirs in 1805. Michael sold. 74 acres of the land he inherited from his father, to John Sims Jr. in IÖ16, Children:

Anna Margaret, b. 10-26-1706 Catherine, b. 10-27-1789 Elizabeth, b. 4-21-1791 John Michael, b. 2-24-1795, m. Susanna , who was bom'6-18-1798 and d. 9-13-1867, he d. l-27-lío?.

John George, b. 4-29-1763, bapt. 5-15-1763, paid taxes as a Single man 1785-87, m. Elizabeth Bierson, dau. Philip Bierson (b. Germany 1730, d. 10*7-1802, buried Christ Church Upper Mount Bethel Township), d. 1-9-1832, buried Christ Church, Upper Mount Bethel Township, about 14 miles northeast of Easton, Pa. Children:

Elizabeth, b. 11-11-1768 Margaret, b. 8-27-1790

Anna Elizabeth (communicant Trinity Church 1767) Susanna ( • " " 1769) Maria ( " ? " 1780) Magdelena ( " " • 1790)

References: Michael Sr.'s probable birth and immigration - see

"Early Schmels" below. Church attendance, birth and baptism of sons,

daughters (?) communicants - Trinity Church Records (typed translation in Bucks County Historical Society, Doylestown, Pa.)

Marriage - "Records of "Blue Church", 1750-1764" (typed volume in Bucks County Historical Society, Doylestown, Pa.

(Ancestry - Smell - Cont'd) Page 34 References Cont'd

Witness George Emig's Will - Letter from A, R. Davis, Librarian, Bucks Co. Hist. Soc, 9-4-1952, from ' . / i l l Book.

Taxpayer - Pennsylvania Archives, 3rd Series, vol. 13, PP. 75,178,301,401,556,690,796.

Estate Administered - Letter from Recorder of Deeds office in Doylestown, Pa., c i t i e s Deed B, 53/174.

Michael Jr. - m i l i t i a service - see P h i l i p above. Taxpayer - Pennsylvania Archives, 3rd Series, vol. 13, PP. 558,690. -Name of wife, and her inheritance - Letter from A. R. Davis, Librarian, Bucks Co. Hist. Soc, 9-4-1952, from W i l l Book.

-Inherited land and sold some - see "Estate Administered" above.

-Children's birthdates - Trinity Church Records. Michael I I I - death date, wife's name and dates -

"Springfield Union Cemetery - Toifib&tone In­scriptions" , B. F. Fackenthal p.182 (typed volume in Bucks County Historical Society, Doylestown, Pa.)

George - Taxpayer - Pennsylvania Archives, 3rd Series, vol. 13, pp. 558, 798

-Marriage an i fathar-in-laws dates-"Old Graveyards of Northampton & Adjacent Coun­ties in Pennsylvania" - John Eyerman, vol. 1, p.116.

-Death - same, vol. 2, p. 99.


The only l i k e l y progenitors of the Schmel family given in Strassburger & Hinke*s"Early German Pioneers", which covers the same records of landings in Philadelphia during the middle half of the 18th Century as Rupp's "30,000 Names" and Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd Series, vols. 17 were:

MICHAEL SCIIM0HL or SMEAL, who arrived Aug. 27, 1739 on the "Samuel", Hugh Percy, Commander, from Rotterdam via Deal,

NICHOLAS SCHMEL.!.. ) brothers who arrived Sept. 3, JOHN ADAM SCHMELL ) 1739 on the "Loyal Judith",

Capt. 3ayriter, from Rotterdam via Deal,

Michael (1705-1776) was 34 on a r r i v a l . He i s known to have settled in Heidelberg Township, Berks County, Pa., where he was on the f i r s t tax l i s t in 1754 and on successive tax l i s t s u n t i l his death in 1776. The ad­ministration of his estate shows that his only child


(Early Schmels - Cont'd) Page 35

was Elizabeth, who m, Thomas Bassier; His widow's name is there given as Magdalena, and she may have gone to Bucks County to l i v e with her nephew, i f Michael and Nicholas and John Adam were brothers, and may be the Magde-lena who shows as a communicant at Trinity, and who i s li s t e d above as Michael Schmel's daughter. But i f Elizabeth was Michael Schmohl's only child, he l e f t no sons to carry on the name.

A typed volume in Berks County Historical Society, Reading, Pa., "Advertisements in German Newspapers Published in Philadelphia and Germantown, 1743-1ÖOO", shows that on June 16, I75O, the following appeared in Sowers Newspaper:

"Anna Elizabeth, widow of Lorenz Loch, from Braunholder, Zweibrucken, arrived in this country last autumn and lives at North Wales (Gwynedd, Montgomery County, Pa.) with Nicolaus Schmell. She seeks her brother, Johann Adam Schmell, from Cassel, who has been in America fourteen years".

The response, in the same paper on Nov. 1, 1750, was:

"Adam Schmell, Falckner Swamp (Montgomery County, Pa.)"

Shortly thereafter, in a comparatively small area, four families of variant spellings of Schmell appear. It seems probable that their heads were sons, minors at the immigration, of Nicholas and/or John Adam. Besides Michael in Kaycock Township, Bucks County, they were:

ADAM SMEHL (Schmael, Smel, Smell, and in the 1754 tax l i s t Schurel) of Ruscomb Manor Town­ship, Berks County, who m, Vayte, and appears to have been father of Adam Jr., Conrad, John and Nicholas.

PETER SMALE (Schmail, Smeall, Smeal, Shmehl, and in the I79O Census Snale) in Upper Saucon Town­ship, Northampton (now Lehigh) County and later in Township, Northampton (now Monroe) County. He appears once, as Peter Schmeel with wife Elizabeth, at the christening of the i r son John Jacob 6-26-1774, in the Trinity Church records cited above. Otherwise, known children were Jost, Yoste or Joseph, and Peter J r ,

PHILIP SMELL, who appears but once, on the 1754 tax l i s t for Berks County, as of "Blue Mountains on Swatarro", now Pine Grove Township, Schuylkill County. A Philip with wife Magdalena and children Michael, George and Andreas, appears considerably later, b r i e f l y , as a commicant at Trinity Church,

(Ancestry - Smell * Cont'd) Page 36

It may possibly be the same one, and the Magdalena l i s t e d as Michael's daughter and elsewhere mentioned as possibly widow of Michael Schmohl, might alternatively be his wife.

In tracing the Smell ancestry here given, the writer c o l ­lected considerable, but by no means exhaustive, informa­tion on the above families. It has no place in this work, but may possibly be made available l a t e r , particularly i f more information comes to l i g h t .


GEORGE MAY, (30). Records of Mays in Monongalia County before 1823 are as follows:

MARY (15) m. 3-14-1802 Jacob Smell.

Susannah, dau, Ann May, m. 1-31-1804 George Shehan. William May surety on Marriage Bond.

William, m. 4-15-1807 Mary Van Gilder, dau Jacob Van Gilder. His dau. Sophia m. Nov. 3, 1848 Joseph Trickett. James May was surety.

Joannah, dau. George May, m. 9-28-1809 Michael Trickett, William May, surety. Their dau., Mary Trickett, m. 6-1-1829 E l i Moreland, (Michael Trickett, father and surety)

Sarah, dau. ? m. 10-23-1813 Joseph Grubbs. Richard Watts, surety on Marriage Bond.

Elizabeth, dau. George May, m. 8-13-1815 Lewis Williams. Jacob Smell, surety on Marriage Bond.

Sophia, dau. George May (deceased) m. 3-7-1823 George Armsworthy,

William and Henry May served in Captain Wilson's Company in the War of 1812 (see Larkin Peir­point ).

Assuming that there was only one May family in Monongalia County, Virginia at that time, .^(which is pro­bable but not proved), the above eight children were those of George and Ann May. It i s clear that George died between I8l5 and 1823, Otherwise, nothing certain is known.

(Ancestry - May - Cont'd) Page 37

According to "Willa Brand, her grandmother Sally Smell Pierpoint often told her that her grandmother May came on one of the ships whose tea was dumped in the Boston Teaparty. This would indicate a New England background. There are two May Genealogies covering Mays stemming from an immigration to Massachusetts in 1640. These were published in 1Ö7Ö and 1ÖÖ7. In this family George (and Lucy) were frequently recurring names. After the Revolution migrations westward from New England were extensive. It is quite possible that George w i l l even­tually be tied into this family, but so far this has not been done.


CHARLES1 CARRINGTON JONES was b. 2-2-1866 at Parkersburg, W. Va., attended school there and went to Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, for one year, 1885-6, taking the s c i e n t i f i c course. He work­ed for the U. S. Treasury Department in Washington, D. C. from 1888-1898, where he lived with his mother's sister, L i l l a (Mrs. Nicholas) Madeira, who kept a boarding house there. During this period his sister Edith lived with him for a year while attending high school in Washington, and he then helped her finan­c i a l l y during the year and a half she attended Vassar College. During this period also he was a bicycle enthusiast, indulging in the then-popular cross-country bicycle riding.

He resigned from the Treasury Dept. in 1898, and worked for a year for the Columbia Phonograph Company, in New York City and in Bridgeport, Conn., after which he became treasurer of the Charles A. Stickney Company, St. Paul, Minn., which was then newly formed by his brother-in-law. He remained there u n t i l the company was liquidated in 1914«

He m. 6-17-1902 at St. Paul, Minn., JANE VIRTUE (see below). During World War I he worked f i r s t as lumber inspector at Camp Funston, Kansas and later as Purchasing Agent for American Brake Show & Fdy. Co., Erie, Pa. It was during th i s period that Jane died, and three of his children lived for a winter with their Aunt Edith, in Chattanooga, Tenn., u n t i l he could es­tablish a home for them.

In a l e t t e r written in 1951 he stated that the only time he was ever out of work was 10 days in Nov., 1918, immediately following the Armistice ending the war, when a l l war contracts were cancelled. He then went with the Erie Office of the Bureau of In­ternal Revenue, where he remained u n t i l he was invol­untarily retired on a pension in 1933, as a "make work" depression move by the newly-installed Roosevelt ad­ministration.

In 1922 he married Anna Booth, a school teacher in Erie, Pa. After his retirement he established him­self as a tax consultant in Erie, preparing tax returns for corporations there. He lived in Erie u n t i l Anna was k i l l e d in an automobile accident in 1941, after which he lived with his son Forsyth in Santa Barbara, Cal i f . , returning to Erie for the f i r s t three months of each year to carry on his business. His years as a tax consultant were the most prosperous of his l i f e . He continued to return to Erie each year u n t i l 1948, when, at the age of 82, he retired. His hair remained black, his carriage erect, his face young and his mind active u n t i l he was in his 80's, and up to the last he seemed

(Descendants - Charles - Cont'd) Page 39

many years younger than he was. He died, after a few days i l l n e s s , 3-22-1952, surrounded by his family, at Santa Barbara, Calif. His ashes are interred in Santa Barbara Cemetery, Sec. 7, Row 18, Room 3, Group "E", Santa Barbara, Cali f .

JANE VIRTUE, B. 1-31-1875, at Cleveland, Minn., was dau. George J. and Jane (Forsythe) Virtue. She graduated from Central High School, St. Paul, in 1893 and attended Normal School. She taught school at St. Paul from 1895 to 1902, when she married Charles C. Jones at 1st Presbyterian Church, St. Paul, Minn., on 6-17-1902. From then on she was busy raising her family, u n t i l her death May 11, 1918 at St. Paul, Minn, She i s buried in the cemetery at Cleveland, Minn. She attended the Christian Science Church,

Children of Charles and Jane (Virtue) Jones:

Phili p Pierpont Jones, b. 4-26-1903

Francis Forsyth Jones, b. 3-31-1905

Juliet Virtue Jones, b. 2-21-1907

Henry Carter Jones, b. 1-23-1911

Elisabeth Edith Jones, b. 1-21-1913

Virginia Louise Jones, b. 6-20-1916

PHILIP 2 PIERPONT JONES (Charles 1) was b. 4-26-1903 at St. Paul, Minn. He was known as Pierpont, He graduated from Central High School, Erie, Pa. in 1921 and attended the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, for two years, taking the cooperative course in e l e c t r i c a l en­gineering, in which periods of work and study, of several weeks duration, alternated. In August, 1924 he m. (1) Emma Jankie. From then u n t i l his death he worked for Lyman Felheim, in the lumber and millwork business, in Erie. Emma died in 1926. In 1927 he m. (2) EDNA MILLER, (see below). He d. Dec. 6, 1934 and i s buried in Erie Cemetery.

EDNA MILLER, b. in 1901, at Ashland, Penn., was dau. of William and ( ) M i l l e r of Erie, Pa. She graduated from Central High School, Erie, Pa. She graduated from nurses training, Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. In 1927 she m. PHILIP PIERPONT J ONES in the 1st Lutheran Church, Erie, Pa. Pierpont died in 1934. She m. (2) Paul Keim, and moved to Dover, N. J., and then to Ashland, Pa., where she s t i l l l i v e s , (Paul died.)

(Descendants - Charles - Cont'd) Page 40

Child of Phi l i p Pierpont and Edna (Miller) Jones:


ELIZABETH3 ANN JONES ( P h i l i p 2 , Charles 1) was b. 5-30-1928" at Erie, Pa., where she lived u n t i l her mother remarried and moved to Dover, N.J., and thence to Adhland, Pa., where Elizabeth accompanied her. She graduated from Dover High School in 1947, and took nurses training in Pennsyl­vania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., graduating in 1950. On Oct. 13, 1951 she m. Dr. W. E. Stevens at Reform Church, Ashland, Pa. They now l i v e in Taneytown, Md.

FRANCIS2 FORSYTH JONES (Charles 1), b. 3-30-1905 at St. Paul, Minn., is known as Forsyth. He graduated from Academy High School, Erie, Pa, in 1923, and in 1924 moved to Alhambra, Cal i f . , where he lived with his Aunt Effie Virtue (Mrs. Samuel) Kennedy and attended Occidental Col­lege for a year. In 1925 he went with Southern Califor­nia Edison Co., with whom he has been ever since, except for two stints in the navy. On 6-19-1927 he m., at Mount Vernon, Washington, ROMAYN GILBERT (see below). They lived in Long Beach, C a l i f , u n t i l 1936 when they moved to Santa Barbara, Calif.

He went in the Navy in 1942, and studied radar at Navy schools in Chicago, at the Texas A. & M,, and at Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay. He went to sea as Chief Petty Officer and radar technician thru the cam­paign in the western P a c i f i c . He was released in 1945, and returned to Santa Barbara. He went back in the Navy in 1950 as an instructor in radar, and received a medi­cal discharge early in 1952. He lives at 1399 Sycamore Canyon Road, Santa Barbara, C a l i f ,

ROMAYN GILBERT, b 0 1C-13-1900, was the dau, of Harris Rishel and Margaret (Grimes) Gilbert, She graduated from High School at Mount Vernon, Wash., and attended Belling­ham Normal, She taught for five years in the state of Washington. On 6-19-1927 she m., at a home wedding in Mount Vernon, Washington, (Francis) Forsyth Jones.

Forsyth and Romayn have no children.

JULIET2 VIRTUE JONES (charles 1) was b. 2-21-1907 at St. Paul, Minn. She graduated from Alhambra High School, Alhambra, Ca l i f . , in 1924, having moved to Alhambra to li v e with her Aunt Effie Virtue (Mrs. Samuel) Kennedy in 1923. She attended Occidental College for 2 years. The following year she attended University of Washing­ton, Seattle, Wash, one year, leaving on account of illness in her senior year. On 10-26-1932 she m., at Glendale, California, Bernard (Bing) Swanson. b. 1903 at Mitchell, S. Dakota. They lived in Alhambra u n t i l 1937, when they were divorced.

{.Descendants - Charles Cont'd) Page 41

She m. (2) on 7-17-1947 at Santa Maria, C a l i f . , William R. V. . Marriott, b 9 8-4-1918 at Vancouver, B, C, son of w7l?7 and Olive (AÍson) Marriott, He graduated from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Cal, and studied medicine at University of Southern California. After graduation in 1946 he was assigned to Air Force Medical Research in San Antonio, Texas frorr; 1947 to 194/0, and then to 495th Medical Group in Wiesbaden, Germany from 1948 to 1951. On both assign­ments Juliet (Judy) accompanied him. They returned to the United States Oct. 1951, he was released from the Army in February, 1952, and on February 1, 1952 he be­came Medical Director at California Institute of Tech­nology. They lived at 2955 Monterey Road, San Marino, Cal i f .

Juliet has no children,

HENRY2 CARTER JONES (Charles 1), b. 1-23-1911 at St. Paul, Minn., is known as Carter. He graduated from Academy High School, Erie, Pa., in February, 1928, after which he worked for Bucyrus Erie Co* in Erie for Is years. He then went to California and lived with his brother, Forsyth, in Long Beach for I f years, during which time he worked for Southern California Edison Co. In 1931 he went to Yakima, Washington, where he lived with his mat­ernal cousin, Jane Rovig, and attended Yakima Valley Junior College for a year.

Returning to his father's home in Erie, Pa. in 1932, he attended the University of Pittsburgh Exten­sion in Erie f u l l time for a year, and thereafter at night while working for the YMCA, u n t i l the f a l l of 1934. He went then to Los Angeles and took a training course with the Charles R, Hadley Co., manufacturers of account­ing forms. He has been with this company as a salesman ever since. He was assigned to th e i r Chicago office in June, 1935.

On November 30, 1935 he m., at Erie, Pa,, DOROTHY M. SIMMONS (see below). They lived in Chicago u n t i l 1948, when they built a house in Western Springs, 111, They were just getting settled in the new house when, in January, 1949 he was assigned to the Cincinnati office as manager. They remained in Cincinnati, l i v i n g in Park H i l l s , Ky,, u n t i l July, 1952, when he was assigned to the Santa Barbara, C a l i f , office, and they moved there.

(Descendants - Charles Cont'd) Page 41-A

DOROTHY M. SIMONS, b. 4-15-1909 at Girard, Pa., was dau. James and Ida (Bax) Simmons, She graduated from Academy-High School, Erie, Pa. in 1928 and worked as cashier at the Erie Dry Goods Company u n t i l 1935. On 11-30-1935 she m., at Erie, Pa., Henry Carter Jones.

Children of (Henry) Carter and Dorothy (Simmons) Jones:

CHARLES3 CARTER JONES, b. 10-25-1939 at Chicago, 111,

DON3 FORSYTH JONES, b. 3-28-1942 at Chicago, 111.

ELISABETH2 EDITH JONES (Charles 1) ("Betty") was b. 1-21-1913 at St. Paul, Minn. She graduated from Academy High School, Erie, Pa. in 1930, and took nurses training at Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa., graduating in 1933. She moved to Los Angeles, C a l i f . , in 1933, where she attended Univer­sity of California in Los Angeles, She m. 1936 at Glen­dale, Calif. CARL DICK HUMPHREYS (see below), and has since then been busy raising a family. She li v e s with her bro­ther Forsyth at 1399 Sycamore Canyon Road, Santa Barbara, Cal i f ,

CARL DICK HUMPHREYS was b. 1912 at Pasadena, Ca l i f . He was the son of William and Ethelyn (Dick) Humphreys. He graduated from Pasadena High School in 1931 and studied chemistry at University of Southern California, Los Ange­les, C a l i f . , receiving the degree of B.S. in 1935. He m. in 1936 at Glendale, Cali f . Elisabeth Edith Jones. From 1936 he was a research chemist with Goodrich Rubber Co., in Los Angeles u n t i l 1937 and then in Akron, Ohio. In I94I he l e f t them and went with a rubber company in Phila­delphia. In 1948 he became director of rubber research for General Cable Co., l i v i n g in Westfield, N. J., u n t i l his death, from an e l e c t r i c a l shock from household wir­ing, on November 1, 1951.

Children of Elisabeth and Carl Humphreys:





(Descendants Charles Cont'd) Page 41-B

VIRGINIA2 LOUISE J ONES (Charles 1) was b. 6-20-1916 at St. Paul, Minn, She graduated from Academy High School, Erie, Pa. in 19%, and from Pennsylvania State Teachers College, Edinboro, Pa. in 1938. She then moved to C a l i ­fornia and lived with her brother Forsyth while attend­ing the Santa Barbara State College (now part of the University of California) to obtain California teacher's credentials. She taught at Barstow, C a l i f , from March 1940 to June 1941. She m. Aug. 21, 1942 at Glendale, Calif., WALLACE OLSON (see below). In 1950 she spent six months in Europe, f i r s t with her s i s t e r J u l i e t , and when she was joined by her husband two months later, travelling and vi s i t i n g his relatives in Sweden. They live at 1109 B Mound Ave., South Pasadena, C a l i f .

WALLACE U. OLSON, b. August 28, 1908 at Los Angeles, was son of Andrew and Hilda (Peterson) Olson. He graduat­ed from Los Angeles High School, Los Angeles, Calif , i n 1926, and from University of California at Los Angeles in 1937, where he studied art education. He received his master's degree in 1941 from Columbia University in N.Y.C. He m. August 21, 1942, at Glendale, California, Virginia Louise Jones. He has taught art at Los Angeles City Schools and was in the army from November 1, 1942 to November 1945. He i s now teaching commercial art at Los Angeles City College in Los Angeles and i s studying for a Ph. D, degree at University of Southern California.

Virginia and 'Wallace have no children.


FANNY FLORENCE JONES, B. 10-14-1867 at Parkersburg, West V i r g i n i a , dropped her f i r s t name and became Florence, She was m, on 8-9-1894 at the F i r s t Methodist Church, Parkersburg, by Rev, S. Ernest Jones, to JOHN OLDHAM BULLOCK (see below). She joined the Episcopal Church and was active i n church a f f a i r s throughout her l i f e . She was also very active i n the Womens' Club i n Parkersburg, Before her husband's death they took several extended t r i p s west, leaving t h e i r daughter with one of her aunts* Aft e r his death, she took numerous t r i p s to New York, and a cruise to Labrador, s a i l i n g from Montreal, with her daughter and her s i s t e r Grace. She l i v e d at 1600 Avery St., Parkersburg, W, Va. She d. 6-17-1949, and i s buried i n Mount Olivet Cemetery i n Parkers­burg,

JOHN OLDHAM BULLOCK, b, 8-18-1857 at L o u i s v i l l e , Ken­tucky, was fourth and l a s t son of John Pope Oldham and Laurene (Tanner) Bullock. His father, b. 1830 at L o u i s v i l l e , was an attorney and editor of the Courier-Journal, and d, 1859. His mother, b, 1830 at Wheeling, (W) Va., m. 2nd Arthur Ingram Boreman, f i r s t elected governor of newly formed West V i r g i n i a , and i t was i n the Boreman household i n Parkersburg, West V i r g i n i a , that John and his brothers, with two h a l f - s i s t e r s , were raised. His mother d„ 1908 i n Parkersburg. He was an accountant i n Parkersburg, where ho d. 3-2-1921. He i s buried i n Mount Olivet Cemetery i n parkersburg.


LOUISE2 TALBOT BULLOCK, b. 6-11-1895 at Parkersburg,

FRANCES2 ELLIOTT BULLOCK, b, 1-24-1904 at Parkersburg, d. 1- -1909 at Parkersburg, buried i n Mount Olivet Cemetery i n Parkers­burg,

LOUISE2 TALBOT BULLOCK (Florence 1) was b. 6-11-1895 at Parkersburg, West V i r g i n i a . She attended grade school i n Parkersburg, went to Marietta Academy, Marietta, Ohio for two years, and to Highland H a l l , Hollidaysburg, Pa. for two years, graduating i n 1914, As a g i r l she spent f i v e summers, the l a s t i n 1909, with her Aunt Edith i n Minnesota, and two (1911-12) with her Aunt Grace i n Rensselaer, N, Y.

During World War I she was i n s t r u c t o r i n sur­g i c a l dressings for the Red Cross, and was active i n canteen work f o r troop trains passing thru

(Descendants - Florence Cont'd) Page 43

Parkersburg. She worked for I f years i n 1920-21 as a secretary at the Galena Signal O i l Co., and for 5 years from 1921-1926 as assistant control clerk i n the Bureau of Internal Revenue o f f i c e i n Parkersburg. From 1926-1958 she did not work, and as she puts i t , " f i d d l e d around". During this period she went on a cruise to Labrador, s a i l i n g from Montreal, with her mother and her Aunt Grace, and a cruise from New York to Canada to Bermuda to New York with her Aunt Grace, as w e l l as mak­ing annual v i s i t s to New York.

In 1933 she became Secretary to the Mayor of Par­kersburg, which has a commission form of government, and has continued under 5 mayors ever since. She was attached to the West V i r g i n i a State Headquarters at the Republican National Conventions i n 1940, 1944 and 1948. During World War I I she was Liaison Officer f o r C i v i l i a n Defense and Secretary of the Emergency Medical Unit and of the Nurses Aide Corps, a l l i n Parkersburg. She i s quite active and knowledgeable i n p o l i t i c s . She i s a member of the James Wood Chapter of DAR, and National Chairman of Tel l e r s of DAR, 1950-1953, and i s a member of Quota Club International. She has l i v e d at 1600 Avery St., Parkersburg, W. Va., with her mother u n t i l her death i n 1949, and since then alone.


WILLIAM WILBER JONES, b. 12-11-1870 at Parkersburg, W. Va., dropped the William and v/as known as Wilber. While s t i l l i n Parkersburg he was one of the founders of the Elks Lodge, and his name i s incribed there as a charter member. He m, 11-3-1897 i n Atlanta, Georgia, MINNIE VALETTE ABBEY (see below). They l i v e d i n Atlanta u n t i l about 1902, when they moved to High Point, N. C. He was employed i n the business end of the Southern Furni­ture Journal. He d, 6-11-1911 at High Point, and i s buried there.

MINNIE VALETTE ABBEY was b. 6-25-1877 at Sardis, Miss­i s s i p p i * She was dau. Richard N. and Fannie (Snowden) Abbey, who m, 2nd Thomas D. Weld. She m, 11-3-1897 at Atlanta, Georgia, (William) Wilber Jones. After h i s death she remained i n High Point, N. C , where she now l i v e s with her son and daughter at 1030 Rockford Road with a winter place at 683 Lake Howard Drive, Winter Haven, F l o r i d a . She i s an Episcopalian.


VALETTE2 JONES, b. 11-28-1898 at Atlanta, Ga.

WILBER2 JONES, b. 3-27-1901 at Atlanta, Ga. 9 1

VALETTE JONES (Wilber ), b. 11-28-1898 at Atlanta, Ga,, m« JESSE HARRIS of Fort M i l l , So. Carolina, bub they soon separated and were l a t e r divorced. She l i v e s with her mother and brother i n High Point, N. C. She has been active i n organizing garden clubs throughout North Carolina, and organized the Humane Society of High Point. She i s past president of the Music Club and the Civic Club, and an officer in the Junior League and Family Service Board, a l l i n High Point. She i s an Episcopalian,

No children.

WILBER2 JONES (Wilber 1) was b. 3-27-1901 at Atlanta, Ga, He attended Bailey M i l i t a r y Academy at Greenwood, S.C,, and University of North Carolina at Chapel H i l l . He i s southern manager of Behr-Manning Corp. of Troy, N.Y«, manufacturers of abrasives. He served i n the A i r Corps i n World War I I * He i s active i n Humane Society work, i s fond of r i d i n g and g o l f , Is a lover of horses and dogs. He i s an Episcopalian. He never married, and l i v e s with his mother and s i s t e r at 1030 Rockford Road, High Point, N. C.


GRACE PIERPONT JONES, b. 8-11-1873 at Parkersburg, W. Va., attended Goucher College, Baltimore, Md. for a year or two, but did not graduate. She m. 1896 Samuel Henning Rogers of Baltimore, Md., They were divorced Tn St. Louis, Mo. on 6-26-1916. She took nurses t r a i n i n g at New York Hospital, 8W. 16St,, New York C i t y , graduating 7-17-1917, and served as head nurse i n the Accident and Admitting Ward there u n t i l 12-15-1917,

She entered m i l i t a r y service during World War I with the rank of Lieutenant on 12-15-1917, and went to Prance 7-9-1918 as Chief Nurse i n Mobile Operating Unit No, 1. This was a "hospi t a l on wheels" which stopped close behind the front l i n e s f o r emergency operations on personnel who could not be evacuated to the rear, and was the f i r s t such unit to be used. She l a t e r served i n Base Hospitals No0 85 at Angers and Nor: 5 at Paris. The l a t t e r was a tent h o s p i t a l on the Paris Race Track at A u t e u i l , and was operated by the American Red Cross. She was re l i e v e d from active duty 6-6-19~93

In 1920 she went to China and was for two years night superintendent of nurses i n the Pekin Union Medi­c a l College c On t h i s assignment she was one of the f i r s t group of nurses undertaking the t r a i n i n g of native Chinese nurses. After her return from China she did private nursing from 192 2 to 1929, when she became As s i s ­tant Superintendent and Night Superintendent at the New York Hospital Nurses Club at 317 W.. 45 St., New York Cit y . She was the 1st commander of the Jane A. Delano Post of the American Legion i n New York. When the new New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center was opened at 525 East 68th St., New York C i t y , she became, on 9-1-1932, Night Supervisor of the Nurses Residence at 1320 York Ave., and remained there u n t i l 2-28-1941.. She d. 11-15-1943 at Parkersburg, W. Va., and was buried with f u l l m i l i t a r y honors i n Cook Cemetery, Parkersburg, W. Va,

Ch i l d :

Catherine, b. 1899, d. 1901, b\.i.ried i n Cook Cemetery,


EDITH1 PIERPONT JONES b. 10-10-1876 at Parkersburg, W, Va., graduated from Parkersburg High School i n 1893 and attended school i n Washington, D. C* f o r a year to prepare for Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., which she attended for 1-| years as a member of the Class of 1898* She was elected class poet. Her parents did not approve of college education f o r g i r l s , and her older brother Charles paid her ex­penses. She m. 4-11-1898, at A l l Saints Unitarian Church, Washington, D. C. CHARLES ALPHEUS STICKNEY (see below). Por the next t h i r t y years, u n t i l her husband's death, she was busy as a housewife and mother. For some years thereafter she was house mother i n g i r l s ' private schools, including St. Mary's (Episcopal) School i n P e e k s k i l l , N. Y. and Western College, Oxford, Ohio. In the summer of 1933 she g r a t i f i e d a l i f e - l o n g desire to go abroad by j o i n i n g her daughter Edith i n Switzerland, where they spent the summer together. Prom 1937 on she l i v e d i n Mon­rovia and Pasadena, C a l i f . , with v i s i t s every two or three years to her children and friends i n the East.

She had diabetes from 1919 on, was one of the early users of i n s u l i n , and i n 1951 was awarded a medal by Deaconess Hospital, Boston, Mass. for l i v i n g longer with liabetes than her l i f e expectancy without i t at the time of diagnosis. During her l a s t several years her sight f a i l e d badly, but she maintained her a c t i v i ­t i e s , interests and friendships on an undiminished scale, and was i n active correspondence with over 100 friends and r e l a t i v e s at the time of her death. She died suddenly of a heart attack on 12-23-1951. Her ashes are buried beside her husband's, under a common headstone, i n Oakland Cemetery, St. Paul, Minn.

CHARLES ALPHEUS STICKNEY, b. 10-11-1876, at St. Paul, Minn., was the son of Alpheus Beede and Kate (Hall) Stickney. He attended Massachusetts I n s t i t u t e of Technology, then located i n Boston, Mass., f o r a single term. He m. 4-11-1898 Edith Pierpont Jones. Prom 1899 to 1914 he manufactured gasoline farm engines of his own design, on which he held many patents, i n St, Paul, Minn, This business went into l i q u i d a t i o n i n 1914 because of over-extension of long-term installment c r e d i t , even­t u a l l y paying off i n f u l l . Prom 1914 to 1916 he l i v e d i n Chicago, developing inventions.

In 1916 he moved to Chattanooga, Tenn., as partner and manager of a mailing machinery business, which was sold i n 1918. In 1918 he developed the Ernest Holmes wrecking truck for the army, which was extensively used by the armed forces i n World War I I . Prom 1919 u n t i l his death he was various businesses and promotions, w i t h

(Descendants - Edith - Cont'd) Page kl

periods as a designer of special machinery, and l i v e d i n many l o c a l i t i e s . As a designer of machinery he approach­ed genius, but as a business man he was never very suc­c e s s f u l . He died i n Rockford, 111. 5-16-1928, and his ashes are buried i n Oakland Cemetery, St. Paul, Minn,

Children: (see separate accounts below),





A boy, b. 1905, died i n infancy,

EDITH2 PIERPONT STICKNEY ( E d i t h 1 ) , b. 1-7-1899 at St. Paul Minn. She attended Mrs. Backus' School for G i r l s i n St, Paul, attended Northwestern University, Evanston, 111, 1915-1916, and Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 1916-1919, graduating i n 1919, She taught part of a year and developed a serious i l l n e s s which has l e f t her i n f a r from robust health ever since. She attended University of Southern C a l i f o r n i a , Los Angeles, i n 1921-22, receiv­ing an M.A», and Stanford University, Palo A l t o , C a l i f . , 1922-24, receiving a Ph. D. i n history. Her t h e s i s , "Southern Albania, 1912-1923", received the G, L. Beer . Prize awarded by the American H i s t o r i c a l Association i n 1925, and was published by the Stanford University Press i n 1926. She also was co-editor of "Readings i n European International Relations since 1879" (Harper, 1931.)

She taught i n various colleges (Goucher College, Baltimore, Md. and Pomona College, Claremont, C a l i f . ) and schools from 1924 to 1942, mostly i n C a l i f o r n i a but i n ­cluding a year at Constantionople Woman's College i n Tur­key, and a period of t r a v e l i n Switzerland and study In Geneva. During World War I I she was associate reference l i b r a r i a n i n the Library of Congress (Legislative Refer­ence Service), with the State Department, and with the Office of War Information (Bureau of Overseas I n t e l l i ­gence) i n Washington, D. C.

After the war she resumed teaching. She studied l i b r a r y science at Arizona State College at Tempe, summer 1949, at the University of Denver, summers 1950, 1951, and at Western Reserve University, summer 1952. In 1950 she became l i b r a r i a n at Midland College, Fremont, Nebraska and l i v e s at 805 N. I r v i n g , Fremont, Neb, She i s an active member of St, James Episcopal Church, Fremont.

(Descendants - Edith - Cont'd) Page t>$

EMILY2 PIERPONT STICKNEY ( E d i t h 1 ) , b, 4-27-1900 at St. Paul, Minn., was educated at home, at Burnham School, Northampton, Mass., C. Howard Walker's School of Fine Arts, Boston, Mass., and at Massachusetts I n s t i t u t e of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., where she studied a r c h i ­tecture from 1920 to 1922. She worked for J. & R, Lamb, E c c l e s i a s t i c a l Designers, and for L i t c h f i e l d & Rogers, Archi t e c t s , as an a r c h i t e c t u r a l designer. She s p e c i a l ­ized i n large country houses for Cross & Cross, New York C i t y , from 1925 to 1929. She t r a v e l l e d i n Europe a t o t a l of eight months on two t r i p s i n 1924 and 1929.

On 4-18-1929 she m., at F i f t h Avenue Presbyterian Church i n New York C i t y , Meade Ashley Spencer (see be­low) who had been a year ahead at M. I. T, and had work­ed i n the same o f f i c e as she i n New York before moving to Cleveland. After a wedding t r i p to Europe, they s e t t l e d i n Cleveland, Ohio, l i v i n g i n Cleveland Heights u n t i l 1942 and since then at 14400 South Woodland Road, Shaker Heights 20, Ohio.

MEADE ASHLEY SPENCER, b. 4-8-1396 at Sandusky, Ohio, son of Wilson Patton and Ida May (Hughes) Spencer, graduated from Mansfield, Ohio, High School i n 1914 and attended Princeton University, Princeton, N. J,, from 1914 to 1917, when he l e f t to j o i n an ambulance unit i n France during World War I, He was l a t e r awarded a war degree of L i t t , B. by Princeton. He was decorated by the French Government with the Croix de Guerre. On his return from war, he continued his study of architecture, and attend­ed Massachusetts I n s t i t u t e of Technology from 1919 to 1921, receiving the degree of S. B. He m. (1) Katherine Bushneil Oct. 13, 1921 but they proved incompatible and separated af t e r a short time. They were divorced Oct. 1928 at Cleveland, Ohio. He worked as a designer for Cross & Cross, New York C i t y , from 1921 to 1927, when he moved to Cleveland, Ohio, and became a partner i n Charles Bacon Rowley & Associates, Inc., a r c h i t e c t s , which association he has continued to date. He m. (2) Emily Pierpont Stickney 4-18-1929.

Children: , CHRISTOPHER SPENCER, b. 4-14-1930 at Cleveland, Ohio. "Kit"graduated with honors i n English from Princeton University, 1952. He m. 7-1-1952 Dorothy Ann Groenendale, b. May 9, 1928, Roches­t e r , N. Y., dau. of Henry John and May Ethel (Beattie) Groenendale. Mr. Groenendale i s of Dutch b i r t h , and i s an engineer now l i v i n g i n Pittsburgh, Pa. " K i t " i s now a graduate student i n English at Yale. University, New Haven, Conn., and his wife works i n the University Library there.

(Descendants - Edith - Cont »'d) Page 49

Children Cont'd. MICHAEL JARED SPENCER, b, 5-5-1934 at Cleveland, Ohio. He graduated i n 1952 from Windsor Moun­t a i n School, Lenox, Mass., va l e d i c t o r i a n of his class. He i s now a student at the University of Chicago, Chicago, 111,

NANCY3 ASHLEY SPENCER, b. 4-26-1939 at Cleveland, Ohio. She attends public schools i n Shaker Heights, Ohio*

CHARLES2 ALPHEUS STICKNEY, JR., ( E d i t h 1 ) , b» 10-1-1901 at St. Paul, Minn. He attended Worchester Academy for a year i n 1912-13, i n F. W. Parker School i n Chicago, 1914-16, and was graduated from the Baylor School i n Chattanooga, Tenn, i n 1917. He attended Dartmouth College, Hanover, N, H. 1917-1921. Due to the I l l n e s s of h is father, he was forced to leave college after the f i r s t semester of his senior year but l a t e r obtained the required credits from Muhlenberg Rutgers, and New York University for his degree from Dartmouth. He started his business l i f e as a salesman. He m, 8-29-1925 at A l l Saints Church, Chicago, 111., Emily Theresa Preston;

Por s i x years, 1926-32, he served on the e d i t o r i a l s t a f f of Barron's Weekly i n Boston, Mass. He then l i v e d l n Barrington, R. I,, Decater, Ga. and Allentown, Pa. with a variety of jobs. During World War I I he spent 3g years with the War Production Board i n Washington, D, C. as an Analyst i n the Business Machinery Branch and then entered the F i e l d Service of the U. S. Dept. of Commerce as a business s p e c i a l i s t attached to the Man­chester, N, H. o f f i c e . For the l a s t several years of his l i f e he served as an agent for the Northwestern Mutual and then the Mutual Benefit L i f e i n Lancaster, Mass,

While i n Allentown he helped organize and became the f i r s t secretary-treasurer of the Dartmouth Alumni Association of Eastern Pennsylvania i n 1937-38. He held the secretaryship of the Class of 1921 f o r eight years, 1938-46. While he l i v e d i n Washington, he was a member of the executive committee of the Dartmouth Club of that c i t y from 1944-46,

While l i v i n g i n Lancaster he was a member of the Rotary Club i n Leominster, Mass., the Dartmouth Club of Worcester County, Mass., the Men's Club of A l l Saints Episcopal Church, Worcester, (Secretary-Treasurer, 1948-49), and the Worcester L i f e Underwriter's Association,

He died 2-18-1952 of a sudden coronary thrombosis with no previous warnings, i n Lancaster, Mass., follow­ing shovelling snow from the New England b l i z z a r d of February, 1952. His ashes are interred i n the Eastwood Cemetery, Lancaster, Mass.

(Descendants - Edith - Cont'd) Page 50

EMILY THERESA PRESTON, b. 12-18-1894 at Boston, Mass., dau. of" Edward J. Preston and Katharine (Molloy) Preston. When she was seven, both her parents died, and she was brought up by her mother's close f r i e n d , Miss J u l i a Overing Hunnewe11 of Wellesley, Mass. She attended the Shaw School i n Saco, Maine and was grad­uated from Thornton Academy i n Saco, and from Wheelock College, Boston, Mass. She taught private school p r i o r to her marriage, and while l i v i n g i n Barrington, R. I., organized and ran her own nursery and kindergarten school for three years (1932-36). She i s now P r i n c i p a l at the Perkins School, Lancaster, Mass., and l i v e s i n Lancaster.


EMILY5 PRESTON STICKNEY, b. 12-1-1926 at Cam-bridge, Mass., graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School, Washington, D. C« She attended Cornell University, Ithaca, N| Y., where ahe was a member of Alpha Omicron P i Sorority, and Rhode Island School of Design (1947-1951), where she studied Advertising Design and re­ceived the degree of Bachelor of Pine Arts. She m. 7-14-1951 at the Church of The Good Shepherd, Clinton, Mass. William George Dvorak but they were incompatible and separated i n s i x months. She i s now the copywriter for Radio Station WPGM i n Fitchburg, Mass. and l i v e s i n Lancaster, Mass. She uses her maiden name.

JULIA 5 HUNNEWELL STICKNEY, b. 10-8-1928 at Cambridge, Mass. She graduated from the Woodrow Wilson High School, Washington, D. C. and attended George Washington University, Washington, D. C. for two years, where she was a member of Delta Zcta Sorority. She m. 9-7-1947 at Christ Church, Elizabeth C i t y , North Carolina, WILLIAM MICHAEL GALVIN JR., b. 2-9-1928 at Washington, D. C , son of William Michael Galvin and Miriam (Shepherd) Galvin. Michael also graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School, Washington, and then served i n the Navy 2 years, 1946-48. He i s studying e l e c t r i c a l engineering at George Washington University, where he i s president of Tau Kappa Epsilon, and president of "Gate and Key". He i s simultaneously employed f u l l -time as Engineer with the National Broad­casting Company i n Washington, D. C. They l i v e at 2001 Oglethorpe St., Apt, 101, Hyatts-v i l l e , Maryland,

(Descendants - Edith - Cont'd) Page 51

Children Cont'd.

JANE4 BANKING GALVIN, b. 4-16-1949 at Washington, D. C.

KATHARINE4 SHEPHERD GALVIN, b. 7-8-1951 at Vi ashing ton.

BARBARA3 PIERPONT STICKNEY, b, 8-4-1930 at Cambridge, Mass. attended Woodrow Wilson High School, Washing­ton, D. C. and was graduated from C l a s s i c a l High School, Worcester, Mass. and attended Smith College, Northampton, Mass. for two years (1948-50). She m, 9-9-1950 at home, Lancaster, Mass., Thomas Henry George, b. 5-23-1929 at Philadelphia, Pa., son of Edwin Black George and Louise (Baker) George. He was graduated from the McDonogh School, McDonogh, Mary­land. He graduated from Amherst College, Amherst, Mass. i n physics. He i s now a graduate student and an assistant i n physics at Brown University, P r o v i ­dence, R. I. They l i v e at 373 Benefit Street, Provi­dence, R. I. Barbara works at the Old Stone Bank at Providence,

ALPHEUS2 BEEDE STICKNEY ( E d i t h 1 ) , b, 7-1-1903 at St. Paul, Minn;—He graduated at P h i l l i p s Academy, Andover, Mass. i n 1919, and attended Yale University, New Haven, Conn, from 1919 to 1926, studying mechanical engineer­ing, and receiving the degree of B. S. i n 1923, M. S. 1924, and M. E. 1932. He m. 12-29-1931 at The L i t t l e Church Around the Corner, New York C i t y , Charlotte Adele Banta (see below). He worked f o r a consulting engineer In New York C i t y from 1926 to 1934, including a two year assignment i n St. Louis, Mo. He worked f o r Armour & Co., Chicago 1934-35, Tennessee Eastman Corp., Kingsport, Tenn., 1935-36, and Armour & Co., Chicago 1936-48, and was for 11 years i n charge of a l l power-plant engineering and operation i n 35 plants i n U. S. and 5 i n South America. He was national president of The American Society of Refrigerating Engineers i n 1944. Since 1949 he has been with The Rust Engineering Company i n Pittsburgh as Project Manager. He l i v e s at 5324 Forbes St., Pittsburgh 17, Pa,

CHARLOTTE ADELE BANTA, b, 4-7-1907 at Hartford, Conn., dau. David Schuyler and Adele (Weber) Banta. She graduated from New Haven (Conn.) High School i n 1921, and stayed home a year, then attended Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass., graduating i n 1926.

No children.


LYLE 1 LAUGHLIN JONES was b. 8-29-1879 at Parkersburg, Vi, Va. He l e f t high school a t the end of his junior year to enter Wood County Bank as messenger. He m, 2-10-1904 at Parkersburg, W. Va. Ida Anna Gerwig (see below). He rose to Cashier i n the Wood County Bank. He was an Exalted Ruler of the Elks Lodge i n Parkers­burg, and his name i s inscribed there. After many years i n the bank, he resigned i n 1924 and moved to Greensburg, Pa., where he had a Chevrolet Agency f o r Westmoreland County, This agency was l a t e r sold, and he became Assessor of Property for the Pennsylvania Turnpike, the f i r s t section of which was then being b u i l t . He died at his home at 548 Ridgeway Ave., Greensburg, Pa, 10-24-1941 and i s buried i n the Ger­wig Mausoleum, Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Parkersburg, W.Va.

IDA ANNA GERWIG b. 4-2-1880 at Parkersburg, W. Va,, was dau. Edward Chri s t i a n and Amelia Catherine (Albrecht) Gerwig, both natives of Allegheny (now part of Pittsburgh, Pa.), who were m. 8-2-1877. She graduated from Parkers­burg High School i n 1897 and attended Washington College, Washington, D, C, She was married from her home, 1008 Ann Terrace, Parkersburg, by Rev. J. W. Francis, pastor of the F i r s t Presbyterian Church i n Parkersburg, on 2-10-1904 to LYLE LAUGHLIN JONES. She now makes her home with her daughter, Catherine Miner, i n Ridgewood, New Jersey.

Children: 2

CATHERINE GERWIG JONES, b. 10-10-1906 at Parkers­burg, W. Va, (see below)

2 LYLE LAUGHLIN JONES, JR, b, 11-8-1909 at Par­

kersburg, W, Va, (see below)

CATHERINE2 GERWIG JONES (Lyl e 1 ) b. 10-10-1906 at Parkers­burg, W. Va. graduated from Parkersburg High School i n 1923, from Highland H a l l , Holidaysburg, Pa. i n 1924, and Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N, Y. i n 1928. She m. at F i r s t Presbyterian Church (Rev, Henry Strock), Greens-burg, Pa., 10-6-1928 Stanley Plngrey Miner (see below). She l i v e s at 61 Clinton Ave., Ridgewood, N. J.

STANLEY PINGREY MINER. b. 11-5-1399 at Brooklyn, N. Y. son of George E. and Har r i e t t (Sawyer) Miner, both natives of Vermont. George E, was a p r a c t i c i n g attorney i n New York Ci t y . Stanley graduated from Erasmus High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. i n 1918, and Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., where he majored i n Economics, i n 1922. He has spent his entire business career with the New York Telephone Co., fo r whom he i s supervisor of employ­ment for New York and Westchester. Besides the family home i n Ridgewood, h i s mother's family home i n Gays v i l l e , Vermont i s used by the Miners .is a summer place

(Descendants - Lyle - Cont'd) Page 53


MARY5 ANN MINER, b, 4-1-1930 at Brooklyn, N. Y. , graduated i n 1952 from Mount Holyoke College, Mount Holyoke, Mass., where she has an a s s i s t -antship i n chemistry f o r 1952-53 while she studies for an M, A.

CATHERINE3 SAWYER MINER, b. 1-22-1934 at Brook­l y n , N» Y., i s a student at Mount Holyoke College, Mount Holyoke, Mass., Class of 1956.

CONSTANCE3 GERWIG MINER, b. 10-5-1938 at Brooklyn, N. Y., i s a member of the class of 1956 at Ridgewood, N. J, High School.

LYLE LAUGHLIN2 JONES JR. ( L y l e 1 ) b, 11-8-1909 at Parkers­burg, W. Va 0 attended Parkersburg High School two years and Greensburg, Pa. High School two years, graduating i n 1926, and Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pa., receiv­ing B. S. i n I n d u s t r i a l Engineering i n 1930. He worked for the New York Telephone Company i n Brooklyn, N. Y. and studied law at night at St. John's University School of Law, where he received an LL.B. i n 1937 0 He then attend­ed Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Mass., receiving an LL.M, i n 1938. He became a member of the New York Bar i n 1938, and worked f o r the Rural E l e c t r i f i c a t i o n Admin­i s t r a t i o n i n Washington, D. C. for a year, t r a n s f e r r i n g to the A n t i t r u s t D i v i s i o n of U. S. Dept. Justice f o r which he acted as attorney i n Washington, Chicago and St. Louis t He m. 4-8-1939 at Brooklyn, N. Y. Mary Hope Smith (see below). In 1942 he became L t . (jg) USNR arid served three years with the o f f i c e of Naval Intelligence i n Washington, D. C , Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, San Juan, P. R., and San Francisco, C a l i f . At the end of war he was placed on inactive duty status as Lieut. Commr. He returned to the A n t i t r u s t D i v i s i o n of the U. S, Dept, Justice i n the San Francisco Office, where he has r e ­mained. He i s a member of the C a l i f o r n i a Bar, He l i v e s at 1725 Pine Knoll Drive, Belmont, C a l i f . , and i s a mem­ber of the City Council of Belmont.

MARY HOPE SMITH b, 9-13-1915 at Brooklyn, N. Y. dau, Elberon Douglass and Gertrude (Suydam) Smith, natives respectively of Binghamton and Kingston, N. Y. and r e s i ­dents of Brooklyn and l a t e r Kingston, N. Y. Hope re­ceived her A. B. degree from Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. i n 1936, and did graduate work i n Economics at Columbia University, New York C i t y . She was married from her parents' home at 90 - 8th Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. on 4-8-1939 to Lyle Laughlin Jones J r .

(Descendants - Lyle - Cont'd) Page

Children: BARBARA3 GALLOWAY JONES, b, 10-24-1942 at

St, Luke's Hospital, St, Louis, Mo.

BETSY3 PIERPONT JONES, b, 1-7-1946 at M i l l s Hospital, San Mateo, Cal,

KATHERINE3 LAUGHLIN JONES, b, 8-2-1948 at Mills Hospital, San Mateo, Cal,


RAY1 RUSSELL JONES, b. 2-18-1882 at Parkersburg, V/. Va., e n l i s t e d at the age of 15 for the Spanish-American War, but was invalided out from a sabre wound received i n camp i n South Carolina, He moved to St, Paul, Minnesota, where his s i s t e r Edith and Brother Charles l i v e d and there he married 12-9-1900, CECILIA ALICE GREGG. They had two daughters, l i s t e d below, but they were incom­p a t i b l e , and were divorced i n 1905, the daughters being assigned by the court to t h e i r grandmother Gregg. Ray moved to Fargo, North Dakota, where he became f r e i g h t agent for the Chicago Great Western Railroad, There he married (2nd) Maud Baum. They returned to St. Paul where he became sales agent f o r the Toledo Scale Company, which he remained with u n t i l his death 9-19-1922, His body was cremated and h i s ashes scattered as directed i n h i s w i l l ,

Ray l i v e d f or many years on the West Side of St, Paul near the end of the High Bridge, where on a number of occasions his Stickney nephews v i s i t e d him f o r a month or so at a time while t h e i r family was t r a v e l i n g . The present write r remembers him as being always f u l l of fun and knowledgable about small boys. He was a 32nd degree Mason and a Shrlner and as such v i s i t e d the Panama Canal when i t was new about 1913,

CECILIA ALICE GREGG, b. May 16, 1883 at Walla Walla, Washington, dau 0 of David Austen Gregg and Pauline Isabelle (Schaeffer) Gregg, She graduated from Central High School, St. Paul, Minn. June 1900, m. RAY RUSSELL JONES December 9, 1900, divorced 1905, d. Denver, Colorado June 19, 1951, Cremated, ashes scattered.

Children of Ray and C e c i l i a (Gregg) Jones:

CECILLE GLORIA2 (Ray 1) b. 9-26-1901 at St. Paul, Minnesota, (See below)

DOROTHEA GRACE2 (Ray 1) b # 5-10-1903 at Fargo, North Dakota. (See below)

CECILLE GLORIA2, b. 9-26-1901, at St. Lukes Hospital, St. Paul, Minnesota, graduated from West High School, Minne­a p o l i s , Minnesota, December 1918 and University of Minne­sota, Sociology, magna cum laude, December, 1943. B.A, One year graduate school of Social Work, University of Minnesota, 1944. Caseworker Family Service, Saint Paul, 1942-43, Secretary Senator Joseph H. B a l l , 1947-48. Caseworker Travelers Aid Society, 1951-52, Executive Secretary, Minnesota Welfare Conference, S. 0. S. B u i l d ­ing, University of Minnesota, 1952.

(Descendants - Ray - Cont'd) Page 56

She married RALPH MAYNARD LONGBOTHAM, son Thomas and Bertha (Albrecht) Longbotham, natives of Wisconsin, in Saint Paul, Minnesota, September 6, 1921. Ralph i s an architectural engineer employed in the Industrial Engineering Department of Minnesota Mining and Manufac­turing Company of Saint Paul. The Longbothams l i v e at 916 S.E. F i f t h Street in Minneapolis from September to June, and at Anchorage-on-the-St. Croix, Route 4, S t i l l ­water, in the summer.

Children of Ralph and Gloria (Jones) Longbotham:

RALPH3 MAYNARD LONGBOTHAM, JR., b, 7-20-22 at Dr. Cobb's Hospital, St, Paul, Minn, graduated S t i l l ­water High School, June 1940, Carleton College, North-f i e l d , Minn. B.A. (psychology) June 1948, Enlisted U. S. Army September 26, 1942, discharged 1946. Worked for U. S. War Dept. Claims Department in the Philippines, 1947. Returned to college 1948. Re-enlisted 1948 August. Army of Occupation Japan, 1948-49. Wolfhound Regiment (Michaelis) 27th Regt. 25th Div. Korea June I95O to May I95I. Bronze Star with Cluster, Purple Heart, Silver Star, Presidential Unit Citation. Re-enlisted I952, now resides 292 5 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa. Capt. O.R.C. Iowa Military Hdqtrs. Dt, Des Moines. He m. (1) a Fi l i p i n o g i r l , but they were soon divorced and he m. (2) June 1, 1952 ELSIE DE BONIS, dau. Mrs. Gertrude De Bonis, Des Moines. Elsie i s a graduate of the University of Iowa, with graduate work in Washington, D. C. and Denver, Colorado. She i s a medi­cal technologist, employed i n Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines.

OLIVER3 PIERPONT LONGBOTHAM, b. June 28, 1945 at St. Lukes Hospital, St. Paul, Minnesota. Attends Ele­mentary School, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.

DOROTHEA2 GRACE, b. Fargo, North Dakota, 5-10-1903, graduated high school, Denver, Colorado, June 1921. m. HERMAN ALBERT KLIEWER, Denver, 1928. They l i v e just outside Greeley, Colorado, Route 3, Box 501,

Children of Herman and Dorothea (Jones) Kliewer:

CECILLE3 JOYCE, b, Greeley, Colorado, June 3, 1933, attends Colorado State Teachers' College in Greeley,

JANET3 ARDEN, b. Greeley, Colorado, October 5, 1935, attends high school in Greeley,

DAVID AUSTEN, (adopted) b. July 2, 1945, Greeley, attends Elementary School, Teachers College, Greeley,


MARY ANN PEIRPOINT, b. 11-20-1829, dau. John Jackson and Sarah (Smell) Peirpoint (see p. 15) m. JAMES WRIGHT, b. 11-19-1824. Mary Ann was known as "Sis". She was l i v ­ing in South Morgantown, W. Va. in 1895 according to her mother's death notice. She d. 7-3-1904; James d. 4-10-1900. They are buried together in Oak Grove Cemetery, south of Morgantown, Their marker i s opposite the main gate and near the rear fence.

Children ( A l l deceased):

IANTHA1 OLIVE WRIGHT, b. 10-11-1849 in Monongalia County, (W,) Va., m. 1867 JONATHAN FRUM, b. 1-8-1848. She was known as "Daught". She d. 6-21-1924; Jonathan d. 1-18-1927. They are buried together in East Oak Grove Cemetery south of Morgantown. Children:

ALLENA2 MAY FRUM, b. 12-27-1868, was m. 4-25-1Ö88 by Rev. D. C. Wees at her father's home in South Morgantown to FRANK J. JACKSON, b. 1868, son of Adam L. and Fannie M. Jackson. She i s now l i v i n g in Muncie, Indiana (Jan., 1953).







FRANKLIN2 W. FRUM, b. 4-27-1871, m. Lvdia F e l l of Uniontown, Pa, Children:

FAY3 FRUM, liv e s in Hopwood, Pa,



VIRGINIA3 FRUM, lives in Hopwood, Pa.

JAMES2 W. FRUM, b. 12-27-1873, was m. 12-29-1895 by D. A. Friend at his home to HATTIE GRACE PARKER, b, 1877, dau. E l i L. and Elizabeth (Murray) Parker of Mona, W. Va. James d. 10-31-1932.

(Lucy's Siblings - Mary Ann - Cont'd) Page 50

Children: HAZEL-5 FRUM, m. WAYNE FORMAN, now deceased. She-has worked for years for Sears Roebuck in P i t t s ­burgh, where she lives at 29c - 30th St. Children;








ænrf ANN FRUM MARGARET3 FRUM, m. 1st ARTHUR BECK; m. 2nd liives in Newcastle, Pa, Children:

Two daughters,








(Lucy's Siblings - Mary Ann - Cont'd) Page 59

Russell Frum children, cont'd. DARYL4 FRUM, m. BETTY MILLER Child:





FRANK3 FRUM, single





LYNCH3 FRUM, m. AMELIA . They live in Gary, Indiana. Children:






EILEEN3 FRUM, m lives in Newcastle, Pa.


LILLIE2 B. FRUM, b. 4-16-16*75, was m. 12-21-1897 by N. L. Baumgardner to LENNA WEST, b. 1876, son of William H. and Evaline West of Fairmont, W, Va. This family now lives in the Wheeling, W. Va. area.

(Lucy's Siblings - Mary Ann - Cont'd) Page 60

Children: 3





ERNEST2 FRUM, b. 2-22-1877, m. HELEN of Union-town, Pa, He i s now l i v i n g i n C a l i f o r n i a , Children:



ANNIE2 L, FRUM, b, 3-13-1880, m. JOHN COLE of C a s s v i l l e , W, Va, Chi l d :

CHARLES3 COLE, m. 1st 2nd , l i v e s at 48 Prospect St., Kansas C i t y 4, Mo, Child by f i r s t marriage:



Chil d by second marriage:

CHARLES4 COLE JR. HARRY2 FRUM, b. 8-12-1881, m. 1st LONA HENDERSON, was m. 2nd 11-26-1912 by Warren Hodges to MARTHA E. WATTS, a widow then aged 36, Child by f i r s t Marriage:

CHARLES FRUM, l i v e s i n C a s s v i l l e , W, Va,

MARY2 N, FRUM, b, 11-18-1883, was m. 11-22-1902 by W, G. Smith to DUKE CAIRNEY, b, 1878, son of

and Elizabeth Cairney, They l i v e i n Mona, W, Va. Children:™ CLINTON RAYMOND CAIRNEY, b. 6-14^1903, m. 2-21-1923 OLIVE WRIGHT (no r e l a t i o n ) . Children:


BONITA4 NILE CAIRNEY, b, 11-10-1936

ucy's Siblings - Mary Ann - Cont'd) Page 61

Mary Cairney children cont'd. LEROY3 CAIRNEY, b. 9-26-1905, m. A p r i l , 1928 HAZEL OSBURN. Leroy d. March, 1941. Children:



JAMES3 WILLIAM CAIRNEY, b. 8-10-1909, ft* 5-6-1931 VIRGINIA SIMONS. Children:



LAYTON2 FRUM, b. 11-21-1885, m. LOU DENT. Both are l i v i n g . Children:

FRANCES3 FRUM, m. HAROLD ANDERSON. They l i v e at 241 Avarado St., Brisbane, C a l i f . They have no children.



BESSIE2 FRUM, b. 5-22-1888, died at bir t h , twin of

ELIZABETH2 FRUM, b. 5-22-1888, m. 1st STOKER, m. 2nd WILLIAM BIDDLE, She is l i v i n g in Ohio. Child:

OPAL3 STOKER (name changed to BIDDLE)

JONATHAN'' Lí WIS FRUM, b. 1-30-1890, m. 1st GOLD IE ROGERS, m, 2nd 9-2-1922 by Edward A. Krapp AMY CLARK, b 0 1902, dau. George and Mary E. (Moore) Clark of Star City, W, Va. Jonathan i s deceased. Child:

WANDA3 JUNE FRUM, m. W. L. McELROY. They l i v e in Star City, Child: LARRY4 MCELROY

LAURA1 COLUMBIA WRIGHT, b. 12-4-1852 at Morgantown, (W,) Va,, m. 1870 LEWIS P. HOLLAND. She d. 1930 and i s buried i n Calvary Cemetery, Monongalia County, W. Va, Children:

tLucy's Sibl ings - Máry Ann - Cont'd) Page 62


EDNA2 MAY HOLLAND, b. 1873, ft* ELERY SMITH, They had no children, She d. 1952, and is buried in Calvary Cemetery, Monongalia County, W, Va,

CLYDE2 LEV/IS HOLLAND, b. 1877, m* CATHERINE BRODRICK, They had no children of their own, but adopted a daughter Helen, Clyde d, 1927, and i s buried at Pittsburgh, Pa,

MARY2 NELL HOLLAND, b. 1881, ft* A. J. RICHARDSON* They had no children. She d, 1925 and i s buried in a mausoleum at Morgantown, V/. Va.

CLAYTON2 CLARK HOLLAND, b. 1885, m. MARY ELLEN SHIBLER, He lives at Brecksville, Ohio. Child:

MARGARET3 JANE HOLLAND, b, 1914, ra, "WALTER FRANKLIN TAYLOR WHITE. They l i v e at Brecksville, Ohio. Children:



PALMON1 JOHN WRIGHT, b. 1854, was m. 4-25-1881 at Morgan-town, W. Va. by Rev. T. H, Trainer to ANNIE L, MORGAN. Children:

PALMON2 JOHN WRIGHT JR., lives at Uniontown, Pa., single,

2 SUSAN DIANA WRIGHT, m. CHARLES TURNER. She is a widow, and runs a g i f t shop at Methodist Hospital, Gary, Ind. Children:

Three sons, a l l of whom died in infancy.

ANNA1 BECK WRIGHT, b. 1858, m. 8-3-1881 JAMES H. WINGER, b, 1856 in Ohio, son of D. and E. Winger. He d. at Morgantown, W. Va, 12-26-1891, Child:

GEORGE2 WINGER, deceased

EDGAR1 BUNKER WRIGHT, b. 1864, never married, d. at Morgan-town, W. Va, 7-17-1918.

Sources: Private communications from Willa Brand and Mar­garet Jane (Holland) White, interviews with Mary (Frum) Cairney, Mrs. Layton Frum and others by Miss Marion Tapp, and Courthouse records in Morgantown, W. Va.


MARGARET JANE PEIRPOINT, b. 12-15-1831 in Monongalia County, (W.) Va., was dau, John Jackson and Sarah (Smell) Peirpoint (see p. 15). She m. 1st GEORGE MADERA, she m, 2nd 9-25-1868 WILLIAM NORVAL BRAND, sixth child of John and Elizabeth (Fade) Brand. He was b. 2-10-1830. He had two children by a previous marriage. He was a saddler harness maker and farmer l i v i n g in Marion County, W. Va., but for a period during the 1860s he was deputy sheriff in Monongalia County, W. Va. He d. 8-13-1876. His widow and children returned to Morgantown to l i v e , Margaret Jane's mother, Sally (Smell) Peirpoint, lived with her for some years before her death in 1895. Margaret Jane d. 12-3-1906. Children by f i r s t marriage:

EMILY1 MADERA, died i n infancy.

CHARLES1 RUFUS MADEIRA, b. 9-9-1852 in Morgantown, (w,) Va., m. in 1879 at Fairmont, W. Va. LEAH VAN SWEARINGEN, b. 1-7-1861 at Colfax, (W,) Va, He was a small business man (manufacturing, s e l l i n g ) . Leah d. 5-1-1934 in Warren, Pa,, Charles D. 1-8-1946 i n Canton, 0. Children:

BESSIE2 BLAINE MADEIRA, b. 2-27-1882 at Colfax W. Va., m. 3-2-I909 at Cumberland, Md. GEORGE SMITH CONDIT, b. 1-27-1887 at Mannington, W. Va., son of John M. and Sarah C. (Brown) Condit. George was an M. D. He d. 12-10-1933 at Warren, Pa, Bessie now li v e s with her daughter in West Englewood, N. J . Child:

ELEANOR3 LOUISE CONDIT, b. 5-7-19U at Baltimore, Md., m. 9-I9-I946 at New York City FREDERIC G. M. LANGE, an e l e c t r i c a l engineer with the New York Telephone Go. She i s Supervisor, under the name Louise Condit, of the Junior Museum, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City. The Langes l i v e at 1203 Emerson Ave, , Viest Englewood, N, J,

GEORGIA2 MADEIRA, b. 1-17-1889 at Colfax, W, Va., changed her name as a child to Gertrude Pierpont Madeira. She m. 1-31-1922 at Pittsburgh, Pa. THOR ENGSTROM, who i s a patent engineer with the United States Steel Corp. in Gary, Ind. They l i v e at 710 Arthur St., Gary, Ind. Children:

THOR3 ENGSTROM, b. 3-11-1926 at Gary, Ind., m. 8-18-1951 ELIZABETH KEIGHLEY,

GORDON3 ENGSTROM, b. 3-29-192*7 at Gary, Ind.

(Note: Neither boy has a middle name)

Page 64 (Lucy's S ib l i ngs - Margaret Jane, cont 'd)

Chi ldren by second marriage:

GEORGE1 MILTON BRAND, b . 11-9-1869, m. 10-18-1905 MARY MACHIN. He was an engineer f o r the Balt imore & Ohio R a i l ­road between C o n n e l l s v i l l e , P a . , and Cumberland, Md, He d, at Myersdale, Pa. 12-11-1913. Ch i ld ren :

MARGARET2 EMMA BRAND, d . i n chi ldhood.

GEORGE2 PIERPOINT BRAND, never marr ied, l i v e s i n Wich i ta F a l l s , Texas.

JOSEPH2 MILTON BRAND, never married, l i v e s i n E l Paso, Texas,

MARY 2 VIRGINIA BRAND, never marr ied, l i v e s i n Tacoma, Wash.

JAMES1 HARVEY BRAND, b . 4-12-1872, ft, 12-16-1899 CHRISTINA PFENDER. He was a bui lder and contractor i n Canton, Ohio. He d . i n 1931. Ch i ld ren :

JAMES2 PIERPOINT BRAND, d . unmarried,

WILLIAM 2 NORVAL BRAND, twice married and has c h i l d r e n , l i v e s i n Oklahoma,

WILLA 1 NORVELLA BRAND, b. 4-4-1876, received degree of A. B , from West V i r g i n i a U n i v e r s i t y , Morgantown, V/. Va . i n 1898, and A. M, from U n i v e r s i t y of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich , i n 1912, and a lso studied at the U n i v e r s i t y of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis, She taught Eng l i sh at G l e n v i l l e Normal School G l e n v i l l e , w, Va . She never marr ied. She l i v e s at 605 H a t f i e l d P lace , Morgantown, W, Va ,

Sources: "The Wade Family, Monongalia County, W, Va.", Franklin Marion

Brand, Morgantown, W, Va., 1927. Private communications from Willa Brand and Eleanor Louise

Condit Lange,


SYLVANUS EDWIN PEIRPOINT, b. 3-10-1834 near Morgantown, (W,) Va., was son of John Jackson and Sarah (Smell) Peirpoint (see p. 15). He m. 1-23-1865 at the Jones home at Laurel Point, W. Va* SERILDA ANN JONES, who was dau. William M. and Edith (Fetty) Jones (see p. 7). They lived in West Virginia u n t i l the f a l l of 1868, when they moved to a farm 2* miles south­west of Oconee, 111., where they lived for the rest of their l i v e s . He was a farmer both in W. Va, and 111. During the C i v i l War he was in the State M i l i t i a , warning people of the approach of Confederate Soldiers, so they could hide their livestock and possessions. Serilda d. 12-1-1894, Sylvanus d. 8-28-1907, Both are buried in Oconee Cemetery. Children:

JOHN1 JONES PIERPOINT, b # 11-3-1865 at his Peirpoint grandfather's home in W. Va., m* 12-14-1894 at Pana, 111. BESSIE DEAN ORR, b. Oct* 1873 at Pana, 111., dau. John and Martha (Jones) Qxr* He was in the real estate and insurance business in Pana, 111. Bessie d. 2-1-1926, John d. 7-10-1933. Both are buried in the Mound Cemetery at Pana, 111, Child:

JOHN2 ORR PIERPOINT, b. 6-4-1897 at Pana, 111., m, 6-26-1918 LIELA DARST of Pana, 111. He was in the Army b r i e f l y during World War I. He lived in Pana u n t i l 1925, then moved to St. Louis, Mo., and has since then been with the U, S. F i d e l i t y & Guarantee Co. in tho Safety Engineering Department. He lives at 3800 Dover Place, St. Louis 16, Mo. Child:

JOHN3 JAY PIERPOINT, b. 7-21-1922, m, 3-7-1943 ELBA LEE ANDREW. He was in the Navy almost 5 years during World War I I . He dropped dead 3-7-1951* Child:


EDITH1 ELLA PIERPOINT, b. 6-30-1867 near Morgantown, W, Va. She m. 1st 5-20-1886 ALEX GRATTON. This marriage was childless. They were divorced after 13 years. She m. 2nd 11-28-1901 at Pana, 111. CHARLES THOMPSON HAWKER, b. 9-28-1869 at Springfield, Ohio, son of William and Martha (Allen) Hawker, He was a machinist. They lived in Pana about four years, then moved to Davenport. Iowa, and in 1907 moved to Valentine, Texas. Edith d. 6-28-1911 in Valentine, and is buried there. Charles d. 1-16-1938 at Indianapolis, Ind, Children:

Page 66 (Lucy's Siblings - Sylvanus, cont'd)

WALTER2 HAWKER, b. 9-11-1902 at Pana, 111. d. 12-17-1902 and i s buried in the Pierpoint lot in Oconee Cemetery, Oconee, 111.

PAUL2 HAWKER, b. 10-23-1903 in Pana, 111., lega l l y changed his name to JACK HARTLEY. He m. 1st in June 1941, NADINE SOULE. They were divorced in 1944. He m. 2nd in A p r i l , 1946 at Reno, Nev. POLLY . He is proprietor of a restaurant in F a i r f i e l d , C a l i f . , where he l i v e s . Child (by f i r s t marriage):

CAROLE3 ANN HARTLEY, b. 11-30-1942.

RUTH2 HAWKER, b. 10-21-1905 at Davenport, Iowa, m. 7-21-1943 at Shafter, C a l i f . , LESTER LEE IGO, b. 3-3-1906 at Keokuk F a l l s , Oklahoma, son of Everett and Mary Essie (Wyatt) Igo, They l i v e at Medford, Ore,, Route 1, Box 424 E. He is a f r u i t farmer and orchard-i s t . Before her marriage she operated her own let t e r service and advertising business. Children:

A daughter who died at bi r t h .

TIMOTHY3 DOYLE IGO, b. 7-23-1949 at Medford, Ore.

HAZEL2 HAWKER, b. 8-22-1907 at Valentine, Texas, d, 7-14-1917 at Indianapolis, Indiana,

A daughter, b. 6-28-1911 at Valentine, Texas. Her mother died at her b i r t h , the baby a l i t t l e l a t e r .

WILLIAM1 CLYDE PIERPOINT, b. 12-26-1869 near Oconee, 111. He m. 5-27-1891 at Pana, 111. LILLIE MAY MUNSON, b. 8-I6-1874 at Shelbyville, i l l . He was a truck driver for Standard O i l Company. Hed. 10-7-1938 at Chicago, 111., and is buried in Mount Olive Cemetery there. L i l l i e lives in a nursing home in Chicago, Children:

EDITH2 ALONE PIERPOINT, b. 2-18-1894 at Pana, 111. She m. 9-I6-I914 at Tay l o r v i l l e , 111. LEE MACON of Assumption, 111. He worked for the I l l i n o i s Central Railroad, Edith lives with her mother in the nursing home in Chicago. Child:

A daughter who died at birth,.

Page 67 »s Siblings - Sylvanus, cont'd)

RUBY2 MYRTLE PIERPOINT, b. 2-17-1896 at Birmingham^ Ala., m. 2-4-I927 at Columbus, Ohio CLARENCE R. MAKIN, b. 6-20-1897 at Ashton, R. I. He is a mechanical en­gineer. They have no children. They l i v e at 789 W. Ferry St,, Buffalo, N. Y.

WILLIAM2 EVERETT PIERPOINT, b. 4-18-1898 at B r i o e v i l l e , Tenn., m, 10-20-1919 at South Haven, Mich. FERN ARTHUR, b. 2-12-1899 at Martinsville, 111. He is a truck driver, end lives at 14491 Houston, Detroit, Mich* Child:

NORMA3 LOU PIERPOINT, b. 11-1-1920 at Nokomis, 111., m, I-I-I942 at Detroit, Mich., ALFRED L. WILCOX, b. 6-4-20 at Detroit, Mich. He works for the Michigan B e l l Telephone Co. and they l i v e at Algonac, Mich. Children:

DONALD4 JAMES WILCOX, b. 3-28-1944 at Detroit, Mich,

ROBERT4 JOHN WILCOX, b. 5-3-1949 at Detroit,. Mich,

JOHN2 M© GAN PIERPOINT, b. 1-7-1902 at Pana, 111., m* 11- I5-I924 at Shelbyville, 111. IRMA WILLIAMS, B. 12- 17-1897 at Ogiesby, 111. Morgan is a checker with a ear-lot. din# gang, and he and Irma l i v e in Seattle, wash. They have no children.

SALLY1 BELLE PIERPOINT, b, 5-1-1872 near Oconee, 111.* d* 8-23-1873, She is buried in the Pierpoint lot in Oconee Cemetery,

GRACE1 GERTRUDE PIERPOINT, b. 8-12-1S74 near Oconee, 111., m. 9-29-I902 at Doc.a~.ur, 111., WILLIAM E. LEE, b« 11-12-1871 hear Oconee, ;>OIÏ of Marien and Susan Lee. They lived in Oconee until Oot. , 1903, then moved to Arnett, Okla., , where they lived until his death. He farmed most of his life, and ran a store about 3 years. He d, 6-6-1922 at Enid, Okla, and Is buried in the Price Cemetery near Oconee, 111. Grace lives with her daughter in Toledo, Ohio.

ANNA2 HAZEL LEE, b. 4-9-1908 at Arnett, Okla., m. 4-2 9-1933 at Vandalia, 111. . JOSEPH NELSON COTHERN, b. 7-I6-I902 near HerriCk, 111. He farmed for a number of years, and is now a receiving clerk at the Willys-Overland works in Toledo, Ohio. Hazel taught school for 15 years before they moved to Toledo in Sept., I94I, and is now cashier in an A & P supermarket. They have no children, but raised a nephew, Calvin Warren Cothern, who was b. 2-24-1932 at Toledo.. They l i v e at I93O Franklin Ave, , Toledo, Ohio

Page 68 (Lucy's Siblings - Sylvanus, cont'd)

HAYES1 PIERPOINT, b. 2-17-1877 at Oconee, 111., m. 1st 5-1-1901 LIZZIE MEHL, who d. 2-27-1902 and i s buried at Troy, 111. He m. 2nd i n 1903 FERN MC GEACHIN. He was a sol d i e r i n the Spanish-American War. He worked i n the coal mines, and l a t e r became an organizer f o r the United Mine Workers under John L. Lewis. He returned home for a v i s i t with his brothers and s i s t e r s f o r the f i r s t time i n many years i n A p r i l , 1940, a few months before his death. He spent his Jast days i n the Soldiers Home at Sawtelle, West Los Angeles, C a l i f o r n i a , where he d. 8-14-1940, He i s buried i n the National Cemetery there. His widow l i v e s at 630 N, 79th St., E. St, Louis, 111. C h i l d by f i r s t marriage:

JOHN2 HAYES PIERPOINT, b, 2-13-1902 at Troy, 111. His mother died when he was two weeks o l d , and his aunt, Edith Hawker, took him and kept him u n t i l her death i n 1911. He then l i v e d with another aunt, Grace Lee, u n t i l about 1919 when he enl i s t e d i n the army. He disappeared about 1922, and his subsequent h i s t o r y and present whereabouts, i f l i v i n g , are unknown.

Children by second marriage:

ROBERT2 PIERPOINT, b. 12-21-1903 at Troy, 111, m. JANE GLEAS0N. They l i g e at 630 N. 83rd St., E. St. Louis, 111, Children:

JANE 3 LEA PIERPOINT, h. 1-9-1927 at E. St. Louis, 111. She i s married and has two ohildrai , but the names of her husband and ch i l d r e n , and her address, have not been made known to the w r i t e r .

ROBERT3 WILLIAM PIERPOINT, b. Jan., 1928 at E. St. Louis, 111,

CAROL3 KAY PIERPOINT, b. 8-22-19 ? at E. St. Louis, 111.

ARTHUR2 PIERPOINT, b. 7-29-1906 at 0»Fallon, 111., m. i n Detroit and l i v e d there u n t i l his death there 9-26-1947. He i s buried i n D e t r o i t . He had no chil d r e n , but adopted a boy, Donald Arthur P i e r p o i n t ,

GEORGE2 PIERPOINT) ) Twins, b. 8-10-1908, l i v e d only a

JAMES PIERPOINT ) short time.

Page 69 (Lucy's S i b l i n g s - Sylvanus, cont'd)

VERA2 PIERPOINT, b. 8-29-1910 at E. St. Louis, 111. She m. 1st 9-2O-I927 at Waterloo, 111., JOHN DONNEL, whom she divorced. She m. 2nd 2-23-1937 at Tia Juana, Mexico, ROBERT HAWKINS, who died. She m. 3rd 2-21-194 6 at Las Vegas, Nev., LAURENCE L 3HTJLER ct? Centerburg, Ohio, who has served i n the Navy almost 20 years. She moved to C a l i f o r n i a with her father i n Sept., 1932, and has been i n the amusement business since 1934 i n Long Beach, C a l i f . , where she l i v e s at 41 Chestnut St. Chi l d (by f i r s t marriage):

CHARLOTTE3 JEAN DONNEL, b. 8-28-1928 at E. St. Louis, 111. She m, 1st II-I2-I946 at Las Vegas, Nev. EDWARD M. MARSHALL. She m. 2nd 3-14-1949 at Portsmouth, Va. WALTON S. ALSON, who served 6 years i n the Navy. The Alsons l i v e at 903 Cerritos Ave., Long Beach, C a l i f . C h ild by f i r s t marriage:

JENNIFER4 JEANNE MARSHALL, b. 11-6-1947 at Winslow, Bainbridge Island, Kitsap County, Was,

Children by second marriage:

LOIS 4 MARGUERITE ALSON, b. 1-9-1950 at U. S. Naval Hospi t a l , Long Beach, C a l i f ,

BONNIE4 YVONNE ALSON, b. 7-8-1952 at Los Cerritos Maternity Hospital, Long Beach, C a l i f ,

MARTIN2 PIERPOINT, b. 8-9-1915 at Nokomis, 111., m. 2-14-1951 ROSE NEAL. They l i v e at 743 N, 59th St., E, St. Louis, 111.

STELLA1 MABEL PIERPOINT, b. 8-10-1879 near Oconee, 111. m, I-3O-I9OO at her father's home near Oconee WILLIAM ALBERT MORRISON, b, 11-7-1876 at a farm west of Pana, 111., son of William and Clara (Gorsage) Morrison. He has been a farmer meet of his l i f e , and now l i v e s at 306 S. Clark St., Pana, 111. S t e l l a d. 2-I3-I95I at Pana and i s buried i n the P i e r ­point l o t i n Oconee Cemetery. Children:

BERNICE2 MORRISON, b. 12-11-1900 near Oconee, 111., m. II-6-I922 RULE ABRAMS, b. 9-10-1903 at Pana, 111, son of Frank and Minnie (Rule) Abrams. He i s a farmer. She taught school before her marriage. They l i v e on a farm west of Pana, 111, Children:

Page 70 (Lucy's Siblings - Sylvanus, cont'd)

GLORIA3 JUNE ABRAMS, b. 6-24-1925 at Pana, 111., m. 6-30-1947 at Tokyo, Japan JAMES CURTIS WEBB, b. 1927 at Waco, Texas, son of Fir. & Mrs. Smith Webb. Gloria had been employed in Chicago in the Treasury Depart­ment before being transferred to Japan, where she worked in The Bank of America, James was in the Army of Occupation. He is now stationed at Andrews Fi e l d Base and they l i v e near Washington, D. C. Child:

MARK4 ALAN WEBB, h> 9-17-1948 at Tokyo, Japan.

ARLENE3 ABRAMS, b. 12-17-192? at Pana, 111., m. 8-28-1946 at Rosamond Community Church, Pana, 111., WILLIAM BARNES, b. 5-21-1922 at Hillsboro, 111., son of William and Leona (Nantkes) Barnes. He was a Sergeant sta­tioned in North Africa and Italy, They l i v e at Litch­f i e l d , 111,, where he is proprietor of a night club. Child:

BARBARA4 SUE BARNES, b. 7-16-1948 at Hillsboro, 111.

FRANK2 PIERPOINT MORRISON, b. 2-14-1902 at Oconee, 111., m. 5-8-I926 at Ta y l o r v i l l e , 111. ERMA LOREME MOXLEY, b. 5-21-1902 at Rosamond, 111., dau. Herbert and Elizabeth (McKee) Moxley, She taught school before her marriage. They lived at Pana, 111. for a few years after their marriage, then moved to Long Island, N. Y. where he i s a contractor for a firm which builds greenhouses. They l i v e at 26 Condee Ave. , Sayville, Long Island, N, Y, Children:

SHAROLYN3 ANN MORRISON, b. 12-23-1927 at Pana, 111,, m. 10-31-1948 at New York, N. Y., HERBERT URSO. He has been a foreman i n a lace factory and works summers in Cherry Grove Beach near Sayville. They are building a home in Patchoque, N. Y. No children.

PATRICIA3 LOUISE MORRISON, b. 3-22-1931 at Pana, 111.

WILLIAM3 HERBERT MORRISON, b, 10-25-1937 at Long Island, N, Y,

FRANK3 FREDERICK MORRISON, b. 2-21-1940 at Long Island, N. Y.

RONALD3 LEE MORRISON, b, 4-15-1941 at Long Island, N. Y.

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WILLIAM2 ALONZO MORRISON, b. 8-28-1903 at Oconee, 111, m. 12-26-1936 at Lawrenceville, 111. ELLA LOUISE EILERS, b. 6-18-1910 at Pana, 111., dau. John and Elizabeth (Aumann) Ei l e r s . He works for the Sugar Creek Creamery i n Pana, where they l i v e , and she teaches f i r s t grade in Rosamond. Children:

JEANNE3 ELLEN MORRISON, h. 6-5-1938 at Pana, 111.

WILLIAM3 JOHN MORRISON, b. 8-13-1939 at Pana, 111.

JUDITH3 ELAINE MORRISON, b, 9-9-1945 at Pana, 111.

HARRY2 KENNETH MORRISON, b. 2-3-1908 at Oconee, 111, m. 1-6-1929 at Rosamond, 111, BERTHA ROBERTS, b. 1-6-1911 at D o l l v i l l e , 111., dau. John and Elizabeth (Prankenfeld) Roberts. Harry is a carpenter and lives at Elizabethtown, Ky. Child:

KENNETH3 ROBERT MORRISON, b. 7-12-1930 at Pana, 111., m. 10-30-1951 MARY MARGARET DECLERK, b. 10-25-1933, dau. John and Mary (Adams) DeClerk, He is in the Army stationed at Sandia Base, Albuquerque, N. M. No children.

CAROL2 DANIEL MORRISON, b. 12-25-1915 on a farm about 10 miles west of Pana, 111, m. 5-3-1948 at Vandalia, 111., VERA ZIMMERMAN, b. 5-28-1913 at Ohlman, 111., dau. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zimmerman. During World War I I Carol was a corporal in the Air Force, stationed in England, a photo­grapher who installed camera in f l y i n g fortresses before takeoff. He i s now procurement man for L i t c h f i e l d Creamery Co. and she runs a general store in Ohlman, 111., where they l i v e . Child:

CHARLES3 WILLIAM MORRISON, b. 10-27-1949 at Pana, 111,

HELEN2 EVELYN MORRISON, b, 4-6-1917 on a farm about 10 miles west of Pana, 111., m. 12-26-1936 at Colchester near Galesburg, 111., CHARLES BOWERSOCK, b. 11-27-1913, son of Charles and Lulu (Burchfield) Bowersock. He served in the Navy during World War I I , and is a farmer, l i v i n g west of Pana, 111. Children:

NANCY3 BOWERSOCK, b. 11-16-1940 at Pana, 111.

STELLA3 LOU BOWERSOCK, b. 11-5-1943 at Decatur, 111.

Page 72 (Lucy's Siblings - Sylvanus, Cont'd)

DONALD2 MERLE MORRISON, b. 1-17-1919 on a farm about 10 miles west of Pana, 111., m. 8-10-1946 at Assumption, 111., CHARLOTTE ERISMAN, b. 8-13-1927 at Pana, 111., dau. Charles and J u l i a (Levering) Erisman. In World War I I he was a staff sergeant i n the Air Force, a nose gunner, and was stationed in England. He is a farmer, l i v i n g northwest of Pana, 111. Children:

ROY3 ALLEN MORRISON, b. 11-1-1947 at Pana, 111.

JULIA3 LYNN MORRISON, b. 2-10-1950 at Pana, 111.

ROBERT2 EARL MORRISON, b. 8-25-1920 on a farm about 10 miles west of Pana, 111, ft, 8- -1943 at Assumption, 111., BETTY FRIED, b. 11-7-1924, dau. Mr. & Mrs, Fred Fried. He is a farmer, and lives near Neoga, 111. Children:

KAREN3 JUNE MORRISON, b. 5-21-1944 at Pana, 111.

GARRY3 MORRISON, b. 2-9-1946 at Pana, 111.

MATTIE1 ADELLE PIERPOINT, b, 3-16-1882 at Oconee, 111, d, 8-22-1882, is buried i n the Pierpoint lot in Oconee Cemetery.

Sources- Private communications from Hazel Cothern, John Orr Pierpoint, William A. Morrison, J r . , Frank P. Morrison, Ruth Hawker Igo, Fern (Mrs. Hayes) Pierpoint, and Vera Pierpoint Shuler.


LILLA A. PEIRPOINT, b. 1847, dau. John Jackson and Sarah (Smell) Peirpoint (see p. 15), m. 1-28-1872 in Monongalia County, W. Va., NICHOLAS B. MADERA, b. 1839, marble cutter. They lived later in Washington, D. C. Nicholas died in December, 1893, L i l l a in A p r i l 1922. Children:

LUCY 1 MADEIRA, b. 5-19-1873, attended vassar College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y,, and for many years was headmistress of her own g i r l ' s finishing school, The Madeira School, near Washington, D. C. in Vi r g i n i a . She m. 8-17-1917 DAVID L- WING« She has had no children of her own, but has two step, children. She now lives at The Land, Green-way, Fairfax County, Vi r g i n i a ,

FRANK1 MADEIRA, b, 6-30-1874, m. JANE HINKLEY of Pough­keepsie. N> X* He had a good position with the Equitable Life Assurance Society in Raw York City, He d. about November, 1926, in Poughkeepsie, No children.

JULIA 1 MADEIRA, b, 2-23-1879. She worked for the U. S» Mint in Denver and in Washington, D. C, between long illnesses. She never married. She d. about 1915 or 1916.

ALBERT1 MADEIRA, b„ 7-24-1881, m, 1st 10-21-1909 DOROTHY JOY, b, 6-17-1686 at Boston, Mass,, dau. Franklin Lev/is and Jennie Bickf o.rd (Means) Joy, She d. 12-26-1918, He m. 2nd 6-4-1920 FEARL MEWSHAPf, b. 12-12-1885 at Woodlawn (Now part of Baltimore), Md,, dau, Joshua Scott and Juniata Holbrook (P. i c bards on j Mewshaw, She now lives at 265 Elm St,, Northampton, Mass, Albert Madeira was a member of the Btook-brokerage firm of John L. Edwards & Co., Washington, D. C. He d. 11-5-1925„ Children of Albert and Dorothy (Joy) Madeira:

ALBERT2 PIERPONT MADEIRA, b, 5-31-1911, He graduated from Bowel o in College. Brunswick, Me, in 1933, and re­ceived an M« A, degree from University of New Hamp­shire, Durham, N„ H,, in 1949, He m, 6-7-1941 Beatrice Vom Banr, He has taught at St, Paul's School Concord, ÏU K. and Smith College,, Northampton, Mass., and now teaches at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass., where he lives at 66 Woodside Ave. Children:



Page 74 (Lucy's S i b l i n g s - L i l l a , con t 'd . )

NANCY2 MADEIRA, b. 10-3-1912. She graduated from Wells Col lege , Aurora, N . Y. i n 1934. She m. 6-23-1945 STANLEY WARD MAG CONNELL, who has taught at S t . Pau l ' s School , Concord, N . H. since 1929. They l i v e at the school . Chi ld ren :

RICHARD3 JOY MAC CONNELL, b . 1-13-1947, d.1-16-1947.

ANNE3 MAC CONNELL, b . 10-22-1948

JANET3 MAC CONNELL, b . 9-14-1950

NICHOLAS2 JOY MADEIRA, b . 12-18-1918, attended Harvard U n i v e r s i t y , Cambridge, Mass. 1939-1941. During World War I I hewas i n M i l i t a r y In te l l igence i n the European Theater. He attended Columbia U n i v e r s i t y , New York C i t y 1947-1948. He i s at present experiencing a long i l l n e s s , and l i v e s at Foundation Inn, Stockbridge, Mass.

Chi ldren of Alber t and Pear l (Mewshaw) Madeira:

JOHN2 JAY PIERPONT MADEIRA, b , 7-1C-1921. Attended Princeton U n i v e r s i t y , Pr ince ton , N . J . i n the Class of 1944. He m. 7-26-1947 Catherine Ear le Lewis. They l i v e at 19 V a i l P l ace , Morristown, N . J . Ch i ld ren :

JOHN3 JAY PIERPONT MADEIRA, J R . , b . 1-28-1948


SALLY 2 LOU MADEIRA, b . 1-15-1923. Attended R a d c l i f f e Col lege , Cambridge, Mass. i n the Class of 1945. She m. 10- -1943 H . LINDLEY HOSFORD JR. They l i v e at 1905 Pen f i e ld Road, P e n f i e l d , N . Y . Ch i ld ren :


SUSAN3 HADLEY HOSFORD, b . 2-22-1951

JOAN2 MADEIRA, b. 3-10-1925. Attended R a d c l i f f e C o l ­l ege , Cambridge, Mass. i n the Class of 1947. She m. 1-1-1947 WILLIAM w. WALLWORK JR. They l i v e at 1405 S. River Road, Fargo, N . D, Ch i ld ren :



Sources: Private communications from Lucy Madeira Wing, Nancy Mac-Connell and Joan Wallwork,


ELLA M. PEIRPOINT, b. 12-22-1851 at Morgantown,(W.) V a . , dau. John Jackson and Sarah (Smell) P e i r p o i n t , (see p . 15) m. 4-16-1874 at Parkersburg, w. Va. ORIN JENKS, b . 9-18-1844 at P r o v i ­dence, R. I . He d . 3-3-1896, she d. 1-29-1930, both at Man-nington, W. Va. Ch i ld ren :

SUSAN1 PIERPONT JENKS, b . 1-15-1875 at Parkersburg, W. V a . , m. 6-3O-I896 at Mannington, W« V a . WILLIAM B . FLEMING, b . 10-10-1867 at MoAlevys F o r t , Pa. He d. 7-14-1939 at Peters­burg, P a . , she d . 8-26-1939 at Waterford, Ohio, both are buried at MoAlevys F o r t , Pa , . Ch i ld ren :

ROBERT2 JENKS FLEMING, b. 3-27-1897 at Mannington, W. V a . , m. 6-5-1918 at Cumberland, Mc. ORPHA GREASER of Mart insburg, Pa. They l i v e at Wi l l iamsburg , Pa . Chi ld ren :

RUTH3 ELEANOR FLEMING, b . 11-18-1919 at Wil l iamsburg, Pa . She i s unmarried, and l i v e s i n Har r i sburg , Pa.

ROBERT3 EUGENE FLEMING, b . 10-29-1920 at W i l l i a m s ­burg, P a . , m. I-I3-I945 at New Orleans, L a . ANNA RUTH BYE of New Orleans. During World War I I he served i n the Navy, They l i v e i n Wil l iamsburg, Pa . Ch i ld ren :

SANDRA4 JEAN FLEMING, b . 10-28-1946 at Al toona , Pa ,

ROBERT4 SAMUEL FLEMING, b . 8-19-1948 at Al toona, Pa .

JERR0LD4 JAMES FLEMING, b . 4-15-51 at Al toona , Pa,

DORIS3 VIRGINIA FLEMING, b . 8-8-1923 at Alexandr ia , P a . , m, 2-19-1944 at Winchester, V a . , DEAN w. HEARN of Wil l iamsburg, Pa, They l i v e at W i l l i a m s ­burg, Pa , C h i l d :

CLAUDIA4 ANN HEARN, b . 10-1-1948 at Al toona , Pa .

MARJORIE3 LOUISE FLEMING, b . 9-8-1925 at W i l l i a m s ­burg, P a , , m, 2-I4-I948 at Huntingdon, Pa, FRANCIS C. YOUNG of Hol l idaysburg , Pa . They l i v e at H o l -l idaysburg , Pa , Ch i ld ren :

DENNIS4 ALLEN YOUNG, b . 5-26-1949 at Altoona, P a ,

SHIRLEY 4 LOUISE YOUNG, b. 5-2-1950 at Al toona , P a , , d , 5-16-1951, buried at Geeseytown, Pa ,

Page 76 (Lucy's S ib l ings - E l l a , cont 'd)

WILLIAM3 PAUL FLEMING, b , 2-12-1928 at W i l l i a m s ­burg, P a . , m. 6-I3-I946 at Cumberland, Md. HELEN LOOSE of Tyrone, Pa . They l i v e at Tyrone, Pa . Chi ld ren :

HELEN 4 JA2ÏE FLEMING, b . 3-31-1947 at Al toona , Pa .

HARRY4 WILLIAM FLEMING, b . 7-12-1950 at Al toona, Pa .

LOUISE 2 ELEANOR FLEMING, b, 8-6-1899 at Mannington, W. V a . , m. 9-2-1922 at Bakertown, W. V a . , RUSSELL BEST of Bakertown, W. V a . They l i v e at Bakertown, W. V a . Chi ld ren :

GERALDINE3 BEST, b . F e b . , 1927 at Bakertown, W. Va .

ALICE 3 BEST, b . Aug. 1929 at Bakertown, W. V a ,

ROBERT^ BEST, b. Sept. 1931 at Bakertown, W. Va,

WAYNE2 PIERPONT FLEMING, b . 12-4-1904 at Salem, W. V a . , m. I94I MARY LUMADUE of P h i l l i p s b u r g , Pa . They l i v e at Bal t imore , Md. C h i l d :

LINDA3 FLEMING, b. Dec. 1949 at Bal t imore, Md.

HAROLD2 HUSTON FLEMING, b . 3-19-1914 at Alexandr ia , P a . , m. June 1940 at Alexandr ia , Pa . HELEN HARSHBARGER. They l i v e at Tyrone, Pa . Chi ld ren :

ANN 3 LOUISE FLEMING, b. Aug. 1943 at Bal t imore , Md.

DAVID 3 FLEMING, b . 6-12-1950 at Huntingdon, P a .

CLARA1 MAY JENKS, b . 12-11-1876 at Parkersburg, W. V a . , m. I2-2I-I909 FRED WALTER of N o r f o l k , Va. She d . 2-16-1931 at N o r f o l k , Va. No c h i l d r e n .

SARA 1 WILLARD JENKS, b . 6-6-1879 at Flemington, W. V a . , m. 10-12-1911 CHARLES DRAKE of Mannington, W. Va . She now l i v e s at Waterford, Ohio, Ch i ld ren :

MARTHA2 ELLEN DRAKE, b . 10-6-1913 at Mannington, V/. V a . , m. 6-3O-I945 at Waterford, Ohio, RICHARD C. EVANS of Media, Pa , C h i l d :

RICHARD3 DRAKE EVANS, b. 3-3-1950 at Media, Pa .

Page 77 (Lucy's S ib l i ngs - E l l a , cont 'd)

SARAH2 LOUISE DRAKE, b. 10-26-1915 at Mannington t W. V a . , m* 6-27-I942 at Waterford, Ohio ROGER EMISH of Middleport , Ohio. They l i v e i n D e t r o i t , Mich* Ch i ld ren :

MARY3 SARAH EMISH, b . 3-3-1947 at D e t r o i t , Mich .

ELIZABETH3 ANN EMISH, b. 7-4-1948 at D e t r o i t , M i c h .

IDA 2 ELIZABETH DRAKE, b . 8-19-1917 at Mannington, W. V a . , a . I-25-I947 at Waterford , Ohio RICHARD ABBOT of Cleveland, Ohio

WALTER1 LEITCH JENKS, b . 10-16-1881 at Flemington, W. V a . , m. 12-21-1910 at Mannington, W. Va . LILAH GRAFF. He d . 3-5-I95O at Mannington, W. V a . No c h i l d r e n .

ALICE 1 G. JENKS, b. 6-15-1885 at Mannington, W. V a . , m. 8-II-I922 at Mannington, W. Va . PEARL MATTHEW LOUGH. She l i v e d i n Parkersburg, W. Va . u n t i l the f a l l of 1952, now l i v e s wi th her s i s t e r Sara at Waterford, Ohio. No c h i l d ­r en .

Sources: Private communications from Alice Jenks Lough and Robert Jenks Fleming,


70 70 69

69 69 69

61 58 65 36 67

Abbey, Minnie Valette 44 Abbot, Ricliard 77 Abercrombie, Rebecca Ann 17 Abrams

Arlene3 Gloria3 June Rule

Als on Bonnie^ Yvonne Lois4 Marguerite Walton S.

Anderson Harold John

Andrew, Elba Lee Armsworthy, George Arthur, Fern

Baker Margaret Ann Reuben

Banta, Charlotte Adele Barnes

Barbara4 Sue William

Bassier, Thomas Beck

Arthur Gerald4 J ame a4 Walter

4 4 4

Best Alice3 Geraldine3 Robert3 Russell

Bice (Boice), Edmund Biddle, William Bierson, Elizabeth Bike, Sally (11) Booth, Anna Bowersock

Charles Nancy3 Stella3 Lou

Brand George^ Milton George2 Pierpoint 1 Harvey James" Pierpoint Joseph 2 Milton Margaret 2 Emma

Page 78

19 16,19


70 70 35

58 58 58 58 58 58 58

76 76 7f 76 12 61 33 11 38

71 71 71

64 64 64 64 64 64

William, Nerval Willism* Nerval

Brewer, Myrtle

42 3,42 42,43


Brand (cont'd) Mary2 Virginia 64 Willa* Norvella 29,37,64

15,63 64 8

Brodrick, Catherine 62 Brown, Helen 59 Bullock

Franoea* Elliott Jcha Oldham Louise 2 Talbot

Bye, Anna Ruth Cairney

Bo.iita4 N i l e CIinton3 Raymond Duke Frederiok^ R, Georg ia 4 Lee Jacque l ine 4

Jame>i| William Leroy3 Mormor4 Lee Roc'oaun4

Campbell Eimuvid Jchn f ê

Chandler j Elizabeth. Clarkj Amy Cochran, James Cole

Catherine 4 Ann Charles3 Charles4 j>. John

Cond i t Eleanor3 Louise George Smith

Cothern, Joseph Nelson

Darnell, Aaron Dareb, L i e l a DeSonis, Elsie DeClerk, Mary Margaret Dent, Lou D onne 1

Charlotte3 jean John

D o o l i t t l e , Rebecca Drake

Charles H a 2 Elizabeth Martha 2 Ellen

60 60 60 60 61 61 61 61 61 61

11 4,11

28 61 24

60 60 60 60

63 63 67

17 65 56 71 61

69 69 30

76 77 76

Index, Cont'd Page 79

Drake (cont'd] Élarah* Louise

Duckett Charity Richard

Dunn Janes (26) James Jane (13) John Martha Mary-Sarah. Thomas


21 21

16,24,27,28 27

16,19,27 27 27 27 27

16,19,27 Dvorak, William George 50

Eddy, Gawan E i l e r s , E l l a Louise Emish

Elizabeths Ann Mary3 Sarah Roger

Engs trom Gordon3 Thor Thor3 j r .

Erisman, Charlotte Evans

Richard C. Richard^ Drake

Evanson, Mary

F e l l , Lydia Fetty (Fiety,

Conrod David David C. Edith (5) Elga E l l Gee Elmer Francis M, Goorge George Jacob John John John (10) John J r . John P, Joseph


9 71

77 77 77

63 63 63 72

76 76 28


13 12 14

,11,14,65 12 12 11 14 11

13,14 12 11

13,14 7,10,14

12 14 13

Fetty (cont'd) Ju l i a Ann 12 Lou: s a 12 May cui 14 Mary 11 Moses 14 Peter 13 P h i l i p 12 Phoebe 11 Pleasants 12 Sally 12 Samuel 13 Samuel 14 Sanford 12 Tetrick 13 Thomas G. 11 Vincent 13 William Leonard 11,12 William 14

Fleming Ann-? Louise 76 David3 76 Doris3 Virginia 75 Harold 2 Huston 76 Harry 4 William 76 Helend Jane 76 J err old 4 James 75 Linda3 76 Louise 2 Eleanor 76 Marjorie 5 Louise 75 Robert 5 Eugene 75 Robert 2 Jenks 75 Robert 4 Samuel 75 Ruth 5 Eleanor 75 Sandra4 Jean 75 Wayne2 Pierpent 76 William B. 75 William3 Paul 76

Forman Frank 4 58 Helen 4 Louise 58 James4 58 Vernon 4 58 Wayne 58 Wayne4 j r . 58

Fried, Betty 72 Frum

Allena 2 May 57 Amelia (Mrs. Lynch 5) 59 Annie 2 L. 50 Arthur3 60

Index, Cont'd Page 80

Frum (cont'd) Barry 4 Lee Bessie 2

Charles 3

D a r y l 4

Edgar 5

Eileen-* Elizabeth 2

Ellen5 Lee Ellwood 4

Ernest 2


Evelyn (Mrs. William3) Everett J

F ay 3 Frances-* Frank 5

Frank3 Franklin 2 W» Gary5 Russell Gladys 4 Graced Harrison 5 Dent Harry 2

Hazel3 Helen (Mrs. Ernest 2) Helen 5

James2 W, Jonathan Jonathan 2 Lewis Layton 2

L i l l i e 2 B. Lynch3 Margaret? Mary 2 N. Nancy (or Ann) Nellie3 Randy? Allen Robert4 Ronald5 Daryl Russell 5

Russell4 j r . Russell? William Ruth 4 Ann Ruth3 Vincent 5

V i r g i n i a 5

Wanda5 June William3 William 4

4 4 4 4

61 61 60 59 57 59 61 59 59 60 59 58 59 57 61 57 59 57 58 59 59 61 60 58 60 60 57 57 61 61 59 59 58 60 28 58 58 59 59 58 58 59 58 59 59 57 61 58 58 60 59 59 59 59

Frum (cont'd) 4


Galvin Jane4 Banning Katherine4 Shepherd William Michael

Garretson (Garrason) Ann Ann Catherine (101) 23 Elizabeth Gerritt John Henry Henry J r . Peter Powell

George, Thomas Henry Gerwig, Ida Anna Gilbert, Romayn Gleason, Jane Graff, L i l a h Gratton, Alex Greaser, Orpha Gregg, C e c i l i a Alice Groenendale, Dorothy Grubbs, Joseph Gull. Hanway, Sarah Harker, Owen Harris, Jesse Harshbarger, Helen Hartley

Carole 5 Ann Jack 2

Polly (Mrs. Jack 2) Hawker

Charles Thompson Hazel 2

Paul 2

Ruth 2

Walter 2

Hawkins, Robert Hayes, Charles Hearn

Claudia4 Ann Dean W.

Henderson David Lona Mathew

70 70

51 51 50

26 26

,25,26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 51 52 40 68 77 65 75 55 45 36 31

19 27 44 76

66 66 66

65 66 66 66 66 69 27

75 75

12 60 11

Index, Cont'd Page 01

Hinkley, Jane Holland

Clayton 2 Clark Clyde 2 Lewis Edna 2 May James Lewis P. Mary2 Well Margaret3 jane

Hosford Christopher 5 Lindley H. Lindley J r . Susan3 Hadley

Humphreys Carl Dick Jane3 Pierpont Dick John3 William Dick J u l i e t 5 Forsyth Dick V i r g i n i a 5 Carter Dick

Hutcheson, Mary (55) 27 Igo

Lester Lee Timothy5 Doyle

Jackson Claude 5


Frank J. O l l i e 5

3 ~ 3

Jacob, Susan Jacobs, Joseph Jankie, Kraia Jarrett, Hester J enks

A l i c e ! G. Clara 1 May Orin Sara 1,Willard Susan-1-. Pierpont Walter-^eitch

Johnson, Sebre M. Jones

Abigail Alice Barbara 5

Benjamin Benjamin Benjamin


62 62 62 21 61 62 62

74 74 74

41A 41A 41A 41A 41A ,28

66 66

G-alloway (8)

- A. Betsy? Pierpont Catherine 2 Gerwig

57 57 57 57 57 57 30 30 39 17

77 76

75 77 7

9 8 54 9 9 8 54 52

Jones (cont'd) Charles 1 Carrington

, 5,6,10,38 Charles? Carter Charles 0. C e c i l i e 2 Gloria Daniel Webster Don3 Forsyth Dorothea 2 Grace Edith Edithl Pierpont Elisabeth 2 Edith Elizabeth 5 Ann Ezekial Fanny- Florence Francis 2 Forsyth Frank P. George Ge orgel aien Gilo ert Grace 1 Pierpont Harry, F, Henry 2 Carter Jacob Jane John John Byron Josephus Julio ; 2 "Virtue Ka tiler i ne 5 Laughl in Kerneth1

Luc f Lyle 1 Laughlin Lyle* Laughlin J r . Maude M i t r e d 1

Miimie 011/er S h i r t l i f f (2)

1,2,3,4,5,7,11,15 6 39

6,55 7


41A 8 55

2,8,11 41A

55,56 8

38,46 39,41A

40 9

3,5.6,42 38,39,40

8 8 6 8

5,6,45 8

39,41 9 9 9 8

7,8 39,40

54 6 8

6,52 52,53 8,10

6 8

Paul-1- Pierpoint P h i l i p 2 Pierpont Ray 1 Russell Sarah Ser .Ida Ann Va l e t t e 2 s. V i r g i l V. Virginia V i r g i n i a 2 Louise Wilber 2

William Henry William M. (4)


44 2,8 8

7,8 39,41B

44 2,7

Index, Cont'd Pap© 82

8 5,6,44

73 63 11

Jones (cont'd) William Orren W i l l i a m ^ i l b e r

Joy, Dorothy Keighley, Elizabeth Kern, Mary K i l i e r s , Margrete or

Maria 32 Kliewer

Cecilie? Joyce 56 Herman Alb ert 56 Janet3 Arden 56

Knight, Casandra 27 Lange, Frederic G. M. 63 Larkin

Elizabeth 20 John 21 Mahitabel 21

Lazzell, Grant 8 Lee

Anna2 Hazel 67 William E. 67

Lewellen, David 9 Lewis, Catherine Earle 74 Loch, Anna Elizabeth 35 Longbotham

01iver3 Pierpont 56 Ralph Maynard 56 Ralph3 Maynard 56

Loose, Helen 76 Lough, Pearl Matthew 77 Lumadue, Mary 76

Mac Connell Anne3 74 Janet3 74 Richard3 joy 74 Stanley Ward 74

McCord, wilda Lorine 61 McElroy

Larry 4 6 l W. L. 61

McGeachin, Fern 68 McMillan (McMullen) Anna

(9) 10 Machin, Mary 64 Macon, Lee 66 Madera (Madeira)

AlbertJ 73 Albert 2 Pierpont 73 Bessie 2 Blaine 63 Carol3 Pierpont 73 Charles 1 Rufus 63


Madera (Madeira) (cont'd) Emily 1

Frank-1-George Georgia 2 (Gertrude P. Joan John 2 Jay Pierpont John3 njay Pierpont Jr J u l i a L i l l a Lucy 1

Marcia? Trowbridge Nancy2

Nicholas B, Nicholas 2 Joy S a l l y 2 Lou Timothy3 Lewis

Makin, Clarence R, Mansberger, Rosie Marriott, William R. V. Marshall

Edward M. Jennifer 4 Jeanne

Mason, Nancy May

Ann (3D Elizabeth George (30) Henry Joannah Mary (15) 29 Sarah Sophia Susannah William

Mehi, Lizz i e Mewshaw, Pearl Michael, Ellery M i l l e r

Betty Edna

Miner Catherine3 Sawyer Constance? Gerwig Mary3 Ann Stanley Pingrey

Moreland, E l i

63 73

15,63 ) 63

74 74

. 74 73 38

8 74

15,73 74 74 74 67 58 41


69 11 36

29,36 29,36 16,36

36 •31,36

36 3f 36

16,36 68 73 8

59 39

53 53 53 5 2


Morgan Anne Annie L, Catherine Charles David Evan Henry


25 62 24 25

,24,25 25 25

Index, Cont'd Pag« 83

Morgan (cont'd) James Morgan (100) Morgan J r . Nancy Ann (25)

18, Temperance Zackquill (50)18,

Morris, Etta Morrison

Bernice 2

Carol 2 Daniel Charles? William Donald 2 Merle Frank3 Frederick Frank 2 Pierpoint Garry3 Harry 2 Kenneth Helen 2 Evelyn Jeanne3 Ellen Judith 3 Elaine Julia3 Lynn Karen3 June Kenneth^ Robert Patricia3 Louise Robert 2 Earle Ronald3 Lee Roy3 Allen Sharolyn3 Ann William Albert William 2 Alonzo William? Herbert William3 John

Moxley, Erma Lorerne Munson, L i l l i e May

Neal, Rose

Olson, Wallace U", Orr

Bessie Dean Ruth

Osburn, Hazel

25 23,24,25


19,21,24 24

23,24,25 8

69 71 71 72 70

71 71 71 71 72 72 71 70 72 70 72 70 69 71 70 71 70 66



65 8 61

Parker, Hattie Grace 57 Paxton, Nancy (51) 24 Peirpoint (Pierpoint , Perpoynt, Pearepoint, Parepoint, Pairpoint, Pearpoint)

Alfred E. 17 Arthur 2 68 Calvin 15 Carol3 Kay 68

Peirpoint, etc. (cont'd) David E d i t h 2 Alone E d i t h 1 E l l a E l l a M. Eugene Francis Francis Francis

Harrison Gertrude

Francis George2

Grace 1

Hayes 1

Henry Jacob James James2

Jane Jane3 Lea John John John (24) John Jr, John 2 Hayes John Jackson

22 66 65

15,76 17 17

16,19 20,21 2,19 68 $ 7

68 20,21


John? Jolnvj

Morgan Orr

Jay Jones

John 2

John 2

Jonathan Larkin Sr. Larkin J r . Larkin (12) Larkin J r , L i l l a A, Lucy May (3) Margaret Jane Martha Martin 2

Mary Mary Mary Ann Mattiel Adelle Nancy Ann Norma3 Lou Obediah Robert 2

Robert3 William Ruby2 Myrtle S a l l y 1 Belle Sarah

68 17 68 23 21

17,18,19,22,24,27 19 68

(6) 7,14,15,16,30 57,63,65,73,75

65 65 67 65 •22

20,21,22 21,22

16,19,27 17

• 15j73 1»4,5,7,15

15,63 17 69 17 21

15,57 72 19 67 20 68 68 67 67


Index, Cont'd Page 04

Peirpoint, etc, (cont'd) Sarah SherianA Kaye S t e l l a 1 Mabel Sylvanus Edwin Temperance Thomas Dunn Vera 2

William William. William^ Clyde

Everett W i l l i a m 2

William H. Zack q u i l l Z a c k q u i l l

Pfender, C h r i s t i n a P i l e s , Elizabeth Preston, Emily Theresa

Ralphsnider, Catherine 31 Reed

James John (54) John J r , John Joseph Joseph Martha Sarah (27) William

Richardson A. J . Sarah

Ridgeway Russell Dorcas

Robe, Josiah Roberts, Bertha Rogers

Catherine 2

Goldie Samuel Henning

Runner, Elizabeth

Scott, Jacob 24 Shaw, Henry 29,31 Shehan, George 36 Shi b l e r , Mary E l l e n 62 Shiveley, Terresa 11 Show, Helen 59 Shuler, Laurence E, 69 Simmons

Dorothy M, 41 Sarah 21

Simons, V i r g i n i a 61

2 0

8 19 30 71

I? 45 30

Smell (Schmel, Schmohl, Smeal, Schmell, Smale, Snale, Smehl, Schmeel, Schmail, Shmehl) Adam Adam J r , Andreas Anna Elizab e t h Anna Margaret Catherine Catherine Conrad El i z a b e t h E l i z a b e t h E l i z a b e t h E l i z a b e t h Elizabeth E l i z a b e t h Elizabeth (Mrs. P h i l i p )


35 29,31

33 35 35

31 George (John George) 30,33 George Jacob (14) John John Adam John Jacob John Michael Joseph Jost, Yoste, Joseph Lavina Magdalena Magdalena Magdalena Magdalena Margaret Margrethe ( K i l i e r s ) Mar i a Mary Michael (56) Michael J r . Michael Michael Michael Michael Michael Nicholas Nicholas Peter Peter Peter J r ,

35 29,30,31,36

35 34,35

35 33 30 35 30 33 35 35 36 33 30 33 31

30,32,33,35 30,31,33

30 31 32 34 35 35

, 34,35 16,30,31

35 35

P h i l i p (John P h i l i p ) (28) 14,30,31,33

P h i l i p 16,31 P h i l i p 30 P h i l i p 35

Index, Cont'd Page 85

Smell, Etc. (cont'd) Sarah (7) 7,14,15,30,37,

57,63,65,73,75 Susanna (Mrs, John

Michael) 33 Susanna 33

Smith Elery 62 Elizabeth 11 George 9 Mary Hope 53

Snider Prederick 31 Lucy 8

Soule, Nadine 66 Spencer

Christopher 3 48 Meade Ashley 48 Michael 3 Jared 49 Nancy3 Ashley 49

Springer, Dru s i l l a 24 Spurgeon, Jonathan 31 Stephens, Charles 8 Stevens, W. E. 40 Stewart

Isabella 19 Joseph 17

Stickney Alpheus 2 Beede 47,51 Barbara 3 Pierpont 51 Charles Alpheus 46 Charles 2 Alpheus 47,49 Ed i t h 2 Pierpont 47 Emily 2 Pierpont 47,48 Emily 3 Preston 50 J u l i a 3 Hunnewell 50

S t i l l w e l l , Vylinda 17 Stoker

Opal 3 61 61

Swanson, Bernard 40

Trickett Joseph 36 Mary 36 Michael 36

Turner, Charles 62

Urso, Herbert 70

Vance, Sophia 4,11 Vandervort

Charles 8 Etta 8 Jane (Peirpoint) 7,8

Vandervort (cont'd) Jennie 8 John 8 John J r . 8 Laura Emma 7,8 Lizzie 8 Nicholas 28 Roy 8 Strother 7,8 Wilbur 8

Van Gilder, Mary 36 Van Swearingen, Leah 63 Virtue, Jane 38,39 vom Baur, Beatrice 73

wailwork Lucy 3 Madeira 74 S a l l y 3 Hutchinson 74 William W. J r . 74

Walter, Fred 76 Warman, Franklin 17 Watson

John 19 Lydia 29

Watts, Martha E. 60 Weaver

Catherine 19 Laura E. 8

Webb James Cur t i s 70 Mark4 Alan 70

Wells, Elizabeth 17 West

Claude 3 60 Lenna 59 Louise 3 60 Mildred 3 60 S t e l l a 3 60 V i r g i n i a 3 60

Weston, B i l l i e 58 White

James4 Malcolm 62 Susan4 jane 62 Walter F. T. 62

Whiteman, Dessie 8 Wilcox

Alfred L. 67 DonaId4 James 6? Rebecca Jane 11

, Robert4 John 67 Willard, Delia § Williams

Irma 67 Lewis 29,36

Wilson, John 12

Index, Cont 'd Page 86

Wing, David L . 73 Winger

George 2 62 James H , 62

Wireback, E l i z a b e t h 33 Worthington, E lov ina 17 Wright

Annal Beck 62 Edgar 1 Bunker 62 Iantha 1 Olive 57 James 15,57 Laural Columbia 61 Olive 60 Palmon1 John 62 Palmon2 John J r , 62 Susan 2 Diana 62

Young Dennis 4 Allen 75 Francis C, 75 Sh i r l e y 4 Louise 75

Zimmerman, Vera 71

P.38 p.42 p. 6 p. 44

p. 6 p.46 p.52 p.55 p. 6 p. 6

p. 65 p.65 p.66 p.67 p.67 p.68 P.69 P-72

Charles 1

Florence 1

Paul 1

Wilber 1

Grace 1


Edith 1

Lyle 1


Mildred 1


John 1

Edith 1

William 1

S a l l y 1

Grace 1


S t e l l a 1

Mattie 1

p.57 Iantha 1

p.6l Laura 1

p .62 Palmon1

p.62 Anna1

p.62 Edgar1

p.63 Emily 1

p.63 Charles 1

p.64 George1

p.64 James1

p.64 W i l l a 1

p.73 Lucy 1

p.73 Frank 1

p.73 J u l i a 1

p.73 Albert 1

p.75 Susan1

p.76 Clara 1

p,76 Sara 1

p.77 Walter 1

p.77 A l i c e 1




Sarah Oliver (2) William Serilda V i r g i l Daniel Virginia Josephus Benjamin


William M. Jones (4)

Edith Fetty L(5)

Mary Ann m. James


m. 1st George MADERA

Margaret m. 2nd William


Calvin Sylvanus o William g

— Lucy (3) g Jacob

L i l l a m. Nich­olas MADERA

E l l a m. Orin JENKS

John Jackson Peirpoint (6)

Sarah Smell (7)

Benjamin Jones (8)

Anna Mc M i l l a n (9)

John Fet ty ( l O f

S a l l y Bike (11)

La rk in . Pe i rpoint


Jane .Dunn (13)

.0 i O

£, P< George

Fetty John Peirpcfint'


Nancy Ann (25) _Morgan

James Dunn (26)

Sarah Reed (27)

Larkin Pearpoint

B O U ft

Jacob Smell (14)

Mary May (15)

Philip Smell (28)

Elizabeth (29)

George May (30)

Larkin Peirpoint

Charity Duckett

Zackquill Morgan


Nancy Paxton

L (51)


Reed (54)

Mary Hutcheson

L (55) Michael Smell (56)

Margrethe K i l i e r s (57)

Morgan Morgan (100)

Catherine Garretson


•3 O


John Pairpoint

Mahitabel Larkin

Richard Duckett

John Larkin

Henry Garrason


Ann (31)