Lumea povestilor - The fairy tales' land

Post on 08-May-2015

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The Kid and the Three Goats

Long , long time ago, somewher, near a forest , three goats and a kid( baby

goat) lived: mommy goat, aunty goat and granny goat.

The kid was really spoiled. Every morning he would call his mommy to get

him dressed.

Mother goat, mother goat, dress me, I can’t do it by myself.

And mother came and got him dressed. Then he got hungry and he started

shouting again:

Aunty, feed me, feed me, I can’t do it by myself. And she came quickly and she

used to feed him.

The kid was playing all day long and when he got sleepy he started shouting


Granny goat, granny goat, come and put me to sleep because I can’t do it by


And granny used to come and sing lullabies and put him to bed.

All those things used to happen every day. But one time the three

goats went to visit one of their neighbours. And that day in mommy’s

place a fox came and it stole all the kid’s clothes. Then instead of

aunty a bear arrived and it ate all the food. In the end,in granny’s

place a wolf came to the baby goat and it wanted to put him to bed,

then to eat him.

The kid ran away and hid until his family came back. When they did

he told the three goats what had happened and he promised that he

would be the best, the most hard-working and most obedient .

The Story of the Brown Bear

Once upon a time, there was a brown bear that arrived by mistake at the

North Pole, among the white bears there. He didn’t know how he arrived

there, but he was very curious to see all the ice there, all the seals playing

in the water.“Look”, he heard suddenly, “there is a dirty bear here!” and he

saw a seal laughing and making faces on him. “He is, so dirty from the top

to the bottom, as if he was washed into sauce.” “What a funny bear!” they

continued to laugh.

The bear was confused, and he was about to start laughing at a dirty bear,

but he saw no one there. It is well known that all the bears are very, but

very clean any time.

Suddenly, he understood.

“Are you laughing at me?” he asked.

“Of course, dear dirty bear” the seals answered laughing again.

“I cleaned myself this morning” he tried to explain them. But they had no ears to listen

to him. So, he got very sad and left. On his way, he met some white bears.

“Hey!” he said “so glad to meet you!” tried the brown bear make some conversation.

“Who is this dirty creature?” they ask looking at him strangely.

“Don’t you see I am a bear, just like you?”

“Bears are very nice and especially clean creature. Can’t you see? They are all white”

they answered. Then, they left him alone and went away.

“What a pity…” the brown bear started to cry. “I traveled all this long way to be treated

like this!...”

While he was crying alone, sitting on a block of ice, a penguin came close to him ask-

ing: “Why are you so sad, dear bear?”

“I came here, tried to get some friends, but everybody rejects me because I am dif-

ferent. I am not a white bear, as the bears here, I am brown. In the place I come

from, all the bears are like this. And they consider me dirty. It is not fear. If I am not

like them, this doesn’t mean I am good for nothing. I am just different, nothing

more, nothing less.”

“Come with me” the penguin asked him. And he took the brown bear, gave him

some soap, asked him to get cleaned.

“But I did cleaned me this morning” he replied. “I am clean.”

“Never mind” the penguin said. “Just, please, do me this favour. Wash yourself


The brown bear did as the penguin said, but he was not very happy with this, as, be-

side they all rejected him for his colour, now, they were considering him a liar. Now,

all covered by soap, the brown bear became… white. All the bears admired his fur

and he was accepted to play together. He was very surprised now.

But as they were playing happily, a huge block of ice broke and a small bear was

taken away on it.

“My sweet little baby!...” a mother bear started crying.”Help me, please, help my


No bear dared to sink and swim to save him. But the brown bear did it.

He swam, took the little baby bear, brought it to his mother, then, came away from

the water.

But… surprise: the nice bear whom they had been played some hours ago was…


All the bears were shocked.

But the mother bear said: “I don’t care of your colour, I do care of your soul. You

are a brave bear, and we love you for this.”

From that very moment, he was treated very well, and nobody considered him dirty


The dirtiness of people is not in their fur, but in their soul.

Once upon a time there was a little girl who had no name. Her grandmoth-

er gave her a red cap and ever since her name became Little Red Riding Hood.

One summer day mother sent the little girl to her granny’s house because she was

ill. Mother gave her a basket with a bottle of milk and a cake and advised the girl

to walk only on the straight path and not to talk to any strangers. On her way to

grandma , Little Red Riding Hood met the wolf and he had found out where she

was going and where granny lived.

Little Red Riding Hood

The wolf decided to eat them both so he tricked the girl and told

her to pick up a bunch of flowers for her granny ,and ,in the

meantime , he left, went to grandma’s house and ate her. Then

he took her clothes, put them on, sat on the bed waiting for the


Little Red Riding Hood arrived and she got scared when she saw how

granny looked like, so she asked:

Oh granny, why do you have such big eyes?

Oh granny, why do you have such big hands?

Oh granny, why do you have such a big mouth?

The wolf said “ so I can you eat easier” and ate the girl.

The hunter who was grandma’s friend saved them both and the

girl promised that she would always listen to her mother’s advice.

The Little Bag with Two Coins

Once upon a time there were an old woman and an old man who lived in the coun-

tryside. The old man had a rooster and the woman a hen. The woman was very proud and

happy because the hen laid an egg every day but she was also very greedy and never of-

fered a single egg to the man. In vain did the old man ask the woman for some eggs, she never wanted to

hear about sharing them with the man.

- “Beat your rooster if you want to eat eggs! My hen didn’t lay any egg until I started beat-

ing her!”

Tempted and greedy, the old man ran after the rooster, caught him and beat the

poor animal. -”You start laying eggs or you’ll leave my house, because you are just a burden to me!”

The rooster escaped from the old man’s hands, scared and dazed, started wander-

ing when he saw on the road a little bag with a couple of coins in it. Very happy, he took

the little bag in his beak and went to the old man’s house. While he was going back home,

very pleased with his little treasure, the rooster met a carriage with some elegant ladies and a landlord. The man saw the rooster and told the driver:

- “Go down and bring me the little bag from the rooster’s beak!’

The driver took the little bag and brought it to the man. The man put the bag in his

pocket and ordered the driver to move on. The rooster, very angry, followed the carriage

and yelled:

Cucurigu, mighty man, Give me back my two coins bag!

The landlord, irritated by the rooster’s perseverance, seeing a fountain, ordered the driver

to throw the rooster in it!

What could the driver do but obeying? He went down from the carriage, caught the rooster

and threw him into the fountain! When the rooster saw the danger, he started drinking the water from the fountain until he could fly away from there.

Then he started running after the carriage again,

yelling as loudly as he could: Cucurigu, mighty

man, Give me back my two coins bag!

Very angry, the landlord said:

You trouble rooster, I will take care of you!

As soon as the landlord arrived at his mansion, he

ordered a woman from the kitchen to throw the

rooster in an oven’s fire. The woman caught the rooster and threw him into the fire, putting a rock at

the oven’s door. But the rooster started then to pour

all the water he had drunk from the fountain and

put the fire out flooding the kitchen. Then he re-

moved the rock from the oven’s door and started yelling again:

Cucurigu, mighty man,

Give me back my two coins bag!

Well, I found my Godfather with this rooster,

says the angry landlord!

Take him and throw him into the middle of the cattle, maybe he’ll be crushed by an an-

gry bull and we’ll be over with him! The driver took the rooster and threw him in the middle of the cattle. That was all the rooster was waiting for. He started gobbling one after another all the

cows and all the bulls and flew to the landowner’s window, yelling again:

Cucurigu, mighty man,

Give me back my two coins bag!

The landowner didn’t know what else to do to get rid of this rooster! He threw him in his

cellar where all his money was kept, hoping that this way, the rooster would choke itself with one coin. But, the greedy rooster, emptied the landowner’s chest full of golden coins, got out

from the cellar and yelled again: Cucurigu, mighty man,

Give me back my two coins bag!

When the landowner saw that it was not possible to defeat the rooster, he gave

him the little bag only to get rid of him. Happy, the rooster took his little bag in his beak and went back to the old man’s house! The landowner was shocked when he saw all his chickens fol-

lowing the rooster, like at a weddin—

I am happy not to have anything to do with this rooster anymore, said the landowner, he

brought me only bad luck! Very proud with a whole crowd surrounding him,the rooster got to the

old man’s house and started yelling: “Cucurigu!!! Cucurigu!!!” When the old man heard the

rooster’s voice, he got out off the house and saw the giant rooster surrounded by a lot of chick-ens. He had never seen such a thing before in his life! The proud rooster asked for a rug to be

put in the middle of the yard. Quickly, the old man got the rug and the rooster beated his wings

and soon the old man’s yard was full of cattle and the rug full of money. The old man’s eyes

started sparkling of joy, and he didn’t know what to do for his clever rooster. When the old wom-

an saw such a racket, she came quickly to the old man’s yard to see what was happening. When she saw so much money, she couldn’t believe it green of envy. Ashamed, she begged :

— Please, give me some money, old man!

— Eat your heart up, old lady! Did you give me any eggs when I asked you for? I did what you

told me and look what my rooster gave me! Beat your hen too if you want she brings you money!

The old lady, greedily looking at the money, and forgetting that what she had told the old man to

do was just a lie, caught her hen and beat her. The poor hen ran to the road escaping from the old woman’s angry hands. There, the hen saw a little crystal ball, swallowed it and went home

feeling very happy! He flew to her nest and after an hour gave the old lady the good news. The

old lady ran as fast as he could to see what treasures the hen had brought home! When she

looked in the nest and saw the little crystal ball, the old lady got so angry that the hen, scared,

ran away and never came back again. So the old woman became really so poor that she didn’t have even a hen to eat her eggs!

The old man was carrying his rooster with him everywhere with pride. He gave the rooster

a golden necklace and red boots. He built many beautiful houses with many fruit trees and they

lived happily ever after.

The Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time there were three little pigs and the time came for them

to leave home and seek their fortune because their mother was just too poor to

support them anymore. Before they left, their mother told them "Whatever you

do, do it the best that you can because that's the way to get along in the

world. The first little pig built his house out of straw because it was the easiest

thing to do. The second little pig built his house out of sticks. This was a little bit

stronger than a straw house. The third little pig built his house out of bricks.

One night the big bad wolf, who dearly loved to eat fat little piggies,

came along and saw the first little pig in his house of straw. He said "Let me in,

Let me in, little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in!"

"Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. But of course the

wolf did blow the house in and the first little pig ran to his brother’s home to

escape from the bad wolf. The wolf then came to the house of sticks.

"Let me in, let me in little pig or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in

"Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin", said the little pig. But the wolf blew

that house in too, and the second little pig together with the first little pig ran to

their eldest brother. The wolf then came to the house of bricks.

-"Let me in , let me in" cried

the wolf

-"Or I'll huff and I'll puff till I

blow your house in"

-"Not by the hair of my chinny

chin chin" said the pigs.

Well, the wolf huffed and puffed but he could not blow down that brick

house. But the wolf was a sly old wolf and he climbed up on the roof to look for a

way into the brick house. The little pig saw the wolf climb up on the roof and lit a

roaring fire in the fireplace and placed on it a large kettle of water. When the

wolf finally found the hole in the chimney he crawled down and fell right into

that kettle of water and that was the end of his troubles with the big bad wolf.

The next day the little pig invited his mother over. She said "You

see it is just as I told you. The way to get along in the world is to do things as

well as you can." Fortunately for those little pig, they learned that lesson. And

they just lived happily ever after!

This project is realized with the financial support of the European Commission with Lifelong

Learning Programe Comenius.

The content of this material reflects only the author’ s opinion and is does not represent the official

position of the European Commission.

Conception , design and tehno redactor:


Kindergarden No. 4 ~The House of Fairy Tales~ Str. Gladiolelor nr. 13, cod. 725700

tel 0230373769