Lumbringa Tali

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Book about worms and avoiding getting sick from worms. Lumbringa Tali. Lian Tetun


   Lumbringa  Tali  

 Ilustradór  mak    Joao  Vitoriano  B.O.  Gusmao    


     Joao  Vitoriano  B.O.  Gusmao  mak  halo  dezeñu  ba  livru  ne’e  

These books are free to use, translate, copy and distribute. Books created using these pictures and/ or text may not be sold or copyrighted without permission of the author.

Sé deit bele uza, tradús, halo kopia, no fó livru ne’e ba ema seluk. Se hakarak fa’an livru ne’e ka halo copyright ba livru ne’e, tenke husu lisensa husi autór.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

Livru ne’e uza lisensa creative commons. Ne’e dehan katak sé deit bele uza, troka, no fó ema seluk, maibe ema ida la bele fa’an livru ne’e ba ema seluk. Atu haree kondisaun lisensa ne’e, bele haree iha ka haruka surat ba Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

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Livru sira ne’e bele hetan gratis husi

This book may be translated into other languages. If you would like your version of this book to be shared with others and distributed by us, or if you would like to sponsor the creation of a new book, please contact us at

Ita-boot bele tradus livru ne’e ba ita-nia lian.Se ita-boot halo nunee no hakarak fahe ita-boot nia livru ba ema barak, bele kontaktu ami no ami bele ajuda fahe livru sira. Favor kontaktu liu husi email:

Joao Vitoriano B.O Gusmao is an artist with Arte Moris art group To contact Arte Moris, email Website

Arte moris nia email mak Arte moris nia website mak



Lumbringa  Tali    Ilustradór  mak  Joao  Vitoriano  B.O.  Gusmao  



Armindo ho nia kolega sira halimar hamutuk bebeik. Loron ida, Armindo hasoru nia kolega sira iha dalan. Sira promete malu aban dadeer hasoru malu atu halimar hamutuk.



Armindo fila ba uma. Iha dalan klaran nia kabun moras, mak nia tee iha rai mamuk. Armindo la hatene, maibé nia moras lumbringa tali iha.


Armindo bá tiha ona, maibé ninia tee sei iha ne’ebá hela. Lumbringa tali nia tolun nakfera sai ular oan. Ular oan ne’e tama ba rai, hein atu tama fali ema seluk nia isin, liu husi ninia ain.



Aban dadeer, Armindo ho nia kolega sira halimar berlindus iha fatin ne’e. Sira hotu la uza siñelus.



Kolega balun halimar bola, no mós kolega feto sira halimar wari. Sira hotu mós la uza siñelus.



Sira hotu la uza siñelus ka sapatu. Sira halimar iha fatin ne’ebé Armindo tee. Lumbringa tali nia ular tama ba sira-nia isin, liu hosi liman ho ain tanan.



Aban iha eskola, sira hotu kabun moras. Sira moras tanba lumbringa tali tama ba sira-nia isin. Sira moras hela de’it. Tanba ne’e sira susar atu aprende buat ida iha eskola.



Ita hotu tenke kuidadu moras lumbringa tali. Atu la bele hetan moras ne’e: 1- Sempre soe bee boot iha sintina,

la bele soe bee boot iha fatin seluk.

2- Depois de soe bee, fase liman ho sabaun.

3- Sempre uza siñelus ka sapatu.