Luke 16:18 January 31, 2016 Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage

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Dominic SteeleLuke 16:18January 31, 2016

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Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage



e In giving guidelines for divorce, the Bible isn’t exhaustive here, rather godly wisdom is needed.

2 Corinthians 11

f God’s provision for divorce is often abused. Marriages are terminated that need not be and should not be. This is tragic.

g Let him who is without sin cast the first stone

John 8:3-11

h Before being prepared to officiate at a ‘Christian remarriage after divorce,’ I would want to be persuaded that the person putting themselves forward for remarriage has:

Has carefully considered what (if anything) they con-• tributed to the marriage breakdown and is repentant

Has sought (for their part) forgiveness from God and • (if possible) their ex-spouse.

Has explored whether reconciliation is possible. • (Essentially, before officiating at someones second marriage they need to be at peace that they have done what they could to have made their previous marriage work).

4 This week’s verse - Luke 16:18

Acknowledgement. There are points where I have drawn from a published paper by Dr John Woodhouse given at the Priscilla and Aquila Conference 2014 ( I’ve also benefited from a private discussion paper shared with me by Dr Mark Thompson

1 Divorce Care

2 Luke 16:18 & John 4:7-26

3 A thesis on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage a God gives people the wonderful privilege of marriage as a lifelong and exclusive union between a man and a woman.

Matthew 19:1-10,

Genesis 2:24

b Husbands and wives should do all they can to not just be faithful but to be what they are, ‘one flesh.’

c ‘Outside the garden’ all marriages are marred by our sinfulness and weakness (and there will be a rhythm of sin, apology and forgiveness). There is here a way of temporary separation and then coming together again.

Genesis 3, Genesis 42-44,

1 Corinthians 7:10-11

d There are times when due to the hardness of heart, (of at least one of the members of the marriage), divorce is the least worst option.

Matthew 5:31-32

1 Corinthians 7:12-16

An outline of our Bible talk is provided below. Please make any notes in the space provided. We welcome your feedback. If you have any comments or suggestions please use the Connect Card provided and leave it in the perspex box.

Dominic SteeleLuke 16:18January 31, 2016

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage